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Zoology General

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Syllabus For

Bachelor of Science in Zoology (General)

Under Choice Based Credit System

Academic Session

w.e.f. 2020-2023


All Constituents / Affiliated Colleges Under




Sl.No. Topic/ Title Page Nos.

1 Choice Based Scheme (Grp. A, 3
B & C)
2 Proposed Scheme for CBCS 4-9
3 Members Studies of CBCS U.G 10-11
4 B.Sc. Semester I 12-17
5 B.Sc. Semester II 18-23
6 B.Sc. Semester III 24-29
7 B.Sc. Semester IV 30-35
8 B.Sc. Semester V 36-41
9 B.Sc. Semester VI 42-47

Semester Group-A Group-B Group-C

Sem-I Animal diversity & Diversity of Non- Biomics of Animal

Diversity Chordates Diversity
Sem-II Cell Biology, Diversity of Chordates Biochemistry
Genetics and ZOO-G-DSC-202B-T Physiology &
Evolution ZOO-G-DSC-202B-P Development Biology
Sem-III Biochemistry, Biochemistry & Cell Biology , Genetic
Physiology & Physiology & Endocrinology
Development biology ZOO-G-DSC-302C-T ZOO-G-DSC-303C-T
Sem-IV Ecology & Economic Genetics , Evolution Molecular Biology,
Zoology & Animal Behaviour Biotechnology &
ZOO-G-DSC-401D-T ZOO-G-DSC-402D-T Medical Zoology
Sem-V Immunology & Wild life Reproductive Biology
Microbiology Conservation ZOO-G-DSE-503A-T
Sem-VI Biostatistics Pest Management Fish & Aquaculture

Note: The candidates will have to select either Group A, B, or C for all six semester. No
students will be allowed to opt. two different groups.

Proposed Scheme for Choice Based Credit System In
B.Sc. Generic Elective Program

Semester I
Course Code Name of End Mid
Course Papers Full Marks Semester Semester
(Ext. Marks) (Int. marks )

ZOO-G-DSC- Animal
101A-T Classification 75 60 15
(04 Credits 60 & Diversity

101A-P 25 20 05
(02 Credits 30 Practical

102A-T Diversity:
(04 Credits 60 non- 75 60 15
Generic Lectures) Chordates
(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

103A-T Biomic&
(04 Credits 60 Animal 75 60 15
Lectures) Diversity

(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

AECC-101-T 50 40 10
(02 Credits, 30

Semester II
Course Code Name of End Mid
Course Papers Full Marks Semester Semester
(Ext. Marks) (Int. marks )

ZOO-G-DSC- Cell Biology,

201B-T Genetics & 75 60 15
(04 Credits 60 Evolution

(02 Credits 30 Practical 25 20 05

202B -T Diversity of
(04 Credits 60 Chordates 75 60 15
Generic Lectures)
(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

203B-T Biochemistry,
(04 Credits 60 Physiology & 75 60 15
Lectures) Developmental

(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

AECC-202-T 50 40 10
(02 Credits,
30 Lectures)

Semester III
Course Code Name of End Mid
Course Papers Full Marks Semester Semester
(Ext. (Int. marks )

ZOO-G- Biochemistry,
DSC-301C-T Physiology & 75 60 15
(04 Credits Developmental
60 Lectures) Biology

(02 Credits Practical 25 20 05
30 Lectures)

DSC-302C-T Biochemistry,
(04 Credits Physiology 75 60 15
Generic 60 Lectures)
(04 Credits Practical 25 20 05
60 Lectures)

DSC-303C-T Cell Biology,
(04 Credits Genetics & 75 60 15
60 Lectures) Endocrinology

(04 Credits Practical 25 20 05
60 Lectures)


Enhancement 301-T 50 40 10
Course) (02 Credits,
30 Lectures)

Semester IV
Course Code Name of End Mid
Course Papers Full Marks Semester Semester
(Ext. Marks) (Int. marks )

ZOO-G-DSC- Ecology &

401D-T Economic 75 60 15
(04 Credits 60 Zoology

(02 Credits 30 Practical 25 20 05

ZOO-G-DSC- Genetics,
402D-T Evolution &
(04 Credits 60 Animal 75 60 15
Generic Lectures) Behaviour
(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

ZOO-G-DSC- Molecular
403D-T Biology,
(04 Credits 60 Biotechnology 75 60 15
Lectures) & Medical
(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05


Enhancement 402-T 50 40 10
Course) (02 Credits,
30 Lectures)

Semester V
Course Code Name of End Mid
Course Papers Full Marks Semester Semester
(Ext. Marks) (Int. marks )

ZOO-G-DSE- Immunology
501A-T & 75 60 15
(04 Credits 60 Microbiology

(02 Credits 30 Practical 25 20 05

502A-T Wild life
(04 Credits 60 Conservation 75 60 15
Generic Lectures)
(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

503A-T Reproduction
(04 Credits 60 Biology 75 60 15

(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05


Enhancement 503-T 50 40 10
Course) (02 Credits,
30 Lectures)

SemesterV I
Course Code Name of End Mid
Course Papers Full Marks Semester Semester
(Ext. Marks) (Int. marks )

601B-T Biostatistics 75 60 15
(04 Credits 60

(02 Credits 30 Practical 25 20 05

602B-T Pest
(04 Credits 60 Management 75 60 15
Generic Lectures)
(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05

603B-T Fish &
(04 Credits 60 Aquaculture 75 60 15

(04 Credits 60 Practical 25 20 05


Enhancement 604-T 50 40 10
Course) (02 Credits,
30 Lectures)

Members of Board of Studies of CBCS under Graduate Syllabus as Per
Guidelines of BinodBihariMahtoKoyalanchal University, Dhanbad

Sl. No. Name Signature

1. Dr. Shailendra Kumar Sinha – Chairman

Associate Professor
Head University Dept. of Zoology
BBMKU, Dhanbad

2. Dr. Birendra Kumar, -Invited Member

Associate Professor
Dean Faculty of Science,
BBMKU, Dhanbad

3. Dr. LalBihari Singh - Member

DSW, BBMKU, Dhanbad.

4. Dr. K. K. Gupta - Expert Member

Associate Professor
University Dept. of Zoology,
VBU, Hazaribag.

5. Dr. Ajay Kumar Choudhary, - Expert Member

Associate Professor,
University Dept. of Zoology,
DSPMU, Ranchi.

6. Dr. Navita Gupta - Member

Associate Professor,
University Dept. of Zoology,
BBMKU, Dhanbad.

7. Dr. RupamMallik, - Member

Assistant Professor,
University Dept. of Zoology,
BBMKU, Dhanbad.

8. Dr, SaritaMurmu, - Member
Assistant Professor,
University Dept. of Zoology,
BBMKU, Dhanbad.

9. Dr. B. N. Mahto, - Member

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Zoology, Chas College, Chas.

10. Sri S. C. Dan, - Member

Assistant Professor,
Department of Zoology,
R. S. More College, Govindpur.

B.Sc Zoology –General
B.Sc. First Year
Semester I
FM:75(External 60+15 Internal)


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Animal Classification & Diversity

Credit – 4 Lectures – 60 F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)

UNIT-1 General character and classification (up to classes) of the following phyla:
1.1 Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda,
Echinodermata &Hemichordata with Examples

UNIT-2 Non Chordates Form & Function

2.1.1 Protozoa: Pathogenecity, treatment & prevention of diseases caused by

2.2 Protozoa: Structure and Reproduction of Paramecium.
2.3 Porifera: Canal system of sycon
2.4 Coelenterata: Life cycle of Obelia&Metagenesis
2.5. Platyhelminthes: Taeniasolium –life cycle & their pathogenicity
2.6. Aschelminthes: Ascaris- life cycle & their pathogenicity
2.7. Annelida: Pheretima- Excretory system
2.8. Arthropoda: Palaemon- Respiratory system, Metamorphosis in insects
2.9. Mollusca: Pila-Respiratory system
2.10. Echinodermata: Asterias – Water vascular System

UNIT-3 General character and classification of living chordates of the following

Classes: Amphibia, Reptilia& Mammalia

UNIT-4 Study of following types

4.1. Pisces: Respiratory & Accessory Respiratory organs

4.2. Reptilia: Biting mechanism of snake, Poison gland , Venom
4.3. Aves: Flight Adaptation in Birds
4.4. Mammals: Characters, distribution and affinities of Prototheria

B.Sc. Zoology (General)

Semester I
Practical ZOO-G-DSC-101A-P
Classification & Animal diversity (20 External + 05 Internal)
Time: 1 and half Hr FM:20
1. Dissection/Project: 05
2. Mounting of given specimens 02
3. Spotting
a. Slides 2×2=04
b. Specimens
1. Nonchordates (01) 2. Chordates (01) 2×2=04
4. Practical Record & Viva 05

List of suggested Practicals
1. Dissection:
a. Paleomon-Nervous and Digestive system
b. Local bony fishes: Afferent and Efferent branchial vessel.
2. Mounting: Spicules of Porifera, Obelia colony, Daphnia, trachea and salivary gland of
cockroach, septalnephridia and sperm theca of Earthworm
3. Museum Specimens: Sycon ,Euspongia, Aurelia, Gorgonia, Porpitta, Vallela,
Metridium, Fungia, Tubipora, Pennatula, Meandrina, Tapeworm, Fasciola, Ascaries,
Pheretima, Hirudinaria, Neries, Pila, Unio, Loligo, Sepia, Octopus, Hermit Crab, Prawn,
Asterias, Sea Urchin, Brittle star
4. Permanent slides: Paramecium Slide (WM),Paramecium Conjugation, L.S of Sycon,
Obelia Colony, Medusa, Fasciola (W.M), Proglottids of Tapeworm, T.S of Pheretima
through different regions,T.S of male & female Ascaris,
5. Museum Specimens (Chordates): Torpedo, Scoliodon, Labeo, Exocoetus, Echenesis,
Hippocampus, Bufo, Hyla, Salamandra, Draco, Naja, Chamaeleon, Bat (Insectivorous
and Frugivorous)
6. Project: To submit a Project Report on any related topic.

B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester I


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options


Credit – 4 Lectures – 60 F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)

UNIT 1: Non – Chordates: General Characters and Classification of Different Phyla

of Non- Chordates up to Classes with Examples Showing Distinctive and Adaptive
1.1 Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Helminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca and

UNIT 2: Non – Chordates: Protista to Pseudocoelomates

2.1 Protozoa: General account of Locomotion and Reproduction
2.2 Porifera:
2.2.1: Canal System in Sponges
2.2.2: Reproduction in Porifera
2.3 Coelenterata:
2.3.1: Structure, Life Cycle and Metagenesis in Obelia.
2.3.2: Corals and Coral Reefs: Types, Distribution and Formation
2.4 Ctenophora: General Account and its Significance.
2.5 Aschelminthes:
2.5.1: Morphology and Life Cycle of Ascaris
2.5.2: Parasitic Adaptation of Ascaris

UNIT 3: Eucoelomates
3.1 Annelida:
4.1.1: Pheretimaposthuma: Morphology, Nephridial and Reproductive System.
3.2 Arthropoda:
3.2.1 Palaemon: Respiratory system.
3.2.2 Larval Forms of Crustacea
3.3 Mollusca:
3.3.1: Respiration in Pila&Unio
3.3.2: Torsion &Detorsion in Gastropods
3.4 Echinodermata:
3.4.1: Water Vascular System in Echinodermata
3.5. Hemichordates:
3.5.1: Balanoglossus

B.Sc Zoology (General)

Semester I
Practical F.M-25 (20 External + 05 Internal)

Practical Marks Distribution

1. Dissection/ Project: 04
2. Slide Preparation: 02
3. Spotting: 2×2=04
a. Slides (01)
b. Museum Specimen (01)
4. Class record 05
5. Viva voce 05


Suggested PracticalSuggestedPracticals
1. Study of Available Museum Specimen of animals
Sycon, Physalia, Metridium, Adamsia, Fasciola, Taeniasolium, Arenicola, Pheretima,
Chiton, Pila, Unio, Nautilus, Sepia, Loligo, Octopus, Eupagurus, Limulus, millipedes,
centipedes, Palaemon, Antedon, Asterias, Echinus,
2. Study of the following through permanent slide
Paramecium (wm), Conjugation of Paramecium, Obelia colony, Medusa, Ephyra larva,
Miracidium larva, Sporocyst larva, Redia larva, Cercaria larva, Glochidium larva,
Nauplius, Zoea larva, Mysis larva, Megalopa larva, Bipinnaria larva, T.S. of earthworm
through pharynx, Gizzard, Typhlosole
3. Dissection: Dissection of Digestive, Nervous and Reproductive system of Earthworm
4. Mounting: Mounting of Nephridia& Ovary of Earthworm
5. Project : To submit a Project Report on any related topic on life cycles/coral/coral reefs.

B.Sc Zoology (General) Semester I

• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options


(Credit- 4) Lectures-60

Unit 1. Protista
1.1 General characters of Protozoa; Life cycle of Plasmodium
Unit 2. Porifera
2.1 General characters and canal system in Porifera
Unit 3. Radiata
3.1 General characters of Cnidarians and polymorphism
Unit 4. Aceolomates
4.1 General characters of Helminthes; Life cycle of Taeniasolium
Unit 5. Pseudocoelomates
5.1 General characters of Nemethehelminthes; Parasitic adaptations
Unit 6. Coelomate Protostomes
6.1 General characters of Annelida ;Metamerism.
Unit 7. Arthropoda
7.1 General characters.Social life in insects.
Unit 8. Mollusca
8.1 General characters of mollusca; Pearl Formation
Unit 9. Coelomate Deuterostomes
9.1 General characters of Echinodermata, Water Vascular system in Starfish.
Unit 10. Protochordata
10.1 Salient features
Unit 11. Pisces
11.1 Osmoregulation, Migration of Fishes
Unit 12. Amphibia
12.1 General characters, Adaptations for terrestrial life, Parental care in Amphibia.
Unit 13. Reptilia
13.1 Amniotes; Origin of reptiles. Terrestrial adaptations in reptiles.
Unit 14. Aves:
14.1 The origin of birds; Flight adaptations
Unit 15. Mammalia
15.1 Early evolution of mammals; Primates; Dentition in
B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester I Practical


F.M-25 (20 External + 05 Internal)

Credit-02 Lectures-30 F.M-20

1. Dissection/Project: 04
2. Mounting: 02
3. Spotting:
a. Specimens: i) Non Chordates ii) Chordates
b. Slides (01) 3×2=06
4. Sessional Records 04
5. Viva voce 04

Suggested Practical
1. Study of following specimens:

Non Chordates: Euglena, Noctiluca, Paramecium, Sycon, ,Physalia, Tubipora,

Metridium, Taenia, Ascaris, Nereis, Aphrodite, Leech, Peripatus, Limulus, ,Hermitcrab,
Daphnia, Millipede, Centipede, Beetle, Chiton, Dentalium, Octopus, Asterias, and

Chordates: Balanoglossus, Amphioxus, Petromyzon, Pristis, Hippocampus, Labeo,

Icthyophis/Uraeotyphlus, Salamander, Rhacophorus Draco, Uromastix, Naja, Viper,
model of Archaeopteryx, any three common birds-(Crow, duck, Owl), Squirrel and Bat.

2. Study of following Permanent Slides:

Cross section of Sycon, Sea anemone and Ascaris(male and female). T. S. of Earthworm
passing through pharynx, gizzard, and typhlosolar intestine. Bipinnaria and Pluteus larva.

3. Mounting:
a. Septal& pharyngeal nephridia of earthworm.
b. Unstained mounts of Placoid, cycloid and ctenoid scales.
4. Dissections:
a. Digestive and nervous system of Cockroach.
5. To submit a Project on any related topic.

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester II


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution, XYZ-G-DSC-201B-T

04 Credits, 60 Lectures

UNIT-1 Cell Structure & Functions

1.1 Study of structure & functions of Plasma membrane

1.2 Study of Cell Organelle- Mitochondia, E.R, Ribosome, Lysosome
1.3 Types and structure of a typical chromosome-
a. Ultrastructure of chromatin fiber-Nucleosome, Polytene and lampbrush chromosome
1.4 Cell Division: Mitosis, Meiosis their significance.

UNIT-2 Principle of Genetics

2.1 Mendels Law of Inheritance

2.2 Linkage & Crossing Over
2.3 DNA: Structure &Function

UNIT-3 Concept of gene expression

3.1 Semi conservative DNA Replication in Prokaryotes

3.2 Transcription in Prokaryotes
3.3 Translation in Prokaryotes

UNIT-4 Evolution

4.1 Theory of organic evolution; Lamarckism’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters

Criticism and Neo-Lamarckism
4.2 Darwin’s theory of natural selection, Criticism and Neo-Darwinism

Semester II
Practical ZOO-G-DSC-201B-P
(02 Credits , 30 Lectures)

Cell Biology, Genetics & Evolution

Time: 1 and half Hr FM:20

1. Pedigree Analysis (one) 05
2. Slide Preparation 04
3. Spotting
a. Slides 01×2=02
b. Analogous/Homologous organs/
Fossils/Extinct Models 2×2=04
c. Practical Record & Viva 05


List of Suggested Practical’s

1. Study of permanent slides of cell division (Mitosis/Meiosis)

2. Preparation of mitotic slides from onion root tips.
3. Study of Polytene and lampbrush chromosome through photographs
4. Study of sex linked characters: Hemophilia and colorblindness through Pedigree Analysis
5. Study of homologous and analogous organs
6. Study of some fossils/extinct models: Trilobites, Archaeopteryx

B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester II

• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Credit – 04 Lectures – 60 F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)

UNIT 1. Protochordates& Primitive Chordates

1.1 Urochordata: General organization and Retrogressive Metamorphosis in

1.2 Agnatha
1.2.1: General Characters & Classification
1.2.2: Differences between Petromyzon and Myxine.
UNIT 2. Higher Chordates: General Characters and Classification of Following up to
Orders Giving Examples
2.1 Amphibia
2.2 Reptilia
2.3 Aves
2.4 Mammalia

UNIT 3. Fish &Amphibia

3.1 Fishes
3.1.1: Differences between Cartilagenous and Bony Fishes
3.1.2: Accessory Respiratory Organs in Teleosts
3.2 Amphibia
3.2.1: Origin & Evolution of Amphibia
3.2.2: Paedogenesis and Neoteny in Axolotl Larva

UNIT 4 Reptilia, Aves, & Mammalia and Comparative Anatomy

4.1 Reptilia
4.1.1: Poisonous and Non- poisonous Snakes of India
4.1.2: Poison Apparatus in Snakes
4.1.3: Biting Mechanism
4.1.4: Types of Venom and Their Toxic Effects
4.2 Aves
4.2.1: Flight Adaptation in Birds
4.2.2: Mechanism of Flight
4.2.3: Flightless Birds (Ratitae or Palaeognathae)
4.3 Mammalia & Primitive Mammals
4.3.1: General and Specialized Characters of Prototheria&Metatheria
4.4 Comparative Anatomy of vertebrate Series
4.4.1: Integument
4.4.2: Heart
4.4.3: Aortic Arches
4.4.5: Kidney

B.Sc. (General) Zoology

Semester II Practical
ZOO – G-DSC-202B-P

Diversity of Chordates
Credit – 02 Lectures – 30 F.M:25 (20 Ext. + 05 Int.)

Practical Marks Distribution

1. Dissection / Types of beaks and claws/
Power point presentation of any two animals: 04
2. Mounting: 02
3. Spotting: Specimen (01), Slides (01) 2×2=04
4. Practical record 05
5. Viva voce 05
Suggested Practicals
Chordate Diversity
1. Protochordate:Balanoglossus, Herdmania
2. Agnatha:Peteromyzon and Myxine
3. Pisces:Scoliodon, Torpedo, Labeorohita, Cirrhinusmrigala, Labeobata, Hippocampus,
Exocoetus, Clariasbatrachus, Anabas, Echeneis, Channa,
4. Amphibia:,Ambystoma, Axolotl larva, Salamandra, Alytes, Hyla, Bufo(Toad), Rana
5. Reptiles:Kachuga, Calotes, Draco, Phrynosoma, Chemaeleon, Typhlops,
Najanaja,Bungarus (Krait), Vipera(Chondrabora), Hydrophis, Crocodylus, Python.
6. Aves: Types of beaks and claws
7. Mammals: Spiny Anteater, Pteropus (Megachiroptera), Manis (Pangolin), Funambulus
(squirrel), Hystrix(Porcupine), Cavia (Guineapig), Rattusrattus (rat).
8. Study of Histological Slides: (Frog & Mammal)
V.S. of Skin, T.S. of: Stomach, Intestine, Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Lung
9. Dissection: Dissection of Local Bony Fishes: Afferent, Efferent and Nervous system.
10. Mounting: Cycloid
11. Power point presentation on study of any two animals from two different classes by
students (may be included if dissections not given permission).

B.Sc. second year
B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester II


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Biochemistry, Physiology & Developmental Biology

04 credits, 60 lectures FM:75 (60 External+15 Internal)


UNIT-1 Structure and classification of biomolecules

1.1 Protein: Types, Structure, biological Siginificance
1.2 Carbohydrates: Structure, Classification, biological Significance
1.3 Lipids: Structure, Classification, biological Significance
UNIT-2 Metabolism
2.1 Glycolysis
2.2 Kreb’s cycle


UNIT-1 Blood composition, Blood Coagulation

UNIT-2 Respiration: Transport of gases (O2 & CO2)
UNIT-3 Digestion of food: Protein, carbohydrate and lipid
UNIT-4 Excretion: Nephron & Urine formation
UNIT-5 Histo-Physiology of Thyroid, Adrenal gland and Pancreas
UNIT-6 Histo-Physiology of Testis and Ovary

Development Biology

UNIT-1 Gametogenesis
a. Spermatogenesis
b. Oogenesis
UNIT-2 Fertilization
UNIT-3 Cleavage
UNIT-4 Placenta, types & their Function
B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester II Practical


Biochemistry, Physiology and Development Biology

02 Credits, 30 lectures F.M=25 (20 External+05 Internal)

Time: 1andHalfHour FM:20

1. Detection of presence of biomolecules in the sample 05
2. Physiology Experiment 05
3. Spotting: 05
a. Slides of reproductive organ 01
b. Slides of General organ 01
c. Endocrine Slide 01
d. Slides of Development Biology 02
4. Practical Records& Viva 05


Suggested Practical

Biochemistry, Physiology and Development Biology

1. Biochemical test for Protein carbohydrates (Strach& Glucose) & Lipids

2. Determination of Hb%
3. Determination of Bleeding and Clotting time
4. Records of Blood Pressure in Normal & after exercise
5. Study of Permanent Slides : T.S of stomach, intestine, kidney, lungs, liver
6. Study of Slides of Reproductive organ: Testis, Ovary & Uterus
7. Study of Endocrine Glands Slides: Thyroid, Adrenal & Pancreas
8. Study of Permanent Slides of Chick Embryo (WM)-18 hrs, 24 hrs, 36 hrs ,48 hrs& 72 hrs

B.Sc. second year
Semester III


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Biochemistry, Physiology & Developmental Biology

04 credits, 60 lectures FM:75 (60 External+15 Internal)

UNIT-1 Structure and classification of biomolecules

1.1 Protein: Types, Structure, biological Siginificance
1.2 Carbohydrates: Structure, Classification, biological Significance
1.3 Lipids: Structure, Classification, biological Significance
UNIT-2 Metabolism
2.1 Glycolysis
2.2 Kreb’s cycle
UNIT-1 Blood composition, Blood Coagulation
UNIT-2 Respiration: Transport of gases (O2 & CO2)
UNIT-3 Digestion of food: Protein, carbohydrate and lipid
UNIT-4 Excretion: Nephron & Urine formation
UNIT-5 Histo-Physiology of Thyroid, Adrenal gland and Pancreas
UNIT-6 Histo-Physiology of Testis and Ovary
Development Biology
UNIT-1 Gametogenesis
a. Spermatogenesis
b. Oogenesis
UNIT-2 Fertilization
UNIT-3 Cleavage
UNIT-4 Placenta, types& their Function

Practical –P-3


(02 Credits, 30 lectures)

Biochemistry, Physiology and Development Biology

Time: 1andHalfHour FM:20

5. Detection of presence of biomolecules in the sample 05
6. Physiology Experiment 05
7. Spotting: 05
e. Slides of reproductive organs 01
f. Slides of General tissue 01
g. Endocrine Slides 01
h. Slides of Development Biology 02
8. Practical Records& Viva 05

Suggested Practical

Biochemistry, Physiology and Development Biology

1. Biochemical test for Protein carbohydrates (Strach& Glucose) & Lipids

2. Determination of Hb%
3. Determination of Bleeding and Clotting time
4. Records of Blood Pressure in Normal & after exercise
5. Study of Permanent Slides : T.S of stomach, intestine, kidney, lungs, liver
6. Study of Slides of Reproductive organ: Testis, Ovary & Uterus
7. Study of Endocrine Glands Slides: Thyroid, Adrenal & Pancreas
8. Study of Permanent Slides of Chick Embryo (WM)-18 hrs, 24 hrs, 36 hrs ,48hrs& 72 hrs.

B.Sc. (General) Zoology
Semester III


• In all nine questions are to be set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no. 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two - Group A and Group B.
• Group a will comprise question no. 1, which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQ type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each(1x6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each(3x2=6). There will be no option in the Q. No. 1.
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from this group. Each carries 12 marks.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6x2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options.


Credit – 04 Lectures – 60 F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)

UNIT 1. Biomolecules
1.1 Protein
1.1.1: Types of Protein
1.1.2: Structure, Organization and Conformation of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Quaternary
1.1.3: Biological Significance
1.2 Carbohydrates
1.2.1: Structure, Classification, Biological Significance of Monosacccharides, Disaccharides
and Polysaccharides.
1.3 Lipids
1.3.1: Fatty Acids
1.3.2: Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids
1.3.3: Essential and Non- essential Fatty Acids
1.3.4: Structure, Classification and Biological Significance (Simple, Compound and Derived
UNIT 2. Diet & Digestion
2.1 Concept of Balanced Diet
2.2 Physiology of Digestion and Absorption
2.2.1: Digestion of Carbohydrate, Fats and Proteins in Gastro-Intestinal Tract
UNIT 3. Physiology of Circulation and Respiration
3.1 Composition and Function of Blood
3.2. Blood Clotting Mechanism
3.3. Mechanism and Regulation of Breathing
3.4. Transport of gases
3.4.1: Transport of Oxygen
3.4.2: Oxygen Dissociation Curve
3.4.3: Bohr’s Effect
3.4.4: Transport of Carbon Dioxide
3.4.5: Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve
UNIT 4. Renal & Reproductive Physiology
4.1 Physiologic Anatomy of Kidney
4.2 Physiology of Urine Formation
4.3 Histo-Physiology of Testis
4.4 Histo-Physiology of Ovary

B.Sc. (General) Zoology

Semester III Practical
Credit – 02 Lectures – 30 F.M: 25 (20 Ext. + 05 Int.)Practical
Marks Distribution
1. Physiological Experiment: 04
2. Biochemistry practical: 04
3. Spotting:
a. Slides of general organs (01) 1×2=02
4. Practical record 05
5. Viva voce 05

Suggested Practicals

Mammalian Physiology
1. Preparation of Haemin Crystal
2. RBC count by using haemocytometer
3. Estimation of Haemoglobin using Sahil’s method
4. Record of blood pressure by Sphygnomanometer
5. Determination of Bleeding time in human
6. Determination of Coagulation time in human
7. Study of permanent slide of section of organs:
Stomach, lung, liver, kidney, intestine
1. Detection of biomolecules in the unknown sample-
a. Glucose
b. Amino acids
c. Proteins
d. Lipids
2. Quantitative estimation of glucose
3. Action of salivary amylase under optimum condition.
4. Separation of Chlorophyll by Chromatography.

B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester III

• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Cell Biology, Genetics and Endocrinology

04 credits, 60 lectures FM:75 (60 External+15 Internal)

UNIT-1 Cell Structure & Functions

1.5 Study of structure & functions of Plasma membrane
1.6 Study of Cell Organelle- Mitochondia, E.R, Ribosome, Lysosome
1.7 Types and structure of a typical chromosome-
b. Ultrastructure of chromatin fiber-Nucleosome, Polytene and lampbrush chromosome
1.8 Cell Division: Mitosis, Meiosis their significance.
UNIT-2 Principle of Genetics
2.1 Mendels Law of Inheritance
2.2 Linkage & Crossing Over
2.3 DNA: Structure & Function
UNIT-3 Hormones, Properties and Classification of Hormones

UNIT 4. Endocrine Glands

4.1 Structure and Histo-Physiology of Pituitary
4.2 Structure and Histo-Physiology of Thyroid
4.3 Structure and Histo-Physiology of Adrenal
4.4 Structure and Histo-Physiology of Endocrine Pancreas

B.Sc Zoology (General)
Semester III Practical


Cell Biology, Genetics & Evolution

02 Credits 30 Lectures F.M.25 (20 External +05 Internal)

Time: 1 and half Hr FM:20

4. Pedigree Analysis (one) 04
5. Slide Preparation 02
6. Spotting
d. Endocrine slides (02) 2×2=04
7. Practical Record 05
8. Viva 05

List of Suggested Practical’s
7. Study of permanent slides of cell division (Mitosis/Meiosis)
8. Preparation of mitotic slides from onion root tips.
9. Study of Polytene and lampbrush chromosome through photographs
10. Study of sex linked characters: Hemophilia and color blindness through Pedigree
11. Study of homologous and analogous organs
12. Study of some fossils/extinct models: Trilobites, Archaeopteryx
13. Endocrine slides: testis, ovary, thyroid, adrenal and pancreas

B.Sc. ZOOLOGY (General)
Semester IV

• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Ecology & Economic Zoology

04 credits, 60 lectures F.M=75(60 External+15 Internals)


1. General Concept
1.2 Ecosystem
1.3 Food Chain & Food web & Ecological Pyramids
1.4 Energy flow
1.5 Bio-Geochemical Cycle: Nitrogen & Carbon
2. Population and Communities
2.1 Ecological Succession
3. Environmental Pollution
3.1 Pollution Sources & Impacts of Environmental Pollution-Air&
8.2 Green House Gases and Effects
9. Natural Resources and Conservation
8.1 Renewable & Non-renewable Energy Source
Economic Zoology
UNIT-1 Apiculture: Types, Caste of honey bee, disease, Economic importance
UNIT-2 Sericulture: Types, disease, Economic importance
UNIT-3 Lac culture: Species, Methods, Economic importance

B.Sc. Zoology (General)


Ecology & Economic Zoology

02 Credits 30 lectures FM - 25(20 External +05 Internal)

Time-1 and half hr

1. Ecology Practical 05
2. Spotting
a. Slides of Economic zoology 2×2=4
b. Specimens of Economic Zoology 2×3=6
3. Practical Records & Viva 05

List of Suggested Practical’s


1. Study of aquatic animals, phytoplankton and zooplankton

2. Determination of pH in soil and water
3. Estimation of free carbon di oxide
4. Model of food chain

Economic Zoology

1. Slides of – Mouth part of culex, anopheles, Plasmodium (Signet ring)

2. Common paddy and sugar cane pest,
3. Life cycle of Honey bee,
4. Cocoon of silkworm
5. Lack infestation on stick.

B.Sc. (General) Zoology
Semester IV


• In all nine questions are to be set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no. 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two - Group A and Group B.
• Group a will comprise question no. 1, which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQ type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each(1x6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each(3x2=6). There will be no option in the Q. No. 1.
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from this group. Each carries 12 marks.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6x2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options.


Credit – 4 Lectures – 60 F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)

UNIT 1. Classical Genetics: Mendelism

1.1 Mendel’s Law of Inheritance
1.2.1: Law of segregation
1.2.2: Law of Independent Assortment
UNIT 2. Extensions of Mendelism
2.1 Complete Dominance, Incomplete Dominance & Co- dominance
2.2 Lethal Alleles
2.3 Multiple Alleles
2.6 Linkage and Crossing Over
UNIT 3. Mutation
3.1 Concept of Spontaneous and Induced Mutation
3.2 Structure and Numerical alterations of Chromosomes and Related Disorders: Down’s
Syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome.
UNIT-4 Evolution

4.1 Theory of organic evolution; Lamarckism’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters

Criticism and Neo-Lamarckism
4.2 Darwin’s theory of natural selection, Criticism and Neo-Darwinism

UNIT 4. Introduction to Ethology

4.1 Origin & Study of Animal Behaviour
UNIT 5. Concept & Pattern of Behaviour
5.1 Types of Behaviour
5.1.1: Innate/ Instinct Behaviour
5.1.2: Acquired/ Learned Behaviour
UNIT 6. Social Organization & Communication
6.1 Social Organization in Honey Bee and Termites
B.Sc. (General) Zoology
Semester IV Practical
Credit – 2 Lectures – 30 F.M: 25 (20 Ext. + 05 Int.)
Practical Marks Distribution
1. Statistical Verification Of Law Of Segregation: 04
2. Comment On Bee Hive/Termite Mound
Specimen Showing Behavior 04
3. Experiment on Geotaxis/Phototaxis 02
4. Sessional Record 05
5. Viva Voce 05


Suggested Practical

1. Experiment Verification of Principles of Segregation and Independent Assortment Using
Colored Beads and Chi-Square Test.
2. Preparation of Linkage Maps Based on this Data From Drosophila/Maize.
3. Study of Pattern of Inheritance in Human Population of the Traits Rolling Of Tounge
And Mid Digital Hair, Hypertrichosis, Widow’s Peak

Animal Behaviour
1. Study Of Geo-Taxis, Photo-Taxis, Hygro-Taxis In Animals
2. Locomotory Behavior of Dipteran Larvae (Housefly/Blowfly/Fruitfly)
3. Specimen Showing Behaviour –Prey Mantis, Hippocampus, Alytes, Migratory Fish
4. Study of Bee Hive and Mound of Termites.

B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology
Semester IV


• In all nine questions are to be set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no. 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two - Group A and Group B.
• Group a will comprise question no. 1, which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQ type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each(1x6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each(3x2=6). There will be no option in the Q. No. 1.
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from this group. Each carries 12 marks.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6x2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options.


Credit – 4 Lectures – 60 F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)

UNIT 1. DNA Replication and Gene Expression

1.1 DNA Replication
1.1.1: Central Dogma
1.1.2: Replication of DNA in Prokaryotes
1.1.3: Inhibitors of DNA Replication
1.2 Gene Expression
1.2.1: Mechanism of Transcription in Prokaryotes
1.2.2: Concept of Genetic Code
1.2.3: Mechanism of Translation in Prokaryotes
2.1 Concept of Operons (Positive and Negative: Inducible & Repressible)
2.2 Concept of Lac Operon
UNIT 3. DNA Damage and Repair
3.1 DNA Damage
3.1.1: Sequences of DNA Damage
3.1.2: Types of DNA Damage
3.2 DNA Repair
3.2.1: Base Excision Rwepair
3.2.2: Nucleotide Excision Repair
UNIT 4. Biotechnology
4.1 Transgenic Animals
4.1.1: Concept of Transgenes
4.1.2: Methods of Inducing Transgene Animals (Mice)
UNIT 5. Protozoan & Helminthes parasites: Life Cycle, Pathogenicity, prophylaxis
and Treatment
5.1 Entamoebahistolytica
5.2 Leishmaniadonovani
5.3 Ascarislumbricoids
UNIT 6. Arthropods as Vector of Human Disease
6.1 Mode of Transmission of Disease by Arthropod
6.2 Bionomic & Disease Transmitted By
6.2.2: Anopheles (Female): Malaria
6.2.3: Aedes: Dengue
UNIT 7. Human disease caused by viruses & bacteria: Causative agents &
7.1 Diseases caused by Viruses
7.1.1: Air-Borne Viral Disease: COVID

B.Sc. (General) Zoology

Semester Practical
ZOO – G-DSC-403D-P

Molecular Biology & Medical Zoology

Credit – 02 Lectures – 30 F.M: 25 (20 Ext. + 05 Int.)

Practical Marks Distribution

1. Comments on transgenic animals/cloned animals
Photographs / maize specimens/photographs of
Transposition (2) 2×2=04
2. Spotting on specimens & slides of Ascaris/ Taenia
/mosquito Parasite Protozoa: 01 specimens 2 slides 2×3=06
3. Sessional Record 05
4. Viva Voce 05

Suggested Practicals
Molecular biology & Biotechnology
1. Demonstration of DNA separation on Gel
2. Use of micropipette
3. Protein estimation by Colorimeter
4. Study of transposition through Maize specimens/Photographs
5. Study of cloned animals through photographs
6. Study of transgenic animals through photographs
Medical Zoology
1. Study of pathogenic protozoa by photographs/Slides (Entamoebahistolytica,
Leishmaniadonovani, Trypanosoma)
2. Museum specimens of helminthes parasites (Taenia, Ascaris)
3. Mosquito mouth parts (Anopheles, Culex)
4. Study of Epidemic typhus ticks by photographs

B.Sc. (General) Zoology
Third –Year- Semester-V


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Immunology & Microbiology

04 Credits 60 lectures F.M: 75 (60 Ext. + 15 Int.)


1. Introduction to immunity
1.1 Innate Immunity
1.2 Humoural Immunity
2. Cells & organs of Immune System
2.1 Types of Immune cells
2.2 Primary & Secondary Lymphoid
3. Antigen and Antibody
3.1. Antigen
3.2. Antibody: Structure, Types & Function


1. Structure of Bacteria & Animal Virus (HIV)

2. Vaccine

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester V Practical


Immunology and Microbiology

02 credits, 30 lectures FM – 25 (20 External + 05 Internals)

Practical Marks Distribution

1. Preparation of blood film to show immune cells 05

2. Blood Grouping 05
3. Spotting
a. Slide of lymphoid organs (03) 2×3=06
4. Gram staining bacteria 04

Total= 20

List of suggested Practical

1. Study of immune cells in blood film

2. Study of different types of Antibody through model/photographs
3. Blood group to demonstrate antigen-Antibody interaction
4. Study of Permanent slides /Photographs of
a. Bone b. Thymus c. Spleen
5. Grain staining Bacteria.

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester V


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options


Credit-04 Lectures-60 F.M=75 (60 External+ 15 Internals)

UNIT-1: Wild life –Depletion & conservation; Importance of conservation.

UNIT-2: Faecal analysis of ungulates and carnivores; Faecal sample, slide preparation,
Hair identification, Pug marks and census method.
UNIT-3: National Organization involved in wild life conservation; wild life Legislation-
Wild protection act 1972, its amendments and implementation, Eco-tourism/ Wild
life tourism in forests.
UNIT-3: Protected areas- National parks and sanctuaries, community reserve; important
features of protected areas in India; Project Tiger-Tiger reserves in India; Red
data book, IUCN, WWF.

B.Sc. Zoology (General)



Credit-02 Lectures-30 F.M=25 ( 20 External + 05 Internal)

Practical F.M=20

1. Identification of wild fauna on the basis of pug marks/pellet/nest 05

2. Comment on the photographs of endangered species 05
3. Seasonal Records 05
4. Viva voce 05

Suggested Practical

1. Identification of mammalian fauna, avian fauna in nearby national/Zoological

2. Familiarization and study of animal evidences in the field, identification of animals
through pug marks, hoof marks, pellet groups, nest, antlers etc.
3. Study of endangered species through photographs.
4. Visits to National park/zoological park/ protected areas.

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester V


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options

Reproductive Biology
Credit-04 Lectures-60 F.M=75 (60 External + 15 Internal)

UNIT-1. Reproductive Endocrinology

1.1. Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal-Gonadal Axis

1.2. Regulation of Gonadotropin Secretion in Human (Male and Female)
1.3. Reproductive System:
1.3.1: Development and Differentiation of Gonads
UNIT-2. Functional Anatomy of Male Reproduction

2.1. Histo-Architecture of Testis in Human

2.2. Spermatogenesis and its Hormonal Regulation

UNIT-3. Functional Anatomy of Female Reproduction

3.1. Histo-Architecture of Ovary in Human
3.2. Oogenesis and its Hormonal Regulation
3.3. Reproductive cycles (Human) and their Regulation
3.4. Fertilization

UNIT-4. Reproductive Health

4.1 Infertility in Male and Female: Causes, Diagnosis and Management.

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester V Practical


Practical F.M=25 (20 External+05 Internal)

1. TissueFixation, Embedding in Paraffin and Slide Preparation/H-E staining

of Histological slides 05
2. Study of Permanent Slides/Photographs of Endocrine glands (02) 2.5×2=05
3. Sessional Records 05
4. Viva voce 05


Suggested Practicals

1. Study of Animal House: Set Up and Maintenance of Animal house, Breeding

Techniques, Care of Normal and Experimental Animals ( Only Demonstration Through
2. TissueFixation, Embedding in Praffin, Microtomy and Slide Preparation of any
Endocrine glands.
3. H-E Staining of Histological Slides.
4. Examination of Histological sections from Photomicrographs/Permanent slides of
Rat/Human: Testis, Epididymis and Accessory Glands of Male Reproductive Systems;
Ovary, Fallopian tube, Uterus(Proliferative and Secretory stages).

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester VI


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options
04 Credits 60 lectures F.M=75 (60 External + 15 Internal)

1. Sampling Methods
2. Data Primary & Secondary data, Frequency Distribution
3. Measurement of Central tendency: Mean, Media & Mode
4. Measurement of Deviation: Standard Deviation & Standard Error of mean
5. Test of Significance:‘t’ test

02 credits 30 lectures FM: 25 (Internal-20+ External -05)

Time: 1 & Half Hours

1. Graphical Representation of Data Provided 05

2. Calculation of mean/median/ mode/standard deviation
/‘t’ test 10
3. Practical Record and Viva Voce 05

List of Suggested Practicals


1. Calculation of arithmetic mean of data provided

2. Graphical representation of Data provided
3. Calculation of Mean, Median & Mode of data provided
4. Calculation of standard deviation and Standard error
5. Calculation of ‘t’ test

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester VI


• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four options


Credit-04 Lectures-60 F.M=75 (60 External+ 15 Internals)

UNIT-1: Fundamentals of Pest management

1.1 Pest: Definition and types of pest

UNIT-2: Practical approach to pest management

2.1 Integrated pest management: Mechanical, biological, chemical, genetic control; common
pesticides and insecticides, Nomenclature, Mode of action, tools & techniques for
pesticide application

UNIT-3: Study of Pest in laboratory and field

3.1 Biology, damage and management of Pest of Paddy and Sugar cane

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester VI Practical

F.M=25 (20 External+05 Internal)

1. Comments on the common pest (02) 05

2. Comments on the equipment used in the wild life study/pest management 05
3. Sessional Records 05
4. Viva voce 05

Suggested Practicals
1. Study of common pest (sugarcane, paddy)
2. Collection , preservation and slide preparation of pest
3. Trip to ICAR governing field of your locality /FCI/agricultural field for study of pest
4. Study of instrument used in pest management (IPM)

B.Sc. Zoology (General)
Semester VI

• In all nine questions are to set of equal values and five questions are to be answered of
which question no 1 will be compulsory
• Questions will be grouped into two-Group A and Group-B.
• Group A will comprise questions no.1 which will consist of two parts A & B. Part A will
be MCQs type, covering entire syllabus and carry one mark each (1×6=6) and part B will
comprise short answer, three mark each (3×2=6).
• Rests eight questions will be of long type set from the whole syllabus in Group B.
Examinees are required to answer any four from the group.
• The question no. 9 will be of short notes type each carrying six marks (6×2=12) in which
only two should be answered out of four option

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Credit-4 Lectures-60 F.M-75 (60 External+15 Internal)

UNIT-1 Introduction and Classification

1.1 General Description of Fish
1.2 Classfification of Fishes (up to classes)
UNIT-2: Morphology and Physiology
2.1. Types of Fins and their modification
2.2. Locomotion in Fish.
2.3. Types of Scales.
2.4. Gills and Gas Exchange
2.5. Swim Bladder: Types and Role in Respiration, Buoyancy
UNIT-3: Fisheries
3.1. InlandFisheries
3.2. Marine Fisheries
3.3. Fishing Crafts and Gears
UNIT-4: Aquaculture
4.1. Extensive, Semi-Intensive and Intensive Culture of Fish.
4.2. Pen and Cage culture.
4.3. Polyculture

B.SC Zoology (General)
Semester VI


Credits 02 Lectures 30F.M=25 (20 External+05 Internal)


1. Identification of Fishes /Types of scales (02) 2.5×2 05

2. Comments on Air breathing Fishes/ Crafts and Gears (02) 2.5×2 05
3. Sessional Records 05
4. Viva voce 05


Suggested Practicals
1. Identication of Petromyzon, Exocoetus, Hippocampus, Labeo, Cirrhinusmrigala, Anabus
2. Study of different types of scales (through permanent slides/photographs).
3. Study of Crafts and Gears used in Fisheries (Photographs)
4. Study of Air breathing organs in Channa, Clarias, Heteropneustes and Anabas.
5. Project Report on a visit Fish Farm/Pisiculture.


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