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Long Quiz1

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Name: b) the full range of learned behavior patterns and knowledge acquired by people as members of a

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of anthropology?
c) what made it possible for humans to transform themselves from relatively insignificant plant and
a) It is concerned with both human biology and culture. dead animal scavengers in Africa to a truly global species capable of controlling the fate of all other species.
b) It is concerned with human variation, evolution, and adaptation. d) all of the above
c) It focuses only on prehistoric societies. 6. Which of the following best describe how anthropologists primarily learn new information about
d) a and b humans?

2. In nature, a mode or strategy for survival is known as: a) field work

a) an association. b) laboratory experiments

b) artificial selection. c) reading travelers accounts

c) an adaptation. d) none of the above

d) adaptive radiation. 7. Which of the following is true of the scientific method of inquiry?

3. Inherent in the holistic approach to learning about humans is the realization that: a) The first step is the formulation of hypotheses or predictions.

a) All people are fully and equally human. b) It is used primarily in trying to understand the supernatural world.

b) Ethnocentric beliefs are biologically inherited. c) If after repeated testing, a hypothesis still holds up as a valid explanation for a group of facts, it
becomes accepted as an unchallengeable theory.
c) People cannot be understood by studying either their biological makeup or their cultural background
alone. It is necessary to take into consideration both genetically inherited and learned traits in trying to d) none of the above
explain how we have become the people we are. 8. The scientific method of inquiry involves which of the following steps?
d) all of the above a) formulation of questions based on preliminary observations
4. What do anthropologists mean when they refer to the concept of "integration" regarding cultures? b) formulation of hypotheses or predictions that can be tested
a) Different kinds of people should learn to live together in peace. c) testing of hypotheses through systematic observation and/or experimentation
b) Any successful behavior, strategy, or technique for obtaining food and surviving in a new d) all of the above
environment provides a selective advantage in the competition for survival with other creatures.
9. In science, a hypothesis that has been confirmed through numerous tests is known as:
c) The best way to study another culture is by working with a team of researchers from different
academic disciplines. a) an opinion

d) All aspects of a culture are interrelated. b) an assumption

c) a theory

5. Culture is: d) speculation

a) entirely learned during our lifetimes. 10. What is Sociology?

A. It deals with the study of the patterns and processes of human relations. B. DNA

B. It is the science of society and the social interactions taking place therein. C. Fossils

C. It deals with the study of groups. D. Language

D. The scientific study of patterns of human interaction that deals with the study of group life. E. Culture

E. All of the above 15. Culture is learned.

11. This area in the study of sociology is concerned with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and A. TRUE
theories of group life as bases for the regulation of man's social environment.
A. Applied sociology
16. Which of these are a primary example of non-material culture?
B. Social change and social disorganization
A. Chips
C. Sociological theory and method
B. Clay
D. Social psychology
C. Lifestyles
E. Social organization
D. Condominium unit
12. Which is the main concern of Anthropology?
E. Fire
A. Race
17. Shaking of hands is an example of ________________.
B. Culture
A. Norm
C. Social life
B. Law
D. Man
C. Value
E. Customs
D. Folkway
13. A branch of general anthropology which can understand how people perceive themselves and the world
around them. E. Mores

A. Ethnography 18. What is your value orientation if you are concerned about projects like "Home for the Homeless Street
Children" or "Mission: For the Poor"?
B. Archaeology
A. Achievement and success
C. Ethnology
B. Activity and work
D. Linguistics
C. Moral orientation
E. Social anthropology
D. Humanitarianism
14. ______________ are remnants of the past that have organic life which withstood the test of time and
forces of nature. E. Efficiency and practicality

A. Artifacts 19. Mores are more adaptable to changing conditions than are laws.
A. TRUE D. Cultural-materialism

B. FALSE 28. A place where people lived and/or worked and where the physical evidence of their existence can be or
has been recovered is:
20. ________________ refers to the independent development of a culture characteristic in two widely
separated cultures. A. a feature.

21. ________________. Mode of acquiring culture which may take the form of formal teaching or training B. an ecofact.
which may take place anywhere the individuals finds himself interacting with his fellow humans.
C. an artifact.
22. ______________ are norms that are enforced formally by a special political organization.
D. a site.
23. _____________ is the total configuration of institutions that people in each society share.
29. Archaeology is a branch of
24. The type of question that cultural materialism asks are:
A. anthropology.
A. What purpose in society does this institution serve?
B. cultural anthropology.
B. How do population and economic factors influence the type of culture that develops?
C. biological anthropology.
C. Do all cultures develop complex rules that are developed on binary opposites
D. paleoanthropology.
D. Is it only the material of culture that is important?
30. How does anthropology differ from other social sciences such as economics and sociology?
25. _________ is the set of strategies for survival that are NOT genetically determined.
A. Anthropology is holistic and integrative in its approach.
A. Evolution
B. The other social sciences are holistic and integrative in their approach.
B. Adaptation
C. Anthropology tends to specialize in the workings of specific systems.
C. Culture
D. Anthropology is more important than the other social sciences.
D. Social life

26. Deviance is defined:

A. Individuals who constantly break the law

B. Individuals whose behavior is different from the societal norm

C. Individuals who enjoy being different

D. Individuals who question the legal system

27. The following schools of thought, structural-functionalism, neo-Marxism, symbolic interactionism,

feminist theory and inclusionism, are associated with which way of examining behavior and society?

A. Psychology

B. Sociology

C. Anthropology

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