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Week 25

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Week: 25

Period: 95


Lesson 1 (1, 2)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Ask and answer about when a festival is.
- Pupils can ask and answer questions about when a festival is.
- Sentence Patterns: When is….? −  It’s on _______.
- Vocabulary : New Year, the first of January; Children’s Day, the first of June;
Teachers’ Day, the twentieth of November; Christmas, the twenty-fifth of December
2. Skills:
- Develop Ss reading, speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitudes/ Quality:
- Live responsibly
- Confident in learning and practice situations
4. Forming competence:
- Self- study.
- Communication and co-operation.
II. Methods:
- Communicative approach, group Ss and T's activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present....
III. Preparation.
1.Teacher’s preparation: CDs player, stereo, book.
2. Student’s preparation: Chatting, rub out and remember, role play.
IV. Procedures.
Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
A. Warm up - Get some Ss to go to the front of - Go to the board and talk
(5’) the class to talk about their family about their family members.
B. New lesson Task 1. Look, listen and repeat.
(30’) *Use the pictures about some - Look at the pictures to get
festivals to teach the new words: the meaning of the new
New Year, Children’s Day, words about the festivals.
Teacher’ Day, Christmas, party …
- Whole class. Have pupils turn - Pupils turn their books and
their books to page 30 and look at look at picture.
picture. - Answer the questions.
- Ask Ss to answer the questions
“who are they? Where are they?
What are they talking about? What
is the date? What’s it about? - Listen to the conversation
- Play the recording all the way carefully.
through for pupils to listen and
point to the appropriate line in their - Listen to one-by-one
books. sentence and repeat.
- Open one by one sentence for Ss - Work in groups: listen and
to listen and repeat. repeat.
- Divide the class into 2 groups.
Ask the groups to repeat Tom’s part - Work in pairs and practice
and Mai’s part. speaking.
- Ask SS to work in pairs, practice - Demonstrate the dialogue.
speaking the conversation.
- Invite some pairs to demonstrate
the dialogue. - Look at pictures a, b, c, d,
Task 2. Point and say. e and say the words about
- Ask Pupils to look at Picture a, b, the popular festivals.
c, d, e. Tell them that they are going
to practice asking and answering - Make a model with the
questions about the popular teacher.
festivals. - Pupils in pairs use the
- Model with a Student the first pictures in their book to ask
picture and answer the questions.
- Ask Pupils to practice in pairs ask - Act in pairs. The rest of
and answer the questions: When’s class observes and gives
New Year?- It’s on …. comments
- Monitor the activity, check the
pronunciation (stress, assimilation
of sounds and intonation), and offer
help when necessary.
- Call on some pairs to perform the - Do the task in groups,
task in front of the class. asking and answering
C. Production Task 3. Revision questions about holidays and
(3’) - Ask Ss to work in groups, asking festivals in Viet Nam and
D. Homework and answering questions about other countries.
(2’) holidays and festivals in Viet Nam - Listen and remember.
and other countries.
- Asking Ps to focus on the structure
once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
Learn by heart the new words and
Week: 25
Period: 96


Lesson 1 (4, 5, 6)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Ask and answer about when a festival is.
- Listen and tick the correct pictures.
- Read and write the answers to the questions, using the pictures.
- Sing the song Happy New Year!
- Sentence Patterns: Revision
- Vocabulary: Revision
2. Skills:
- Develop Ss reading, speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitudes/ Quality:
- Live responsibly
- Confident in learning and practice situations
4. Forming competence:
- Self- study.
- Communication and co-operation.
II. Methods:
- Communicative approach, group Ss and T's activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present....
III. Preparation.
1.Teacher’s preparation: CDs player, stereo, book.
2. Student’s preparation: Chatting, rub out and remember, role play.
IV. Procedures.
Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
A. Warm up - Have Ss play game “slap the - Play game “slap the board”
(5’) board” using the picture about the in groups.
- Use some pictures to ask Ss ask - Work in pairs.
and answer.
B. New lesson Task 1. Listen and tick.
(30’) - Ask pupils to look at the picture - Listen to the teacher.
Tell them that they are going to
listen 3 dialogues about the festivals
and tick the correct pictures.
- Ask Ss to work in groups to - Work in groups.
identify the names and the dates of
the festivals in the pictures.
- Play the recording twice for pupils - Listen to the recording and
to listen to the recording and tick tick the correct answers
the correct answers.
- Ask pupils to exchange their - Work in pairs to exchange
answers with their partners before their answers
reporting them to the class.
- Read out the answers to the class. - Write down the notebooks.
Provide explanation(s) when
- Play the recording once more for - Listen and check.
pupils to check their answers.
Key: 1- c , 2- c.,3- a
Task 2. Look and write.
- Tell Ps that they are going to - Listen to the teacher.
complete the answers about some
dates of the festivals, using the
picture cues.
- Ask Pupils look at Pictures from 1 - Pupils look at Pictures
to 3 and ask them to identify the from 1 to 4 and ask them to
date of the festivals in each picture. identify the physical
- Give Ps a few seconds to work in appearance of the person/
pairs to elicit the answers filling the people in each picture.
gaps. - Work in pairs to elicit the
- Get Ps to do the task individually. answers filling the gaps.
Go around offering help, if - Do the task individually.
- Get Ps to swap and check their - Ss trade their answers
answers before writing the correct within pairs or groups for
answers on the board for Ps to copy correction then write the re
down into their notebooks. answers on the board.
- Call a few open pairs to act out the - Some open pairs act out
dialogues in front of the class. the dialogues in front of the
Key: 1. It’s on the twenty- fifth of class.
2. It’s on the twentieth of
3. It’s on the first of June.
Task 3. Let’s sing. - Listen to the teacher.
- Have Ss sing the song “Happy
New Year” - Listen carefully.
- Play the recording all the way - Listen to the song.
through for pupils to listen while
they are reading the song. - Listen and sing the song.
- Play the recording again for pupils
to Have the whole class read each
sentence in chorus to reinforce their
pronunciation - Practise singing and doing
- Call on a group of six to the front the actions in groups.
of the class and do the actions. - One group performs the
Repeat the step, and have pupils song in front of the class.
swap their parts. The rest of the class sing the
- Group work. Pupils practise song and clap the rhythm.
singing and do actions in groups. - Work in groups.
Monitor the activity and help them
when necessary. Correct - The whole class.
pronunciation Ss’ errors.
- Call on one group to perform the
song at the front of the class. The
rest of the class sing the song and
clap the rhythm.
- Have class sing the song again to
reinforce their pronunciation. - Listen and answer the
C. Production - Make a few questions to check question
(3’) pupils ‘comprehension. - Listen and remember.
D. Homework - Asking Ps to focus on the structure
(2’) once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
Learn by heart the new words and
Week: 25
Period: 97


Lesson 2 (1, 2, 3)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Ask and answer questions about what people do at a festival.
- Pupils can ask and answer questions about what the other speaker does at Tet.  
- Sentence Patterns: What do you do at Tet?   ̶   I _________.  
- Vocabulary: make banh chung, decorate the house, watch firework displays,
visit grandparents
2. Skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
3. Attitudes/ Quality:
- Live responsibly
- Confident in learning and practice situations
4. Forming competence:
- Self- study.
- Communication and co-operation.
II. Methods:
- Communicative approach, group Ss and T's activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present....
III. Preparation.
1. Teacher’s preparation: CDs player, stereo, book.
2. Student’s preparation: Students’ books, notebooks, workbooks.
IV. Procedures.
Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
A. Warm up - Call some Ss to sing the song - Work in groups.
(5’) Happy New Year in front of the - Work in pairs.
- Ask Ps to ask and answer the
questions about the festivals.
B. New lesson Task 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Look at the pictures to
(30’) * Use pictures to teach some new identify some activities.
words about activities at/ on a
festival: make banh chung, decorate
the house, firework displays, get - Look at picture and
lucky money. answer the questions.
- Have pupils look at pictures in part
1 and answer the questions: “Who
are they? Where are they? What are
they doing? Picture a: Mai is
decorating the house; P b: Mai is - Listen to the teacher.
wearing new clothes; …”.
- Tell them that they are going to
look at the dialogue in their student’s
book, listen to the recording and - Listen carefully the
repeat the dialogue. recording and repeat the
- Play the recording all the way dialogue, point to the
through for pupils to listen and point appropriate line in their
to the appropriate line in their books. books.
- Play the recording again for pupils - Listen and repeat line by
to repeat line by line. line.
- Divide the class into 2 groups. Ask - Listen and repeat in two
the groups to repeat Linda’s part and groups.
Mai’s part. - Look at pictures a, b, c, d
Task 2. Point and say. and identify the activities.
- Have Pupils look at Picture a, b, c.
Tell them that they are going to
practice asking and answering
questions about some activities on - Make a model with the
Tet. teacher.
- Model with a Student the first - Practise in pairs asking
picture. and answering questions
- Ask Pupils to practise in pairs about some activities on
asking and answering questions Tet. , using the prompts in
about some activities on Tet, using the bubbles and words
the prompts in the bubbles and words under the pictures.
under the pictures. Monitor the
activity, check the pronunciation
(stress, assimilation of sounds and - Some pairs to perform the
intonation), and offer help when task in front of the class.
- Call on some pairs to perform the - Work in groups to ask
task in front of the class. answer questions about
Task 3. Let’s talk. some activities on/ at a
- Ask them to work in groups to ask festival?
answer questions about some
activities on/ at a festival, using What - Some groups role-play in
do you do at/ on +(a festival)? I …? front of the class.
- Go around offering help and
correcting pronunciation, if
necessary. - Work in pairs.
- Select some groups to role-play in
front of the class.
C. Production - Ask pupils to ask and answer - Listen and remember.
(3’) questions about some activities on/ at
D. Homework a festival.
(2’) - Asking Ps to focus on the structure
once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
Learn by heart the new words and
Week: 25
Period: 98


Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6)

I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Ask and answer questions about what people do at a festival.
- Read, listen and circle the letters showing the correct verb phrases completing the
- Read the question and complete the answers, using the pictures.
- Play the game Physical line-up.
- Sentence Patterns: Revision  
- Vocabulary: Revision  
2. Skills:
- Develop reading, speaking and listening skills
3. Attitudes/ Quality:
- Live responsibly
- Confident in learning and practice situations
4. Forming competence:
- Self- study.
- Communication and co-operation.
II. Methods:
- Communicative approach, group Ss and T's activities, play as a character, teaching
methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising,
discussion group, technical present....
III. Preparation.
1. Teacher’s preparation: CDs player, stereo, book.
2. Student’s preparation: Students’ books, notebooks, workbooks.
IV. Procedures.
Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
A. Warm up - Ask pupils to play the game Slap - Work in groups.
(5’) the board, using some picture
about activities on/ at some
festivals. - Work in pairs.
- Ask Ss to ask and answer
questions about activities on/ at
B. New lesson Task 1. Listen and circle. - Listen to the teacher.
(30’) - Tell the class that they are going
to listen to three dialogues
between Linda and Phong. Then
circle the correct answers. - Look at four incomplete
- Have Ss look at four incomplete sentences and guess the
sentences and guess the answers answers for each sentence.
for each sentence. - Listen and circle the
- Play the recording for pupils answers.
listen and circle the answers
(Twice) - Work in pairs to check the
- Ask pupils to work in pairs to answers.
check the answers. - Give the answers.
- Have Ss give the answers - Listen and check their
- Have Ss listen and check their answers.
- Key: 1- a 2- b 3- b 4- a
Task 2. Look and write. - Listen to the teacher to get
- Tell the pupils that they are the aim of the section.
going to look at the pictures and
write the answers to the questions
about what the characters do at
Tet, using the picture cues. - Work in pairs to look at four
- Have Ss work in pairs to look at pictures and identify the
four pictures and identify the missing information in each
missing information in each picture to find out the
picture to find out the information information to fill in the gaps.
to fill in the gaps. - Do their task in 5 minutes.
- Get Ss to do their task in 5
minutes. - Swap their answers then
- Get Ss to swap their answers check in front of the class by
before checking as a class. reading aloud some writings.
- Call some pairs to act out the - Some pairs to act out the
dialogues. dialogues.
Task 3. Let’s play. - Listen to the teacher.
- Tell Ss that they are going to - Work in groups.
play game “Physical line-
up…….” using the phrases related - Listen and answer.
to the festivals.
C. Production - Make a few questions to check - Listen and remember.
(3’) pupils’ comprehension.
D. Homework - Asking Ps to focus on the
(2’) structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
Learn by heart the new words and

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