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Ece Ie4 Final Project Group 4

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Smart Fan: Temperature-Based Speed Control and

Monitoring System using Arduino

Mendoza, Nheeo Airon V., Macahia, Joshua Emmanuel G., Platon, Kevin M., Vanguardia, Drex S.

College of Engineering
School of Technology
First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities

ABSTRACT – The design and development of a temperature using Arduino is one such technology that has received a
based fan speed control and monitoring using Arduino is the lot of attention in recent years. This technology is intended
primary objective of this project. The primary goal is to to regulate fan speed based on ambient temperature,
enhance energy efficiency by the dynamic change of fan resulting in optimal airflow and energy efficiency.
speeds in response to outside temperature. The system makes Intelligent systems have been introduced every day as
use of various temperature sensors that are placed in strategic technology develops. Everything is getting more
ways to monitor different areas, guaranteeing an in-depth complicated and understandable. The demand for modern
understanding of the thermal environment. The Arduino technology and sophisticated electrical systems is
microcontroller uses an established algorithm to interpret this increasing. Microcontrollers play an important role in the
data and calculate the ideal fan speeds. The control development of smart systems because they provide the
mechanism can be easily integrated into current systems system with a brain. Microcontrollers have evolved into the
because it connects with common fan speed regulators. heart of the new technologies that are introduced on a daily
Furthermore, a user-friendly monitoring interface helps users basis. A microcontroller is mainly a single-chip
evaluate and improve performance by displaying real-time microprocessor intended for machine and process control
temperature data, fan speed, and system status. The system's and automation. Microcontrollers are being used in a wide
adaptability allows it to be used in a variety of scenarios, range of fields to perform more accurate automated
including industrial settings and home climate control. operations.

The proposed approach not only improves energy Temperature-based fan speed control and
efficiency but also extends the life of the equipment and monitoring with Arduino is a project that tries to manage a
lowers maintenance costs by sensibly modifying fan speeds fan's speed based on the temperature in the environment,
in response to changes in temperature. This work advances ensuring optimal cooling and energy for the economy. The
environmental control systems and sustainable resource Arduino microcontroller, which has been fitted with
usage by providing a practical and scalable method of temperature sensors and fan control modules, serves as the
temperature-based fan speed change. The system is designed system's main control unit. When the temperature reaches a
to automatically change the fan speed based on the ambient particular limit, the Arduino recognizes it via the
temperature, ensuring optimal airflow and energy efficiency. temperature sensor and changes the fan speed accordingly.
The system uses a temperature sensor to measure the ambient More air is circulated as the fan speed increases, spreading
temperature and an Arduino microcontroller to interpret the heat and maintaining an appropriate temperature range.
data and control the fan speed. The device also features a When the temperature drops below the limit, the fan speed
user interface for monitoring the temperature and fan speed can be decreased to save energy and keep the environment
in real-time. The proposed system offers various advantages, quieter. The Arduino, as a flexible and easily
including greater comfort, lower energy usage, and increased programmable microcontroller, provides versatility in
safety by minimizing overheating. The system is easy to implementing multiple fan control algorithms. It can detect
integrate into a variety of applications, including server temperature changes in real time and adjust fan speeds
rooms, industrial locations, and residential settings, making it dynamically to fulfill cooling demands. Furthermore, the
a versatile solution for controlling temperatures and Arduino can be integrated with other components such as
monitoring. LCD screens or internet platforms for temperature logging
and remote monitoring. This temperature-based fan speed
I. INTRODUCTION control system has a wide range of applications. It can be
used in computer systems to prevent overheating, in
Background of the Project
industrial settings to manage machinery temperatures, and
In today's rapid technology world, the need for even in home automation systems to maintain comfort and
efficient and intelligent systems has become essential. The energy efficiency. The design and demonstration of the fan
temperature-based fan speed control and monitoring system speed control system are demonstrated in this project. A
temperature sensor was used to measure the temperature of adaptable and energy-efficient solution for changing fan
the room, and the fan speed was adjusted in response to the speeds based on real-time temperature data.
temperature. The fan speed is controlled by the room
However, some limitations need to be considered.
temperature, which is displayed on the Liquid Crystal
The accuracy of the temperature sensor used in the system
Display. can affect its reliability and performance. It is essential to
select a high-quality sensor with an accuracy of at least
Overall, this project elaborates on the design and ±0.5°C. The system's compatibility with various types of fans
building of a fan speed control system for controlling the is crucial for its versatility and applicability in different
temperature of the room. To measure the temperature of the settings. It is essential to ensure that the system is compatible
room, a temperature sensor was carefully selected. with the specific type of fan being used. The system's power
consumption should also be considered, as it still requires
Furthermore, if the room temperature rises, the fan speed
some power for operation. It must be done to ensure that the
will increase automatically. The Temperature-Based Fan system's power usage does not exceed the available power
Speed Control and Monitoring System with Arduino is a supply capacity. The system's user interface should be
versatile and effective solution for keeping a certain introducing and intuitive, allowing users of various technical
temperature range in a variety of applications. It takes expertise to quickly set up and adjust the system. It's
accurate temperature readings, changes the fan speed, and important that the user interface displays real-time
displays temperature readings and notifications in real-time. temperature and fan speed information, as well as
configurable alert warnings for critical temperature
Finally, the system handles temperature variations very
effectively and can be classified as automatic control. The
proposed system represents a substantial technological Another limitation is the project requires a basic
improvement, providing better functionality, reliability, and understanding and knowledge of electronics, as well as
cost-effectiveness than traditional approaches. soldering and circuit-developing skills. This may limit the
project's accessibility to groups of people who are unfamiliar
with these concepts or without the basic skills needed to
Objective of the Project
execute the project successfully. Finally, since this project
1. To build and design a temperature-based fan speed requires a certain level of prior electronics knowledge, it may
not be the easiest choice for individuals without an
control system using Arduino.
electronics background, potentially limiting its accessibility
2. To implement an accurate temperature sensor to measure and utility to a broader audience. Understanding these
ambient temperature. constraints is important for assessing the project's
3. To develop a feedback loop to control the fan speed using applicability to specific use cases and making informed
temperature measurements. implementation decisions. Overall, since the project provides
a useful learning experience in voltage regulation and power
4. Design a user-friendly interface for monitoring and supply design, it is important to consider these limits and
adjusting fan speed. confirm that the project aligns with the individual's abilities,
5. To provide a cost-effective solution, easily replicable capabilities, and available resources before beginning on it.
design and document the entire project, including circuit Despite these limitations, the proposed system represents an
diagrams, source code, and replication instructions. important advancement in temperature-based control
systems, providing an achievable and scalable method for
6. To present the project, emphasizing its functionality, improving energy efficiency and environmental monitoring
efficiency, and future enhancement possibilities. in a variety of situations.

Scope and Limitation of the Project II. CIRCUIT DESIGN AND DISCUSSION
Temperature-based fan speed control and monitoring is
The scope of the temperature-based fan speed a usual Arduino application. This system enables for
control and monitoring system with Arduino encompasses
automatic fan speed change based on the environment's
the development and implementation of a system that can
automatically adjust the speed of a fan based on the temperature, ensuring efficient cooling while decreasing
temperature readings obtained from a sensor. The system will overheating. For us to put this system together, we'll need an
use an Arduino microcontroller to monitor the temperature Arduino microcontroller, a temperature sensor, a DC motor
and control the fan speed accordingly. It will monitor the to act as a fan, and a few other components like resistors,
temperature in real-time and alter the fan speed dynamically capacitors, and transistors. The temperature sensor will
to maintain the set temperature range. The system will
measure the temperature of the environment and output an
include a temperature sensor, such as a thermistor or a digital
temperature sensor, to measure the ambient temperature. The analog voltage corresponding to it. This output will be
Arduino will read the temperature measurements and utilize connected to one of the Arduino's analog input pins. The
them to determine the ideal fan speed setting. To control the analog voltage from the temperature sensor will be read by
fan speed, a motor control circuit or motor driver will be the Arduino and transformed into measurements of
utilized. A key objective of the system is to provide an temperature using mathematical algorithms or pre-defined
libraries. We may use the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
approach to adjust the fan speed. PWM pins on Arduino temperature and deliver it to an Arduino board. The Arduino
boards can be used to control the speed of a DC motor. We board then checks the current temperature to the set
can control the fan speed by adjusting the duty cycle of the
temperature using the Arduino's built-in application. The
PWM signal. To use PWM, we must connect the fan to an
appropriate motor driver circuit. A motor driver serves as an operation's output is sent to the LCD display of associated
interface between the Arduino and the DC motor, controlling data via the output port of an Arduino board. The generated
current and voltage. There are various motor driver ICs on
pulses from the board are passed into the driver circuit to
the market that can be utilized for this purpose.
provide the desired output to the fan.
The temperature range at which different fan speeds will * Temperature Sensor - The system detects the temperature
be set up must be defined in the Arduino code. For example,
if the temperature drops below a given limit, the fan can be in the environment using a LM 35 temperature sensor. A one-
turned down or turned off. The fan speed can be gradually wire interface connects this sensor to the Arduino board. The
increased as the temperature rises to ensure proper cooling. It sensor turns the temperature into a digital signal, which the
is of the utmost importance to take safety precautions when
Arduino board then reads.
putting this system in place. Adequate precautions should be
in place to prevent electrical shock or short circuits. * Fan Motor - The fan motor is connected to the Arduino
Furthermore, the circuit and its components must be
board through an analog output pin. The fan motor's speed is
appropriately stored and secured to avoid any physical
damage. Overall, temperature-based fan speed control and controlled by adjusting the voltage delivered to the motor.
monitoring with Arduino is a valuable application for The Arduino board transmits a PWM (pulse width
ensuring appropriate cooling in several environments. This
modulation) signal to the fan motor, which changes its speed
system can be simply established with the correct
combination of components and programming for efficient dependent on the temperature sensor.
temperature regulation. * Arduino Board - The Arduino board serves as the system's
central processing unit (CPU). It reads the temperature from
Design and Simulation
the sensor, uses the map() function to map the temperature
To design and simulate a temperature-based fan speed range to the fan speed, then uses the analogWrite() technique
control and monitoring system using Arduino.
to set the speed of the fan motor. The Arduino board also
shows temperature measurements on the LCD screen and
produces an audible alert if the temperature rises above a
specified threshold.

* LCD Display - The LCD display is connected to the

Arduino board using the LiquidCrystal. It displays
temperature values as well as additional relevant data. The
LCD panel can display the temperature and fan speed in real

Overall, the system utilizes an algorithm to read the

temperature from the sensor, map the temperature range to
the fan speed, set up the fan motor speed, display the
temperature readings on the LCD screen, and provide an
auditory alert if the temperature exceeds a specific threshold.
This algorithm ensures that the fan motor runs at the correct
speed to keep the temperature within the specified range.
Fig. 1 Block Diagram
Additionally, the Temperature-Based Fan Speed Control and
Since Arduino is the most advanced electronic
Monitoring System with Arduino is a versatile and efficient
circuit, we used an Arduino board for controlling the fan
solution for maintaining a certain temperature range in a
speed. The proposed system is intended to detect the room
variety of applications. It gathers accurate temperature Fig 3. Arduino Code
readings, changes the fan speed, and displays temperature
The code is written in an Arduino IDE and
readings and alarms in real time. The system is easy to set up uploaded to the Arduino board through the USB
and use, making it an excellent choice for temperature control cable connected to the computer. An LCD monitor is
connected to show the current temperature and fan
applications. speed. The fan speed is automatically adjusted based
on temperature sensor readings.

Fig. 2 Pictorial Diagram

Fig. 4 Schematic Diagram
Pictorial diagram of the Temperature Based Fan This schematic diagram is for illustration purposes. The diode
is also optional and protects against the fan motor's back
Speed Control using Arduino & LM35 is shown above. The
EMF. If PWM is used to regulate the fan speed, the diode
Arduino is at the heart of the circuit because it controls all may not be required. The LCD display is a useful feature for
functions. The LM35 is a precision integrated circuit whose keeping track of temperature and fan speed. Connect it in
accordance with its individual needs.
output voltage is proportional to the temperature in degrees
Celsius (Centigrade). Testing
Implementation Testing the temperature based fan speed control and
Implementing a temperature-based fan monitoring using Arduino project requires following the
speed control and monitoring system using Arduino directions carefully and clearly. I employ the associated
requires both physical building of the hardware schematic diagram to ensure that I understand the function
components and programming of the Arduino board. and operation of each component in the power supply circuit.
Before constructing the project, I would provide all required
available parts and in good working condition. Double-check
the components' resistance and capacitance values to ensure
they match the specs in the circuit diagram. After confirming
that all of the components are in good condition, I would
proceed with constructing the project using the schematic
diagram provided. To avoid wiring issues, this must be
performed carefully and precisely.

Temperature-based fan speed control and monitoring

can be accomplished with Arduino. The process of testing for
such a system includes various steps that ensure its
functionality and accuracy. Begin by connecting the
necessary hardware components, which include an Arduino
board, a temperature sensor fan, and proper wiring. Construct
an Arduino code that incorporates algorithms to read the
temperature from the sensor and change the fan speed
accordingly. The code should determine the proper fan speed
depending on temperature thresholds and utilize PWM (Pulse
Width Modulation) to regulate the fan.
To obtain accurate readings, the temperature sensor must Based on the outcomes of this project, several
be calibrated before testing. Place the sensor in a recommendations can be made for future endeavors in
temperature-controlled area and compare the values on the temperature based fan speed control and monitoring using
Arduino to a distinct thermometer. If necessary, update the
code to calibrate the temperature readings. Prepare a test  Plan and schedule the project using realistic timelines
setting with a heating source or a cooler that might cause and deadlines. The group should also assign tasks to
temperature variations. Make sure temperature fluctuations each team member and establish clear communication
are modest and within a tolerable range. Run the Arduino channels to ensure everyone is aware of their
testing application and watch the fan speed change as the responsibilities and the project's progress.
temperature changes. Verify to see if the fan speed increases
 Research and find high-quality and affordable
or drops by the temperature limit specified in the code.
components for the power supply. The group should
Maintaining a complete record of the test results, including compare prices and specifications from different
any flaws or improvements discovered during the testing suppliers to find components that meet the project's
process. This documentation is going to come in helpful for requirements while staying within budget constraints.
troubleshooting and future development. They should also design and create a detailed schematic
for the dual adjustable power supply that includes all
III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS necessary components and connections.
[This include: summary of the result of simulation and
 Work on creating a presentation to showcase their
actual test, their analysis, overall specs (tabulated), bill of project and the work that went into it. A brief
materials (tabulated) and the user manual for your design] introduction to temperature based fan speed control and
(10pts) monitoring using Arduino, an explanation of the
project's goals and requirements, an overview of the
Table 1. Bill of Materials design and prototyping process, and a demonstration of
the outcome should be included in the presentation.
Components Quantity Price
 Consider presenting their idea in conferences or
2 ₱ 80.00 competitions to show off their work to industry
4 ₱ 12.00 professionals and peers. This can provide essential
networking opportunities, recognition, and even
2 ₱ 12.00 rewards for their efforts.
2 ₱ 40.00  Document the project thoroughly, including all design
2 ₱ 4.00 plans, schematics, and testing procedures. The group
can use tools such as Google Drive to keep all
4 ₱ 8.00 documents organized and easily accessible.
1 ₱ 10.00  Overall, the project's success will be determined by the
1 ₱ 30.00 group's ability to collaborate effectively and efficiently.
By following these recommendations, the student group
1 ₱ 48.00 can construct a functioning and high-quality dual
adjustable power supply that will give an excellent
) 1 ₱ 250.00 educational experience and can be used for future
Wire 1 ₱ 70.00 projects or personal use.

Jumper wire 4 ₱ 40.00 V. REFERENCES

2 ₱ 50.00
[1] Admin. (2022, December 25). Temperature Based Fan
₱ 50.00 Speed Controller using Arduino. How to Electronics.
Total: ₱ 704.00
controller-using arduino/?

Conclusion: [2] Admin. (2023a, February 14). Temperature Based Fan

Speed Controller and Monitoring using Arduino.
[3] Arduino Temperature Control - Adjust Fan Speed based
on Temperature. (n.d.).

[4] How To Electronics. (2018a, November 23).

Temperature based fan speed control & monitoring with
Arduino [Video]. YouTube.

[5] LM35 data sheet, product information and support | (n.d.).

[6] LM35 Temperature Sensor complete Guide with Arduino

Programming |.. (n.d.). © 2018 ElectronicWings.

[7] Staff, C. (2022, July 11). Temperature based fan speed

controller using Arduino and LM35. Circuit Schools.

[8] UNO R3 | Arduino Documentation. (n.d.).

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