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Shotgun Metagenom

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Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

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Temporal shotgun metagenomics of an Ecuadorian coffee fermentation

process highlights the predominance of lactic acid bacteria

Vasileios Pothakos a,1, Luc De Vuyst a, ,1, Sophia Jiyuan Zhang a, Florac De Bruyn a, Marko Verce a, Julio Torres b,c,
Michael Callanan d, Cyril Moccand d, Stefan Weckx a
Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels,
Nestlé R&D Centre Tours, 101 Avenue Gustave Eiffel, B.P. 49716, 37097 Tours Cedex 2, France
Nestlé Ecuador, El Inca, EC 170124, Quito, Ecuador
Nestlé Research, Route du Jorat 57, Vers-chez-les-Blancs, CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland


Article history: Temporal shotgun metagenomics of multiple samples of an Arabica wet coffee fermentation process, which was exam-
Received 21 October 2019 ined microbiologically and metabolomically before, was performed to complement these microbiological and bio-
Received in revised form 29 January 2020 chemical data with an in-depth in silico analysis of the structure and functions of the coffee microbiome. The
Accepted 11 February 2020
taxonomic analysis of a massive sequence dataset of ca. 16 Gbp identified >150 microbial species and distinguished
three successive, microbial phases: (i) enterobacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and some yeasts prevailing at the start;
(ii) lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the second phase; and (iii) acid-tolerant LAB at the end of the fermentation process.
Coffee bean fermentation The functional analysis of prokaryotic genes, based on ca. 138,000 coding sequences, facilitated the gene repertoire
Wet processing overview of this ecosystem, showcasing differences in each fermentation stage. Initial prototrophic characters, plant
Shotgun metagenomics cell wall-degrading activities, and pectinolytic activities were followed by a more auxotrophic and saccharolytic micro-
Taxonomic analysis bial profile, due to an increasing relative abundance of LAB. The almost full genome of 22 bacterial species was recon-
Functional analysis structed and additional coffee-specific features were identified. This temporal metagenomic analysis of a case of
Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides reproducible wet coffee fermentation processes carried out in a coffee plantation near Nanegal, Ecuador, constitutes
a breakthrough for the study of wet coffee processing and the contribution of the growth and activities of different mi-
croorganisms, in particular LAB, to this process.

1. Introduction polysaccharides, such as cellulose), simple carbohydrates (mainly glucose

and fructose), citric acid, malic acid, free amino acids, and phenolic com-
Coffee is among the most valuable traded commodities worldwide, pounds, which can be used as nutrients or co-substrates by bacteria and
exhibiting increasing global production, export, and consumption (ICO, n. yeasts (Silva, 2014; Waters et al., 2017). Whereas there are still conflicting
d.). Arabica coffee occupies the largest proportion of the market. This is views regarding the contribution of microorganisms in pectin degradation
due to its superior quality, which is attributed not only to inherent geno- during coffee processing, the other compounds can be degraded fast by
typic traits of Coffea arabica cultivars (Batista and Chalfoun, 2014; the microorganisms present, yielding alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones,
Sakiyama and Ferrão, 2014) but also to the post-harvest processing applied, and organic acids. Such microbial activities result in a pH decline from
in particular the wet processing method (Avallone et al., 2001; Brando and above 6.0 to 4.0 or lower in the fermentation water (De Bruyn et al.,
Brando, 2014; De Bruyn et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2019). The implementa- 2017; Zhang et al., 2019; Pereira et al., 2015; Feng et al., 2016). However,
tion of an underwater fermentation in a concrete tank, during which micro- the fermentation step can also be detrimental for the coffee cup quality, if it
organisms deplete the mucilaginous layer of the coffee cherries, which is not conducted properly, as undesirable microorganisms generate metab-
firmly adheres onto the beans (seeds), is crucial for flavour enhancement olites, such as short-chain fatty acids (e.g., butyrate and propionate), con-
(Brando and Brando, 2014; Velmourougane, 2013; Lee et al., 2015). In par- tributing to off-flavours (Brando and Brando, 2014; Avallone et al., 2002;
ticular, the mucilage contains high concentrations of pectins (next to other Silva et al., 2000, 2008). Consequently, the chemical composition of
green coffee beans, resulting from wet processing of coffee cherries, is di-
rectly impacted by the diverse microorganisms thriving on the coffee cherry
⁎ Corresponding author. substrates (Avallone et al., 2002; Batista et al., 2009; Pereira et al., 2017).
E-mail address: (L. De Vuyst). The characters of the green coffee beans acquired will be transformed dur-
Equal contribution. ing roasting and will ultimately determine the sensorial attributes of a cup
2590-2628/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

of brewed coffee (Waters et al., 2017; Vaughan et al., 2015; Pereira et al., Bucaramanga, Colombia), yielding 150 kg of depulped beans that were
2019). then transferred into a clean concrete fermentation tank (1 m × 2 m
The microbial ecology of a coffee fermentation process can be highly × 2 m). Clean water was added to the depulped coffee beans until they
variable. Enterobacteria, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria were fully submerged and the whole mass was left to ferment spontane-
(AAB), bacilli, yeasts, and filamentous fungi can be involved (Waters ously. After 16 h of fermentation (further referred to as standard fermenta-
et al., 2017; Feng et al., 2016; Pereira et al., 2017; Masoud et al., 2004; tion), half of the fermenting mass was withdrawn and the mucilage-free
Carvalho Neto et al., 2017; Carvalho et al., 2018). Consequently, findings beans were consecutively washed, soaked for 24 h, and sun-dried. The re-
concerning the predominant microorganisms are in several cases controver- maining half was left in the tank until it reached a total fermentation time
sial, as fermentation is attributed to either enterobacteria, LAB, or yeasts, in of 64 h, which corresponded with a time point that the decreasing pH sta-
turn depending on the respective technological parameters or geographical bilized (referred to as extended fermentation), before it was further proc-
conditions of the processes carried out (De Bruyn et al., 2017; Zhang et al., essed (Fig. 1A). Samples of coffee beans and fermentation water (±
2019; Pereira et al., 2017). Although the role of each microbial group is not 500 g) were withdrawn at six time points (i.e., 0, 8, 16, 24, 36, and 64 h, re-
yet clear and systematic approaches to study this are lacking, several at- ferred to as samples F0, F8, F16, F24, F36, and F64, respectively) during the
tempts to apply starter cultures for standardizing the sensorial profiles of coffee fermentation process by means of a metal cup equipped with an ex-
coffee have already been carried out (Pereira et al., 2015, 2014, 2016; tendable shaft, always after the fermenting mass was stirred well. These
Evangelista et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2013; Velmourougane and time points reflect the start, the middle, and the end of both the standard
Shanmukhappa, 2008; Carvalho Neto et al., 2018). fermentation process and the extended fermentation period. The pH of
A comparative study conducted on both wet and dry coffee processing each sample was measured with a digital pH meter (WTW, Weilheim,
under different technological practices has outlined the variations in the Germany) immediately. Subsequently, all samples were frozen at −20 °C
microbial structures along the post-harvest coffee processing chain and for transport to Belgium.
the chemical profiles of the green coffee beans (De Bruyn et al., 2017). A de-
tailed study, encompassing amplicon sequencing and metabolite target 2.2. Metagenomic DNA extraction
analysis, conducted on a wet coffee processing chain, from the harvested
coffee cherries to the green coffee bean production, in an Ecuadorian Total community DNA was extracted from 100 g of fermenting coffee
farm has unravelled the importance of LAB during the underwater fermen- beans plus 100 g of fermentation water of the six samples taken as a func-
tation step. The importance of LAB was also underlined upon amplicon se- tion of time separately, resulting in six metagenomes, following an in-
quencing of Colombian coffee fermentation samples (de Oliveira Junqueira house metagenomic DNA extraction protocol (De Bruyn et al., 2017). This
et al., 2019). To further decipher the pivotal stage of this underwater fer- was based on consecutive enzymatic lysis steps coupled to mechanical
mentation during wet coffee processing, the multiphasic approach of the and chemical disruption of the microbial cells, targeting filamentous
latter studies lacked a shotgun metagenomic approach, which enables to fungi, yeasts, and bacteria simultaneously.
map the whole microbial community structure in much more detail and
to predict the functional traits of the microorganisms involved. Whereas 2.3. Sequencing, sequence data quality control, and pre-processing of the se-
in most cases of food fermentation processes amplicon sequencing is still quence reads
applied, the number of shotgun metagenomic analyses increases
(Illeghems et al., 2012; Jung et al., 2011; Salvetti et al., 2016; Wolfe The metagenomic DNA of each of the six samples was fragmented into
et al., 2014), albeit that combined taxonomic and functional meta- pieces with an average size of 550 basepairs (bp), using the Covaris M220
pathway reconstruction analyses are rare (Illeghems et al., 2015). device (Covaris, Brighton, UK). PCR-free libraries were created using the
The present study aimed at a shotgun metagenomic analysis of multiple KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (Sopachem, Eke, Belgium) according to the manufac-
samples of an underwater fermentation process on a temporal scale, as part turer's instructions, introducing a unique barcode per sample (De Bruyn
of a wet coffee processing carried out before on an Ecuadorian farm (Zhang et al., 2017). After a 0.4× and 0.65× bead:DNA size selection, using
et al., 2019). In particular, it aimed to delineate the structure and function Agencourt AMPure XP magnetic beads (Analis, Suarlée, Belgium), the size
of its microbial ecology, thereby investigating the shifts of its microbiome, of the fragments in the final libraries was controlled using an Agilent
the source tracking of its microbial members with respect to the natural 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Diegem, Belgium). Their concen-
habitat of the coffee plantation and processing handlings, as well as identi- trations were measured using a fluorescence-based method (Qubit 2.0; Life
fying the core and transient microbiota. Further, it targeted the mining of Technologies, Ghent, Belgium). All libraries with a concentration above
metabolic traits, mechanisms, adaptations, and plausible interactions, 1 ng/μl and a concordant size range were quantified, based on qPCR
through gene prediction and annotation of the metagenomic reads or using a LightCycler 480 II (Roche Diagnostics, Vilvoorde, Belgium) and
contigs to determine the potential functional role of distinct microbial spe- the KAPA Illumina Library Quantification Kit (Sopachem). Subsequently,
cies that increase or decrease in relative abundance and are whether or not all libraries were diluted to a concentration of 2 nM. Per sequencing run,
involved in wet coffee processing. three libraries were pooled equimolarly prior to denaturation with NaOH,
followed by a dilution to 7 pM and final paired-end (PE) sequencing by
2. Material and methods means of an Illumina MiSeq sequencer (Illumina, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands) and a MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (600-Cycle; Illumina). Library
2.1. Wet coffee processing experiments and sampling preparation and sequencing were performed at the Brussels Interuniversity
Genomics High Throughput core facility BRIGHTcore (Jette, Belgium).
A large-scale, wet coffee processing experiment was carried out at the The sequence reads obtained were demultiplexed and quality-
farm of a coffee plantation near Nanegal, Ecuador (Nestlé Ecuador; latitude processed using Trimmomatic-0.36 (Bolger et al., 2014). In addition,
and longitude coordinates, 0°11′25.8″N and 78°40′41.4″W; altitude, the sequence reads were subjected to technical sequence removal in pal-
1329 m;'25.8%22N indrome mode (i.e., using Nextera PE adapters), allowing for two mis-
+78%C2%B040'41.4%22W/@0.190509,-78.678155,13z/data=!4m2! matches. These adapter seeds were extended and clipped if in the case
3m1!1s0x0:0x0) in June–July 2015, as described before (Zhang et al., of PE reads a score of 30 was reached or in the case of single-ended
2019) (Fig. 1). At this research station, coffee fermentations are carried reads a score of 10 was reached. Further, sequence reads needed to
out in a reproducible way. Ripe coffee cherries belonging to the cultivar have an average quality score above 15, scored using a 4-base sliding
of C. arabica L. var. Typica were selectively handpicked and stored in plastic window, and leading and trailing bases were trimmed in the case that
bags until an adequate amount of approximately 300 kg was obtained. The the base scores were below 20. Only high-quality sequence reads with
coffee cherries were depulped mechanically (UCBE 500; Penagos, a minimum read length of 50 bases were further considered. Each

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

Fig. 1. Overview of the large-scale, wet coffee processing experiment carried out at a coffee plantation near Nanegal, Ecuador. A. The fermentation stage, as a pivotal step of
the wet coffee processing method followed. After harvesting and depulping of the mature coffee cherries, the depulped beans covered with a mucilaginous layer were left to
ferment underwater in a large-scale fermentation tank. The six close-ups of the fermentation tank, corresponding with the time points of analysis (indicated as F0, F8, F16,
F24, F36, and F64) show the appearance of the fermenting mass during the standard (16 h) and extended wet coffee fermentation process carried out (64 h). After depletion of
the mucilage, the fermented beans were washed, soaked, sun-dried, and finally dehulled. The green coffee beans from this process are ready for roasting. B. Relative abun-
dance (%) of all microbial genera (bacteria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi) identified (> 0.001%) through alignment of the metagenomic sequences to the non-redundant
protein database (nr) of the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), using DIAMOND, and through fragment recruitment plots (FRPs). C. Principal coordinates
analysis (PCoA) bi-plot based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities of the microbial community structures of the six shotgun metagenomes during the course of a standard (16 h) and
extended wet coffee fermentation process (64 h).

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

paired forward and reverse sequence read was merged into a contig, fur- was performed. Fragment recruitment plotting allows to indicate whether
ther referred to as PE contig, with a minimum overlap of 10 nucleotides or not a given species is present by evaluating whether a sufficient amount
(nt), using the PANDAseq assembler software v2.7 (Masella et al., 2012) of metagenomic sequences align to the genome sequence of that given spe-
in a Bio-Linux 8 environment (Field et al., 2006). For the unmerged PE cies, being a reliable indication of the presence of that species. Fragment
sequence reads, for which alignment was not achieved, the forward
reads were retained and the reverse ones were discarded. For the gener-
ation of the final datasets of each metagenome, PE contigs and
unmerged forward reads were imported in the Galaxy platform
(Goecks et al., 2010), combined into one FASTA file, and further re-
ferred to as metagenomic sequences (Supplementary Table S1, Supple-
mentary Fig. S1).

2.4. Taxonomic analysis based on metagenomic sequences

2.4.1. Filtering of coffee tree DNA

Before using various taxonomic analysis tools, metagenomic sequences
that derived from the coffee tree genome were filtered out. Hereto, the
quality-trimmed metagenomic sequences were aligned to the genome se-
quence of Coffea canephora (RefSeq accession number PRJEB4211
(Denoeud et al., 2014)). Although the experiments were performed using
C. arabica, which is an allotetraploid plant and a hybrid between the diploid
C. canephora and Coffea eugenoides, its genome was not publicly available at
the time of analysis. Alignment was performed using the nucleotide BLAST
algorithm (blastn) (Altschul et al., 1990) with the following settings: word
size, 25 nt; minimum alignment identity, 80%; maximum alignment hits
per read, 1; and minimal query coverage, 70%. Consequently, in the follow-
ing text, metagenomic sequences refer to the remaining, non-plant
metagenomic sequences.

2.4.2. Fast taxonomy profiling tools for the classification of prokaryotic

metagenomic sequences
First, the metagenomic sequences were analysed with fast taxonomy
profiling tools to get a rapid and precise overview of the prokaryotic diver-
sity of the coffee microbiome. The taxonomic sequence classifier Kraken is
based on the identification of k-mers in metagenomic sequences and query-
ing them (under default parameters) against a concise genomic library
(MiniKraken DB) (Wood and Salzberg, 2014). This 4 Gb pre-built database
was constructed from complete bacterial, archaeal, and viral genomes in
the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) RefSeq database
(Pruitt and Tatusova, 2007). The algorithm uses exact alignments and de-
termines lowest common ancestors (LCAs) in a taxonomic tree of all ge-
nomes that contain that k-mer. Additionally, Kaiju was implemented for
the taxonomic analysis, as a second fast taxonomic classification tool,
based on the comparison of translated metagenomic sequences to a refer-
ence database of microbial proteins (Menzel et al., 2015). Taxonomic as-
signment was performed through LCAs of amino acid sequences with
entries in a protein database of annotated bacterial, archaeal, and viral

2.4.3. Taxonomic assignment of metagenomic sequences based on sequence

Second, to have a complementary overview of the prokaryotic diversity
based on an approach using a different algorithm and another database, the
metagenomic sequences were taxonomically assigned by aligning their
translated DNA sequences against NCBI's non-redundant protein database
(nr) using the DIAMOND algorithm (Buchfink et al., 2015). The alignment
outputs were parsed and analysed using MEGAN 6.7 (Huson et al., 2007),
based on a LCA algorithm. The parameters were set as follows: minimum
score, 100; and minimum support, 100. For this intense computational pro-
cess the Tier-2 High Performance Computing cluster Hydra of the VUB-ULB
Shared ICT Services Centre was used.

2.4.4. Fragment recruitment plots

Third, based on the outcome of the aforementioned approaches, for
which the genus level was the lowest reliable taxonomic rank, and to
(caption on next page)
allow taxonomic analysis at species level, fragment recruitment plotting

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

recruitment plotting encompasses the alignment of all metagenomic se- starting from a k–min of 21 until a k–max of 99, with increments of 10 nt.
quences to a custom-made database comprising a set of genome sequences Only contigs with lengths higher than 1 kbp were retained.
using the nucleotide BLAST algorithm (blastn). A hit was considered rele-
vant if the sequence identity was at least 80% and the query coverage 2.5.2. Taxonomic assignment of assembled contigs
was at least 70%. Only the top hit for each metagenomic sequence was To allow for connecting genes and functions with species present in the
retained. To construct the custom-made database to be used for the frag- coffee microbiome, binning and taxonomic assignment of the assembled
ment recruitment plotting, all available genomes of microbial species be- metagenomic contigs was performed by aligning them to the customised
longing to the most prevalent genera identified using the approaches database, containing 379 genomes of strains of different microbial species
described in Sections 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 were downloaded from the RefSeq described in Section 2.4.4 using blastn, with the same parameters as de-
and Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS) databases (Vermote et al., 2018). scribed above (Verce et al., n.d.). All assembled metagenomic contigs
One genome per species was selected based on the genome project status from each taxonomic bin were mapped on the respective reference genome,
(complete or draft), the source of isolation, the strain information available with the proper orientation, alignment identity, order and coverage, before
(type or reference), and the genome size. The most favourable sequences a ring image was finally generated.
were closed genomes of type strains, preferably originating from plant eco-
systems and possessing the largest genome size. The sequences selected (n 2.5.3. Determination of the temporal taxonomic shifts
= 379) belonged to the microbial groups Acetobacteraceae (n = 24), Analysing the temporal shifts of the coffee fermentation process exam-
Lactobacillaceae (n = 175), Leuconostocaceae (n = 27), Enterococcaceae- ined postulated that the microbial species richness was the same for all sam-
Streptococcaceae (n = 23), Enterobacterales (n = 59), yeasts (n = 45), and pling points but the sequencing depth varied, depending on the changing
miscellanea (n = 26). The results of these alignments were visualised as relative abundance of each taxon at different time points during coffee fer-
fragment recruitment plots (FRPs) for each distinct microbial group. mentation. Hereto, the metagenomic sequences of each time point were
mapped on all assembled metagenomic contigs, regardless of the time
point wherefrom they were assembled. Read alignment was performed by
2.4.5. Construction of a principal coordinates analysis plot, co-occurrence/co-ex-
implementing the Burrows-Wheeler alignment tool, using the MEM algo-
clusion plot, and microbial network
rithm (BWA-MEM) version 0.7.13, which is recommended for more accu-
The microbial relative abundance data (at genus level) generated
rate and fast high-quality queries (Li, 2013). After alignment, the SAM
through alignment of the metagenomic sequences against the nr database
output file was converted into a sorted BAM, using SAMtools v1.2 (Li and
and through FRPs were combined and subsequently imported into the
Durbin, 2010), which was subsequently fed to the automated metagenome
open source statistical package R version 3.2.3 (R Core Team, 2016),
binning MetaBAT-v0.30 software (Kang et al., 2015). MetaBAT was imple-
implementing the vegan package (Oksanen et al., 2016). The phyloseq
mented to calculate average depths of every assembled contig for each of
package was used to construct a Principle Coordinates Analysis (PCoA)
the six metagenomes.
plot based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities (McMurdie and Holmes, 2013).
The microbial community structure data obtained through the FRPs (at
2.5.4. Gene prediction and gene annotation
species level) were imported in the R environment. The sequence relative
All assembled metagenomic contigs were subjected to gene prediction
abundance data for each species were used to construct a Spearman's
and annotation through Prokka (Seemann, 2014) that relies on, among
rank-order correlation matrix to evaluate the dependence among the taxa
other tools, Prodigal for gene prediction and the UniProtKB database for
(R Core Team, 2016). The co-occurrence and co-exclusion relationships be-
assigning a function to the predicted genes. This resulted in the annotation
tween all microbial species were considered when the correlation was sig-
of the gene products, which were in addition manually curated through the
nificant at a confidence level of 99%. For the microbial network, the
KEGG database (Kanehisa et al., 2016), and finally defined as enzymes with
positive Spearman correlations (with a coefficient value >0.7) between spe-
references in KEGG metabolic pathways, non-enzymatic proteins, rRNA
cies were extracted from this matrix and visualised through the open source
and tRNA genes, or unknown genes labelled as hypothetical proteins.
platform Gephi version 0.9.1 (Bastian et al., 2009). The betweenness cen-
trality decomposition method was used to quantify the topological impor-
2.5.5. Temporal gene repertoire heatmap, functional networks, and meta-
tance of a node (species). The absolute number of positive correlations
pathway reconstruction
with other species defined the size of each node. All edges (connections)
Initially, a database was constructed containing all genes identified in
were indicative of the positive interaction between microbial species. The
all assembled contigs. The gene database encompassed fields related to
microbial network was projected in a Fruchterman-Reingold layout.
the gene function (Section 2.5.4), the EC number, the identity of the contig
it belonged to, the taxonomic thread of the contig (Section 2.5.2), and the
2.5. Functional analysis of prokaryotic genes average contig coverage obtained for each metagenomic sample
(Section 2.5.3), which was subsequently assigned to the genes on the re-
2.5.1. Assembly of metagenomic sequences into contigs spective contigs.
To allow for functional analysis through gene prediction and annota- For the construction of temporal gene repertoire heatmaps, the informa-
tion, an assembly of the metagenomic sequences into contigs was per- tion from the gene database related to specific key functions in the coffee
formed through the de novo assembler MEGAHIT version 1.1.0-pre (Li fermentation process were extracted and imported into the R environment.
et al., 2014), which uses succinct de Bruijn graphs (SdBGs). Assembly was The gene entries were plotted after scaling the average contig coverage
performed independently for each time point, using the meta-sensitive pa- values, without applying hierarchical clustering and with the addition of
rameter. Multiple SdBGs were built for different k-mer lengths iteratively, side colour keys indicating the taxonomy. The functional networks associat-
ing microbial taxa with polysaccharide degradation and carbohydrate up-
← Fig. 2. Heat map illustrating the sequence relative abundances of the species take mechanisms were also visualised through Gephi. In this case, a
identified in the six shotgun metagenomes during the course of a standard (16 h)
binary matrix instead of a correlation matrix was constructed, indicating
and extended wet coffee fermentation process (64 h). The time points of analysis the presence/absence of concomitant enzymes or uptake mechanisms pre-
are indicated as F0, F8, F16, F24, F36, and F64. The sequence distribution data dicted by Prokka. The cells of the matrix were populated with values 1 or
were obtained from the taxonomic analysis employing fragment recruitment plots 0, with 1 indicating the presence of the respective enzyme in the contigs
(FRPs). The average Euclidean measure was used to obtain the distance matrix for of a species belonging to that genus or with 0 in the case of its absence.
hierarchical clustering of samples and species. The colour bar on the left indicates This binary matrix was then converted into a list of genus-carbohydrate
the taxonomic order each species was allocated to, whereas the colour key indicates pairs and was fed into Gephi to generate the networks. Microbial genera
the absolute number of metagenomic reads recruited in each reference genome. as well as polysaccharide and carbohydrate molecules were represented

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

as nodes; edges corresponded to the presence of enzymes degrading or niche and processing conditions. Nevertheless, based on this FRP methodol-
importing these substrates, respectively. Additionally, specific features re- ogy, three distinct phases could be identified during the underwater fer-
lated with the uptake and metabolism of organic acids, phenolic com- mentation of the wet coffee processing of the present study. In the
pounds, as well as the production of polyols were monitored on a beginning of the underwater fermentation (0–8 h), metagenomic sequences
temporal scale. attributed to species allocated to enterobacteria (i.e., Tatumella,
Finally, all enzymes with reference to KEGG pathways and a signifi- Pectobacterium, Klebsiella, Pantoea, Enterobacter, and Rahnella), AAB
cance to the coffee fermentation process, as evidenced by former studies (i.e., Acetobacter and Gluconobacter), Cellulosimicrobium and Frateuria (soil-
(De Bruyn et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2019), were combined into a meta- related microbial communities), as well as yeast species belonging to the
pathway, corresponding to all metabolic features of the microbial ecosys- genera Hanseniaspora, Candida, Pichia, and Wickerhamomyces (Fig. 2),
tem collectively. The correlation among specific pathways with the major were prominent and followed an increasing trend, while the relative pro-
microbial groups was also represented as an arc diagram (using the portion of metagenomic sequences attributed to Leuc. pseudomesenteroides
arcdiagram package in the R environment) (Sanchez, 2014). decreased. During this stage, the pH of the fermentation medium only
dropped moderately from 5.2 to around 4.5.
3. Results During the second phase of the underwater fermentation (8–24 h), the
large majority of metagenomic sequences attributed to members belonging
3.1. General metagenomic sequence processing and classification strategy to the orders Enterobacterales, Micrococcales, Pseudomonadales,
Rhodospirillales, Saccharomycetales, and Xanthomonadales showed a de-
Six metagenomes derived from temporal fermentation samples of a crease in relative abundances. Certain exceptions were found for
large-scale, wet coffee processing experiment carried out on an enterobacteria, as numerous representatives from the families of Enterobac-
Ecuadorian farm were analysed (Fig. 1). They corresponded with six time teriaceae (i.e., Raoultella planticola), Erwiniaceae (i.e., Pantoea rwandensis,
points, encompassing the start, the middle, and the end of both a standard Tatumella morbirosei), and Pectobacteriaceae (i.e., Pectobacterium
fermentation process (16 h) and an extended fermentation period (64 h). carotovorum subsp. brasiliense) remained in comparable relative abundance
Approximately 54,000,000 high-quality metagenomic sequences, levels (Fig. 2). Additionally, Cellulosimicrobium funkei and Frateuria aurantia
representing a total of 16 Gbp, were obtained from the combined maintained a high proportion of the metagenomic sequences. The most
metagenomes of the six coffee fermentation samples treated during the characteristic patterns during this phase were the large prevalence of
present study (Supplementary Fig. S1, Supplementary Table S1). In total, Leuc. pseudomesenteroides, which encompassed the highest proportion of se-
8,000,000 metagenomic sequences were allocated to C. canephora. Conse- quences, and the increasing relative abundances of other LAB species, such
quently, those sequences were filtered out before other analyses were as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis subsp. hordniae, Leuconostoc
performed. fallax, Leuconostoc citreum, Leuconostoc inhae, Leuconostoc mesenteroides,
The fast taxonomic profiling tools Kraken and Kaiju provided a rapid Weissella spp., Enterococcus spp., and an increasing incidence of Lactobacillus
and precise first overview of the prokaryotic diversity in these six spp. At this time point, the pH of the fermentation medium remained stable
metagenomes (Supplementary Fig. S2, S3). They allowed to classify be- at approximately 4.0 and no further decrease was measured.
tween 8.48 and 27.47% and 28.58 and 53.51% of all metagenomic se- During the third and last phase of the underwater fermentation (24–
quences, respectively (Supplementary Fig. S2). Subsequently, the 64 h), representing the extended fermentation of the coffee mucilage,
metagenomic sequences were aligned to NCBI's nr database using the number of Leuc. pseudomesenteroides metagenomic sequences de-
DIAMOND, allowing the classification of between 31.11 and 54.63% of creased after 36 h of fermentation and a significant number of se-
all metagenomic sequences (Supplementary Fig. S2). These alignments quences (approximately 50%) was allocated to Lactobacillus
showed a large diversity of microbial genera (bacteria, yeasts, and filamen- vaccinostercus, Lactobacillus brevis, and Lactobacillus plantarum. More-
tous fungi), and a dynamic evolution of the microbial ecosystem through- over, a multitude of lactobacilli was detected as well as representatives
out the different phases of the underwater fermentation step of the wet of the genera Weissella and Oenococcus. At this stage, the majority of
coffee processing carried out. Moreover, higher-organism DNA (plant, in- non-LAB species found in the former fermentation phases were not
sect, and higher animals) was present, indicating environmental contami- detected.
nation from the processing facility and the natural habitat of the coffee
plantation, but this was not dealt with further.
The taxonomic assignment of metagenomic sequences through FRPs at 3.3. Co-occurrence/co-exclusion plot and microbial network
genus level had very comparable results to the nr database (Fig. 1B and C).
The shift of the communities as a function of time followed the same trend Overall, the clustering of the microbial community composition for the
in the PCoA plot (Fig. 1C). However, the allocation to species rank was not six metagenomes corroborated the distinction of the different phases
always accurate when parsing the alignment data with MEGAN. Aligning (Fig. 2). The Spearman's rank correlation plot (Fig. 3A) confirmed the neg-
the metagenomic sequences to the customised database containing 379 ative interaction between LAB and non-LAB communities that were
complete and draft genomes, depicted as FRPs, facilitated an optimal characterised by high co-exclusion coefficients. Also, it pointed out the syn-
graphical and highly amenable monitoring of the sequence data, allowing ergistic pattern of interaction among AAB, enterobacteria, yeasts, and soil-
visual inspection and thus more accurate identification to species rank related microbial communities that concurred in the initial phase of the un-
(Supplementary Fig. S2, S4-S10), of which the details are further described derwater fermentation.
in Section 3.2. The genomes of the most prevalent species were fully cov- When the microbial structure of this heterogeneous coffee ecosys-
ered by the metagenomic sequences and with very high alignment identi- tem was represented as a network, four major sub-networks could be
ties (> 95%), confirming their taxonomic assignment. In the cases that identified (Fig. 3B). The first diverse sub-communities of mainly
the identities were lower than 95%, the allocation to species level was Gram-negative, soil-related, and fungal species were formed by micro-
more doubtful. bial members that encompassed a large number of metagenomic se-
quences at the onset of the fermentation and mainly decreased or
3.2. Temporal taxonomic analysis of the six metagenomes shows that remained stable further on. The second cluster encompassed mainly
Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides is present throughout the underwater fermen- pectinolytic members of enterobacterial species that are also associated
tation step of a wet coffee processing with plant diseases. Lastly, two LAB sub-networks were found, whereby
only Leuconostoc spp. and acid-tolerant lactobacilli, weissellas, and
Based on the FRPs, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides was highly abun- oenococci aggregated, respectively. The two subspecies of Lc. lactis
dant for all sampling points, indicating an adaptation to the coffee cherry also grouped separately from all other taxa.

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

Fig. 3. Statistical analysis of the metagenomic sequence data. A. Spearman's rank co-occurrence/co-exclusion plot for the most abundant bacterial and fungal lineages (>
0.1% in one metagenome). The Spearman correlation matrix was constructed with 99% confidence level. Co-occurrence is shown by a colour code (dark green, high co-
occurrence; light green, moderate co-occurrence) as well as co-exclusion (dark red, high co-exclusion; light orange, moderate co-exclusion). B. Microbial network
constructed based on the positive Spearman's rank co-occurrence correlations (coefficient values >0.7). All interacting species are represented as nodes and the positive
relationships between them is depicted as an edge. The node size corresponds to the number of positive correlations (i.e., edges) connected to the respective species node.
The colour of the nodes stands for the microbial group the microorganisms belong to (lactic acid bacteria, blue; enterobacteria, magenta; acetic acid bacteria, red; yeasts,
yellow; staphylococci, green; pseudomonads, dark green; cellulosimicrobia, turquoise; stenotrophomonads/frateurias, orange; methylobacteria, purple).

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

3.4. Functional analysis of the temporal wet coffee fermentation metagenomes cation gradient-driven transporters, and specific facilitator proteins.
correlates with the microbial community dynamics The large majority of genes were allocated to cytoplasmic energy-
coupling components of PTS as well as their integral membrane perme-
An estimation of the functional gene potential was based on gene pre- ase/sugar phosphotransferase proteins, with different substrate speci-
diction and annotation using Prokka on the metagenomic contigs assem- ficities. In detail, genes encoding glucose-PTS were identified for all
bled with MEGAHIT, followed by manual curation using the KEGG and enterobacteria and LAB species. Genes encoding fructose- and
UniProtKB databases. This information was used to predict changes in bac- mannitol-PTS were assigned to enterobacteria and lactobacilli. Addi-
terial activities during the coffee fermentation process examined through tionally, all LAB taxa possessed genes encoding a mannose-PTS,
statistical analysis and meta-pathway reconstruction. whereas a gene encoding a hexose 6-phosphate:phosphate antiporter
The assembly of the metagenomic sequences into contigs per dataset re- (uhpT), belonging to the major facilitator transporter family, was
sulted in a large number of contigs, i.e., 30,000–60,000 per sample, with an found exclusively in contigs allocated to Leuc. pseudomesenteroides.
average length of approximately 2 kbp (Supplementary Table S2, Supple- Moreover, genes encoding uptake systems for other carbohydrates
mentary Fig. S11). Alignment of the contigs of the six metagenomes to were also found, such as those for arabinose (C. funkei, Raoult. planticola,
the reference genomes through FRPs facilitated their taxonomic assign- Pantoea spp., Pectobacterium spp., Tatumella spp., lactococci, and
ment. In an attempt to reconstruct the genome sequences of bacteria pres- lactobacilli), lactose (all taxa), maltose (enterobacteria, lactococci, Lb.
ent in this ecosystem, the metagenomic contigs for all data sets were plantarum, and Leuc. pseudomesenteroides), and trehalose (all taxa). Like-
combined. An almost full genome reconstruction of 22 bacterial species wise, genes encoding a ribose system (rbsABC) were found for
(out of 150) was possible, encompassing AAB, LAB, enterobacteria, and Acetobacter orientalis, Gluconobacter spp., enterobacteria, Leuc.
soil-related bacteria (Supplementary Fig. S12). The presence of taxonomi- pseudomesenteroides, lactococci, and C. funkei. Genes encoding a xylose
cally related bacterial species with non-sequenced genomes or the occur- uptake system were found for enterobacteria and C. funkei. Addition-
rence of a diverse genotypic pool, due to different strains of the same ally, genes encoding a galactose:H + symporter were identified for
species, resulted in low and high alignment identities with the reference ge- AAB species, Klebsiella spp., Pantoea spp., and Tatumella spp. Genes
nomes. The characteristic case of the T. morbirosei genome showed the pres- encoding a sodium/glucose co-transporter were found for AAB species
ence of two distinct genome rings, hinting towards the presence of other as well as several genes for sugar efflux transporters, contrary to few
closely related species (e.g., Enterobacter spp. and Acetobacter spp.). How- components of glucose-PTS. Further, genes encoding PTS for lichenan
ever, for the majority of the bacterial species genomes, the identity to the and N,N′-diacetylchitobiose (lactobacilli, enterobacteria), oligo-β-
references was very high, especially for the LAB members (>95.0%). mannosides (Leuc. pseudomesenteroides, lactobacilli, and Pantoea spp.),
Based on the gene prediction using all metagenomic contigs, the genes β-glucosides (lactobacilli, Leuc. pseudomesenteroides, Klebsiella spp.,
were subsequently functionally annotated. These genes encoded enzymes Pectobacterium spp., and Tatumella spp.) were identified. Lastly, a gene
with references in KEGG metabolic pathways, encoded non-enzymatic pro- encoding sucrose phosphorylase (Leuc. pseudomesenteroides and Leuc.
teins, or had an unknown function. After removal of all ribosomal and hy- fallax) and a gene encoding sucrose 6-phosphate hydrolase (Leuc.
pothetical proteins from the datasets, a total of approximately 138,000 pseudomesenteroides, Lc. lactis, and Lactobacillus hordei) were found too.
genes remained and were manually curated using the KEGG and UniProtKB From the heatmaps representing the gene repertoires in a temporal way
databases. (Fig. 4B), a shift towards an overall saccharolytic character for the micro-
Overall, approximately 25,000 genes, related to cell organization, struc- bial ecosystem was indicated, with the prevalence of LAB species after
ture and regulation, were found for all different bacterial species. In gen- 16 h of coffee fermentation, when all related genomic features were highly
eral, they were related to transcription/translation, DNA replication/ abundant.
repair, and cell wall, cell membrane, outer membrane, peptidoglycan,
teichoic acid, and phospholipid biosyntheses, as well as the cell cycle, cell 3.4.2. Production/consumption of organic acids and degradation of phenolic
division, and cell shape. The majority of genes were attributed to compounds
enterobacteria (55.5%), followed by AAB (18.5%), LAB (17.6%), and soil- As different organic acids and phenolic compounds are abundant in the
related bacteria (8.4%), in accordance with their differences in genome coffee mucilage, serving as co-substrates for energy formation and cofactor
sizes and not in relative abundances. regeneration for the bacteria involved, the genomic features related to their
metabolism were explored. Additionally, these compounds could contrib-
3.4.1. Genomic features related to carbohydrate metabolism ute to the antimicrobial barrier of the plant tissue and thus potentially select
First, with respect to polysaccharide degradation, a large number of for tolerant species. Genes encoding a citrate:sodium symporter were found
genes encoding different enzymes that break down arabinan (i.e., extracel- for Lc. lactis and Leuc. pseudomesenteroides, whereas genes encoding a cit-
lular exo-α-[1 → 5]-L-arabinofuranosidase), arabinogalactan (i.e., rate:malate transporter were found for Enterobacter mori, Pe. carotovorum
arabinogalactan endo-β-1,4-galactanase), glucan (i.e., glucan 1,6-α-glucosi- subsp. brasiliense, and Raoult. planticola. Genes encoding a malate-2H+:
dase), glucomannan (i.e., fructokinase), pullulan (i.e., pullulanase), xylan Na+-lactate antiporter were found for Lactobacillus bifermentans and Lb.
and xylooligosaccharides (i.e., acetylxylan esterase, endo-1,4-β-xylanase, hordei. Moreover, genes encoding a fumarate:malate symporter and an ox-
xylan 1,3-β-xylosidase, xylan α-[1 → 2]-glucuronosidase) were found in alate:formate antiporter were identified for AAB and enterobacterial spe-
contigs allocated to enterobacteria, LAB, and soil-associated bacterial gen- cies. For all species, genes encoding the enzymes of the Embden-
era. Genes encoding enzymes specific for other plant cell wall components Meyerhof-Parnas, Entner-Doudoroff, and pentose-phosphate pathways
were also found. In detail, genes encoding enzymes related to the were found, leading to the production of lactic acid and/or acetic acid
depolymerisation of chitin (i.e., chitinase, chitooligosaccharide (Fig. 6). Respiring bacteria and lactobacilli contained the genes necessary
deacetylase) and hemicellulose (i.e., β-mannanase/endoglucanase) were to further convert pyruvate into fumarate or succinate, since the genes
found mainly for soil-related and AAB members, whereas encoding the enzymes of the reductive part of the tricarboxylic acid cycle
rhamnogalacturonan (i.e., rhamnogalacturonate lyase) could be broken were present (i.e., malate dehydrogenase, fumarase, and succinate dehy-
down only by enterobacteria. A network plot shows the capacities of the drogenase). Genes encoding the enzymes of malolactic fermentation were
most prevalent microbial genera releasing several different carbohydrate related to LAB species.
residues (Fig. 4A.II). Concerning the metabolism of aromatic compounds, genes encoding
Alternatively, genes encoding several different carbohydrate uptake all enzymes related to the assimilation of quinic acid to produce tyrosine
systems were found (Figs. 4B and 5), encompassing (through the shikimate pathway) were found. Mainly enterobacteria,
phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase systems (PTS), soil-related bacteria, and lactobacilli possessed these genes, whereas
ATP-dependent ATP-binding cassette (ABC) permeases, proton or only few of these genes were identified for leuconostocs and lactococci.

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

Fig. 4. Temporal gene repertoires of the six metagenomes (F0, F8, F16, F24, F36, and F64 correspond with the time points of analysis) of a standard (16 h) and extended wet
coffee fermentation process (64 h), concerning five key functions in the coffee fermentation ecosystem (A.I, Polysaccharide degradation; B, Carbohydrate transport systems
[more details can be found in Fig. 6]; C, Pectinolysis; D, Quinic acid metabolism; and E, TCA cycle). The specific genes for each function were assigned taxonomy (side colour
bar). The average sequencing coverage (Avg. Cov.) of the contigs they belonged to was used to infer the most prominent genes in the six metagenomes. The colour keys are
based on the normalisation of the average contig coverage values obtained for each gene at the six time points. The green bar graph on the right of each heatmap shows the
mean of the six average contig coverage values for each gene. In the functional network (A.II) the capacity to degrade polysaccharides (yellow nodes) is presented for the
major microbial genera found (the nodes represent the microbial groups: acetic acid bacteria, purple; enterobacteria, red; lactic acid bacteria, blue; and soil-related
bacteria, green).

With respect to other phenolic compounds, genes encoding a caffeyl- acid, hence providing ATP with the help of a ferredoxine:NAD+ oxido-
CoA reductase complex (carCDE) were found for Lb. brevis and Lb. reductase, for which the genetic evidence was also found. Similarly, a
vaccinostercus, which allowed to convert caffeic acid into hydrocaffeic gene encoding a phenolic acid decarboxylase (padC), acting on ferulic

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

Fig. 5. Carbohydrate transport systems found in the assembled contigs of all microbial taxa (i.e., phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase systems, ATP-
dependent ATP-binding cassettes, and facilitator transporter proteins). The fate of each imported molecule is indicated based on the results of the functional analysis (see
Fig. 6). Additionally, a functional network was constructed for each major microbial group found, representing the ability of different genera to take up certain
carbohydrates. The edges connecting the nodes reflect the presence of the respective transport systems. Abbreviations used: All, allose; Ara, arabitol; β-Gls, β-glucoside;
Fru, fructose; Fuc, fucose; Gal, galactose; Glc, glucose; Gls, glucoside; Glt, galactitol; HexP, hexose 6-phospate; Lac, lactose; Mel, melibiose; Mlt, maltose; Mnt, mannitol;
Mns, mannose; Rha, rhamnose; Rib, ribose; Srb, sorbose; Tre, trehalose; Xyl, xylose. The nodes represent the microbial groups (acetic acid bacteria, purple;
enterobacteria, red; lactic acid bacteria, blue; and soil-related bacteria, green), whereas all carbohydrates are represented by yellow nodes.

acid, p-coumaric acid and caffeic acid, and the genes encoding compo- and Pantoea spp.), erythritol (Enterobacter spp.), and xylitol (Gluconobacter
nents of a phenolic acid decarboxylase complex (bsdBCD) were pre- spp. and Pantoea spp.) were found.
dicted in contigs assigned to enterobacteria, Lc. lactis subsp. hordniae,
and Lb. brevis, whereas Lb. plantarum and Lb. vaccinostercus possessed 3.4.4. Bacteriocin production, attachment, motility, stress responses, and other
the genes for both types of decarboxylases. features
Bacteriocin genes were identified in Lb. plantarum (plantaricin A), Lc.
lactis subsp. lactis (lactococcin A), Lc. lactis subsp. hordniae (subtilosin),
3.4.3. Production/consumption of polyols and Acetobacter spp. (colicin and linocin). Additionally, Lb. brevis, Lb. hordei,
Genes encoding enzymes related to polyol metabolism were identified, Lb. plantarum, Lactobacillus manihotivorans, and Leuc. pseudomesenteroides
such as erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase, catalyzing the production of possessed genes encoding proteins that attribute immunity to microcin.
erythritol, which was found for enterobacteria, and mannitol dehydroge- Several genes related to attachment and cell aggregation were identified
nase that reduces fructose 6-phosphate into mannitol, which was found in in the metagenomic contigs of 82 bacterial species. In the case of numerous
heterofermentative LAB species. Alternatively, genes encoding the compo- enterobacterial taxa, genes related to biofilm formation, surface adhesion,
nents of import proteins for myo-inositol (Gluconobacter spp., LAB species, and cell aggregation were found. In Ent. mori, three genes from the

V. Pothakos et al.

Fig. 6. Meta-pathway reconstruction of the most significant pathways and reactions relevant to the coffee fermentation ecosystem based on the enzymes identified in the six shotgun metagenomes during the course of a standard
(16 h) and an extended wet coffee fermentation process (64 h). The arc diagram shows the pathways associated with the major microbial groups identified in the six metagenomes. (1, glucokinase; 2, phosphoglucose isomerase; 3,
phosphofructokinase; 4, aldolase; 5, triosephosphate isomerase; 6, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; 7, 3-phosphoglycerate kinase; 8, phosphoglycerate mutase; 9, enolase; 10, pyruvate kinase; 11, lactate dehydrogenase;
12, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; 13, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; 14, ribulose 5-phosphate epimerase; 15, phosphoketolase; 16, phosphotransacetylase; 17, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase; 18, alcohol dehydrogenase;
19, acetate kinase; 20, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; 21, 6-phosphogluconolactonase; 22, 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase; 23, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase; 24, glycerol dehydratase; 25, 1,3-propanediol
dehydrogenase; 26, glycerol dehydrogenase; 27, dihydroxyacetone kinase; 28, mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase; 29, fructokinase; 30, mannitol dehydrogenase; 31, citrate lyase; 32, oxaloacetate decarboxylase; 33, pyruvate
oxidase; 34, pyruvate-formate lyase; 35, lactoyl-CoA transferase; 36, CoA-dependent lactaldehyde dehydrogenase; 37, lactaldehyde dehydrogenase; 38, α-acetolactate synthase; 39, α-acetolactate decarboxylase; 40, acetoin
reductase; 41, diacetyl reductase; 42, alanine dehydrogenase; 43, pyruvate dehydrogenase; 44, pyruvate carboxylase; 45, citrate synthase; 46, aconitase; 47, isocitrate dehydrogenase; 48, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase; 49,
succinyl-CoA synthetase; 50, succinate dehydrogenase; 51, fumarase; 52, malate dehydrogenase; 53, isocitrate lyase; 54, malate synthase; 55, 2-methylcitrate synthase; 56, 2-methylcitrate dehydratase; 57, aconitase; 58, 2-
methylisocitrate lyase; 59, quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase; 60, 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase; 61, shikimate dehydrogenase; 62, shikimate kinase; 63, 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase; 64, chorismate synthase;
65, CoA transferase; 66, caffeyl-CoA reductase; 67, CoA transferase; 68, galactokinase; 69, galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase; 70, glucose isomerase; 71, phospho-β-galactosidase; 72, arabinose isomerase; 73, tagatose 1-
phosphate kinase; 74, tagatose aldolase; 75, arginine deiminase; 76, ornithine transcarbamoylase; 77, carbamate kinase; 78, glutaminase; 79, glutamate decarboxylase; 80, malolactic enzyme; 81, aspartate transaminase).
Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15
V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

pgaABCD locus related to the biosynthesis of a poly-β-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glu- exhaustively each sample was sequenced (McNew and Handel, 2015).
cosamine (PGA) were found (i.e., a synthase, a N-deacetylase, and an export Therefore, the assembly of metagenomic sequences into contigs was per-
protein), serving for the secretion of a biofilm adhesin polysaccharide (Itoh formed independently for the six metagenomes, but subsequently the
et al., 2008). Genes from the ecpRABCDE operon, which encodes a common metagenomic sequences of each sample were mapped to the contigs ob-
pilus used for biofilm development and host cell recognition, were pre- tained for all six metagenomes. This facilitated the calculation of the aver-
dicted in contigs allocated to Raoult. planticola and members of Pantoea age contig coverage on a temporal scale and the reconstruction of
and Klebsiella. Genes of fimbrial operons, required for adherence to host ep- bacterial genomes for the species identified, encompassing features from
ithelial cells and intestinal colonisation, were identified for T. morbirosei numerous strains (depending on the size of the genotypic pool in the sam-
and Pe. carotovorum subsp. brasiliense, among others. For numerous LAB ples) and different time points.
members, such as Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus spp., and Leuc. Overall, dissecting the coffee fermentation process of the present study
pseudomesenteroides, PGA-related genes were found. For the latter species, revealed shifts in the microbial communities and variations in the gene rep-
numerous genes were assigned to other attachment proteins, namely a col- ertoire of the coffee microbiome on a temporal scale and in relation to the
lagen adhesin and a serine-rich protein. dynamic changes of the fermenting mass. The microbial succession pattern
Concerning motility features, genes associated with flagellum biosyn- was initiated by very heterogeneous microbial communities, as shown
thesis (i.e., rings, hook, and filament) and the function of the flagellar culture-dependently before (Zhang et al., 2019), showcasing multiple con-
motor complex were found for 53 species, belonging to enterobacteria, tamination routes (i.e., the natural environment of the coffee plantation and
AAB, and soil-related bacteria. Motility genes were identified for two flag- processing facility). Typical environmental contaminants were indigenous
ellated LAB species, namely Lactobacillus cacaonum and Lb. hordei. Addi- to the phyllosphere and rhizosphere (Jackson et al., 2015). Enterobacterial
tionally, genes with a potential involvement in polysaccharide formation members (i.e., Enterobacter, Pectobacterium, Klebsiella) known as plant path-
were found for Lb. plantarum, Lactococcus raffinolactis, Lactobacillus ogens (Toth et al., 2006; Gueule et al., 2015), fungi such as Gibberella spp.
parabrevis, and Leuc. pseudomesenteroides. The same genes were identified responsible for coffee wilt (Geiser et al., 2005), and AAB that are usually en-
in Gram-negative species (various AAB and enterobacteria) that contribute countered in carbohydrate-rich fruit niches (Pothakos et al., 2016), along
to virulence in some instances. with soil-related bacteria, LAB and yeasts, were identified in the early fer-
Numerous genes encoding chaperones, heat shock proteins, cold shock mentation stages. The gene repertoires of the first shotgun metagenomes
proteins, carbon starvation proteins, and other stress response mechanisms (0 h and 8 h) confirmed the prototrophic nature of the microbial commu-
were found. Genes encoding specific systems associated with acidic toler- nity members related to plant cell wall degradation (e.g., cellulolytic and
ance, such as an arginine:agmatine antiporter and a glutamate:γ- lignolytic activities), pectinolysis (although endogenous pectinolysis
aminobutyrate antiporter, were found for Lc. lactis and only the latter would take place as well), uptake of cleaved saccharide residues, aerobic
antiporter for Lb. brevis. Additionally, genes encoding proteins and systems respiration, quinic acid metabolism, virulence, cell signalling, motility,
combatting oxidative stress (i.e., superoxide dismutase, thiol peroxidase, and chemotaxis, as well as biosynthetic features for amino acids and vita-
and thioredoxin:glutathione peroxidase) were found for AAB, LAB, mins, reflecting cell and metabolic characteristics of diverse bacteria. At
enterobacteria, and soil-related bacterial taxa. Also, genes encoding cata- the same time, a pH of the fermentation mass around 5.0 allowed the pro-
lase were identified in contigs assigned to Lb. plantarum and Lb. brevis. liferation of these more diverse microbial communities. However, the great
majority of the metagenomic sequences was taxonomically allocated to
3.4.5. Biosynthesis of vitamins and amino acids LAB and only a minor fraction to yeasts. In particular, the relative sequence
Genes associated with vitamin biosynthesis, such as biotin, cobalamin abundance of Leuc. pseudomesenteroides was exceptionally high from the be-
and folate, were related to species of AAB, enterobacteria, and soil-related ginning of the fermentation, suggesting that it already grew when the coffee
bacteria. Genes encoding numerous uptake systems for amino acids and cherries were collected, prior to depulping (De Bruyn et al., 2017). In gen-
peptides were identified for all bacterial species, as well as genes encoding eral, LAB constitute a minor fraction of the microbial assemblages on intact
enzymes that convert amino acids. Of particular interest was the glutamate fruit and vegetable habitats, compared to Gram-negative bacteria and
decarboxylase enzyme that allows the production of γ-aminobutyric acid fungi, but their relative abundance increases upon release of nutrients
(GABA) by the LAB species Lc. lactis, Lb. brevis, and Lb. plantarum. from surface crevices (Di Cagno et al., 2013). The fast saccharolytic profile
of Leuc. pseudomesenteroides was reflected in the wide range of
3.4.6. Meta-pathway reconstruction polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, identified in its contigs, and the pres-
All identified pathways and reactions with significance to the coffee fer- ence of numerous carbohydrate uptake systems, among which an exclusive
mentation process were used for the reconstruction of a meta-pathway for phosphate exchange protein system that facilitates the uptake of phosphor-
this ecosystem (Fig. 6). Therefore, the most significant pathways related ylated hexoses. This element could constitute a privilege for this LAB spe-
to carbohydrate metabolism and also several secondary metabolic reac- cies in the coffee mucilage ecosystem, where damaged plant cells exude
tions/pathways, summarizing the use of the most abundant substrates of phosphorylated compounds that can be immediately imported in bacterial
coffee mucilage, were combined. They could be linked with the different cells without consumption of ATP (Kadner, 1995). The same advantageous
microbial groups described above. uptake mechanism has been described for enteroinvasive pathogens, such
as Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, that penetrate mammalian cells
4. Discussion and make use of phosphorylated hexoses (Götz and Goebelt, 2010). At
the end of the standard wet process (16 h), the prevalence of the genus
The coffee fermentation process dealt with during the present study, Leuconostoc, and to a lesser extent Lactococcus, was substantiated and the
carried out on an Ecuadorian farm, has already been analysed microbiolog- adaptation of these LAB to the process was corroborated by their clustering
ically (culture-dependent and amplicon sequencing) and metabolomically in the microbial network as distinct subnets. At that time point, the removal
(Zhang et al., 2019). The premise of the present study, analysing six shot- of the mucilage from the coffee beans was complete. This could allow leak-
gun metagenomes on a temporal scale of the same process, postulated age of endogenous compounds from the coffee beans into the fermenting
that the microbial species richness was identical for these six metagenomes mass and further degradation of plant material of the mucilage, increasing
and corresponded to the cumulative number of species found throughout the viscosity of the fermentation water that may thus establish a lower ox-
the six ecosystem samples taken as a function of time. Therefore, the fer- ygen influx than before. Extended fermentation (from 24 h to 64 h) resulted
mentation tank could be considered as a closed system, wherein all micro- in an increased acidity (pH ~ 4.0) and subsequently a more restricted mi-
bial members always coexisted from the start till the end of the crobial diversity. Thus, the later fermentation stages were characterised
fermentation and may or may not have been identified in each of the six by the prevalence of initially sub-dominant, acid-tolerant LAB species
metagenomes, depending on their relative abundances and how (mainly Lb. vaccinostercus, Lb. brevis, and Lb. plantarum). These findings

V. Pothakos et al. Current Research in Biotechnology 2 (2020) 1–15

are in accordance with the outcome of the metagenetics approach previ- the bacterial genetic potential of the fermentation phase during wet coffee
ously employed to analyse the coffee microbiome of the same fermentation processing through a functional shotgun metagenomic analysis. As for any
process (Zhang et al., 2019). All this pointed towards the bioprotective role functional study based on shotgun metagenomics that targets DNA from in-
of the LAB communities, in particular Leuconostoc and Lactobacillus, that es- tact cells, the limitation lies in the uncertainty about the actual gene expres-
tablish a competitive environment, in turn securing the controlled carrying sion. Only metatranscriptomics can elucidate actual gene expression in an
out of the fermentation process (De Bruyn et al., 2017). Furthermore, the ecosystem context. However, this promising methodology also witnesses
potential ability to produce bacteriocins could also contribute to the out- substantial technical challenges to obtain reliable data, in particular for
growth of these taxa. However, the prevalence of LAB species resulted in field experiments as described in this study. In conclusion, although the
a community gene profile with reduced biosynthetic capacities and mainly prevalence of LAB, the high resolution of shotgun metagenomic sequencing
carbohydrate utilisation systems and polysaccharide degradation. Func- applied on the coffee fermentation metagenomes of the present study ex-
tional analysis further revealed interesting metabolic features with respect panded our understanding of the microbial diversity of the coffee fermenta-
to the coffee ecosystem, for the main microorganisms identified, such as tion microbiome. This suggests that a very wide spectrum of
GABA production by Lc. lactis, Lb. brevis, and Lb. plantarum, which is related microorganisms originating from and adapted to diverse niches, showing
to bypassing acidic stress (Filannino et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2009; Laroute different nutritional requirements, was found in the coffee fermentation
et al., 2016), the use of caffeic acid by Lb. brevis and Lb. vaccinostercus ecosystem. Apparently, the processing conditions and intrinsic factors of
(Bertsch et al., 2013; Filannino et al., 2015), which is related to cofactor re- the coffee mucilage will determine the prevailing microbiota, underlining
generation, as well as the uptake of citric acid, malic acid, and quinic acid the importance of good on-farm practices, as has been shown for cocoa
by lactococci and lactobacilli, which are all related to cofactor regeneration, bean fermentation before (De Vuyst and Weckx, 2016). All this knowledge
and usually takes place during vegetable and fruit fermentations (Filannino will finally help to understand the link between the microbial ecology and
et al., 2014; Gänzle, 2015). Further, LAB are involved in the production of wet coffee quality (green coffee beans and coffee cup) and, ultimately, to
organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid and succinic acid, fewer second- use appropriate LAB strains as tractable starter culture communities during
ary metabolism pathways, and auxotrophic features for vitamins and amino fermentation, thereby steering coffee flavour.
acids. Whereas Pichia may participate in the wet coffee fermentation pro-
cess, yeasts are particularly involved in dry coffee processing, as are species Declaration of competing interest
of AAB (De Bruyn et al., 2017).
In the case of wet processing, for which many variations occur, the fer- Authors Julio Torres, Michael Callanan, and Cyril Moccand were
mentation duration, the quality of the water used, the environmental condi- employed by the company Nestlé. The remaining authors declare that the
tions, and the technological steps that precede (e.g., the long storage of the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial rela-
harvested coffee cherries) can influence the structure of the microbial eco- tionships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
system and consequently its function (De Bruyn et al., 2017). At the same
time, the endogenous metabolism of the coffee beans remains in a dynamic Acknowledgements
interaction with these environmental stresses (i.e., prolonged anoxia due to
extended underwater submersion and intense acidification), triggering The authors would like to acknowledge their financial support from the
transcriptional responses inside the coffee bean endosperm (Zhang et al., Research Council of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (SRP7 and IOF342 pro-
2019; Selmar et al., 2006). In all cases, these synchronous phenomena as jects), the Hercules Foundation (grants UABR09004 and UAB13002), and
a whole can result in different coffee bean compositions (Zhang et al., Nestec S.A., a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A. Part of the computational resources
2019). Therefore, heterogeneous microbial communities attached to or em- and services were provided by the Shared ICT Services Centre funded by
bedded in the coffee cherry layers and also thriving in the fermenting mass the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC),
can affect the coffee aroma by degrading undesirable compounds or depos- and the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen).
iting favourable metabolites onto the beans (Batista and Chalfoun, 2014;
Zhang et al., 2019; Velmourougane, 2013). Labile precursor molecules Author contributions
react with coffee-specific compounds during roasting, and thus flavour-
impact molecules are generated, which contribute to bitterness, astrin- Experiments on the coffee plantation: FDB, VP, JT, and MC. Conceptual-
gency, and/or acidity (Batista and Chalfoun, 2014). ization, methodology, and organization of sequencing: SW; investigation,
Summarizing, the temporal shotgun metagenomic analysis of the ex- bioinformatics analysis, and writing original draft: VP; contribution to in-
tended wet coffee fermentation process of the present study revealed terpretation and discussion of the scientific findings: VP, SJZ, FDB, MV,
three distinct microbial phases. These phases were characterised by a suc- MC, CM, SW, and LDV; review and editing, funding acquisition, resources,
cession of different microbial communities. An initial diverse group of mi- project management, and supervision: LDV.
croorganisms associated with the coffee cherries was taken over by
mainly LAB communities. These LAB communities changed from the Data availability
most prevalent Leuc. pseudomesenteroides to acid-tolerant lactobacilli. The
concomitant gene profiles shifted from plant-related microbial activities All six metagenomic datasets were submitted to the European Nucleo-
to a saccharolytic profile. These different gene profiles underlined the dif- tide Archive of the European Bioinformatics Institute (ENA/EBI) and are ac-
ferent contributions of each microbial group to wet coffee processing. The cessible under the study accession number PRJEB24129.
predominance of Leuc. pseudomesenteroides could be corroborated by the
discovery of a unique uptake antiporter system of phosphorylated hexoses Appendix A. Supplementary data
leaking from lysed plant cells, which is the case for exuding mucilage that
provides a competitive advantage for this LAB species. Additionally, a Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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