Counter 1-99
Counter 1-99
Counter 1-99
counter from 1 to 99 .
Dr. Maged Aldhaeebi
Digital System design project
Simulation Study.
In this section we will use logical circuits to work counter for numbers from 1 to 99
through program protes.
Introduction :
1- This project works as a digital counter or a timer by using a specific circuit from a group
of electronic and logical components. The importance of this project is that it is used in
digital clocks to know the time, which is the most important thing that a person has and
A- The circuit feeding section with 5 volts and the basis of this operation is the voltage regulator 7805.
B- Department of pulse generation based on the NE555 timer.
Digital System design project
C- Section decoding and analyzing the code and displaying it on the digital screen (counter, PCD, 7 segment).
Simulation Study:
Timer 555:
The basis of the circuit work is the 555 timer, where its time is set for a second for each
(Ton-Toff) by the resistor 10k and 90k ohm with the capacitor 10 microfarad. As for the
number one, it is connected to the negative and number 8 and 4 are connected together
with the source voltage, and number 5 is connected to the capacitor 0.01 microfarads
with the ground, and the number 3 is the output from which the pulses come out.
Digital System design project
As for these two transistors, we made a gate and a gate to feed the second counter to continue
counting after the number 9.
Counter 74LS390:
The digital clock starts its work from counter No. 74LS390 and this IC contains two counters
and each counter contains four bit outputs (BIT) and these outputs are connected to the display
BCD Converter:
Which is numbered (CD4511), where this IC contains seven outputs that are connected
1- We got the voltage required to feed the circuit from the voltage regulator
which is 5v.
Digital System design project
2-The two diodes connected to the 555 timer elements are designed to speed up the charging
and discharging process.
3- We were able to generate pulses from the 555 timer and project them to the
first counter.
Digital System design project
3-The 7-Sigment screen showed us the required numbers after the BCD had decoded the
Binary code and converted it to a value.
Summary :