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Proceedings Letters: Section Discontinued

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Proceedings Letters


In accordance with a decision of the PROCEEDINGSOF THE IEEE Editorial Board,
the “Proceedings Letters” section will be discontinued in 1988. As a consequence,
technical letters postmarked after October 31, 1987 will not be consideredfor
Corrections to and comments on PROCEEDINGS papers and letters will continue
to be published.

Cumulants: A Powerful Tool in Signal [H(w)] stands for the impulse response (transfer function) of the
underlying NMP model. Output autocorrelation and spectrum,can
Processing be viewed as special cases of (1)and (2), respectively, when k = 2.
The input non-Gaussianity is necessary (7; # 0 for some k > 2,)
GEORGIOS B. GlANNAKlS but the i.i.d. assumption can be relaxed by a kth-order whiteness
assumption, [IO].
Based on (2), Lii and Rosenblatt[2] haveshown that using higher-
The impulse response of a linear, time-invariant system is related order periodogram techniques, the amplitude and phase of H(w)
in a simple closedform solution to the output cumulants, when can be estimated from output data only (up to a scale and time-
the input is assumed to be non-Gaussian and independent. This delay ambiguity.) The high-variance and low-resolution charac-
expression permits the use of one-dimensional processing of the teristics of the Fourier-type methods [2]-[4] suggested the use of
output cumulants for identification of non-minimum-phase sys- cumulants in conjunctionwithparametric(MA,AR,ARMA) models
tems, and opens new directions in other signal processing appli- [i7-[10]. The novelty of this letter (Section II) is to provide a very
cations. simple closed-formsolution of theimpulse response (IR) samples
in terms of the output cumulants, useful in both the parametric
I. PROBLEMSTATEMENT and nonparametric approaches. The potential of this method in
We addressthe problem of identifyingthe impulse response of various signalprocessingtasks isanalyzed in Section I l l . In Section
afinite-dimensional, Linear,Time-lnvariant(LT1) system, when out- IV, we discussproperties of the proposed solution, and comment
put (perhaps noisy) observations are provided. The input is on its computational aspects.
unknown, but is assumed to be stationary, non-Gaussian, inde-
pendent, and identically distributed (i.i.d.) When the input is II. MAINRESULT
A.FIRCase(MA Models)
obtain onlythe spectrally equivalent minimum phase (MP) part of
the system. Theunderlying reason is that second-order output sta- Considering the third-order output cumulant [c.f. (1)with k =
tistics are unaffected by all-pass factors, andas such the autocor- 31 we obtain
relation is a “phase-blind” sequence. To recover a general non- c5(ml, md = E { y ( k ) y(k + m , ) y(k + m,)}
minimum-phase (NMP) model, we need phase sensitive higher P
order output statistics. Thestatisticsthat we propose are the cumu- = y; h(i)
h(i + m,) h(i + m,) (3)
lants (in frequency domain known as polyspectra,) whose rela- ,=O
tionship with LTI systems, [I] described by
wherey; I € { x 3 ( & ) } # 0,andpdenotestheorderoftheMAmodel.
If we substitute m, = p , m2 = k, and m, = m2 = - p in (3), and
ct;(m,, - ,mk-1) = y;
h(i) h(i + m,) .h(i + m k - l ) (1) assume that h(0) = 1, it is easy to show that c@, k ) = y ; h ( p ) h(k),
and c<(-p, - p ) = y ; h ( p ) . Hence
or, in the frequency domain by
s~(01,. ’ ‘ t wk-1) = y;H(ol) * * H(wk-1) H(-igl w j ) (2)
Equation (4) states that the IR { h ( k ) } of an LTI system is identical
where cg( .) denotes the output kth-order cumulant, 7 ; the input (within a scale factor) to thethird-order output cumulant sequence
kth-order cumulant, St;( * ) the output kth-order spectrum, andh(i) {c~(p,k)},andconsequentlythetrueNMPsystemcanberecovered
using output cumulants only. This can also be verified using a
Manuscript received December 1,1986. graphical interpretation of (3) (see also Fig.1).Therefore, from an
The author is with the Departmentof Electrical Engineering-Systems, Sig- identification viewpoint, {cg(p, k ) } plays the role of thecross-cor-
nal and Image Processing Institute, University of Southern California, Los relation sequence { r d k ) } , because
Angeles, CA 900890781, USA.
IEEE L o g Number 8714508. 4 h(k) = rJk) = € { x ( i ) y(i + k ) } .


A h(i) 111. AREAS

Keepingonly thesignificant singular valuesof the Hankel matrix

formed by the {cg(p, k ) } sequence, one may obtain a reduced NMP
w \ ,
... ... i
ARMA model that approximates the originalmodel in thespectral
norm. Moreover, for phase reconstruction purposes we omitthe
c{(-p, -p) constant in (3), and after taking the Fourier transform
of h(k) we obtain
du) = arg [H(w)l

1 t h(i+p’
which is a closed-form solution of thesystem’s phase in terms of
the output cumulants. Furthermore, once the ARMA model has
been obtained we may use it for deconvolution (see also[2],) har-
monic retrieval, and spectral estimation. For the latter, using the
{c@, k ) } samples as constraints one may obtain a unique r e p
resentative in the family of extrapolating spectra described in [q.

The main contribution of this letter is avery simple, timedomain
solution of the stochastic realization problem that requires one-
dimensionalprocessing. As opposed to the methods of [2]-[4], [q,
and [8] we proved that onedimensional versions of the output
cumulantsaresufficient for NMPsystem identification.Theoutput
cumulants are computed through sample averaging, e.g.,
Fig. 1. Sf,, h(i) h(i + p ) h(i + k ) is always a scalar multiple of h(k).

The estimator in (9), and consequently the IR estimator, can be

where .L‘ denotes the input variance. Notice though, that for the shown to be consistent along the lines of [2] and [lo]. Additionally,
rJk) estimation we needboth inputand output (110)data,whereas as noted in [3], when symmetrically distributed noise is added to
for the c{(p, k ) estimation output data are sufficient. the output, the cumulants remain unaffected. Therefore, the only
The order p, if not known, has to be determined via cumulant errorintroducedcomesfrom(9)whenNisfinite.AlthoughtheSVD
statistics as in [9]. Moreover, combining (4) and (3) with m, = m, results in smoothestimates,further reductionof theerrorvariance
= 0, the input cumulant can be expressed as can be achieved if we use cumulants of different orders and aver-
mates can be obtained using optical implementation of the triple
correlation as described in [3].

It is interesting that expressions similar to (4) and (5)can bederived ACKNoWLEDCMENT

for output cumulants of any order. This is particularly useful when The author wishes to thank Prof. J. M. Mendel and A. Swami for
7 ; = 0 (e.g., when the input distribution is symmetric,) but 7; # helpful discussions on this and related topics.
0 for some k > 3. As an example, substituting k = 4 in (3),we may
D. R. Brillinger and M. Rosenblatt, “Computation and inter-
pretation of kth order spectra,” in Spectral Analysisof Time
Series, B. Harris, ed. New York, N Y Wiley, 1967.
B. IIR Case (AR, ARMA Modeis) K. S. Lii and M. Rosenblatt, “Deconvolution and estimation
of transfer function phase and coefficients for non-Caussian
Assuming that our model is stable, and that the input process linear processes,” Ann. Statist., vol. 10, pp. 1195-1208,1982.
is purely random (in the Wold’s sense) there will exist a finite con- [31 A. W. Lohman and B. Wirnitzer, “Triple correlations,” Proc.
stant M such that c5(m1, m 2 ) = 0 for every m, > M . In this case, I€€€, vOI. 72, pp. 889-901,1984.
the resultsof the previous subsection apply, andthe IR isexpressed [41 T. Matsuoka and T. J. Ulrych, “Phase estimation using the
in a nonparametric fashion as bispectrum,” Proc. /E€€, vol. 72, pp. 1403-1411,1984.
151 A. Papoulis, “The general class of extrapolating spectra,” in
Proc. 3rd ASSP Workshop on Spectrum Estimationand Mod-
eling (Boston, MA, 1986).
Alternatively, if a parametric AR or ARMA model is adapted, one 5. Y. Kung, “A new identification and model reduction a@
mayuse the equivalence between the{h(k)} and{cg(M, k ) } rithm via singular value decomposition,” in Proc. 72th /E€€
sequences, to obtain the ARMA model (in an I 1 0 or state-space Asilomar Conf.on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp. 705-
approach) that “best” fits the {c5(M, k ) } sequence. Notice, that 714 (Pacific Grove, C A , 1978).
with output data only, we always have a scale ambiguity. J. K. Tugnait, “Identification of nonminimum phase linear
In both approaches, the Hankel matrixof the {cJ(p, k ) } sequence stochastic systems,” in Proc.24th /€€E Conf. Decision and
is formed, and the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is Control, pp. 407-411 (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 1985).
employed to yield both theARMA parameters and the order of the M. R. Raghuveer andC. L. Nikias, “Bispectrum estimation: A
underlying model, as in [IO]. SVD distinguishes itself from other parametric approach,” E € € Trans.Acoust.,Speech, Signal
solutions because it is robust with respect to noise, finite precision Processing, vol. ASSP-33, pp. 1213-1230, 1985.
errors, incorrect model order, and imperfect modeling. Basically, G.B. Giannakis and J. M. Mendel, “Second or higherarder
with the key equation (7), we have transformed the stochastic real- statistics for ARMA parameter estimation and order deter-
ization problem to a deterministic realization, or model fitting mination?,” presented at 3rd ASSP Workshop on Spectrum
problem. Consequently, anyclassical deterministic realization Estimation and Modeling, Boston, MA, 1986.
technique, such as the Ho-Kalman algorithm, or the SVD approach G. Giannakis, “Signalprocessingvia higher-order statistics,”
of [6] can be employed to obtain the NMP ARMA model which can Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, Los
be shown to be stable along the lines of [IO]. Angeles, CA, July 1986.


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