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Eng 7 Q2 Module 1 REVISED

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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Becoming an Effective Listener
English – Grade 7
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Becoming an Effective Listener

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Rogielyn Mae D. Cariño – Camaligan National High School
1. Edna F. Aladano – Gov. Mariano E. Villafuerte High School
2. Judith B. Sabio – West Coast High School
Preciosa R. Dela Vega, EPS - English, SDO Camarines Sur

Illustrators and Layout Artists:

1. Edmark M. Pado – Cabugao Elementary School
2. Mary Jane S. San Agustin – Fundado Elementary School
Becoming an Effective Listener
Have you ever been in a situation where you find it difficult to understand
what someone is saying? What did you do? Listening skills allow you to understand
what someone is saying. Because learning how to listen with understanding is not
easily achieved, hence paying attention to developing your listening skills is very
important. Using listening strategies is one of the helpful ways for the learner to
listen well and become an effective listener.

Learning Target

After studying this module, you are expected to use listening strategies based
on purpose, familiarity with the topic, and levels of difficulty of short texts listened

Vocabulary List

. The following key words will be used as you go along this learning process:

Listening is receiving language through the ears which involves identifying

the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences.

Listening strategies are techniques or activities that contribute directly to the

comprehension and recall of listening input, and on how the listener processes

Gist is the main idea of a text or the essence of the entire passage

Supporting details are the supporting ideas which provide additional

information to backup the main idea.

Process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular


Warming Up

In this module, you will develop skills in listening with comprehension. Before
you proceed, let’s find out to what extent you have such skills.

Tell whether you agree or not with the following statements by writing
YES or NO on your answer sheet:

_______ 1. When you listen to a conversation in English, you try to understand

every word.
_______ 2. When you have difficulty understanding what a speaker means, you
ask for clarification.
_______ 3. Listening to songs and radio programs in English are two of the best
ways to learn the language.
_______ 4. As you listen to someone speaks, you take notes to help yourself
understand the message.
_______ 5. Your role as a listener is to show interest.

Learning About It

To practice listening attentively, sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes

and relax. Focus on the sounds that you hear around you. Listen to these sounds
individually and try to identify them. You may hear the sound of an insect flying. You
may also hear footsteps of other people. Listen well to these sounds. Focus on
each sound and think about them. Were you able to appreciate these sounds better
when your eyes were closed? What does this activity tell you about listening?

When your eyes are closed, you are better able to focus. Because you are
focused on the sounds around you, you are more capable of “hearing” them. You
appreciate these sounds more compared to when your eyes are open or when you
are busy talking. This activity teaches the value of focusing or paying attention to
the sounds that you hear. This skill is very important in relaying or writing
information gathered from oral communication, because you cannot fully
understand what you have not heard very well.

Source: ALS Guinayangan District, Are you Listening? , p. 5

Why is developing listening skill important? Listening is very important because
language learners, like you, need it to obtain information, understand, learn,
communicate, and enjoy. Listening is used most frequently, but for second language
learners, most of the time, listening in English seems to be so hard.

You should know that there are different types of listening:

➢ Listening for gist - You listen in order to understand the main idea of the text.
➢ Listening for specific information - You want to find out specific details, for
example key words.
➢ Listening for detailed understanding - You want to understand all the
information the text provides.

Before you listen to a text, you should be aware of these different types. You
will have to decide what your purpose is. Becoming aware of this fact will help you to
both focus on the important points and listen effectively to texts.

To develop your listening skills, there are activities that contribute directly to the
comprehension and recall of listening inputs or known as listening strategies. These
are ways that could help you improve your listening skills.

Before you listen…

1. Think about the topic of the text you are going to listen to. What do you
already know about it? What could possibly be the content of the text?
Which words come to mind that you already know? Which words would you
want to look up?
2. If you have to do a task on the listening text, check whether you have
understood the task correctly.
3. Think about what type of text you are going to listen to.
What do you know about this type of text?
4. Relax and make yourself ready to pay attention to the listening text.

While you are listening…

1. It is not necessary to understand every single word. Try to ignore those

words that you think are less important anyway.
2. If there are words or issues that you do not understand, use your general
knowledge as well as the context to find out the meaning.
3. If you still do not understand something, use a dictionary to look up the
words or ask someone else for help.
4. Focus on key words and facts.
5. Take notes to support your memory.
6. Intonation and stress of the speakers can help you understand what you
7. Try to think ahead. What might happen next? What might the speakers say,
which words might they use?

After listening…

1. Think about the text again. Have you understood the main points?
2. Remember the expectations you made before you listened. Did they come
3. Review your notes.
4. Check whether you have completed your task correctly.
5. Have you had any problems while listening? Do you have any problems now
to complete your task? Identify your problems and ask someone for help.
6. Listen again to difficult passages.

Source: Learning English Online, https://www.learning-english-

Keeping You in Practice

Practice Task 1: Listening for Gist

The main idea of a text is a summary of the entire passage. It is being

supported by the other parts of the text (specific details or supporting ideas) that
provide additional information. To get the general idea, the whole passage must be
heard first and analyzed. Let us see if you are now able to identify the main idea.
Source: ALS Guinayangan District, Are you Listening? , 5

Listen to a song (and glance at its lyrics) and while you are listening, you may:

1. Take down words that caught your attention;

2. Draw images which you can associate with the song;
3. Write big words that may express the mood/emotion of the song;
4. Enumerate as many feelings that the song may draw out from you; and
5. Write your responses in your notebook.

Don’t Want You to Go
(Music Version: By Kyla; MTV Direction:
TrebMonteras II from© 2012

Here I am
Alone and I don't understand
Exactly how it all began
The dream just walked away And from the start
I'm holding on Maybe I was tryin' too hard
When all but the passion's gone It's crazy coz it's breakin' my
Things can fall apart but I know,
And heroes die, That I don't want you to go
When they ignore the cause inside
But they learn from what's left behind
And fight for something else And so it goes
That we have both learned how to grow
And from the start
And from the start Maybe we were tryin' too hard
Maybe we were tryin' too hard It's crazy coz it's breakin' our heart
It's crazy coz it's breakin' our hearts Things can fall apart but I know,
Things can fall apart but I know, That I don't want you to goricom:
That I don't want you to go, no Oh it's just too much
Maybe we were tryin' to hard Takin' all the whole world all by myself
It's crazy coz it's breakin' our hearts But it's not enough unless I stop trusting
Things can fall apart but I know, somebody else,
That I don't want you to go Somebody else
Oh no, don't want you to go And love again

1. What is the message of the persona in the song? Write T (True) if you agree with
the statement and F (False) if you disagree. Write your answer in your notebook.
_____ a. The persona expresses the pain of letting go.
_____ b. The persona, too, has let go of the relationship.
_____ c. The persona is aware of how things will go in the end.
_____ d. The persona and his/her beloved have grown by letting go.
_____ e. The persona is ready to love again.

2. What is the main idea of the song? You can take lines from the song to support
your answer. In your notebook, write your answer in three to five sentences.


Source: Open High School Program Contextualized Modules (Grade 7), pp. 136-

Practice Task 2: Listening for Specific Information

Listen to the speech using this video link given below, and then answer
the questions that follow. Write your answer in your notebook.

This speech was delivered by Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest American
Presidents. He gave this speech as he was about to leave his hometown, Springfield,
Illinois, to travel to Washington, D.C. to start another chapter in his life as the 16 th
president of the United States of America. He delivered this address as an
unforgettable tribute to his friends and neighbors before boarding the special
presidential train at the Great Western Railroad station in Springfield.

1. What type of speech is it? _______________________________________

2. Based on the details in the speech, was the speaker married?
What made you say so?
3. Did he have children? _______________________________________________
4. How many of his children died? ________________________________________
5. Why was he bidding goodbye to the people?
6. Was the speaker religious? Why do you think so?

Source: Source: ALS Guinayangan District, Are you Listening?, p.14

Alternative Practice Task 2:
In case you do not have internet access, here is an alternative activity. As your
family is watching an episode of “Maalaala Mo Kaya” or “Magpakailanman” (Write the
details about this in your notebook), take note of the specific details of the life story.
Biographies tend to have lots of great details. Make sure to listen carefully to the
important details of the characters and answer the questions that follow?

Title of the episode: ___________________________________________________

Date of episode: ______________________________________________________

1. What type of episode is it? ____________________________________________

2. Who are the characters mentioned in the episode?
3. Give three (3) significant events that happened in the life of the person in the story.
4. Describe the main character in the episode. _____________________________
5. Give one English line spoken by the main character in the episode.

Practice Task 3: Listening for Detailed Understanding

You have learned how important it is to focus and pay attention while
listening. This is even more important when you hear instructions for doing something.
These instructions involve a series of steps to follow and are called a process. This is
an example of listening for detailed understanding. To determine the steps in a
process, it is important that you listen very closely and follow the steps being
described. In a process, the order of the instructions or steps must be followed as
described. You will only be able to accomplish the task if the correct order or steps are
Source: ALS Guinayangan District, Are you Listening? , pp.15-16

A recipe is a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of

the ingredients required. It is very popular nowadays in videos posted in the internet
and even in some TV shows. You are going to watch a video on the internet or
television, showing a recipe of a Filipino food. Listen to the procedures provided, then
list down the steps and the ingredients presented. Write your answer in your notebook.
Make sure it is in the organized and detailed process, then complete the following data

Title of Video or TV show: _________________________________

Date of episode watched: _________________________________
Name of the dish: ________________________________________

Ingredients: ________________________________________________________

Procedures: ________________________________________________________

Cooling Down

You have come to the end of this module on using listening strategies. To check
and apply what you have learned, use the link below to download the audio file, and
then listen carefully to the message of UNESCO.

A. Listen and take note of the important details. Answer the questions below in
your notebook.

1. What is the message about? ______________________________________


2. In your notebook, choose the statements below which are mentioned in the
message about Corona virus.
a. Share unverified information about coronavirus.
b. Disinformation is spreading alongside the new coronavirus.
c. It is important to share information that comes from reliable sources.
d. Any information in the internet is reliable.
e. Health authorities and the World Health Organization are reliable sources.
f. Think before you share.
g. During the COVID-19 outbreak, trust only official information sources and
credible media outlets.
h. Let’s think critically about the information we are receiving and sharing.

B. Listen to another audio using the link below, then in your notebook answer
the questions that follow:
1. What is the reminder about?__________________________________________

2. Choose the emotions conveyed in the message.

a. shocked
b. happy
c. sad
d. angry
e. nervous
3. Choose the statements mentioned in the message about Corona virus.
a. Disinformation can be spread through the use of emotion-targeted
b. Disinformation and rumors can spread just as fast as the virus itself.
c. Before sharing or reacting to such content, try to think of where it comes
from, who might benefit from it, and who might be hurt from it.
d. Think before you share.
e. Rumors and false information can help further spread the virus.
f. Think before you click.
g. During the COVID-19 outbreak, trust only official information sources and
credible media outlets.
h. Quality journalism is now more crucial than ever.

Learning Challenge

Express your Emotions

In this activity, you will focus on listening and emotions and the relationship
between them. You can have different interpretations of music than the lyrics
suggest, and this can be a wonderful way to express understanding of a listening
Listen to your favorite love song. Write its details on a sheet of paper, and then
express your emotion towards the song through an art work. You can choose your
most creative way of expressing your emotion.
Rubric for rating are provided so you will be guided.

Points to Ponder

To develop your listening skills, there are activities that contribute directly to
the comprehension and recall of listening inputs or known as listening strategies.
Before you listen to a text, you will have to decide what your purpose is, so you
can focus on the important points.
Take note of the following:
1. The main idea of a listening text is a summary of the entire passage.
2. The specific details or supporting ideas provide additional information to
support the main idea.
3. To capture the general or main idea, the whole passage must be heard first
and analyzed.
4. In determining the steps of a process, it is important that you pay close
attention to the directions or steps given as described in their proper order.

Answer Key

(Answers may vary depending on students preferences)


Practice Task 1
1. a. T b. T c. F d. T e. T
2. Answer may vary

Practice Task 2
1. Farewell speech
2. Yes, he was married as mentioned in the speech.
3. Yes, he has children.
4. One of his children died.
5. He was leaving his hometown, Springfield, Illinois, to travel to
Washington, D.C. to start another chapter in his life as the 16th
president of the United States of America.
6. Yes, because he has stated about his prayers and for the people.


A. 1. The message is about spreading of disinformation and gives reminders
about trusting the verified sources only.
2. b. c. e. g.

B. 1. The message is about checking first emotional reaction to corona virus

and clicking and sharing information which are from verified sources.
2. a. c. d.
3. a. c. d. f. g.

Rubrics for Rating Learning Challenge

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Average Developing Insufficient
Focus/Content All elements Most elements of Some Only a few
of the the illustration elements of elements of
illustration contributed to the the the
contributed to overall message. illustration illustration
the overall contributed contributed
message. to the overall to the overall
message. message.

Originality All parts of Most parts of the Some parts A few parts
the illustration illustration are of the of the
are original. original. illustration illustration
are original. are original.
Impact The The presentation The The
presentation conveyed a presentation presentation
conveyed a message. conveyed an did not
strong unclear convey any
message. message. message.
Creativity/ The overall The overall The overall The overall
Appearance appearance appearance is appearance appearance
is attractive in is acceptably is distracting
exceptionally terms of design attractive in in terms of
attractive in and neatness. terms of design and
terms of design and neatness.
design and neatness.


ALS Guinayangan District, Are you Listening?

Learning English Online,


Open High School Program Contextualized Modules (Grade 7), pp. 136-137

Abraham Lincoln's Farewell Address,


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