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WWD - Intercos - Make Up First Family

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n elegant town house situated in the fashion ideas. “We look to Intercos to create and innovate first-to- product development and their decadeslong love of art
quadrangle of Milan stands as a testament to how market products,” she says. collecting. Referring to the family’s house—which also
art and science can intertwine. The yin and yang of art and science can be seen every contains works by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Yayoi Kusama,
Inside the four-story hospitable house hang year when Intercos unveils its annual trend forecast at Piero Manzoni and Alexander Calder—she says: “They
works by artists ranging from Andy Warhol to the company headquarters in Agrate Brianza, outside of are incredibly stylish. That sense of style plays into the
Lucio Fontana, and the edifice also is the home of Madina Milan. The exhibit reflects the findings of a six-month product.” Kashuk marvels over the “amazing balance” of the
and Dario Ferrari, who, with daughter Arabella Ferrari search through the worlds of art, fashion and culture—high house—“so fantastical and so comfortable.”
and other family members, form the core management and low—by a squad of art experts led by Madina. These Dario, Intercos’ president and chairman, has been
of Intercos, perennially the top-ranked supplier of color cultural trends are married to the most cutting-edge gradually turning operational duties over to his daughter,
cosmetics to the global makeup industry, despite challenges molecular innovation that the research and development Arabella, for the last 15 years. But there is one operational
by competitors such as Chromavis. department can muster. The offspring of these two aspect he has kept firmly in hand—calling the signals on
“They are the leaders,” says Chantal Roos, who started forces are new product technologies and new production innovation, which he describes as the engine of Intercos.
working with Intercos 25 years ago and continued during techniques that the company presents as its hallmark. “The At age 67, Dario remains an imposing presence—at
her tenure as the head of YSL Beauté. “They are constantly theater of makeup,” is how Kashuk describes it. “There is so least one client describes him as “a rock star.” But with all
looking for new ideas and creativity—not only in product much—so much to experience, so much product to take in,” the success of Intercos, he retains the attitude of one who’s
and color, but also in technology.” she says. “It’s overwhelming.” still pushing to make it.
She notes that the family success started with the Swiss “It’s mind blowing,” agrees Cohen. “Each room is “I like change,” he says. “I change probably too much,
skin care company of Dario’s highly accomplished mother, more creative and advanced than the next. It’s like being in but only by changing, you can create new things. If you look
Nadia Avalle, reached a crescendo with Dario and Madina Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” in the Italian dictionary, the definition of innovation [is] to
and continues to build with Arabella. Their 27-year-old-son, Kashuk draws a line between the Ferraris’ passion for modify a system by adding something new. That’s what we
Gianandrea, entered the business two years ago. “When try to do also in our organization.
some people reach a certain turnover, they ease up,” Roos “If you keep this philosophy by adding something new,
notes. “This [company] crosses the generations.”
“I have worked with many labs, but they are in a
“It’s mind blowing,” says Emily it drives you,” he continues. “You change probably without
really noticing. It’s very important to improve.”
different league,” says Sonia Kashuk, a leading makeup Cohen of Intercos’ annual trend He points out that it all started with Madina 30 years
artist and founder of her own brand. ago, when they went to the Cosmoprof trade fair in
Emily Cohen, who consulted on the development of presentation. “Each room is more Bologna with a tray full of makeup. “We used to sell one
Topshop’s recently launched makeup line, adds, “Intercos is formula and she was making 24 different colors. This was
the Rolls-Royce of cosmetics manufacturers.” creative and advanced than the our innovation 30 years ago,” he recalls.
Claudia Poccia, global president of the Mark division at
Avon Products Inc., says her company manufactures its own
next. It’s like being in Charlie and By the time Arabella joined the firm 17 years ago, the
product offering had evolved somewhat. “I had a box and
makeup, but still works with Intercos as a source of new the Chocolate Factory.” we had colors and formulas. We were going around the

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world,” says Arabella, who is now marketing director of the
color business unit of Intercos. “I like change,” says Dario Ferrari. “If you look in the Italian dictionary,
Dario chimes in: “I keep saying, ‘Arabella, don’t do
the same thing you did last time.’ I don’t say ‘better.’ You
the definition of innovation [is] to modify a system by adding something
have to try to do better, but at least different. This is really
what’s important in innovation…quick speed and doing
new. That’s what we try to do also in our organization.”
something new.”
His penchant for the novel has led the executive to
declare that Benefit Cosmetics is his favorite brand. “They the company at 2007 levels by the beginning of this year, This year’s trend presentation, dubbed Revolution, had a
try to be so different in terms of marketing position,” he says. according to Dario, who says there was a pickup in orders solid focus on product innovation. “We need to move away
He also is fascinated by the speed of merchandising by beginning last September and October. For the first quarter from market needs to revolution,” says Arabella, during a
fashion chains such as Zara, H&M and Topshop, which of this year, orders were up by 26 percent over the same recent walk-through.
Intercos supplied for its recently launched color line. He’s a period last year. But that order flow was down by 5 percent The skin care section focused on luminosity, using
believer in the new color introductions from those retailers, compared with 2008. With the company running 1.7 new films and pure pigments to capture light and create
“if it’s done well and you give the right space, the right percent ahead of budget, Dario predicts this year will be “an smooth textures and flawless finishes. The twist was
creativity and the right ambiance.” He adds, “The concept acceptable year. The [retailer] destocking is finished, but the treatment-infused color novelties, offering advanced and
is to bring to the consumer a quality product at the cheaper consumer will not be very active.” He adds that this year targeted corrective solutions for all age ranges. Powders
price. And that’s what people like,” he continues, hinting may lay the groundwork for an upsurge in product launches. had ceramiclike qualities, yet once applied, offered
that Topshop may be thinking about taking its new color He expects a growth of 9 to 10 percent for 2010, reaching comprehensive coverage, a porcelain finish and enhanced
line into wholesale distribution. $350 million, with the skin care business growing by 20 emollient qualities.
One trend that Intercos is less excited about is the percent and pencils by 25 to 30 percent. Intercos has also harnessed a sugar-based technology to
industry’s new tendency to incorporate treatment properties Arabella says in the U.S., “2010 is still soft as far as create new high-shine films for products such as lipstick,
into makeup. “It’s a different culture,” says Dario. “In color, new projects are concerned and because we’re still suffering which, when crystallized, create reflective surfaces offering
you can be a little bit crazy. In skin care, it has to be much from the wave of 2009. But definitely we’re seeing a lot of long-lasting adhesion and glossy finishes.
more scientific.” As a compromise, his preference is to interest.” She says pipelines are now empty and the brands A patented fourth-generation polymer is the company’s
add color to skin care. To that end, Intercos has offered are “desperate for innovation” for 2011 and 2012. biggest breakthrough this season. A liquid film sets to
some hybrid products this year. Skin Rescue is billed as The structure of Intercos consists of an Italian corporate form an acrylic texture and is said to offer highly refractive
advanced corrective makeup with high coverage. There is company serving major units in Europe, Asia and the U.S. coverage for up to 24 hours. Prisma Shine eye shadows
also Advanced Treatment, which turns color products for The corporate company contains the innovation and offer 16-hour coverage, dubbed Tech Shine, that creates
the face, eyes and lips into an add-on treatment product creative services. “This allows the three other international a spongy form and is meant to offer a new glossy take
offering antiaging properties. operating units to be fast and to take care of the local on powder-finish eye shadows. Interfila showcased new
A hallmark of Intercos is its innovative R&D market, to service the customer the best way possible in corrective pencils with line-filler properties.
department, and one of Dario’s main contentions is that terms of sales and marketing,” says Dario. Elsewhere, four themed rooms were designed to enable
suppliers such as Intercos shorten the product development “The corporate [unit] has the task to understand visitors to understand the creative process behind the science
cycle by providing brands with ready-to-go formulas. He the market, make the strategy and develop the product, with artful displays, underlining four main concepts—Tonic
asserts that customers can buy one of his formulas and be to know about the U.S., Asia, Europe—three different Turbulence, showcasing high-voltage color; Naïve Nature,
on the market within six to 12 months, compared with two markets, three different needs, different attitudes in terms offering a feminine whimsical mood; Avant Garde,
to two-and-a-half years starting from scratch. of the consumer, in terms of the distribution, in terms of showcasing androgynous and unconventional texture and
Dario repeatedly asserts that no one invests in the customer.” packaging, and Modern Modesty, blending utilitarian,
innovation like Intercos, with 500 of 3,000 employees There are five business units within corporate that pared-down product with an emphasis on quality.
dedicated to that pursuit. “My husband likes to call are linked to Dario’s thinking on innovation and market Although the presentation was as creatively arresting as
[Dario] Bond,” says Jennifer Balbier, senior vice president needs. He gives directions on a weekly or monthly basis. ever, for his part, Dario says he has mellowed since the early
of product development for MAC Cosmetics. “He has Then, either Arabella gets involved on the marketing side days of Intercos, when it was a fledgling spin-off from his
the technology behind him. He’s not just a salesman— or Madina on the trend side. “We interpret what [Dario] mother’s Swiss skin care company, which is now part of the
he’s the real deal.” She also describes Arabella as “a super says and make it an operation and develop it,” Arabella says, corporate group. In those days, he seemed to play the role
businesswoman.” adding that she also is the link to the R&D department. of chairman to the utmost, from the charm of Frank Sinatra
In addition to an innovation center in Italy, Intercos has The biggest unit is basic color cosmetics. The other four are: to the finality of Mao.
four factories in Asia and an expanded plant in the U.S., special makeup effects, which includes products with a particular “For many years, especially when the company was
with plans to open a 70,000- to 90,000-square-foot facility visual impact; Interfila, the pencil division, of which Gianandrea smaller, all the decisions were made by me,” he says. “I
in São Paulo, Brazil, early next year. is sales and marketing manager; skin care, also run by Dario, knew the company, I knew the business, I knew the people.”
Dario says the Brazilian venture will bring to fruition and private label, driven by another family member, Matteo Now, though, the operation has become more open.
a new business model that was pioneered in the U.S., Milani, who is Intercos Europe sales and marketing director. “It’s the difference between China and India,” Dario says.
and later, China. The company has a dual role, supplying The artistic cutting edge is supplied by Madina, Intercos “In China, they go fast because one guy makes a decision.
innovation to underdeveloped local brands while servicing creative director, who previously worked in production at India is a democracy and they have to fight inside. We have
the big international brands that have entered the market. Milan’s famed La Scala theater and spends months scouring been China for quite a long time—now we would like to
For last year, Intercos did 55 percent of its total business cultural capitals. As soon as she is finished putting the become a little more like India. The company is growing,
in basic color cosmetics, 12.8 percent in special effects, 16 finishing touches on one year’s trend forecast, she is off to I’m getting old and I need to put in place people who can
percent in the pencil business, 8.3 percent in private label Paris, New York, London and Berlin to begin the next. “In help me run the company. Making decisions is the key of a
and 6.7 percent in skin care. July, I present to the marketing people in Intercos the new fast-growing company. Better you make a wrong decision
By retail channel, the business breaks down to 39.6 concept and they say, ‘Yes, no, this is OK, we prefer that….’ ” than not to make a decision.”
percent in the mass market, 32.2 percent in prestige, 22.8 “Madina, for us, is the mirror of what’s going on in the Perhaps he spends time thinking about something
percent in direct sales and 5.4 percent in specialty stores. world in terms of fashion, trend, colors and bringing it all other than the next makeup launch. “I have three passions,”
Geographically, 49.7 percent of the business is done in the in,” says Arabella, who is charged with translating the vision says the man who also owns homes in Saint Moritz and
U.S., 44 percent in Europe and 6 percent in Asia. to the R&D department. “They do their research part, and Portofino: “sailing, collecting paintings and playing chess.”
Dario maintains that Intercos does business with 25 of they come with a product to us. However, they don’t speak
the top 30 cosmetics companies in the world. the same language as we do. We interpret this scientific
While cosmetics marketers tend to give Intercos high language and then [Madina] comes with her creative.”
marks for creativity and quality, a number of executives claim The third vector of the equation is what brands want, “Madina, for us, is the mirror of
there have been problems in the past with production and
making deliveries on time. “We’ll always be the one being
information that has been gleaned through constant
dialogue with clients about their customers. In addition,
what’s going on in the world in
blamed,” protests Arabella, who says problems can crop up Intercos gets direct consumer readings through its three terms of fashion, trend, colors and
in other parts of the highly complex supply chain, such as Madina Milano makeup stores. The company tries out
the late arrival of packaging from overseas. “[The brands] all of its new products on consumers, concentrating bringing it all in,” says Arabella,
manage one fall season and we manage 20,” she says. on the “two souls” of Intercos—color and innovation.
Like everywhere, the recession has bitten deep. The “We’re selling product at a very competitive price to get who is charged with translating
Intercos business leaped ahead by 15 percent in 2008, then
collapsed by an equally large 15 percent in 2009, leaving
the customer in,” says Dario, “and then we try to sell the
innovation. It works incredibly well.”
the vision to the R&D department.

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