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Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C

Biological Science
Volume 14 Issue 3 Version 1.0 Year 2014
Type : Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896

Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of Some Common

Vegetables in South-West, Nigeria
By Ajiboye A.A. , Fadimu O. Y. , Ajiboye M.D., Agboola D. A, Adelaja A. B.
& Bem A.A.
Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria
Abstract- Several vegetable species abound in Nigeria and most West African countries where
they are used partly as condiments or spices in human diets or as supplementary feeds to
livestock. There were ten samples of vegetable used in this study and were analyzed for a major
source of ascorbic acid and the mean values ranged from 170 – 425 mg/100 g, Celosia argentea
“Soko” (425 mg/100 g) and Amaranthus hydridus “tete” (408 mg/100 g) both having the highest
ascorbic acid while Corchorous olitorius “ewedu” (170 mg/100 g) had the least ascorbic acid.
Amaranthus hydridus and Talinum triangulare had the highest mineral contents. Carbohydrate
contents ranged from 3.9 – 48.2 g/100 g, Ocimum gratissium “efirin” having 3.9 g/100 g while
Vernonia amygdalina “ewuro” had 48.2 g/100 g. Protein content ranged from 5 –28.2 g/100 g.
Keywords: vegetables; phytochemical constituents; nutritional values.
GJSFR-C Classification : FOR Code: 060799


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© 2014. Ajiboye A.A., Fadimu O. Y., Ajiboye M.D., Agboola D. A, Adelaja A. B. & Bem A.A. This is a research/review paper,
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, permitting all non commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
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Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of
Some Common Vegetables in South-West,
Ajiboye A.A. α, Fadimu O. Y. σ, Ajiboye M.D. ρ, Agboola D. A Ѡ, Adelaja A. B. ¥ & Bem A.A. §

Abstract- Several vegetable species abound in Nigeria and nutrients have not been extensively studies are leaves of

most West African countries where they are used partly as water leaf among others (Ezekwe et al., 2001).
condiments or spices in human diets or as supplementary Vegetables contain various medicinal and

feeds to livestock. There were ten samples of vegetable used
therapeutic agents. There are large arrays of laxatives,
in this study and were analyzed for a major source of ascorbic
sedatives and soporifics or sleep inducing components
acid and the mean values ranged from 170 – 425 mg/100 g,
Celosia argentea “Soko” (425 mg/100 g) and Amaranthus in the vegetable kingdom. Vegetables like onions act as 49
hydridus “tete” (408 mg/100 g) both having the highest tonic and are excellent for the nerves. Certain

X Iss ue III Version I

ascorbic acid while Corchorous olitorius “ewedu” (170 mg/100 vegetables are highly beneficial in the treatment of
g) had the least ascorbic acid. Amaranthus hydridus and various diseases. Spinach is beneficial in the treatment
Talinum triangulare had the highest mineral contents. of kidney troubles. Lettuce can be used as a food
Carbohydrate contents ranged from 3.9 – 48.2 g/100 g, remedy for insomnia. Water leaf has been also
Ocimum gratissium “efirin” having 3.9 g/100 g while Vernonia implicated medically in the management of
amygdalina “ewuro” had 48.2 g/100 g. Protein content ranged cardiovascular diseases like stroke, obesity, and so on
from 5 –28.2 g/100 g. Talinum triangulare “gbure” had the
lowest while Corchorous olitorius had the highest protein
(Adewunmi and Sofowora, 1980). The “Efirin” (scented

Volume XIV
content. Fiber content ranged from 1.0 – 11.5 g/100 g Vernonia leaf) serves as a decongestant for head, colds,
amygdalina had the lowest fiber content while Senecio biafrae bronchitis and sinusitis. Also, the leaf is chewed
had the highest. The analysis of the samples also showed the traditionally for all tooth and gum disorders.
presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, inulins and This study was carried out to evaluate the
tannins, this indicates that the vegetables studied contain an phytochemical and the nutritional composition of

appreciable amount of bioactive compounds. This research common vegetables so as to put into literature the
analyzed the phytochemical and nutritional values of these

significance of eating these common vegetables in
vegetables with a view to ascertain their nutritional

Global Journal of Science Frontier Research

southwest Nigeria. Further research may wish to
composition for appropriate recommendation if need arises.
concentrate on the anti-microbial properties of these
Keywords: vegetables; phytochemical constituents;
valuable vegetables commonly found in the south
nutritional values.
western Nigeria.
I. Introduction
II. Materials and Methods

he amounts of the nutrient constituents in the
a) Collection of Samples
commonly used leaf vegetable species in Nigeria
Samples of vegetables were randomly selected
have been studied to some extent, the lesser
from popular local markets in Osogbo. All samples were
known regional and local species remain virtually
randomly collected aseptically in a sterile foil paper and
neglected (Kola, 2004). Lack of information on the
a sterilized container which are tied and labelled
specific nutrients and phytochemicals in a large number
appropriately in readiness for phytochemical and
of the native vegetables species with which Nigeria is
nutritional analysis.
richly endowed is partly responsible for their under
exploitation especially in areas beyond the traditional b) Preparation of Extracts
localities where they are found and consumed. Among The analysis determined the biologically active
the leafy vegetables in which their phytochemicals and compounds that contribute to the flavour, colour and
other characteristics of vegetables. Hundred gram of
Author α : Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Federal each vegetable sample was washed with deionised
University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. water to remove dust particles, the leaves were sun
Author σ §: Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University dried for 3 - 4 days. The leaves were later milled to
Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria.
Author ρ ¥ : Department of Biological Sciences, Osun State University,
obtain the powder using an electric blender, the powder
Osogbo Osun State, Nigeria. were soaked in 360ml of sterile distilled methanol and
Author Ѡ : Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University of 240ml of sterile distilled water in ratio 3 : 2 for four days
Agriculture, Abeokuta, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. at 30oC – 32 o C. The extracts were filtered through a

© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of Some Common Vegetables in South-West, Nigeria

Millipore filter (0.25μm). The resulting filtrates were cooled in a desiccator weighed. Two ml of concentrated
concentrated under reduced pressure at 50oC and then HCl, were added to dissolve the ash and a few drops of
transferred into a well labelled sterile bottle (Kumar et al. concentrated HNO3 were added. The solution was
2009). placed in a boiling water bath and evaporated almost to
dryness. The contents were then transferred to 100 mL
c) Test for Alkaloids
volumetric flask and diluted to volume with deionized
About 1% HCl and 6 drops of Mayer’s reagent
water and appropriate dilutions were made for each
and Dragendroff”s reagent was added to the extract.
samples before analysis. Calcium, magnesium and iron
The organic precipitate indicates the presence of
contents were quantified using atomic absorption
alkaloids (Kumar et al. 2009).
spectrophotometer while Sodium and potassium were
d) Test for Flavonoids determined with a flame photometer or Gallenkamp
About 5ml of dilute ammonia solution was (AOAC, 1990).

added to the extract of each samples, followed by

addition of con. H2SO4. A yellow coloration confirms the III. Results

presence of flavonoids which disappeared immediately

The studies revealed that the Ocimum
(Ayoola et al. 2008)
50 gratissimum had 189g/100gDM of Ascobic acid
e) Test for Saponins compared to Corchorous olitorus that had about 170
Exactly 20ml of distilled water was measured in g/100g DM. The carbohydrate content of the samples
Volume XIV Issue III Version I

a graduated cylinder for 15 minutes, formation of foam was discovered to be 3.9 g/100g DM in Ocimum
(about 1cm layer of foam) indicated the presence of gratissimum while 27.1 g/100g DM was obtained for
saponins (Kumar et al. 2009). Corchorous olitorus. The protein constituent was
estimated to be 5.4 g/100g DM in Ocimum gratissimum
f) Test for Tannins
while 28.2 was observed for Corchorous olitorus. The
Few drops of lead acetate were added to about
moisture content of the vegetable samples was
5ml of the extract, the formation of a yellow precipitate
discovered to be 32.2 g/100g DM in Ocimum
indicated the presence of tannin (Edeoga et al. 2005).
gratissimum while 27.5 g/100g DM was obtained for
g) Test for Carbohydrate Corchorous olitorus. The fiber content of the vegetable
About 2 drops of Molisch’s the extract was was discovered to be 11.5 g/100g DM in Ocimum
added to 2ml of the sample extract in a test tube and gratissimum and 9.2 g/100g DM was obtained for
mixed thoroughly, while the 2ml of con.H2SO4 was Corchorous olitorus.

added. A reddish violet color appeared immediately The ascorbic content of Solanum macrocarpon

which indicated the presence of carbohydrates. 340 g/100g DM was less than that of Vernonia
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research

amygdalina 348 g/100g DM, the carbohydrate content

h) Test for Protein
was 48.2 g/100g DM and 6.4 g/100g DM respectively for
Two ml of protein solution and 40% NaOH
Vernonia amygdalina and Solanum macrocarpon.The
solution and 1 to 2 drops of 1% CuSO4 solution was
protein constituents of Vernonia amygdalina and
added. A violet color indicated the presence of peptide
Solanum macrocarpon were 14.9 g/100g DM and 4.6
linkage of the molecule.
g/100g DM respectively while the moisture contents
i) Test for Ascorbic acid were estimated to be 21.9 g/100g DM and 85 g/100g
To the extract, 10 drops starch solution was DM for Vernonia amygdalina and Solanum macrocarpon
added with the aid of a pipette and it was stirred using a espectively. The fibre content was estimated for 1.0
toothpick, iodine solution was added in drops until a g/100g DM and 1.6 g/100g DM for Vernonia amygdalina
color that persisted longer than 20 seconds which is the and Solanum macrocarpon respectively. The Senecio
endpoint. The color change indicated the presence of biafrae had the least ascorbic acid when compared with
Vitamin C (Omaha 2011). Celosia argentea, Amaranthus hybrides, Talinum
triangulare, Hisbiscus esculenta and ugu. Whereas the
j) Determination of Moisture content
Senecio biafrae (30.0 g/100g DM) showed the highest
The wet weight of the fresh vegetable leaves
carbohydrate constituents when compared with Celosia
(samples) was recorded before placing them in a hot air
argentea, (4.0 g/100g DM), Amaranthus hybrides (7.0
oven at 1000° C for an hour for the complete
g/100g DM) Talinum triangulare (4.8 g/100g DM)
evaporation of water. The sample was taken out, cooled
Hisbiscus esculenta (10.6 g/100g DM) and Telfaria
and weighed to obtain the dry weight. The dry weight
occidentalis (6.9 g/100g DM). The Senecio biafrae is
was subtracted from the wet weight to get the moisture
highly proteinous by showing up to 12.3 g/100g DM
being the highest when compared with the protein
k) Determination of Mineral content contents of Celosia argentea (6.2 g/100g DM),
Milled samples (5 g) were dry-ashed in a Amaranthus hybrides (4.6 g/100g DM), Talinum
furnace at 550o for 24 hours. The resulting ash was triangulare (5.0 g/100g DM) , Hisbiscus esculenta (5.2
© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of Some Common Vegetables in South-West, Nigeria

g/100g DM) and Telfaria occidentalis (4.7 g/100g DM). Some plants are known to contain certain
The Talinum triangulare had the highest moisture sugars which are biologically active against some
content(93 g/100g DM) when compared with all other diseases (Srivastava et al., 1989). The elements such as
vegetable samples.The fibre content was highest in Sen- calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium found
ecio biafrae (11.8 g/100g DM) as shown in the table 1. in small amount in the leaves are nutritionally and
About four mineral elements were established in biochemically important for proper body function. For
the analysis. These elements include: Calcium (Ca), instance, calcium is known to play a significant role in
Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na) and Iron muscle contraction, bone and teeth formation and blood
(Fe). The Senecio biafrae had the highest Ca (2.67 clotting (Ahmed and Chaudhary, 2009; Heaney, 2009).
mg/100 g) content among other vegetables sampled Some of these minerals such as magnesium
while the least content was found in Ocimum are needed as cofactor in enzyme catalysis in the body
gratissimum (1.23 mg/100 g).The potassium content (Ahmed and Chaudhary, 2009). Sodium and potassium

was maximum in Talinum triangulare when compared which are present in the intracellular and extracellular
with other vegetables. However, the minimum fluid helps to maintain electrolyte balance and

potassium content was found in Ocimum gratissimum membrane fluidity. Iron is known to be a component of
(2.35 mg/100 g).The magnesium content of the some metalloenzymes, myoglobin and heamoglobin
vegetables was found to be maximum in “tete” (2.54 (Ahmed and Chaudhary, 2009), which is needed in the 51
mg/100 g) while the least magnesium content was transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide during

X Iss ue III Version I

discovered in Ocimum gratissimum (0.44 mg/100 g).The respiration or cellular metabolism. This heamoglobin
sodium content of the vegetable samples was maximum (containing iron) also serve as buffer to regulate
in Amaranthus hybridus (6.85 mg/100 g) while the least changes in blood pH (Kamshilov and Zaprudnova,
sodium content was found in Vernonia amygdalina (0.04 2009). It is known that inorganic mineral elements such
mg/100 g).The iron content of the vegetables was as potassium, calcium play important roles in the
maximum in Amaranthus hybrids (0.13 mg/100 maintenance of normal glucose-tolerance and in the
g).However the minimum iron content was found in release of insulin from beta cells of islets of Langerhans

Volume XIV
Vernonia amygdalina (0.03 mg/100 g). (Choudhary and Bandyopadhyan, 1999). Iron is an
The Ocimum gratissimum and Corchorous essential trace element for haemoglobin formation and
olitorus showed the presence of all the constituents normal functioning of the central nervous system
while Vernonia amygdalina showed the presence of all (Adeyeye and Otokiti, 1999).
the constituent that is alkanoid, flavonoid,saponoid inulin The study also shows that vegetables contain

except saponin. Solanum and Senecio biafrae did not small amount of fiber, this could be beneficial when

exhibit the presence of inulin whereas all other consumed. Dietary fibre is important for lowering blood

Global Journal of Science Frontier Research

phytochemical constituent were exhibited.Celosia cholesterol and blood sugar. It is known to reduce the
showed the presence of all the phytochemical risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, breast
constituents except saponin. However, the Amaranthus cancer, hypertension and gastrointestinal disorder
hybrides exhibited all the phytochemical constituents (Saldanha, 1995).
including saponin.Inulin was absent in Talinum The presence of secondary metabolites such as
triangulare, Hibiscus esculenta and Telfaria occidentalis alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoid and lnulin in the
while other phytochemical constituent were present. vegetables may contribute to its medicinal value. Some
However, Telfaria occidentalis did not exhibits the of these compounds are well documented to exhibit
presence of saponin. hypoglyceamic activity in animals (Akhtar et al., 1981).
Saponins inhibit Na+ efflux leading to higher Na+
IV. Discussion concentration in cells, thereby activating a Na+- Ca 2+
antiport (Schneider and Wolfing, 2004). This effect
Nutrients are necessary for life and good health; produces elevated cytosolic Ca 2+ which strengthens
these may be found in a number of different foods. The the contraction of the heart muscle and thereby reducing
general function of nutrients includes energy, building congestive heart failure (Schneider and Wolfing, 2004).
materials for body structures and regulations and Traditional leafy vegetables have proven nutritive value
control of body processes. The proximate analysis in terms of having more protein, minerals and
showed that the studied vegetables are good sources of carbohydrate than some exotic vegetables.
carbohydrate and protein; especially Vernonia
V. Conclusion
amygdalina and Corchorus olitorius. The carbohydrates
and proteins present in these vegetables may be a The vegetables sampled for analysis exhibited
conglomerate of bioactive sugars, glycoproteins or some forms of nutritional values which enable the plant
proteins which gives most of the vegetables their to be known for having therapeutic traces. It is to be
medicinal potency against certain diseases. noted that vegetables contain some certain nutritional

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Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of Some Common Vegetables in South-West, Nigeria

elements which will make the plants to be source glucose tolerance test. J Ethnopharmacol 64: 179-
nourishment for the body. It will also promote good 184.
health and proper functional mechanism in the body. 8. Edeoga HA, Okwu DE, Mbaebie BO (2005)
Phytochemical constituent of some Nigerian
References Références Referencias Medicinal Plants. African Journal of Biotechnology
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Global Journal of Science Frontier Research

Preliminary studies on the inorganic constituents of 2877-2883.

some indigenous hyperglycaemic herbs on oral
Table 1 : Nutritional values of some the vegetable samples.
Nutritional value of some Vegetable samples (g/100 g DM)
Samples Ascorbic acid Carbohydrate Protein Moisture Fiber
Ocimum gratissimum 189 3.9 5.4 32.2 11.5
Corchorous olitorus 170 27.1 28.2 27.5 9.2
Vernonia amygdalina 348 48.2 14.9 21.9 1.0
Solanum macrocarpon 340 6.4 4.6 85.6 1.6
Senecio biafrae 203 30 12.3 28 11.8
Celosia argentea 425 4.0 6.2 84 1.1
Amaranthus hybrids 408 7.0 4.6 86 1.8
Talinum triangulare 284 4.8 5 93 1.4
Hisbiscus esculenta 221 10.6 5.2 26.5 2.9
Telfaria occidentalis 345 6.9 4.7 92 2.7
Table 2 : Mineral contents of some the Vegetable samples.
Mineral contents of the samples (mg/100g)
Samples Ca K Mg Na Fe
Ocimum gratissimum 1.23 2.35 0.44 0.76 0.04
Corchorous olitorus 1.27 3.84 0.60 0.34 0.05
Vernonia amygdalina 2.26 3.76 0.46 0.04 0.03

© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of Some Common Vegetables in South-West, Nigeria

Solanum macrocarpon 2.43 5.67 1.93 4.56 0.07

Senecio biafrae 2.47 3.74 1,32 4.85 0.05
Celosia argentea 2.67 3.94 1.42 5.23 0.06
Amaranthus hybrids 2.06 4.83 2.54 6.85 0.13
Talinum triangulare 2.45 6.11 2.23 0.29 0.44
Hisbiscus esculenta 2.48 4.75 1.83 0.35 0.07
Telfaria occidentalis 1.74 2.46 0.66 1.18 0.04
Table 3 : Phytochemical Screening of some of the vegetable samples.
Samples Alkaloid Flavonoid Saponin Tannin Inulin
Ocimum gratissimum + + + + +

Corchorous olitorius + + + + +
Vernonia amygdalina + + + - +

Solanum macrocarpon + + + + -
Senecio biafrae + + + + -
Celosia argentea + + - + + 53
Amaranthus hybrides + + + + +
Talinum triangulare + + + + -

X Iss ue III Version I

Hisbiscus esculenta + + + + -
Telfaria occidentalis + + - + -
(+) = positive; (-) = negative

Volume XIV
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research

© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Year Phytochemical and Nutritional Constituents of Some Common Vegetables in South-West, Nigeria

Volume XIV Issue III Version I

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