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Dasia's Lesson Plan Week 14

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Year One ‘C’ Topic: Evaluation/Revision-What I Have Learnt Date: Monday 4th April, 2022
Time Specific Objectives Content/Concept Teacher’s Activities Learner's Activities Resources Evaluation

8:00-8:25 On arrival the child will: I must say good morning -exchange greetings -saying good morning -hats
Free play and - greet teacher and peers when I enter the school -ensures that children -packing away belongs -lunch bags/kit
Choice by saying good morning building. pack away and selects -selecting and placing -attendance and
Activities - pack away his/her and place name cards on name cards on choice chart
belongings on snack I must pack away materials respective charts respective charts -blocks
rack neatly after using them. -provides materials for -constructing with -paper
- correctly select his/her children to complete blocks -colouring book
name cards and place on given task -twisting paper
Attendance and Choice -gives praise and -colouring picture
chart supervision
- creatively construct with
- twist paper with
minimum supervision
- freely colour
08:25-08:35 After saying morning -gives instructions -saying morning prayer -teacher
Assembly and prayer reverently; the -displays loyalty and respect -ensures children stand -reciting the National -children
Registration child will: in correct position and Pledge -register
-recite the National say correct words of -singing National -pen
Pledge standing in correct Value Words: Empathy, prayer, pledge and Anthem -National Corner
position Love, Cleanliness… anthem -saying the motto
-correctly sing the -says motto -listening to words of
National Anthem -discusses words of motivation
-correctly recite the motivation -participating in
school’s motto -leads in discussion discussion
-attentively listen to -marks register -listening to and
words of motivation answering name
about value words
learned during the term
-promptly listen to and
answer name
08:35-09:10 After singing a song, the Song -sings song with children -singing song -Teacher
Language child will: ‘The farmer plants the -leads in discussion -observing video -Children
Experience - relate what was done for seed…’ -encourages children’s -sharing experiences -Laptop
the term in 15 minutes Every letter has a special participation -answering and asking -speaker
-willingly share shape. -corrects children’s questions
experiences language -identifying and naming
-answer and ask questions Every letter has a sound. -displays letters through pictures with the sound
in Standard English video
-identify and name at
least eight of thirteen
Nn, Ff, Dd, Hh, Uu, Jj, ck,
letters and their sounds
Gg, Rr, Ll, Ww, Qu, Xx
that were taught during
the term
After fixing daily and -ensures that children fix -fixing daily and -daily, monthly
09:10-09:30 weather chart; the child Children will determine how charts weather chart and weather chart
Large Group will: much they have Learnt -displays pictures to be -observing pictures -pictures
Picture Study -repeat rhyme ‘In the through oral evaluation. observed -participating in
heart of a seed’ twice -prompts children to discussion
-keenly observe pictures participate in discussion -asking and answering
of various topics done -ask questions questions
during the term -give praise and
-willingly participate in supervision
discussion about what
was taught
-ask and answer question
in Standard English
09-10:00 Given appropriate -gives instructions -listening to -Paper
Small Group materials and clear -provides materials for instructions -Crayon
Activities instructions; the child children to complete -collecting materials -Puzzles
will: given task -drawing picture -Letters
-draw picture related to -gives assistance when -pasting picture -Dough
the topic within five needed -modelling picture
minutes -praises children for
-neatly paste picture their effort
related to the topic
-creatively model picture
related to the topic
10:00-10:25 After repeating snack I must say excuse me from -ensures that children -repeating health rhyme -soap
Snack Time rhymes, washing and the table. say health rhymes and -washing and wiping -towel
wiping hands, the child take them to wash their hands -bags
will: I must not talk with my hands -laying out snack
-lay out snack orderly mouth full. -assist in laying out -saying grace and
- say snack prayer snack eating snack
reverently -ensures that children
- eat snack gracefully say grace

10:25-10:45 After doing a series of Our bodies need regular -takes children outdoor -exercising with teacher -teacher
Outdoor warm up exercise; the exercise. -exercises with children and peers -children
Activities child will: -supervises children as -playing organize
-participate in organize they play with peers. games with peers
game cooperatively
“Ring around the Roses”.
10:45-10:50 Being seated the child Our bodies need rest. -ensuring that children -resting heads on table -table
Quiet Time will: rest heads on table -children
-rest head on table quietly
-listen as teacher sing
song “I can rest my
10:50-11:25 After singing the reading Big Book -sings along with -singing reading song Big Book
Shared song, the child will: children -talking about the book Ruler
Reading - talk about the book The child will know letters -talks about the book -making predictions
confidently make up words and words -encourages children to -naming and identifying
-make predictions with make up sentences and make predictions the title of the book
minimum help sentences combine make -asks questions -naming the author of
-name and identify the stories. -talks about the parts the the book
title of the book in three book -saying the story
minutes -answers and asks -answering and asking
-name the author of the question questions.
book correctly - gives praises
-saying the story fluently
-answer and ask question
in Standard English

11:25-11:45 After singing song, the -sings song -singing song -song
Mathematics child will: Song -displays shapes -recapping shapes -shapes
- confidently recap ‘Shapes, shapes, shapes I -leads in discussion -observing shapes -crayons
shapes done during the know…’ -encourages children -asking and answering -dough
term participation questions -paper chips
-willingly participate in Shapes I know: Diamond, -ask question -completing sequence -workbook
discussion about same Square, Rectangle… -modelling shapes
-correctly complete the -pasting chips of paper
sequence of shapes and
The child will be able to
colour to complete same
differentiate between objects.
-creatively model
different shapes
-neatly paste chips of
paper around the outline
of shapes
11:45-11:55 After seated in a semi- Story: ‘ The Enormous -tells story - listening to story -Story book
Pre-Dismissal circle; the child will: Turnip’ -asks question -answering questions -songs
-attentively listen to a -sings song with -singing songs
story being told Songs: ‘A plant grows’ children
-answer questions about ‘Mango Tree’
story in Standard English
-lustily sing songs
11:55-12:00 Being seated in a semi- Today we talked about… -Recaps days’ work -Recapping days’ work Hats
Dismissal circle; the child will: -says dismissal prayer - reciting dismissal Bags
-recap days’ work briefly Dismissal Prayer -sings song prayer Name card
-recite dismissal prayer “Into thy loving care…” -singing song Umbrella
reverently -tidying self
-recite goodbye song

Signature of Teacher: _______________________________ Signature of Level Head: _________________________________ Signature of Head teacher: ______________________________

Year One ‘C’ Topic: Evaluation/Revision-What have I Learnt Date: Tuesday 5 th April, 2022
Time Specific Objectives Content/Concept Teachers Activities Learners Activities Resources Evaluation
8:00-8:25 On arrival the child will: Name recognition -gives praise and supervision- -saying good morning -hats
Free play and - greet teacher and peers by exchange greetings -packing away belongs -lunch bags/kit
Choice Activities saying good morning -ensures that children pack -selecting and placing name -attendance and
- orderly pack away his/her I must say good morning when I away and selects and place cards on respective charts choice chart
belongings on snack rack enter the school building. name cards on respective -drawing -crayons
- correctly select his/her name charts -modelling -dough
cards and place on attendance -provides materials for -lacing -lace cards
and choice chart children to complete given
-freely draw a plant task
-creatively model dough
-lace around object in
08:25- 08:35 After saying Morning Prayer Being patriotic -gives instructions -listening to instructions -teacher
Assembly and reverently, the child will: -ensures children stand in the -saying morning Prayer and -children
Registration -say the National Pledge Value Words correct position Pledge -register
patriotically -leads in chorus and song -singing chorus and greeting -value words
- lustily sing chorus and -leads in discussion about song -National Pledge
greeting song value words -repeating value words -chorus
-correctly repeat value words -asks question -listening and answering -songs
and their meanings names
-listen and answer name
08:35-09:10 After recapping previous day’s QUESTIONS -recapping previous day’s -Listening to instruction Teacher
Language activities, the child will: 1. On what day did we have work -dictating sentence story Children
Experience -dictate sentence story our experience? -gives instruction -reading sentence story Paste
willingly 2. What was the weather -reads sentence story using -singing songs Crayon
-read sentence story using like? MOY -making letter sounds work sheet
MOY 3. What did we talk about? -provides materials -colouring picture Language Experience
-sing songs about letters -asks questions with specific sound Chart
willingly Phonemic Awareness -gives praises -matching pictures with Marker
-list words with that begin specific sound Roraima Readers
with each sound correctly -modelling letters
-colour a picture with the -sorting letters
sound with minimum help
-match pictures with the
sound in five minutes
-creatively model letters
-correctly sort letters from
among set

09:10-09:30 After fixing daily, weather Today is Tuesday. -ensures that children fix -fixing daily and weather Teacher
Large Group chart, the child will: charts chart Children
Discussion -sing song confidently We are in the month of April. -ensures children sing song -singing song
-relate with confidence Social- -prompts children to -participating in discussion
Social Studies Studies topics learned during I learnt…… participate in discussion -asking and answering
the term -asks questions questions
-willingly participate in -gives praises and supervision
discussion about same
-answer and ask question
based on topic in Standard
10:25-10:45 After doing a series of warm up Our bodies need regular exercise. -takes children outdoor -exercising with teacher and -teacher
Outdoor exercise; the child will: -exercises with children peers -children
Activities -utilize outdoor equipment in -supervises children as they -utilizing outdoor equipment -Outdoor equipment
an orderly manner play with peers.
10:45-10:50 Being seated the child will: Our bodies need rest. Ensuring that children rest Resting heads on table -table
Quiet Time -rest head on table quietly heads on table -children
-listen as teacher sing song “I
can rest my head...”
10:50-11:25 After singing song the child -sings along with children -syllabicating words Rhyme Chart
Shared will: Rhyme Chart - encourages children to -reading selective sentences Ruler
Reading -say rhyme happily syllabicate words using different pitch
-syllabicate words correctly -sing selective parts of the -finding the word that sound
-say selective parts of the rhyme using different pitch alike in the rhyme
rhyme using different tones - encourages children to find -clapping out the sounds in
confidently words that sound alike in the words
-find the word that sounds song -replacing the first letters in
alike in the rhyme correctly -claps out the sounds in words to make new words
-clap out the sounds in words words with children -answering and asking
in four minutes -encourages children to question based on the
-replace the first letters in replace the first letters in rhyme
words to make new words words to make new words
with minimum help -answer and ask questions
-answer and ask question
based on the rhyme fluently
11:25-11:45 After recapping previous day -recaps previous day’s work -recapping previous day’s Workbook
Mathematics activities, the child will: -gives prompts in discussion work -scissors
-confidently recap concept Whole and Half -Gives instructions -relating about whole and -paper
‘whole/half’ -distributes materials half -objects
-willing participate in -gives assistance when -participating in discussion -dough
discussion about same needed -colouring -crayons
-correctly colour the shapes -praises children for their -folding and cutting
that show half effort -modelling
-neatly fold and cut object to
show half
-creatively model to show
11:45-11:55 Pre- Being seated; the child will: Rhyme -sings and repeats rhyme -singing, and repeating Song book
Dismissal -sing two songs and repeat ‘I am a Plant’ along with children rhyme and song Rhyme book
two rhymes -gives praises and
Song supervision
‘A plant grows in my garden’
11:55-12:00 Being seated in a semi-circle; Today we talked about… -Recaps days’ work -Recapping days’ work Hats
Dismissal the child will: -gives children [raise for their -repeating the dismissal Bags
-recap days’ work briefly Prayer effort prayer Name card
-repeat the dismissal prayer -singing song Umbrella
reverently -tidying self
-repeat the good bye song
-tidy self properly

Signature of Teacher: _______________________________ Signature of Level Head: _________________________________ Signature of Head teacher: ______________________________
Time Specific Objectives Content/Concept Teachers Activities Learners Activities Resources Evaluation
8:00-8:25 Free On arrival the child will: I must say good morning when I -exchanges greetings -saying good morning -hats
play and Choice - greet teacher and peers by enter the school building -ensures that children pack -packing away belongs -lunch bags/kit
Activities saying good morning away and selects and place -selecting and placing name -attendance and
- pack away his/her name cards on respective cards on choice chart
belongings on snack rack charts respective charts - paper
neatly -provides materials for - modeling with dough -scissors
- select his/her name cards children to complete given -constructing with blocks -blocks
and place on Attendance and task -cutting paper correctly -dough
Choice chart correctly -gives praise and supervision
-trace along the dotted lines
- model with dough creativity
-construct with blocks freely
-cut paper freely
08:25- 08:35 After repeating morning -gives instructions -repeating the morning -teacher
Assembly and Prayer reverently; the child Patriotism, Reverence -ensures children stand in Prayer -children
Registration will: correct position and say -repeating the National -register
-correctly say the National correct words Pledge -pen
Pledge Three value words I learned -marks register -singing the school’s song -National Corner
- lustily sing the school’s song are…….. -listening to and answering -value words
-listen to and answer name name
promptly -naming value words
-repeat at least 5 out of the 13
value words learned with
minimum help
08:35-09:10 After re-capping experience: Questions -Recaps experience by asking -recapping experience -children
Language the child will: questions -reading sentence story -chart
Experience -dictate sentence willingly 1. What was two things you learn -ensures children pronounce -drawing -marker,
-read sentence story using about plants? words correctly -making rhyming words -letter, crayon,
MOY method willingly -writes sentence as children -identify sounds in words worksheet, paste,
- draw his /her experience 2. What did we do to discover dictate -allowing children to read Sheet foam,
freely that? - corrects children language -completing letter formation
-orally make rhyming words -gives instructions with construction paper
-correctly identify sounds in -praises children for their -modelling letter
words effort -collaging letter
-independently read sentence -Gives supervision and
story guidance
- creatively model letters
-complete letter formation
with construction paper in five
-collage letter in five minutes

Year One ‘C’ Topic: Evaluation/Revision-What have I Learnt Date: Wednesday 6 thApril, 2022
09:10-09:30 After fixing Daily and Weather - ensures that children fix -fixing daily and weather -daily, monthly and
Large Group chart; the child will:-lustily sing Song charts chart weather chart,
Discussion song ‘Market Women’ ‘Early in the morning…’ -allows children to relate -relating experiences
-relate through discussion experiences -asking and answering
Science topics learned during The child will relate what was -asks question question
Science the term within 10 minutes Learnt through investigation and
-ask and answer and question testing.
in simple sentence
09: 30-10:00 Given appropriate materials -gives instructions -listening to instructions - workbooks
Small Group and clear instructions; the Simple Sentences -provides materials for -collecting materials -paint
Activities child will: children to complete given -pasting -vegetable/leaf
-neatly paste pictures of I learnt…………….. task -modelling -paste
pickles in a jar -gives assistance when -vegetable/leaf printing -dough
-correctly model letters in needed
words given -praises children for their
-creatively print using effort
10:00-10:25 After repeating snack rhymes, Table etiquette -ensures that children say -repeating health rhyme -soap
Snack Time washing and wiping hands, the I must say thank you when given health rhymes and take them -washing and wiping hands -towel
child will: something by anyone. to wash their hands -laying out snack -bags
-lay out snack orderly -assists in laying out snack -saying grace and eating -snack
- say snack prayer reverently -ensures that children say snack
- eat snack gracefully grace
-supervises children as they

10:25-10:45 After doing a series of warm Our bodies need regular exercise. -takes children outdoor -exercising with teacher and -teacher
Outdoor up exercise; the child will: -exercises with children peers -children
Activities -participate in organize game’ -supervises children as they -playing game -belt
I lost my belt ‘cooperatively play with peers.
10:45-10:50 Being seated the child will: Rest is important for the body. Ensuring that children rest Resting heads on table -table
Quiet Time -rest head on table for four heads on table -children
10:50-11:25 After singing song ’I’m in the -sings with children -singing song Song
Shared mood for reading’ the child Rhyming word - ensures children point out pointing out words from -rhyme chart
Reading will: words from previous day previous day -flash card
-point out words from Bright-light -ensures children points out -ensuring children point out
previous day confidently where to start reading from where to start reading from
-point out where to start Punctuation mark -encourages children to read -encouraging children to
reading from in two attempts the first sentences read the first sentences
-Read the first sentence of the Full stop [.] -encourages children to -encouraging children to
rhyme correctly identifies new or difficult identifies new or difficult
-identify new or difficult words words words
in the song with minimum -encourages children to -encouraging children to
help identifies words displayed on identifies words displayed on
-identify words displayed on flash card flash card
flash card that can be found in -encourages children to -encouraging children to
the rhyme correctly identify rhyming words and identify rhyming words and
-identify rhyming words and punctuation marks on the punctuation marks on the
punctuation marks on the chart chart
chart correctly -encourages children to say -encouraging children to say
-the child will say his/her his/her favorite part his/her favorite part
favorite part of the story -asks questions -asks questions
correctly -praises children for their -praising children for their
effort effort
11:25-11:45 With given instruction the child -gives instructions -listening to instruction Crayons
Mathematics will: Lengths: Long and Short -distributes material - fixing puzzles Foam
-confidently recap concept - gives assistance when -completing activity Worksheets
‘long and short’ needed -colouring Workbooks
-willingly participate in -gives praise and supervision -tracing name and copying
discussion about same simple sentence
-correctly draw to show a long
ruler and a short ruler
-accurately colour the short
-neatly paste on the outline of
a long ruler
11:45-11:55 Being seated in a semi-circle; Story: -sings with children - singing song Song
Pre-Dismissal the child will: -asks question -listening to story story
-sing a song lustily The Jackfruit Tree. -tell story -answer and ask question
-Listen to story
-ask and answer question
about the story
11:55-12:00 After recapping today’s lesson, Today we talked about… -recaps by asking question -Recapping days’ work Hats
Dismissal the child will: Prayer -sings song with children -saying dismissal prayer Bags
-repeat dismissal prayer in five -singing song Name card
minutes Umbrella
-sing dismissal song lustily

Signature of Teacher: _______________________________ Signature of Level Head: _________________________________ Signature of Head teacher: ______________________________

Year One ‘C’ Topic: Evaluation/Revision-What have I Learnt Date: Thursday 7 th April, 2022
Time Specific Objectives Content/Concept Teachers Activities Learners Activities Resources Evaluation
8:00-8:25 Free On arrival the child will: I must say Good morning when I -exchange greetings -saying good morning -hats
play and - greet teacher and peers by enter school. -ensures that children pack -packing away belongs -lunch bags/kit
Choice saying good morning away and selects and place -selecting and placing name -attendance and
Activities - pack away his/her name cards on respective cards on respective chart choice chart
belongings on snack rack charts playing in sand -shop
orderly -provides materials for -playing in water area -Dress up area
- select his/her name cards and children to complete given - playing in dress up area -Doll’s house
place on Attendance and Choice task -playing in dolls area -sand
chart correctly -gives praise and supervision -water
-play in sand freely
-play in water area freely
- play in dress up area in five
-play in dolls area confidently

08:25- 08:35 After repeating morning Prayer Classroom Rules -gives instruction, prompts -listening to and following -teacher
Assembly and and Pledge; the child will: 1.I must not run in school. children to participate in instructions -children
Registration -openly participate in discussion 2.I must keep my hands to myself. discussion -repeating morning Prayer -register
about value words learned -ask questions and Pledge -pen
during the term -gives praise and supervision -recapping value words -value words
-repeat two classroom rules -marks attendance register -repeating classroom rules
correctly -answering names
-listen and answer name
08:35-09:10 After listening to instructions; Questions -Gives instruction -Listening to instruction Teacher
Language the child will: 1. What else can you remember? -dictates sentences -dictating sentence Children
Experience -dictate sentence fluently 2. Did you enjoy this term’s -reads sentences -reading sentences Chart
-read sentence story using MOE activities? -encourages children to read -volunteering to read Marker
fluently their sentence story story/someone’s sentence Ruler
-volunteer to read their -encourages children to story Crayon
story/someone’s sentence story discuss the meaning of -discussing the meaning of work sheet
fluently words words paste
- discuss the meaning of words -encourages children to -creating a word web workbook
in five minutes create a word web - drawing and colouring construction paper
-create a word web in five -gives instructions to picture that begins with
minutes complete activities the/a/ sound
-draw and colour picture that -making letter with
begins with the specified letter nut construction paper
with minimum help -circling the letter in words
-make specific letter with
construction paper correctly
-circle the specific letter in
words with minimum help

09:10-09:30 After listening to instructions, Today is Thursday. -ensures that children fix -fixing daily and weather -daily, monthly and
Large Group the child will: charts chart weather chart
Discussion -openly discuss HFLE topics We are in the month of April. -prompts children to -participating in discussion -laptop
learned during the term participate in discussion -asking and answering -speaker
H.F.L.E -willingly participate in Children will display through oral -ask questions questions
discussion about same discussion the health and safety -give praise and supervision
-answer and ask question in a practices learned.
Standard English

09-10:00 Given appropriate materials and -gives instructions - tracing simple sentence Workbook
Small Group clear instructions; the child will: -provides materials for -drawing Crayon
Activities - creatively draw him/herself children to complete given -assembling letter tiles Sentence strip
taking care of a plant task -paste
-neatly paste picture of different -gives praise and supervision -pictures
things used to take care of
-trace given sentence with
minimum assistance

10:00-10:25 After repeating snack rhymes, We must clean up after eating. -ensures that children say -repeating health rhyme -soap
Snack Time washing and wiping hands, the health rhymes and take -washing and wiping hands -towel
child will: I must chew with my mouth close. them to wash their hands -laying out snack -bags
-lay out snack orderly -assist in laying out snack -saying grace -snack
- say snack prayer reverently -ensures that children say - eating snack
-eat snack while displaying good grace
table etiquette -supervise children as they

10:25-10:45 After doing a series of warm up Our bodies need regular exercise. -take children outdoor -exercising with teacher and -teacher
Out Door exercise; the child will: -exercise with children peers -children
Activities -slide by taking turn, swing -supervise children as they -swinging, running and -Slide
with peers and run with peers play with peer sliding -Swing
cooperatively -children
10:45-10:50 Being seated the child will: Our bodies need rest. Ensures that children rest Resting heads on table -table
Quiet Time -rest head on table quietly heads on table -children
-listen as teacher sing song “I
can rest my head…..”

10:50-11:25 After seated in a semi-circle the Organizer -ensures that children seated -sitting in a semi-circle -Organizer
Shared child will: in a semi-circle -singing the song -Marker
Reading -sing the song confidently -sing the song -giving information for the -ruler
-construct an organizer -displays the organizer organizer
correctly -gives information for the -answering question to
-ask and answer organizer complete the organizer.
questions correctly -encourages children
-asks questions
-praises children

11:25-11:45 After recapping previous day -Gives instruction -listening to instructions -Book
Mathematics lesson through questioning -distributes -collecting materials -Crayon
the child will: materials - circling -Paper
-willingly recap the concept -gives assistance when -drawing -dough
‘empty and full’ needed -modelling
-willingly participate in -praises children for their
discussion about same effort
-correctly circle an empty vase
-neatly draw to show full
-creatively model to show full
and empty

Full and Empty

11:45-11:55 Being seated; the child will: Rhyme -sings along with children -Sings song Song and
Pre-Dismissal Sing song with teacher and ‘Little Daisy….’ -repeats rhyme -repeats rhyme Rhyme book
repeat rhyme with teacher ‘Sweet broom here, sweet broom -gives praise and supervision
and peer correctly every where’
11:55-12:00 Being seated in a semi- Today we talked about …… -recaps the days lesson -recapping the day’s work , Hats
Dismissal circle; the child will: -says dismissal prayer sings - saying dismissal prayer Bags
-answer 2 questions based on good bye song gathers - singing good bye song umbrella
topic for the day in simple belonging for home. -gathering belongings for
sentence home.
-say dismissal prayer line by
-lustily sing goodbye song
-gather all his /her belongings
for home
-say goodbye to teacher and
peers before leaving the

Signature of Teacher: _______________________________ Signature of Level Head: _________________________________ Signature of Head teacher: ______________________________

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