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Thirsty Sword Lesbians - Advanced Lovers Lesbians Tables

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A Little Something Extra

Two-Person Play
If you want to play with just two people, you can either have one PC and
one GM, or make two PCs and share the GM role of introducing complica­
tions and narrating down beats for each other.

One PC, One GM

At character creation, invent two or three NPCs and answer the Relation­
ships questions for your playbook as if they were PCs. Assign them zero,
one, or two starting Strings, as you would for a PC.
Without other PCs, you have fewer options for clearing Conditions, since
no one can roll to give you Emotional Support. As a variant rule, each time
that you are vulnerable with an NPC who is offering you emotional support,
give them a String on you and pick an option from the Emotional Support
move as if they were a PC who had rolled 7–9.

Two PCs, Shared GM

No rules changes are needed, though you could introduce an important
NPC or two and include them in the Relationships and starting Strings. It’s
up to you how much you share the GM role: you could have a lead GM, take
turns, or fully share responsibilities.

Random Tables
Break out your dice and roll up some randomness with the tables on the
following pages!
While some tables require only one six-sided die, others are numbered 11
through 66. To use these tables, roll two six-sided dice, using the first die
for the tens digit and the other for the ones digit.


a little something extra

11 Android Agender ae/aer/aers
12 Beefolk Boi any
13 Birdfolk / Harpy Bulldyke beep/boop/boops
14 Bunnyfolk Butch co/co/cos
15 Cactusfolk Dad de/dem/der
16 Catfolk Demiboy de/der/ders
21 Chonky Bot Demigirl e/em/eir
22 Construct Dragon ey/em/eir
23 Dragon Fae fae/faer/faers
24 Faerie Femme fey/fem/faer
25 Flowerfolk Femmeby he/him/his
26 Foxfolk Flamboi hu/hu/hus
31 Gemfolk Flower it/it/its
32 Goblin Futch li/lir/lirs
33 Gorgon Genderqueer ne/ner/ners
34 Granitefolk Gendershrug none
35 Hologram Goblin nya/nyan/nyans
36 Kobold Grrrl one/one/ones
41 Lizardfolk Hard Femme per/per/pers
42 Mantisfolk High Femme she/her/hers
43 Marblefolk Himbo SHE/HER/HERS ALLCAPS
44 Merfolk Hive Drone she/sher/shers
45 Mimic Hive Queen she/shim/shis
46 Mossfolk Hive Warrior they/them/their
51 Nightmare Man thon/thon/thons
52 Octopusfolk Neutrois ve/vir/virs
53 Orc None vi/vix/vix
54 Salamander Robot xe/xym/xyr
55 Slimefolk Secret xe/xyr/xyrs
56 Snakefolk Shimbo ze/hir/hirs
61 Spiderfolk Soft Butch ze/zim/zir
62 Sword Stone Butch ze/zir/zirs
63 Treefolk Them Fatale zhe/zher/zhers
64 Vampire Wildfire e/er (ste/ster/sters)
65 Vocaloid Woman ❀e/❀eur (fle/fleur/fleur)
66 Werewolf Xenogender roll twice

* Consider including additional real-world genders and labels as well, with

appropriate respect, research, and safety tools in place.

a little something extra
1 Trans 11 A Few Piercings Acquisition
2 Genderfluid 12 Animal Print Addiction
3 Questioning 13 Beard Amusement
4 Multigender 14 Bonnet Belonging
5 Cis 15 Chrome Certainty
6 Intersex 16 Cologne Closeness
21 Combat Boots Curiosity
22 Delicate Gloves Domination
23 Denim Duty
24 Drawn-On Eyebrows Ego
25 Eyepatch Envy
26 Facepaint Expression
31 Fangs Fear
32 Fine Jewelry Freedom
33 Fluorescent Generosity
34 Fur Grief
35 Glasses Habit
36 Goggles Justice
41 Hairless Loyalty
42 Heels Novelty
43 Leather Peace
44 Many Piercings Pleasure
45 Painted Nails Prestige
46 Parasol Protect
51 Perfume Rebellion
52 Plaid Regret
53 Prosthetic Respect
54 Punk Revenge
55 Sandals Romance
56 Sideshave Routine
61 Sporty Cap Safety
62 Stripes Self-flagellation
63 Talons Shame
64 Tattoos Tired
65 Visor Touch
66 Work Boots Yearning


a little something extra

Conditions are open to interpretation to make the feelings suit your story.
Use these tables for inspiration or to flesh out a feeling inspired by a
1 Attacked Anxious Ashamed Despairing Defensive
2 Enraged Horrified Bad Friend Heartbroken Embarrassed
3 Frustrated Nervous Coward Lonely Inadequate
4 Indignant Panicked Failure Miserable Jealous
5 Irritable Terrified Regretful Sad
6 Vengeful Timid Sullen Rejected

Setting and Plot

IN A WORLD WHERE ____ ___________ ____ ...
1 Love always comes with pain
2 Color is threatened by grief
3 Body is made of commodities
4 Curiosity has conquered strict rules
5 Music is needed for demons
6 Touch has been replaced with fury

Toxic Powers
THIS TOXIC POWER IS A _______ THAT WANTS TO ______ ______.
1 Powerful church control love
2 Fringe cult obilterate joy
3 Corporation corrupt time
4 Cabal devour expression
5 Government perfect empathy
6 God steal life essence

a little something extra

11 A sentient generation ship
12 Undersea city sustained by hot vents
13 A PC's inner mental world
14 A villain's inner mental world
15 The digestive system of a great beast
16 Floating cities of Venus
21 A world beneath a sputtering sun
22 The canopy of a jungle where no one returns from below
23 A shifting labyrinth
24 Ruins of a giant, crashed vessel
A crossroads of a mundane trade route
25 and an otherworldly migration
26 The last orchard
31 Migrating turtle flotilla
32 The city of festivals
33 Balloon Town
34 The Great Library
35 Black-and-white land beyond the rainbow
36 A lawless port
41 Bunnygirl Burrow
42 Along the World River
43 Desert caused by life-draining sorceresses
44 Shadows of the arcology
45 Walking Skeleton Castle
46 The wall built between Dreaming and Nightmare
51 The Blood Nebula
52 Karaoke Barge
53 Immersive virtual world without escape
54 Behind the mirror
55 Glass desert
56 Volcano tomb of the cobra goddess
61 River canyons beneath the sandstorms
62 Mountain hot springs
63 Haunted university
64 Airship flying temple
65 The adamantine forge
66 The mysterious giant hand protruding from the ground

Playbook Specific

a little something extra

The Beast
Others start
1 Tattoo artist Monster hunter
Crackdown on
2 Your beast incarnate Your beast incarnate
Person-eater who Is your friend
3 Battling stylist
wants to be friends taking it too far?
Knew you before One who lost status Infiltrate a high
4 beasthood because of you society event
Conservative Only you can be
5 BBQ expert
relatives the fake date
Your beast form
6 Graffiti artist Dancing rival supposedly spotted
doing harm

The Bloody
Hired to guard a
Goes too far for the
1 Weaponsmith flirty, troublemaking
wrong reasons
community leader
Win community
2 Giver of last rites Revisionist historian prize money in
corrupt battledome
Paid a bribe Summoned to
The one who trained
3 to remove you recieve war medal,
you in combat
from combat and so was your ex
Uneasy alliance with
The only one
your lesbian nemesis
4 Sparring buddy who could beat
to overcome new
you in a fight
totalitarian regime
Singer who eases Sensationalist Framed for violence
5 memories of battle reporter within community
Attend a quiet
6 Battle surgeon Politician community tea party
without incident

a little something extra

The Chosen
Disaster strikes,
1 Advisor Advisor reminiscent of the
last time you failed
2 Devotee Devotee
bringing forth your
Tragic Aspects
A popular text
The One Who
3 Rival to Destiny defining who you are,
Refused the Call
not written by you
A cult leader is cast
4 Demanding spirit Destined foe aside; the cultists
want to follow you
A friend captured
Angry friend who
5 Duplicate Chosen in your stead; go
will kill for you
on or go back?
Disaster you could
Abandoned when
6 In it with you have averted by
you took up the call
hewing to Destiny

The Devoted
1 Rival from training Hostile superior Devotion accused
Comrade who
2 Your opposite Schism
saved you
The one you were Betrayal ordered
3 Comrade who left
forbidden to kiss by a superior
In it for the thrill Would-be martyr
4 Potential convert
of corruption from rival faith
Someone you Comrade who buried Tempted to
5 earned a scar to save their doubts deep break a tenet
Devotion pitted
Knows your doubts "Friend" who only
6 against another
better than you ever makes demands
The Dream Mirror

a little something extra

Someone who Share shelter with a
A dreamkind circus steals the spotlight fellow traveler with
1 set designer or fits in without unfamiliar dreams
even trying and desires
Outsmart a
Someone who
Someone who shapeshifting
likes it when you're
2 views you as a dreamkind lurking
not acting like
trophy to show off in a malicious
everyone else
house of mirrors
A dreamkind who
A numen of Distract a mob boss
3 likes exploring new
insatiable desire with a big show
things with you
Portrait artist who Move into a circus
Finishing school
4 captures you in arts school and
different styles find your place
An insecure
A mean girl who Search a surreal
deminumen who
5 wants you to join dreamscape for a
feels reassured by
her exclusive clique friend's lost hope
just your presence
A captivating Lose your way
A writer whose
dreamkind who in the snow and
6 stories inspire you
always keeps you convince a dragon
to try new things
just at arm's length to warm you up

The Ensemble
Trouble at the event
one partner was
1 Mutual sweetheart ex Mutual scary ex looking forward
to and the other
was dreading
2 Aroace cuddle friend Jealous monogamist Body swap
Shared responsibility
3 Friendly enabler Judgy family like a pet gets
absurdly large
4 Kinksmith Enemy Fusion Double date disaster
Someone who Profits off Fake not-dating
5 introduced them worst habits for a cover story
Fake(?) glimpse of a
6 Petsitter Parasitic slimesuit
heartbroken future

The Hologoddess
a little something extra


Stealthily broadcast
Ex-royal anarcho- The system architect an encrypted
1 transhumanist icon that designed you message while
everyone is watching
A coveted invite
Indie organ printing to the Sim Elation
Human supremacist
2 CEO and former Gala, a front-row
influencer seat to the season's
biggest breakup
Clairvoyant alien Illegal street race to
3 Social media censor
hive queen save your friend
Fight for a patch for
Unhoused other entertainment
4 cyberfeminist Tech oddity collector bots before
cryptanalyst their planned
Meet the one
Pirate AI who taught Rare materials
5 they're planning to
you your first flirt reseller
replace you with
Help recently
married friends find
Machine-rights Psychotherapist
6 a home (the stable
activist for abberant AIs
happiness that
you don't have)

The Infamous
Person you helped
1 Villain seen as a hero Framed
who believes in you
Guide on your Vengeful former Former comrade
2 new path comrade now even worse
Traitor to a good
Rascal who doesn't Protect someone
3 cause doesn't see
care about the past who distrusts you
the difference
Hunter who gave Self-righteous righteous
4 you another chance vigilante organization is
corrupt to the core
Former comrade A scary event has
Overbearing friend
5 thinks killing you will the people looking
sees you as a project
silence their doubts for spies or witches
Person who once
Attracted to your Ex who wouldn't
6 hunted you now
wicked aesthetic leave with you
wrongly targeted

The Investigator

a little something extra

Flesh-eating The newcomer A Toxic Power is
pathologist whom all the taking the blame
1 or vampiric ones you trust for something
phlebotemist blindly accept they didn't do
A flighty,
Gossipy conspiracy A train full of people
disorganized fan
2 theorist newspaper with convoluted
who ruins your
vendor connections!
crime scenes
One who praises
Whistle-blower still Someone you trust
your vigilance
3 struggling with appears to have
and encourages
reprecussions joined a cult
your distrust
The persuasive,
Hyper-reliable Trapped with your
logical authority
roommate who crush in a mansion
4 figure who shares
hasn't realized with secret passages
your goals—but
they love you and hidden doors
not your means
Flawlessly dressed You are receiving
A victim who has
receptionist for unsigned letters
5 internalized a Toxic
a Toxic Power revealing others'
Power's beliefs
who leaks info secrets
Pressed by the
The one who held authorities to hand
An inscrutable and
6 you when you over incomplete but
polite stranger
were betrayed damning information
about someone

The Legion
Cherished Rennovations to an
1 Museum curator
younger sibling important place
An artifact that
2 An immortal Jealous ghosts
shows lost memories
A pen pal—there's Member of a
A warning from
3 always a record of historical society
your future self
your friendship obsessed with you
Rumors of a
Fanfic enthusiast Always blindsided
4 who loves happy by their love
portal under
endings (and betrayal)
Remembers your Cute novice time A plan for an
5 favorite food, even traveler accidentally uneventful trip to
if you don't undermining you the hot springs
Someone new to A meeting that was
Hypnotist who
6 town, and new planned hundreds
uncovers too much
to your cycle of years ago

a little something extra
The Matriarch
The mom or parent Loud, bigoted Overthrow PTA-led
1 you look up to new neighbor shadow government
The source of The one bullying Adult vacay time
2 your caffeine your family member crashed by assassins
The godparent,
Overbearing Liberate teens from
3 odd-parent, or
parent-in-law abusive foster home
honorary auntie
Contacted by the
Child Protective
4 Urgent care nurse child you put up
for adoption
Media programmer
Librarian by day, Keep the streets
5 brainwashing
libertine by night safe and clean
your family
Make your kid's first
The one who gets
6 The demanding boss date (or playdate)
you away from it all
a success

The Naga
Infiltrate poacher lair
Hot-blooded Guide for exotic
1 and get info on their
cuddle buddy hunting trips
traps and ambushes
Protect protesters
2 Reformed ex-cultist Private investigator being targeted by
state violence
A family member's
3 partner with Mistaken identity!
complicated motives
Get injured
An anti-colonialist An overly curious friend through
4 community educator neighbor treacherous territory
to safe house
Be someone's
5 Civil rights lawyer Rare jewel auctioner fake date on their
family visit
Someone who
Theater geek who believes your
Recover nagamani
6 loves costumes nagamani will
from trade show
and accents cure their fatally
ill loved one

The Nature Witch

a little something extra

1 Sentient squirrel Trophy hunter Fancy social event
Protective old Con artist who
2 Land exploitation
friend from home senses cluelessness
Resents that
your innocence Unexpected
3 adventuresome
hasn't gotten migration
you hurt more
Someone needs
Whispers on advice whether
4 Wrathful werebunny
the wind to take a risk on
their dream
Someone has been
5 Sappy dryad Fake benefactor
turned into an animal
Gardener who loves Animal trained Someone even more
6 the feel of soil for violence awkward needs you

The Scoundrel
You lost a bet You won a bet Last two tontine
1 to them with them survivors
You forget Stuck in a
2 Jilted ex
their name small space
Wake up with
Knew you before no recollection
3 Foe you seduced
you were like this of the person
sharing the bed
Your last "conquest"
Previous owner
4 Hot stranger was actually
of your sword
using you
Protective family Someone is broken-
Seamstress who
5 of someone you hearted and
gives you a discount
slept with needs comfort
Rival who won't A parent or mentor
6 One who got away
invite you to the fun is in trouble

The Seeker
Goofball bad
1 Former mentor A secret summons
The Authority's
2 Questioning poet Militant enforcer
Unlikeable Enemies
Doubters seek
3 Amateur witch Social enforcer
Omens significant
4 Oblivious temptress Zealous family
to the Authority
Raised in a One with a Blackmailed by
5 different cult claim on you another Toxic Power
Still hiding Imbued with Need help from an
6 their doubts Authority Magic Authority figure
a little something extra

The Spooky Witch

Friend who turned Cuddly monster
1 Captive Creatures
into a fuzzball asshole
Newly-awakened Power-hungry Conflict among
2 witch wizard Unseen
Rival with more A created monster
3 The Moonbeam spirit
power than sense breaks free
Person forgotten Guardian of Someone wants
4 by most the divide to not be seen
Would do anything Scattered keys
5 Imaginary friend to see the can open doors
Unseen again between realms
6 I think it's a friend? Wants to fix them A fake haunting

The Sun Hand

Invited to a toxic
Organized, results-
1 Trivia Night MC institute specializing
oriented ally
in your obsession
The friend who New love interest Perilous quest
2 always comes who encourages for the ultimate
back for seconds risky behavior sourdough starter
Naturalist who Manipulative mentor Gather intel on a Toxic
3 shares rare herbs, who always has an Power at a lesbian
spices, and stories engaging anecdote speed dating event
The childhood friend Someone powerful
who always buys your wants to commision
4 emotionally
first new creation, no you to make a
parasitic monster
matter what it is problematic pastry
One who takes credit Save the community
5 Plant girl
for your ideas libary from vampires
Someone with Help your crush
6 cold hands and A foul-weather friend reconcile with
a warm smile their best friend
a little something extra
The Trickster
1 Mask-smith Same mask Find blackmail
2 Flamboyant actor Catgirl burglar Steal the magic eye
Undemanding Secure the
3 Nothing but mask
hobby friend secret recipe
4 Buys the act 100% Wants to shape them Prison break
Only the one
Pretends they Knows they care and
5 beneath the mask
don't know how to hurt them
can save the day
Thinks they're Obsessed Find the spy in
6 someone else investigator your midst

The Troubadour
Patron's new Religious propaganda
1 Roadie
business rival against music
Someone whose Booby-trapped
The one your biggest
2 honesty is unclouded or sabotaged
angsty hit was about
by your fame music festival
Hired to play at your
Sentient musical AI created to be the
3 lover's wedding to
instrument perfect pop idol
corporate sellout
The toxic fatale your Remastered albums
4 Patron's ex-fiance
fans ship you with inexplicably changed
Ravenous sound- After-party cursed
5 First bandmate ever
devouring harpy to never end
Help your mentee
6 Fashionista Big label rep
score a patron


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