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Name: _______________________________________________ Year: _____ Date: _______

1. Philosophy’s first topic was... 6. Myths ...

a) nature a) considered the existence of a rational
b) human beings necessity.
c) knowledge b) only explained the origin of natural
d) God
c) did not admit the existence of destiny.
d) made events be dependant on random

2. Mental representations of perceived objects

7. Philosophy considered as a way of thinking...
are called...
a) has existed since human beings have
a) concepts existed.
b) images b) began during the 6TH century BC.
c) ideas c) is the same as philosophy as a
d) dreams discipline.
e) d) was discovered by the Greeks.

3. Before philosophy was born... 8. Plato and Aristotle belong to...

a) science existed a) the classical period of Greek philosophy.
b) there was no knowledge b) the Hellenistic period.
c) myths existed c) the pre-Socratic period.
d) rational knowledge existed d) the origins of Christian philosophy.

4. Metaphysics is the part of philosophy that 9. The first philosophers gave the name arche
studies... to...
a) humans a) the father of all gods.
b) reality b) the originating substance.
c) nature c) nature.
d) knowledge d) all of the above.

5. Which of the following disciplines aims to 10. The first philosopher was...
explain what human beings are? a) Pythagoras of Samos.
a) Cultural anthropology b) Thales of Miletus.
b) Philosophical anthropology c) Aristotle.
c) Physical anthropology d) Homer.
d) None of the above

PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIALS / © Oxford University Press España, S. A. Philosophy 1.º Bachillerato


Name: _______________________________________________ Year: _____ Date: _______

11. Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz are... 16. Which of the following functions is not a
a) Enlightenment philosophers philosophical function?
b) rationalist philosophers a) Integrating knowledge for other
c) empiricist philosophers sciences.
d) none of the above b) Carrying out a rational critique of our
c) Achieving technological advances.
12. Philosophy is different from mythology
d) Improving human life.
because one of them ...
a) is knowledge and the other isn’t.
17. Which of the following statements is true?
b) explains the origin and the other
doesn’t. a) Sciences transform data into
c) refers to reality in its entirety and the
other one doesn’t. b) Philosophy transforms knowledge into
d) is rational and the other one is
imaginative. c) Philosophy is compatible with science.
d) All of the statements above are true.
13. Gnoseology is the part of philosophy that
studies... 18. Which of the following characteristics does
a) human beings not belong to philosophy as a discipline?
b) reality a) It guarantees a correct answer about the
meaning of life.
c) God
b) It begins by recognising our own
d) knowledge
c) It is a radical type of knowledge.
14. Practical reason...
d) It is a theoretical type of knowledge that
a) aims to know the truth. aims to transform reality.
b) is the part of philosophy that studies
human beings.
c) is common to all animals.
d) guides our actions appropriately.

15. Which of the following statements is false?

a) Plato belongs to ancient philosophy.
b) Thomas Aquinas belongs to medieval
c) Marx belongs to modern philosophy.
d) Nietzsche belongs to contemporary

PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIALS / © Oxford University Press España, S. A. Philosophy 1.º Bachillerato


1. Philosophy’s first topic was... c) is the same as philosophy as a

a) nature. discipline.
b) human beings. d) was discovered by the Greeks.
c) knowledge.
8. Plato and Aristotle belong to...
d) God.
a) the classical period of Greek
2. Mental representations of perceived objects
b) the Hellenistic period.
are called...
c) the pre-Socratic period.
a) concepts.
d) Christian philosophy.
b) images.
c) ideas.
d) dreams.
9. The first philosophers gave the name arche
3. Before philosophy was born...
a) the father of all gods.
a) science existed. b) the originating substance.
b) there was no knowledge. c) nature.
c) mythology existed. d) all of the above.
d) rational knowledge existed.

4. Metaphysics is the part of philosophy that 10. The first philosopher was...
a) Pythagoras of Samos.
a) humans.
b) Thales of Miletus.
b) reality.
c) Aristotle.
c) nature.
d) Homer.
d) Knowledge.
11. Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz are...
5. ¿Which of the following disciplines aims to a) Enlightenment philosophers.
explain what the human being is?
b) rationalist philosophers.
a) Cultural anthropology. c) empiricist philosophers.
b) Philosophical anthropology. d) none of the above.
c) Physical anthropology.
d) None of the above. 12. Philosophy is different from mythology
because one of them...
6. Mythological explanations... a) is knowledge and the other isn’t.
a) considered the existence of a rational b) explains the origin and the other
necessity. doesn’t.
b) only explained the origin of natural c) refers to reality in its entirety and the
phenomena. other one doesn’t.
c) did not admit the existence of a destiny d) is rational and the other one is
d) made events be dependant on imaginative.
random causes.
7. Philosophy considered as an attitude... 13. Gnoseology is the part of philosophy that
a) has existed since human beings have studies...
existed. a) human beings.
b) began during the 6TH century BC. b) reality.
PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIALS / © Oxford University Press España, S. A. Philosophy 1.º Bachillerato

c) God. 16. Which of the following functions is not a

d) knowledge. philosophical function?
a) Integrating knowledge for other
14. Practical reason... sciences.
a) aims to know the truth. b) Carrying out a rational critique of our
b) is the part of philosophy that studies
human beings. c) Achieving technological advances.
c) is common to all animals. d) Improving human life.
d) guides our actions appropriately.
17. Which of the following statements is true?
15. Which of the following statements is false? a) Sciences transform data into
a) Plato belongs to antiquity (ancient
philosophy). b) Philosophy transforms knowledge into
b) Thomas Aquinas belongs to medieval
philosophy. c) Philosophy is compatible with science.
c) Marx belongs to modern philosophy. d) All of the statements above are true.
d) Nietzsche belongs to contemporary
philosophy. 18. Which of the following characteristics does not
belong to philosophy as a discipline?
a) It guarantees a correct answer about
the meaning of life.
b) It begins by recognising our own
c) It is a radical type of knowledge.
d) It is a theoretical type of knowledge that
aims to transform reality.

PHOTOCOPIABLE MATERIALS / © Oxford University Press España, S. A. Philosophy 1.º Bachillerato

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