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Research Article: ISSN: 0975-833X

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International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 6, Issue, 05, pp.6527-6530, May, 2014

ISSN: 0975-833X
*Gayathri, V. and Kiruba, D.

Department of Botany, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore – 641043, Tamilnadu, India


Article History: The plant Rhodomyrtus tomentosa is native to Southern and Southeastern Asia. The variety parviflora
Received 09th February, 2014 occurs in India and Srilanka. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa has been employed in traditional Thai medicine
Received in revised form to treat colic diarrhea, dysentery, abscesses, haemorrhage and gynecopathy. The present study was
06th March, 2014 carried out to evaluate the phytochemicals present in the leaf powder and also to study the fluorescent
Accepted 18th April, 2014 characters of the leaf powder. The phytochemical study showed the presence of terpenoids, quinones,
Published online 20th May, 2014 oil&fats and phenol in water, chloroform and ethanol extracts of the leaf powder. Flavonoid was
present only in chloroform and benzene extracts. The fluorescence analysis of leaf powder of
Key words: R.tomentosa showed varied colour with the treatment of different chemicals.
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Uses,
Phytochemical, Fluorescence, Analysis.

Copyright © 2014 Gayathri, V. and Kiruba, D. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION snake bites. In traditional thai medicine, it is also used to treat

colic diarrhea, dysentery, abscesses, haemorrhage and
Medicinal plants were used by people of ancient cultures,
gynecopathy (Wei, 2006; Ong and Nordiana, 1999). In
without the knowledge of their active ingredients. Some
addition, it has been used to formulate skin whitening, anti-
medicinal plants are used for remedy at household level.
aging and skin beautifying products. Ethnomedicinal activities
Medicinal plants have proved to be effective for prevention and
of this plant may be due to its antioxidant property.
cure of various disorders. Their use against digestive disorders
Phytochemicals are responsible for medicinal activity of plants
is very common at household level. Usually herbal medicines
and they have protected human from various diseases
are widely perceived by the public as being natural, healthful (Savithramma et al., 2011). Phytochemicals are basically
and free from side effects (Mordi and Akanji, 2012). In rural divided into two groups i.e., primary and secondary
areas, people suffer from common digestive disorders such as
metabolities (Kumar et al., 2009). Phytochemicals are defined
diarrhea, dysentery and food poisoning. The extract of
as bioactive non-nutrient plant compounds found in fruits that
medicinal plants in these cases raises the body’s immune
have been attributed to reduce the risk of major chronic
system and lowers the allergies (Sidhu et al., 2007). It is
diseases (Blessy et al., 2012). The major constituents of
generally known that the consumption of a variety of local
phytochemical consist of carbohydrates, aminoacids, proteins
herbs and vegetables by man contributes significantly to the
and chlorophylls, while, secondary metabolites consist of
improvement of human health, in terms of prevention and or
alkaloids, saponins, steroids, flavonoids, tannins, etc. (Kumar et
cure of disease because plants have long served as useful and
al., 2009).
natural source of therapeutic agents (Chevellier, 1996).

Rhodomyrtus tomentosa MATERIALS AND METHODS

Rhodomyrtus tomentosa comes under the family Myrtaceae. In the present study, dry sample of the medicinal plant,
The plant has been employed in traditional thai medicine. This Rhodomyrtus tomentosa leaf is used. A study was carried out
plant is an ornamental, evergreen shrub that grows up to four on the phytochemical aspects of the plant using different
meters height (Lavanya et al., 2012). In this plant, all the parts solvent extracts. Fluorescence analysis of the leaf powder was
of the plant are used to treat various digestive problems and also carried out.
diseases. The Chinese use the leaves as a pain killer, root to
treat heart burn and seeds as a tonic for digestion and to treat Collection of Plant sample

*Corresponding author: Gayathri, V. Department of Botany, Avinashilingam The fresh leaves of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa was obtained from
Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – Kengarai village in Nilgiri District of Tamil Nadu, India.
641043, Tamilnadu, India.
6528 Gayathri, V. and Kiruba, D. Phytochemical analysis of leaf powder extracts of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

Preparation of Leaf Powder Test for Anthocyanin

The leaves of the plant taken for the present study were NaOH Test
collected, cleaned and air dried under shade for about three
weeks. After drying, the leaves were then blended using a A small amount of extract was treated with 2ml of NaOH and
household electric blender. This fine powder was used for observed for the formation of blue green colour.
phytochemical and fluorescent analysis.
Test for Proteins
Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis
Ninhydrin Test (Acetone)
The leaf powder was dissolved in various solvents and the
preliminary phytochemical tests were carried out using Ninhydrin was dissolved in acetone. The leaf extract was
Harborne (1984). treated with ninhydrin and observed for the formation of purple
Test for Alkaloids
Test for Carbohydrates
Mayer’s Reagent
Molisch’s Test
To 1ml of the extract, 2ml of Mayer’s reagent was added.
Appearance of dull white precipitate indicated the presence of
Two drops of Molisch reagent was added to an aqueous or
hydrochloric acid solution of the extract and two ml of
Test for Flavonoids concentrated sulphuric acid was added by the side of the test
tube. The formation of reddish violet ring at the junction of the
To 1ml of extract, 1ml of neutral ferric chloride was added. The liquids indicated the presence of carbohydrates.
formation of brown colour confirmed the presence of
flavonoids. Test for Cellulose

Test for Steroids To 1ml of extract, a few drops of iodine solution were added
followed by a few drops of sulphuric acid. Dark brown (or) red
Lieberman-Burchard’s Test colour observed, showed the presence of cellulose.

The extracts were dissolved in 2ml of chloroform to which 10 Test for Fixed Oil and Fat
drops of acetic acid and five drops of concentrated sulphuric
acid were added and mixed. The change of red colour through To 1ml of extract, a few drops of Sudan III solution were
blue to green indicated the presence of steroids. added. A shining orange colour obtained showed the presence
of fixed oil and fat.
Test for Terpenoids
Fluorescence Analysis
Salkowski Test
The behaviour of the leaf sample with different chemical
Five ml of each extract was mixed in 2ml of chloroform and reagents and fluorescence characters of Rhodomyrtus
concentrated sulphuric acid (3ml) was carefully added to form a tomentosa were observed under ordinary and long ultra violet
layer. A reddish brown precipitate of the interface indicated the light.
presence of terpenoids.


To 1ml of extract, a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric The experiments conducted in Rhodomyrtus tomentosa for
acid were added. A yellowish brown colour was observed that phytochemical constituents and fluorescence analysis showed
showed the presence of quinone. the following results.

Test for Phenols Preliminary phytochemical analysis of leaves of R.

To 1ml of extract, lead acetate solution was added and the
precipitate formation indicated the presence of phenolic In the present study, a preliminary phytochemical analysis was
compounds. carried out to identify the active constituents such as alkaloids,
flavonoids, sterols, terpenoids, quinones, oil and fat, phenol,
Test for Starch starch, anthocyanin, protein, carbohydrate and cellulose present
in the leaves of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. Preliminary
To 1ml of extract, a few drops of iodine solution were added. phytochemical analysis of different extracts (ethanol,
Any characteristic colour change showed the presence of chloroform, benzene and water) of R. tomentosa showed the
starch. following results. The dried and powdered leaves of
6529 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 6, Issue, 05, pp.6527-6530, May, 2014

Table 1. Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

Test H2 O Ethanol Chloroform Benzene

Alkaloids + - + +
Flavonoids - - + +
Terpenoids + + + -
Quinones + + + -
Oil&fat + + + +
Sterols - - - -
Phenol + + + +
Starch + + + +
Anthocyanin - - - -
Protein + + - -
Carbohydrate + + - +
Cellulose + + + +
‘+’ - Present ‘-’ - Absent

Table 2. Fluorescence Analysis of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa

Treatment Leaf Powder Treatment with chemical reagent Observation

Visible light UV light (245nm)
T1 Leaf Powder Acetic acid Pale Green Pale Green
T2 Leaf Powder Picric acid Yellow Green
T3 Leaf Powder H2 SO4 Dark brown Green
T4 Leaf Powder FeCl3 Pale Brown Dark Green
T5 Leaf Powder 1N HCl Pale Green Pale Green
T6 Leaf Powder As such powder Green Green
T7 Leaf Powder HNO3 Pale Orange Brown
T8 Leaf Powder NaOH Brown Dark Green
T9 Leaf Powder H2 O Pale Green Pale Green

R. tomentosa were dissolved in different solvents viz., water, The fluorescence analysis of leaf powder of R.tomentosa showed
ethanol, chloroform and benzene and the extracts thus obtained different colour with the treatment of chemicals. When the
were analyzed for the presence or absence of secondary powder was used as such without any chemical, it was green in
metabolites. In R. tomentosa, among the four solvents used for colour under both visible and UV light. The leaf powder in
extraction, water, chloroform and ethanol showed the presence treatment with acetic acid, 1N HCl and water showed pale green
of terpenoids, quinones, oil & fats and phenol. Starch and colour under UV and visible light. When the leaf powder was
cellulose were found in all the four solvent extracts of leaves of treated with picric acid and H2SO4, it showed green colour under
R. tomentosa. The sterols and anthocyanin were completely UV light. The leaf powder showed brown, pale brown and dark
absent in all the four solvent extracts. Alkaloids were observed brown under visible light in treatment with NaOH, FeCl3 and
in water, chloroform and benzene extracts, but flavonoids were H2SO4 respectively. Yellow and pale orange colour was observed
observed only in chloroform and benzene extracts (Table-1). under visible light when the leaf powder was treated with picric
Protein was observed in water and ethanol extracts, whereas, acid and HNO3 respectively (Table-2).
out of the four solvent extracts, carbohydrate was observed in
three solvent extracts except chloroform. The phytochemical The present study is only a qualitative analysis of the medicinal
screening of crude methanol extract of Cinnamomum mercadoi plant. Further studies on the quantitative analysis of the various
indicated the presence of saponins, condensed tannins and bioactive compounds present in the medicinal plant could
leucoanthocyanins (Rosalinda et al., 2003). The phytochemical contribute significantly to the health management of man and
constituents play a significant role in the identification of crude could be recommended in our daily need of nutrition.
drugs and also to evaluate drugs derived from the plant sources
(Moses et al., 2013). The phytochemical screening of leaf of REFERENCES
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