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1st Nov Notes

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Group: one Theme: Myself Topic: My Home Date: Monday 30 t h Oct,2023 value:

Time/ Specific Objective Content/ Teacher’s Activity Learners Activity Resources Evaluation
Session Concept
8:00-8:25 After greeting peers Free play allows us to -greets children as - greet peers and Hats, snack
Free Play and teacher the make choices, share they enter the class. teacher, kits, dough,
and Choice learner will: and interact with -gives instructions -pack away they sticks,
Activities -pack away peers. -displays materials belongings blocks, soft
belongings orderly -supervises learners -select and mount toys, puzzles
-select and mount -encourages children name cards and corks,
name cards, to share. -choose and participate dress up
correctly. -gives praises as in activities corner,
Given instructions, necessary. -manipulate with sticks reading
the learner will: I know my name -role play in dress up corner, shop
-participate freely in corner corner, art
activities. -look at picture books corner, sand
- manipulate with and talk about picture corner,
sticks and clothe -manipulate in sand water play
pegs freely. and water play
-role play in dress up
corner freely.
-look at picture
books and discuss
-manipulate in sand
and water play area
Standard 2.14, 1.12

8:25-8:35 Standing We talk with God -arranges learners -stand appropriately Flag of
Assembly appropriately, the through prayers -gives instructions - repeat morning Guyana,
and learner will: I must show respect -leads the prayer prayer Class register
Registration -repeat the morning for our national -says the National -recite the National
prayer, quietly. symbol Pledge. Pledge
-recite the National -sings National -stand at attention to
Pledge correctly. ‘I Pledge myself… Anthem sing the National
-sing the National i must listen when -marks children Anthem
Anthem lustily. teacher is speaking names. -listen to a talk by
-listen to a talk by teacher.
teacher attentively. -listen to and answer
With the aid of the their names.
class register the
learners will:
-listen to and answer
his/her name,
Standard 1.1

8:35-09:10 With the aid of the Today is Monday it is a -arranges learners say rhyme Weather
Language weather, Daily and ……… day. We are in -say rhyme name the day, month chart
Experience monthly charts the the month of October -encourages learners and talk about the Daily chart
learner will: to participate in weather Monthly
Identify and name Every letter has a activity -ask and answer chart
the day correctly. special name -asks simple questions questions. Roraima
Talk about the This is the letter Oo -gives praises -identify and name the readers
weather conditions Every letter has a -identify and name letter
freely. special sound. letters -complete activities
-name the month
Standard 4.13
-ask and answer
question using
simple sentence.
- sitting in a semi-
circle the learners
-sing song lustily ‘
Look at me’
-Through a mini field
trip in the
community the
learners will :
-Observe keenly.
-Take turn to share
their experiences
With the aid of a
letter chart and
Roraima readers
book the learners
-sing letter song
-identify and name
the letter Oo
- make the letter
sound correctly.
Standard 2.11, 3.5

9:10-9:30 Sitting in a semi- The home is a place -displays picture scene observe and talk about Picture
Large Group circle and with the where families live. -engages learners in the picture scene, scene
Activities aid of a large picture discussion using simple sentences
scene depicting -asks simple questions - answer simple
Homes, the learners -gives praises questions.
will: -encourages learners
-sing song ‘’Home’’ I can speak using to speak in simple
-look at picture and simple sentences sentences.
discuss briefly.
- ask and answer
questions using
simple sentences. Answering questions
Standard 2.10 help us to learn.
9:30-10:00 Given instructions Given tasks should be - gives instructions -colour picture Paper,
Small and materials the completed -distributes materials -Model picture scene crayons,
Group learner will: -assists learners to -Watch picture book dough,
Activities -Colour neatly within complete given tasks books,
the boundaries of -encourages children worksheet,
picture depicting a to participate as picture
house. necessary books
-Model their homes -gives praises
creatively using
-Watch picture book
depicting homes
Standard 5.1,

After washing and I must say please and -guides learners to

10:00-10:25 drying hands the thank you to my peers wash and dry hands -follow instructions to Water,
Snack Time learner will: during snack -leads children in wash and dry hands Soap,
-repeat grace grace -repeat grace and Towel,
reverently. -demonstrates how to share kits Snack kits,
-eat snack mannerly open the bottle. -eat snack Bin,
-use social -encourages children -use social courtesies
courtesies to eat all their snacks. -pack away kits
appropriately -assists learners to -tidy classroom
-pack away kits pack away
neatly -guides learners to
-assist to tidy tidy classroom
classroom co-
Standard 1.4

10:25-10:45 Given instructions, Organized games -gives instructions -follow instructions to Teacher and
Outdoor the child will: teach us to follow -demonstrates warm do warm up exercise. children
Activities -participate in rules up exercises (jump, -participate in warm-
exercises; simple run, jump and stretch) up exercises
stretches, ran and -participates in game -participate in the
jump freely -encourages children game
-participate in to play co-operatively -form two lines and
organized game -encourages learners return to classroom
co-operatively. to be quiet.
Forming two lines
the learner will:
-return to
classroom, quietly
Standard 1.10
10:45-10:50 After drinking water, I can rest quietly. -gives instructions, -drink water, Tables,
Quiet Time the learner will: -observes learners. -resting Chairs.
-rest head on the -sings a lullaby
table and listen to
lullaby quietly
Standard 1.10

10:50-11:25 With the aid of the I can read simple word -displays bigbook -sing song Bigbook
Shared bigbook -discusses the name Identify and name the
Reading ‘’Houses on my of the ‘Houses on my big book
street” I live in a big house. street’ -talk about the cover
the learners will -asks simple questions page
-Sing song lustily ‘Its -gives guidance and -ask and answer
shared Reading praises question related to the
Time.” big book
-identify and name -
the big book’s
properties correctly .
-Picture walk book
with teacher
-ask and answer
simple questions
using simple
Standard 4.1,2.7,
11:25-11:45 Sitting in a semi- Heights-length of -Sing song -sing song Shapes Chart
Maths circle and with the living things. - guides learners -identify heights
Activities use of the shapes -displays shapes chart - talk about the
chart the learners -asks and answers shape(Square) freely
will: questions - ask and answer
- sing math song -encourages learners question
lustily (its math time to complete given
now). activities
-identify and name -gives guidance and
the shape(square) praises
-talk about the
shape displayed
-Listen to brief
discussion on the
-ask and answer
questions correctly.
Seated in a semi- Stories teach us new Arranges learners in a -listen to the story Story book
11:45-11:55 circle the learner things semi-circle -sing songs
Pre- will: -listen to story. -tells story to children. -recap the day’s
Dismissal ask and answer -sings with children lessons
questions related to -recaps the day’s -answer simple
story correctly. lessons questions
-recap the day’s -ask simple questions
lessons -gives praises
-answer simple
questions using
simple sentences.

11:55-12:00 After repeating I return home after -says prayer with -repeat dismissal Snack kits,
Dismissal prayer, the learner school learners, prayer, hats.
will: -sings with learners, -sing goodbye song,
-sing goodbye song -bids learners -share kits/hats,
lustily, goodbye. -leave the classroom
-share kits/hats
-leave classroom
Standard 1.10
Signature of teacher:t.garnett Status:(T.Q.M) Signature of head teacher………………… Status…………… Date: Monday 16 th October , 2023.

Year Group: One Theme: Myself Topic: My favourite things Tuesday 14 th November, 2023 value:
Time/ Specific Objective Content/ Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity Resources Evaluation
Session Concept
8:00-8:25 After greeting peers and It is good -greets learners, -greet peers and teacher, Hats, snack
Creative teacher the learner will: manners to -displays materials, -pack away they belong kits, dough,
Expression -pack away belongings greet others -encourages learners -select and mount name blocks
orderly My name is to participate cards dress up
Standard 1.4 Ricardo -supervises and -choose activities corner
-select and mount name I learn new observes learners -build locks Clothe-pegs
cards correctly. things playing -gives praises. -role play in dress up Dolls corner
Given instructions and with my friends corner.
materials the learner will: -manipulate with clothe-
-choose activities and play pegs
creatively. -model with play dough
-build with blocks
-role play in dress up
corner creatively.
-manipulate with clothe
pegs creatively.
model with play dough
Standard 2.14, 1.12
8:25-8:35 Standing appropriately the We talk to God -demonstrates -appropriately, Class
Assembly learner will: by praying. correct postures, -repeat prayer, register
and -repeat prayer reverently -says school’s Motto -repeat the school’s
Registration -repeat the school’s Motto Motto: Budding -calls learners names Motto
correctly Roses, Future -marks class register -identify the name of the
With the aid of the class Glory day and talk about the
register the learners will: weather condition.
-listen to and answer -listen to and answer
his/her name, promptly. their names
Standard 1.1, 2.14

With the aid of a Weather Today is

8:35-09:-10 chart, Daily and Monthly Tuesday… -asks question about Identify and name the Letter cards,
Language chart the learner will: It is a … the experience day dough,
Experience Identify and name the day We’re in the -corrects and writes -talk about the weather -workbook
correctly. month of sentences on chart -talk about the month crayons
-talk about the weather November -asks simple and year
briefly Spoken words questions -talk about the his/her
-name the month and year can also be -displays letters chart experience
correctly. written -gives instructions -repeat sentences about
Standard 1.8 This is the letter -encourages learners the experience
1.7, 4.13, 2.13, 2.12 Ff Every letter to participate -identify and name the
Given instructions the has a special - gives guidance and letter Ff
learner will : sound and praises -colour pictures related
-talk freely about his/her name. to the letter Ff
experience using simple Some words -model letter Ff
sentences. beginning with Complete activities in
-read simple sentences the letter Ff are workbook
about the experience Feet
fluently Foot
With the aid of a letter
chart and Roraima
Readers book the learner
-sing letter song lustily
-identify and name the
letter Ff correctly
- repeat the sound of the
letter Ff correctly
Standard 2.19
Given material and
instruction the learners
-Use sticks to model the
letter Ff correctly.
-Use dough to model
letter Ff correctly.
-complete activities in
workbook correctly.

9:10-9:30 With the aid of pictures, Favorite things -assemble learners -sing songs picture
Large Group through discussion can be animals, -sing song -discuss their favourite
Activities learners will learn that toys etc… - encourage learners things.
every boy and girl has a to participate in -ask and answer
favourite thing discussions questions.
after which the learners -asks simple
will: questions
Sing songs freely -gives
-talk about their favourite encouragement and
thing/things freely. praises
Standard 4.13, 4.7
-answer simple questions.
Given instructions and Activities must -gives instructions, -Model crayons,
9:30-10:00 materials the learner will: be completed -distributes materials -Colour books,
Small -Use dough to model their -encourages learners -look at and talk about paper,
Group favourite thing creatively to participate his/her experiences workbook
Activities -Creatively draw their -gives assistance, paste
favourite thing using art guidance and praises.
pages and crayons.
-Quietly discus with their
peers what their favourite
thing is.
10:00-10:25 After washing and drying I must use social -gives instructions to -follow instructions to Water,
Snack Time hands, the learner will: courtesies wash and dry hands, wash and dry hands, Soap,
-repeat grace reverently. during snack. -leads children in -repeat grace and share towel,
-eat snacks mannerly grace kits Snack kits,
-use social courtesies -demonstrates how -eat snack Bin,
appropriately to open the bottle. -use social courtesies
-pack away kits neatly -encourages children -pack away kits
Standard 1.4 to eat all their
-assists learners to
pack away
10:25-10:45 After doing warm up exercises renews -demonstrates -do warm up exercises Outdoor
Outdoor exercises the learner will: our energy exercises, -play on outdoor equipment
Activities -play on outdoor Supervises and gives equipment
equipment with teacher guidance to learners. -form two lines
supervision co- -sings lullaby -return to classroom
Standard 1.10
After forming two lines
the learner will:
-return to the classroom
10:45-10:50 After drinking water, the I can rest quietly -gives instructions, -drinking water, Tables,
Quiet Time learner will: -observes learners. -resting Chairs.
-rest head on the table - encourages learners
and listen to sounds to rest.
around him/her quietly
Standard 1.10
10:50-11:25 With the aid of the I can read -display Big book -sing song Flash cards
Shared bigbook “…………………..” simple words -sing song -identify and name the Big Book
Reading and a template of the -read simple rhyme
letter ‘Ff’ the learner will: sentences -listen to teacher read
-sing transition song lustily -guides learners -read sentences
- listen to teacher read -asks simple -answer simple questions
sentences attentively. questions and gives
-read sentences with praises
teacher fluently.
-Observe keenly letter
displayed on template.
-Correctly identify the
letter ‘Ff’ by name.
-Make letter sound.
-Identify correctly letter
‘Ff’ words in rhyme.
-Identify a word that
rhymes with ‘One’
Standard 1.5,2.6, 2.17
-ask and answer question
using simple sentences.
11:25-11:45 Sitting in a semi- circle -arranges learners Sing song Ordinal
Maths with the aid of the shape -display material -identify and name the chart
Activities chart the learner will: Ask and answer shape Dough
-sing song (Its math time Ordinals questions. - complete work Crayons
now). gives material and - complete activities in books
- identify and name the Shows position instruction Workbook.
positions correctly. in ascending -distributes materials
Given material and order. -encourages learners
instructions the learners to participate
will: -observes and
-Complete worksheet supervises learners
correctly. -gives assistance and
-Use dough to model 1st, guidance
2nd, 3rd . -praises learners
- Colour neatly within the
boundaries of the 2nd bird
in their work book.
Standard 2.10
11:45-11:55 Seated in a semi-circle the Rhymes and -recap the day’s -recap the day’s lessons
Pre- learner will: songs teach us lessons -Sing song and show
Dismissal -recap the day’s lessons new things -says rhyme and actions
briefly. Standard demonstrates actions -sing song
-Sing song ‘’Molly had a -sings with learners
-Listen to story
-sing songs lustily.
11:55-12:00 After saying prayer, the I return home -says prayer with -repeat prayer, Snack kits,
learner will: -sing songs after school learners, -sing goodbye song, hats.
Dismissal lustily Standard -sings with learners, -share kits/hats,
-sing goodbye song lustily, 1.10 -bids learners -leave the classroom
-share kits/hats orderly, goodbye.
-leave classroom orderly

Signature of teacher: T.garnett Status (T.Q.M) Signature of Head teacher.………………… Status…………… Date: Tuesday 14 th November 2023

year one Theme: Myself Topic: My Favourite Things Date: Wednesday 15 th November, 2023 value:
Time/ Specific Objective Content/ Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity Resources Evaluation
Session Concept
8:00-8:25 After greeting peers and I can identify -greets learners, -greet peers and teacher, Hats, snack
Free Play and teacher the learner will: my name. -displays materials, -pack away their kits, dough,
Choice -pack away belongings I must play -encourages learners belongings sticks,
Activities orderly, co- to participate, -select and mount name blocks, soft
-select and mount name operatively -supervises and cards toys
cards correctly. with my observes learners, -choose activities Clothe pegs
Given instructions, the peers. -gives praises. Fix puzzles corks,
earner will: Build blocks reading
-choose and participate -manipulate with sticks corner
freely in activities
-fix puzzles freely
-manipulate with sticks
-build with blocks freely
Standard 2.14, 2.12

8:25-8:35 Standing appropriately Thank you -demonstrates -stand appropriately,

Assembly and the learner will: God…. correct postures, -repeat prayer, Class
Registration -repeat prayer I pledge -says prayer -sing the National song register
reverently, myself……. -sings with learners, and school song
-sing a national song and “Born in the -marks class register. -listen to and answer
the school song, lustily. Land…” their names
With the aid of the class “We are the
register the learners will: foundation”
-listen to and answer
his/her name promptly
Standard 1.10

8:35-09:10 With the aid of the Today is -reads sentences -identify and name the Language
Language Weather, Daily and Wednesday. about experience day. Experience
Experience Monthly Chart the It is a ……day. -writes new -talk about the weather Chart, letter
learners will: We are in sentences about condition. cards,
-identify and name the the month of experience -read sentences about dough,
day correctly November -displays letter and their experience letter
-identify the weather -drawing makes the letter -sang song books,
conditions briefly tells us story sound -draw their experiences paper,
Standard 1.7, 1.8, This is the -encourages learners -identify and name letter crayons,
2.13, 4.10, 2.13 letter Ff to participate Ff Words
After discussions, the These are - gives instructions, -make the sound of the
learner will: some words guidance and praises letter Ff
-relate experiences using that has the -identify rhyming words
simple sentences briefly. letter Ff -sing song
-read sentences about Flower -colour picture and trace
the experience Flour words.
-draw freely to show Standard -model the letter Ff
his/her experience 2.19 Correctly.
With the aid of a letter Rhyming - complete activities in
chart, the learner will: words have workbook.
-sing letter song lustily. the same
-Make the letter sound. ending
-identify and name the sound
letters Ff correctly. Foot-Book
-identify words
beginning with the letter
Ff correctly.
-identify and name
rhyming words
Given material and
instruction the learners
-complete activities in
workbook correctly.
-colour picture of a
flower and trace/ write
word ‘Flower’ neatly.
- model the letter Ff
correctly using dough.
9:10-9:30 Through experiment the Some of our -displays materials -sing song
Large Group learners will feel the favourite -encourages learners -identify and name the
Activities texture of some of their things are: to participate in materials
favourite things by doing Hard, soft, activity and -answer simple questions
this the learners will light, heavy discussion.
learn that the favourite -asks simple
things have different questions
texture/feeling after -gives praises
which the learners will:
-sing transition songs
Ask and answer
questions using simple
Standard 1.8
9:30-10:00 Given instructions, the I must gives instructions -colour picture neatly. Books
Small learners will: complete the -distributes materials - model crayon
Group - colour neatly within given -encourages learners -make pattern Paper
Activities the boundaries of a activities to participate worksheet
picture depicting their -gives assistance and
favourite thing. guidance.
-model their favourite -praises learners.
thing creatively using
-trace simple captions
-ask and answer
Standard 1.12
10:00-10:25 After washing and drying I must say -gives instructions to -follow instructions to Water,
Snack hands, the learner will: please and wash and dry hands, wash and dry hands, Soap,
Time -repeat grace reverently. thank you. -leads children in -repeat grace and share Towel,
-eat snacks mannerly grace kits Snack kits,
-use social courtesies -demonstrates how -eat snack. Bin,
appropriately to open the bottle. -use social courtesies
-pack away kits neatly -encourages children -pack away kits
-tidy classroom co- to eat all their -tidy classroom
operatively snacks.
Standard 1.4 -assists learners to
pack away
10:25-10:45 After doing warm up Organized demonstrates -do warm up exercises Teachers
Outdoor exercises; Simple games teach exercises, -take turns to play the and learners
Activities stretches, the learner us to follow -supervises and gives game
will: rules guidance to learners. -return to classroom
-take turns to play - encourages learners
organized games co- to be quiet when
operatively. going indoor
After forming two lines
the learners will:
-return to class quietly
Standard 1.10
10:45-10:50 After drinking water, the I can rest -gives instructions, -drinking water, Tables,
Quiet Time learner will: quietly -sings a lullaby -resting Chairs.
-rest head on the table -observes learners.
and listen to sounds
around his/her
Standard 1.10
10:50-11:25 With the aid of the big Rhyming -displays big book -sing song Bigbook
book( ) words -say the book’s name -read simple sentences
Shared Reading the learners will: for and with learners related to pictures in
-sing songs ‘’ lustily -asks simple books
-identify and name the questions -identify and name
bigbook properties. -gives assistance and rhyming word
- listen to teacher read praises -repeat and spell simple
attentively words
-read simple sentences -complete activities
-identify rhyming words
in sentences.
-read rhyming words
Standard 2.1, 3.2

11:25-11:45 With the aid of the Given -gives instructions -Sing song crayons,
Maths ordinal chart, the activities -displays chart -complete workbook ordinalchart
Activities learners will must be -encourages learners -model shape ,
-sing songs lustily completed to participate - fix shapes puzzle books
-identify and the Standard -observes and -complete activity in dough
positions correctly. supervises learners workbook. templates
Given instructions and -gives assistance and
materials, the learners guidance
will: -praises learners
-Colour neatly within the
boundaries of the 2nd
bird in their work book.
- use playdough to
model ordinals 1st , 2nd ,
3rd correctly.
-carefully look through
book with ordinals.
Standard 1.10
11:45-11:55 Seated appropriately in a -Stories -recaps the day’s -recap the day’s lessons Pictures
Pre-Dismissal semi- circle the learner teach us lessons -listen to the story/ Story book/
will: moral. -tells the story to watch the story
-recaps the day’s lesson -we learn learners or watch -answer simple questions
briefly new things video of the story -sing songs
-with the aid of a story from stories look with the
book the learners will learners.
-listen to the story -asks simple
attentively questions
- answer questions -sings with learners
related to story using
simple sentences
-sing a song lustily’
Standard 4.7
11:55-12:00 After saying prayer, the I return -says prayer with -repeat dismissal prayer, kits, hats.
Dismissal learner will: home after learners, -sing goodbye song,
-sing goodbye song school -sings with learners, -share kits/hats,
lustily, -bids learners -leave the classroom
-share kits/hats orderly, goodbye.
-leave classroom orderly
Standard 1.10
Signature of teacher:T.garnett Signature of head teacher………………………. Date: Wednesday 15 th November, 2023

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