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Capability Beliefs On, and Use of Evidence-Based Practice Among Four Health Professional and Student Groups in Geriatric Care: A Cross Sectional Study

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Capability beliefs on, and use of evidence-

based practice among four health
professional and student groups in geriatric
care: A cross sectional study
Anne-Marie Boström1,2,3☯*, Disa K. Sommerfeld4,5☯, Annika W. Stenhols5,6☯,
Anna Kiessling7☯
a1111111111 1 Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Nursing, Karolinska Institutet,
a1111111111 Huddinge, Sweden, 2 Theme Aging, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden, 3 Department of
a1111111111 Nursing, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Campus Haugesund, Norway, 4 University
a1111111111 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Danderyd Hospital, Danderyd, Sweden, 5 Department of
Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge,
Sweden, 6 Division of Orthopaedics, Danderyd Hospital, Danderyd, Sweden, 7 Department of Clinical
Sciences Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.


Citation: Boström A-M, Sommerfeld DK, Stenhols

AW, Kiessling A (2018) Capability beliefs on, and Abstract
use of evidence-based practice among four health
professional and student groups in geriatric care: A Implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) is a complex task. This study, conducted
cross sectional study. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192017. in an acute geriatric setting, aims to compare self-reported capability beliefs on EBP
between health professionals and students, and to compare the use of EBP between health
Editor: Emmanuel Manalo, Kyoto University, professional groups. Occupational therapists, physicians, physiotherapists and registered
nurses with three or more months’ employment, and all students from the occupational ther-
Received: December 27, 2016 apy, medical, physiotherapy and nursing programs, who had conducted workplace learning
Accepted: January 17, 2018 at the department, were invited. Data on capability beliefs and use of EBP were collected
Published: February 14, 2018 using the Evidence-based Practice Capabilities Beliefs Scale assessing six activities of
EBP: formulate questions; search databases; search other sources; appraise research
Copyright: © 2018 Boström et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the reports; participate in implementation in practice; and participate in evaluation. Descriptive
Creative Commons Attribution License, which and inferential statistics were used. Capability beliefs on EBP: The health professionals (n =
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and 101; response rate 80%) reported high on search other sources but less on appraise
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
research reports. The students (n = 124; response rate 73%) reported high on all EBP activi-
ties. The health professionals reported significantly higher on search other sources than the
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
students. The students reported significantly higher on formulate questions and appraise
files. The anonymized data set is uploaded as a research reports than the health professionals. No significant differences were identified
Supporting Information file. between the health professional groups or between the student groups. Use of EBP: Health
Funding: This work was supported by the professionals reported wide-ranging use from several times each month to once every six
Stockholm County Council (ALF project) months. The physicians reported significantly more frequent use than registered nurses and
20110188. The funders had no role in study
occupational therapists. Health professionals supervising students reported more frequent
design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript. use of appraise research reports than the non-supervising group. There is a need for
improving the use of EBP, particularly among registered nurses and occupational therapists.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

Supervision of students might enhance the motivation among staff to increase the use of
EBP and students’ high EBP capability beliefs might inspire staff in this matter.

Implementation of evidence-based guidelines, i.e. evidence-based recommendations, into evi-
dence-based practice (EBP) is a complex task. A marked gap exists between what is done and
what should be done to maximize patients’ health outcome. In 2003, Grol and Grimshaw
reported that 30–40% of patients do not receive EBP, and that 20–25% of given treatments
may be unnecessary or even harmful [1]. Also in the year 2003, the Institute of Medicine pub-
lished the Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality report describing five generic
competencies needed to achieve a high standard of health care: All health professionals should
be educated to deliver patient-centered care as members of an interdisciplinary team, emphasizing
evidence-based practice, quality improvement approaches, and informatics (page 45, [2]). During
the last decade, several studies have been published on health professionals’ knowledge, atti-
tudes and skills to apply EBP and the use of EBP in practice revealing that the gap between
what is done and what should be done still exists [3–5]. Different individual and organisational
barriers of implementation have been proposed, such as lack of motivation, lack of EBP knowl-
edge, heavy workload, other staff/management not supportive of EBP, lack of resources, lack
of authority to change practice and workplace culture resistant to change [6–8]. Known facili-
tators include audit and feedback, local opinion leaders, and support from managers and col-
leagues [6,9,10].
The conceptual framework Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Ser-
vices (PARIHS) was introduced in 1998, and has been revised recently to increase knowledge
on how a successful implementation of research into routine practice can be understood [11].
In this framework four constructs have to be considered: the quality and type of evidence, the
characteristics of the context, the recipients, and the way in which the implementation of evi-
dence is facilitated. The construct recipient includes characteristics as skills and knowledge,
values and beliefs, motivation and goals, and is now described in the revised PARIHS frame-
work. Boström and coworkers [12] have identified that the individual factor “capability beliefs
to apply EBP in clinical practice” is strongly associated with self-reported use of EBP. The Evi-
dence-based Practice Capabilities Beliefs Scale (EBPCBS) has been validated to measure the
capability beliefs to apply the six activities in the EBP process according to the Bandura
method to measure self-efficacy [13]. The term self-efficacy is defined as: "confidence in their
ability to succeed in specific situations" and a synonym to this term is capability belief [14,15].
According to Bandura, people’s beliefs in their ability to perform the activity improve over
time by practicing the activity in a supportive and stress-free environment [14,15].
A promoting health care organisation and leadership is crucial to achieve EBP. The impor-
tance of leadership is reported in several systematic reviews [16,17]. A study of Dannapfel and
coworkers [18] also report that there is a leadership and managerial responsibility as to how
well physiotherapists manage to increase the use of EBP in their clinical practice. Another
Swedish study conducted in a national sample of registered nurses working in various health
care settings, including geriatric settings found that the following organizational factors were
positively associated with the use of EBP: supportive leadership, supportive team work (collec-
tive efficacy), increased job demands, control over work situation and working in the care of
older people [12].
Studies have also evaluated students’ views on educational support needed to develop com-
petence in EBP. Numerous of them have shown that occupational therapist, medical,

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

physiotherapist and nursing students do not always feel supported to develop capability to
apply EBP during their undergraduate education [19–23]. In summary, these studies show
that students feelings of support may depend on pedagogic methods used such as workshop;
supervisors’ attitudes towards EBP; access to role models in EBP; and the quality of the work-
place culture (e.g. work satisfaction, hierarchies, work load, vacancies) where the students con-
duct workplace learning [19–23].
Different theories exist in the literature regarding professional competence development.
Dall’Alba and Sandberg [24] have described it as a two-dimensional process: The gain of
increased professional knowledge and skills; the gain of an embodied understanding of and in
practice, i.e. an understanding of the context and culture where the professional skills are sup-
posed to be applied. The way in which practice is understood forms and systematizes specific
knowledge and skills into a separate competence dimension. To gain professional competence
to conduct EBP in the context and culture in, e.g. an acute geriatric setting raises special chal-
lenges [25]. The patient population treated in hospital-based acute geriatric care is dominated
by older patients with several comorbidities and complex health problems and needs.
Almost all evidence-based guidelines state evidence and recommendations based on studies
of patients with a single disease. This guideline approach however results in a dilemma when
health professionals encounter a patient with several comorbidities [26]. We argue that the dif-
ficulty in conducting EBP will increase even more when the patient is older. There are at least
two reasons influencing this difficulty: Most of the science behind the evidence has been gener-
ated from randomized controlled studies on selected populations excluding patients over a
certain age and often also excluding patients with comorbidities. Two systematic reviews scru-
tinizing the evidence-base for treatment to older adults illustrate these difficulties, and argues
for more randomized controlled studies on older adults [27,28]. We further argue that the
quality of care for the more complex patient mix in geriatric care will improve if they are cared
for by staff, with a comprehensive mix of competencies, who work together in inter-profes-
sional teams. Several studies have reported improved outcomes for the older patient popula-
tion in geriatric care settings using comprehensive geriatric assessments and teamwork [29].
In addition, interventions with person-centered care for older adults have, for example,
improved the discharge processes [30]. This may be due to that patients were looked upon as
enough competent to be involved in planning their subsequent care [30]. To achieve high stan-
dard of care for older adults in geriatric care, health professionals need to master and practice
the generic competences suggested by the Institute of Medicine [2].
To conclude there is a solid scientific base on the gap between recommendations stated in
the evidence-based guidelines and the care provided in routine care. Further, several barriers
and facilitators influencing the implementation of EBP have been explored. However, the evi-
dence is scarce on health professionals’ and students’ levels on capability beliefs to perform
EBP. The aim of this study was twofold; to compare self-reported capability beliefs on EBP
between health professional and student groups, and to compare the use of EBP between four
health professional groups in a hospital-based acute geriatric care setting in Sweden.

Material and methods

We used a cross-sectional correlational study design.

The study was conducted in a geriatric department with 110 hospital beds for acute admit-
tance, stroke rehabilitation, and orthopedic rehabilitation of older patients often with

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

comorbidities. During the study period 255 persons were employed in total, of which approxi-
mately 150 were occupational therapists, physicians, physiotherapists and registered nurses.
Each semester some 150 students from the undergraduate occupational therapy, medical,
physiotherapy and nursing programs performed workplace learning at the department. Two
clinical lecturers (Master prepared) and two senior lecturers (PhD degree) facilitated the stu-
dents’ supervision and managed the students at the department during the workplace learning

In fall 2012 (September to December) we invited all occupational therapists, physicians, phys-
iotherapists and registered nurses with three or more months employment (n = 127) and all
students from the occupational therapy, medical, physiotherapy and nursing programs, who
had workplace learning at the department (n = 81) to participate in the study. In fall 2013 (Sep-
tember to December), 88 additional students, i.e., those who had workplace learning during
this period, were invited to participate in the study.
Inclusion criteria: occupational therapists, physicians, physiotherapists and registered
nurses working in patient care and students from the occupational therapy, medical, physio-
therapy and nursing programs. Exclusion criteria: less than three months employment for
health professionals; and less than two weeks of workplace learning for students, except for
those from the medical program who all had a period of one week (five days).

Data collection
To collect data on self-reported capability beliefs of EBP the EBPCBS was used [13]. The
EBPCBS is developed using the following definition of the EBP process: “From a defined ques-
tion, seek out relevant knowledge, critical appraise and compile this knowledge, and imple-
ment the results of this appraisal in clinical practice” by Sackett and coworkers [31]. The six
EBPCBS items reflect the EBP process as follows: 1) Formulating questions about clinical prac-
tice to search for new research-based knowledge (formulate questions), 2) using databases to
search for knowledge (search databases), 3) using other information sources, e.g. books, jour-
nals or asking colleagues (search other sources), 4) appraising research reports (appraise
research reports), 5) contributing to change in clinical practice by implementing research
knowledge (implement knowledge), and 6) participating in evaluating whether clinical practice
is based on research knowledge (evaluate practice). The respondents (health professionals and
students) were asked to rate, on a scale from 0–3: No, I can’t manage that; 4 to 7: I might man-
age that; 8 to 10: I’m sure I can manage that, how confident they were about performing each
and every step of the EBP process.
For health professionals, the EBPCBS also includes a section asking the respondents how
often they carry out the EBP activities in their work. The respondents (health professionals)
were asked to rate this on a scale from 1 to 4: 1 (seldom or never), 2 (about once every 6
months), 3 (about once a month) and 4 (several times a month). The EBP items and response
options are presented in S1 Appendix.
Two indices were generated; one to measure the respondent’s capability beliefs on the
whole EBP process, and another on the respondent’s use of the whole EBP process. The 6
items in the respective indices were summarized and divided by 6. The EBPCBS instrument
has been developed in a national sample (n = 1256) of registered nurses working in various
health care settings, including geriatric settings, and is considered valid and reliable using
Rasch modelling [13]. It has been used in several studies among registered nurses working in
different types of health care settings in Sweden, including geriatric settings [12,32–34] and

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

among registered nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and social workers working in an
acute care hospital in the United States [35] and among nursing students from 26 universities
and university colleges in Sweden [19].
Data were collected on the following demographic data for the health professionals: gender,
age, years in profession, experience of supervising students, and pedagogic competence, i.e.
formal pedagogic education. Data were collected on the following demographic data for the
students: gender, age, university, program and semester.

Data collection procedure

The survey to health professionals contained 18 items (6 demographic variables, 6 items on
EBP capability beliefs and 6 items on EBP use). The survey to students contained 11 items (5
demographic variables and 6 items on EBP Capability beliefs). The surveys were printed on
paper. Health professionals received the survey at their workplace and they were asked to hand
it in two weeks later. The students received the survey at the start of their workplace-learning
period and were asked to hand it in at the end of that period. Reminders were sent twice to

Data analysis
The students who had conducted more than half time of their entire program were categorized
as senior students and the rest as novice students. The students with less than three weeks
placement at the ward were categorized as having a short placement and the rest as having a
long placement.
The internal consistency for the EBP indices was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha test.
Descriptive statistics were used for frequencies and distributions. Inferential statistics were
used to compare the health professionals and student groups. Student’s t-test was used to com-
pare two groups, and ANOVA was used to compare four groups, using Bonferroni posthoc
test. Pearson correlation coefficient test was used to assess relationships between EBP indices
and years in profession. Statistical significance for all analyses was set at P<0.05. Statistical
analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 23.0 (IBM SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL).

Ethical considerations
All participants received an information letter, which informed them about the purpose of the
study and that participation was voluntary. The surveys were coded and the code key was used
only by the person who sent reminders to those participants who did not hand in their answer.
The study was approved by the Regional Ethical Review Board in Stockholm (No. 2012/847-

The response rate was 80% for health professionals and 73% for students. Missing data for
each of the items varied between 0 and 1 person (0–1.0%) for EBP Capability beliefs and 2 and
4 persons (2.0–4.0%) for EBP use for the health professionals group and between 2 and 3 per-
sons (1.6–2.4%) for EBP Capability beliefs for the student group. The alpha value for the EBP
Capability beliefs index among health professionals was 0.88 and for the students 0.90. The
alpha value for the EBP use index among health professionals was 0.79. The demographics for
the health professionals and the students are presented in Table 1.

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

Table 1. Descriptions of the health professionals and student samples.

Total Health Health professionals Total Students
professionals (n = 127) Students
OT Physicians PT RN n = 169 OT Medical PT Nursing
n = 15 n = 27 n = 18 n = 67 n = 13 n = 69 n = 17 n = 70
Response rate 101 (80%) 10 24 (89%) 14 53 124 (73%) 11 40 (58%) 16 57 (81%)
(67%) (78%) (79%) (85%) (94%)
Age m (SD) 42 (12) 39 (12) 41 (12) 48 (13) 42 (11) 26 (5) 26 (4) 25 (4) 25 (5) 27 (6)
Women 92 (91%) 10 18 (75%) 14 50 94 (76%) 11 21 (53%) 12 50 (88%)
(100%) (100%) (94%) (100%) (75%)
Years in profession m 12 (11) 8 (9) 12 (11) 21 (14) 11 (10)
Experience of supervising 65 (64%) 4 (40%) 21 (88%) 9 (64%) 31
students (yes) (58%)
Formal pedagogic 50 (50%) 7 (70%) 13 (54%) 8 (57%) 22
education (yes) (42%)
Time as student in the
Completed 50% 55 (44%) 5 (45%) 24 (60%) 4 (25%) 22 (39%)
Completed >50% 69 (56%) 6 (55%) 16 (40%) 12 35 (61%)
Workplace learning
Short 3 weeks 54 (44%) 6 (55%) 40 (100%) 8 (50%)
Long >3 weeks 70 (56%) 5 (45%) 8 (50%) 57 (100%)

Values are given as mean ± standard deviation: m (SD); or as number and percentage: n (%)
OT denotes Occupational Therapist; PT denotes Physiotherapist; RN denotes Registered Nurse.

Health professionals’ and students’ ratings of capability beliefs on EBP

The health professional group rated a mean value of 7.6 on the EBP capability beliefs index and
between 6.9 and 9.2 on the six EBP activities. They rated the highest mean value on the EBP
activity Search other sources and the lowest mean value on the EBP activity Appraise research
reports (Table 2). The only significant difference on capability beliefs between the health profes-
sional groups was that physiotherapists rated significantly higher mean value (8.4) than the phy-
sicians (6.5) on the EBP activity Implement knowledge (Table 2). No significant differences were
found between those who had supervised students and those who had not (S1 Table).
The students rated a mean value of 8.0 on the EBP capability beliefs index and between 7.4
and 8.8 on the six EBP activities. They rated the highest mean value on the EBP activity Search
other sources and the lowest mean value for the EBP activity Implement knowledge (Table 2).
No significant differences were found on capability beliefs between the students from the four
The only significant difference between senior and novice students was that senior students
rated higher capability beliefs on Search databases than novice students (8.8 vs. 7.8; p = 0.001)
(S2 Table). The only significant difference between students with a long clinical placement
(three weeks or longer) and those with a short clinical placement was that those with a long
clinical placement rated significantly higher on Search other sources (9.0 vs. 8.4; p = 0.014) (S2
The student group rated significantly higher capability beliefs than the health professional
group on the EBP capability beliefs index, and the EBP activities Formulate questions and

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

Table 2. Health professionals’ and students’ capability beliefs on evidence-based practice.

Health professionals ANOVA P- Posthoc Students ANOVA Posthoc
OT Physician PT RN value Bonferroni OT Medical PT Nursing P-value Bonferroni
EBP capability 6.8 7.4 (1.6) 7.8 7.7 0.329 8.0 7.6 (1.6) 8.4 8.3 (1.4) 0.088
beliefs index (1.4) (2.0) (1.7) (1.6) (1.1)
Formulate 5.1 7.4 (1.9) 7.4 7.1 0.048 Phys > OT 8.1 7.8 (1.9) 8.8 8.2 (2.0) 0.423
questions (2.5) (2.5) (2.3) (p = 0.055) (1.5) (1.2)
Search databases 7.8 7.7 (2.1) 7.3 8.1 0.640 8.1 8.0 (1.6) 8.2 8.6 (1.8) 0.499
(1.6) (2.7) (2.4) (1.3) (1.6)
Search other 8.9 9.1 (1.2) 9.4 9.2 0.837 8.8 8.2 (1.7) 9.1 9.0 (1.4) 0.042 Nursing > Medical
sources (0.9) (1.0) (1.4) (1.5) (0.9) (p = 0.050)
Appraise research 5.1 6.8 (2.3) 7.2 7.2 0.088 8.0 7.7 (1.9) 8.5 8.5 (1.6) 0.183
reports (3.0) (2.7) (2.2) (1.9) (1.1)
Implement 7.0 6.5 (2.7) 8.4 7.6 0.039 PT > Phys 7.2 6.7 (2.0) 7.6 7.8 (2.0) 0.079
knowledge (1.8) (1.6) (2.0) (p = 0.040) (2.9) (2.1)
Evaluate practice 6.6 6.9 (2.1) 7.4 7.4 0.647 7.6 6.9 (2.1) 7.9 7.8 (2.0) 0.169
(2.1) (2.8) (2.1) (2.6) (1.9)

Values are given as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The p-values are calculated by ANOVA.
EBP denotes evidence-based practice; OT denotes Occupational Therapist; PT denotes Physiotherapist; RN denotes Registered Nurse; Phys denotes Physician.
Response alternatives range from 0 (No, I can’t manage that) to 10 (I’m sure I can manage that).

Appraise research reports. The health professional group rated significantly higher than the stu-
dent group on the EBP activity Search other sources (Table 3).

Health professionals’ use of EBP

Health professionals reported most frequent use of the EBP activities Search other sources
(m = 3.6), Search databases (m = 2.6), and Implement knowledge (m = 2.5). The least frequently
used EBP activity was Appraise research reports (m = 1.7) (Table 4).
Physicians reported significantly more frequent use than the registered nurses on the fol-
lowing variables: EBP use index, Formulate question, Search other sources, and Appraise research
reports. The physicians also reported more frequent use of EBP than the occupational thera-
pists on the following variables: Formulate question and Appraise research reports (Table 4).
Only one significant difference was found between health professionals who had supervised
students and those who had not. The supervisor group reported more frequent use of Appraise

Table 3. Comparison of reported capability beliefs on evidence-based practice between health professionals and students.
Health professionals Students P-value
EBP capability beliefs index 7.6 (1.7) 8.0 (1.5) 0.031
Formulate questions 7.0 (2.3) 8.1 (1.9) <0.001
Search databases 7.9 (2.3) 8.3 (1.7) 0.086
Search other sources 9.2 (1.3) 8.8 (1.5) 0.022
Appraise research reports 6.9 (2.4) 8.2 (1.7) <0.001
Implement knowledge 7.4 (2.2) 7.4 (2.1) 0.898
Evaluate practice 7.2 (2.2) 7.5 (2.1) 0.297

Values are given as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The p-values are calculated by unpaired t-test between total health professionals and total student groups.
Response alternatives range from 0 (No, I can’t manage that) to 10 (I’m sure I can manage that).
EBP denotes evidence-based practice.

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

Table 4. Health professionals reported use of evidence-based practice.

Health Occupational Physician Physiotherapist Registered P-value Posthoc Bonferroni
professionals Therapist Nurse ANOVA
EBP use index 2.5 (0.7) 2.2 (0.5) 2.8 (0.6) 2.6 (0.8) 2.3 (0.6) 0.015 Phys > RN (p = 0.030)
Formulate questions 2.2 (1.0) 1.7 (0.7) 2.8 (1.1) 2.6 (0.8) 1.9 (1.0) 0.001 Phys > RN (p = 0.003);
Phys > OT (p = 0.019)
Search databases 2.6 (1.1) 2.1 (1.0) 3.0 (1.0) 2.4 (1.1) 2.6 (1.1) 0.140
Search other sources 3.6 (0.6) 3.6 (0.5) 4.0 (0.2) 3.8 (0.6) 3.5 (0.6) 0.004 Phys > RN (p = 0.003)
Appraise research 1.7 (0.9) 1.4 (0.7) 2.3 (0.8) 1.9 (1.0) 1.5 (0.8) 0.001 Phys > RN (p = 0.002)
reports Phys > OT (p = 0.029)
Implement 2.5 (1.0) 2.4 (0.8) 2.4 (1.0) 2.8 (1.0) 2.5 (1.0) 0.689
Evaluate practice 2.1 (1.0) 1.9 (0.9) 2.2 (1.0) 2.2 (1.2) 2.0 (1.0) 0.832

Values are given as mean ± standard deviation (SD). The p-values are calculated by ANOVA between professional groups.
EBP denotes evidence-based practice; OT denotes Occupational Therapist; PT denotes Physiotherapist; RN denotes Registered Nurse; Phys denotes Physician.
OT denotes Occupational Therapist; PT denotes Physiotherapist; RN denotes Registered Nurse; Phys denotes Physician.
Response alternatives are 1 = seldom or never, 2 = about once every 6 months, 3 = about once a month, and 4 = several times a month.

research reports than those who did not supervise students (m = 1.9 vs. m = 1.4; p = 0.001) (S3

EBP capability beliefs index, EBP use index and years in profession among
health professionals
We examined the relationships between EBP capability beliefs index, EBP use index and years
in profession among the health professionals. The only significant relationship was found
between the two EBP indices demonstrating that high capability beliefs were associated with
more frequent use of EBP (Table 5).

This study highlights some interesting findings on similarities and differences in capability
beliefs to perform EBP among multi-professional health professionals and students in a geriat-
ric setting.

Health professionals and students self-reported capability beliefs on EBP

High capability beliefs on EBP were identified in the student group and to some extent in the
health professional group. The students rated significantly higher capability beliefs than health
professionals on EBP capability beliefs index, and on formulate questions and appraise research

Table 5. Relationships between evidence-based practice capability beliefs index, evidence-based practice use index and years in profession among health
EBP capability beliefs index EBP use index Years in professions
EBP capability beliefs index 1 r = 0.597; p <0.001 r = -0.125; p = 0.214
EBP use index r = 0.597; p <0.001 1 r = -0.005; p = 0.958
Years in profession r = -0.125; p = 0.214 r = -0.005; p = 0.958 1

Pearson Correlation Coefficient test.

EBP denotes evidence-based practice.

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

reports. In contrast, the health professionals rated significantly higher capability beliefs on
search other sources.
In a previous study a cut off for high capability beliefs has been set at >7 on the EBP capabil-
ity beliefs index using the EBPCBS [12]. Health professionals in this study reported in general
above this threshold value. Similar results have been reported in a smaller intervention study
from the United States in a group of registered nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and
social workers working in an acute care hospital, in which the respondents report a mean
value of 7.3 on the EBP capability beliefs index prior to a journal club intervention and a mean
value of 7.8 after the intervention [35]. In our study the health professionals reported some
variations between their capability beliefs for the different EBP activities, showing lower mean
values for formulate question and appraise research reports indicating less confidence to per-
form these two EBP activities. However, no significant differences were identified between the
four health professional groups regarding their capability beliefs on EBP. This is an important
finding as high EBP capability beliefs has been shown to be strongly associated with the self-
reported use of EBP [12,36].
The students reported high capability beliefs (mean values >8) on the four EBP activities
Formulate question, Search databases, Search other sources and Appraise research reports which
could be related to the steps in the research process. The Swedish Higher Education Act has
over the past ten years emphasized the importance of anchoring higher education to relevant
research aiming for all undergraduate students to learn to critical appraise scientific articles,
identify and solve problems using the research process [37]. Thus, according to our findings
the university and university colleges seem to prepare the students, at least in this context, with
the confidence to accomplish the first four activities in the EBP process.
The students rated lower capability beliefs on the two EBP activities Implement knowledge
and Evaluate practice although the mean values for these two activities were >7 indicating
high capability beliefs. In a national study by Florin and coworkers [19] in a group of 1440
nursing students from 26 Swedish universities the respondents report a mean value of 8.1 on
the EBP capability beliefs index and between 7.5 and 8.9 on the six EBP activities. As in our
study the students rate the lowest mean values on the two EBP activities Implement knowledge
and Evaluate practice. Florin and coworkers [19] have also investigated whether there were any
differences between the students’ capability beliefs depending on which of the 26 universities
they were studying. Significant differences are presented between the student groups from the
26 universities on the EBP capability beliefs index and the first four EBP activities, but no sig-
nificant differences are presented between the student groups from the 26 universities regard-
ing the EBP activities on Implement knowledge and Evaluate practice. Furthermore, the nursing
students in the study by Florin and coworkers [19] have been asked about their experiences of
educational support for research utilization in campus education and in clinical education.
The students report less support during clinical education compared to campus education,
and no differences between the universities in regards to this question are presented [19].
There seems to be a need to develop and enhance the support to the students during the clini-
cal education, particularly to improve the students’ capability beliefs on implementing and
evaluating new knowledge into practice.
We could not identify any significant differences between students from the four programs
regarding their ratings on the EBP capability beliefs index or the six EBP activities which indi-
cates that the students, regardless of program, reported to have the capability beliefs to use
EBP. The senior students rated higher capability beliefs than the novice students on Search
databases which seems logical as the senior students have had longer time of exposure and
training on this specific task. Furthermore, students who stayed at the clinical placement for a
longer period (three weeks and longer) scored higher on the EBP activity to Search other

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

sources than students with shorter period. This activity includes asking colleagues, and it seems
reasonable that a longer clinical placement at the unit may provide students more opportunity
to ask supervisors and other staff for information on various topics. With the terminology of
Dall’Alba and Sandberg [24] we argue that students with longer placements have more time to
develop an embodied understanding of practice, e.g. on how to search other sources in such a
It is interesting to note that the students in our study rated significantly higher on the EBP
capability beliefs index than the health professionals, indicating a greater ability to perform the
EBP process at large. In particular, the students reported higher capability beliefs on the two
EBP activities Formulate questions and Appraise research reports than the health professionals.
As earlier discussed, the universities have improved teaching on the research process and the
content in the syllabus has to be scientifically founded. The students have been exposed from
the first semester of their programs to formulate questions, and to critically appraise and com-
pile literature and other information used in their learning activities and exams. However, the
health professionals rated higher capability beliefs on the EBP activity Search other sources
than the students which includes asking colleagues and peers. Previous research has recur-
rently identified that health professionals often use colleagues and peers as information sources
for various decisions in practice [4,38]. However, seeking information from colleagues and
peers will not obviously increase the evidence-based knowledge.

Health professionals’ use of EBP

On the question of use of EBP among health professionals in clinical practice, our study found
an area of improvement, particularly among registered nurses and occupational therapists.
There were great variations on how often the different activities were completed. The EBP
activity Search other sources was performed several times per month while Appraise research
reports was performed seldom or once every six months. Previous studies investigating regis-
tered nurses, using the EBPCBS, have reported similar results on the use of the various EBP
activities, indicating more frequent use of Search other sources and less frequent use of Formu-
late question and Appraise research reports [32,33].
One unanticipated finding was the differences between the professional groups in reported
use of EBP activities. The physicians reported more frequent use of the EBP activities Formu-
late questions, Search other sources and Appraise research reports than registered nurses and
occupational therapists. This was to some extent surprising as we did not identify any differ-
ences between their ratings on capability beliefs regarding EBP. We can only speculate on
plausible reasons. The factor EBP capability beliefs is only one among many other essential fac-
tors for successful implementation of evidence into clinical practice. The PARIHS framework
highlights the importance of a supportive context and access for facilitation for practitioners to
enhance the uptake of evidence [11]. A supportive context consists of supportive leadership,
change-friendly culture and access to resources according to the PARIHS framework. As our
study was performed at a single center, one assumption could be that the context and culture
could be perceived equally over professional borders. However, at the department there are
different front-line managers for the different professional groups (physicians, OT/PT and
nurses). These managers might have varied knowledge, skills and attitudes towards EBP.
Thereby there may be various sub-cultures and traditions in the professional groups. Further-
more, there might be differences between the professional groups in regard to resources such
as access to seminars and courses, and time to participate in these.
Further reasons for the differences between the professional groups’ use of EBP activities
could be found in the review by Rousseau and Gunia [39] about the psychology of EBP

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

implementation. The authors summarize their findings that there are three key contributors to
implement EBP: practitioner ability, motivation, and opportunity to practice. To be able to
implement evidence into practice, the clinician needs to have the ability and the motivation to
practice EBP but also the opportunity to practice EBP in the daily work. Depending on the
clinical situation patients may have immediate needs and problems which health professionals
instantly have to solve. In these situations, health professionals might not formulate questions,
search for evidence and appraise research reports; instead health professionals might act
according to existing guidelines to quickly direct them to use adequate interventions or treat-
ments. However, if these guidelines are not updated according to scientific evidence, there
may be a risk that they are outdated and, even worse, incorrect. In units where many of the
patients have immediate needs, the front-line managers should have the responsibility to
arrange meetings and seminars for health professionals to have the opportunity to formulate
questions, appraise research reports and update their knowledge and guidelines. Therefore, it
is important to reflect on the activities in the EBP-process when working in an acute as well as
in a non-acute clinical situation. In our study we did not collect data on contextual factors
such as the health professionals’ perceptions on the context, e.g., supportive leadership and
workplace culture or resources of various types, and their views on what support or hinder
them to more frequently use EBP. Consequently, we are not able to explain why there were dif-
ferences between health professional groups.
The health professionals who supervised students reported significantly more frequent use
of Appraise research reports than those who did not supervise students. One explanation could
be that the students discuss the evidence base with their supervisors when completing learning
activities during the working place period. A qualitative study based on focus group interviews
with physiotherapy students, supervisors and clinical teachers support that EBP discussions
are common [20]. However, the students also need a lot of time and guidance on how to per-
form clinical skills [20]. Another explanation could be that health professionals who are more
involved in EBP and, in particular, the appraisal of research reports, are more interested in
being supervisors for students in clinical practice. A note of caution is due here since we only
have studied health professionals in a geriatric setting at a single center. Nevertheless, the find-
ings need to be further explored.

Strength and limitations

In this study, we used the instrument EBPCBS to assess capability beliefs on EBP and self-
reported use of EBP. Among 24 validated instruments, the EBPCBS has been found to have
the highest validity and to be the most practical instrument to assess evidence-based knowl-
edge, skills and attitudes in nursing practice [40]. The instrument EBPCBS has mostly been
used to collect data on self-reported capability beliefs among nurses and nursing students
[19,34,35]. There is one study from the United States which has used the EBPCBS in a group
of registered nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists and social workers [35]. In the present
study we used the instrument also among occupational therapists, physicians, physiotherapists
and their corresponding students which may be considered a limitation. The questions in the
EBPCBS may be perceived in different ways depending on profession. Professions with a long
academic history might perceive the questions in another way than professions with a short
academic background, e.g., Search databases could mean PubMed for some, and Google
Scholar for others. Furthermore, the self-reported nature of the instrument limits its validity. It
may be difficult for health professionals to distinguish to what extent their clinical decisions in
practice are grounded on scientific evidence, on consensus knowledge, or on their own clinical
experience. This may result in health professionals’ overestimation or underestimation of their

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

use of evidence in practice. Also for the students it may be difficult to evaluate their capability
beliefs on the EBP activities, and therefore the students might have overestimated their ability
for the EBP activities. Given the nature of the instrument the use of parametric statistics may
be criticized. However, sensitivity analysis showed similar results using non parametric statis-
tics. Due to the small sample size we did not conduct any regression analyses. Therefore, we
cannot say whether, for example, longer or shorter workplace learning is independently associ-
ated with EBP capability beliefs.
The overall response-rate (80% for health professionals and 73% for students) was accept-
able and most questions within the questionnaire were answered by the health professionals
(96%) and the students (97%). The study population was, however, rather small and recruited
from one setting only, and consequently the generalizability is limited. There is a need for
future research, preferably conducted as multi-center studies. Furthermore there is a need for
studies including measures on contextual factors to be able to explore potential differences in
organizational conditions to apply EBP between different health professional groups.

This paper has examined comparisons of self-reported capability beliefs on EBP between
health professional and student groups, and comparisons of the use of EBP between four
health professional groups in a hospital-based acute geriatric care setting in Sweden. Identified
similarities and difference in capability beliefs and use of EBP have several clinical implica-
tions. An association between EBP capability beliefs and use of EBP was identified in-line with
Bandura’s self-efficacy theories [12]. This study shows that there is an obvious need for a more
frequent use of EBP in acute geriatric care of older patients, particularly among registered
nurses and occupational therapists. Interprofessional teamwork is essential for good quality
care for the patient population served. To accomplish EBP in this team based context, our find-
ings suggest that management initiatives and strategies are needed.
Our finding that clinical supervisors for students more frequently appraise research reports
as compared to other health professionals is of importance. To interact with students while
conducting patient care in a geriatric setting may contribute to motivate health professionals
to base clinical decisions on evidence and thereby contribute to EBP in routine care. We
hypothesis that the high EBP capability beliefs to formulate questions and appraise research
reports among students may inspire staff and contribute to an increased use of these EBP activ-
ities in daily practice. However, further studies are needed to test this hypothesis.
Finally, undergraduate education for future health professionals needs to focus more on
learning activities during workplace learning for students to practice implementation and eval-
uation of new knowledge.

Supporting information
S1 Appendix. The Evidence-Based Practice Capability Beliefs Scale (EBPCBS).
S1 Table. Comparison of reported capability beliefs on evidence-based practice between
supervisors and non-supervisors.
S2 Table. Comparisons of reported capability beliefs on evidence-based practice among
novice and senior students, and students with shorter and longer clinical placement.

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EBP among health professionals and students in geriatric care

S3 Table. Comparison of reported use of evidence-based practice between supervisors and

S1 Dataset. EBP_Health_professionals_Students_Bostrom.sav.

The authors are grateful to all staff and students who answered the survey.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Anna Kiessling.
Data curation: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Anna Kiessling.
Formal analysis: Anne-Marie Boström, Annika W. Stenhols, Anna Kiessling.
Funding acquisition: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Anna Kiessling.
Investigation: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Annika W. Stenhols, Anna
Methodology: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Annika W. Stenhols, Anna
Project administration: Anne-Marie Boström, Annika W. Stenhols.
Resources: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Anna Kiessling.
Software: Anne-Marie Boström, Annika W. Stenhols, Anna Kiessling.
Supervision: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Anna Kiessling.
Validation: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Annika W. Stenhols, Anna Kiessling.
Visualization: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Annika W. Stenhols, Anna
Writing – original draft: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Annika W. Stenhols,
Anna Kiessling.
Writing – review & editing: Anne-Marie Boström, Disa K. Sommerfeld, Annika W. Stenhols,
Anna Kiessling.

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