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Itec 8500-Research Article Annotations-Walker-S

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Purpose of Study Research Question(s) Participants Research Design/Methods Results/Findings Implications for MY work/thinking

Whether MU students used the MSC website,

why they did
The purpose of this study was to survey or did not engage, whether or not they used Students wanted additional Students want more resources and need a
students who used a mathematics support online resources on the MSC website and the Participants included 99 Maynooth resources. Students wanted "a working knowledge of how to use the
website and to discuss potential modifications reasons University students who use the more precise breakdown of resources. Teachers should work together to
Mac an L.Bhaird,
& Roy,C.,
J. Mulligan,
(2019). A great
P., & O'Malley,
to the platform.
J. (2020). Student perspectives on their why.
engagement with a mathematics support centrewebsite.
website. MSOR Connections. 18(3), 4-9.
Design resources." share resources as they find them.
resource that should be utilised
more, but also a place of anxiety:
Student perspectives on using an
online discussion forum. Open We need to "offer better support
Learning: The Journal of Open, in developing appropriate
Distance and e-Learning, 37(3), strategies to improve the learning
235-250. What are student perspectives about experiences of all students." The purpose of this study was to determine the participating in tutoring forums? What Participants included 429 studen "Online environments by student Online forums for learning are a great resource
3.2019.1644159 students feeling about participating in a practices and factors cause anxiety or from the Open University and 61 learners continues to be seen as for teachers and students alike. I would like to
mathematics tutoring forum. reluctance to enter an online'space? tutors Qualitative Design something desireable." find a place for using online forums in my class.

Blended learning should be used in the

This study found a notable classroom to help engage students. Not all
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between students' students enjoy using digital resources.
students' use of blended learning and develop a Participants included 85 students "cognitive presence and critical However, some do. This is why it is important
model to measure blended learning who actively participated in blended thinking skills in blended learning to include as many types of resources as
Alismaiel, O. A. (2022). Develop a New
Model to Measure the Blended Learning Environments Through Students’ Cognitive Presence
and Critical
Thinking Skills. International
Journal of
Emerging Technologies environments.
in Learning, 17(12),
" 150–169.
possible, to reach more students.

The purpose of this study was to get student The resources were effective, but I think digital resources are a great asset to help
feedback following Exact questions were not stated in the article, it is important to be sure that the both teachers and students. However, to save
resource testing and to consider how to gage but it states were asked to rate the usefulness Participants included over 1,600 first resources are working correctly time for both students and teachers it is
student engagement with the resources of resources and to share their experiences year MTU students in June 2020 and Mixed design both qualitative and and that students know how to important that students fully know how to use
Palmer, C., Rourke, S. O., Carroll, C., Manning, D., Cogan, P., & Morari, V. (2022). Digital
and Resources
attitudes towards
for Targeted
Mathematics Support.
Connections, 20(2), 26–36. quantitative
use them the resource.

Leong, Y. H., Yeo, B. W. J., & (1) What were the design principles adopted This study found that when
Choy, B. H. (2022). Instructional by the teacher and how were they applied Professional development is Teachers will feel more comfortable in
Materials as a Site to Study The purpose of this study was to show the when crafting the set of instructional materi- focused on teacher-designed implementing new methods if given the
Teachers’ Planning and Learning. effects of teachers creating their own curriculum als? (2) How did PD infuence the mix of these curriculum, there is a willingness freedom to create their own lessons. I think
Mathematics Education Research to include goals while receiving professional design principles as revealed in the changes in There was a singular participant, a Mixed design both qualitative and in teachers to include these new that seeing the usefulness for any pd makes a
Journal, 34(3), 575–598. development. the drafts of the instructional materials? year 7 mathematics teacher. quantitative ideas in their work. difference in participation.

Juang, Y.-R., Liu, T.-C., & Chan, T.- Can the 3C-model improve teacher
W. (2008). Computer-Supported performance in developing PCK? Can the 3C- This research was conducted in a
Teacher Development of model facilitate teacher collaboration in primary school in Taiwan. The
Pedagogical Content Knowledge developing curriculum and PCK? Can the school had 58 classes, 110 teachers, The model used for PD can increase PCK and
through Developing School-Based This study presented a model for pedagogical supporting tools constructed based on the and over 1900 students. Of the 110 Collaboration. Both of these aspects are
Curriculum. Educational content knowledge known as the 3c-model. The three mechanisms enhance the performance teachers, 77 enrolled in the The model was found to increase important in education. Collaboration allows
Technology & Society, 11(2), study gaged teacher pedagogical content of the research, and 69 were willing to do Mixed design both qualitative and teacher pedagogical content for teachers to share ideas and resources, thus
149–170. knowledge and collaboration. PCK development of teachers? the evaluation activities. quantitative knowledge and collaboration helping teachers perform better and save time.

Glaze, A., Moyer-Packenham, P.,

& Longhurst, M. (2021).
Teachers’ Conceptions of The study found that there was
Mathematics and the Use of no connection in the teacher's
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Questions were included questions about the conception and the use of the
Calculators, Dynamic Geometry use of digital tutoring systems, graphing tutoring software. It also found I agree with the study. Tutoring/Extra practice
Software and Desmos in the The purpose of this study was to investigate the calculators, and Desmos (an online calculator). that there was strong connection software can be easily used for differentiation,
Classroom. Journal of Computers relationship between teachers' conception of Other questions were included about the Participants were 93 junior high in the teacher's connections but an online calculator like desmos can be
in Mathematics and Science math and the use of digital tutoring resources teachers conceptions of Mathematics school math teachers from 3 Mixed design both qualitative and score and the use of graphing used as a visual aid, and discovery type lessons.
Sharp, L. A., & Hamil, M. (2018). for instruction in math classes.
40(3), 201–227. inventory. districts in the midwest quantitative calculators. I use both types of resources in my classroom.
Impact of a Web-Based Adaptive
Supplemental Digital Resource on The study found a positive effect I'm surprised that using digital resources did not
Student Mathematics of the use of supplemental digital improve test scores at the high school level.
Performance. Online Learning, What impact does high usage of Think resources and students' However, I think as a high school math teacher,
22(1), 81–92. Through Math© have on student performance mathematics performance at digital resources still have a place. They can be The purpose of this study was to explore the with STAAR Participants were 723 students from elementary and junior high level helpful for differentiation and meeting a
1.1133 impact of a webadaptive digital resource. mathematics assessments? a north Texas school district. Quantitative Design but not the high school level. student where they are.

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