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D & F - Block Elements - DPPs

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DPP-1 (NLC/044)
[General Physical Properties of the d-Block]
1. Which of the following statements is 4. The number of d -electrons in Fe2+ (At.
correct for the d-block elements? no. of iron = 26) is not equal to that of
(1) They occupy the large middle (1) p electrons in neon (At. no. = 10)
section flanked by s- and p- block (2) s electrons in Mg (At. no. = 12)
in the periodic table. (3) d electrons in Fe
(2) They are also known as ‘transition (4) p electrons in Cl- (At. no. of Cl = 17)
elements’ because of their position
between s- and p- block elements. 5. Among the following series of transition
(3) The d-orbital of the penultimate metal ions, the one where all Metal ions
energy level in their atoms receive have 3d2 electronic configuration is
outer electrons giving rise to four
(1) Ti3+, V2+, Cr3+, Mn4+
rows of the transition metals i.e.,
(2) Ti+, V4+, Cr6+, Mn7+
3d, 4d, 5d and 6d.
(4) All of the above (3) Ti4+, V3+, Cr2+, Mn3+
(4) Ti2+, V3+, Cr4+, Mn5+
2. The electronic configuration of the
element which is just above the element 6. Which of the following pair of elements
with atomic number 43 in the same belong to second transition series?
periodic group is (1) Fe & Pd (2) V & Y
(1) 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d5, 4s2 (3) Cu & Au (4) Ag & Zr
(2) 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d10, 4s24p5
(3) 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d6, 4s1 7. In the following transition elements, the
(4) 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p63d10, 4s14p6 lowest M.P. (melting point) and B.P.
(boiling point) is exhibited by-
3. Transition elements have
(1) Cr (2) Hg
(1) Completely filled d orbitals
(3) Cu (4) Au
(2) Completely filled s orbitals and d
orbitals 8. Which of the following element does not
(3) Incompletely filled s orbitals and show variable valency?
completely filled d orbitals (1) Ni (2) Zn
(4) Incompletely filled d orbitals (3) Cu (4) Mn
9. In the following members of transition 12. Four successive members of the first-row
elements, the lowest ionization energy is of transition elements are listed below with
(1) Ti (2) Sc their atomic numbers. Which one of them
is expected to have the highest third
(3) V (4) Mn
ionization enthalpy?
(1) Vanadium (Z = 23)
10. Statement-I: The transition metals (2) Manganese (Z = 25)
exhibit higher enthalpies of atomization. (3) Chromium (Z = 24)
Statement-II: Strong interatomic (4) Iron (Z = 26)
interaction arise because of having large
number of unpaired electrons in their atoms. 13. From the given data, find out which of
(1) Both statement I & II are correct the following statements is correct?
(2) Both statement I & II are incorrect I.E Values IE1 + IE2 IE3 + IE4 IE1 + IE2
(3) Statement I is correct while statement → (kJ mol–1) (kJ mol–1) + IE3 + IE4
II is incorrect Elements (kJ mol–1)
(4) Statement I is incorrect while 
statement II is correct Ni 2.49×103 8.80×103 11.29×103
Pt 2.66×103 6.70×103 9.36×103

11. The atomic radii of the elements are (1) Ni2+ is more stable than Pt2+
almost same of which series (2) Pt2+ is more stable than Ni2+
(1) Fe–Co–Ni (2) Na–K–Rb (3) Pt4+ is less stable than Ni4+
(3) F–Cl–Br (4) Li–Be–B (4) Ni4+ is more stable than Pt4+


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[Oxidation state, Trends in & E0M2+/M Catalytic & E0M3+/M2+,

Magnetic Properties, Color, Interstitial compound, Complex
& alloy formation]
1. The electrons which take part in order to 5. Of the following outer electronic
exhibit variable oxidation states by configurations of atoms, the highest
transition metals are oxidation state is achieved by which one
(1) ns only of them?
(2) (n – 1) d only (1) (n – 1)d8 ns2
(3) ns and (n – 1) d only but not np (2) (n – 1)d5 ns1
(4) (n – 1) d and np only but not ns (3) (n – 1)d3 ns2
(4) (n – 1)d5 ns2
2. Transition metals show paramagnetism
due to 6. Which of the following is the weakest
(1) Characteristic configuration reducing agent?
(2) High lattice energy (1) Zn (2) Cu
(3) Variable oxidation states (3) H2 (4) Li
(4) Unpaired electrons
7. Which of the following has second
3. Amongst the following, the lowest ionisation potential less than expected?
degree of Paramagnetism per mole of the (1) Cr (2) Sc
compound will be shown by (3) V (4) Mn
(1) MnSO4  4H2O
(2) CuSO4  5H2O
(3) FeSO4  7H2O 8. Across the 4th period in transition metals,
the decreasing negative E° values for
(4) NiSO4  6H2O
M2+/M indicate:
(1) Less tendency to undergo oxidation
4. Which one of the following transition
(2) Less tendency to form divalent
metal ions shows magnetic moment of
35 BM? (3) The sum of 1st and 2nd IE is
(1) Mn2+ (2) Ti3+ increased
(3) Cr3+ (4) Cu2+ (4) All of these
9. With F(fluorine), highest stable oxidation 13. In the form of dichromate, Cr(VI) is a
state of Mn is strong oxidizing agent in acidic medium
(1) +6 (2) +4 but Mo(VI) in MoO3 and W(VI) in WO3
(3) +7 (4) +3 are not because _________.
10. Assertion : Aquated copper (I) cation (i) Cr(VI) is more stable than Mo(VI)
undergoes disproportionation as: and W(VI).
(ii) Mo(VI) and W(VI) are more stable
2 Cu(+aq.) → Cu(2aq.
) + Cu than Cr(VI).
Reason : Hydration energy of Cu2+ is (iii) Higher oxidation states of heavier
higher than that of Cu+ which compensates members of group-6 of transition
second ionisation energy of Cu. series are more stable.
(1) Both assertion and reason are true (iv) Lower oxidation states of heavier
and the reason is a correct members of group-6 of transition
explanation of assertion series are more stable.
(2) Both assertion and reason are true (1) (i) and (ii)
but reason is not a correct (2) (ii) and (iii)
explanation of assertion (3) (i) and (iv)
(3) Assertion is true but the reason is false (4) (ii) and (iv)
(4) Assertion is false but the reason is true
14. Four successive members of the first
11. The value of E°(Mn3+/Mn2+) is more +ve
series of the transition metals are listed
than E°(Fe3+/Fe2+). Then which of the
following reaction is spontaneous? below. For which one of them the
(1) Mn3+ + Fe2+ → Mn2+ + Fe3+ (
standard potential Eo
M2+ /M ) value has a
(2) Mn2+ + Fe3+ → Mn3+ + Fe2+
positive sign?
(3) Mn3+ + Fe3+ → Mn2+ + Fe2+
(1) Co (Z = 27)
(4) Both (1) and (2)
(2) Ni (Z = 28)
12. Cr2+ is reducing and Mn3+ is oxidizing (3) Cu (Z = 29)
when both have d4 configuration. (4) Fe (Z = 26)
i. Cr2+ is oxidized to Cr3+ leading to
t 32g - half filled stable configuration. 15. Which of the following statements is not
ii. Cr3+ is reduced to Cr2+ leading to (1) Copper liberates hydrogen from
t 32g - half filled stable configuration. acids
iii. Mn3+ is reduced to Mn2+ with d5 (2) In its higher oxidation states,
configuration. manganese forms stable compounds
iv. Mn2+ is oxidized to Mn3+ with d5 with oxygen and fluorine
configuration. (3) Mn3+ and Co3+ are oxidising agents
Which of the above statements are correct? in aqueous solution
(1) i and iii (2) ii and iv (4) Ti2+ and Cr2+ are reducing agents in
(3) i and iv (4) ii and iii aqueous solution

16. The catalytic activity of transition metals 19. The blue colour of CuSO4. 5H2O and
and their compounds is mainly due to brick red colour of Cu2O is due to
(1) Their magnetic behavior respectively
(2) Their unfilled d-orbitals (1) d-d transition and charge transfer
(3) Their ability to adopt variable spectra
oxidation state (2) d-d transition for both
(4) Their chemical reactivity (3) Charge transfer spectra for both
(4) Charge transfer spectra and d-d
17. Among the given statements regarding the transition
interstitial compounds, which is incorrect?
(1) They are hard, show electrical 20. The complex forming tendency of d-
conductivity and lustrous. Block Elements cannot be attributed to
(2) They have low melting point than (1) Ability to show variable oxidation
parent metal. states
(3) Hydrides of transition elements are (2) Smaller size of the metal ions
used as a powerful reducing agents. (3) High charge density
(4) Tenacity of these compounds is more (4) Availability of d-orbitals for bond
than the parent metal. formation

18. A metal which is not affected by conc. 21. Alloys are formed by atoms with metallic
H2SO4, HNO3 or alkali forms a radii that are within 15 percent of each
other. If atomic radius of Iron is 150 pm,
compound X. This compound X can be
then what should be the range of radius
used to give a complex which finds its
of atom that is alloying with iron?
application for toning in photography.
(1) 165 - 145
The metal is
(2) 162.5 – 178.5
(1) Au (2) Ag
(3) 160 - 140
(3) Hg (4) Cu
(4) 172.5 - 127.5


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[Oxides and oxoanions of 3d Elements, KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7]

1. In the laboratory, manganese (II) salt is 4. In the dichromate ion Cr2O72− ,
oxidized to permanganate ion in
(1) 4 Cr − O bonds are equivalent
aqueous solution by
(1) Hydrogen peroxide (2) 6 Cr − O bonds are equivalent
(2) conc. nitric acid (3) All Cr − O bonds are equivalent
(3) Peroxodisulphate (4) None of Cr-O bonds are equivalent
(4) Dichromate

5. When KMnO4 solution is added to hot

2. Match the columns:
Column-I Column-II oxalic acid solution, the decolorization
a. Metal of the 3d- I. Manganese is slow in the beginning but becomes
series which does instantaneous after some time. This is
not form MO because:
type oxide.
(1) Mn2+ acts as auto catalyst.
b. Metal of the 3d- II. Vanadium
series which (2) CO2 is formed.
forms most (3) Reaction is exothermic.
covalent oxide. (4) MnO−4 catalyses the reaction.
c. Metal of the 3d- III. Scandium
series which
forms the 6. A compound that cannot decolourise
amphoteric oxide. KMnO4 solution is -
(1) (a – I), (b – III), (c – II) (1) CO3−2 (2) NO−2
(2) (a – III), (b – I), (c – II)
(3) (a – III), (b – II), (c – I) (3) S−2 (4) Cl−
(4) (a – II), (b – I), (c – III)
7. On addition of small amount of
3. CrO2–
4 (yellow) changes to Cr2O72– KMnO4 to concentrated H2SO4, a green
(orange) in pH = x and vice versa in oily compound is obtained which is
pH = y . highly explosive in nature. Identify the
The value of x and y is : compound from the following:
(1) 6, 8 (2) 6, 5 (1) Mn2O7 (2) MnO2
(3) 8, 6 (4) 7, 7 (3) MnSO4 (4) Mn2O3
8. Which of the following are amphoteric 11. KMnO4 acts as an oxidising agent in
oxides? alkaline medium. When alkaline
Mn2O7, CrO3, Cr2O3, CrO, V2O5, V2O4 KMnO4 is treated with KI, iodide ion is
(1) V2O5, Cr2O3 oxidised to..........
(2) Mn2O7, CrO3 (1) I2 (2) IO–
(3) CrO, V2O5 (3) IO3– (4) IO4–
(4) V2O5, V2O5
12. When acidified K2Cr2O7 solution is
9. Why is HCl not used to make the added to Sn2+ salts, then Sn2+ changes
medium acidic in oxidation reactions to
of KMnO4 in acidic medium? (1) Sn (2) Sn3+
(1) Both HCl and KMnO 4 act as (3) Sn (4) Sn+
oxidising agents
(2) KMnO4 oxidises HCl into Cl2 13. K2Cr2O7 in acidic medium converts
which is also an oxidising agent into:-
(3) KMnO4 is a weaker oxidising (1) Cr2+ (2) Cr3+
agent than HCl
(4) KMnO4 acts as a reducing agent in (3) Cr4+ (4) Cr+5
the presence of HCl.
14. When MnO2 is fused with KOH, a
10. Statement-I: Na 2Cr2O7 is preferred coloured compound is formed, the
product and its colour is –
over K2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis.
(1) K2MnO4, green
Statement-II: Na2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic
(2) KMnO4, purple
in nature.
(3) Mn2O3, brown
(1) Both statement I &II are correct (4) Mn3O4, black
(2) Both statement I & II are incorrect
(3) Statement I is correct while
statement II is incorrect
(4) Statement I is incorrect while
statement II is correct.


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[EC, Sizes, O.S., General Characteristics of f-Block & It’s

1. Which of the following factors may be Which of the above is/are true?
regarded as the main cause of lanthanoid (1) (i) and (iii)
contraction? (2) (ii) and (iii)
(1) Greater shielding of 5d electrons by (3) (ii) only
4f electrons. (4) (i) and (ii)
(2) Poorer shielding of 5d electrons by
4f electrons.
5. In context of the lanthanoids, which of
(3) Effective shielding of one of 4f
the following statements is not correct?
electrons by another in the
(1) Availability of 4f electrons results in
the formation of compounds in +4
(4) Poor shielding of one of 4f electron
by another in the subshell. state for all the members of the
2. The radius of La3+ is 1.06 Å, which of the (2) There is a gradual decrease in the
following given values will be closest to radii of the members with increasing
the radius of Lu3+ atomic number in the series
(1) 1.6 Å (2) 1.4 Å (3) All the members exhibit +3
(3) 1.06 Å (4) 0.85 Å oxidation state
(4) Because of similar properties the
3. The correct order of ionic radii of
separation of lanthanoids is not easy.
Y3+ ,La3+ ,Eu3+ and Lu3+ is
(1) Y3+  La3+  Eu3+  Lu3+ 6. The maximum oxidation state shown by
3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
(2) Lu  Eu  La Y actinides is :
(1) +6 (2) +7
(3) La3+  Eu3+  Lu3+  Y3+
(3) +5 (4) +4
(4) Y3+  Lu3+  Eu3+  La3+
7. The outer electronic configuration of
4. Consider the following statements: gadolinium (At. No. 64) is :
(i) La(OH)3 is the least basic among
(1) 4f 7 5d16s2
the hydroxides of lanthanides.
4+ (2) 4f 8 5d0 6s2
(ii) Zr and Hf 4+ possess almost the
same ionic radii. (3) 4f 8 5d16s1
(iii) Ce4+ can act as an oxidizing agent. (4) 4f 7 5d0 6s2

8. The symbol of the element californium 12. Which of the following lanthanoids show +2
is: oxidation state besides the characteristics
(1) Cm (2) Cr
oxidation state +3 of lanthanoids?
(3) Cf (4) Cn
a. Ce
9. Which of the following oxidation state is b. Eu
common for all lanthanoids?
c. Yb
(1) +2 (2) +3
(3) +4 (4) +5 d. Ho
(1) a, b (2) b, c
10. Statement-I: Neodymium has maximum (3) c, d (4) a, d
Statement-II: The ionic character of 13. Although + 3 is the characteristic
Lanthanoid hydroxides decreases as the oxidation state for lanthanoids but cerium
atomic no. of lanthanoid element also shows + 4 oxidation state because
increases. ........... .
a. It has variable ionisation enthalpy
(1) Both statement I &II are correct
b. It has a tendency to attain noble gas
(2) Both statement I & II are incorrect
(3) Statement I is correct while
c. It has a tendency to attain f
statement II is incorrect
(4) Statement I is incorrect while
d. It resembles Pb4+
statement II is correct.
(1) a, b (2) b, c
(3) c, d (4) a, d
11. There are 14 elements in actinoid series.
14. What is the percentage of lanthanoid
Which of the following elements does
metal in mischmetal?
not belong to this series? (1) 90% (2) 20%
(1) U (2) Np (3) 5% (4) 95%
(3) Tm (4) Fm


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