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Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Opinions Towards Clinical Research: A

Cross-Sectional Study in a University Hospital

Article · May 2018

DOI: 10.30621/jbachs.2018.403


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Hacer Bulut Aksoy Reyhan Uçku

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Ayse Gelal
Dokuz Eylul University


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J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44
Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences

Original Article

Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Opinions Towards Clinical Research:

A Cross-Sectional Study in a University Hospital
Hacer Bulut Aksoy1 , M. Aylin Arici1 , Reyhan Ucku2 , Ayse Gelal1
Dokuz Eylul University, Pharmacology, İzmir, Turkey

Dokuz Eylul University, Public Health, İzmir, Turkey


Address for Correspondence: Ayse Gelal, E-mail:

Received: 14.02.2018; Accepted: 05.04.2018; Available Online Date: 30.05.2018
©Copyright 2018 by Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Health Sciences - Available online at

Cite this article as: Aksoy Bulut H, Arici MA, Ucku R, Gelal A. Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Opinions Towards Clinical Research: A Cross-Sectional Study in a University Hospital.
J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44.

Purpose: To investigate the nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward clinical research, and their opinions about clinical research nursing and
the factors affecting them.
Methods: Our study is a cross-sectional study. The data was collected in August 2015 via a questionnaire. 48-item questionnaire was used
to assess the knowledge, attitudes, opinion, and to obtain sociodemographic characteristics of the nurses. Each correct/positive answer was
marked as 1 point.
Results: Among the 306 nurses selected by stratified random sampling, 291 (95%) responded to the questionnaires. Only 8.6% of the nurses
were involved in clinical research, and 3.8% of the nurses had relevant training. The mean knowledge level of nurses regarding clinical research
was 10.1±4.1 (max: 19) and the average positive attitude score of them was 5.8±1.7 (max: 8). There was a positive correlation between the
knowledge level and the attitude scores. Nurses who have relevant training, experience, and also patients consulting about clinical research
had significantly higher knowledge level than the others. More than 77% of the nurses had knowledge of the volunteer definition, the informed
consent, and the confidentiality of the volunteers. Less than 50% of the nurses have knowledge about clinical research design, ethical guidelines,
clinical trial regulations, and vulnerable population. The nurses who agreed on “the clinical research nursing should be a separate profession”
and also shown their willingness to be assigned to clinical researches had relatively higher knowledge and attitude scores.
Conclusion: Both knowledge and attitude scores of the nurses had a significant impact on nurse’s opinions corresponding to specialization,
education, and participation in clinical research. The results indicate that staff nurses have only limited knowledge about clinical research while
they are willing to be trained in this subject.
Keywords: Clinical research; clinical research nurse; clinical research nursing, nurses’ knowledge; nurses’ attitudes; nurses’ opinions

Clinical research is conducted with great care, and in accordance may be varied according to the type of clinical research, and the
with ethical and legal regulations. It plays an important role in institutions in which the clinical research is conducted as well as
the development of health services and in the quality of patient the nurses’ knowledge, education level, and abilities in the areas
care (1–4). The availability of new treatment options or the that they are interested in (3, 6). The International Association of
improvement of existing treatments can only be achieved through Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN) defines the CRN as a specialized
clinical research. practice of professional nursing focused on maintaining equilibrium
between care of the research participant, and fidelity to the research
The success of clinical research depends on the educational levels protocol (The International Association of Clinical Research Nurses,
and competence of clinical research team members and good n.d.). This means that CRNs have critical roles and responsibilities
collaboration among them (5). A Clinical Research Nurse (CRN) is in assuring volunteers’ safety, maintenance of informed consent,
one of the important members of this multidisciplinary research ensuring the integrity of protocol implementation, the accuracy of
team. The roles and responsibilities of nurses in clinical research data collection, data recording, and follow-up (7–12). Moreover,

Aksoy Bulut H et al. Nurses’ awareness toward clinical research J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44

they have an important role to raise the awareness of clinical possible choices: “true” “false” or “no idea”. Each right answer was
research to patients and the public. (13–15). marked as “1” point, wrong as well as “no idea” answers were
marked as “0” points for the calculations. The minimum score for
Increasing the number of qualified clinical researches is one of one participant was “0” and maximum score for one participant
the strategic objectives of our country. In order to reach this was “19” for this section. A higher score represents higher level of
objective many action plans have been implemented, one of knowledge in clinical research.
which is the training of CRNs. Clinical research nursing is a new
concept in Turkey and standard training programmes, framework Section three had 8 items to evaluate the attitude of nurses towards
and legislation in this subject have not yet been put into practice. clinical research. In this section, a three-point scale (agree, don’t
There are only a limited number of nurses working as CRNs agree, neither agree nor disagree) was used. Each positive answer
(16). Therefore, more staff nurses need to be involved in clinical was marked as “1” point, negative as well as “neither agree nor
research. disagree” answers were marked as “0” points for the calculations.
Maximum score for one participant was “8” while minimum
The purpose of this study is to investigate the staff nurses’ score for one participant was “0” for this section. A higher score is
knowledge and attitudes towards clinical research and their associated with more a positive attitude towards clinical research.
opinions about clinical research nursing, and the factors affecting
them. The study was conducted in a university hospital, which is The last section had 5 questions and two items regarding
one of the most important clinical research centers in Turkey. It is participants’ opinions related to clinical research education and
also aimed to generate useful outputs which may support future clinical research nursing.
actions to improve the current status of nurses involved in clinical
Statistical Analysis
researches in our country. To our knowledge, this is the first study
The collected data was recorded using IBM SPSS - 20.0 (IBM SPSS
in Turkey which specifically examines the aims outlined above.
Statistics, 2011; Armonk, NY, USA). Descriptive statistics were
made for data analysis. The results were presented as number (n),
METHODS percentage (%), mean (±), and standard deviation (SD). One-way
ANOVA was conducted in multiple groups comparisons and t-test
This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted between 01 was used in two independent groups comparisons. Relationship
August 2015 and 31 August 2015 in Dokuz Eylul University Hospital, between knowledge level and attitude was evaluated by performing
İzmir, Turkey. The total population of the study was 751 nurses who a correlation analysis. The significance level was set at p<0.05.
work in medical (n=413) and surgical (n=338) departments at Dokuz
Eylul University Hospital. For 95% confidence level, 50% unknown
prevalence, 5% precision, the sample size was calculated as 255 nurses. RESULTS
Considering a non-response rate of 20%, 306 nurses were selected by
Descriptive characteristics of participants (Table 1)
stratified random sampling. Only the nurses who volunteered were
A total of 291 (95%) nurses completed the questionnaire. The
included in the study. Those who participated in the preliminary
mean age of the respondents was 34.6±7.4 years. Only 11 (3.8%)
study for the questionnaire preparation were excluded. respondents had relevant clinical research training, while average
duration of training varied from 1 to 5 days. Twenty-five nurses
This study was approved by Dokuz Eylul University Ethics Committee
(8.6%) were found to have experience in clinical research. Their
for Non-Interventional Research, and was conducted in accordance
responsibilities in these researches included collecting samples
with the Declaration of Helsinki. The data was collected via a
from clinical research participants such as blood, urine, tissue,
questionnaire formed by the researchers. During the preparation etc. (18 nurses, 6.2%), monitoring the participants’ vital signs (20
of the questionnaire, consultation was obtained from specialists, nurses, 6.9%), applying investigational material products such as
and guidance was obtained from previous studies (5, 17, 18). The medicines, medical devices, etc. (16 nurses, 5.5%), monitoring
questionnaire used in this study was peer-reviewed, and had been level of the participants’ pain (1 nurse, 0.3%) and coordinating
tested in a preliminary study involving 10 nurses. After assessing their clinical research (1 nurse, 0.3%) (For this question, the participants
results and feedbacks, any unclear or complex questions/items were could mark more than one option).
corrected or removed from the questionnaire upon finalization.
Findings of participants’ knowledge of clinical research (Table 2)
The questionnaire had four sections. The first section contained Nineteen items, which evaluated knowledge level of each
14 questions in order to determine the descriptive characteristics respondent regarding clinical researches, have been divided into
of the nurses participating in this research such as age, gender, three groups to have better understanding in the results.
area of work, educational background, whether or not they had
clinical research experience, etc. − Group 1 -Items 1 to 7 (7 items): Definition of clinical research,
ethical concept and regulations.
The second section had 19 items regarding basic knowledge of − Group 2 -Items 8 to 16 (9 items): Volunteering concept.
clinical research, ethical concepts, regulations, research design,
− Group 3 -Items 17 to 19 (3 items): Clinical research design.
and volunteering concepts. For each statement, there were three

J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44 Aksoy Bulut H et al. Nurses’ awareness toward clinical research

Table 1. Distribution of participants according to descriptive characteristics

Descriptive characteristics (n=291) n %
<35 146 50.9
≥35 141 49.1
Man 6 2.1
Woman 285 97.9
Marital status
Married 192 66.0
Single 99 34.0
Area of work
Medical 158 54.3
Surgical 133 45.7
Educational background
Health vocational high school and associate degree license 26 8.9
Bachelor’s degree 237 81.4
Master and PhD degree 28 9.6
Nursing experience‡
0–9 years 133 46.0
10–19 years 105 36.4
20–33 years 51 17.6
Second language
Speak English 250 85.9
Don’t speak English 41 14.1
Training in clinical research
Having training 11 3.8
Not having training 280 96.2
Experience in clinical research
Having relevant experience 25 8.6
Not having relevant experience 266 91.4
Having provided consultancy to patients about clinical research
Yes 29 10.0
No 262 90.0
†4 nurses did not state their ages.
‡2 nurses did not state their experiences.

Out of the items in Group 1, the one that received the highest consultancy related to clinical research (12.2±4.5) vs. who had not
number of correct answers was “clinical researches cannot be (9.9±4.0) (p=0.001).
started without ethics committee approval”. More than 50.0% of
the nurses had no idea about the Helsinki Declaration and Good Findings of participants’ attitude towards clinical research (Table 3)
Clinical Practice (GCP) information. The item giving the definition The mean positive attitude score of the nurses regarding the
of a volunteer, was the most correctly answered question amongst clinical researches was found as 5.8±1.7 (max: 8). Items indicating
all 19 items. On the other hand, the item about clinical research that clinical research is important for the progress of medical
with vulnerable subjects was the least accurately answered science (92.8%) and that clinical research is useful for the
statement in all three groups. The proportion of respondents who population (89.0%) received the highest positive responses, while
correctly answered the items in Group 3 did not exceed 37.8%. the item describing that clinical research is reliable received the
lowest positive response (45.4%) in this group.
Factors affecting participants’ knowledge levels related to
clinical research The level of attitudes towards clinical research were significantly higher
The mean of knowledge level of the respondents regarding clinical in the nurses who had provided prior consultancy related to clinical
research was 10.1±4.1 (max: 19). Knowledge level was found to be research (6.5±1.2) vs. who had not (5.7±1.7) (t(289)=2.07, p<0.05).
significantly higher; 1) in the nurses who had had relevant clinical
research training (14.6±3.0) vs. who had not (9.9±4.1) (p<0.001); There was a significantly positive correlation between the
2) who had participated in prior clinical research (12.5±4.4) vs. knowledge level and the attitude scores towards clinical research
who had not (9.9±4.0) (p=0.002) and 3) who had provided prior (r=0.35, p<0.01).

Aksoy Bulut H et al. Nurses’ awareness toward clinical research J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44

Table 2. Distribution of participants answers to 19 items for evaluating the knowledge level of the respondents regarding clinical research
Correct answer Incorrect answer No idea
n % n % n %
Description of clinical research, ethical concepts and regulations (n=291)
Item 1: Clinical research is a study of drug, biologic or device in human 194 66.7 26 8.9 71 24.4
subjects with the intent to discover potential beneficial effects and/or
determine its safety and efficacy.
Item2: Before a new medicine can be made available to the public, it must be 78 26.8 136 46.7 77 26.5
tested on humans.
Item3: Clinical research cannot be initiated without an ethics committee 248 85.2 3 1 40 13.8
Item 4: It is impossible to start a new clinical research without having an 139 47.8 8 2.8 144 49.5
approval from Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency
Item 5: Clinical research should be conducted in accordance with the ethical 113 38.8 2 0.7 176 60.5
principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, and that are
consistent with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the applicable regulatory
requirement (s).
Item 6: GCP is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for 129 44.3 0 0 162 55.7
designing, conducting, recording and reporting research that involve the
participation of human subjects.
Item 7: Compliance with this GCP provides public assurance that the rights, 139 47.8 2 0.7 150 51.5
safety and well-being of research subjects are protected.
Voluntary concept in clinical research (n=291)
Item 8: A volunteer is defined as a patient or healthy person who participate 265 91.1 3 1 23 7.9
in a clinical research and provide a written informed consent obtained from
either the participant or a legally authorized representative of the participant.
Item 9: The informed consent form (ICF) is a document which provides 225 77.3 0 0 66 22.7
detailed and comprehensible information about a clinical research to the
voluntaries who are considering to participate in clinical research and verifies
the written request
Item 10: The volunteer must sign the ICF before participating in a clinical 228 78.4 2 0.7 61 20.9
Item 11: Participants safety in clinical research is a high priority. 230 79.0 3 1 58 19.9
Item 12: Clinical research with children, pregnant and lactating, well-off 14 4.8 173 59.5 104 35.7
patients and restrictions is strictly prohibited under national legislation.
Item 13: In clinical research, participants’ personal and medicinal information 242 83.2 4 1.4 45 15.5
is kept confidential.
Item 14: Volunteers cannot be proposed of high payments to encourage their 126 43.3 9 3.1 156 53.6
participation in clinical research.
Item 15: A participant can leave a clinical research at any time without giving 148 50.9 19 6.5 124 42.6
a reason.
Item 16: The treatment costs of the adverse effects that occur during the 148 50.9 11 3.8 132 45.4
clinical research are covered by the sponsor.
Design of clinical research (n=291)
Item 17: It is possible to use placebo in clinical research. 110 37.8 25 8.6 156 53.6
Item 18: Blindness (single-blind, double-blind) is used in clinical research to 86 29.6 9 3.1 196 67.4
avoid errors arising from partiality and bias.
Item 19: Randomization is used in clinical research to avoid errors arising 80 27.5 24 8.3 187 64.3
from partiality and bias.

Findings of participants’ opinions about clinical research nursing When the participants were asked about the benefits of being
The following opinions “clinical research should be considered as involved in clinical research, the highest rate was acquired for
part of nursing education” and “clinical research nursing should “contributing to nurses’ specialization” (76.3%) and the lowest rate
be a separate profession” were responded positively by 85.2% and for “increasing patient safety” (47.1%).
75.6% of nurses, respectively. When the respondents were asked
if they wanted to be involved in clinical research, 51.5% answered Effects of knowledge levels and attitudes of the participants on
“yes”, while 48.5% answered “no”. Out of those who answered “no”, their opinions towards clinical research nursing were shown in
56.0% stated that the reason for their decision was the increase in Table 4.

J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44 Aksoy Bulut H et al. Nurses’ awareness toward clinical research

Table 3. Distributions for the participants’ attitudes toward clinical research

Attitudes toward clinical research I agree I do not agree Neither agree or
(n=291) disagree
n % n % n %
Item 1: Clinical research improves the quality of patient care. 239 †
82.1 †
11 3.8 41 14.1
Item 2: Clinical research is beneficial for the society. 259† 89.0† 8 2.8 24 8.3
Item 3: Clinical research is important for advancing medicine. 270† 92.8† 6 2.06 15 5.2
Item 4: Clinical research is trustworthy. 132† 45.4† 29 10.0 130 44.7
Item 5: It is not ethical to conduct clinical research. 20 6.8 208† 71.5† 63 21.7
Item 6: Standard treatments are always more trustworthy than new investigational drug. 42 14.4 149† 51.2† 100 34.4
Item 7: Patients can refuse to take a part in clinical research without affecting their treatment. 187† 64.3† 27 9.28 77 26.5
Item 8: Nurses are supposed to have more knowledge in clinical research. 256† 88.0† 12 4.1 23 7.9

Positive answers.

Table 4. Effects of knowledge levels and attitudes of the participants on their opinions towards clinical research nursing
Means of knowledge ± SD p Means of attitudes ± SD p

Clinical research nursing should be considered as a profession.

Yes 10.7±3.9 6.1±1.5

p<0.001 p<0.001
No and No Idea 8.2±3.9 4.9±1.9

Clinical research must be a part of nursing education.

Yes 10.3±4.1 6.1±1.5

0.03 p<0.001
No and No idea 8.9±3.9 4.6±2.2

Do you want to be assigned to the clinical research?

Yes 11.0±4.2 p<0.001 6.4±1.3 p<0.001

No and No idea 9.2±3.9 5.3±1.9

DISCUSSION CRNs have an important role in supporting and monitoring the

integrity of studies and ensuring the safety of volunteers and
We evaluated the staff nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and opinions protecting their rights and interests. To perform this task, they
about clinical research and clinical research nursing working should be knowledgeable about GCP, Declaration of Helsinki, and
at Dokuz Eylul University Hospital. Although this is one of the legislations on clinical researches (3, 18). However, our findings
important centers in our country conducting global clinical showed that nurses’ awareness about these regulations was
research, we found that only 8.6% of the respondents had limited. Despite this lack of general awareness, their knowledge
participated in prior clinical research. Some possible explanations on volunteering issues, such as definition of volunteering
for the low level of participation could be related to knowledge and informed consent, and confidentiality of volunteers was
and attitudes of staff nurses about clinical research. There are satisfactory. Similarly, nurses have been found to be quite
many studies in the literature reporting that nurses’ lack of knowledgeable on volunteering issues in the literature (18). This
knowledge and experience in clinical researches, time issues might probably be due to the fact that such issues are already
and lack of support for their participation in clinical researches among the responsibilities of nurses in their routine clinical
are major obstacles for nurses’ involvement and participation in practice. On the other hand, knowledge of nurses was especially
clinical researches (6, 13, 19). limited in clinical research on vulnerable volunteers, which was
due to their unawareness of related legislations. The nurses
In our study, we found that very little number of nurses (3.8%) also had lack of basic knowledge about the design of clinical
had undergone clinical research training, most of which were research. This may lead to staff nurses to experience difficulties in
unstructured. The mean of nurses’ knowledge level regarding communication and co-operation with the clinical research team
clinical research was found 10.1±4.1 (max: 19) and this result is (13), as stated in the literature.
congruent with the literature indicating that the nurses have
average or limited knowledge of clinical research (13, 18, 20). Our Nurses reported that when patients request information about
finding as well as literature data show that there is a need for a the benefits and risks of clinical research, they feel uncomfortable
structured training programme for the nurses who will participate providing this information to the patients due to their lack of
in clinical researches (5, 6, 13, 19, 20). The knowledge level of sufficient experience, and knowledge in clinical researches (13).
nurses was related to whether or not they had had prior clinical It is also stated that as their knowledge level increases, they
research training, had participated in clinical research, and had are able to provide required information to the patients much
provided prior consultancy related to clinical research. more confidently (20). It has been shown that the number of
Aksoy Bulut H et al. Nurses’ awareness toward clinical research J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44

volunteers participating in clinical research increased when importance to recognize clinical research nursing as a specialty.
they were properly informed about the risks and benefits of the Most of the respondents in our study agreed with this statement.
research (12). It is evident that well trained nurses help increase
the number of volunteers by properly informing them. Therefore, In our study, it was determined that more than half of the nurses
the institutions willing to perform more clinical research should wanted to take part in clinical research, and the nurses with
encourage the nurses to undergo clinical research training. higher knowledge and attitude scores gave more “yes” answers
to this question than the nurses with lower scores. Considering
In our study; the mean of the answers given by the nurses to evaluate the need for educated workforce in clinical research in particular,
their attitudes towards clinical research was found to be 5.8±1.7 it is a noteworthy as well as an encouraging result. Among the
out of 8 points. The vast majority of the nurses stated that clinical reasons for not being willing to take part in clinical research was
research is useful for the society and plays a vital role in increasing the possible increase in their workload, and also their lack of
the quality of patient care and the progress of the medical science. knowledge in clinical research. This result is congruent with the
This result suggests that nurses show a positive attitude towards studies in the literature that emphasize the crucial importance of
clinical research. It is an important finding since this attitude may education and training in motivating and encouraging healthcare
also affect the collaboration with the clinical research team, the professionals to take part in clinical research (6, 19, 25, 28, 29).
conduct of the research protocol, the quality of the voluntary care
and safety, the reliability of the data, the number of volunteers, and Study Limitations
hence the success of clinical research (3, 6, 12, 17, 21–23). Systematic sampling was not possible and only nurses who
volunteered to participate in the study could be included.
Another important finding in our study is that only fewer than
half of the nurses agreed on the following statement: “Clinical
researches are reliable studies”. This was used to evaluate their CONCLUSION
attitudes towards the clinical research. This may be due to their
We found that only few of the nurses had prior experience in
lack of knowledge regarding to the legislations about the ethical
clinical research, most of the nurses did not have any relevant
aspects of clinical research. Positive attitudes of nurses towards
training in clinical research, and that the training they received
clinical research can be expected to be important in increasing
was not standard. Nurses’ level of knowledge depended on their
the productivity of clinical research training, since attitudes have
relevant training, prior participation in clinical research, and prior
an important role in the realization of training objectives.
consultancy provided to patients. We also found that the majority
of the nurses were aware of the concepts of volunteering and safety
Factors such as socio-cultural factors, gender and age, and area
of volunteers in clinical research but had limited knowledge of the
of work also play an important role in shaping attitudes (24).
related regulations and the design of research. Despite the small
In our study, we found that the age, area of work, duration of
number of nurses working in clinical research, it was observed that
study or nursing education did not have a significant effect on
the majority of the nurses showed a positive attitude towards clinical
the attitude scores of the nurses. However, as their knowledge on
research. Additionally, it was also observed that the knowledge of
clinical research increased, there was an increase in the positive
clinical research plays a role in nurses’ positive attitudes towards
attitude, although not statistically significant. The lack of statistical
clinical research. Moreover, both knowledge and attitude of the
significance was probably due to the limited number of nurses
nurses had a significant impact on nurses’ opinions regarding
who had prior training or clinical research experience. In fact,
specialization, education, and participation in clinical research.
it has been shown that there is a positive relationship between
education and attitudes towards clinical research (14). The
attitude scores of the nurses who had provided prior consultancy
about clinical research were significantly higher than the other Ethics Committee Approval: This study was approved by Dokuz Eylul University Ethics
nurses, and this can be regarded as an expected finding because Committee for Non-Interventional Research, and was conducted in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki.
their knowledge level is also relatively higher.
Informed Consent: Written informed consent was obtained from patient who
participated in this case
Vast majority of the nurses agreed on the following statement:
“Clinical research should be considered as part of nursing Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.

education”. Moreover, nurses with high scores of knowledge and Author Contributions: Concept - AG, HBA, RU, MAA; Design - AG, HBA, RU, MAA;
attitude were relatively more willing to agree on this opinion in Supervision - AG, RU, MAA; Resource - ; Materials - HBA; Data Collection and/ or
Processing - HBA; Analysis and/or Interpretation - AG, HBA, RU, MAA; Literature Search
comparison with the rest. This result is in parallel with studies in - AG, HBA; Writing - AG, HBA; Critical Reviews - RU, MAA
the literature that demonstrate the willingness of nurses to receive
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
training in clinical research (18, 20, 25–26).
Financial Disclosure: This study has received no financial support

As nurses continue to specialize in a variety of fields, job Acknowledgements: The abstract of the manuscript was presented as a poster in
European Congress of Pharmacology (EPHAR) 2016, İstanbul, Turkey P 195, p.481.
descriptions for new areas of expertise are being made (27).
Clinical research nursing is one of the areas of expertise (12). In
order to increase the success of clinical research, it is of paramount

J Basic Clin Health Sci 2018; 2:38-44 Aksoy Bulut H et al. Nurses’ awareness toward clinical research

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