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Dok TD Wiz1e

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WIZ1 - Two-Stage Definite Time Overcurrent Relay


1 General

2 Characteristics and Features

3 Working Principle
3.1 Summary of the different unit types
3.1.1 Tripping outputs
3.2 Setting of the relay
3.2.1 Setting of the switches
3.2.2 Inhibit of the tripping elements
3.3 Setting example
3.4 Remote tripping (only for the version C)
3.5 Overcurrent - short-circuit indications
3.5.1 Tripping indication by means of flag
4 Technical Data

5 Order form

2 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
1 General 2 Characteristics and Features

The WIZ1 is an definite time overcurrent relay for c.t. • Auxiliary voltage is not required
tripping. By the use of cast-resin impregnation, the • User-friendly setting procedure with wide setting
WIZ1 is optimally protected against climatic influ- ranges
ences. The unit does not require an auxiliary voltage, • Four 16-position setting switches for tripping current
consequently it can also be used for switchboards and time
without built-in batteries. It derives its power supply • High measuring accuracy through an efficient mi-
from the current transformer circuits from which, for croprocessor and digital processing of the measur-
special applications, it can also store the energy that is ing values
necessary to give the tripping impulse to the circuit • Remote tripping via external voltage
breaker. Due to its wide setting ranges, the tripping • Tripping output optionally as power impulse output
characteristic can be adjusted to protect a wide vari- for the direct triggering of the circuit breaker or as
ety of different equipment. potential-free change-over contacts
• Tripping indication via external flag indicator
with mechanical reset
• Compact design
• Insensitive to extreme environmental conditions
• High-accuracy components and over-rating guaran-
tee precision, reliability and a long service life
• In consideration of the specific technical data, it
complies with the requirements of VDE - regulation
0435-303, IEC 255

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 3
3 Working Principle

The alternating currents induced by the main current The crystal controlled time circuits for the overcurrent
transformers provide the WIZ1's supply energy and and short-circuit tripping steps are started at pickup of
form the measuring value. The measuring currents are the relay.
galvanically isolated via the input transformers, decou-
pled from high-frequency interferences by analog RC-
filters and then converted into current proportional volt-
ages. The voltages are rectified and compared to the
adjusted pickup value.

Fig. 3.1: Block Diagram

① = Setting switch for tripping characteristic ⑤ = Flag indicator

② = Decoder ⑥ = Remote tripping
③ = Measuring value storage ⑦ = Tripping relay
④ = Tripping amplifier ⑧ = Energy store

4 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
3.1 Summary of the different unit types 3.1.1 Tripping outputs

All relay types are available for the secondary nominal a) Electro-impulse output at unit type WIZ1-C-X-EL-1
transformer currents of 1 A or 5 A. In general, there and WIZ1-C-X-EL2-1:
are two types of tripping outputs, and therefore several
distinct versions are available. The first is the EL version By means of this output, it is possible to send power
with electro-impulse output. Type, WIZ-C-X-EL-X has pulses (10 W for 50 ms) directly to the tripping coil of
been specially developed for use in LV switchboards the c.b. (terminals 10 and 11). Through a special
which do not have an auxiliary voltage available for electronic circuit, this store takes the charging energy
c.b. tripping. The version C is suitable for mounting to directly from the measuring current and charges until a
circuit breakers and can, in the versions WIZ1-C-X-RK-1 peak voltage of approx. 24 V is reached. The tripping
and WIZ1-C-X-RL-1, also be supplied with a relay pulses (0.5 W per pulse) are repeated until the circuit
contact output. The two other unit types, WIZ1-S-X-RK- breaker switches off.
1 and WIZ1-S-X-RL-1 were designed for through-panel
mounting and are mostly used for generator protection
switchboards and feeders. Version S is only available
with a relay contact output. The relay contact outputs
can be selected as the RK - type (short tripping time) or
the RL - type (long tripping time). All units have an iden-
tical housing design and dimensions.

Fig. 3.2: Connection diagram WIZ1-C-X-EL-1 and WIZ1-C-X-EL2-1:

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 5
For other applications, i.e. with separate auxiliary
voltage circuits, the WIZ1 - relay can be supplied with
potential-free contact outputs.

b) Relay contact output at types WIZ1-C-X-RK-1,

WIZ1-C-X-RL-1 and WIZ1-C-X-RK2-1:

This unit type has one output relay with two potential-
free change-over contacts for the tripping at overcur-
rent and short-circuit.

1. Change-over contact, terminals 7, 8 and 9

2. Change-over contact, terminals 10, 11 and 12

Fig. 3.3: Connections diagram of the WIZ1-C-X-RK-1, WIZ1-C-X-RL-X and WIZ1-C-X-RK2-1

6 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
c) Relay contact output at types WIZ1-S-X-RK-1,
WIZ1-S-X-RL-1 and WIZ1-S-X-RK2-1:

This unit type has three potential-free change-over con-


1st. change-over contact, tripping I>>,

terminals 7, 8 and 9:
This change-over contact is only activated during trip-
ping of the short-circuit element.

2nd. change-over contact, tripping I> and I>>,

terminals 10, 11 and 12:
This change-over contact is activated during tripping of
the overcurrent or of the short-circuit element.

3rd. change-over contact, signal I>,

terminals 13, 14 and 15:
This change-over contact is only used as alarm output
at pickup of the overcurrent element.

Fig. 3.4: Connection diagramm of WIZ1-S-X-RK-1, WIZ1-S-X-RL-1 and WIZ1-S-X-RK2-1

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 7
3.2 Setting of the relay

All switches for the relay setting are located on the Two LEDs indicate pickup of the overcurrent element I>
front plate of the WIZ1. The function designation is and the short-circuit element I>>.
indicated next to the switches. To adjust the values be-
low, four 16-position BCD switches are available. The overcurrent and short-circuit elements can be
blocked by means of two coding plugs.
I> Overcurrent pickup value
I>> Short-circuit current tripping value
tI> Tripping delay for the overcurrent element
tI>> Tripping delay for the short-circuit current
tripping element

WIZ1-C-X-RL-1 WIZ1-S-X-RK2-1

Fig. 3.5: Front views

8 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
3.2.1 Setting of the switches

Before commissioning, the switches I>, tI>, I>>, tI>>

have to be adjusted to the appropriate tripping cur-
rents and trip delays.

Switch- Tripping tresholds Tripping delays

position I>/IN I>>/IN tI>/s tI>>/s
all unit RK-output EL-output RK-output RL-output RK RK2
types RK2-output EL2-output RK2-output EL-output EL EL2
RL-output EL2-output EL
0 0.8 2 3.5 0.6 5 0.05 0.01
1 0.9 3 4.5 0.7 6 0.1 0.02
2 1.0 4 5.5 0.8 7 0.2 0.03
3 1.1 5 6.5 0.9 8 0.3 0.04
4 1.2 6 7.5 1.0 9 0.4 0.05
5 1.3 7 8.5 1.1 10 0.5 0.06
6 1.4 8 9.5 1.2 11 0.6 0.07
7 1.5 9 10.5 1.3 12 0.7 0.08
8 1.6 10 11.5 1.4 13 0.8 0.09
9 1.7 11 12.5 1.5 14 0.9 0.10
A 1.8 12 13.5 1.6 15 1.0 0.11
B 1.9 13 14.5 1.7 16 1.1 0.12
C 2.0 14 15.5 1.8 17 1.2 0.13
D 2.1 15 16.5 1.9 18 1.3 0.14
E 2.2 16 17.5 2.0 19 1.4 0.15
F 2.3 17 18.5 2.1 20 1.5 0.16

Table 3.1: Setting possibilities

3.2.2 Inhibit of the tripping elements

By removing the plug-in coding bridges at the front, it

is possible to inhibit the element for the overcurrent or
short-circuit tripping selectively.

Plug-in coding plugged not plugged

I> overcurrent ele- overcurrent
ment activated element
I>> short-circuit ele- short-circuit
ment activated element

Table 3.2:

If no coding plug is inserted, both tripping elements
are blocked, there is no tripping in case of failure!

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 9
3.3 Setting example 3.4 Remote tripping
(only for the version C)
The tripping characteristic as shown below is to be ad-
justed. It is divided into two ranges: The input "remote tripping" (terminals 13 and 14) al-
lows tripping by an external alternating voltage, i.e.
1. Range for the overcurrent element with the tripping by a thermal tripping coil, Buchholz protection or other
current I> and tripping delay tI>. remote tripping commands. Bypassing the measuring
2. Range for the highset short-circuit element with the circuits, this input, with a delay of 0.6 to 5 s, has an
tripping current I>> and tripping time tI>> effect on the tripping circuit.
Warning! A continuous signal must not be allowed
to remain on this input. A signal of 230 V/AC is al-
lowed to remain for a maximum of 30 minutes.
With a signal in the range 195 V to 210 V the relay
contacts periodically switch. From 210 V to 250 V a
constant off signal is given.
The input terminals are galvanically isolated from the
electronic part of the relay.
Low set element I>; tI>

10 3.5 Overcurrent - short-circuit


On the front plate there are two LEDs to indicate

pickup of the relay. If the adjusted pickup value of the
1 overcurrent element I> is exceeded (activated state),
High set element the LED I> will flash and a calculated delay expires un-
I>>; tI> til the relay trips. If the short-circuit element is not
blocked and the adjusted pickup value for I>> is addi-
tionally exceeded, the LED I>> will flash.
1 10 100
I/IN 3.5.1 Tripping indication by means of
flag indicator
Fig. 3.6: Setting example
Tripping can be indicated mechanically through the
The characteristics are to be adjusted on the flag indicators WI1-SZ2 and WI1-SZ4 which are
WIZ1-S-5-RL-1. The switch positions can be seen from available optionally. After tripping, they have to be re-
the table "setting possibilities" on page 8. set manually. For the connection of the flag indicators,
see connection diagrams.
Both coding plugs for the overcurrent and short-circuit
element have to be inserted.

Switch Switch- Setting Tripping

position value value
I> 4 1.2 x IN 6A
tI> 5 10 s 10 s
I>> 2 4.0 x IN 20 A
tI>> 3 0.3 s 0.3 s

Table 3.3: Setting of the switches

10 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
Tripping ranges

100 100

10 10

t[s] t[s]

1 1

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01
1 10 100 1 10 100

Fig. 3.7: RK-output Fig. 3.9: EL-output





1 10 100

Fig. 3.8: RL-output

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 11
100 100

10 10

t[s] t[s]

1 1

0.1 0.1

0.01 0.01
1 10 100 1 10 100

Fig. 3.10: EL2-output Fig. 3.11: RK2-output

12 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
4 Technical Data

Unit types: WIZ1-X-X-XX-1

Measuring input

Nominal data: nominal current IN 1A or 5A,

nominal frequency 50...60Hz adjustable
Power consumption in current circuit: at 1.0 x IN S = 3.7 VA
Thermal withstand capability
of the current circuit: dynamic current for withstand one half-wave 135 x IN
rated short-period current for 1 s 54 x IN
short-period load carrying capacity for 10 s 17 x IN
permanent load carrying capacity 2.3 x IN

Input for the remote tripping

Nominal voltage: 230 V/AC, max. 30 min.

min. 195 V/AC, max. 60 min.
max. 250 V/AC, max. 15 min.
nominal power consumption 6 VA/220 V
Tripping time: dependent on the input voltage
U = 230 V/AC tmax = 0.6 s
U = 195 V/AC tmax = 5.0 s
Tripping: periodically for the input voltage range from
U = 195 V to U 210 V; frequency dependent on U;
at U ≥ 210 constant tripping


Basic accuracy (related to the current): ±5%

Basic accuracy of the tripping time: ±3% oder ±10 ms
Influence of frequency:
Influence of temperature: ±1.5% at - 40°C to + 55°C

Specified ambient service

temperature range for storage: - 40°C to + 85°C

temperature range for operation: - 40°C to + 55°C

General data

Drop-out to pickup ratio: 97%

Returning time: 20 ms
Minimum operating time: 50 ms

RK, EL, RL-types

Accuracy of time delay: for tI> ±20 ms
for tI>> ±10 ms

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 13
RK2 - types
Accuracy of trip delay: for tI> ±20 ms
for tI>> range 2 - 4 x IN +10 ms
for tI>> range 4 - 17 x IN +4 ms
EL2 - types
Accuracy of trip delay: for tI> ±20 ms
for tI>> range 3.5 - 4.5 x IN + 10 ms/-4 ms
for tI>> range 4.5 - 19.5 x IN + 1 ms/-8 ms

Definite time overcurrent protection

Tripping element Value Range Steps

Overcurrent I> 0.8 - 2.3 x IN 0.1 x IN
all unit types
RK-output tI> 0.6 - 2.1 s 0.1 s
RL- and EL-output tI> 5 - 20 s 1s
Short circuit
RK- and RL-output I>> 2 - 17 x IN 1 x IN
RK2-output I>> 2 - 17 x IN 1 x IN

EL-output I>> 3.5 - 19.5 x IN 1 x IN

EL2-output I>> 3.5 - 19.5 x IN 1 x IN
RK, RL, EL tI>> 0.05 - 1.5 s 0.1 s
RK2, EL2 tI>> 0.01 - 0.16 s 0.01 s


Relay contact output

Number of output relays: version C: 1 relay

version S: 2 relays
version C: 2 change-over contacts
version S: 1 change-over contact for I>
1 change-over contact for I>>
1 common change-over contact for I> and I>>
Max. switching capacity: resistive load: 1250 VA/DC, 150 W
inductive load: AC (cos = 0.4) 500 VA
DC (L/R = 7 ms) 90 W
Max. nominal current: 5A
Current at make (16 ms): 20 A
Switching voltage: 250 V/AC / 125 V/DC
Contact material: Ag/Ag Ni
Contact life span: 10 operations at max. switching capacity

14 TB WIZ1 07.97 E

Output voltage: 24 V ±2V

Output power: approx. 10 W for 50 ms, periodic impulse tripping,
frequency dependent on transformer current
Tripping energy: 0.5 W per tripping impulse

Indication elements

Overcurrent indication: LED I>

Short circuit indication: LED I>>

Option flag: external flag with mechanical reset function for the
indication of a trip signal


Insulation test according

to VDE 0435: all independent circuits against each other and against housing:
2 kV; 50 Hz; 1 min.
Surge voltage test according
to VDE 0435, IEC 255-6: all circuits against each other and against housing:
5 kV; 1.2 / 50 µs; 2.5 J

High frequency test according

to VDE 0435; IEC 255-6: between all terminals and housing, between independent circuits,
between terminals of the same current circuit, transverse and longitudi-
voltage: 2.5 kV; 1 MHz,
repetition: 400 times per second

Enclosure, housing, installation

Enclosure: electronics: IP 67
signal and control terminals: IP 20
transformer connection terminals: IP 00
Material: Makrolon 6030, self-extinguishing
Width, heigth, depth: see dimensional drawings
Fastening type: with screws
Weight: 1.8 kg
Installation position: any

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 15
Fig. 4.1: Housing WIZ1

Fig. 4.2: Flag indicator WI1-SZ2

16 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
Cut out dimensions

Fig. 4.3: Flag indicator WI1-SZ4

TB WIZ1 07.97 E 17
5 Order form

Please enter the required technical data when ordering.

Independent two-step time overcurrent relay

Mode of installation C
remote tripping, flag indicator output,
1 relay contact output with 2 change-over contacts or
electric impulse output

Mode of installation, S
panel mounting,
1 change-over contact; overcurrent tripping
1 change-over contact; short circuit current tripping
1 change-over contact as common relay contact output for
tripping of overcurrent and short circuit current
Rated current 1A -1
5A -5
Electric impulse output -EL
with long tripping time tI> 5 s to 20 s

Relay contact output -RL

with long tripping time tI> 5 s to 20 s

Relay contact output -RK

with short tripping time tI> 0.6 s to 2.1 s
tI>> 0.05 s to 1.5 s
with short tripping time tI> 0.6 s to 2.1 s -2
tI>> 0.01 s to 0.16 s
Housing (no other design available at the moment) -1

18 TB WIZ1 07.97 E
Woodward SEG GmbH & Co. KG
Krefelder Weg 47 ⋅ D – 47906 Kempen (Germany)
Postfach 10 07 55 (P.O.Box) ⋅ D – 47884 Kempen (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 1


Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 635 ⋅ Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 354

Phone: +49 (0) 21 52 145 614 ⋅ Telefax: +49 (0) 21 52 145 455

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