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Turbulence and Standing Waves in Oscillatory Chemical Reactions With Global Coupling

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Turbulence and standing waves in

oscillatory chemical reactions with global

Cite as: J. Chem. Phys. 101, 9903 (1994);
Submitted: 16 May 1994 • Accepted: 10 August 1994 • Published Online: 31 August 1998

Florian Mertens, Ronald Imbihl and Alexander Mikhailov


Chemical turbulence and standing waves in a surface reaction model: The influence of
global coupling and wave instabilities
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 4, 499 (1994); https://

Transition to chemical turbulence

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 1, 411 (1991); https://

Oscillatory CO oxidation on Pt(110): Modeling of temporal self-organization

The Journal of Chemical Physics 96, 9161 (1992);

J. Chem. Phys. 101, 9903 (1994); 101, 9903

© 1994 American Institute of Physics.

Turbulence and standing waves in oscillatory chemical reactions
with global coupling
Florian Mertens and Ronald Imbihl
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-GesellschaJt, Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin (Dahl~m). Germany
Alexander Mikhailov
Fritz-Haber-Institllt der Max-Planck-GesellschaJt, Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin (Dahlem), Germany
and N. N. Semenov Institute for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina 4,
117333 Moscow, Russia
(Received 16 May 1994; accepted 10 August 1994)
Using the model of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with global coupling, the influence of
long-range interactions on the turbulent state of oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems is
investigated. Experimental realizations of such a system are, e.g., oscillatory reactions on single
crystal surfaces where some of the phenomena we simulate have been observed experimentally. We
find that strong global coupling suppresses turbulence by transforming it into a pattern of standing
waves or into uniform oscillations. Weaker global coupling gives rise to an intermittent turbulent
state which retains partial synchrony. © American Institute of Physics.

Oscillatory surface reactions demonstrate a large variety The purpose of the present paper is to investigate how
of spatiotemporal patterns, both regular and chaotic. 1- 3 Spa- the effect of global coupling, which is common to all oscil-
tial coupling in these reactions under isothermal conditions is latory surface reactions, changes the properties of diffusion-
provided by two basic mechanisms: surface diffusion of mo- induced chemical turbulence. By varying the relative inten-
bile adsorbates on the catalyst surface and changes of the sity of the additional global coupling term in CGLE, a
educt pressures in the gas phase. The latter arise due to the transition from uniform synchronous oscillations (for a very
mass balance in the reaction and, since mixing in the gas strong global coupling) to periodic standing waves and fur-
phase is very fast, this coupling is global. Gas-phase cou- ther to a turbulent state (for a weaker coupling) is found as
pling is known to significantly influence the course of oscil- shown below. The analysis of the turbulent state, realized in
latory sUlface chemical reactions by tending to synchronize the presence of global coupling, shows that its properties are
the oscillations.4 - 5 Under certain conditions, periodically os- qualitatively different from those of diffusion-induced turbu-
cillating patterns of standing waves have been found on the lence realized in absence of global coupling. It retains a cer-
surfaces. 4 tain degree of long-range order and its temporal behavior can
To consider the effects of global coupling in oscillatory be characterized as intermittent, i.e., turbulent bursts appear
reaction-diffusion systems, we have proposed a simple on the background of almost synchronous oscillations. Based
mathematical model obtained by including an additional glo- on the results of our analysis we attempt a qualitative com-
bal coupling term into the complex Ginzburg-Landau equa- parison with experimental observations.
tion (CGLE).6,7 Although such a model can be fully justified Our mathematical model consists of a dynamical equa-
only in the vicinity of a Hopf bifurcation, its analysis also tion for the local complex oscillation amplitude 7](x,t) in a
reveals more general qualitative properties of the involved population of small-amplitude limit-cycle oscillators which
phenomena and thus provides a basis for the interpretation of are coupled both locally and globally. By choosing appropri-
experimental data. Using this model, we have investigated ate dimensionless units, it can be written in .the form 6
the breakdown of synchronization caused by strong super- 7]= (1- iw) 7]- (l + i,8) 17]1 2 7]+ (1 + i €) v2 7]- ,ue ix 1], (1)
critical inhomogeneities (surface defects), we studied propa-
gation of phase flips over the globally synchronized state and where
the spontaneous formation of large-scale oscillation
domains. 6 ,7 This analysis has been performed in a parameter
region where diffusional coupling between oscillators tends
1]= (1/S) f dX7](x,t) (2)

to synchronize the local oscillations. is the spatial (surface) average of the local oscillation ampli-
However, depending on the dynamical properties of os- tudes (S is the total surface area). It differs from the standard
cillations in the individual surface elements and on the ratio CGLE 14 by the last integral term in Eq. (1) which can be
of surface diffusion constants for different adsorbed reagents, interpreted asa driving force applied to each individual os-
local diffusional coupling may also destabilize uniform bulk cillator and collectively produced by all oscillators in the
oscillations and give rise to chaotic spatiotemporal regimes population. The intensity of global coupling is characterized
known as chemical turbulence. 8,9 Under proper choice of the by the coefficient f-L, the factor with X in the last term takes
parameters, these turbulent regimes can be described by the into account a possible phase shift between the driving force
CGLE. A detailed statistical analysis of turbulence in CGLE, and the averaged amplitude 1]. The Benjamin-Feir (BF) in-
based on its numerical simulations, has been carried out in stability leading to diffusion-induced turbulence occurs for
Refs. 10-13. Eq. (1) without global coupling (p,=O) if the condition
J. Chern. Phys. 101 (11), 1 December 1994 0021-9606/94/101 (11 )/9903/61$6.00 © 1994 American Institute of Physics 9903
9904 Mertens, Imbihl, and Mikhailov: Oscillatory chemical reactions

1+ €j3<O holds. Below, in contrast to our previous

publications,6,7 we consider the parameter region where this
condition is satisfied. 1.2 1.2
The local phase cp and (real) amplitude p of the oscilla-
tions can be introduced by 1.0 1.0 C0
"0 :0
7J(x,t) = p(x,t)exp[ - iOt- icp(x,t)], (3) ~ E

where O=w+ 13+ ,u(sin X- 13 cos X), Substituting Eq. (3) into
0.8 0.8 Q)

Eq. (l), two coupled dynamical equations for the variables 0.6 0.6 s:::
p(x,t) and cp(x,t) are obtained:
0.4 0.4
p=(l- p2)p_ \1 2p- p(\1 cp)2+ €p\12cp+2€\1 p'Y cp

- f-LR cos( cp- 'IjJ' + X), (4) 0 25 50 75

¢= w+ j3p2-0 + (21 p)\1 p\1 cp+ \1 2cp- (€I p)\1 2p
+ €(\1 cp )2+ (f-LRI p )sin( cp-'IjJ' + X). (5) HG. 1. Profiles of the amplitUde and the phase in a standing wave obtained
by numerical simulation of Eq. (1) with parameter values /3=- 1.5, E=2.0,
The global phase '¥ and amplitude R are determined by X=1T, and ,u=O.33; the total length of the system is L=256.

R exp[ -i'ljJ'(t)]=(l/S) f dx p(x,t)exp[ -icp(x,t)].

The mode with this wave number is growing (Yk>O) only if
f-L<f-Lo where
The uniform bulk oscillations with frequency 0 correspond
to the steady state of Eqs. (5) and (6) with cp(x,t)='IjJ'=cpo (12)
and amplitude p(x,t) = R= Po=(l- f-L cos X)1I2. f-La= 2q~( 1 + 13 2 ) .
To investigate the stability of this steady state we take Hence, we find that strong enough global coupling (f-L> f-Lo)
p(x,t)=Po+op(x,t» and cp(x,t) =cfJo+ o¢(x,t) and linearize stabilizes uniform synchronous oscillations and thus sup-
Eqs. (4) and (5) with respect to small perturbations op and presses~the diffusion-induced instability. When the intensity
ocp. The solution of the linearized equations is given by a of global coupling is decreased, uniform oscillations at
sum of independent spatial modes. If the system is one di- f-L= f-La become unstable in respect to growth of standing
mensional and we have no-flux boundary conditions at x=O waves with the wave number k = k a .
and x = L, these modes are To determine the nonlinear evolution of growing modes
op(x,t) = OPic exp(-Ykt)cos(kx), (7) we performed one-dimensional numerical simulations of Eq.
(1). They show (Fig. 1) that the bifurcation is supercritical
ocp(x,t) = o{h exp( Ykt)cos(kx) , (8) and for f-L<f-Lo near the threshold we have stationary standing
waves of a small amplitude.
where k=2'TTnIL, n= 1,2, ... The rate Yk of growth (or de-
... The standing waves which are established in the system
cay) of the mode with the wave number k satisfies
as a result of such an instability. have several characteristic
(Yk+2P6+k2)(Yk-f-L cos X+k 2 ) features. The amplitude of the local oscillations in the nodes
of such waves does not vanish; therefore they can be also
+ (€k 2- f-L sin x)(2j3P6 + €k 2 - f-L sin X) = O. (9) considered as a superposition of a small-amplitude standing
wave and spatially uniform oscillations. Moreover, the phase
When f-LI€~k2~1 it has an approximate solution
of oscillations is also periodically spatially modulated in
Yk= f-L(cos X+ 13 sin X) -(1 + €j3)k 2 such a standing pattern and reaches its minima in the nodes
where the oscillation amplitude is minimaL
(10) The phenomena leading to the formation of standing
Hence, the behavior of these modes is determined by the waves can be interpreted as a self-resonance in the system
signs of the combinations q = cos X+ 13 sin X and b = 1 + €j3. considered. Similar resonance effects are found in the pres-
As mentioned above, the case b >0 was considered by us in ence of external periodic forcing applied to oscillatory dis-
the previous publications;6,7 it corresponds to diffusion- tributed systems. I5 It should be emphasized that the lowest-
induced synchronization. When q>O, global coupling pro- order resonance (with n = 1 in notations of Ref. 15) is
vides a positive feedback and induces its own breakdown.7 responsible for formation of standing waves in our system.
In the present paper we investigate the behavior of the sys- In the analysis of standing waves for CO oxidation per-
tem under the conditions that q < 0 and b < 0. formed earlier in Ref. 16 the effect was attributed to a
In the case considered here, the rate Yk is maximal for higher-order self-resonance (n =2) with the consequence that
the mode with the wave number k=ko given by it could occur only under very special conditions of the
codimension-two bifurcation. In the framework of our model
2 211+€j3l. such higher self-resonance would be described by the terms
ka = €2(1 + 132) . (11)
proportional to i/7J* in Eq. (1). We do not include such

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 101, No. 11, 1 December 1994

Mertens, Imbihl, and Mikhailov: Oscillatory chemical reactions 9905

FIG. 3. Breathing standing waves at ,u=0.02 for f3= -1.0, ,,= 1.5, X=7T,
L '=256, and T=800; local values of the real oscillation amplitude are shown
in grayscale.

strongly unharmonical (Fig, J). The real amplitude p is then

almost fiat, except for narrow intervals (i.e., shOCKS) where it
is a little larger. Inside the. shocks the oscillation phase </> is
also slightly increased.
When a certaiIi critical value of the global coupling co-
efficient fL is reached, these stationmy standing \,Vaves be-
come unstable and are replaced by a breathing periodic pat-
FIG. 2. Different turbulent regimes in CGLE without global "coupling. (a) tern where the shocks perform periodic oscillations around
Phase turbulence (f3=-I, c-=1.5, L=256, the integration interval shown is their equilibrium positions (Fig. 3). The amplitUde of such
T=200). (b) Defect turbulence (f3= -2, .:-=2, L=256, T=200, the. initial oscillations grows when fL is decreased. When the oscillation
state is uniform with small random perturbations). The time development of
the local real amplitude p(x,t) = I1](x,t)1 of oscillations is shown iIi gniy amplitude of ilie shocks becomes close to the spatial period
scale, with darker areas corresponding to larger values of p. The defects are of the pattem, ilie pattern loses its regUlarity. Collisions be-
seen in (b) as moving white spots. tween the shocks result in their mutual annihilation and new
shocks are occasionally produced between the existing ones.
This stage is very similar to phase turbulence ill absence of
temls and do not explicitly consider their effect because, for global coupling [cf. Fig. 2(a.) J. Note that the average oscilla-
small amplitudes 77, their magnitude is small in comparison tion amplitude Iijl tn this turbulent state is only a little
to the leading linear term, proportional to Eq. (1).
When the intensity of global coupling is further de-
creased, the stationary pattem of standing waves is de-
stroyed, and spatiotemporal chaos appears. For fL=O the sys-
tem is described by CGLE without global coupling which
was investigated in Refs: 8,10-13. At iliis stage the system
can be found, depending on the proximity to the boundary
b =0 of the BF instability, either in ilie state of phase turbu-
lence [Fig. 2(a)] or in the state of amplitude turbulence [Fig.
Phase turbulence is characterized by random motion of
shocks representing narrow regions with an increased oscil-
lation amplitude. The statistical analysis shows iliat this dis-
ordered state has long-range correlations and oscillations of
distance elements are almost synchronous. 12
On the other hand, amplitude turbulence demonstrates a
large number of dynamical defects which represent (in the
one-dimensional case) narrow regions where the local oscil-
lation amplitude almost vanishes. 17 This highly chaotic state
has only short-range spatial correlations, i.e., ilie oscillations
of different elements are de synchronized. 12
\Ve have numerically investigated a transition towards
fully developed (phase or amplitude) turbulence which takes
place as ilie magnitude of ilie global coupling coefficient is
gradually decreased. The periodic stationary pattern of stand- FIG. 4. Spontaneous formation of defects (white regions) on the background
of phase turbulence in the presence [(a) ,u=0.0505] and in absence [(b)
ing waves persists within an interval of fL below the desta- ,u=O] of global coupling; other parameters are f3= -1.0, .:-=2.0, x~1i,
bilization threshold of ilie unifoIpl state. Tile profile of stand- L=256, T=400. Local values of the real oscillation amplitude p are shown
ing waves changes with a decrease of {J, and becomes in gray scale. :

J. Chem. Phys., Yol. 101, No. 11, 1 December 1994

9906 Mertens, Imbihl, and Mikhailov: Oscillatory chemical reactions

1.5 r-----------------~..., 0.15

1.0 0.10


0.5 0.05

o 0.1 0.2 0.3

FIG. 6. Dependence of the time-averaged global oscillation amplitude

(black circles) and its standard deviation (white circles) on the global cou-
pling coefficient,u for f3"" -1.5, ,;=2.0, X=1T, and L=1024.

entire medium. After that they became eventually suppressed

by one spiral wave that gained control over the whole me-
FIG. 5. Intermittent turbulent regimes in the presence of global coupling: Ca)
at ,u=0.3 for f3=-1.5 and (b) at ,u=0.5 for f3=-2.0; other parameters are dium. In contrast to this, Fig. 5 shows well-localized bursts
<,=2.0, X=1T, L=256, and T=400. Local values of the real oscillation am- of defects. The intermittency which we have observed can be
plitude p are shown in gray scale. described as spontaneous random nucleation of the ampli-
tude turbulence on the background of either regular standing
waves or of phase turbulence. The appearing nuclei first
smaller than for the uniform oscillations. It means that oscil- grow but then die out.
lations remain almost synchronous in this case. Phase turbu- A very interesting property of such intermittent turbulent
lence is the terminal state of the system (at JL=O) close regimes is that they do not lead to the synchronization break-
enough to the boundary b =0 of the BF instability. down, in contrast to the complete destruction of the synchro-
Farther from the BF boundary the phase turbulence is nization by periodic waves emitted by emerging pacemakers
only a transient stage of the system's evolution. Here the which we have earlier described. 6,7 The absolute value R(t)
numerical simulations show the spontaneous creation of de- = I'ift) I of the spatially averaged local oscillation amplitude
fects [Fig. 4(a)]. Some of the shocksstali suddenly to accel- TJ(x,t) fluctuates with time in such an intermittent state
erate, run rnto their neighbors, and thus produce small areas around a stationary level. Figure 6 shows the calculated
where the oscillation amplitude almost vanishes, Le., ampli- time-averaged value (R) of this amplitude (black circles) as a
tude defects. This process is similar to the transition to the function of the global coupling coefficient JL and the standard
amplitude turbulence in COLE without global coupling [Fig. deviation of the same quantity (white circles). For JL>0.34 a
Although the properties of individual amplitude defects
are not apparently modified by the presence of global cou- 0.5 0.5
pling, their collective behavior is different. They tend to form
compact groups which have finite lifetimes. Figure 5(a)
0.4 0.4
shows that local bursts of the amplitude turbulence are sur-
rounded by larger "laminar" regions filled by periodic stand-
ing waves. Such a turbulent state can be characterized as 0.3 0.3
intermittent. When the intensity of global coupling is smaller "v
lr \!:)

[Fig. 5(b)] the bursts become more frequent and the state of 0.2 0.2
'0. ,
the medium between them approaches that of the phase tur- o...... ~
bulence. However, it is still significantly different from the o -'0_ 0
0.1 0.1
developed amplitude turbulence without global coupling [cf. ------...2 ___ _ _0 _ _

Fig. 2(b) for the same values of the system parameters but
JL=O]. 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
The intermittency which persists in the presence of glo- L
bal coupling is qualitatively different from the one recently
found in Ref. 18 in a narrow parameter region in two- FIG. 1. Dependence of the time-averaged global amplitude (black circles)
dimensional simulations of COLE without global coupling. and its standard deviation (white circles) on the system size L at p.=0.2,
In the latter case the defects multiplied until they filled the /3=-1.5, X=1T, and E=2.0; the averaging interval is At= 1600.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 101, No. 11, 1 December 1994

Mertens, Imbihl, and Mikhailov: Oscillatory chemical reactions 9907

dimension, we saw oscillatory standing wave patterns of

1.2 hexagonal cells. When we started our simulations from ran-
dom initial conditions, the array of cells was highly irregular,
oc giving the impression of a foamlike structure with local hex-
~ 0.8 agonal order. Moreover, the transition to defect turbulence
~ was strongly facilitated and purely laminar states with only
0 standing waves or phase turbulence were not yet obtained in
our simulations .
0.2 In a single-crystal experiment in which the catalytic CO
0.0 oxidation was studied on a Pt(llO) surface, spatially resolved
measurements revealed the existence of a standing wave con-
a 1000 2000 3000 4000 centration pattern on the catalyst.4 These standing wave pat-
time terns appeared only in a very narrow region of the parameter
space. Since the medium in this experiment is oscillatory and
~G. 8. Suppression of the defect turbulence by global coupling. In the time since the partial pressure variations in the gas phase provide
mterval 0<t<2000 the global coupling is absent l,u=O) and, after an induc- a global coupling, one might consider these concentration
tion period, the system evolves into the state of the defect turbulence with patterns as the experimental counterpart of the standing wave
almost vanishing average oscillation amplitude R. At time moment t=2000,
shown by the arrow, global coupling with ,u=0.07 and X=7r is switched on patterns discussed here. Although the principal mechanism
which results, after a transient, in establishing of uniform synchronous os- might be identical, one also has to be aware of some sub-
cillations. stantial differences between theory and experiment. Due to
the geometry of the substrate lattice the surface diffusion on
Pt(llO) is strongly anisotropic thus favoring an effectively
coherent pattern (uniform oscillations or standing waves) is one-dimensional behavior which was seen in the
found in the system and therefore the standard deviation is experiment. 4
close to zero. For smaller values of f.L the intermittent ampli- A transition from synchronized oscillations to turbulence
has been observed in the NO+NH 3 reaction on Pt(100).19
tude turbulence develops and the local bursts of defects ap-
pear. The time-averaged amplitude R is considerably larger The turbulent state in this reaction emerges as the strength of
in this regime due to the contribution from the regions where gas-phase coupling weakens with decreasing temperature.
standing waves or phase turbulence are still found. This finally leads to the complete breakdown of the rate os-
Since we have performed our simulations for finite one- cillations (the amplitude of which corresponds in our model
dimensional systems, a question is whether the intermittency to 7;). Before the complete breakdown of global coupling
effect is size dependent. Figure 7. shows the computed de- takes place one observes the coexistence of localized patterns
pendence of the mean value of R and of its standard devia- such as spiral waves with areas still oscillating in a synchro-
tion as functions of the total system's length L. We see that, nous manner. The situation is quite similar to that of Fig. 5
although for smaller L, some size effects are present, the where we have the coexistence of defects with synchronized
dependence approximately saturates for larger systems so behavior. There is of course also one important difference
that the mean values are no longer size dependent (remaining since in the experiment the spirals are typically pinned to
small variations are the effect of the finite averaging time) structural defects of the surface while in the simulations we
while the standard deviation progressively decreases. assume a homogeneous medium.
A phenomenon closely re1a,ted to the continuous nature Finally, we note that, due to great simplicity and gener-
of the transition to turbulence is the absence of hysteresis. In ality of the considered model of CGLE with global coupling,
the numerical experiment shown in Fig. 8 we have started the results of our study might find applications far beyond
our simulation from initial conditions representing uniform the field of physical chemistry. They could be viewed in the
oscillations with small random perturbation without global context of recent interest in emergence of synchrony in large
coupling (f.L=O). After about 500 time units the defects spon- populations of interacting oscillators (see, e.g., Refs. 20 and
taneously appeared and a state of amplitude turbulence has 21) and general aspects of self-organization in nonequilib-
been established. This is seen in the significant reduction of rium reaction-diffusion systems. It should also be remarked
the average oscillation amplitude R in Fig. 8. At a later time that the effects of global coupling can lead to interesting
moment, shown by the arrow of Fig. 8, we switched on glo- complex behavior in a different class of systems, Le., in ex-
bal coupling and followed the evolution of the system from citable and bistable meciia. 22
the turbulent state into a complete recovery of uniform syn- The authors acknowledge stimulating discussions with
chronous oscillations. L. Kramer and would like to thank S. Wasle for the prepara-
Although the main part of our numerical experiments tion of drawings. Financial support of the Thyssen Founda-
has been performed for one-dimensional systems, we have tion and Deutche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully ac-
also carried out a few two-dimensional simulations. They knowledged.
demonstrated a similar pattern of transition to turbulence
upon a decrease of the global coupling intensity. The essen- 1F. Schueth, B. E. Henry, and L D. Schmidt, Rev. Adv. Catal. 39, 51
tial difference was that, instead of horizontal stripes which 2G. Ertl, Adv. Catal. 37, 213 (19900.
would have been a direct analog of standing waves in one 3R. Imbihl, Progr. Surf. Sci. 44, 185 (1993).

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