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English7 - Q2 - M1 - v4 - No AK

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Quarter 2 – Module 1

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Know

Before starting your journey in this module on becoming a better listener, let
us see what you already know about the lesson.

Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
write FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answers in your English notebook.

1. We always understand what we listen to.

2. When we listen, we listen to every word that the speaker is saying.
3. We can predict or guess the topic that the speaker is sharing based on the
words that he or she uses.
4. We use our prior knowledge when we try to understand the message of
the speaker or the material we listen to.
5. It is important to listen to the whole material to get the message of the
6. We only listen when we want to.
7. When we are listening to something and we do not understand it, we
should not listen to it anymore.
8. Listening to the material once is enough to understand its content.
9. We should take note when we listen.
10. Listening is very important in good communication.
11. We listen to understand.
12. We should prepare ourselves before listening to something or someone.
13. We should ignore words that are less important when we are listening.
14. When we listen to conversations, the words that people use help us to
infer the type of relationship they have with one another.
15. We will not experience problems when we listen.

Using Listening Strategies
1 Based on Purpose

What’s In

Before we proceed to our lesson, give me a list of things that made listening
difficult based on your experiences?

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________

What’s New

Activity 1: Let the Music Play

Songs play different roles in our lives. Sometimes, it allows us to express
what we feel. It can also help us to reminisce our childhood memories or other
remarkable experiences. Depending on how the song relates to what we feel at the
moment, we can have different interpretation on a same song.
For this activity, you are now going to listen to a song, read its lyrics, and do
the following:
1. jot down the words that caught your attention;
2. write vocabulary words which may represent the emotion that you feel as
you listen to the song;
3. draw images which could represent the message of the song;
4. enumerate as many feelings that the song may draw out from you; and,
5. write your responses in your notebook.
To listen to the song, you may browse the link
want-you-to-go-lyrics-kyla.html. Then answer the guide question that follows.

I Don’t Want You to Go

(Music version: by Kyla)

Here I am And love again

Alone and I don't understand
Exactly how it all began
The dream just walked away And from the start
I'm holding on Maybe we were tryin' to hard
When all but the passion's gone It's crazy coz it's breakin' our hearts
Things can fall apart but I know
And from the start That I don't want you to go, no
Maybe I was tryin' to hard
It's crazy coz it's breakin' my heart Maybe we were tryin' to hard
Things can fall apart but I know It's crazy coz it's breakin' our hearts
That I don't want you to go Things can fall apart but I know
That I don't want you to go
And heroes die Oh no, don't want you to go
When they ignore the cause inside
But they learn from what's left behind
And fight for something else
And so it goes
That we have both learned how to grow

Oh it's just too much
Takin' all the whole world all by myself
But it's not enough
Guide Questions:
Unless I stop trusting somebody else
1. Are you familiar with the song?
Somebody else
2. What is the message of the song?
What Is It?

Listening Strategies Based on Purpose

In the previous lesson, you have learned the main styles in reading. You have
learned that as you read, you should know your purpose to identify the most
appropriate reading strategy to be used. While in listening, it is also important to
know several strategies so you can completely understand the entire message and
avoid misunderstanding.

Activity 2: Listen Well

Directions: Read the following questions and try to answer them. Write your answer
in your English notebook.

1. What are the factors to consider when you listen?

2. What are the things to do when you listen?
3. Why do you listen to someone or something?
4. Why does a person need to listen?

Here are some of the reasons why you listen:

 to obtain information  to communicate
 to understand  to enjoy
 to learn

Here are some of the things that you should do while you are listening:

Listening for the Main Idea

The purpose of listening is to grasp the main points or general information

presented by the speaker or from the audio/video you are listening to. When you
listen, there are times when you get stuck on a detail, on a word or on a phrase that
you do not understand. This can hinder you to see the bigger picture of the message.

When you are listening to get the main idea, you can possibly get the whole
picture by being able to identify one crucial difference. Information comes in a
sequence and in that sequence, there are content words like nouns, pronouns and
adjectives that can help you form the picture. Therefore, you need to listen more
carefully and attentively to capture the entire message.

Listening for Details

You listen to gather specific important details or information. When you listen
to get specific details like names, date, object or place, you do not need to put your
attention to the entire message of the selection that you are listening to. You can
ignore anything that does not sound relevant. This way, you can narrow down your
search and get the detail that you need. You can also select the materials that you
are going to listen when you need the specific details.


Predicting the Content

Your knowledge in the world helps you anticipate the kind of information you
are likely to hear. When you are listening to a news, you can often predict the kind of
words or language that will be used. Your stock knowledge or any stored information
in the brain can also help us predict the topic of a specific content.


Inferring the Meaning

When you listen, it is also important to infer the meaning presented by the
speaker using clues and your prior knowledge to work out the meaning of what you
hear. Similarly, you can infer relationship between people from the words they use.
People who have intimate relationships usually use informal language and those
who have work relationships usually use formal language. By using context clues,
you can identify what is being said, who is speaking, and what is taking place.

Suggestions for Improving Your Listening Skills
Before You Listen
1. Think about the topic of the text you are going to listen to. What do you
already know about it? What could possibly be the content of the text?
2. If you have to do a task on listening, check whether you have
understood the task correctly.
3. Think about what kind of text you are
6 going to listen to.
4. Relax and make yourself ready to pay attention to the listening text.

While You Are Listening

1. It is not necessary to understand every single word. Try to ignore those words
that you think are less important anyway.
2. If there are words or issues that you don’t understand, use your general
knowledge as well as context to find out the meaning.
3. If you still don’t understand something, use a dictionary to look up the words
or ask someone else for help.
4. Focus on keywords and facts.
5. Take notes to support your memory.
6. Intonation and stress of the speakers can help you understand what you hear.
7. Try to think ahead. What might happen next? What might the speakers say?
Which words might they use?

After Listening
1. Think about the text again. Did you understand the main point?
2. Remember the speculations you made before listening. Did it turn out to be
3. Review your notes.
4. Check whether you have completed your task correctly.
5. Did you have any problem while listening or completing the task?
6. Listen again to difficult passages.

is What’s More

Activity 3: Detail Extraction

Directions: Let us check how good you are in extracting the important details in a
recording you are about to listen.

1. Find a news report from YouTube, radio, or television.

A. Cite the details of the news:

a. When was it aired? ________________________________
b. Name of the station _______________________________
2. Write the important details from the news.
a. What is the event? d. Where did it happen?
b. Who are the people involved? e. Why did it happen?
c. When did it happen? f. How did it happen?

Activity 4. Let’s Do This!

Directions: Listen attentively to the recorded audio that can be found from this link
( or refer to the
CD/flash drive given to you by your teacher. Answer the questions below in your

1. What is the selection about?


2. Can you recall a similar experience

with the character in the video? Write your experience in a paragraph
containing two – five sentences about it.

Simple Paragraph Rubric

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Content Written Written Written Written
experience experience experience experience
excellently clearly shows almost shows shows no
shows similarity. similarity. similarity.
Rules on Rules on Rules on Any rules on
Mechanics capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
of Writing spelling and spelling and spelling and spelling and
neatness are neatness are neatness are neatness is
properly properly properly not observed
observed in all observed in all observed in 1-2 at all.
5 sentences. 3-4 sentences. sentence.

What I Have Learned

Activity 5: Take It Away

Directions: Using the graphic organizer below, show us your learning progress
in this module.



What I Can Do

Activity 6: Make a Call

Choose from your cellphone contacts a person whom you think is suitable for
an interview. He/she can be a barangay official, a professional or someone whom
you can consider successful. Let that person share to you his or her life story before
becoming a successful person. Here are your guide questions for interview:

1. What motivated you to become a ______ (state his/her profession, or

present work)?
2. What are your characteristics and skills that made you a successful
_______ (state his/her profession, or present work)??
3. What are the hardships that you have encountered?
(Note: You can add questions that you would like to ask.)


How is your journey through this module? Let us check what you have learned.
Listen to the news report from this link: or refer
to the CD/flash drive given to you by your teacher.

Activity 7: Apply It!

Answer the questions given below. While listening, apply the strategies that you
have learned. You can read the questions first before listening to the audio.

1. What does COVID-19 stand for? What is this virus?

2. Who is the speaker of the topic “COVID-19 virus”?
3. What are the two other corona viruses that cause forms of common colds?
4. Is corona virus the worst virus compared to those that occurred before?
Explain your answer.
5. According to the speaker, should people panic with the occurrence of this
virus? Yes or No. Why?
6. What is the similarity between COVID - 19 and influenza?
7. What hampers the development of the vaccine for COVID -19?
8. What are used as models to test the developed vaccine?

Here is an outline on how your answers will look like in your English

1. _________________. ________________.
2. __________________________________.
3. _________________ , ________________.
4. ___ , ________________.
5. ___ . ______________________________________________
6. _________________.
7. _________________.
8. _________________.
9. _________________.
9. What do we need to understand in the development of its vaccine?

Additional Activity

Activity 8: Add and Compare

1. Listen to any news about COVID–19 in your own locality. Identify the
important details from the news. (What, who, when, where, why and how)
2. Ask one of your family members about his/her idea about the current status of
your barangay regarding COVID-19 situations. Ask if he/she knows if there
are existing cases in your area or if some are badly affected by the pandemic.

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