Prerequisites Abaqus 2023
Prerequisites Abaqus 2023
Prerequisites Abaqus 2023
This document is provided as a guideline regarding hardware configurations, operating system, and operating system patches recommended for the use with
this level of Abaqus products. Consult the Platform Support Policy for definitions of support terms. For additional details on test configurations, graphics
devices, performance, and selected products' compatibility matrices, go to the Dassault Systèmes Home Page ( and select Support ->
Hardware and Software.
Supported Platforms
Windows Server
Windows 10, 11
2016, 2019 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7,
OS Professional and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, 15
(with or without 8
HPC Pack)
x86-64 Intel or
Processor x86-64 Intel or AMD x86-64 Intel or AMD x86-64 Intel or AMD
Required OS Components (see Runtime libraries as listed in Notes
Runtime libraries as listed in Notes below
Notes below) below
Supported Virtualization
Additional Notes
Runtime Libraries
o The Intel® MKL 2019 Update 4 runtime math library is included with Abaqus.
o On Linux, Abaqus requires the following additional libraries that may not be installed with your distribution.
o libjpeg 6.2 64-bit
o libstdc++ 4.7 64-bit
o libgomp (Red Hat/CentOS) / libgomp1 (SLES)
o libXm4 (SLES)
o freetype
o ksh
o redhat-lsb-core-4.x (Red Hat)
o lsb-release-2.0 (SLES)
o libpng12-0 (SLES)
o zlib-devel (SLES)
o A minimum of 1 GB of free physical memory is required to run Abaqus.
o For Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer, X-Windows is required on Linux platforms. The OpenGL shared library is
required on the computer where these products are run.
o Graphics devices that have been currently tested with 2023 GA
o A C++ or FORTRAN compiler is needed for compiling user subroutines or for building post processing
applications (Abaqus make utility).
o For Windows platforms only, a FORTRAN compiler must also be installed when building user subroutines. For
more information, see BR10000186112.
o User-written post processing programs created with the Abaqus make utility should be compiled using the
compiler for the program language and linked using a C++ compiler. Therefore, both a FORTRAN and C++
compiler are required for user-written FORTRAN programs.
o User-written programs that were compiled and linked with the Abaqus make utility in a previous release of
Abaqus and processing only the results (.fil) file can still be used with an Abaqus 2016 results file without any
change. In this instance no compiler is required.
o Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (Visual C++) is a Qualified Platform.
o Intel® Fortran Version 19.0.5 is a Qualified Platform. Versions higher than 19.0.5 are
o Intel® Fortran on Windows requires the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. For
more information, see the Intel Visual Fortran Pre-requisites.
o The Microsoft MPI Software Development Kit is required for building user subroutines that utilize
MPI based parallelization. For more information, see Microsoft MPI v9
o Intel® Visual Fortran Version 19.0.5 is a Qualified Platform. Versions higher than 19.0.5 are
o C++ on Linux:
o GCC 8.2.1 is a Qualified platform
o GCC 8.x where x>2 is a Compatible platform
Input Devices
o Abaqus/CAE/Viewer provides support for 3DConnexion input devices such as SpacePilot, SpaceExplorer, and
SpaceNavigator. Both Windows and Linux platforms are included. For best compatibility, please install the latest
3DConnexion driver and software.
Headings for each test configuration list the operating system level and target Abaqus release. All test configurations for a particular platform are
supported using the same Abaqus software build. Given the large number of possible configuration permutations, even for a single platform, SIMULIA
tests only a sample of the possible configurations. Test configurations listed here represent the Abaqus configurations which have undergone, or are
scheduled for, formal qualification testing. See the Program Directories -> Prerequisites -> Support Policy for Operating Systems for information on
qualified, validated, and compatible platforms.
The records contain details of system configurations used during formal testing. The date listed in the individual system configuration records indicates
the date the system configuration was recorded, not the date of qualification. The output includes the processor specification and the number of
processors and other system parameters such as graphics details (if applicable), the amount of physical and virtual memory, and file system details.
Final configurations depend on successful testing outcomes. Supported platforms and configurations are subject to change without