Tle Syllabus
Tle Syllabus
Tle Syllabus
ZCSPC as the leading provider of globally – Provide effective and efficient services through Globally competitive graduates who can perform advanced
competitive human resources. advance technological studies and researches for the technological competencies in their field of specialization.
empowerment of the nation’s human resources.
Love of God; Social Responsibility; Commitment/ Dedication to the Service; and Accountability
a. produce graduates equipped with knowledge and skills of the teaching profession;
b. equip students with teaching competencies in meeting the ever-changing needs of the environment;
c. provide opportunities to become globally competitive professionals;
d. continuously improve programs in order to produce employable graduates;
e. provide students the skills to undertake research work contributive to the enhancement of quality teaching methodology;
f. equip students with appropriate moral and ethical values of the teaching profession; and
g. provide students opportunity to undergo community immersion and services.
4. show skills in the selection, development and use of variety of teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address
learning goals
Time Desired Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Learning Activities Assessment of Learning Values Integration
Frame (BTI/CLO Aligned) (TLAs) Outcomes (BTI Aligned)
Display a vantage perspective Topic1: ZCSPC VMGO, Classroom Policies, Interactive Discussion Individual Reflection Accountability
3hrs about the ZCSPC Vision, Mission, Course Overview, Course requirement, Grading (Journal Entry) Commitment
Core Value and Goals of the System Sharing of Ideas and Opinions
College in situations or scenarios Group Presentation
through role playing, interpretative Group Work [Multiple
dance, choral speech, or any Intelligences(MI)] Rubrics
creative output.
Presentation of group output
Explain the importance of
Classroom Policies, Course
Overview, Course Requirement,
Grading System [2.1.1]
Topic 2. Practice occupation health and safety Socialized Classroom
compare the basic concepts on procedures Discussion. Summative Quizzes Teamwork/Collaboration
OHS awareness PSTs will write their Prior Relating to others well
6 hrs A. Identify hazards and risks knowledge about the topic,
1. Safety regulations and workplace safety and Present knowledge (concepts
hazard control practices and procedures are discussed), and Gained
clarified and explained based on organization knowledge (insights gained).
procedures Share-Pair-Circle
2. Hazards/risks in the workplace and their Divide the class into groups of PSTs (in groups of 5 Collaboration/Cooperation
corresponding indicators are identified to equal number. Let each group
minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, form two circles. The outer will create a poster on Teamwork
workplace and environment in accordance with circle facing the inner circle.
the different literacies. Openness
organization procedures Let them share their ideas on Accuracy
3. Contingency measures during workplace the practice of occupational
accidents, fire and other emergencies are health and safety procedures.
recognized and established in accordance with Teacher clarifies concepts
3 | Carpentry and Masonry
organization procedures when necessary. At a certain
time, students rotate and
share with another pair. Accuracy
Small group presentation Honesty
Lecture-demo on the basic of outputs Openness
strategies to promote learners Each group prepares a
B. Control hazards and risks knowledge on the hazards report on what are the
1. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and risk inside the workshop involve hazards and risk
procedures for controlling hazards/risks in Field Observation. inside the workshop
workplace are consistently followed PSTs observe a carpenter Process: discussion of
2. Procedures for dealing with workplace working, noting the carpenters observation
accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in activities in safety and the risk Output: Promoting a
accordance with organization OHS policies that follows in each step. practice on occupational
3. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is health and safety
correctly used in accordance with organization Lecture-demonstration on procedures
show skills in the selection, OHS procedures and practices teaching strategies that Class observation
development and use different 4. Appropriate assistance is provided in the event promote learners’ knowledge PSTs observe the
tools, equipment, and machinery. of a workplace emergency in accordance with on occupational health and workers doing and their Openness
established organization protocol safety procedures jobs while explaining to Accuracy
Anticipation Guide (pre- them the dangers and
design activities appropriate for reading Activity) risk that comes as
maintaining OHS awareness PSTs will either agree or follows
disagree on statements about Process: Field notes will
hazards and risk that are be taken to document
involved in using the tools, the observation
C. Maintain OHS awareness equipment and machines .Output: observation
1. Emergency-related drills and trainings inside the shop. report Openness
2. OHS personal records Presentation
The class will be divided into Demonstration
5 groups. Each group will
Each group will discuss demonstrate, explain and
among themselves of what critique strategies for the
they have observe development of the
different literacy skills
utilizing appropriate
teaching-learning Active Participation
resources to develop Accuracy
higher-order and creative Punctuality/Promptness
thinking skills
4 | Carpentry and Masonry
Discuss the preparation of Topic 3: PREPARE CONSTRUCTION Lecture-demonstration on Summative Quizzes Cooperation
construction materials and tools MATERIALS AND TOOLS teaching strategies that Metacognitive Report
promote learners’ 21st Oral recitation
A. Identify materials the different construction Century literacy skills Each member of the Teamwork
materials and tools group is required to
1. Materials are listed as per job requirements share ideas on the topic
2. Quantity and description of materials conform Number Heads Together discussed.
to the job requirements. Activity Process: A display on
Group the class into 5 groups the use of the different
B. Description of Materials and Tools of equal number. Each skills and perspectives
member is assigned a during the numbered
C. Receive and inspect construction materials number. Raise a question on heads together activity
and tools the lesson discuss and let must be evident.
1. Materials and tools issued are inspected as per them answer individually. Output: Graphic
quantity and specification Allow the group to discuss organizer
2. Tools, accessories and materials are checked their answers using the Design and demonstrate
for damages according to enterprise procedures graphic organizers they an activity using the topic
3. Materials and tools are set aside to appropriate prepared. Call a number. All discuss
location nearest to the workplace. those with that number stand
up to give the answer of their
group. Let them summarize
their answers. In this activity,
the use of the different skills
must be emphasized.
Demonstrate teaching strategies Topic 4. Observe procedures, specifications and Lecture-demonstration on Summative Quizzes Active Participation
that promotes learners cognitive manuals of instructions teaching strategies that Metacognitive Report
ability promote learners’ skills Oral recitation
A. Identify and access specification/manuals Each member of the
1. Appropriate manuals are identified and group is required to
accessed as per job requirements Small Group Discussion share ideas on the topic
5 | Carpentry and Masonry
2. Version and date of manual are checked to Each group will study and discussed. Cooperation
ensure that correct specification and procedures later discuss to the other Process: In each partner
are identified. group the different that they have ask, it will
procedures, specifications recorded and written on
B. Procedures, Specifications and Manuals of and manuals of instructions. a piece of paper.
Instructions Guideline question will
be handed out before the
C. Interpret manuals Share-Pair Activity activity
1. Relevant sections, chapters of specifications/ PSTs will form a group of two Output: Interview result
manuals are located in relation to the work to be where they will ask their
conducted respective partners of the
2. Information and procedure in the manual are different guideline questions
interpreted in accordance with industry practices. given to each group. There
they will help each other to
D. Apply information in manual clarify the other difficulty in
1. Manual is interpreted according to job understanding the lesson
2. Work steps are correctly identified in
accordance with manufacturer's specification
3. Manual data are applied according to the given
Carry out measurements and Topic 5. Perform mensuration’s and calculations Lecture-demonstration on Summative Quizzes Cooperation/Collaboration
caalculations teaching strategies that Metacognitive Report
A. Select measuring instruments promote learners’ to perform Analysis of a video clip
Show the different measurements 1.Object or component to be measured is mensuration’s and PSTs will record their
and calculations identified, classified and interpreted according to calculations progress on where to
the appropriate regular geometric shape Eight Corners (Small Groups) improve in their
2.Measuring tools are selected/identified as per The class will have 8 Learning measuring skills
object to be measured or job requirements corners. Each corner exhibits Process: Guide
3. Correct specifications are obtained from different sizes of wood and questions will be
relevant sources furniture. answered as they
4. Appropriate measuring instruments are The group will take turns to complete the eight
selected according to job requirements visit each corner and write corners
down their measurements Output: A paper with
B. Carry out measurements and calculations from each learning corner. their progress on it and
1. Accurate measurements are obtained Whole Group Discussion will the details of their
according to job requirements be in the form of Q&A. measurement in each
2.Alternative measuring tools are used without Simulation corner will be written.
3hrs Demonstrate ways on maintaining Topic 5.1 Maintain tools and equipment Carousel Brainstorming Group Presentation
the tools and equipment Activity PSTs will give a report
A. Check condition of tools and equipment Small group of students rotate on the result of the Accountability
1. Materials, tools and equipment are identified around the classroom, carousel brainstorming
according to classification and job requirements stopping at various “stations” activity
2. Non-functional tools and equipment are for a designated period of Process: Guidelines for Active Participation
segregated and labeled according to classification time (usually 1-2minutes). At the activity must be given
3. Safety of tools and equipment are observed in each station, students activate ahead of time
accordance with manufacturer's instructions their prior knowledge of a Output: Activity result
4. Condition of PPE are checked in accordance topic and share their ideas
with manufacturer's instructions. with their small group. Each
group posts their ideas at
each station for all groups to
Topic 5.2 PREPARE / STAKE-OUT BUILDING Carousel Brainstorming Small Group
Discuss on how to prepare for a LINES Activity Presentation of Output Accuracy
3 hrs stake-out Small group of students rotate Groups discuss the ways
A. Prepare materials for stake-out building lines around the classroom, on preparing the
1. Appropriate PPE is selected and used stopping at various “stations” materials for staking out
Explain on why we need construct according to job requirements and OSHC for a designated period of a building lines, in this
a building lines standards. time (usually 1-2minutes). At way they will learn the
2. Related plans and details are correctly each station, students activate other viewpoints of
interpreted according to job requirements. their prior knowledge of a different people around
3. Materials, hand tools and equipment is topic and share their ideas them
prepared consistent with job requirements. with their small group. Each Process: Groups
4. Materials are properly staged and freed from group posts their ideas at respond to questions in
defects. each station for all groups to each station
5. Unexpected situations are responded to in line read. Output: Group written
with company rules and regulations. responses to questions
Active Participation
Topic 2. Prepare construction materials and tools Lecture-demonstration on Summative Quizzes Cooperation
teaching strategies that Metacognitive Report
A. Identify the materials and tools promote learners’ 21st Oral recitation
1 Materials are listed as per job requirements Century literacy skills Each member of the
2. Quantity and description of materials conform group is required to
with the job requirements share ideas on the topic
3. Tools and accessories are identified according Number Heads Together discussed.
to job requirements Activity Process: A display on
Group the class into 5 groups the use of the different
B. Receive and inspect materials of equal number. Each skills and perspectives
1. Materials and tools issued are inspected as per member is assigned a during the numbered
quantity and specification number. Raise a question on heads together activity
2. Tools, accessories and materials are checked the lesson discuss and let must be evident.
for damages according to enterprise procedures them answer individually. Output: Graphic
3. Materials and tools are set aside to appropriate Allow the group to discuss organizer
location nearest to the workplace their answers using the Design and demonstrate
graphic organizers they an activity using the topic
prepared. Call a number. All discuss
those with that number stand
up to give the answer of their
group. Let them summarize
F. Perform housekeeping
1. Materials such as excess re-bars, scaffolding
and form works are recovered and stockpiled
according to company rules and procedures
2. Flooring is protected by covering it during
concrete hollow blocks / bricks laying and
3. Flooring is protected by using mixing board
during manual mixing work.
4. Workplace is cleaned and cleared of any
14 | Carpentry and Masonry
obstructions and hazards before, during and after
5. Tools, equipment and other materials are
cleaned after use.
Demonstrate on laying a brick/ Topic 7. Lay Brick/Block for structure Lecture Demonstration on Rubrics Teamwork
block for structure Laying a brick/block for
A. Lay-out / establish bricks / blocks structure structure.
location Summative Quiz
1. Plans are read and interpreted as per job
Apply the necessary knowledge requirements. Performance Activity
and skills in the activity 2. Appropriate PPE is selected and used in line PSTs apply the lessons they Cooperation
with job requirements. have learned so far in this
3. Materials, tools and equipment are selected masonry subject and will
and prepared consistent with the job requirements apply it on their actual activity.
4. Reference building lines are correctly As a whole class, they will Oneness
identified / located as per job requirements perform the laying out bricks
5. Location of brick / block structure based on on a specified staging area
reference building lines is established using where they show their Active Participation
batterboard at +-3mm tolerance for proper knowledge and skills in
alignment, squareness and dimension. masonry.
6. Horizontal / vertical guide for brick / block is Masonry Skills
installed according to job specifications.
7. Lay-out of brick / block structure is correctly
marked as per job requirements
97-100 1.0
85-87 2.0
Midterm Grade
75 3.0
Finals Grade
BELOW 75 5.0
Attendance …………………………… 10%
Participation ……………………….. 10%
Lacks Requirements and /or final exam INC
Quizzes………………………………….. 10%
Simplified Construction Estimate Second Edition (Max Fajardo Jr.), Simplified Method in Building Construction (Max Fajardo Jr.),
The K to 12 Curriculum.,
http:/, Education, T., Authority, S. D., & Antonio, S. (n.d.). HOW TO USE THIS COMPETENCY BASED.
Fajardo, M. (n.d.). Simplified Estimate by Max Fajardo.pdf. New, T. H. E., Building, N., Rules, I., Of, R., & National, T. H. E. (n.d.). IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE