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Numerical investigations of the flow through rotating porous media

at the microscopic and macroscopic scale

E. Sawicki, C. Geindreau & J.-L. Auriault

Laboratoire Sols-Solides-Structures (3S), CNRS Universits de Grenoble,
Grenoble Cedex, France

ABSTRACT: Recently, the flow law through rotating porous media was obtained by upscaling the flow equa-
tions at the pore scale. The strong influence of the Coriolis force on the flow through a rotating periodic arrays
of cylinders at both the microscopic scale and the macroscopic scale is numerically investigated.

1 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Upscaling process

Physical phenomena in heterogeneous systems such
This paper is aimed towards investigating the flow
as porous media are homogenisable, i.e. may be mod-
law of an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid
elled by means of an equivalent continuous macro-
through a rigid rotating porous medium. Recently, the
scopic description, if the condition of separation of
flow law was obtained by upscaling the flow equa-
scales is satisfied. This fundamental condition may
tions at the pore scale (Auriault et al. 2000; Auriault
be expressed as = l/L
1 in which l and L are the
et al. 2002). The derived flow law is similar to Darcys
characteristic lengths of the heterogeneities and of the
law, but the tensor of permeability depends upon the
macroscopic sample or excitation, respectively.
angular velocity of the porous matrix, i.e. the Ekman
number, it verifies Hall-Onsagers relationship and
it is a non-symmetric tensor. We thus deduce that, 2.2 Dimensionless description at the pore scale
under rotation, an isotropic porous medium leads to
a non-isotropic effective permeability. These results Consider the flow through a rigid porous medium of
are briefly recalled in section 2. Then, in order to period , bounded by that is placed in a centrifuge
highlight the influence of the Coriolis force on the of radius r. Within the periodic cell, the fluid occupies
flow through rotating porous media at both the micro- the domain p , and the fluid-solid interface is denoted
scopic scale, i.e. the pore-scale, and the macroscopic by  (Figure 1). Relatively to the moving porous matrix
scale, i.e. the sample scale, numerical simulations have frame R1, the dimensionless description (subscript )
been performed. In section 3, we first study the influ- for the quasi-static flow of an incompressible viscous
ence of the Coriolis force at the microscopic scale on Newtonian liquid is written
the flow through rotating periodic arrays of cylinders
(Geindreau et al. 2004) and also on the effective per-
meability tensor. In section 4, numerical simulations of
the flow through a permeameter placed in a centrifuge
basket are presented.


The objective of the present section is to give a brief
review of the derivation of the flow law in a rotating r P
porous medium by using the homogenization method
of multiple scale expansions (Bensoussan et al. 1978;
Sanchez-Palencia 1980; Auriault 1991). For details O R1 (moving frame) / R0
related to the analysis below, the reader is referred to
(Auriault et al. 2000; Auriault et al. 2002). Figure 1. Periodic cell in a non-galilean frame R1 .

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
where w is the dimensionless fluid velocity relatively
to the matrix frame, p denotes the dimensionless
pressure and represents the dimensionless fluid vis-
The unknowns w(0) and p 1 = p(1) are also
cosity. In the above equations, = e where
periodic. The macroscopic pressure drop G and the
is constant denotes the dimensionless angular veloc-
angular velocity are supposed to be given. The
ity of the porous matrix, O is a fixed point of the
tensor K rot depends through the Ekman number on
porous matrix within the period and M represents a
the angular velocity , the kinetic viscosity /
current point in p . We use the local pore lengthscale
and the characteristic length l. Moreover, it can be
l as the characteristic length scale for normalizing
shown (Auriault et al. 2000; Auriault et al. 2002) that
the variations of the differential operators: in other
the effective permeability K rot is a positive but non-
words, we apply the so-called microscopic point of
symmetric tensor, and that it verifies Hall-Onsagers
view (Auriault 1991). The dimensionless pore-scale
relationship Kijrot () = Kjirot ().
description shows four dimensionless numbers: Q,
which represents the ratio of the pressure term to the When the Ekman number is large
Ek 1
viscous forces. By following a physical reasoning we the flow law is written (Auriault et al. 2000; Auriault
have Q = O (1 (Auriault 1991); the ratio R of the et al. 2002),
macroscopic convective inertia (O) to the viscous
force 2 w; the ratio A of the local convective inertia
( OM) to the macroscopic convective iner-
tia (O) and the Ekman number, Ek, the ratio of the
viscous force 2 w to the Coriolis inertia 2 w. where (K + (2/) H ) stands for an approxima-
We have A = O(2 l/2 r)
l/L = and we assume tion of K rot at large Ekman number. Tensor K (m2 ) is
R = O(1). To account for Coriolis effects, we assume the classical Galilean permeability tensor and H (m4 )
that Ek = O(1). is a second order tensor defined as follows

2.3 Asymptotic analysis

The velocity w and the pressure p are looked for in
the form of asymptotic expansions of powers of , where the symbol ijk denotes the permutation sym-
bol and kij = kijrot (EK 1 = 0) is the solution of the
boundary value problem (6)(7) when = 0.
where = w , p the dimensionless macroscopic
space variable x = X/L is related to the dimension-
less microscopic space variable y = X/l by x = y. 3 NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF
Substituting these expansions in the set (1-2) gives, TENSORS K, H AND K rot OF FIBROUS
by identification of the same powers of , successive MEDIA
boundary value problems to be investigated.
3.1 Microstructures
2.4 Macroscopic descriptions Porous media under consideration are constituted by
When Ekman number is O(1) (
Ek 1
1 ) it can parallel cylinders arranged in a periodic pattern like
be shown that the dimensional macroscopic flow law a square and triangular array (Figure 2). The radius
of rotating porous media is in the form of the cylinder is a and e is the size of the periodic
cell. The solid volume fraction of the porous medium

e e



where G = (p + (O)) and the velocity field

w(0) = k rot (Ek 1 )G is obtained by solving the fol-
lowing boundary value problem in dimensional form e1
on the periodic cell , (a) (b)

Figure 2. (a) square and (b) triangular array of aligned

cylinders. Characteristic lengths of the periodic cell .

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

c = a2 /e2 or c = aa /(e2 3) varies from 0 to /4 for 3.4 Tensor H

the square array and from 0 to 3/6 for the triangular From the definition (9) of H and due to the symmetry
array. of both microstructures, this tensor is also transverse
3.2 Numerical method
Numerical results presented in the following have been
obtained by solving the boundary problem (6)(7) with
a mixed pressure-velocity formulation implemented
in the finite element software FEMLAB (FEMLAB The definition (9) of the components Hij suggests that
2002). P2-P1 finite elements are used. they can be linked with the components Kij . Figure 4
shows the evolution of the following ratios
3.3 Permeability K
When EK 1 = 0, i.e. = 0, the permeability tensor of
both microstructures is transverse isotropic,
versus the solid volume fraction c for both arrange-
ments of cylinders. We observe that for both arrays of

cylinders the ratio H33 /(K11 K22 ) is a constant function
f = 1 over the whole range of the solid volume fraction.

In order to compare our results with numerical data By contrast, the evolution of H11 /(K33 K22 ) depends on
and analytical models of the literature, it is convenient the solid volume fraction and on the arrangement of
to introduce the dimensionless permeability tensor K cylinders. This ratio increases with increasing the solid
(c, arrangement) = K/a2 . The tensor K is normalized volume fraction, and can be approximated by a simple
by a microscopic characteristic length which is arbi- function f (c, arrangement) defined as f (c, square) =
trarily chosen as the radius a of cylinders. Due to this exp(1.617c) and f (c, triangular) = (1 0.69c)2 for
normalization, K depends on the solid volume frac- the square and the triangular arrays of cylinders,
tion c and the arrangement of cylinders only. Figure 3 respectively. These functions are also plotted in Fig-
shows the classical evolution of dimensionless com- ure 4. Taking into account these results, the tensor
ponent kii = Kii /a2 versus the solid volume fraction c (K + (2/) H ) (see Eq. 8) is written:
for the square array of cylinders. This figure shows
that our results are in a very good agreement with
numerical results and with the prediction of asymp-
totic expressions of (Berdichevsky and Cai 1993) and
(Drummond and Tahir 1984). Such results validate our
calculus. Similar results have been obtained for the
triangular array of cylinders (Sawicki 2004). 7
H11*/K22*/K33* square
H33*/K11*/K22* square
103 Fit square
K11*=K22* Drummond & Tahir (1984)
K33* Drummond & Tahir (1984)
H11*/K22*/K33* triangular
K11*=K22* Berichevsky & Cai (1993) 5 H33*/K11*/K22* triangular
101 K33* Berichevsky & Cai (1993) Fit triangular
Dimensionless permeability

K11*=K22* present work

K33* present work 4


10-3 2


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Solid volume fraction (c)
Solid volume fraction (c)
Figure 4. Square and triangular array of cylinders: evolution

Figure 3. Square array of cylinders: evolution of the dimen- of H11 /(K11 K33 ) = H22 /(K22 K33 ) and H33 /(K11 K22 ) versus
sionless permeabilities Kii versus the solid volume fraction c. the solid volume fraction c.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Figure 6. Square arrangement of cylinders: dimension-
rot rot
less permeability K11 (3 )/K11 and K21 (3 )/K11 ver-
sus the angular velocity 3 , for three different values
of the solid volume fraction c and at two values of e:
() c = 0.1, e = 2 mm, () c = 0.3, e = 2 mm, () c = 0.5,
Figure 5. Evolution of the dimensionless microscopic e = 2 mm (&) c = 0.1, e = 1.5 mm, () c = 0.3, e = 1.5 mm,
velocity field w(0) (3 /||wmax (0)||versus3 ; p(0) = e1 , ( ) c = 0.5, e = 1.5 mm.
c = 0.3.
where the inverse of the Ekman number is defined as
for three different values of the solid volume fraction
c (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5), for two values of the cell size e
(2 mm and 1.5 mm) and for an angular velocity within
the range 0 < 3 < 125 rad/s.
and characterizes the deviation of the flow in direction Figure 5 shows the evolution of the normalized
ek when the porous medium is submitted to a macro- (0)
microscopic velocity field w(0) (3 )/||wmax (0)|| (inten-
scopic gradient of pressure and to an angular velocity, sity and deviation) as a function of 3 for the square
which act in direction ei and ej , respectively. Let arrangement of cylinders when p(0) = e1 . Arrows
us remind that the function f (c, arrangement) = 1 if and color map represent the direction and the inten-
(ijk) = (132), (231) for both arrangement. The above (0)
sity of w(0) (3 /||wmax (0)|| respectively. We observe
results point out that (i) it is more pertinent to use that the flow deviation due to Coriolis acceleration
the permeability to evaluate the Ekman number, as it increases with increasing the angular velocity, whereas
was suggested by (Vadasz 1993), (ii) the deviation of the flow intensity diminish : these effects are Coriolis
the flow due to Coriolis forces strongly depends on the effects at the microscopic scale. At the macroscopic
angular velocity and also on the value of the permeabil- scale, the deviation which is characterized by the
ity in the direction perpendicular to the macroscopic angle between p(0) and w(0)  also increases with
pressure gradient. increasing the angular velocity.
The plots of the dimensionless permeabilities
rot rot
3.5 Permeability Krot K11 (3 /K11 and K21 (3 /K11 for the square array of
cylinders with respect to 3 for three values of solid
Now, we consider EK 1 = O(1). For the sake of sim-
fraction c and for two values of e are shown in Figure 6.
plicity we also assume that = 3 e3 . As a result of
For a given angular velocity, we observe that Coriolis
the geometry and the angular velocity, the permeabil-
effects on the permeability decrease with increasing c
ity tensor K rot (3 ) of both arrays of cylinders takes the
and with decreasing the length e. Figure 7 shows the
evolution of the same numerical results with respect
1 1
to Ek 1 = Ek(132) = Ek(231) defined by (eq. 14).

where k12rot
(3 ) = K21
(3 ) and K33 does not depend
on 3 . In order to determine Kijrot (3 ), several simu- This figure shows that dimensionless permeabilities
rot rot
lations have been carried out on both microstructures K11 (3 )/K11 and K21 (3 )/K11 can be adjusted by

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Figure 7. Square arrangement of cylinders: dimensionless
permeability K11rot rot
(3 )/K11 and K21 (3 )/K11 versus EK1
defined by (16). Marks represents numerical results presented
in figure 6. The continuous line represents equation (17).

a unique curve which depends on the above Ekman Figure 8. The pressure fields (a), (b) and the velocity fields
number only, (c), (d) for the fine scale and the homogenized model.

porous medium consists of a periodic square array of

rigid cylinders which are parallel to the angular veloc-
These relations are plotted in Figure 7 as the continu- ity. The radius r of the centrifuge is supposed to be
ous line. In this particular case, i.e. when = 3 , e3 large in comparison with the characteristic dimen-
from equation (17), it can be shown that the flow law sions of the porous medium L and H : r  L and
is written, r  H . Consequently, we assume that the centrifugal
force (O) is constant over the permeameter. For the
sake of simplicity we also assume that (O) = 0. This
hypothesis has not consequence on numerical results
presented below. Therefore, we suppose that the pres-
where the term: 23 e3 w(0)  appears as a macro- sure is homogeneous and constant at the inlet and the
scopic Coriolis force which deviates and brakes the outlet of the permeameter : p0 and p1 ( p0 > p1 ) are
flow. These results remains valid for the triangular the imposed inlet and outlet pressures, respectively.
array of cylinders when = 3 e3 . Relation is not valid In order, to clearly check the influence of the Coriolis
for all types of geometry and whatever (Geindreau force on the flow through the permeameter, we consid-
et al. 2004; Sawicki 2004). ered two models (Figure 8) : (i) a fine scale model:
we assume that the porous medium is constituted by
one hundred cylinders and H /L = 1. The fluid flow in
4 NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF FLOW the whole permeameter is described by,

4.1 Boundary value problem

and w = 0, on all solid surfaces. (ii) an homogenized
The objective of this last section is to highlight the model : the fluid flow through the fluid zones is
influence of the Coriolis forces on the flow in a rotating described by eq. (19), whereas the flow in the porous
porous medium at the macroscopic scale.We consider domain is described by
a permeameter which is placed in a centrifuge at con-
stant angular velocity = 3 e3 . Lateral surfaces of
the permeameter are considered as impervious. The
permeameter is composed of three domains: two fluid
domains at the inlet and the outlet of the permeame-
ter, respectively and a porous domain (Figure 8). The where K rot (3 ) is defined by equations (15) and (17).

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
4.2 Numerical results where v = (v1 , v2 ) and p = (1 p, 2 p). At the bound-
aries of the porous medium, we have v1 = 0 and
Figures 8 (a),(b) and Figures 8 (c),(d) show the
pressure fields and the velocity fields for the fine v2 = Q(3 )/L, Thus, from (22) we get
scale and the homogenized models, respectively.
We observe that the homogenized and the fine scale
solutions are in very good agreement even if the sep-
aration of scale for the fine scale model is poor:
0.1. We also observe that due to the rotation
and to the macroscopic boundary conditions, the pres-
sure gradient p within the porous medium is deviated
from the sample axis whereas the macroscopic veloc- These relations show that it is possible to determine
ities w (fine scale model) and v (homogenized the components of tensor K rot knowing the flow rate Q
model) are not deviated. and two gradients of pressure defined as 1 p = (pA
To compare the classical interpretation of centrifuge ' and 2 p = (pB pD )/BD.
pB )/AB ' Figure 9 shows the
tests to our results, let us introduce the scalar parameter rot rot
evolution of K22 (3 )/K11 and K21 (3 )/K11 deduced
K cen [m2 ] defined by the Darcys law, from our numerical simulations by using the above
relations for the fine scale model and the homog-
enized model. In this figure, we have also plotted
relation (17) (continuous lines). These results show
that it seems possible to deduce components of the
effective tensor of permeability of a rotating isotropic
where Q(3 ) [m2 /s] is the flow rate in the permeameter porous media from the flow rate Q in the permeameter
and 2 p = (pB pD )/BD ' is the gradient of pressure in
and three pressure measurements (pA , pB , pD ).
the porous medium between points B and D. In Fig-
ure 9, we observe that the ratio K cen (3 )/K11 deduced
from our numerical simulations remains constant and 5 CONCLUSION
equal to 1 when the angular velocity increases. That
shows that existing experimental data are not sufficient In order to highlight the influence of the Coriolis
to determine the tensor K rot . force on the flow through rotating porous media at
In the porous medium, the macroscopic flow is both the microscopic scale, i.e. the pore-scale, and
described by the following relation, the macroscopic scale, i.e. the sample scale, numer-
ical simulations have been performed. We first have
studied the influence of the Coriolis force at the micro-
scopic scale on the flow through rotating periodic
arrays of cylinders (Geindreau et al. 2004) and on
the effective permeability tensor. Deviations of the
flow which are due to Coriolis forces, that is, to the
angular velocity are clearly highlighted. Numerical
results obtained for different values of the radius of
cylinders and solid volume fraction, and also for var-
ious arrangements of cylinders were presented. All
these results suggest that (i) it is more pertinent to
use the permeability in the direction perpendicular to
the macroscopic gradient of pressure to estimate the
characteristic length in the Ekman number which mea-
sures the deviation of the flow, (ii) the flow law in
non-Galileen frame may be approximated by a simple
modified Darcys law including a macroscopic Cori-
olis force which brakes and deviates the flow. Next,
numerical simulations of the flow through a perme-
ameter placed in a centrifuge basket were performed
in order to highlight the influence of the Coriolis force
at the macroscopic scale. Obtained numerical results
Figure 9. Evolution of K cen (3 )/K11 (21), K22 rot
(3 )/K11 show that the gradient of pressure field is deviated
(23) and K21 (3 )/K11 (24) deduced from our numerical from the sample axis whereas the macroscopic veloc-
simulations for the fine scale model and the homogenized ity is not deviated. These numerical results obtained
model versus the Ekman number. by using the homogenized macroscopic flow law were

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
compared with numerical results deduced from fine Berdichevsky, A.L. and Z. Cai (1993). Perform permeability
scale simulations. We finally conclude by showing predictions by self consistent method and finite element
that available experimental data from tests carried out simulation. Polymer Composites 14, 132143.
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through regular arrays of parallel solid cylinders. Int. J.
tive tensor of permeability of rotating porous media. Multiphase Flow 10, 515540.
We show that it seems possible to deduce the com- FEMLAB (2002). Reference manual, version 2.3.
ponents of the effective tensor of permeability of a
rotating isotropic porous media from the flow rate in Geindreau, C., E. Sawicki, J.-L. Auriault, and P. Royer
the permeameter and three pressure measurements. (2004). About darcys law in non-galilean frame. Int. J.
For Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
28, 229249.
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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

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