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Elec 4 OFM4 Module 1. Legal Office Procedures

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Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City






Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Introduction to Law Office Management

II. Introduction:
The practice of law is diverse. The attorneys are the ultimately
responsible of many activities and outcome of a case but legal assistants are
involved in many aspects of it. Legal assistants frequently gather information
through interviewing clients and witnesses. They do research and analyze the
case. They do the draft documents, make calculations, develop forms and
procedures, monitor legislation, maintain the law library and supervise clerical

III. Overview
Who can be qualified to be members of the legal team? What are the duties
and responsibilities of the members of the legal team? These are some of the
questions we are going to answer after studying this lesson.

IV. Objectives: After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
1. identify the members of the legal team
2. Discuss the titles and duties of each member of the legal team

V. Pre-Test
Define the following. (5 points each)
1. Law office.
2. Attorney
3. Legal counsel
VI. LESSON 1. The Legal Team
Many people make up the legal team. It is consists of attorneys,
administrators, law clerks, librarians, legal assistants, secretaries, clerks and
other third parties. Each of them have different tasks and duties to perform.

Attorney Counsel clients regarding their legal rights, represent clients in
litigation and negotiate agreements between clients and others. Depending on
the size of the law office, attorneys may also have administrative duties.

A partner or a shareholder is an owner in a private law practice and
shares in its profits and losses. In the partnership form of business, an owner
of the business is called a partner. In the corporate form of business an owner
is called a shareholder.

Associate Attorneys
An Associate attorney does not leave an ownership interest in the law
firm and does not share in the profits. The associate is only an employee of
the firm who receives a salary and has no vote regarding management
decisions. Associates can be hired directly out of law school or come from
other firms.

Of Counsel
The “Of Counsel” position is a flexible concept but generally means
that the attorney is affiliated with the firm in some way, such as retired or
semiretired partner. Of Counsel attorneys lend their names to firms for
goodwill and prestige purposes to attract additional clients and business the

They are usually found in medium and large firms, although they are
beginning to be in small firms as well. Law office administrators are
responsible for some type of law office administrative system such as general
management, finance and accounting, human resources, marketing or
computer systems.
Legal Assistants

They are distinguishable group of persons who assists attorneys in the

delivery of legal services. Through formal education, training and experience,
legal assistants have knowledge and expertise regarding the legal system and
substantive and procedural law which qualifies them to do work of a legal
nature under the supervision of an attorney.

A Law Clerks
- Is usually a student who works for a law firm on a part time basis while he or
she is finishing a law degree. Law clerk duties revolve around legal research
and writing almost exclusively. Law clerks perform legal research, write legal
briefs and motions and prepare memorandums of law.

Law Librarian
- Is responsible for maintaining a law library. Maintenance includes purchasing
new books and peridoicals, calssifying storing and indexing books updating
the holdings and coordinating computer assisted legal research. .

- Provide assistance and support to other law office staff by taking dictation
performing typing and filing functions and aiding in scheduling of

- Provide support to other staff positions in a variety of miscellaneous functions.
Law offices may have a wide variety of clerks, including mail clerks, copy
clerks, file clerks, calendar clerks and billing clerks. Much of their work
involves data entry and physically handling files and documents.

Other Legal Team Members

A variety of other people and organizations make up the legal
team other team members may include expert witnesses, investigators,
litigation support bureaus and consultants.
Legal Assistant Roles, Responsibilities and Employment

Legal assistant’s time is spent researching background information,

plowing through reams of files summarizing depositions drafting pleadings
and correspondence and organizing information and files. Many duties of a
legal assistant may perform will never involve a courtroom such as
preparation of wills real estate closing transactions drafting discovery and
preparation of business corporation papers. Defining the work legal assistants
do is not always an easy given the wide variety and versatility of the
profession. The top three skills were using correct grammar and spelling,
having good oral communication skills and having a good written
communication skills to draft documents.

VII. Assessment

Essay. (5 points each)

1. Describe the status of law offices/firms in the Philippines.

2. Describe the current Philippines Justice System?

3. Provide and describe the members of legal team?

4. Briefly explain the meaning of legal assistant roles and responsibilities?

VIII. References and Supplementary Links

J. Morton, (2015) Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition

Gilmore, (2015) Legal Office Projects

J. Long, (2015) Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals

Bate, (2015) Legal Office Procedures

P. Everette, (2015) Fundamentals of Law Office Management
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Law Office Personnel Management and

Law Office Organization Structures

II. Introduction

Human resource management of legal office is almost the same

with all the management of company’s personnel or manpower. Specifically
with the benefits but not with the salary rates. While different law office
structures will be identified. Human resource management - refers to
recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating, maintaining, and directing the personnel
who will provide legal services to clients

III. Overview

Law office management means a process of managing and

maintaining a proper methodology depending on the needs and demands of
the nature of work. Law office management in particular, is the continuous
process of keeping, holding, checking, controlling, contriving, and maintaining
various requirements of the profession.

All about the salary rates and benefits of the legal office
personnel or assistants will be discussed in this lesson. Then, you will learn
also the types of law office structures in the Philippines.
IV. Objectives

After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

1. Explain the trends in legal assistant salaries and fringe benefits.

2. Identify alternative law office organization structures.

V. Pre-test

Essay. (5 points each)

1. Do you have any idea of the difference between Private Law Office
and Public/Government Law Office?

2. Which is better for an employee, bigger compensation or recognition of

good performance?

VI. Lesson 2. Legal Assistants Salaries and Benefits

and Types of Law Practice

Human Resource Management for Legal Assistants

They personally are affected by human resource decisions. Including

being hired, receiving performance evaluations, and avoiding discipline

Other trends in legal assistant salaries include:

 Higher pay for legal assistants who work in large law offices as opposed to
small law offices;
 Higher pay for legal assistants in cities than in rural areas;
 Higher salaries for legal assistants employed by large private law offices as
opposed to government civil service positions; and
 Higher salaries for legal assistants who are career oriented and willing to
make a long term commitment to legal assistant work.
Types of Law Practice

a) Corporate Law Practice-business own in house law department.

b) Government Practice-have just one client. In most local, state and federal
agencies, there is legal departments that represents the interest of each
particular agency.
c) Legal Aid Offices-sometimes called a legal clinic or public law office is a not
for profit law office that receives grants from the government and private
donations to pay for representation of disadvantaged persons who otherwise
could not afford legal services.
d) Private Law Practice-a private law practice is a firm that generates its own
income from representing clients. Private Law Firm Structures - The type of
management or organization structure used to manage the business aspects
of the firm is the choice of the firm, but the legal structure the business may
dictate some of that management structure.
e) Sole Practitioner- is an attorney who individually owns and manages the
f) Office Sharing- an arrangement which two or more sole practitioners share
office space and sometimes share support staff but do not share profit.
g) Public law office-Is part of law which governs relationship between individuals
and government, and those relationship between individuals which are of
direct concern to society.
Public law compromises:
Constitutional law
Administrative Law
Tax Law
Criminal Law
Procedural Law
VII. Assessment
Essay. (5 points each – minimum of 100 words for every answer)
1. Explain the difference between Private Law Office and Public/Government
Law Office.
2. Describe the different types of law practice in the Philippines.

VIII. References and Supplementary Links

J. Morton, (2015) Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition

Gilmore, (2015) Legal Office Projects
J. Long, (2015) Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals
Bate, (2015) Legal Office Procedures
P. Everette, (2015) Fundamentals of Law Office Management
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Ethics and Malpractice in Law Office

II. Introduction

Ethics is an important topic not only because a law office or attorney

can be disciplined for violating ethical rules but also because legal ethics
bears on weather quality legal services are being provided by clients. If a law
office or its employees engages in unethical conduct, the reputation of the
office will be affected and clients will be lose confidence in it.

III. Overview

An Ethical rule is a minimal standard of conduct. An attorney may not

fall below the standard without losing his or her good standing with the state
var. Attorneys who violate ethical rules may be disciplined. Such discipline
for unethical conduct may include a permanent disbarment from practicing
law, a temporary suspension from practicing, a public censure, private
censure, or an informal reprimand.
The model code was updated in 1983 and is now called Model Rules of
Professional Conduct. Today more than two-thirds of all states base their
individual state bar association and state court system. Although state court
are free to create their own rules of conduct for attorneys, most simply modify
either the ABA Model Code or ABA Model Rules to reflect the specific ethical
conditions in their own states.
IV. Objectives

After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

1. define the meaning of ethics and malpractice.
2. Identify the unauthorized practices in legal office.

V. Pre-test.

Define the following: (2 points each)

1. Ethics
2. Communication
3. Unauthorized
4. Defamation
5. Malpractice

VI. Lesson 3. Ethics and Malpractice

Ethics - moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of

an activity.
- moral standards you rely on when you make a decision. They define
what's right and wrong.

Malpractice refers to Negligence or misconduct by a professional person,

such as a lawyer, a doctor, a dentist, or an accountant. An act or continuing
conduct of a professional which does not meet the standards of professional
competence and results in provable damages to his/her client or customer.

A lawyer has the duty, in all dealings and relations with a client, to act with
honesty, good faith, fairness, integrity, and fidelity. A lawyer must possess the
legal skill and knowledge that is ordinarily possessed by members of the

A claims filed against an attorney alleging Malicious Prosecution, Abuse of

Process, Defamation, infliction of emotional distress, and other theories
based on the manner in which the attorney represented the client.
These suits rarely are successful except for malicious prosecution.
1. Malicious prosecution“ has been defined as "an action for damages brought
by one against whom a criminal prosecution,

2. Abuse of process refers to the improper use of a civil or criminal legal

procedure for an unintended, malicious, or perverse reason. It is the malicious
and deliberate misuse of regularly issued civil.

3. Defamation is a legal term that refers to any statement made by a person,

whether verbal or printed, that causes harm to another person’s reputation or

Confidentiality - is the state of being secret or of keeping secrets.

An example of confidentiality is when a lawyer is not able to reveal the secrets
of his clients because he has a duty to keep those secrets to himself.

Unauthorized Practice
The word 'practice' on the other hand, refers to "exercise or pursue as a
profession, art or occupation". He or she therefore calls his or her work,
their practice - in the same way a lawyer would name his or her profession,
their practice is law.

Unauthorized - not having official permission or approval.

Ethical Boundaries
-standard of conduct that the members of a certain organization and business
should apply in their work relationships.
Upholding of ethics and boundaries in the workplace provides a
comfortable working environment that boosts productivity. Boundaries enable
employees to know what is wrong and right in the workplace and to know their
workplace rights.
Communication with Clients
Effective communication with clients isn’t something that most lawyers
give much thought. And this trend starts in law school, where the focus tends
to be on substantive law and legal theory. If communication is even
mentioned, it’s in the context of oral argument to the court or written memos of
law. The importance of clear communication with clients isn’t often discussed
and the techniques for doing so are rarely fodder for classroom discussion.

VII. Assessment

Essay (10 points each)

1. Provide example of unethical and malpractices in Philippines’ justice
2. Point out your reason why “mercy killing” is not acceptable in the

VIII. References and Supplementary Links

•J. Morton, 2015 Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition
•Gilmore, 2015 Legal Office Projects
•J. Long, 2015 Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals
•Bate, 2015 Legal Office Procedures
•P. Everett, 2015 Fundamentals of Law Office Management
Supplementary Links

Legal Office Procedures 1.

Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Staff Manuals for Law Office

II. Introduction
In this lesson the following will be discussed: the staff manuals for law
office, total quality management or the TQM of law office, the marketing of law
office and the planning in law office.

III. Overview
This part of the lesson covers the law firm mission statement or
objective, legal requirements and protections for all employees, acceptable
behavior for all employees, and law office procedures and management about
which all staff need to be aware.

IV. Objectives
After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
1. discuss what a staff manual is and why it is important, and
2. differentiate between policy and a procedures,

V. Pre-Test
Essay (5 points each)
1. Describe the features in a staff manual?
2. Give the importance of policies and procedures in a company?
VI. Lesson 4. Staff Manual

Law office staff manual – where you can find the law firm mission
statement or objective, legal requirements and protections for all employees,
acceptable behavior for all employees, and law office procedures and
management about which all staff need to be aware.

Disclaimer—No Employment Contract

This law office manual is designed to provide a written description of various
law-firm processes and procedures. It is provided to all lawyers and
employees to help them become more aware of and comfortable with day-to-
day routine law office operations and processes and the overlapping roles of
various staff members. This manual is not intended to create or constitute any
type of employment contract.

Firm Objective
Further objectives of the firm are:
 To have a well-organized, well-managed, productive law firm that can
make a profitable contribution to our clients and to the legal system;
 To provide a work product that is timely, accurate, and of value to our
 To be fair, honest, and ethical in all dealings with our clients,
employees, court personnel, opposing counsel, and vendors;
 To be always in pursuit of new procedures and products designed to
benefit the firm, our employees, and our clients; and
 To do everything in our power to make this firm a good place in which
to work and an asset to both our social and legal communities.

The Law
Disability Policy
This policy applies to new applicants as well as employees of the firm.
In addition, the firm will not discriminate against any qualified employees or
applicants who may be perceived to have a disability or who are related to or
associated with a person with a disability or a perceived disability.

Disciplinary Action
In the event a problem arises with an employee of the firm, the partners
with regard to the problem and the requested correction shall first counsel
such employee verbally in closed session, with a follow-up review at some
time certain in the immediate future.

Employment at Will
Employment with the company is voluntarily entered into, and the
employee is free to terminate his/her employment at will at any time, with or
without cause. Similarly, the firm may terminate the employment relationship
at will at any time, with or without notice or cause.

Employee Benefits:
 Life/Medical Insurance
 Pension Plan
 Price Club
 Profit-Sharing Plan
 Workers’ Compensation

Equal Employment Opportunity

To provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all
individuals, employment decisions at the firm will be based on merit,
qualifications, and abilities. The firm will not discriminate against or harass
any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed,
religion, national origin, sex, handicap or physical or mental disability,
perceived disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status,
military status, status with regard to public assistance, or any other
characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.
An attorney’s work and all communications on behalf of a client are
strictly confidential. Consequently, all work and conversation in the office is
confidential and may not be discussed with anyone not working in the office,
including spouses, judges, other attorneys, paralegals, and secretaries.

Family and Medical Leave

The firm provides family medical leave (FML) under the Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to eligible employees. Eligible employees include
all regular full-time and regular part-time employees who have been employed
by the firm for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during
the 12-month period immediately preceding the start of the leave. For
purposes of determining whether an employee has worked for the firm for at
least 12 months, all employment with the firm, at any time, whether
continuous or interrupted, will be counted.

Harassment Policy
Complaints of harassment will be fully and promptly investigated. Any
lawyer or other staff member who has been found by the firm to have
harassed another employee or individual will be subject to appropriate
disciplinary action, up to and including termination or discharge from the firm.
The complainant will be informed of the completion of the investigation and of
remedial actions taken.

Office Etiquette and Confidentiality

 Loyalty is one of the most highly prized qualities of an employee of this

 It is the goal of this office to have long-term employees. Frequent
turnover not only damages the morale of everyone else in the office,
but also is extremely disruptive to work in progress, client affairs, and
the efficient use of staff and professional time.
Employee Conduct
Appropriate and professional behavior and E-mail, the Internet, &

The following is a list of rules and warnings for their use. The office
computers and the software and Internet access are for business purposes
only. No staff member is to use this equipment for personal communications
or for game playing. The Internet is for business use only and may not be
used for personal matters without prior permission of management. The
Internet is not to be used at all for non-business use during business hours.

 E-mail is for business use only and not for personal matters without
prior permission of management. E-mail is not to be used for non-
business communications during business hours.
 Pornography: Viewing of pornographic materials on the computer,
whether over the Internet or through e-mail or any other means, is
expressly and completely forbidden.
 Under no circumstances should anyone receive or review or send e-
mail with pornographic, off color, or immoral material. Do not forward
jokes, funny stories, or other material to others where such material is
not related to a case the firm is working on.

VII. Assessment
Essay (5 points each)
1. Give the important parts of staff manual and explain.
2. Give more examples of employees’ benefits which is not mention in the

VIII. References and Supplementary Links

B. Lewis Keeling and Norman F. Kallaus, (2017) Administrative Office
Management 11th Edition
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Total Quality Management, Marketing and Planning in Law Office

II. Introduction
Every business should set standards on the services and
performances of their manpower – coming in the TQM, the Total quality
management. While in winning many customers or clients, the firm should
have a strong marketing strategies. Lastly, to achieve the firm’s goal, the best
tool is to have a good planning.

III. Overview
In this lesson – the benefits of total quality management, various
marketing options and planning in legal office will be discussed.

IV. Objectives
After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
1. discuss total quality management philosophies,
2. explain marketing and various marketing options that are available, and
3. realize the importance of planning.

V. Pre-test
Define the following:
1. Total quality management
2. marketing
3. planning
VI. Activity
Watch video on Marketing Legal Services Offerings
Title: Talk to Lawyers Online – Convenient and Affordable

VII. Lesson 5. Total Quality Management, Marketing and Planning

Total Quality Management

Total quality management (“TQM”) is a program of continuous
improvement of service quality. It is not a static goal to be achieved. Rather, it
is an ongoing process of evolution and affirmative change to meet variable
market and client expectations.

Benefits of Total Quality Management

1. Improved performance and productivity throughout the firm.
2. Increased client satisfaction and loyalty.
3. Increased lawyer and staff satisfaction and loyalty.
4. Improved communication at all levels of the firm, both internally and
5. Improved competitive position.
6. Improved profitability.

Marketing of Law Office

Legal marketing is a broad term that refers to advertising and other
practices, such as client relations, public relations, networking, participation in
professional organizations, etc. The legal marketing definition generally
includes business development activities and efforts to win more clients, thus
increasing revenue.
Planning in Law Office
1. A strategic plan is most effective for achieving the following:
2. Sustained success in the long term;
3. Alignment of leaders and future leaders;
4. A basis for choosing between opportunities; and
5. A basis for measuring performance.
6. While many attorneys agree that a strategic plan could make a positive
difference in their firm performance, they fear that the process of creating a
plan will not result in meaningful change.

The main areas of concentration in a strategic plan should include:

 Strategic Plan Development

 Marketing Plan
 Attorney Development
 Recruiting
 Compensation and Incentives
 Policy Development
 Work life Timelines and Capacity Planning
 Partnership/Operating Agreement Revisions
 Technology
 Financial Plan
 Retreat

VII. Assessment
Essay (5 points each)
1. What is your standards when it to legal service? What is your
expectations about legal service?

2. What do you think is the best marketing strategy for legal services and
VIII. References
•J. Morton, 2015 Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition
•Gilmore, 2015 Legal Office Projects
•J. Long, 2015 Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals
•Bate, 2015 Legal Office Procedures
•P. Everett, 2015 Fundamentals of Law Office Management

Supplementary Links
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Clients and Communication Skills in Law Office

II. Introduction
Law schools focus on teaching the law and legal theory.
Communication skills covered in law schools tend to revolve around the
arguments and persuasion necessary in the courtroom. However,
communication skills that occur outside of the courtroom are much more
plentiful and, sometimes, more critical to a lawyer’s practice. If you are
thinking of becoming a lawyer, these four, first-rate communication skills will
be an effective tool in your repertoire.

III. Overview
Communication between lawyers and clients is of great importance.
When clients do complain it is more often about poor communication or lack
of courtesy than about the technical aspects of legal work. This fact sheet
provides guidance on how to communicate effectively with your client.

IV. Objectives
After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Communicate with clients in law firms,
2. Communicate with employees in legal office, and
3. have a good communication skills to inquiries in legal office.
V. Pre-test
Essay. (5 points each)
1. What are the basic elements of communication?
2. Why good communications skill is so important?

VI. Activity
Let us play a game – spelling bee.
- This will enhance your communication skill and also improve your

VII. Lesson 6. Communication Skills in Law Office

1. Understand Verbal and Non-Verbal Language
Know what questions to ask your client to get to the heart of the matter.
Really listen to the answers. Pay attention not just to the words that a client
uses, but also to his voice, tone, and body language.

Be open with your client and explain things thoroughly. Ask more
questions to make sure your explanations are understood. Pay attention to
both verbal and non-verbal language to determine understanding. If you think
there is doubt, go over it again. Understand that when clients are in an
emotional state, it is more difficult for them to understand complex

2. Capable of Building Relationships Easily

Clients hire lawyers because they have a rapport with them. Be honest
and give your client all the knowledge and help that you can. Give her a
reason to trust you.

Don’t give her unrealistic expectations. If things don’t turn out the way
she had hoped, discuss with her what else, if anything can be done. End the
relationship kindly, making your client understands that she can come back if
she ever has need of your services again. Building relationships is how you
build a business.
3. Know Which Role to Play and When

Clients customarily seek out legal advice when something negative is

happening in their lives. Therefore, it is important for you to know when to be
a traditional lawyer and when to be more empathic.

For someone going through a divorce, for example, neutral legal advice
may not be what she needs. She may need someone who can help her to
navigate both the emotional and legal processes of a divorce. Cold, legal talk
can make you come off as uncaring, which may make her choose another

4. Be Present and Attentive

Your client is paying for your time, so give him all of your attention.
Have your receptionist hold your calls. Meet in a place that is quiet enough to
talk privately. Make sure you have everything you need with you so you won’t
have to leave the meeting room to get additional materials. Allow the client’s
time to be a period in which the focus is on him.

1. Avoid creating unreasonable client expectations

Although this seems like an no brainer, this is a great piece of advice
since lawyers often create unreasonable client expectations during out first
meeting with a client without even intending to do so.
2. Your front office can have a big impact

Oftentimes, I think professionals overlook the importance of a positive

gateway into their office and doing so is a huge mistake. In fact, that standard
seems to be par for the course lately. This type of interaction makes you feel
unwelcome, unimportant, and resentful.

Lawyer’s office is no different. If you want to start off every interaction

with your clients on a positive note, it’s important to ensure that the gateway
to the appointment is pleasant and welcoming.

3. Good Listening

Good listening skills are crucial for effective legal communication.

When clients are listened to, they feel understood and are more trusting of
you. To connect with your clients and others, and to have them experience
you as an effective lawyer, polish your listening skills.

Since lawyers are smart, we often anticipate what is going to be said,

and don't feel the need to listen carefully. But when we really listen to a client,
we can hear levels of communication that may deepen our understanding of
the client's problem.

4. Curiosity

When we ask questions, we convey our interest. Being curious about

someone helps us engage and validate that person. Questions also give us
the opportunity to really understand what is going on with the person — a
crucial factor in delivering sound legal advice.

Asking powerful questions may also deepen the individual's awareness

of his or her problem, an added bonus in helping a client that has come to you
for help. Powerful questions are ones that are thought-provoking. They are
open-ended and not leading questions. They use "what" or "how" rather than
5. Value

Since most lawyers bill their time, it is critical that their time spent
communicating be valuable. Be sure that what you have taken the time to say
has value to the person with whom you are communicating. Be sure that your
message is clear, succinct and understood.

Consider the result you want to get out of the conversation, and the
value of that result. Then, plan what you are going to say. If possible,
rehearse out loud; having a script can also be helpful.

But remember that conversations do not often go as planned, and

anticipate problems and prepare to address them.

1. Open Meeting

It is easier to communicate your passion and how you feel to your team
via open meetings. In this kind of forum, they will not only hear what you are
saying, they will also see and feel it. This approach still remains one of the
best approaches to communicate effectively with a team.

2. Use The Appropriate Tone of Voice

One word can mean a different thing when said in a different tone of
voice. Make sure you use the appropriate tone of voice to communicate your
message to your team so that you won’t be misunderstood and discourage or
demotivate members or cause them to shut down completely out of fear.
3. Use Simple Words

The truth is that everybody cannot be on same page when it comes to

vocabulary. Therefore, to be effective in your communications with your team
members, use words that can be easily understood. When ambiguous words
are used, you can be misunderstood and/or waste precious time having to
explain yourself.

4. Listen to Your Employees

Communication is intended to be a two way street. Don’t just talk

because you are the leader without listening to anyone else. Encourage them
to open up so you can be well guided when communicating in the future with
them. You have two ears and one mouth –so you must listen more than you

5. Emails

In official settings, communication via email remains potent. It will

enable you to pass messages to members of your team without pulling them
out of their work stations.

Law Firm uses the following methods to communicate directly with

clients: telephone, fax, letter, email, and voice mail. In addition, when out of
the office, our attorneys are able to communicate with the office though text
messaging, wireless email, and cellular phone.
Our desire is to make it as convenient as possible to respond to our
clients’ needs and concerns in a timely manner. Attorney would love to be
available to personally receive every client call. Unfortunately, because of
appointments, seminars, and court appearances outside the office, client
appointments inside the office, and the solitary time required to perform
important client work, If Attorney is not always available to personally respond
when clients call.

The Law Firm uses e-mail to correspond with clients who prefer to use
e-mail. Someone from the firm will respond to all e-mails within 24 hours.
However, we may not be able to answer your question within those 24 hours,
especially if it requires some research. For those matters not billed as flat
fees, all e-mails will be billed the same as phone calls. Email is checked twice
each day, once at the beginning of the day, and once at the end of the day.
Email and fax communications are treated with no more urgency than other
communication methods. Law Firm will not send any confidential information
via e-mail. Although every effort is made to ensure electronic privacy, we
suggest that clients not send any questions that may be sensitive or
confidential via e-mail.
VIII. Assessment
Essay (5 points each – minimum of 100 words for each answer)
1. Explain which do you think is the best tip for an effective
communication to clients?

2. Why do we have to implement the good communication

approaches to employees?

IX. References
•J. Morton, 2015 Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition
•Gilmore, 2015 Legal Office Projects
•J. Long, 2015 Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals
•Bate, 2015 Legal Office Procedures
•P. Everett, 2015 Fundamentals of Law Office Management
Supplementary Links
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Timekeeping in Legal Office

II. Introduction
One of the motivation to work hard and perform at your best is the
equivalent compensation or payment for the job well done. This is where you
need to know the source or the computation of such compensation.
Timekeeping refers to which require employers to keep records of hours
worked, wages paid, and other conditions of employment.

III. Overview

This part of the lesson is where we will discuss the meaning of

timekeeping in law office and the basic principles of timekeeping and the
types of billing system or the legal fee arrangements.

IV. Objectives

After studying this lesson, you will be able to:

1. furtherly understand the meaning of timekeeping in legal office, and

2. recognized the basic principles of timekeeping in legal office.

V. Pre-Test


1. What is the significance of timekeeping in legal office?

2. What is the difference between the timekeeping in legal office

compared to private company?

VI. Lesson 7. Timekeeping

Meaning of timekeeping and billing in Law office

Timekeeping is the process of tracking and reporting work and

leave time. Everyone is responsible for accurate timekeeping: Employees
report leave and approve their time on their timecards. Supervisors review
and approve their employees' timecards. Timekeepers sign off on their units'

Basic Principles of Timekeeping in a Law Office

Most lawyers and law firms operate on billable hours when

charging clients for services. When analyzed, billable hours, also known as
billable time, allow clients and law firms the chance to measure such things as
which services were performed and how long these services took to
accomplish. Because billable hours are so essential, certain principles of
timekeeping in a law office become increasingly apparent when a firm
monitors how well it's doing.

Accuracy is an important principle in regard to time management

in a law firm. According to the American Bar Association, clients are "more
focused" in looking over and analyzing billing data. By accurately noting and
reporting billable hours, lawyers stand a better chance of retaining a current
client's trust. Also, in certain types of lawsuits one party may recoup attorneys'
fees from the other party, making accuracy imperative when it comes to time
records that must be submitted.


Timekeeping in a law office is often broken down by duties and

people. For example, one case may require work from partners, associates,
paralegals and case assistants. All of these people must note what they did
and how many hours it took them to work on their portion of the case. This
indicates who was responsible for what and allows a law firm to ensure that
staffing levels are appropriate in relation to workload.


Timekeeping allows accountants or owners at a law firm to

calculate how profitable certain employees are. For example, one employee
may take three hours completing a task that another employee can do in half
the time. Also, timekeeping can determine how profitable certain types of
cases are, and whether a law firm should keep accepting those case types
that time records show are consistently unprofitable.


Productivity is a principle of legal timekeeping in that time records

can indicate how valuable associates, paralegals and other staff members are
by how productive they have been within a certain time period. For example, if
a paralegal tends to take on only one case at a time and fails to bill many
hours for that one case, he may cost more to keep on payroll than a paralegal
who could take on more work.
VII. Assessment

Essay. (20 points)

Explain the principles in timekeeping in legal office.

VIII. References and Supplementary Links

•J. Morton, 2015 Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition

•Gilmore, 2015 Legal Office Projects

•J. Long, 2015 Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals

•Bate, 2015 Legal Office Procedures

P. Everett, 2015 Fundamentals of Law Office Management
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Billing in Legal Office

II. Introduction
This aspect in legal office is called major types of legal fee
agreements. Here you will know, how billing statements are being process
and what it entails. Ultimately, we must all remember that an attorney is a
service provider. An attorney makes a living by providing information, advice,
guidance, administrative support, and by acting on behalf of (as an agent for )
a client.

III. Overview

Billing statement in legal office compared to billing statement of your

utilities will be analyzed in this lesson. Where you will identify the different
legal fee arrangements according to the agreement of the law firm and the

IV. Objectives

After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

1. discuss the meaning of billing in legal office, and

2. identify the different legal fee arrangements in legal office.

V. Pre-Test


1. Define and give example of billing.

2. Explain the importance of billing.

VI. Lesson 8. Billing

Billing may refer to the process of sending an invoice (a bill) to

customers for goods or services

Electronic billing

Telecommunications billing, systems and methods that collect information

about calls and other services to be billed to the subscriber

Billing - A declaration in writing. A document listing separate items. An

itemized account of charges or costs. In Equity practice, the first Pleading in
the action, the paper in which the plaintiff sets out his or her case and
demands relief from the defendant.

Types of Billing Systems

Post billing

A bill of letters mailed by a postmaster. Post Billing Carrier Free Billing

& Payment Method

Post billing is a unique and rather new payment solution where

service or content charge is not executed by the mobile operator. The invoice
is instead sent to the mobile user by a billing company, which handles the
complete payment process. This payment system allows service providers to
sell goods and services for amounts higher than micropayment systems allow.
This is because the charge will not appear on users’ mobile bill. They will
instead receive a simple invoice that can be paid in any bank.

Types of Legal Fees

The type of legal fee arrangement that you make with your lawyer will
have a significant impact on how much you will pay for the services.

There are several common types of legal fee arrangements used by lawyers:

Consultation Fee:

The lawyer may charge a fixed or hourly fee for your first meeting
where you both determine whether the lawyer can assist you. Be sure to
check whether you will be charged for this initial meeting.

Hourly billing is the most common billing structure. You can log your
time in Clio, and calculations are performed for you based on the rate you set
for that activity on how much you are charging for the time spent.

Flat Rate

Flat Rate billing is also easy to set up in Clio. With this fee structure
you are charging one rate for all of the work performed on the matter.

Contingency Fee

Contingency Fee Matters are available to subscribers of our Legacy,

Boutique, and Elite plans.

Contingency Fee billing is common for matters where your fee is

dependent on the results of the case.

Retainer Fees :

The lawyer is paid a set fee, perhaps based on the lawyer's

hourly rate. You can think of a retainer as a "down payment" against which
future costs are billed. The retainer is usually placed in a special account and
the cost of services is deducted from that account as they accrue.

Statutory Fee:

The fees in some cases may be set by statute or a court may

set and approve a fee that you pay. These types of fees may appear in
probate, bankruptcy, or other proceedings.

VII. Assessment

Essay. (20 points)

Provide examples of legal fee arrangements and which among your

examples is better and Why?
VIII. References and Supplementary Links

•J. Morton, 2015 Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition

•Gilmore, 2015 Legal Office Projects

•J. Long, 2015 Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals

•Bate, 2015 Legal Office Procedures

P. Everett, 2015 Fundamentals of Law Office Management
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Docket Control System

II. Introduction
A system used by attorneys to alert them to upcoming filing deadlines
and statutes of limitations on specific legal actions, motions, and cases. Use
of docket control systems is a critical tool in preventing professional liability
claims from being made against attorneys. This is because studies have
shown that a significant percentage of claims involve losses caused by the
failure to meet filing and statutory deadlines for various types of legal actions.

III. Overview

Docket Control the term that law offices use for

entering‚ organizing‚ and controlling all of the appointments‚ deadlines; and
due dates for a legal organization is called docket control.

IV. Objectives

After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

1. define docket control system, and

2. understand the use and significance of docket control system.

V. Pre-Test


1. What is your idea on docket control system?

2. Are you familiar with docket and what is the use of docket control system in
legal office?

VI. Lesson 9. How to Make Docket Entries


-A docket is a list of every case before a court. A docket sheet is the record in
which a court clerk notes a case’s number, the names of the parties involved,
and all the proceedings and filings in a case.

What is a Docket Control System?

-A system used by attorneys to alert them to upcoming filing deadlines and

statutes of limitations on specific legal actions, motions, and cases.

-Use of docket control systems is a critical tool in preventing professional

liability claims from being made against attorneys. This is because studies
have shown that a significant percentage of claims involve losses caused by
the failure to meet filing and statutory deadlines for various types of legal


- is a generic term used to describe the recording of appointments and

other scheduling items

Docket control

- is a legal-specific term that refers to entering, organizing, and controlling

the appointments and deadlines for legal organizations
Case management

- is a legal-specific term, but it always means more than just tracking

appointments and schedules

Docket Entry

- A docket entry refers to an entry identifying the title of each pleading.

By examining a docket sheet, you can determine:

- Whether a case is pending or has been resolved

- Identify the documents that have been submitted to the court.

- Find out when hearings and arguments will be held.

What is on a docket?

What is the docket number for the original trial?

What is the date of the trial court decision? When was Mr. House’s Notice of Appeal

Make docket entry

Steps Process
1. Open CDADOCT.  Type CDADOCT in
the Direct Access field and
press the Enter key.
2. Enter a Case ID.  Type the Case ID OR
click the Case ID LOV
3. Proceed to next block.  Click the Next
Block icon OR
press Ctrl+PgDn.
4. Enter a docket code.  Type in a docket
code OR click
the Docket LOV button.
 Move to the Filing
Date field.
5. Change the filing date and  Edit the filing date, if
time, if necessary. necessary.
 Move to the Time field.
 Edit the time, if
 Move to the Party Field.
6. Indicate the filing party.  Click the Party LOV.
 Select the appropriate
party of parties to associate
to the docket code.
7. Save the information.  Click the Save icon.
8. Exit CDADOCT.  Click the Exit icon.

Manual Docket Control Systems

Manual docket control systems include:


- deadlines, reminders, notices form courts are entered manually

- time-consuming

- attorneys fail to coordinate schedules with paralegals

Card System

- uses index cards to track deadlines and things to be done

Computerized Docket Control Systems

Computerized Case Management/Docket Control—computerized case
management/docket control solves many of the problems associated with
manual systems, including the following:

1. Perpetual Calendars—Most programs have a perpetual calendar that

extends hundreds of years into the future. Thus, you do not have to keep
buying new calendars every year, and you can schedule things 5 and 10
years down the road if you need to.
2. Time Saving/Recurring Entries—One of the most significant features of a
program is that it can make recurring entries automatically. Thus, if you have
a staff meeting every Monday morning, you only have to make the entry one
time and then tell the program it is a recurring entry. The program will
automatically make the other 51 entries for the rest of the year. Also, if you
enter a deadline, you can set most programs to automatically give you 60-,
30-, 15-, 10-, and 5-day reminders. Using a manual system, you would have
to enter a total of six entries (one event deadline and five reminders); using a
computerized system, you only have to make one entry.
3. Date Calculator—Some programs can calculate the number of days between
dates. Sometimes attorneys have 30 or 45 days from an event to file a
motion or brief. Some programs can automatically figure the number of
workdays or calendar days to arrive at the accurate due date.
4. Conflict Alert—Many programs automatically inform you if you try to
schedule more than one appointment at the same time. This feature keeps
you from accidentally scheduling multiple events at the same time.
5. Past-Due Report—Another useful feature of computerized programs is that
when you complete an item, you must check it off as being completed. If an
item is not checked off as completed, the deadline or appointment continues
to show up on past-due reports until you complete the item. This is extremely
beneficial and prevents deadlines from being forgotten or "falling off" the
6. Per-Case Docket Report—Most programs can also produce a report of all
entries made regarding a specific case. This allows you to see where you
are in a case (e.g., procedurally, where you have been, where you are
currently, and where the case is going). This also allows you to keep your
client up to date on how the case is proceeding.
7. Calendaring a Series of Events from a Rule—Some programs come with
court rule modules. In this type of system, one docket entry can trigger four
or more additional docketing entries.
VII. Assessment

Define the following:

1. Docket

2. Docket Control System

3. Perpetual calendar

4. Card System

5. Case management

VIII. References and Supplementary Links

•J. Morton, 2015 Legal Office Procedures 7th Edition

•Gilmore, 2015 Legal Office Projects
•J. Long, 2015 Office Procedures for the Legal Professionals
•Bate, 2015 Legal Office Procedures
P. Everett, 2015 Fundamentals of Law Office Management

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