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OBTL Philippine History PEROCHO

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General Education
New Curriculum Effective SY 2021-2022


Opol Community College is a self-reliant higher The College aims to produce graduates with competitive
skills by providing competent instructors, adequate learning  Optimism
educational institution providing affordable quality
education to produce pro-active and highly resources and scholarship grants and link them to  Compassion
employment opportunities. Further, being a local government
competitive graduates. owned institution, it supports the programs and projects of the  Commitment

Program Educational Objectives

Profile of an OCC Graduate

1. Graduates of professional institution demonstrate service orientation in their respective professions.

2. Graduates of colleges are qualified for various types of employment and participate in development activities and public discourses,
particularly in response to the needs of the community they serve.

3 Graduates of colleges and universities contribute to the generation of new knowledge by participating in various research and
development projects.

4. Graduates of colleges and universities must have the competencies to support national, regional and local development plans
(RA 7722)


Common to all programs in all types of school (CMO No. 74, s. 2017) Profile of an OCC

1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas. PEO 1, 3

2. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of the different PEO 1, 2, 3
subject areas.

3. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes. PEO 1, 2

4. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate PEO 1, 2,3,4
teaching and learning.

5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and professional. PEO 1, 2, 3

6. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development PEO 1,2, 3

Outcome Based Teaching Learning Plan

Course Title/Number GenEd 4 - Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Course Description This course shall equip the students in BEED Program with the Technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TCPK) necessary for
them to effectively teach Social Studies to diverse learners in the primary grades. In this course, local history and culture which form part of
the curriculum content of Araling Panlipunan, and the appropriate teaching strategies and assessment methods, will be given emphasis.
Profiling available cultural resources in the community, preparing contextualized instructional materials, facilitating discussion, finding and
utilizing appropriate social studies resources, planning and teaching a lesson to an entire class in the primary shall form part of the authentic
and experiential activities of the course.

Course Credit 3 units

Contact Hours 54 hours
Instructor LUCY A. PEROCHO
Consultation Time 12:00 -1:00 PM
Program Specialization (Based on CMO No. 74, s. 2017) -Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEED), 6.3 Specific to a
Outcomes BEED Program and other Programs
1. Demonstrate in -depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas.
2. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the different subject areas.
3. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes.
4. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching.
5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional.
To prepare students At the end of the course, the teachers will be able to:
Course Learning 1. Demonstrate content knowledge and research -base

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

Articulate the OCC VMGO Guidelines in the conduct Synchronous
and Asynchronous Classes Virtual Discussion OCC Manual Graded Virtual Recitation
Course Orientation/Overview Organization of google meet (Amazing Notes/ Taking Notes)
Submission of outputs in the google

The Philippines Ariola, M.2018. Readings in WOWs and Wishes

to identify the distribution and (Geographic Features) Interactive Virtual Learning Philippine History: new General -Things I Liked in Class
processes of physical and human PPT presentation Education Curriculum, Manila: -Things I should Improve on
phenomena a. Geographic features of the Country Unlimited Books Library &
Publishing Inc.

to protect and preserve the flora and b. Natural Resources Lecture-discussion Duka, Cecilio D. 2008. Struggle Chunking the Data
fauna to main the balance in the Group Activity for Freedom. Rex Bookstore, Inc. -Important terms
ecosystem PPT presentation -Important concepts/ideas
-Important Generalizations
-Insights learned

to coordinate planning and organize c.Regions of the Philippines Virtual Lecture Lacsamana, Leodivico C.1990. Short Essay
national government services across /Discussion Philippine History and
multiple local government Government
units (LGUs).

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

PMI Matrix
to describe the Profile of the d.Profile of the Philippines Lecture/Discussion Guillermo, Ramon et al..1999. Plus - What’s best in the
Philippines PPT presentation Philippine History and discussion?
Government. IBON, Foundation, Minus - What is quite difficult?
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Interesting - What struck you

Lecture/Discussion Calilung, F. 2014. Polgov: Sketch to Stretch

.to explain Pre – Spanish Period e. Pre – Spanish Period PPT presentation essentials of politics and Make an illustration or drawing
government with the 1987 about or drawing about the learning
content/topic discussed

-to discuss cultures and way of life. The First Filipinos Team Reporting Phil. Constitution, Mandaluyong Conceptual analysis
a. Cultures’ and way of life PPT presentation City: Books atbp. Publishing. Graded Virtual Recitation

to live a life of complete submission to b. The arrival and spread of Islam


The Spanish Period Ariola, M. Readings in

a,.Aims of Spanish colonization of the Lecture/Discussion Philippine History: new General Development Activity: Write an
The desire for economic wealth Philippines PPT presentation Education Curriculum, Manila: inference about the event in Cavite
Unlimited Books Library & in 1872
Publishing Inc.

to acquire a share in the spice trade, to b. The colonial government of Spain Virtual Lecture and Discussion Duka, Cecilio D. 2008. Struggle for Graded Recitation
develop contacts with China and Japan PPT presentation Freedom. Rex Bookstore
in order to further Christian missionary

efforts there, and to convert the Filipinos

to Christianity.

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

to stimulate the Spanish economy c. changes during the Spanish period PPT presentation Guillermo, Ramon et al..1999. PMI
and make Spain a more powerful Virtual Discussion Philippine History and Government.
country. IBON, Foundation, Inc.

Final Period Time Allotment: Week 10-19

Ariola, M. Readings in Memorize - PREAMBLE

to resist colonialism, economic and cultural conditions PPT Presentation Philippine History: new General As ORAL Recitation and Quiz
during the Spanish Rule Oral Participation Education Curriculum, Manila:
Unlimited Books Library &
Publishing Inc.

Ariola, M. Readings in
to resist colonialism e. Struggle for Freedom PPT Presentation Philippine History: new General Memorize - PREAMBLE
Oral Participation Education Curriculum, Manila: as ORAL Recitation and Quiz
Unlimited Books Library &
Publishing Inc.
Identify the concepts of Filipino f. The Birth of Filipino Nationalism Deductive and inductive Duka, Cecilio D. 2008. Struggle
Nationalism. and Propaganda Movement method for Freedom. Rex Bookstore Chunking the Data

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

to resist colonialism g.The Katipunan, Revolution of 1896 Brainstorming Lacsamana, Leodivico C.1990. Reflection Journal
Philippine History and Government

Guillermo, Ramon et al..1999.

Discuss the Pact of Biak na Bato h. Pact of Biak na Bato Socratic method Philippine History and Government. Sketch to stretch
IBON, Foundation, Inc.

Ariola, M. Readings in
Explain the Revolutionary Govt. i. Revolutionary Govt. and Phil. Short Lecture Philippine History: new General Amazing notes
and Phil. American War American War Education Curriculum, Manila:
Unlimited Books Library &
Publishing Inc.

The Phil. under American and

Japanese Rule

to establish a “new order in East a. The American Government Virtual Discussion Duka, Cecilio D. 2008. Struggle for Amazing Notes/ taking notes
Asia Freedom. Rex Bookstore

to resolve conflicts and seeks to b. The American Influences Virtual discussion Lacsamana, Leodivico C.1990. Making a Venn Diagram
establish order and security. to Philippine History and Government
develop the ability to solve
problems and make good


Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

to identify the transitional c. The Commonwealth Virtual Discussion Guillermo, Ramon et al..1999. Making a travelogue on visited
administration in preparation for the Government Philippine History and places in the Philippines
country's full achievement of Government. IBON, Foundation,
independence. Inc.

to establish a “new order in East Asia d. The Phils. under the Film showing on IPs Ariola, M.2018. Readings in Graded Recitation
Japanese Military From the NCCA/NDCPP Philippine History: New General Opinion on local Culture
Education Curriculum, Manila:
Unlimited Books Library &
Publishing Inc.

to discuss the Battle against e. The Battle against Lecture Duka, Cecilio D. 2008. Struggle Graded Recitation
Oppressors Oppressors (Brainstorming) for Freedom. Rex Bookstore

designed as a transitional f. Administration of President Short discussion Lacsamana, Leodivico C.1990. Graded Recitation
administration in preparation for the Macapagal and Pres. Marcos Philippine History and
country's full achievement of Government

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

Virtual Discussion Guillermo, Ramon et al..1999. Making a travelogue on visited

Philippine History and places in the Philippines
Government. IBON, Foundation,

Film showing on IPs Ariola, M.2018. Readings in Graded Recitation

From the NCCA/NDCPP Philippine History: New General Opinion on local Culture
Education Curriculum, Manila:
Unlimited Books Library &
Publishing Inc.

Lecture Duka, Cecilio D. 2008. Struggle Graded Recitation

(Brainstorming) for Freedom. Rex Bookstore

Short discussion Lacsamana, Leodivico C.1990. Graded Recitation

Philippine History and

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government)

Midterm Period: Time Allotment: Week 1- 9

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

Suggested Learning
1. LAP Outputs
Course Requirements 2. PPT slides
3. A Critical Analysis on Philippine History
4.Reporting of a Readings in Philippine History
5. Written long exam) Midterm and Finals)
6. Active class participation (group work, mini-outputs

Midterm Final Term Final Grade

Grading System Quizzes (Assignment
Oral Participation Quizzes Midterm Grade + Final Grade
Performance Tasks Oral Participation 2
70% Performance Tasks

Term Exam. 30% Term Exam. 30%

Total 100% Total 100%

Learning Outcomes Topic Method Resources Assessment

Course Title AY/Effective Term Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Teaching Social Studies in 1st Semester

Elementary Grades AY 2023 - 2024 LUCY A. PEROCHO PURA G. VILLAR, PhD ALMA T. GURREA, EdD
(Philippine History and Part -time College Instructor Program Head, Teacher Vice President for
Government) Educ. Program Academic Affairs

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