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Implementation and Challenges Encountered in Online Comprehensive Examination

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio

San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)

College of Teacher Education

Implementation and Challenges Encountered in the On-line

Comprehensive Enrichment Examination


This study was conducted to determine the implementation and challenges encountered
in the on-line comprehensive enrichment examination of the Bachelor of Secondary Education
and Bachelor of Elementary Education in the Urdaneta City University during the Second
Semester of School Year 2018-2019. Particularly, the study determined the profile of the
respondents namely course and major, Comprehensive Enrichment Program enrolled/completed
and the gadgets used in taking the on-line quiz. It also determined the extent of implementation
of comprehensive enrichment program in terms of attainment of the objectives and strategies
employed in its implementation. Likewise, it also looked into the challenges encountered in the
on-line comprehensive enrichment examination.The conclusions are drawn based on the findings
of the study: (1) Majority of the respondents in terms of profile variable major were BEED-
Generalist students who were enrolled/completed the different Comprehensive Enrichment
Program using smartphones in taking online quizzes/activities; (2) the objective of CEP on-line
program is attained but needs improvement on its target to provide remedial reviews and it
identify the strengths and weakness; (3) among the six challenges encountered in the
implementation of Comprehensive Enrichment Program, internet connection garnered the highest
weighted mean of 3.63 and described as often. In addition, mobile application has a lowest
average weighted 2.49 and described as sometimes respectively; and (4) there is a significant
relationship between the CEP 1 and the challenges encountered in the on-line comprehensive
enrichment examination. Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers recommend the
following: (1) the College of Teacher Education should make a more comprehensive program for
the Comprehensive Enrichment Program as it is included in the curriculum, (2) the College of
Teacher Education should endeavor to come up with review materials to be provided to the
students, (3) the university administration should provide accessible and excellent internet
connection commensurate to the internet fee being paid by the students, (4) Rationalization of
the correct answer should be conducted after taking the on-line quiz, (5) flyers should be given
for massive information dissemination on the conduct of Comprehensive Enrichment Program,
and (6) the College of Teacher Education should address the needs of the students for review
session provision for classroom and teacher in charge of the different subject areas.

Key words: Implementation, Challenges, On-line Comprehensive Enrichment


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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
Teacher Education, the program primarily
INTRODUCTION aims on the following objectives: a) to
assess the performance of the students
Background of the Study through on-line quizzes/activities in the
As a response to the call of needs of different subjects like English, Mathematics,
society, Urdaneta City University who was Science and Social Science, b) to determine
founded by Dr. Pedro T. Orata the “Father the strength and weakness of the students
of Barrio High School” movement and in the subject areas covered in the online
pioneering the belief of EFA known as review, c) to offer remedial reviews to
Education For All (The Community School address the weaknesses of the students in
and the Mother Tongue: Dr. Pedro T. Orata the subject areas conversed in the online
on Multilingual Education, 2010). Given the assessment and d) prepare the students in
College of Teacher Education in taking the Licensure Examination for
collaboration with the Development Center Teachers. Through online classroom via
promotes the pursuit of academic excellence Edmodo, all the reading materials and
as one of the core commitments of the activities will be done (Programs and
university. To attain this, the institution Procedures Manual, 2017).
embarks on a program to assist in the
Since the Comprehensive
attainment of academic excellence by
Enrichment Program was designed in a
developing and enriching the students’
virtual learning environment, students join
abilities, knowledge, and skills to prepare
Edmodo at the invitation of their teachers
them to become globally competitive.
using a unique code the teacher generates
To realize the call for the need to within their Edmodo account. They can only
enhance the students’ academic access groups to which they have been
performance through review sessions, the invited by their teachers. Edmodo is an
College of Teacher Education integrated the educational technology company offering a
Comprehensive Enrichment Program as part communication, collaboration, and coaching
of the revision of the curriculum in 2014. platform to K-12 schools and teachers. The
Upon its approval the Commission of Higher Edmodo network enables features to share
Education, the Comprehensive Enrichment content, distribute quizzes, assignments,
Program was implemented during the and managed communication with students,
academic year 2015-2016. colleagues, and parents. These are the core
features of the Edmodo: a) groups are
The Comprehensive Enrichment
closed private networks and can be set up
Program (CEP) is a zero (0) unit program
by teachers of classes, b) communication
design for the students in the College of

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
stream where group posts appear in especially useful where the large numbers of
members’ streams while users can filter it by students are concerned.
group assignments, alerts, quizzes, later
It is, therefore, in this context that
replies and more, c) assignment which
the researchers were motivated to conduct
created be teachers and distributed to their
the study entitled “Implementation and
students using the assignment post feature,
Challenges Encountered in the On-line
d) quizzes features includes the ability for
Comprehensive Enrichment Examination.”
teachers to create quizzes, edit and load
previously created quizzes and e) profile
page which the teachers and students can Theoretical Framework

create profile summarizing and tracking Context evaluation

themselves as professionals or learners

Context evaluation helps to assess the
( 2019, refer to Appendix G
needs and opportunities within a defined
pg. 62-68. for the actual application).
context or environment (Stufflebeam &

According to Tan et al. (2010), as Shinkfield, 2007). The objectives of context

students increasingly become involved in evaluation are to define, identify, and

online activities, there is need to study their address the needs of the target population,

online reading habits students are no longer identify the problems and assess if the goals

interested in printed material because of the are responsive to the desired needs or not

availability of the enormous amount of the (Khuwaja, 2001; Stufflebeam, 2001). The

reading material and other activities online. different types of methods for the evaluation

The use of e-assessment generally and of context include surveys, document

online test, in particular, has increased in reviews, data analysis, and interviews

higher education over the last two decades. (Stufflebeam, 2003). The curriculum must

This is a corollary of reduced resources for be considered in context, or “big picture,” of

teaching and increased student numbers, where the program “lives.” A context

meaning academics are required to do more evaluation looks at the fit of a course within

with less while adapting to the increasing a framework, be that university, college, or

usage technology (Donnelly, 2014). community. It can determine

Additionally, Gipps (2005) also point of opportunities/strengths and weaknesses

efficiency and pedagogic reasons for using that can influence the program (Mertens

online test. The automated marking the and Wilson, 2012). Context includes the

feedback, online tests are viewed as highly program‘s written and published vision,

efficient, fast and reliable, making them mission, and goals and should be compatible
and aligned with the task of the institution

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
as it is offered. These serve as the basis for
the development of the curriculum.

Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Figure 1 on the next page shows
the conceptual paradigm of the study that This study aimed to find out the

served as a pattern of the study. implementation and challenges encountered

in the On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment
It is divided into two parts: the
Examination. Specifically, this study sought
independent variable which consists of the
to answer the following questions:
respondent’s profile namely; age, sex, civil
status, highest-educational attainment, 1. What is the respondent’s profile in terms

length of teaching experience, number of of:

years on teaching using mother tongue, a. course and major;

relevant training, philosophy in teaching; b. Comprehensive Enrichment

and the dependent variable which contain Program enrolled/completed; and

the teaching approaches and challenges c. Types of gadgets used in taking

encountered. the On-Line quizzes/activities?

Conceptual Paradigm
2. What is the extent of implementation of
Independent Dependent the Comprehensive Enrichment Program in
Respondent’s Profile The extent of terms of:
implementation of the
a. Course and major Comprehensive a. attainment of the objectives; and
Enrichment Program in
b. Comprehensive terms of: b. strategies employed in its

Enrichment Program  Attainment of the implementation?

 Strategies 3. What are the challenges encountered in
c. gadgets used in taking employed
the On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment
Comprehensive Enrichment Challenges encountered
in On-Line Examination along with:
Program Comprehensive
Enrichment a. gadget specification;
b. Internet connection;
c. Mobile application used;
Figure 1. The Paradigm was showing the
d. On-Line quiz/activities;
independent variables and dependent
e. information dissemination; and
variables used in the study.
f. interventions offered?

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education

4. Is there a significant relationship between Significance of the Study

the challenges encountered by the
The results and findings of the study
respondents across their course and major,
will provide significant research-based
Comprehensive Enrichment Program
information to the following:
enrolled/completed and types of gadgets
used in taking online quizzes? Urdaneta City University. This
study will provide information, to provide

Research Hypothesis accessible technology-based facilities/

services to support the academic program of
Based on the specific problems of
the university.
the study, the hypothesis was formulated in
null form and tested at .05 level of College of Teacher Education. This

significance. study will provide information on the

implementation of the Comprehensive
There is no significant relationship
Enrichment Program and offer remedial,
between the challenges encountered by the
measures to address the problem/challenges
respondents across their course and major,
as basis for improving the program.
Comprehensive Enrichment Program
completed and types of gadgets used in Education Students. The results of

taking the On-Line quizzes. this study will help students taking up the
Comprehensive Enrichment Program to fully
understand its implementation and equipped
Scope and Delimitation of the Study them with strategies to address the
problem/challenges encountered in taking
The study primarily aimed to
the Comprehensive Enrichment Program.
determine the extent of implementation and
challenges encountered in the On-Line Future Researchers. The result of
comprehensive enrichment examination. this study will be the basis in pursuing
The Bachelor of Secondary Education and related researches to assess further the
Bachelor of Elementary Education students effectiveness/impacts of the Comprehensive
enrolled in the different Comprehensive Enrichment Program in the performance of
Enrichment Program during the Second the students as a preparation for the Board
Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019 and those who Examination.
have completed all the Comprehensive
Enrichment Program were the subjects of
the study. Definition of Terms

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
To ensure a better and usual year BSE and BEED students were the
understanding of terms used in the respondents catered in this program.
research, the following terms have been
CEP 3. It refers to the Mathematics review,
lexically and operationally defined:
covering the topics of Fundamentals of
Implementation. It refers to an act or Mathematics, College Algebra, and Statistics.
instance of implementing something: the The third-year BSE and BEED students were
process of making something active. In this the respondents catered in this program.
study, it pertain to the process of executing
CEP 4. It refers to the Social Science
the Comprehensive Enrichment Program for
review, covering these topics: Philippine
the College of Teacher Education students in
History, Politics and Governance, and
the Urdaneta City University.
Current Events. The third-year BSE and
Challenges. It refers to something new, BEED students were the respondents
which requires effort and determination. In catered in this program.
this study, it defines as a circumstances and
CEP Completed. Refers to the group of
difficulties encountered by the students on
BSE and BEED students who have finished
their Comprehensive Enrichment Program.
and passed all the Comprehensive
On-Line. It refers to the connection Enrichment Programs (CEP 1 - CEP 4).
through a system, especially a computer or
Edmodo. It refers to an educational
telecommunications system. In this study, it
technology company offering a
describes as the activities done in the
communication, collaboration, and coaching
comprehensive enrichment program, which
platform to K-12 schools and teachers. The
involves the challenges encountered by the
Edmodo network enables features to share
content, distribute quizzes, assignments,
CEP 1. It refers to the English review, and managed communication with students,
covering the topics of Spelling, Vocabulary colleagues, and parents.
and Grammar, and Reading Comprehension.
The second-year BSE and BEED students
were the respondents catered in this METHODOLOGY

This chapter presents a discussion

CEP 2. It refers to the Science review, on the methods of research and in the

covering the topics of Biological Science, making of this study. This includes the

Earth Science, and Chemistry. The second- research design, respondents of the study
and sampling scheme, data gathering

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
instrument, collection of data and where, e = .05, the margin of error
procedure, ethical consideration, validation,
and statistical tools for data analysis.
Data Gathering Instrument
Research Design
The data gathering instrument was
Research design refers to the overall
a questionnaire-checklist. The questionnaire
strategy that you choose to integrate the
consisted of three parts. Part I is the
different components of the study in a
personal profile of the respondents such as
coherent, and logical way, thereby, ensuring
name (optional), course and major,
you will effectively address the research
Comprehensive Enrichment Program
problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the
enrolled/completed and types of gadgets
collection, measurement, and analysis of
used in taking the Comprehensive
data (Mohamed Ismail Mohideen Bawa,
Enrichment Program. Part II dealt on the
2017). The research method design that
extent of implementation of the
was used in this study is descriptive
Comprehensive Enrichment Program in
research. This means descriptive study
terms of attainment of the objectives and
gathers quantifiable information was used
strategies employed. Lastly, Part III the
for statistical inference of the respondents
challenges encountered in the
through data analysis.
implementation of the Comprehensive
Respondents of the Study and
Enrichment Program. The researchers with
Sampling Scheme
their adviser developed the questionnaire-
The respondents of this study were checklist and validated by the five experts of
the Bachelor of Secondary Education and the Urdaneta City University.
Bachelor of Elementary Education students
of the Urdaneta City University who were
enrolled in the different Comprehensive Ethical Consideration

Enrichment Program during the Second

The ethical issues were considered
Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019 and those who
to ensure the safety of the researchers while
have completed all the Comprehensive
conducting the research. It is the
Enrichment Program.
responsibility of the researchers to design a

The Slovin’s formula was used to project which will not infringe on the rights

determine the sample size, as shown below: and safety of the respondents. This is why,
during research, a researcher must promise
n= 2
to protect the information given in
1+ Ne

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
confidence by the respondents (Akaranga & respondents upon the date of April 6 - 19,
Makau, 2016). 2019.

Honesty and objectivity also

observed in this study. All the data and Tools for Data Analysis
results were certified with no biases nor
The data were subjected to
self-deception. The perspective of the
statistical procedures, which are as follows:
researchers does not affect the response of
the respondents during the data gathering. 1. To answer problem number one (1) on
the profile of respondents, namely: course
and major, CEP enrolled/completed and type
Collection of Data and Procedures of gadgets used, the frequency counts and
percentage were employed.
The researchers requested for the
official master list of the Bachelor of 2. To describe the extent of implementation
Secondary Education and Bachelor of of the Comprehensive Enrichment Program
Elementary Education students who were in terms of attainment of the objectives, the
enrolled in the various Comprehensive following classification were used:

Enrichment Program during the Second Descriptive

Point Mean Scale
Semester A.Y. 2018-2019 from the Office of Equivalent
3 2.34 – 3. 00 Fully Attained
the University Registrar. Furthermore, the
2 1.67 – 2.33 Attained
researchers also requested from the
1 1.00 – 166 Not Attained
Development Center the list of the students
Moreover, to describe the extent of
who have completed all the Comprehensive
the implementation of the Comprehensive
Enrichment Program (CEP 1 - CEP 4). The
Enrichment Program in terms of strategies
questionnaire-checklist, which was
employed in its implementation, the
developed by the researchers with their
following categories were utilized:
adviser was validated by the five experts
from Urdaneta City University (UCU). The Descriptive
Point Mean Scale
suggestions and comments of the validators 5 4.20 – 5.00 Excellent
4 3.40 – 4.19 Very Good
were considered in the improvement of the 3 2.60 – 3.39 Good
questionnaire-checklist and were distributed 2 1.80 – 2.59 Fair
1 1.00 – 1.79 Poor
to the respondents of the various
3. To determine the challenges encountered
Comprehensive Enrichment Program (CEP1-
in the On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment
CEP4). Data gathering, using the validated
Examination, the weighted mean was
questionnaire-checklist, was done to the
employed. The 5-point scale range was

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
shown below were used to categorize and and types of gadgets used. The researchers
interpret the responses: requested the list of names of the

Point Mean Scale Equivalent
5 4.20 – 5.00 Always
4. To answer problem number four (4) the
4 3.40 – 4.19 Often
significant relationship between the profile 3 2.60 – 3.39 Sometimes
2 1.80 – 2.59 Seldom
of the respondents along course and major, 1 1.00 – 1.79 Never
respondents who were currently enrolled in
CEP enrolled/completed, types of gadget
Comprehensive Enrichment Program and the
used and the challenges encountered in the
overall population of those who have
implementation of the Comprehensive
completed the Comprehensive Enrichment
Enrichment Program (CEP) Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Coefficient was used.
Table 1 presents the respondents’
profile as course and major, Comprehensive

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Enrichment Program completed and types of

gadgets used.
This chapter deals with the Table 1
Respondents’ Profile
presentation, analysis, and interpretation of n = 355
Profile Variables Category Frequency Percentage
data gathered. Results are presented in
Generalist 31.5
tabular form together with the analysis and Course and Major
Generalist with
26 7.3
27 units of
interpretation of the findings in relation to ECE
Generalist with
the stated problems of the study such as 1) 27 units of
4 1.1

profile of the respondents in terms of course BSE

33 9.3

and major, Comprehensive Enrichment BSE Science 33 9.3

BSE English 23 6.5
Program enrolled/completed and types of BSE Filipino 53 14.9
BSE Social
gadgets used, 2) attainment of the Studies


objectives and strategies employed in the CEP 1 38 10.7

Comprehensive CEP 2 111 31.3
Enrichment Program
Comprehensive Enrichment Program and 3) Enrolled/Completed CEP 3 135 38.0

CEP 4 196 55.2

gadget specification, internet connection, Completed 159 44.8

mobile application, On-Line quiz/activities, Smartphones 228 64.2

information dissemination, and interventions Types of Gadgets Used Laptop 76 21.4

Desktop 148
offered. 58.0

Course and major. Majority of the

Respondent’s Profile Variables respondents in terms of the profile variable
The respondents’ profile was major were the BEED-Generalist with the
namely: course and major, Comprehensive frequency of 112 or 31.5 % of the total
Enrichment Program enrolled/completed, number of respondents. Followed by the

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
BSE Filipino with the frequency of 53 or 14.9 but also for educational purposes like
%, BSE Social Studies with 37 or 10.4 %, searching and answering the online quizzes.
BSE PHEM 34 or 9.6 %, BSE Mathematics
and Science with both 33 or 9.3 %, BEED- The Extent of Implementation of the
Generalist with 27 units of ECE in 26 or 7.3 Comprehensive Enrichment Program
%, BSE English with 23 or 6.5 % and the Table 2 presents the attainment of
least number is in BEED-Generalist with 27 the objectives. The objectives of the
units of SPED in a count of 4 or 1.1 % of Comprehensive Enrichment Program are: a)
the total number of respondents. to assess the performance of the students
Comprehensive Enrichment through On-Line quiz/activities in the
Program completed. The respondents subjects like English, Mathematics, Science
were dominated by those who have and Social Science; b) to determine the
enrolled/completed the CEP 4, which strengths and weaknesses of the students
includes the total number of respondents in the subject areas covered in the On-Line
from CEP 1, CEP 2, and CEP 3 with the quiz; c) to offer remedial reviews to address
frequency of 196 or 55.2%. The rest were the weaknesses of the students in the
distributed on the CEP 3 which includes the different subject areas covered in the On-
total number of respondents from CEP 1 and Line review; and d) to prepare the students
CEP 2 with the frequency count of 131 or in taking the Licensure Examination for
36.9%, CEP 2 also have the total number of Teachers were listed with varying weighted
respondents from CEP 1 with the frequency mean.
count of 111 or 31.3% and the least of the Table 2
The Extent of Implementation of the Comprehensive
Enrichment Program in the Attainment of the
respondents have enrolled/completed CEP 1 Objectives
n = 355
with 38 or 10.7%. The frequency of 159

represents the sample of respondents who 1. To assess the performance of the

students through on-line
quizzes/activities in subjects like 2.43 FA
have finished and passed all the CEP English, Mathematics, Science, and
Social Science.
programs (CEP 1 – 4). 2. To determine the strengths and
weaknesses of the students in the 2.32 A
Types of gadgets used. Most of different subject areas covered in the
On-Line comprehensive examination.
the respondents used smartphones with the 3. To offer remedial reviews to
address the weaknesses of the 2.10 A
frequency of 228 or 64.2%, some used students in the different subject areas
covered in the On-Line review.
desktop with 148 or 58.0%, and the rest 4. To prepare the students in taking
2.35 FA
the Licensure Examination for
used the laptop with 76 or 21.4%. It implies Teachers.
Overall Weighted Mean 2.30 A
that the smartphones were handy, easy to
use, and it is part of the basic necessity of
On the four (4) listed objectives of
the students not only for the communication
the Comprehensive Enrichment Program,

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
number one (1) objective which was stated students with one another; assessment
as to assess the performance of the should be objective and individually
students through On-Line quizzes/activities accountable but must evaluate the
in subjects like English, Mathematics, attainment of dispositions such as creativity,
Science and Social Science garnered the leadership, and imagination.
highest weighted mean of 2.43 described as These contradictory views led some
fully attained. Number four (4) objective to criticize the current state of assessment
stated as to prepare the students in taking in higher education, arguing that it has little
the Licensure Examination for Teachers was effect on educational quality and that
obtained the mean value of 2.35 and also accrediting agencies require institutions to
described as fully attained. invest time and resources into collecting
On the other hand, objective evidence on student learning even though it
number two (2) stated as to determine the does not improve academic quality (Gilbert,
strengths and weaknesses of the students in 2015).
the different subject areas covered in the Table 3
The Extent of Implementation of the Comprehensive
Enrichment Program in Strategies Employed
On-Line review and objective number three n = 355
(3) to offer remedial reviews to address the 1. Orientation is made known to the
Comprehensive Enrichment Program 3.92 VG
weaknesses of the students in the subject (CEP) takers.

2. Schedule of orientation is posted 3.73 VG

areas conversed in the On-Line review strategically in the campus.

obtained the mean values of 2.32 and 2.10 3. Use of Edmodo as a tool for 3.69 VG
examination was elaborated.

respectively and described as attained. This 4. Availability of internet provides speedy 3.01 G
retrieval of information.
indicates that the objectives of the On-Line 5. Monitoring of Comprehensive
3.19 G
Enrichment Program re-takers was done.
comprehensive enrichment program can be
6. Coverage of examination was fully
2.68 G
improved and it cannot be aimed for the discussed.
7. Sufficient materials are given to
attainment of the objectives. Those activities students for easy reference of the said
2.53 F

used in the program were not enough, and 8. Comprehensive Enrichment Program
3.52 VG
(CEP) results were posted in the bulletin
there’s a need to have an intensive review of information.

9. Review materials are available for

on the content of online quizzes/activities. Comprehensive Enrichment Program
2.43 F
As Boud (2000) explains,
10. Rationalization of examination was 2.89 G
assessment in higher education is Overall Weighted Mean 3.16 G

confronted with challenges that represent

multiple and sometimes contradictory Table 3 presents the strategies
responsibilities: assessment is meant to employed in the Comprehensive Enrichment
inform student into those who pass and Program. Among the ten (10) strategies
those who fail; assessment measures employed in the Comprehensive Enrichment
learning outcomes but also compares Program, four (4) indicators namely:

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San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
number one (1) on orientation is made to it only once, Aiken et al., (1975).
known to the Comprehensive Enrichment Students often need to review the learned
Program (CEP) takers; number two (2) material, for example, when studying for
schedule of orientation is posted exams. One potentially effective review
strategically in the campus; number three strategy is the active retrieval of learned
(3) use of Edmodo as a tool for examination material from memory, was prompted by
was elaborated; and number eight (8) testing knowledge of the learned content.
Comprehensive Enrichment Program (CEP) The finding that testing is superior to
results were posted in the bulletin of restudying the learning material is called the
information were described as very good testing effect or retrieval practice effect
and obtained the following mean values of (Roediger and Karpicke, 2006).
3.92, 3.73, 3.69 and 3.52 respectively.
Furthermore, the four (4) indicators Table 4
Challenges Encountered in the On-line Comprehensive
namely: number five (5) on monitoring of Enrichment Examination along Gadgets Specification
n = 355
Comprehensive Enrichment Program re- 1. Inadequacy of gadgets that
3.27 So
requires system specification.
takers was done; number four (4)
2. Incompatibility of gadget
3.10 So
availability of internet provides speedy system specification with the
mobile application.

retrieval of information; number ten (10) 3. The low storage capacity of 3.00 So
gadget to store data.
rationalization of examination was 4. Slow operating system to
3.21 So
run the gadget used on
conducted; and number six (6) coverage of quizzes.

5. Outdated gadget’s software

examination was fully discussed were was resulting in slow 3.02 So
functioning of computer or
described as good with the mean values of phone.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.12 So
3.19, 3.19, 3.01 and 2.89 respectively. On
the other hand, indicators number seven (7) Table 4 presents the challenges
sufficient materials are given to students for encountered in the implementation of the
easy reference of the said program and Comprehensive Enrichment Program along
number nine (9) review materials are with the gadget specification. Indicator one
available for Comprehensive Enrichment (1) on inadequacy of gadgets that requires
Program takers were described as fair with system specification obtained the highest
mean values of 2.53 and 2.43 respectively. mean of 3.27, indicator four (4) on slow
This indicates that review materials were operating system to run the gadget used on
essential before administering an quizzes got the mean value of 3.21 while
assessment to the learners. indicator two (2) on incompatibility of
Learners tend to remember less gadget system specification with the mobile
learning content when reading or listening application has a mean value of 3.10,

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San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
indicator five (5) on outdated gadget’s 5. The sudden shutdown of network
3.12 So
software was resulting in slow functioning of Overall Weighted Mean 3.63 O

computer or phone got the mean value of

3.02. The inadequacy of gadgets that Table 5 presents challenges
requires system specification got the highest encountered in the implementation of the
weighted mean of 3.27 and described as Comprehensive Enrichment Program along
sometimes. Therefore, this implies that the the internet connection. Among the five (5)
gadget used by the students in taking an challenges below, indicator number (2) on
On-Line quiz requires an equal and same not accessible internet connection in the
specification. university obtained the highest mean value
According to Punawarman, of 4.04, indicator number one (1) slow
Susilawati & Sundayana 2016, the problem internet connection for the retrieval of
that aroused in an On-Line learning information got the mean value of 3.79.
environment is that taking an On-Line Furthermore, indicator number
assessment leads to a lack of students’ three (3) interrupted internet connection
engagement due to incompatible devices. due to technical problems has a mean value
An incompatible device such as smartphone of 3.66 and indicator number four (4)
was served as severe problems for students. unable to connect continuously within the
The incompatible device used provides a allotted time for quizzes got a mean value of
limited access to the features of the online 3.51 was described as often.
application (Edmodo). As a result, students These imply that internet connection
could not participate actively in the teaching is the most problem of the students in
and learning process using the On-Line. On taking online quizzes and it has a big part in
the other hand, indicator number three (3) taking the On-Line quiz. According to
on the low storage capacity of gadget to Istanbul International Academic Conference
store data obtained the lowest mean value Proceedings, 2015 the internet connection
of 3.00. All the obtained mean value was obstacles are concerned as one of the main
described as sometimes. challenges in taking the on-line quiz using
Table 5
Challenges Encountered in the On-line Comprehensive Edmodo, this can be because there is no
Enrichment Examination along Internet Connection
n =355 available college Wi-Fi for students; instead,
INDICATORS WM DE they have to use their network data on their
1. Slow internet connection for the
3.79 O
retrieval of information.
mobile phones. Based on their findings, the
2. Not accessible internet 4.04 O
connection in the university. low-speed internet connection problems
3. Interrupted internet connection
due to technical problems.
3.66 O
tend to be one of the most challenges
4. Unable to connect continuously 3.51 O among students. Indicator number five (5)
within the allotted time for quizzes.

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
on the sudden shutdown of network services one (1) on unfamiliarity with Edmodo
obtained the least mean value of 3.12 and application got the mean value of 2.46 and
described as sometimes. It implies that the lastly, indicator number five (5) on
respondents encountered minimal technical confusing options and keys obtained the
problems. According to Gil 2019, Your lowest mean value of 2.45. All the obtained
Internet Service Provider (ISP) might be a mean values were described as seldom. It
fault certainly, but there are other factors to implies that 21st-century learners were
look at before assigning blame. Some of literate in using different technologies for
these slow points are within your control educational purposes.
and was fixed with a little do it yourself the According to Prensky 2001, today’s
effort. student was immersed in a variety of
technologies from a young age. As such,
they was described as “wired” or “digitized,”
Table 6
Challenges Encountered in the On-line Comprehensive
but even these tags are outdated almost
Enrichment Examination along Mobile Application
n =355 upon arrival. This first generation to grow
INDICATORS WM DE up in society immersed in technology are
1. Unfamiliarity with Edmodo 2.46 Se
application. called “digital natives.”
2. Unclear elaboration on the 2.54 Se
use of Edmodo as a tool for an The Internet is a high information
online quiz.
2.52 Se
media for adolescents. Today’s often are
3. Difficulty on signing in with
Edmodo application.
portrayed as digital natives, the generation
4. Not user-friendly interface. 2.48 Se

5. Confusing options and keys. 2.45 Se born into the Internet age (Palfrey & Gasser,
Overall Weighted Mean 2.49 Se
2008), who form their identities as digitally
literate users through a variety of literacy
Table 6 presents the challenges
encountered in the implementation of the
Table 7
Comprehensive Enrichment Program along Challenges Encountered in the On-line Comprehensive
Enrichment Examination along On-line Quiz/Activities
n = 355
mobile application. Among the five (5) INDICATORS WM DE

challenges, indicator number two (2) on 1. Unfamiliar items are given in the
3.27 So
On-Line quiz.

unclear elaboration on the use of Edmodo 2. Too challenging items given in

3.49 O
some areas.
as a tool for an online quiz obtained the 3. Insufficient time to answer
3.34 So
questions in the On-Line quiz.
highest mean value of 2.54 and described as
4. Unavailable information on the
seldom, indicator number three (3) difficulty correct answer of the test items.
3.65 O

on signing in with Edmodo application has a 5. Unavailable results of scores after

2.84 So
taking the On-Line quiz.
mean value of 2.52, indicator number four Overall Weighted Mean 3.32 So

(4) on not user-friendly interface obtained

the mean value of 2.48, indicator number

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
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College of Teacher Education
Table 7 presents the challenges Challenges Encountered in the On-line Comprehensive
Enrichment Examination along Information
encountered in the implementation of the n = 355
Comprehensive Enrichment Program along 1. Unfamiliarity with Edmodo
2.46 Se
with On-Line quizzes or activities. The two 2. Unclear elaboration on the use of
Edmodo as a tool for an online 2.54 Se
(2) challenges stated in indicator number quiz.
3. Difficulty on signing in with
2.52 Se
four (4) on unavailable information on the Edmodo application.

4. Not user-friendly interface. 2.48 Se

correct answer of the test items and
5. Confusing options and keys. 2.45 Se
indicator number two (2) on too challenging Overall Weighted Mean 2.49 Se

items given in some areas were encountered

often by the respondents obtained the mean Table 8 presents the challenges

values of 3.65 and 3.49 respectively. encountered in the implementation of the

In addition, the three remaining Comprehensive Enrichment Program along

challenges stated in indicator number three with information dissemination. Among the

(3) insufficient time to answer questions in five (5) challenges, indicator number one (1)

the On-Line quiz, indicator number one (1) not well informed on the Comprehensive

unfamiliar items given in the On-Line quiz Enrichment Program orientation garnered

and indicator number five (5) on unavailable the highest mean value of 2.65 and

results of scores after taking the online quiz described as sometimes.

obtained the mean values of 3.34, 3.27 and Moreover, indicator number four (4)
2.84 and described as sometimes on unavailable bulletin of information for
respectively. The unavailable results of posting of quiz results has a mean value of
scores after taking the On-Line quiz has the 2.61 and also described as sometimes,
lowest mean value of 2.84 and described as indicator number two (2) on unclear
sometimes. objectives of the program got mean value
The result shows that the of 2.49, indicator number three (3) on
respondents encountered the problem most unorganized scheduling of online quizzes
of the time regarding viewing the results of obtained the mean value of 2.49 and lastly,
the scores after taking the online quiz. It is indicator number five (5) on failure of the
very essential for the students to see the application to notify the upcoming quiz
results of their activities to assess their obtained the lowest mean value of 2.46 and
knowledge about the quiz given. It is also described as seldom.
implied that the respondents encountered The result shows that there should
difficult questions during the On-Line be an improvement in disseminating
quizzes. information for the students to be well
Table 8 informed about the program. According to

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
Ordoñez and Serrat, (2017) dissemination is in indicator number three (3) on student’s
best described as the delivery and receipt of evaluation of the program was not
a message, the engagement of an individual conducted, indicator number (5) on feed-
in a process, or the transfer of a process. backing on the program was not conducted
Dissemination serves three broadly different and indicator number one (1) on monitoring
purposes: awareness, understanding, and of Comprehensive Enrichment Program re-
action. Indeed, effective distributing of a takers is not done regularly obtained
knowledge product will most likely require themean values of 3.32, 3.26 and 3.03 and
that it satisfies all three in turn: utilization of described as sometimes respectively. The
goals. result shows that the implementation of
lacks intervention because of insufficient
review materials and not provided
Learners tend to remember less
Table 9
Challenges Encountered in the On-line Comprehensive learning content when reading or listening
Enrichment Examination along Interventions Offered
n = 355
to it only once Aiken et al., (1975). Students
1. Monitoring of Comprehensive
Enrichment Program re-takers 3.03 So often need to review the learned material,
was not done regularly.
for example, when studying for exams. One
2. Insufficient review materials
3.47 O
were provided for reference of
the students. potentially effective review strategy is the
3. Student’s evaluation of the 3.32 So active retrieval of learned material form
program was not conducted.

4. Classroom-based were not 3.42 O memory, was prompted by testing

knowledge of the learned content. The
5. Feed-backing on the 3.26 So
program was not conducted.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.30 So
finding that testing is superior to restudying
the learning material is called the testing
Table 9 the challenges encountered effect or retrieval practice effect (Roediger
in the implementation of the Comprehensive and Karpicke, 2006).
Enrichment Program along with Table 10
Summary of Challenges Encountered in the
interventions offered. Among the five (5) Implementation of On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment
challenges, indicator number two (2) on INDICATORS AWM
insufficient review materials were provided A. Gadget Specification 3.12 Sometimes
B. Internet Connection 3.63 Often
for reference of the students got the highest
C. Mobile Application 2.49 Seldom
mean value of 3.47 and described as often. D. Online Quiz/Activities 3.32 Sometimes
Moreover, indicator number four (4) on E. Information Dissemination 2.54 Seldom
F. Interventions Offered
classroom-based were not provided has a 3.30 Sometimes
Overall Weighted Mean 3.07 Sometimes
mean value of 3.42 and described as often.
While the three remaining challenges stated

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
Table 10 presents the profile and literate with the use of technology,
variable on course and major obtained an R- especially when it comes to the mobile
value of .012 and significant lower of .816, application. The Internet is a high
which is higher than the significant value information media for adolescents. Today’s
of .05 and described as not significant. often are portrayed as digital natives, the
Therefore, there is no significant relationship generation born into the Internet age
between the course and major and the (Palfrey & Gasser, 2008), who form their
challenges encountered in the On-line identities as digitally literate users through a
Comprehensive Enrichment Examination. variety of literacy activities.
Among the six (6) challenges Table 11 presents the summary of
encountered in the implementation of the the challenges encountered in the On-Line
Comprehensive Enrichment Program (CEP), Comprehensive Enrichment Examination. In
indicator (B.) Internet Connection garnered terms of the profile variable CEP
the highest average weighted mean of 3.63 enrolled/completed, CEP 2 obtained an R-
and described as often. It implies that Table 11
Pearson Correlation Results Showing the Relationship
between the Challenges encountered in the On-line
internet connection has an impact when it is Comprehensive Enrichment Examination and their
not available during the online quizzes. It is n=355

a basic need of the students, especially on

online activities. According to Istanbul
International Academic Conference
Proceedings, 2015. Internet connection
obstacles were concerned as one of the
main challenges in taking the online quiz
using Edmodo this can be because there is
no available college Wi-Fi for students;
instead, they have to use their own network
data on their mobile phones. Based on their
findings, the low-speed internet and
connection problems tend to be one of the
major challenges among students.
On the other hand, the indicator
(C.) Mobile Application got the lowest
average weighted mean of 2.49 and
described as seldom. It indicates that the
21st-century learner today, including the
respondents in this study were very familiar

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
Respondent’s Pearson
Challenges challenges encountered in the
Encountered in Remarks
Profile Correlation
the CEP
Comprehensive Enrichment Program.
Moreover, on the profile types of
Course NS
Sig. (2-tailed) .816
gadgets used, it obtained the r-value of .019
N 355
and significant level of .724 which is higher
.138** than the significant value of .05 and
Sig. (2-tailed) .009
S described as not significant. Therefore,

N 355 there is no significant relationship between

Pearson the type of gadget used and the challenges

encountered in the Online Comprehensive
Sig. (2-tailed) .319
Enrichment Examination.
N 355

Sig. (2-tailed) .160
This study aims to determine the
N 355
implementation and challenges encountered
in Comprehensive Enrichment Program
Sig. (2-tailed) .082
(CEP) among the Bachelor of Secondary
N 355 Education and Bachelor of Elementary
Education students of Urdaneta City

Over Gadget NS
Sig. (2-tailed) .724
It sought to answer the following
N 355
questions: problem number one (1) dealt
with the profile of the respondents on
value of .053, CEP 3 got an R-value of .075
course and major, CEP enrolled/completed
and CEP 4 with an R-value of .092 and
and types of gadgets used in taking on-line
significant levels of .319, .160 and .082
quiz. Problem number two (2) extent of
which are higher than the significant value
implementation of the Comprehensive
of .05 and described as not significant. On
Enrichment Program in terms of attainment
the other hand, CEP 1 garnered an R-value
of the objectives and strategies employed.
of .138 with a significant level of 0.009,
Problem number three (3) dealt with
which is lower than the significant value of .
challenges encountered in the On-Line
05 and described as significant. Therefore,
Comprehensive Enrichment Examination
as the profile variable answers the CEP
namely gadget specification, internet
enrolled/completed, CEP 1 showed a
connection, a mobile application used, on-
significant relationship between the

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
line quizzes/activities, information 2. Most of the respondents defined
dissemination, and interventions offered. the objective number one (1) as fully
The descriptive method of research attained with the mean value of 2.43 and
was employed with the 355 students of the the least which is the objective number
College of Teacher Education, which were three (3) and described as attained with the
selected according to the sample taken from mean value of 2.10. Among the ten (10)
the overall population. A questionnaire strategies employed in the Comprehensive
checklist was used to gather data on the Enrichment Program indicator number one
respondent’s profile, the extent of the (1) was described by the students as Very
implementation and challenges encountered Good in implementing the CEP with the
in the On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment mean value of 3.92 while they described the
Examination. least strategy which is the number nine (9)
The researchers collected, as fair with the mean value of 2.43.
organized, and interpreted the data 3. With the challenges encountered
obtained from the checklist. Respondent’s by the BEED and BSE students of Urdaneta
profile was described with frequency and City University they encountered problems:
percentages, the extent of the First, along Gadgets Specification which is
implementation in terms of attainment of the number one (1) inadequacy of gadgets
the objectives and strategies employed was that requires system specification with the
used weighted mean and descriptive mean value of 3.27 indicated as sometimes.
equivalent, and the challenges encountered Second, a problem along Internet
in the On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment Connection is the number two (2) not
Examination was also used weighted mean accessible internet connection in the
and descriptive equivalent. university which often encountered with the
mean value of 4.04. The third problem along
FINDINGS Mobile Application, which is the number (2)
Given the problems raised in the unclear elaboration on the use of Edmodo
study, salient findings are the following: as a tool for an on-line quiz with the mean
1. Majority of the respondents in value of 2.54 was described as seldom.
terms of profile variable major were BEED - Fourth along with the online quiz/activity,
Generalist students of Urdaneta City the number one (4) problem, which is
University (112 or 31.5%), dominated by unavailable information on the correct
those who have been completed the CEP answer of the test items with the mean
(196 or 55.2%) and mostly used mobile value of 3.65 was described as often. The
smartphone (228 or 64.2 %). fifth problem they encountered along with
the information dissemination the number

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Urdaneta City University Research Portfolio
San Vicente West Urdaneta City (BEED-GENERALIST)
College of Teacher Education
one (1) not well informed on the 4. There is a significant relationship
Comprehensive Enrichment Program between CEP 1 and the challenges
orientation with the mean value of 2.65 was encountered in the On-Line Comprehensive
described as sometimes. Lastly, along Enrichment Examination.
interventions offered the number two (2)
insufficient review materials were provided RECOMMENDATIONS
for reference of the students with the mean As a result of the findings and
value of 3.47 was described as often. conclusions made, the researchers gave the
4. There is a significant relationship following:
between the CEP 1 and the Challenges 1. The College of Teacher Education
Encountered in the On-Line Comprehensive should:
Enrichment Examination with an R-value of .  Make a more comprehensive
138. program for the Comprehensive
Enrichment Program as it was included
CONCLUSIONS in the curriculum.
Based on the results of the findings  Give flyers for massive information
of the study, the researchers arrived at the dissemination on the conduct of
following: Comprehensive Enrichment Program.
1. Majority of the respondents were  Address the needs of the students
BEED - Generalist students who for review session provision for
enrolled/completed the different classroom and teacher in charge of the
Comprehensive Enrichment Program using different subject areas.
smartphones in taking online quiz/activities. 2. The College of Teacher Education
2. The objective of the CEP On-Line should endeavor to come up with review
program is attained but needs improvement materials to be provided to the students and
on its target to provide remedial reviews rationalization of the correct answer should
and to identify the strengths and weakness. be conducted after taking the On-Line quiz.
3. Challenges were encountered in 3. The university administration should
the On-Line Comprehensive Enrichment provide accessible and excellent internet
Examination; internet connection described connection to the internet fee was being
as often. On-line quizzes/activities, paid by the students.
interventions offered, and gadget
specification described as sometimes,
respectively. On the other hand, information REFERENCES
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