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Westmead International School

Batangas City

College of Teacher Education

Course Name Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Course Credits 3 units

Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 (PCK 6). This is a 3-unit introductory course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in
Course Description the use of technology for teaching and learning. This course include ICT Policies and safety issues, media and technology in various content
areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of learning lessons, teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks that
utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies with social, ethical and legal responsibility.
Contact Hours/week 3 hours

Prerequisite None
1. Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning process
2. Identify learning theories and principles applied in the design and development of lessons through appropriate media and
Course Outcomes technologies for teaching learning.
3. Integrate media and technology in various content areas
4. Formulate teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies
5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources


Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 A. Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning
Week 2 B. ICT Policies and Safety Issues in Teaching and Learning
Week 3-4 C. Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of Technology-Driven Lessons
Week 5-5 D. ICT in Various Content Area
Week 7-9 E. ICT and Conventional Learning Materials to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Week 10-11 F. Technology Tools in a Collaborative Environment and Relevance and Appropriateness in the Use of Technology in Teaching and
Week 12 G. Innovative Technologies for Teaching-Learning and Assessment Task
Week 13 H. Technology-Enhanced Lessons using the ASSURE as Technology-Integration Model
Week 14-15 I. Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities in the Use of Technology Tools and Resources
Week 16-17 J. Educational Sites and Portals
One week (or an equivalent of K. Allotted for the Major Examinations
three hours)
Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

1. Explain ICT policies and safety  E-Portfolio In this required output, the students are expected to organized their reflections and insights
issues as they impact on the  Blog Entries / Posts in the using a Reflection Guide Model.
teaching-learning process Freedom Wall / Tweets in
2. Identify learning theories and the Classrooms- Made Ideas, and opinions on the topic discussed during sessions which may be posted in blogs can
principles applied in the design and Twitter Wall also be included in the ePortfolio. A selection Rubrics by Smaldino, al. (2008) can be used
development of lessons through  A Lesson Plan Integrating as criteria for grading.
appropriate media and Technology
technologies for teaching and  Major Examinations Different outputs made in the class, filing them all together can be done in a portfolio or in an
learning electronic portfolio such as folio for me.
3. Integrate media and technology in
various content areas In this tasks students are expected to create a lesson plan showing clearly the integration of
4. Formulate teaching-learning appropriate and innovative technologies in the teaching-learning activities and assessment
experiences and assessment tasks tasks using ASSURE Model. The criteria in the rubrics shall focus on the integration of
using appropriate and innovative technologies and the ability to demonstrate ethical and legal responsibilities in the use of
technologies resources.
5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and
legal responsibility in the use of These task are given to evaluate the students’ knowledge and understanding of concepts and
technology tools and resources principles of technology integration in instruction and appropriate attitudes and values in
becoming a teacher. These are given to validate the results of their practical activities and to
prepare them for the licensure examinations.

Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content Textbooks Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment of Resource Time
(DLO) Tasks Materials Table
1. Understand ICT in Unit 1 – Introduction to
Education Technology for Teaching and
 Define basic Learning
concepts in Anderson, J. (2010). ICT Brief Lecture: With the aid of a power Use rating scale OHP/
understanding A. Basic Concepts to be Transforming Education A point presentation, provide an overview for the concept Multimedia
ICT in Education Define Regional Guide, UNESCO of the subject Technology for Teaching map developed Projector
1. Technology Bangkok Asia and Pacific and Learning. by each group.
 Identify ICT 2. Information and Regional Bureau for
policies that are Communication Education Small Group discussion: Give graphic Pen and Paper Computer/
incorporated to 3. Educational organizers of the different concepts to be test Laptop
design and technology Ballado, R. (2012). Basic defined through the use of concept
implementation 4. Technology, concepts in educational mapping.
of teaching and Media and technology 1. Manila, PH:
learning Learning Rex Bookstore Whole Group discussion: Present to the Graphic
activities 5. Instructional whole class group outputs. organizers
System and http://k12teacherstaffdevel
Instructional Individual Research: Encourage students 1 week
technology n-to-technology-for-teacher to validate the concept map and
6. Technology Tools conceptual definitions
B. Roles of ICT in
Teaching for Learning
 Enumerate the Unit 2. ICT Policies and Safety Lucido, P. Cruz, B. (2012). Forum With Resource Person: Invite a Posting of Freedom wall
national ICT Issues in Teaching and Educational technology 2. resource person to talk on ICT national comments ICT in the
policies Learning Quezon City: Lorimar and international policies applied to policies in classroom/Blo
affecting Publishing Co. teaching and learning. Freedom Wall or g created and
classroom A. ICT National or Blog Administered
practices International Policies by the teacher
that are Applicable to
Teaching and
 Describe the B. Safety Issues in ICT Documents Group Interviews: Organize small group to Checklist on the Accomplished
implementation conduct interviews and observation on practices that Checklist
ICT policies in  The Philippines practices that address safety issues in ICT address safety
teaching- ICT Roadmap for teaching and learning issues Power Point
learning  DEPED Five Year Presentation
ICT for Education
Strategic Plan
 RA 10844, Sec 3
( An act Creating
the Department
of ICT, Defining
its power and
function, Funds
and other
(2010) Report
status of ICT
Integration in
Education in
Southeast Asian
 Identify ICT policies that Uses of ICT Policies in the Individual Research: Encourage students Accomplished Class
are incorporated to Teaching and Learning to research on other school ICT policies Observation Observation
design and Environment and best practices Guide Guide on the
implementation of utilization of
teaching and learning Class Observation (Field Study): Observe Learners’ written ICT policies in
activities how ICT Policies are utilize in the description and the Classroom
classroom. opinions on their
newly crafted ICT
Facilitate the Creation of the Classroom classroom
ICT Policies agreed upon by all learners policies
Suggested Readings and Abushakara, N. (2016) Netequette: Modern manners for a modern world, The ultimate guide to online etiquette. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform
References Anderson, J (2010). ICT Transforming Education A Regional Guide. UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
Angelo, T. and Cross, K.P, (1993) Classrooms Assessment Technique 2nd Ed., A Handbook for College Teachers
Chiles, D. (2014). Internet etiquette; Netiquette fundamentals, rules and optimization.

Diaz, C.G and Declaro, R.A. (2013). UNESCO training guide on ICT multimedia integration for teaching and learning. Retrieved from Creative Commons License
Heinich, R. (2003) Instructional media and Technologies for Learning (7th Edition). Upper saddle, New York: Prentice Hall

Course Requirements Suggested:

A lesson plan exemplar with an appropriate integration of Technology

Written Major Exam ( 4 Major Exam)
ePortfolio: A complete posted reflection notes in the Class Blog or Wikispace/ Teacher-made Classroom Twitter Wall
Class Active Participation
Grading System Suggested:

Four Major Exam = 70% Final Grade = Average Major Exam * 70% + Class Standing * 30%
 Prelim
 Midterm
 Semifinals
 final
Class Standing = 30%
 Attendance
 Portfolio
 Quiz
Classroom policies Refer to Handbook

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