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Chapter 5

Protection Circuit Design


1 Short circuit (overcurrent) protection ………………………… 5-2

2 Overvoltage protection ………………………… 5-6

This section explains the protection circuit design.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

1 Short circuit (overcurrent) protection

1.1 Short circuit withstand capability
In the event of a short circuit, first the IGBT’s collector current will rise, once it has reached a certain
level, the C-E voltage will spike. Depending on the device’s characteristics, during the short-circuit, the
collector current can be kept at or below a certain level, however the IGBT will still continue to be
subjected to a heavy load, that is, high voltage and high current. Therefore, this condition must be
removed as soon as possible.
However, the amount of time allowed between the start of a short circuit until the current is cut off, is
limited by the IGBT’s short circuit withstand capability, which is determined by the amount of time, as
illustrated in Fig. 5-1. The IGBT’s short circuit withstand capability is defined as the start of the
short-circuit current until the module is destroyed. Therefore, when the IGBT is short-circuited, large
current is need to be cut off within the short circuit withstand capability.
The withstand capability depends on collector to emitter voltage VCE, gate to emitter voltage VGE
and/or junction temperature Tj.
In general, the lower the withstand capability get, the larger supply voltage and the higher junction
temperature get.
For more information on withstand capability, referred to the application manual or technical data.

(a) Measuring sircuit (b) representative short-circuit waveform

Fig. 5-1 Measuring circuit and waveform

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

1.2 Short-circuit modes and causes

Table 5-1 lists the short-circuit modes and causes that occur in inverters.

Table 5-1 Short circuit mode and cause

Short circuit mode Cause
Arm short circuit Transistor or diode destruction

Series arm short circuit Faulty control/drive circuit or noise

induce malfunction

Short in output circuit Miswiring or dielectric breakdown

of load

Ground fault Miswiring or dielectric breakdown

of load

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

1.3 Short-circuit (overcurrent) detection

1) Detection in the circuit
As stated previously, in the event of a short-circuit, the IGBT must be disabled as soon as possible.
Therefore, the time from overcurrent detection to the complete turn-off in each circuit must be as short
as possible.

Since the IGBT turns off very quickly, if the overcurrent is shut off using an ordinary drive signal, the
collector-emitter voltage will rise due to the inductive kick, and the IGBT may be destroyed by
overvoltage (RBSOA destructions). Therefore, it is recommended that when cutting off the overcurrent
that the IGBT be turned off gently (Soft turn-off).

Figure 5-2 shows the insertion methods for overcurrent detectors, and Table 5-2 lists the features of
the various methods along with their detection possibilities. After determining what kind of protection is
necessary, select the most appropriate form of detection.

  

Fig. 5-2 Overcurrent detector insertion methods

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

Table 5-2 Overcurrent detector insertion positions and function

Detector insertion position Features Detection function
Insertion in line with smoothing • AC current transformer available • Arm short-circuit
capacitor • Low detection precision • Short in output circuit
Fig.5-2/ • Series arm short-circuit
• Ground fault
Insertion at inverter input • Necessary to use DC current • Arm short-circuit
Fig.5-2/ transformer • Short in output circuit
• Low detection precision • Series arm short-circuit
• Ground fault
Insertion at inverter output • AC current transformer available for • Short in output circuit
Fig.5-2/ high frequency output equipment • Ground fault
• High detection precision
Insertion in line with switches • Necessary to use DC current • Arm short-circuit
Fig.5-2/ transformer • Short in output circuit
• High detection precision • Series arm short-circuit
• Ground fault

2) Detecting using VCE(sat)

This method can protect against all of the short-circuit types listed in Table5-1. Since all operations
from overcurrent detection to protection are done on the drive circuit side, this offers the fastest
protection possible. A short-circuit protection schematic, based in VCE(sat) detection, is shown in Fig.5-3.


T3 +

T1 +


Fig. 5-3 Short-circuit protection schematic based in VCE(sat) detection

This circuit uses D1 to constantly monitor the collector-emitter voltage, so if during operation the
IGBT’s collector-emitter voltage rises above the limit at D2, then a short-circuit condition will be
detected and T1 will be switched on while T2 and T3 are switched off. At this time, the accumulated
charge at the gate is slowly released through the RGE, so a large voltage spike is prevented when the
IGBT is turned off. Fuji Electric’s gate driver hybrid ICS (model EXB840, 841) have the same kind of
protective circuit built in, thereby simplifying the drive circuit design. For more details, refer to Chapter
7 “Drive Circuit Design”. Fig. 5-4 shows an IGBT waveform during short circuit protection.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

Ed=600V, VGE=+15V, –5V (EXB841), RG=3.3Ω, Tj=125°C
VCE=200V/div, IC=250A, VGE=10V/div, t=2μs/div
Fig. 5-4 Waveforms during short circuit protection

2 Overvoltage protection
2.1 Overvoltage causes and their suppression
1) Overvoltage causes
Due to the high switching speed of IGBTs, at turn-off or during FWD reverse recovery, the current
change rate (di/dt) is very high. Therefore the circuit wiring inductance to the module can cause a high
turn-off surge voltage (V=L(di/dt)).
At an example, using the IGBT’s waveform at turn-off we will introduce the causes and methods of
their suppression, as well as illustrate a concrete example of a circuit (using an IGBT and FWD
To demonstrate the turn-off surge voltage, a simplified chopper circuit is shown in Fig. 5-5, and the
IGBT turn-off voltage and current waveforms are shown in Fig. 5-6.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design


VCE1 Load

ID2 L0


Ed: DC supply voltage, LS: Main circuit wiring inductance, Load:L0,R0

Fig. 5-5 Chopper circuit





IGBT turn on


VD2(= VCE2) ID2


FWD reverse recovery

(1) Waveforms of reverse recovery. (2) Waveforms of turn-off.

Fig. 5-6 Switching waveforms

The turn-off surge voltage peak VCESP can be calculated as follows:

VCESP = Ed + ( −LS • dIc / dt ) ···················· 

dIc/dt: Maximum collector current change rate at turn-off

If VCESP exceeds the IGBT’s C-E (VCES) rating, then the module will be destroyed.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

2) Overvoltage suppression methods

Several methods for suppressing turn-off surge voltage, the cause for overvoltage, are listed below:
a. Control the surge voltage by adding a protection circuit (snubber circuit) to the IGBT.
Use a film capacitor in the snubber circuit, place it as close as possible to the IGBT in order to
bypass high frequency surge currents.
b. Adjust the IGBT drive circuit’s – VGE or RG in order to reduce the di/dt value. (Refer to Chapter 7,
“Drive Circuit Design”.)
c. Place the electrolytic capacitor as close as possible to the IGBT in order to reduce the effective
inductance of the wiring. Use a low impedance capacitor.
d. To reduce the inductance of the main as well as snubber circuit’s wiring, use thicker and shorter
wires. It is also very effective to use laminated copper bars in the wring.

2.2 Types of snubber circuits and their features

Snubber circuits can be classified into two types: individual and lump. Individual snubber circuits are
connected to each IGBT, while lump snubber circuits are connected between the DC power-supply bus
and the ground for centralized protection.

1) Individual snubber circuits

Examples of typical individual snubber circuits are listed below.
a) RC snubber circuit
b) Charge and discharge RCD snubber circuit
c) Discharge-suppressing RCD snubber circuit

Table 5-3 shows the schematic of each type of individual snubber circuit, its features, and an outline
of its main uses.

2) Lump snubber circuits

Examples of typical snubber circuits are listed below.
a) C snubber circuits
b) RCD snubber circuits

Lump snubber circuits are becoming increasingly popular due to circuit simplification.
Table 5-4 shows the schematic of each type of lump snubber circuit, its features, and an outline of its
main applications. Table 5-5 shows the capacity selection of a C type snubber circuit. Fig. 5-7 shows
the current and voltage turn-off waveforms for an IGBT connected to a lump snubber circuit.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

Table 5-3 Individual snubber circuits

Snubber circuit schematic Circuit features (comments) Main
RC snubber circuit • The effect on turn-off surge voltage suppression is great. Arc welder
P • Perfect for chopper circuits
• When applied to large capacity IGBTs, the snubber’s Switching
resistance must be low. Consequently however, the power supply
above makes the load conditions at turn-on more severe.

Charge and discharge RCD • The effect on turn-off surge voltage is moderate.
snubber circuit • As opposed to the RC snubber circuit, a snubber diode
has been added. This allows the snubber’s resistance to
increase and consequently avoids the IGBT load
conditions at turn-on problem.
• Since the power dissipation loss of this circuit (primarily
caused by the snubber’s resistance) is much greater
than that of a discharge suppressing snubber circuit, it is
not considered suitable for high frequency switching
• The power dissipation loss caused by the resistance of
this circuit can be calculated as follows:

L • Io 2 • f C S • Ed 2 • f
P = +
2 2
L: Wiring inductance of main circuit,
Io: Collector current at IGBT turn-off,
Cs: Capacitance of snubber capacitor,
Ed: DC supply voltage,
f :Switching frequency
Discharge suppressing RCD • The effect on turn-off surge voltage is small Inverter
snubber circuit • Suitable for high-frequency switching
• Power dissipation loss caused by snubber circuit is
P small.
• The power dissipation loss caused by the resistance of
this circuit can be calculated as follows:

L • Io 2 • f
P =

L: Wiring inductance of main circuit

Io: Collector current at IGBT turn-off
f :Switching frequency

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

Table 5-4 Lump snubber circuits

Snubber circuit schematic Circuit features (comments) Main
C snubber circuit • This is the simplest circuit Inverter
• The LC resonance circuit, which consists of a main
circuit inductance coil and snubber capacitor, may
cause the C-E voltage to oscillate.

RCD snubber circuit • If the wrong snubber diode is used, a high spike Inverter
voltage will be generated and the output voltage will
P oscillate at the diodes reverse recovery.

Table 5-5 Guidelines for determining lump C snubber circuit capacity

Item Drive conditions Main circuit wiring Capacitance of snubber
Module rating –VGE(V) RG(Ω) inductance (μH) capacitance Cs (μF)
600V 50A 15 max. 43 min. - 0.47
75A 30 min.
100A 13 min.
150A 9 min. 0.2 max. 1.5
200A 6.8 min. 0.16 max. 2.2
300A 4.7 min. 0.1 max. 3.3
400A 6 min. 0.08 max. 4.7
1200V 50A 15 max. 22 min. - 0.47
75A 4.7 min.
100A 2.8 min.
150A 2.4 min. 0.2 max. 1.5
200A 1.4 min. 0.16 max. 2.2
300A 0.93 min. 0.1 max. 3.3
*1: Typical standard gate resistance of V series IGBT is shown.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

Vcc=600V, Ic=300A
Vge =0
Rg=0.93Ω, Ls=80nH

Vge : 20V/div
Vce : 200V/div
Ic : 100A/div
Time : 200nsec/div

Fig. 5-7 Current and voltage waveforms of IGBT in lump snubber circuit at turn-off

2.3 Discharge-suppressing RCD snubber circuit design

The discharge suppressing RCD can be considered the most suitable snubber circuit for IGBTs.
Basic design methods for this type of circuit are explained in the following.

1) Study of applicability IC

Figure 5-8 is the turn-off locus waveform of an (pulse)

IGBT in a discharge-suppressing RCD snubber RBSOA
circuit. Fig. 5-9 shows the IGBT current and voltage
waveforms at turn-off.



Fig. 5-8 Turn-off locus waveform of IGBT

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

The discharge-suppressing RCD

snubber circuit is activated when the VCE
IGBT C-E voltage starts to exceed the
DC supply voltage. The dotted line in
diagram Fig. 5-8 shows the ideal
operating locus of an IGBT. In an actual IC
application, the wiring inductance of the
snubber circuit or a transient forward
voltage drop in the snubber diode can
cause a spike voltage at IGBT turn-off.
This spike voltage causes the
sharp-cornered locus indicated by the
solid line in Fig. 5-8.
The discharge-suppressing RCD
snubber circuits applicability is decided
by whether or not the IGBTs operating Fig. 5-9 Voltage and current waveforms at turn-off
locus is within the RBSOA at turn-off.

The spike voltage at IGBT turn-off is calculated as follows:

VCESP = Ed +V FM + ( −LS • dIc / dt ) ··········· 

Ed: Dc supply voltage

VFM: Transient forward voltage drop in snubber diode
The reference values for the transient forward voltage drop in snubber diodes is as follows:
600V class: 20 to 30V
1200V class: 40 to 60V
Ls: Snubber circuit wiring inductance
dIc/dt: Maximum collector current change rate a IGBT turn-off

2) Calculating the capacitance of the snubber capacitor (Cs)

The necessary capacitance of a snubber capacitor is calculated as follows:

L • Io 2
CS = ································· 
(VCEP − Ed )2

L: Main circuit wiring inductance

Io: Collector current at IGBT turn-off
VCEP: Snubber capacitor peak voltage
Ed: DC supply voltage

VCEP must be limited to less than or equal to the IGBT C-E withstand voltage.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

3) Calculating Snubber resistance (Rs)

The function required of snubber resistance is to discharge the electric charge accumulated in the
snubber capacitor before the next IGBT turn-off.
To discharge 90% of the accumulated energy by the next IGBT turn-off, the snubber resistance must
be as follows:

RS ≤ ··································· 
2.3 • C S • f

f: Switching frequency

If the snubber resistance is set too low, the snubber circuit current will oscillate and the peak
collector current at the IGBT turn-off will increase. Therefore, set the snubber resistance in a range
below the value calculated in the equation.
Irrespective of the resistance, the power dissipation loss P (Rs) is calculated as follows:

L • Io 2 • f
P (RS ) = ······························· 

4) Snubber diode selection

A transient forward voltage drop in the snubber diode is one factor that can cause a spike voltage at
IGBT turn-off.
If the reverse recovery time of the snubber diode is too long, then the power dissipation loss will also
be much greater during high frequency switching. If the snubber diode’s reverse recovery is too hard,
then the IGBT C-E voltage will drastically oscillate.

Select a snubber diode that has a low transient forward voltage, short reverse recovery time and a
soft recovery.

5) Snubber circuit wiring precautions

The snubber circuit’s wiring inductance is one of the main causes of spike voltage, therefore it is
important to design the circuit with the lowest inductance possible.

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

2.4 Example of characteristic of spike voltage

The spike voltage shows various behaviors depending on the operation, drive and circuit conditions.
Generally, the spike voltage becomes higher when the collector voltage is higher, the circuit inductance
is larger, and the collector current is larger. As an example of spike voltage characteristic, the current
dependence of spike voltage at IGBT turn-off and FWD reverse recovery is shown in Figure 5-10.
As this figure shows, the spike voltage at IGBT turn-off becomes higher when the collector current is
higher, but the spike voltage at FWD reverse recovery becomes higher when the current is low.
Generally, the spike voltage during reverse recovery becomes higher when the collector current is in
the low current area that is a fraction of the rated current.
The spike voltage shows various behaviors depending on the operation, drive and circuit conditions.
Therefore, make sure that the current and voltage can be kept within the RBSOA described in the
specification in any expected operating condition of the system.

(1200V / 450A)


Spike voltage (V)


600 Rg=0.52 ohm
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Collector current (A)

Fig. 5-10 Spike voltages dependency on collector current

Chapter 5 Protection Circuit Design

2.5 Spike voltage suppression circuit - clamp circuit -

In general, spike voltage generated between collector

to emitter can be suppressed by means of decreasing
the stray inductance or installing snubber circuit.
However, it may be difficult to decrease the spike
voltage under the hard operating conditions.
For this case, it is effective to install the active clamp
circuits, which is one of the spike voltage suppressing Zenner Di
Fig. 5-11 shows the example of active clamp circuits.
In the circuits, Zenner diode and a diode connected
with the anti-series in the Zenner diode are added.
When the Vce over breakdown voltage of Zenner
diode is applied, IGBT will be turned-off with the similar
voltage as breakdown voltage of Zenner diode. IGBT FWD
Therefore, installing the active clamp circuits can
suppress the spike voltage.
Moreover, avalanche current generated by Fig. 5-11 Active clamp circuit
breakdown of Zenner diode, charge the gate
capacitance so as to turn-on the IGBT. As the result, di/dt at turn-off become lower than that before
adding the clamp circuit (Refer to Fig. 5-12). Therefore, because switching loss may be increased,
apply the clamp circuit after various confirmations for design of the equipment.


Without clamp circuit

With clamp circuit



Fig. 5-12 Schematic waveform for active clamp circuit

1. This Catalog contains the product specifications, characteristics, data, materials, and structures as of January 2017.
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