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Periodic Table Topic Test 1

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1.1 An element with atomic number 107 has recently been discovered. Its block, group number, period and
outershell electronic configuration respectively are:
(1) s-block, group 2, period 6, 6s2 (2) p-block, group 13, period 5, 5s2 5p4
(3) d-block, group 7, period 7, 7s 2
(4) f-block, group 3, period 6, 6s2
1.2 In which one of the following pairs the radius of the second species is greater than that of first?
(1) Ti4+, Mn7+ (2) Na, Mg (3) Cl–, K+ (4) P5+, P3+
1.3 The chemical formula of Aluminium plumbate is -
(1) Al3(PbO3)3 (2) Al2(PbO3)3 (3) Al2(PbO2)3 (4) Al3(PbO2)3

1.4 The chemical name of K2MnO4 is -

(1) Potassium permangnate (2) Potassium magnate
(3) Potassium metamagnate (4) Potassium magnite
1.5 The chemical name of NaH2PO4 is -
(1) Sodium dihydrogen phosphite (2) Sodium dihydrogen phosphide
(3) Sodium hydrogen phosphate (4) Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
1.6 The five successive ionisation energies of an element ‘X’ are 800, 1427, 2658, 25024 and 32824 KJ
mole–1 respectively. The valency of ‘X’ is :
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
1.7 For an element 'A', the first ionisation energy will be numerically equal to :
(1) EA of A+ (2) EA of A2+ (3) E of A2+ (4) None of these
1.8 The first ionisation energy of Al is smaller than that of Mg because :
(1) the atomic number of Al is greater than that of Mg.
(2) the atomic size of Al is less than that of Mg.
(3) Penetration of s-subshell electrons in case of Mg is greater than that of p-subshell in Al
(4) Mg has incompletely filled s-orbital.
1.9 In which of the following pairs, the first member has higher first ionization energy ?
(1) N, O (2) B, Be (3) Al , Ga (4) Cl , F
1.10 Which of the following species will have the smallest size ?
(1) Li+ (2) Mg2+ (3) Al3+ (4) K+
1.11 The chemical formula of Permanganic acid is -
(1) HMnO4 (2) H2MnO4 (3) HMnO3 (4) H2MnO3

1.12 Which of the following is the correct order of ionisation enthalpy ?

(1) Te2– < I– < Cs+ < Ba2+ (2) I– < Te2– < Cs+ < Ba2+

(3) Te < Cs < I < Ba
2– + 2+
(4) Ba < Cs+ < I– < Te2–

1.13 The statement that is not correct for the periodic classification of elements is :
(1) the properties of elements are the periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
(2) non–metallic elements are lesser in number than metallic elements.
(3) the first ionisation energies of elements along a period do not vary in a regular manner with increase
in atomic number.
(4) for transition elements the d–subshells are filled with electrons monotonically with increase in atomic
1.14 In the modern periodic table, the block indicates the value of ................. for the last subshell that received
electrons in building up the electronic configuration. Fill in the blank with appropriate option.
(1) Atomic number (2) Azimuthal quantum number

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(3) Principal quantum number (4) Atomic mass
1.15 Element with electronic configuration as [Ar]18 3d5 4s2 is placed in :
(1) 1st group, s-block (2) 2nd group, s-block (3) 5th group, d-block (4) 7th group, d-block
1.16 Which set does not show correct matching ?
(1) Sc3+ [Ne] 3s2 3p6 zero group (2) Fe2+ [Ar] 3d6 8th group
(3) Cr [Ar] 3d5 4s1 6th group (4) All of the above
1.17 Atomic radii of F & Ne in Angstrom are respectively given by :
(1) 0.72, 1.60 (2) 1.60, 1.60 (3) 0.72, 0.72 (4) 1.60, 0.71.
1.18 Which of the following element has maximum first ionisation energy?
(1) V (2) Ti (3) Sc (4) Mn
1.19 The set representing the correct order of first ionization potential is :
(1) K > Na > Li (2) Be > Mg > Ca (3) B > C > N (4) Ge > Si > C
1.20 Which of the following relation is correct with respect to first (I) and second (II) ionization energies of
sodium and magnesium?
(1) IMg = IINa (2) INa > IMg (3) IIMg > IINa (4) IINa > IIMg

1.21 First, second & third ionization energies are 737, 1045 & 7733 KJ/mol respectively. The element can
(1) Na (2) B (3) Al (4) Mg
1.22 For which of the following process, the value of electron gain enthalpy is positive?
(1) F(g) + e ⎯→ F–(g) (2) Cl(g) + e– ⎯→ Cl–(g)
(3) Be(g) + e ⎯→ Be (g)
– –
(4) B(g) + e ⎯→ B–(g)
1.23 Which is the correct property mentioned -
(1) Fe+ < Fe2+ < Fe3+ — size (2) Fe+ < Fe2+ < Fe3+ — ionisation energy
(3) B < Be < C — size (4) N < O < F — ionisation energy
1.24 If ionisation energy of an atom is 10 eV & EA is 6.8 eV electronegativity of the species on pauling scale
(1) 4 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 1
1.25 Fluorine has the highest electronegativity among the ns2 np5 group on the Pauling scale, but the electron
affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine because :
(1) the atomic number of fluorine is less than that of chlorine.
(2) fluorine being the first member of the family behaves in an unusual manner.
(3) chlorine can accommodate an electron better than fluorine by utilising its vacant 3d–orbital.
(4) small size, high electron density and an increased electron repulsion makes addition of an electron
to fluorine less favourable than that in the case of chlorine in isolated stage.
1.26 The order of first electron affinity of O, S and Se is :
(1) O > S > Se (2) S > Se > O (3) Se > O > S (4) S > O > Se
1.27 Electron addition will be easier in :-
(1) O (2) O+ (3) O2+ (4) O2–
1.28 Electron gain enthalpy of first element in the following pairs is higher.
(1) Cl, F (2) O, S (3) O, F (4) S, Cl

1.29 Following the Mulliken scale, what parameters are required to evaluate electronegativity ?
(1) Only electronegativity (2) Only electron affinity
(3) Electron affinity and ionization energy (4) Ionic potential and electronegativity

1.30 Which one of the following oxides is neutral ?

(1) CO (2) SnO2 (3) ZnO (4) SiO2
1.31 Which of the following orders is correct ?
(1) F > N > C > Si > Ga – non –metallic character. (2) F > Cl > O > N – oxidising property.
(3) S > Se > Te > O – electron affinity value. (4) All of these.
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1.32 The correct order of radii is-
(1) N < Be < B (2) F– < O2– < N3– (3) Na < Li < K (4) Fe+ < Fe2+ < Fe3+
1.33 In which of the following compound Mn shows minimum radius?
(1) MnO2 (2) KMnO4 (3) MnO (4) None of these

1.34 The ionisation energy of A(g) is similar to in terms of magnitude -

(1) electron affinity of A+(g) (2) electron affinity of A(g)
(3) ionisation energy of A+(g) (4) ionisation energy of A2+(g)
1.35 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ?
(1) Generally the radius trend and the ionization energy trend across a period are opposites.
(2) Metallic and covalent radii of potassium are 1.3 Å and 1.03Å respectively.
(3) Amongst Li–, Be– , B– and C– , Li– is least stable ion .
(4) Atomic and ionic radii of Niobium and Tantalum are almost same
1.36 Electron affinity is the :
(1) Energy absorbed when an electron is added to an isolated atom in the gaseous state
(2) Energy released when an electron is added to an isolated atom in the gaseous state
(3) Energy required to take out an electron from an isolated gaseous atom
(4) Power of an atom to attract an electron to itself
1.37 If x, y and z are electronegativity, ionisation potential and electron-affinity respectively. Then the electron
affinity (z) in the terms of electronegativity (x) and ionisation potential (y) will be :
y+z x−y x2 − y2
(1) x = (2) z = (3) z = (4) z = 2x + y
2 2 2
1.38 Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(1) In the long form of periodic table, the number of period indicates the value of principal quantum
(2) There are four d-block series comprising of total 40 elements in the long form of periodic table.
(3) s-block, d-block and f-block elements are metals.
(4) All p-block elements are non-metal.
1.39 If the same element is forming oxides in different oxidation states then :
(1) that oxide will be neutral in nature in which element will be in its highest oxidation state.
(2) that oxide will be highest acidic in nature in which element will be in its highest oxidation state.
(3) that oxide will be amphoteric in nature in which element will be in its highest oxidation state.
(4) that oxide will be highly basic in nature in which element will be in its highest oxidation state.
1.40 Which of the following statement is correct ?
(1) Ionisation energies of elements decrease along the period.
(2) Ionisation energies of the IIA group elements are less than that of the corresponding III A group
(3) Ionisation energies of group 15 elements are less than that of the corresponding group 16 elements.
(4) Ionisation energy of Ga is greater than Al.
1.41 The dominating factor responsible for the decreasing ionisation energies of the elements on moving down
the group is :
(1) atomic radius (2) type of electron to be removed
(3) the valence shell electron configuration (4) all of these

1.42 Which of the following order is not correct ?

(1) E(I) of Be > E(I) of B but E(II) of Be < E(II) of B
(2) E(I) of Be < E(I) of B but E(II) of Be < E(II) of B
(3) E(II) of O > E(II) of N
(4) E(I) of Mg > E(I) of Al
1.43 The correct order of the metallic character is :
(1) Na > Mg > Al > Si (2) Mg > Na > Al > Si (3) Al > Mg > Na > Si (4) Si > Al > Na > Mg
1.44 The correct order of the non-metallic character is :
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(1) B > C > N > F (2) C > B > N > F (3) F > N > C > B (4) F > N > B > C
1.45 Which of the following statement is incorrect ?
(1) Oxide of aluminium (Al2O3), and arsenic (As2O3) are amphoteric.
(2) Oxide of chlorine (Cl2O7) is less acidic than oxide of nitrogen (N2O5).
(3) Oxide of carbon (CO2) is more acidic than oxide of silica (SiO2).
(4) The correct increasing order of basic character of various oxides is H2O < CuO < MgO < CaO.

1.46 Higher values of ionisation energies of the 5d-transition elements are consistent with the -
(1) relatively smaller effective nuclear charge
(2) relatively smaller size of their atoms
(3) relatively smaller penetration effect of inner orbitals
(4) all of the above
1.47 The correct decreasing order of size of a isoelectronic species is -
(1) Se–2 > Br– > Kr > Rb+ > Sr+2 (2) S–2 > Cl– > K+ > Ar > Ca+2
(3) N–3 > O–2 > Ne > F– > Ca+2 (4) F– > Ne > Na+ > Al+3 > Mg+2
1.48 Which one of the following is not the representative element ?
(1) Fe (2) K (3) Ba (4) N
1.49 An element of atomic mass 40 has 2, 8, 8, 2 as the electronic configuration. Which one of the following
statement regarding this element is not correct ?
(1) It forms an basic oxide (2) It belongs to II A group
(3) It belongs to IV period (4) It forms an acidic oxide
1.50 Ionic radii is/are :
(1) directly proportional to effective nuclear charge
(2) directly proportional to square of effective nuclear charge
(3) inversely proportional to effective nuclear charge
(4) inversely proportional to square of effective nuclear charge
1.51 Which of the following is not a correct match ?
(1) Cl–, P3–, Ar Isoelectronics
(2) Size of Mo = size of W Lanthanide contraction
(3) IP of 'Be' > IP of 'B' Penetration effect
(4) Size of Ne > size of F Due to complete octet of Ne
1.52 Find the atomic number of element belonging to 4th period and 17th group in Modern periodic table :
(1) 17 (2) 25 (3) 59 (4) 35
1.53 Correct order of the property indicated below -
(1) Na > Al > Mg > Si IE1 (2) Cl > S > O > F Heg1
(3) F > O > Cl > S EN (4) Cl > O > F > S EA1

1.54 Consider the following points :

(a) Cs is the strongest reducing agent in IA group element
(b) Be(OH)2 is amphoteric
(c) The density of potassium is less than sodium
(d) In alkali metals Li, Na, K and Rb, lithium has the minimum value of M.P.
Correct statement are :
(1) (a) & (b) are correct (2) (a), (b) & (c) are correct
(3) (b) & (c) are correct (4) (b), (c) & (d) are correct
1.55 Atomic number of an element is 43. The correct set of it's period number, block and group number is :
Period no. Block Group no.
(1) 5 d 5
(2) 4 d 7
(3) 5 d 7
(4) 5 s 7
1.56 The electronic configurations of four elements are given below. Arrange these elements in the correct
order of the magnitude of their electron affinity.
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(i) 2s2 2p3 (ii) 3s2 3p5 (iii) 2s2 2p4 (iv) 3s2 3p4
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
(1) (ii) < (i) < (iv) < (iii) (2) (i) < (iii) < (iv) < (ii)
(3) (iii) < (iv) < (ii) < (i) (4) (iii) < (iv) < (i) < (ii)
1.57 What is the correct order of 2nd ionisation energy
(1) C < O < N < F (2) C < N < O <  (3) C < F < N < O (4) C < N < F < O
1.58 The electron affinity of a hypothetical element ‘A’ is 3 eV per atom. How much energy in kcal is released
when 10g of ‘A’ is completely converted to A¯ ion in a gaseous state?
(1 eV = 23 kcal mol–1, Molar mass of A = 30 g)
(1) 23 kcal (2) 46 kcal (3) 50 kcal (4) 52 kcal
1.59 Which is not correctly matched ?
(a) Basic strength of oxides Cs2O<Rb2O< K2O < Na2O < Li2O
(b) Stability of peroxides Na2O2 < K2O2 < Rb2O2 < Cs2O2
(c) Stability of bicarbonates LiHCO3 < NaHCO3 < KHCO3 < RbHCO3 < CsHCO3
(d) Melting point NaF < NaCl < NaBr < NaI
(1) a and d (2) a and c (3) a and b (4) b and c
1.60 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :
List I List II
(a) SO2, NO3–, CO32– (p) Semi-metals
(b) B, Si, Ge, As, Sb (q) soelectronic species
(c) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe (r) Van der waal’s radii
(d) M(g) + energy → M+(g) + e– (s) onisation energy
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) q p r s (2) p q r s
(3) q p s r (4) r p q s
1.61 Match List I ( atomic number of the element) with List II (position in the periodic table) and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists -
List I List II
(a) 52 (p) s-block
(b) 56 (q) p-block
(c) 57 (r) d-block
(d) 60 (s) f-block
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) q p r s (2) q p s r
(3) p q r s (4) p b s r

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