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Frozen Turbulence

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Eur. J. Mech.

@ Elsevier, Paris



A. N. Pushkare&l (l)
[I] : Arizona Center of Mathematical Sciences, Universityof Arizona, ‘I&son, AZ 85721, USA e-mail: andrei@acms .arizona. edu

(Received 15 September 1998, revised and accepted 15 January 1999)

Abstract - Numerical simulation of dynamical equations for capillary waves excited by long-scale forcing shows the
presence of both Kolmogorov spectrum at high wavenumbers (with the index predicted by weak-turbulent theory) and
non-monotonic spectrum at low wavenumbers. The value of the Kolmogorov constant measured in numerical experiments
happens to be different from the theoretical one. We explain the difference by the coexistence of Kolmogorov and “frozen’
turbulence with the help of maps of quasi-resonances. Observed results are believed to be generic for different physical
dispersive systems and are confirmed by laboratory experiments. @ Elsevier, Paris

1. Introduction
An important issue is the degree of correspondence of wave dynamics in nonlinear dispersive media of infinite
and finite extent. This question becomes especially important when the characteristic wavelength of the wave
ensemble is comparable with the length of the finite domain and excited waves are weakly nonlinear. Such
questions arise during attempts of confirmation of analitical results obtained for dynamical system in infinite
domain by numerical simulation of the same dynamical system in the finite region with particular type of
boundary conditions. Popular boundary conditions are periodical ones and the following consideration will deal
with this particular case of boundary conditions. The result is believed to be true, however, for other types of
boundary conditions, such as, zero of the function or its derivative, or their combination, etc.
It is well known that in the limit of low levels of excitations the behavior of an ensemble of waves in nonlinear
dispersive systems in infinite domain is described by the kinetic equation for waves [l] and is known as “weak”
turbulence. One of the classical examples of the weak turbulence is the system of weakly nonlinear capillary
waves on the surface of deep water. One should emphasize that above question of degree of correspondence
of the wave dynamics in infinite and finite domain is not only about comparison of numerical simulation and
analysis, but also about the role of boundary conditions in laboratory experiments on excitation of capillary
waves in finite-size containers [2].
An interaction of the Fourier modes in kinetic equation for capillary waves is performed through the inter-
action of triplets of waves which are solution of the system of equations usually referred by “conservation laws”
or “resonances” [l]

wg +w,i -W& =Q (1)

#g+l&g (2)
(*I Permanent address: Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 117940 GSP-1 Moscow
V-334, ul.Kosygina 2

A. Pushkarev

where L and wz are the corresponding wave vector and frequency.

The system (l)-(2) always has solutions in the case of continuous spectrum for dispersion relation of capillary

known as “decay-type” dispersion relation [l]; D is the coefficient of surface tension. The situation changes,
however, in the case of a finite domain. Fourier harmonics of the system with periodic boundary conditions
are not continuous functions of the wavenumber anymore, like in the case of infinite domain, but infinite set of
values defined at discrete equidistant wavenumbers. The question of existence of solution of the system (l)-(2)
turns into, generally speaking, nontrivial number theory problem. Significant breakthrough in classification of
existence of solutions of this system for different types of dispersion relations wz was done by E.Kartashova [3].
It was shown, in particular, that the system (l)-(2) does not have solutions in the case of capillary waves
dispersion relation (3) which means that there are no interacting Fourier modes in the kinetic equation for
waves in the finite domain in this case.
The situation changes, however, if nonlinear dispersion correction 61, due to finite amplitude of the excited
wave is taken into account and capillary wave frequency becomes

Conservation laws (l)-(2) are transformed therefore into “quasi-conservation laws” or “quasi-resonances”

wkl + Wka - wks = Aklkzks (5)

G+l&=& (6)
Akl kzk3 = bk3 - 6k1 - 6k2 (7)

It is clear that the system (5)-(7) h as more degrees of freedom than the system (l)-(2) for solutions to exist
due to the parameter Aklk2k3 which measures the level of excitation of oscillations.
Below we outline the results of direct numerical simulation of the dynamical equations for capillary waves
in periodical domain which shows that besides classical Kolmogorov turbulence regime exists another regime of
“frozen” turbulence. The “frozen” turbulence regime is explained with the help of “maps” of ‘Lquaiziresonances”
(5)-(7) w h ic h s h ow ‘Lallowed” and “prohibited” Fourier modes as a result of the discreteness of the Fourier
spectrum due to the periodicity of the boundary conditions.

2 .._ Numerical model

We carried out numerical simulations of weakly nonlinear capillary waves in two-dimensional periodical
domain based on discretization of the system of dynamical equation of surface waves on deep water [4] supplied
with forcing F? and damping terms D,-:


Frozen Turbulence

where qF = ~(7, t) is the shape of the surface, r” = (2, y); $~(r’,t) is the velocity potential evaluated on the free
Brackets [...I,- denote an expression in R-space and action of the operator Ii1 on the function & is defined
through Fourier space as

The Fourier component of forcing is defined by

Fz = fi cos (wk (1 + R) t) (10)

where wk is the local linear frequency, R = R(t) is

. a function of time, taking values randomly distributed
between -1 and -t-l.
For numerical reasons we used an artificial damping D turned on at the wavenumbers Its = 0.7 + 0.9 k,,,
(the details are not significant for the present paper and can be found in [4]).
In the absence of forcing and damping the system (8)-(g) p reserves the energy integral H (Hamiltonian)

H = Ho-t-H,+Hz+...
Ho = ; J’[14W,-12
+ (9 + 4k12h~12]di

MkX&,’ = llc;ll&l[; [I6 +&I + lrcl+ rc’,l+ l& + Gl + Irc’+z kq] - lG;71-l&j]
It is convenient to use the parameter c = 9 as a measure of nonlinearity of the system which by the
order of magnitude is equal to the average angle of deviation of the liquid surface from the horizontal line IOnI.

3. Kolmogorov and “frozen” turbulence

-A series of experiments was carried out with the forcing (10) localized at small wavenumbers. They show
that, at low levels of nonlinearity E 2: 10-2, the stationary spectrum of surface elevations is isotropic in angle
and transfers a finite energy flux to the large wavenumbers i region.
The plot of the logarithmic derivative (see Fig. 1) shows that in the interval 8 < k < 23 the spectrum
can be considered as powerlike Ik = qk-“. The exponential value is close to z 21 4.8 with q N 0.03. This
exponential value is in a good agreement with the value of Kolmogorov index 4 calculated by Zakharov and
Filonenko [5], [6] as an exact solution of stationary kinetic equations for waves.
From weak-turbulence theory, q = C,,,@ (g = l), where Cezp is an experimental value of the Kolmogorov
constant. Once we have measured the energy flux P, one can calculate Cezp = 1.7 which happens to be different
from the theoretical value of Kolmogorov constant Ctheory = 9.85 [4].
Another series of experiments carried out for lower levels of nonlinearity, v 5 10P3, has shown that there
is a stationary regime of “frozen” turbulence in the small-wavenumbers region of pumping, with the spectrum
exponentially decaying toward high 2 (see Fig.2). The wave spectrum consists of several dozens of excited low-
wavenumber harmonics, possibly exchanging energy between each other, without generating an energy cascade

A. Pushkarev







FIGURE 1. The derivative of the logarithm of the spectrum of spatial elevations with respect
to the logarithm of the wavenumber, as a function of the logarithm of the wave number (local
value of Kolmogorov index).

FIGURE 2. One half of the spectrum of spatial elevation in the case of “frozen” turbulence

toward high wavenumbers. There is virtually no energy absorption associated with high wavenumbers damping,
in this case.
We interpret this regime as generic, associated with wave spectrum discreteness due to periodicity of boundary
conditions. The characteristic feature of this regime is formation of ring structures around z = 0 (see Fig. 2).

Frozen Turbulence

The numerical experiments described above have demonstrated that the theory of weak turbulence is correct
in two-dimensional case, as well as existence of the Kolmogorov spectrum. This result is confirmed by data of
laboratory experiments carried out in Department of Physics, UCLA [2].
Still, there are several questions to be answered:
1. Difference of the experimental value of Kolmogorov constant from the theoretical one.
2. Existence of fluxless or Yrozen” turbulence regimes at very low levels of short-wave forcing.
3. “Wedding cake” shape of the “frozen” turbulence spectrum (Fig.2) which gives oscillating one-dimensional
spectrum after angle-averaging.

4. Maps of quasi-resonances
To understand the answers to above questions we propose the following algorithm of studying of quasi-
For three vectors

conservation laws (5))(7) transform into

We are building the “map” function Mc(k,, Icy) such that

1ifA hkz -< 6

MC(z) =
0 ifAtlkz >c

Every map Mc(kz, Jcy)corresponds to the chosen “level” of the turbulence e. The algorithm of building of
the map tests if every allowed triplet ,&<,&, $3 has a discrepancy Aklkz less then 6. If the answer is “yes” all
points k;, k;, & are assigned the value of 1, and 0 otherwise.
It is important to note that, generally speaking, a particular map is also a function of the cutoff wavenumber
in Fourier space kcllt which is characteristic value of starting of significant high-wavenumber damping. The more
is kczlt, the more active resonances exist on the map. This is clear from the following consideration. Suppose
that absolute value of kq is much smaller than k;, k<. It is clear that the bigger kcut is, the more possibilities
exist to satisfy the condition A < E for any given 6.
Fig. 3a, 3b, 3c show the maps of quasiresonances for c = 0.0001, c = 0.01, E = 1.0. White areas correspond
to “allowed” Fourier modes while blacks to “prohibited” ones. As one could expect, the richness of resonances
grows significantly with 6. The-a picture
-3 of resonances on Fig.Sa is very poor - direct analysis shows that there are
no two different triplets k;, k2, ks coupling with each other. This case corresponds to the case of pure “frozen”
turbulence, because there is no mechanism of energy transfer from one triplet to another, i.e. from low to high
The picture of resonances on Fig.Sb is significantly denser. It was found that there are coupling triplets
of wavevectors in this case able to transfer the energy from low to high wavenumbers, still not many. It is
interesting that averaging the map over the angle in Fourier space we get oscillatory one-dimensional “wave
spectrum” due to the presence of spectral holes on the corresponding two-dimensional map. It is tempting, but
hard to compare these oscillations with low-wavenumber oscillations in laboratory data [2], where some of them
are obviously produced by effects of parametric forcing. Still, the tendency of formation of oscillatory spectrum
was quite obvious in numerical experiments (see Fig.2) and represents an interesting subject of investigation in
laboratory experiments.

A. Pushkarev

FIGURE 3. Map of quasi-resonances A&,(/c,, Icy) for (a) E = 0.0001 (b) E = 0.01, (c) E = 1.0.
The point Ic, = 0, Ic, = 0 is located at the center of the picture. White areas correspond to 1
(“allowed” modes), black area to 0 (“prohibited” modes).

The map of resonances on Fig.Sc presents the case of well-developped coupling of resonant triplets. The
result of the averaging of the map over the angle does not contain any oscillations. One can expect that the
effects of “frozen” turbulence should be minimal in this case being compared to the cases Fig.Sa,b which creates
better conditions for realization of Kolmogorov regime of turbulence.

Frozen Turbulence

5. Conclusion
We performed numerical simulation of weakly turbulent capillary waves which clearly shows existence of
Kolmogorov law of the stationary spectrum with the index corresponding to found theoretically from kinetic
equation for waves. The value of Kolmogorov constant measured from numerical experiments is happened,
however, to be different from the theoretical value.
This difference is caused by the fact that beside Kolmogorov regime there is another, “frozen” regime of
turbulence without energy flux from low to high wavenumbers. This mechanism is especially robust at very low
levels of turbulence and is observed through anglular symmetric “wedding cake” shaped spectra of turbulence.
The mechanism of “frozen” turbulence can be understood through the analysis of solutions of kinematic
three-wave quasi-conservation laws. This analisys was performed numerically by building the maps of quasi-
resonanses which show that for small levels of excited waves Fourier space is splitted to the regions of “allowed”
and “prohibited” modes. As a result, for very small levels of excitation, there are no coupling triplets of the
wavevectors responsible for energy transfer from low to high wavenumbers. The number of ‘Lallowed” Fourier
modes grows significantly with the increase of the level of excitation or inertial range in Fourier space. As
a result, one can expect Kolmogorov regime of turbulence at relatively high levels of excited waves and big
enough inertial range in Fourier space. Weak turbulence in bounded systems is therefore, as a rule, the mixture
of “frozen” and Kolmogorov turbulence.
The smallness of the experimental value of the Kolmogorov constant suggests that energy flux realized in the
numerical experiment is significantly bigger than weak-turbulent flux which could correspond to this constant.
Excessive energy flux is, to our mind, caused by narrowness of the intertial range in Fourier space, which
makes possible direct (non-cascade) absorbtion of the energy produced in the short wavenumbers region of the
It is the challenge to build a simplified dynamical numerical model of purely ‘Lfrozen” turbulence. It can be
based on a numerical algorithm which consists of the solution of dynamical equations coupled with dynamically
changing map of allowed modes in time and Fourier space. It is also tempting to observe such “frozen” turbulence
in laboratory experiments on excitation of capillary waves in containers which could be observed via detection
of ring structures in two-dimensional spectra of surface elevations.

This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research of the USA (grant ONR NO00 14-98-l-0070)
and partially by Russian Basic Research Foundation (grant 9401-00898). We are using this opportunity to
acknowledge these foundations.
Thanks are due to Computational Mechanics Publications for their kind permission to reproduce some parts
of this paper which first appeared in [4].

[l] Zakharov, V.E., Falkovich G., Lvov V’S, Kolmogorov Spectra of Turbulence I, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992
[2] W.Wright, Raffi Budakian, SPutterman, Phys.Rew.Lett, V.76, N 24 (1996)
[3] Kartashova E., Wave Resonances in Systems with Discrete Spectra, in: V.E.Zakharov (Ed.), Nonlinear Waves and Weak
Turbulence, Advances in the Mathematical Sciences (formerly Advances in Soviet Mathematics), American Mathematical
Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 1998, pp.95-129
[4] Pushkarev A.N., Zakharov V.E., Turbulence of Capillary waves - theory and numerical simulation. Nonlinear Ocean Waves,
Chapter 4, in: W.Perrie (Ed.), Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 17, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton,
Boston, 1998, pp.lll-131
[5] Zakharov V.E., Filonenko N.N., The energy spectrum for stochastic oscillation of a fluid surface, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
170(6), (1996) pp.1292-1295, (in Russian)
[6] Zakharov~ V.E., Filonenko N.N., Weak turbulence of capillary waves, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 4,
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