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1992 PhysRevA.46.R7347

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Dynamics of the globally coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

Vincent Hakim and Wouter-Jan Rappel

Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Superieure and Universities Paris VI and VII, 24 rue Lhomond,
75231 Paris, CEDEX 05, France
(Received 8 September 1992)
A discrete version of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation is studied on a completely connected
lattice of N sites. This can equivalently be described as a model of N identical globally coupled limit-
cycle oscillators. The phase diagram is obtained by a combination of numerical and analytical tech-
niques. A surprising variety of dynamical behaviors is found in the thermodynamic limit (û1).
Depending on the region of parameter space, one gets the following: (1) a simple homogeneous limit
cycle; (2) a state with complete frequency locking but with no phase locking so that the global forcing
term vanishes; (3) a breaking of the system into a few macroscopic clusters which can exhibit periodic
or quasiperiodic dynamics; or (4) surprisingly complex states where an individual oscillator behaves in
a chaotic way but in a sufficiently coherent manner so that the average complex amplitude does not
vanish in the thermodynamic limit. Moreover, in this last region, the dynamics of this natural order
parameter is itself chaotic.

PACS number(s): 05.45.+b, 05.90.+m, 47.20.Tg

A general understanding of the different dynamical re- fact that all oscillators are identical (in contrast to [5,8]).
gimes of dissipative systems with many active degrees of Also, they have simple oscillatory dynamics in the absence
freedom is still lacking despite its importance in a wide of interaction (i.e. , they cannot exhibit chaotic motion in
range of fields. Nevertheless, in recent years, many the absence of coupling like in [3]). Finally, the ampli-
specific models of spatiotemporal chaos have been the sub- tude dynamical mode is not frozen like in pure-phase
ject of intense investigations [1-10]. In particular, models [6,7] and this plays a crucial role in the coherent
Ginzburg-Landau equations have been used to describe a chaotic dynamical regime that we have found.
large range of phenomena [I I]. The complex Ginzburg- Our goal is to determine the asymptotic behavior of (2)
Landau equation (CGLE) in its simplest version reads as in the thermodynamic limit (N» I ) as a function of the
parameters a, P, and p. We first describe our numerical
8&A = (I +iP)V A + pA —(I + ia) ~A ~
A . results. Equation (2) was integrated numerically, using
both a fourth-order Runge-Kutta model and an explicit
It displays a variety of dynamical regimes in different re-
method, with a time step that was generally taken to be
gions of parameter space. In particular, all plane-wave
solutions are unstable for aP+ I (
0 [12]. The complicat-
ed behavior of the CGLE in this Benjamin-Feir unstable
dt =0.01 but, if necessary, reduced to dr =0.001 (see
below). Lattices of 50 to 5000 sites were used but, in gen-
eral, reliable results were already obtained with the small-
regime has been numerically investigated both in one [9]
er numbers. Several different initial conditions were test-
and in two spatial dimensions [10] and different phases
ed, such as random initial conditions in a square or circle
have been numerically characterized. Our aim in this
of variable size.
Rapid Communication is to introduce and study a simpler
Four main qualitatively diA'erent types of behavior were
but related model which can be viewed as a mean-field-
observed. We restrict ourselves here to the description of
like version [3,5,8] of Eq. (I). We choose to discretize the
the two-parameter space a= — P, p which appears to be
CGLE on a fully connected lattice of N sites (i.e. , where
sufficient to describe the qualitatively different phases.
each point is connected to all the other points). Taking
the discrete version of the Laplacian on such a lattice, we
They are delimited in Fig. I as a function of P and p. We
describe the four different types of behavior in order of in-
obtain, instead of Eq. (I),

8, Aq =gI+i
I, Aq)+pA~ —(I+—ia) ~AJ~ Aq
creasing complexity.
Region I is the simplest. All the oscillators are in the
same state [i.e., A~(r) =A(t)]. Therefore, the coupling
term in Eq. (2) vanishes and the oscillators follow the lim-
j=l, . . . , N. (2) it cycle of the uncoupled system
This is a system of N identical globally coupled limit-cycle A(t) = Jpexp( —iapt) .
oscillators. Related models of coupled oscillators and cou-
pled maps have already been studied by a number of au- This region can be found below and to the left of the line
thors, partially motivated by their connection to such denoted BF (for Benjamin-Feir) in Fig. l.
different topics as Josephson-junction arrays [61, oscillato- Region II is also quite simple. There, all the oscillators
ry dynamics of neuronal systems [7, 13, 14), or synchron- are rotating with the same frequency. However, their
ized behavior of assemblies of fireflies [8, 15). The present phases are distributed on the limit circle of radius v'p —I
model [Eq. (2)] difl'ers from these previous studies by the in such a way that the forcing mean amplitude

R7347 1992 The American Physical Society


4.0 The behaviors found in regions I, II, and III have al-
BF ready been observed in a number of previous models. In
particular, the clustering in region III appears similar to
what has been reported for globally coupled logistic or cir-
uency locking
cle maps [3] or homogeneous pure-phase oscillators [7].
In contrast to the first three regions, the behavior in re-
2o ) gion IV appears surprisingly complex and new. DiA'erent
oscillators follow diff'erent erratic motions but in a
sufficiently coherent way so that the mean amplitude,
Homogeneous A = (1/N)+~A~, remains of order 1 in the thermodynamic
limit cycle
limit. Moreover, the dynamics of appears to be chaotic.
Although a similar chaotic behavior has been found in [6],
0.0 we were surprised to observe it with identical oscillators.
0.0 2, 0 4.0 In order to illustrate and support these assertions diA'erent
types of numerical evidence are now described. First, in
Fig. 2 the position of all the oscillators are shown as dots
FIG. l. The phase diagram for the case a = —P. The line BF at two diA'erent times, together with the position of the
is the line at which the homogeneous limit cycle becomes unsta-
mean (the crosses in Fig. 2). The parameters values are
ble. The line Bo limits the stability of the solution where all the
given in the caption. These two times have been chosen to
oscillators are distributed uniformly on a circle of radius v'p —I.
be large enough to be representative of what is observed in
The line B] is the limit of stability of the nonuniform locked
the long-time limit, at least with our numerical capabili-
states. The analytical equations of these lines are given in the
ties. At a given time instant, different oscillators are lo-
main text. The squares are numerically obtained values for the
limit of existence of the complex state characteristic of region
cated at diff'erent position in the complex plane, along a
IV. The thin line is a guide to the eye. For further explanation shape that has roughly the form of a p. The whole shape
we refer to the text. rotates and also deforms in time, especially in the tail
part. Individual oscillators move along this shape, fast
motion around the loop of the p alternating with slow
motion in the tail part. The time evolution of the real part
=(1/N)+~A, vanishes:
of the mean complex amplitude A(t) is represented in
A, = Jp —1 exp Ii [(a —P —a p ) t + i', ]j, Fig. 3(a) together with the power spectrum for this time
series [Fig. 3(b)]. The power spectrum is peaked around
with —
g e' '=0. (4) a definite frequency but appears to be broadband. More-
over, its width does not decrease when the number of os-
For phases distributed uniformly on the circle (sometimes cillators is enlarged from 50 to 5000.
called "splay-phase" states in the literature [6]), the sta- In order to get additional evidence on the chaotic nature
bility limit is the line Bo in Fig. 1. However, states distri-
of the dynamics the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for
buted unevenly on the limit circle (but still with A =0) the whole dynamical system has been computed. The
number of positive Lyapunov exponents has been found to
also exist and have a slightly larger domain of stability.
increase with the number of oscillators. In contrast to this
The configuration of this type which has the larger
domain of stability is formed by two populations of oscil-
high-dimensional dynamics, we believe that the reduced
lators, having opposite phases. The boundary of stability
of this last configuration is denoted Bi in Fig. 1. Howev-
er, in the parameter region between the lines Bp and B~,
when the oscillator phases were initially distributed uni-
formly on the limit cycle, we never observed restabiliza-
tion to a state with an uneven distribution of phases but
always a transition towards the chaotic state of region IV 0.5
described below. In fact, special care was needed in order
to observe the stability of the uniform state up to the line
8p and we found it necessary to reduce the time step to
dt =0.001. —05 I

In region III, i.e. , to the right of the line connecting the 'L

open squares and the line BF, the system breaks into a
small number N, of diA'erent macroscopic clusters. All
the oscillators that belong to a given cluster have the same —1.5
complex amplitude but it diAers from one cluster to the
other. Generally, N, was found to be 2 or 3. Within re-
Re A;
gion III, the dynamics electively reduces to that of a low
number of coupled oscillators (with diA'erent weights) and FIG. 2. The positions of the 500 individual oscillators (dots)
it was found to be periodic or quasiperiodic depending on and their mean (crosses) in the complex plane at two different
the parameter subregion. times. The parameter values are p =2.0 and P =1.5.

A, =(4p —1+a, )exp[ —

i [p+ a(p —1 )]r+y, ],
IaJI « I.
0.10 '- The large symmetry of the associated 2N x 2N real stabili-
ty matrix is again very helpful in diagonalizing it. %e
find N — 2 negative eigenvalues equal to —2(p —1) and
—2 N —2 zero eigenvalues, reflecting the dimensions of the
iOQO manifold of locked fixed points (i.e. , N arbitrary real
phases subject to the condition A =0 which gives two real
constraints [19]). The four remaining eigenvalues depend
on the particular locked state under consideration but only
through the real parameter 6=[(I/N)+~exp(2i&J)[,
0.00 0 & 6 & 1, which characterizes the repartition of the oscil-
0.3 lator phases on the limit cycle. For 6=0 the degree-4
Frequency f characteristic polynomial P4(k) whose roots are then
FIG 3. . (a) The time series of the mean for the parameter searched for eigenvalues, factorizes into two degree-2 po-
values of Fig. 2. (b) The power spectrum corresponding to this lynomials with complex conjugate coefficients P2(X) and
time series. P2 (x),
Pp(k) -k' —) (3 iP) —(p
2@+— —1)(I +iP)(I —fa) .
dynamics of the average amplitude A(t ) is low dimension-
When a root of Eq. (7) has a positive real part all the
al, in the thermodynamic limit. We have tried to get nu-
states with 6 0 are unstable. The corresponding Bo line
merical evidence for that by computing the correlation di-
is plotted in Fig. 1. When 5~0 the 4&4 stability matrix
mension of the corresponding time series [16,17]. Al-
no longer splits into two 2&2 matrices and its characteris-
though our data seems to saturate for embedding dimen-
tic polynomial is given by
sions larger than four for not-too-small correlation balls,
the scaling window was found to be too small to get a reli- P ()1.) P ()1, )P ()I, ) —8 (p —1)2(1+a )(I+p ). (8)
able estimate of the correlation dimension. The difficulty
seems similar to what would be obtained for the nonin- For a = —P we have checked that the larger 5, the wid-
teracting product dynamics of a low-dimensional dynami- er is the stability domain of the corresponding locked
cal system and a high-dimensional noise signal of smaller states. In this case, P4(A, ) also factorizes for the d, =l
amplitude (see [17] for a discussion). most stable state which corresponds to a population of os-
We now summarize our analytical calculations of the cillators evenly split between two clusters of opposite
boundaries of the different dynamical regimes. Our cal- phases:
culation of the homogeneous limit-cycle stability (regime
I) is very similar to the classical calculation of the
Benjamin-Feir instability in the envelope equation frame-
work [12, 181. Equation (2) is linearized into a linear
dynamical system of N coupled equations for N complex
coefficients aj by writing AJ (Wp+ aj ) exp( — i ), O. O
(aj(((1. The associated real stability matrix of size
2N &2N is easily diagonalized due to its large symmetry. '

One obtains one zero eigenvalue coming from the invari- CO

ance of Eq. (2) under a global phase change, one negative
eigenvalue —2p and N —1 sets of two eigenvalues k1 and
I ~

k2, solutions of the real second-order equation

A, +2(p+1)A, +2p(I+aP)+I+P =0. (s)
The condition of instability of the homogeneous limit cy- —1.5
cle, which is that some eigenvalues have a real positive —1.0 —0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
part, is therefore equivalent to the condition A, ]k2 & 0
(since the sum lj. ~+X2 is negative). In our case, the
Benjamin-Feir instability line is thus given by 2p (1
+aP)+(1+P ) =0. This is the line denoted BF in Fig
for the case a = — P.
The calculation of the stability of the locked states
characteristic of region II is similar but slightly more tedi-
Re B
FIG. 4. The phase space of one oscillator driven by a purely
periodic force [Eq. (10)] for a = —1.5, 0 = — 4. 1, and F =2. 11.
DifFerent individual trajectories have been plotted in order to
show the existence of an attractive limit cycle and the presence
of a couple of fixed points, one stable and one unstable. %'hen
the amplitude of the driving force is slightly reduced the two
ous. Equation (2) is linearized around an arbitrary locked fixed points collide and disappear, leaving only the stable limit
state [Eq. (4)] by writing cycle.

P4(X) =k[X+2(p —I )] [A. +2(p —2)1+ 3 rotating frame depends only on the two eff'ective parame-
ters II and ~FI. In the parameter range corresponding to
—P +2p(P —1)l . (9) the complex chaotic state of region IV the phase space of
The domain of stability of the 3, = 1 state is thus the re- Eq. (10) seems to be close to a bifurcation between two
gion p ~ 2, P ~ 4(2p —3)/(2p —1) whose boundary is topologies. For example, simulation of the full system
denoted by 8 in Fig. . 1 [Eq. (2)] with P = —a =1.5 and p =2 gives for the main
frequency v=041 and (~A(t)~)=1. 1. The corresponding

The complex states characteristic of region IV appear

as one of our most intriguing numerical findings. A first eff'ective parameters for the reduced system are 0 =
—4. 1
simple approach has been followed in order to gain some and ~F~ =2.0. Fixing Q to this latter value, the topology
understanding of the dynamics in this phase. As can of the phase space of Eq. (10) changes for F, =2.08. As
be seen in Fig. 3, the dynamics of A (t ) is strongly shown in Fig. 4, for ~F~ ~ F„ there is an attractive limit
peaked around a well-defined frequency v, A(t) =R(t) cycle and a pair of fixed points outside the limit cycle, one
&&exp(i2zvt), where R(t) varies slowly compared to the stable and one unstable. However, as F decreases toward
exponential factor. This suggests to consider the dynam- F„ these two fixed points move toward each other and
ics of a single oscillator 3 (t ) driven by a periodic force of they disappear at ~F~ =F, in a usual saddle-node bifurca-
frequency v and constant amplitude R close to the average tion [20]. For the full system, neither of these two cases
amplitude (R(t)). This is conveniently done by going to a appears to be realizable in a stable self-consistent way. It
frame rotating at frequency v. Defining A(t) =v p —I then evolves continuously between the two situations, the
& B(t)exp(i2nvt) one gets the simple evolution equation operating point remaining close to ~F~ =F,. This gives
for B(t) rise to the p-shaped distribution of oscillators observed in
region IV. A precise characterization of this dynamics
t), B =(I +i ft)B —(I+la) ~B~ B+F (10) will hopefully be possible to obtain by refining the present
with approach to take into account a slow evolution of R (t ).
2 +P (1+P )'
) 3/2
~ ~

(p I
We are grateful to Y. Pomeau for very instructive dis-
A rescaled time r =(p —1)t has also been introduced in cussions. We would also like to thank R. Conte and J.
order to show explicitly that the dynamics of B(t) in the Kadtke for their numerical advice.

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