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Unit 2-Seven Generation of Iot Sensor To Appear

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Industrial IoT Sensors

Industrial IoT sensors are widely used in different industries to monitor equipment, assets,
systems, and overall performance. Real-time data is then analyzed and transmitted to a
company’s centralized system. Management can then make informed decisions about
maintenance priorities and future asset replacement needs.

Industrial IoT Sensor

An Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) sensor monitors machines and systems to provide
real-time data to a maintenance staff. Instead of relying on periodic checks by maintenance
technicians, IIoT sensors provide around-the-clock “eyes” on critical assets. This means
equipment stays up and running more reliably and that minor issues are caught immediately
before major breakdowns occur.

What’s the Difference Between IoT and IIoT?

The difference between IoT and IIoT lies in the how rigorous the standards are. The Internet
of Things is a broader category, which includes any device that can be connected to the
internet like a common smartphone. The Industrial Internet of Things falls under IoT and
refers to a more technical subgroup that requires rigorous standards. These standards ensure
that data from proprietary systems or complex machinery stays secure.

3 Benefits of IIoT Sensors

IIoT sensors help businesses keep better tabs on their equipment and data, reduce cost, and
realize better integration of information. The primary benefits all mean greater reliability,
more uptime, and better profit margins in the long run.

1. Monitoring Improvement

IIoT sensors provide 24/7 monitoring of critical equipment instead of relying on periodic
manual checks. This can be especially valuable in collecting data from assets that are
remotely located. Sensor alerts can be sent from scattered equipment and gathered in a
centralized computer system.

2. Cost Savings

The price of sensors themselves have dropped significantly in recent years. Sensors also
reduce labor costs in equipment monitoring. By triggering less expensive preventive
maintenance tasks, sensors can reduce the amount spent on major problems or emergency

3. Integration Capabilities
Sensors data can be sent to a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) for
analysis. This allows maintenance managers to look at historic trends of particular assets, as
well as pinpoint failure spots and frequency. This integration of data generates the
information to make better future business decisions.

10 Popular Sensors Used for Industrial Automation

Hundreds of sensors are available for all sorts of industrial applications. Many of these fit in
some general categories with specific sensors available for particular requirements. Here’s a
short-list of the most popular sensors available today.

1. Vibration Sensors

Vibration sensors monitor the vibration levels of certain assets. Often, vibration can signal a
potential failure that’s on the horizon. A maintenance technician can be deployed to check a
piece of equipment that’s vibrating and make adjustments or repairs immediately.

2. Temperature Sensors

Temperature sensors usually ensure that an asset stays within a safe temperature range. This
can prevent overheating of an asset like a boiler. In the food industry, it’s essential that
products stay within a safe range in freezer or refrigeration equipment.

3. Proximity Sensors

These sensors help alert an operator when one piece of equipment is too close to another
piece of equipment. One common application is within fleet vehicles. If a truck or forklift is
about to hit something, a sensor will alert the operator before the collision occurs.

4. Gas Sensors

These sensors can alert the maintenance crew if smoke or another unwanted gas leaks into an
area. In the case of dangerous gases, this addition can make a significant contribution to the
health and safety of employees.

5. Security Sensors

Security sensors can be placed near key windows and doors to monitor motion in those areas.
If a company requires high security levels, security sensors can help detect unwanted visitors.

6. Humidity Sensors

Depending on the sensitivity of nearby equipment, a facility may need to monitor

surrounding humidity levels. An acceptable range can be set, and when levels fall out of
range, alerts can be immediately sent.

7. Pressure Sensors
During installation, a maintenance technician can set the maximum pressure allowed for a
particular asset. If the equipment exceeds that pressure, that asset can be automatically set to
shut down as a safety precaution. A work order can then be issued to perform the repair.

8. Level Sensors

These sensors can monitor the level of a particular fluid in a piece of equipment. When low
levels threaten an asset’s performance, an alert can be sent so fluids can be refilled. In
addition, level sensors can measure powder or other materials, even trash in a dumpster, to
prompt a maintenance action.

9. Infrared Sensors

These sensors emit or detect infrared radiation or measure released heat. Infrared sensors can
help monitor things like blood flow in health care applications or remote control signals.

10. Theft Sensors

Used frequently in retail, theft sensors can be attached to valuable items to ensure they stay
within an acceptable location. Facilities may attach theft sensors to expensive tools or other
items prone to disappear.

Industries that Need Industrial Sensors

A wide variety of industries can benefit from using industrial sensors. Businesses focused on
agriculture and healthcare require equipment and asset monitoring. Manufacturing, fleet
management, and oil and gas facilities can also employ sensors to keep track of machine


Businesses in the agriculture sector typically use IIoT sensors to monitor a wide variety of
equipment. Sensors can assist with weather stations, irrigation equipment, and crop


IIoT sensors can help healthcare organizations monitor not only equipment and inventory but
staff and patients as well. Many medical industries use IoT devices to monitor patients'
overall health and vital signs. In some cases, this information can be sent to a healthcare
provider for long-term care and treatment.

Manufacturing facilities can use a wide variety of IIoT sensors to monitor assets and
equipment as well as production lines. In some cases, machines can be programmed to
automatically shut off when sensors reach thresholds to prevent breakdowns, expensive
damages or accidents.

Fleet Management

Whether you’re operating a fleet of vehicles, trucks or forklift machinery, sensors can help
you keep track of everything effectively. Sensors that reach particular mileage or usage
thresholds can signal the time for maintenance. Proximity sensors can ensure that machines
do not collide with other vehicles or equipment.

Oil and Gas

Oil and gas rigs, pipelines and other equipment benefit from IIoT sensors that can detect
leaks and track assets. In addition, alerts can be triggered if any number of measures fall out
of safe ranges, calling for preventive maintenance as needed.

Carlos "Grury" Santos

A. Swarm provides the world's lowest-cost global, two-way satellite connectivity
network for Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
B. With 93 of its extra-small satellites currently in orbit, Swarm supports customers
across a range of industries including maritime shipping, agriculture, energy, logistics
& transportation, global development, environmental research, and more.
C. Swarm's uniquely small satellites provide global coverage and are well-suited for low-
bandwidth use cases such as asset tracking and sensor monitoring.

D Swarm Technologies recently integrated Semtech’s LoRa® devices into its

connectivity solution that enables two-way communications to and from its satellites in
Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

E Swarm incorporates LoRa on Very High Frequency (VHF) frequencies for uplink and
downlink to its satellites from the ground. The network is commercially live with 72
commercial satellites.

Our primary goal at Swarm has always been to make satellite connectivity more
affordable and accessible, two things not usually associated with traditional satellite
solutions. We developed small communications satellites – the size of a grilled cheese
sandwich – which enables unique economics that allow us to sell our services at the
industry’s lowest cost (about 4 to 20 times less expensive than legacy satellite solutions). In
order to make this ultra-small satellite design work, we had to move beyond traditional
satellite technologies. We have limited amounts of power, both in space and on the ground.
We also had a specific link budget we wanted to achieve, as well as a goal of 100% global
coverage. LoRa was the best starting point for us to achieve our goals. We developed our
own networking protocols to make LoRa suitable for space-based communications and
adapted our satellites so they could better send and receive LoRa signals over unusually long
distances. LoRa has been a great radio hardware protocol to build into our communications
technology to enable us to offer such low-cost satellite connectivity.

Q. What are some of the new applications for businesses

and consumers that satellite technology enables?
A. Satellite technology plays a significant role in enabling new applications for businesses
and consumers in remote areas where traditional, land-only networks are unavailable or out
of reach. Use cases are broad and include everything from smart home technology to smart
agriculture, underscoring Semtech’s commitment to enabling a better life.

For example, many farms are located in rural areas where connectivity is a challenge.
However, for farmers to take advantage of technology aimed at making their operations more
efficient, they need access to connectivity. Satellite services are emerging as a suitable
alternative that help make access to high quality foods more affordable for citizens across the
globe. Another example is in cities and villages across the globe where access to broadband
services is limited. Satellites, once again, are proving useful as a way for these communities
to take advantage of the IoT through applications like smart lighting or waste removal.

Swarm plans to deploy a total 150 commercial satellites by the end of 2021, which are
expected to bring latency times down to less than one minute. The user modems, which are
integrated into IoT devices, communicate with the satellites, enabling reliable data transfer
across the globe. Semtech believes that the power of the IoT and its ability to make a better
life can be witnessed by users regardless of their geography or climate. Satellite connectivity
is a key driver in delivering that access – to even the most remote areas of the globe. We are
committed to its success.

Q. What are the near- and longer-term benefits of satellite

A. There is already a huge demand for low-cost global connectivity for IoT devices across
many industries. 75 billion IoT devices are expected to come online by 2025 according to
Statista, many of them in rural or remote locations that lack reliable or affordable existing
connectivity solutions. Satellite networks enable these devices to operate around the world.
This can help to create more efficient supply chains, reduce crop spoilage, monitor water
access, support vaccine distribution, and more.

Looking to the future, the benefits of global connectivity and information sharing are too
numerous to name. It will impact health, safety, education, health care, commerce, finance,
and so much more. In many parts of the world, terrestrial networks are too expensive or
difficult to deploy, so that’s where space-based networks can come into play. Once the cost
of satellite connectivity comes down, an endless number of new use cases will emerge.
Satellite networks will play a role in everything from self-driving cars to personal

Creating and implementing IoT?

Determine your roadmap in 5 steps
This article presents a roadmap that guides companies to implement IoT in their
organization, creating value and a future-proof company. Internet of Things is often
misunderstood for only consisting of sensors and a network. However, as discussed in
the first article, IoT only adds real value when incorporating the new information in
business processes. Deloitte University, shown in Figure 1, captures this idea in their
information value loop. Each stage is preceded by a technology, together forming a
complete IoT implementation. For each stage, I will discuss the roadmap and common

Figure 1. Information value loop. Deloitte University Press, 2015.

Stage 0: The foundation for success

A company should not dive into the creation stage straight away, because these efforts
usually end up in a drawer. Critical for success is a business case to verify added value, a
technological concept to verify feasibility, and a common sense of direction.
The business case should be based on KPIs that define value for your organization. When
aimed at internal improvement, the case should preferably go beyond simple detection and
control towards transformation of business process, as this is where most value lies
(McKinsey, 2015). When aimed at improving products and service, the case should focus on
adding IoT capabilities to existing products and services (McKinsey, 2019).

The technological concept defines how it will be done, for each layer of the technology stack:
devices, connectivity, platform, and application development. Bhalekar and Eloot (2018)
recommend defining a core architecture choice. The advantages of one architecture is
reusability and interoperability for all IoT cases within the company. This architecture should
enable scalability for individual IoT cases and for integrating the different IoT cases.
Evertson (2015) classified various architectural styles for IoT, which is a good starting point
for defining the core architecture.

A common direction is necessary, because of the variety of domains involved: IT,

management, operations, and everyone involved in the business process or product that will
be transformed. McKinsey (2019) recommend three ways through which this common sense
of direction can be achieved.

1. Defining how IoT will create value, which is strongly linked to creating a good
business case.
2. Take initiative from a senior leadership level. This shows commitment and helps
overcoming barriers.
3. Involving all departments in the IoT creation and implementation process. It is the
nature of IoT that it crosses departmental borders, thus requires alignment across
functions within a company. Especially when pursuing an IoT strategy, it involves
developing products, improving services, and optimizing processes.

Stage 1: Create

The first stage aims to use sensors to generate information about a physical event or state.
Sensors are mature technologies, widely available at a low cost. Design of hardware often
requires custom engineering, tailored to the use case. Especially for companies with specific
objects, such as products and machinery. Partnering with an engineering company is
recommended, as these skills are not easily developed in-house nor widely available. For
widely used equipment, such as storage systems, complete sensor solutions already exist. In
those cases, it is recommended to find a vendor. A middle ground are vendors that sell
complete and generic hardware, such as VersaSense, which can be used in a variety of

Stage 2: Communicate

Communicating involves the transmission of information from one place to another by means
of a network. A large variety of networks exist, from long-range networks (e.g. LPWAN) to
short-range networks (e.g. Bluetooth). The choice of network depends on the use case. The
most important criteria are:

1. Power consumption, from 10 years on one battery to being connected to a power

2. Device computation power, depending on physical constraints.
3. Communication data size, depending on what data is collected by the sensor.
4. Communication reach, from a single room to worldwide.
5. Security requirements, such as encryption and key management.

The core architecture defined in stage 0 has to enable the usage of the desired networks,
which is part of the next stage: aggregate.

Stage 3: Aggregate

Aggregating means gathering together information created at different times or from different
sources. IT infrastructure is required to be able to aggregate. This is a challenge, as a large
variety of sources are used in IoT. Companies often use specific IoT platforms to address this
issue. According to Lazarescu (2017), these commercial solutions are effective in addressing
vertical application domains. However, these IoT platforms can lead to vendor lock-ins,
which can hamper business potential for further IoT cases and horizontal integration.
Therefore, a more generalized solution that can integrate everything, such as eMagiz, is

Stage 4: Analyze

Analyze is the discernment of patterns or relationships among phenomena that leads to

descriptions, predictions, or prescriptions for action. Analytical tools, also called augmented
intelligence, are required to enable these analyses. These technologies are increasing in
numbers quickly, as more and more data is becoming available. Various companies specialize
in specific types of analysis, each providing their own software, ranging from generic
inventory optimization to specialized predictive maintenance.

Stage 5: Act

To complete the cycle, action needs to be taking: initiate, maintain or change a physical event
or state. Augmented behaviour are technologies that improve compliance with prescribed
actions. As discussed in the first step, most value can be created by transforming business
processes. An example is the transformation of vendor-managed inventory process, shown in
Figure 3, which was my Industrial Engineering thesis research. The traditional process is
linear, where customer and vendor need to wait on each other, creating a slow and inefficient
process. The IoT-based process does not require any action from the customer, creating much
faster process. This example shows how IoT needs to end with actions, which can be realized
by integrating IoT in existing business processes and apps. Here, the inventory management
system (SCEM) made replenishment orders based on customer input. In the new situation,
replenishment orders are based on IoT input.

Printed Electronics with IoT Integration

IoT technology is easily integrated into the printed electronics world. Products like biometric
sensors, printed antennas, printed heaters, and force-sensing resistors are popular with IoT
integration. While some of these products do not have an IoT feature, hardware can be added
to connect the product to other devices.

Biometric Sensing & IoT

Biosensors can be printed on to stretchable films. This feature is great for wearable
applications. Biometric sensors can be added to soft shirts that make direct contact with your
skin. Since they are printed, they are so thin and flexible that you may not even realize that
they are there. A small piece of hardware can be added to link the sensors to a smartphone.
This hardware device can understand and collect the data from the sensors and send the data
to your smartphone via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth integration.

Printed Antennas & IoT

Antennas like Near Field Communications (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
can be added to many kinds of products for inventory tracking purposes. These mini tags can
be applied to products to reduce the amount of possible theft. The tags use the Internet of
Things by constantly sending out signals, which are received by a device once they are close
together. The most common use of this if for theft-proof sensors that are added to products
inside of the store. Once the product gets scanned the sensor is shut off. If someone tries to
leave the store without paying for it, the sensors at the doors will alarm the staff of the thief.
Printed Heaters & IoT

Imagine having a “hidden” heater in the seat of your car. Traditionally, wire heating
elements are installed into cars. These wires are bulky, not self-regulating, and can be more
prone to accidental fires. Unlike the inefficient traditional wire heaters, printed heaters can
be used to increase consumer comfort and safety. Printed heaters that are installed into car
seats can be connected to the rest of the car through IoT integration. These heaters are also
self-regulating and flexible, making them “hidden” while they are turned off.

Force Sensing Resistors & IoT

One of the most innovative industries is Robotics. When force sensors are applied to the tips
of robotic hands, it makes them more accurate and sensitive. This is a huge breakthrough for
medical robotics. The hardware within the robot autonomously interprets the data collected
from the sensors to adjust the amount of pressure that it provides. Data can also be sent
through multiple IoT applications like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

Integrated IOT Sensors

What is IoT?
It’s either a sensor that monitors its environment and sends data or a physical object that
performs an action based on a certain event taking place. Regardless of whether data is
received or sent, it’s communicated over the internet.

What is IoT integration?

It’s the process of connecting sensors and objects with one another and with your applications
and databases. Once connected, you can implement end-to-end automations that help you
make full use of your equipment.

Related: The definition of business process integration

Examples of IoT integration

Let’s bring this definition to life by walking through some examples.

1. Prevent windmills from overheating

Left unattended, a windmill’s generator can overheat and, eventually, explode and cause
To ensure this doesn’t happen, you can use sensors inside a windmill that monitor the
generator and send temperature readings once per second to an IoT hub, or a computer that
resides close to the windmills. The computer consolidates the data and then streams it to a
consolidated data store (or a time-series database). That data is then added to an analytics or
BI tool, where employees can run queries, uncover insights, and monitor the temperatures of
the windmills’ generators.

Since relying on people to monitor and analyze the windmills’ temperatures at all hours is
expensive, difficult, and unpleasant, you can lean on automation for support. For example,
you can build an automation where if a generator were to reach a certain temperature, an IoT
switch would temporarily turn it off.

Related: 3 chatbot automation examples

2. Replace oil pumps proactively

Oil companies should identify when certain pumps need to be replaced well before they’re
unfit for use. Otherwise, these organizations could be dealing with unused oil wells for
extended periods of time.

To help oil companies identify the ones that are reaching their expiration, they can put
sensors in the pumps that monitor certain health signals, such as the speed at which a pump is

Once these signals reveal that a pump is near the end of its use, you can trigger an automation
where a work order is automatically created for replacing it.

3. Identify failing POS devices

Similar to our previous example, organizations that manufacture and sell point-of-sale, or
POS, devices (e.g. Toast) can use sensors to determine when a device needs to be replaced.
Only in this case, they’d make the judgment based on the increasing number of times that a
credit card needs to be swiped in order to process a sale.

Once the error rate reaches a certain threshold, you can trigger an automation that creates an
order for a POS device and initiates other steps for shipping out the device to that business. In
addition, along with the device, you can include a note that explains why your client is
receiving a replacement.

Note: While the three examples above are powerful IoT integration use cases, an integration
platform as a service (iPaaS) solution is better at handling the last two. Reason being, an
iPaaS solution isn’t well-suited to stream high volumes of data, but it can trigger and
streamline workflows across your applications effectively.
Related: 5 application integration use cases

Benefits of IoT integration

Here are just some of the benefits of implementing IoT integration:

Lower costs

By using sensors to monitor equipment, you can manage the equipment in ways that
maximize uptime and prevent under-performance.

For instance, in our oil pump example, IoT integration can save you from not being able to
pump oil from an oil well for several days; instead, you’re able to replace pumps proactively,
which might take just a few hours. This difference, when applied across all the wells your
organization uses, can amount to millions of dollars in cost savings per year.

Related: The top benefits of intelligent automation

Reduce risks

IoT integration can help your team identify potential risks in real-time and move swiftly in
minimizing them.

Our windmill use case exemplifies the risk that exists without IoT integration: overheated
generators can cause fires that not only lead the windmills and the surrounding equipment to
burn down but can also harm your employees.

Delight clients

Using IoT integration, your team can deliver unexpected experiences that satisfy clients and
ensure they keep using your equipment effectively.

Our use case around replacing POS devices proves this point: giving clients a new POS
device before they even need it shows how committed you are to supporting their business
and ensuring they get full use out of your product.

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