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Grammar Lesson Plan

Teacher : Hassan Ait Hammou School : Errazi high school

Class/ Level : 1st Bac Materials : Board, textbook
Textbook : Ticket to English
Unit 3 : Health and welfare Lesson : modals : must, may, can’t
Focus : Grammar Time : 55 mins
Integrated skills: writing, speaking
Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :

-recognize and use appropriately the modals : must, may and can’t
- write 3 sentences using the modals.
Stage / Activity Procedure
Warm-up Greeting Recycling the previously taught lesson + Creating a friendly atmosphere.
5 min +review
20 min
Context -Ss read the exchanges A, B, C and tick the suitable explanation.(ex 1 page 47).
setting Modals :
A. Must →…………………………......................................
Isolation and B. May→………………………………………………………………………
explanation C. Can’t →………………………………………………….

complete the grammatical summary, p.47

check a. We use ‘………’ to say that we feel sure something is……………….
b. We use ‘…… ’ to say that we feel sure something is………………...
c. We use ‘……’ to say that something is…………………..

Practice Exercise 3: Fill in the gaps with ‘must’, ‘can’t’ or ‘may’: p.47
15 min a. They have moved into my neighbourhood for very long. They
………….know many people.
b. You’ve been working hard all day long. You ………… very tired.
c. I’m not sure, but it …………rain tomorrow.
Gap filling
d. Jane ……………be feeling bored with her work. She does the same thing
every day.
e. This restaurant ………….be a good one; it’s always empty.
f. Aicha …………go with us; she hasn’t decided yet.
g. This jacket isn’t good quality; it ………be very expensive.
h. ‘Who’s that boy?’ – ‘I don’t know; he ………be Latifa’s brother.’
i. She got a terrible mark at school; her parents ………be very angry.
Exercise 4: complete each sentence with: must, might or can't.
1. You………….hate English food - it's delicious!
2. Tom …….. be working today - I just saw him at the gym.
3. Tom ……… be working today, but I can't remember.
4. You drank 3 bottles of soda? You…………… feel so sick!
5. Frank's quite good at grammar. He……… know the answer for this
6. You studied this for 3 years at university! You……….. know the answer
Production Ss write three sentences using the learnt modals
15 min
End of the session - T asks Ss to copy down the lesson to their copybooks
5 min
Grammar Lesson Plan
Teacher : Hassan Ait Hammou School : Errazi high school
Class/ Level : 1 Bac Materials : Board, laptop
Textbook : Ticket to English
Unit 3 : Health and welfare Lesson : The present perfect tense
Focus : Grammar Time : 2 hours
Integrated skills: writing, speaking
Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :

-recognize and use appropriately the present perfect tense.

- write a paragraph using the present perfect.

Stage / Activity Procedure

Warm-up Greeting+review Recycling the previously taught lesson + Creating a friendly atmosphere.
5 min
Presentation Introduce the Present Perfect all forms :
30 min -Ss give examples in past simple: Yesterday, I had a busy day. I received
Context setting lots of emails.
-T Leads in to present perfect: I have received only a few today. Show
Isolation and students how the present perfect is formed: have/has + the past participle.
explanation -Tell them that the past participle of regular verbs ends in –ed, just as in
simple past. And for the irregular verbs T reviews with Ss the past
participle of some important verbs.
-T shows the difference between the simple past and the present perfect and
the 3 uses of the present perfect.
comprehension -T introduces the expressions used the present perfect: Yet, just, ever, never
check since, for.
- Exercise : ppt slide
Practice Practice 1 :
20 min Put the verb in brackets in the simple past or the present perfect.
Gap filling
1 I ______________ in Hong Kong since 1990.(live)
2 My parents _______ our house in 2000. (buy)
3 Miss Lee ___________ at my school for two years. (teach)
4 Tom _______ his uncle one month ago. (visit)
5 Polly and Dolly __________ friends since last year. (be)
6 The baby __________ for four hours. (sleep)
Practice 2
Sentence Write sentences in present perfect simple.
transformation They / play / football -
He / speak / English -
I / write / a poem -
We / not / wash / the car -
Nancy / not / meet / her friends-

Production -Ss write a paragraph using the present perfect.

15 min
End of the session - T asks Ss to copy down the lesson to their copybooks
5 min
Reading Lesson Plan

Teacher : Hassan Ait Hammou School : Errazi high school

Class/ Level : 1st Bac Materials : Textbook,Board

Textbook : Ticket to English

Unit 3: Health and welfare Lesson: Keep healthy

Focus : Reading Time : 55 mins

Integrated skills: speaking, writing
Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :

-Skim and scan the text.

- Take notes from the text on healthy habits.
-write a paragraph talking about their healthy habits.
Stage / Time Activity Procedure

Warm-up Greeting+review Recycling the previously taught lesson + Creating a friendly atmosphere.
5 min
Pre-reading 1-T and Ss discuss the questions in page 39 :
10 min a. One important way to stay healthy is to diagnose your health problems as
Discussion early as possible.
b. What you eat affects your energy, your ability to concentrate and your
c. All those hours of study mean that your brain gets a good workout, but it’s
also important to keep your body in shape by doing physical exercise.

While-reading matching Task 1: Matching exercise

20 min
Statements Subtitle of text
a. One important way to stay healthy 3. Body awareness
is to diagnose your health problems
as early as possible.
b. What you eat affects your energy, 2. Your diet
your ability to concentrate and your
c. All those hours of study mean that 1. exercising
your brain gets a good workout, but
it’s also important to keep your body
in shape by doing physical exercise.

Matching Task 2: Choose the correct answer

1. Exercising gives good results if you…………………….
2. Diseases are lower in people who eat…………………….
3. If you are aware of your body changes, you will……………………
Diagram Task 3: Complete the diagrams
completion a. Exercising has a lot of benefits

b. By having a balanced diet, you will

C. Body awareness means

Post-reading writing Follow up, P 40: Ss write a paragraph answering the questions :
15 min 1. Do you train regularly?
2. Do you get enough sleep?
3. Do you eat varied food?
4. Do you have a medical check-up?
Speaking Lesson Plan

Teacher : Hassan Ait Hammou School : Errazi high school

Class/ Level : 1st Bac Materials : Textbook, Board
Textbook : Ticket to English
Unit 3 : Health and welfare Lesson : Introducing the unit: Health tips
Focus : speaking Time : 60 mins
Integrated component: Vocabulary
Integrated skills: writing, speaking
Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :

- Identify some vocabulary items related to health.

- talk about and compare health tips in groups.
Stage / Time Activity Procedure
Warm-up greeting -T greets Ss:” Good morning”
5 min -T. asks: “How are you doing?”
Setting up - T says: Today we start a new unit about Health and welfare.
15 min -T helps students to understand the meaning of each word.
-T discusses the proverb on page 37 with Ss.
-T draws a spider diagram on the board and writes “health tips” in the middle.
Pictures - Ss work in pairs and describe the pictures (page 38) and match them with
description health tips.(exercise1)
Brainstorming -Ss tick the good practices and cross the bad ones.(exercise 2).
-T guides the students to fill in the spider diagram on the board with the health
tips already studies.

T instructs Ss:
- Make groups of 4 Ss.
- Each group will discuss these health tips (T points at the health tips on the
Introducing the borad).
speaking - After discussing them, write a speech about “health tips”
activity - Then, Choose a spokesperson for your group to read the speech at the end.

Speaking Discussion -While Ss are speaking/discussing the health tips:

Practice -T circulates, listens, and takes notes of language errors but doesn’t correct
20 min immediately.
-T is monitoring, guiding, and scaffolding Ss.
Feedback Speech -After Ss finish discussing and writing, T asks the spokesperson of each group
15 min performance to perform the group’s speech.
-While they are performing; T takes notes about their mistakes, language used,
and intonations…..

……. After they finish.

- T gives a verbal feedback about the Ss’ performance and the language used
- T writes mistakes on the board (grammatical, pronunciation, the appropriate
use of vocabulary….)
- T gives priority to peer-correction
- T explains if necessary.
End of the session - T asks Ss to copy down the spider diagram to their copybooks
5 min
Teacher : Hassan Ait Hammou School : Errazi high school
Class/ Level : 1 Bac Materials : Textbook, Board
Textbook : Ticket to English
Unit 3 : Health and welfare Lesson : the informal letter
Focus : writing Time : 55 mins
Integrated skills: speaking

Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :

-recognize the format of an informal letter.

- write an informal letter asking for advice about a personal problem.

Stage / Activity Procedure

Warm- greeting -T greets Ss:” Good morning”
up -T. asks: “How are you doing?”
3 min

Pre- Brainstorming Health Family problems

writing ans providing problems
15 min Ss with input
headache My father doesn’t let me travel alone
My mother doesn’t allow me watch my favourite TV programme.
Acne spots My brother/ sister takes my clothes all the time.
Bad backache My mother orders me to do a lot of housework
Curly hair
Poor appetite
Expressions of asking for advice:
Tell me what I can do
What do you advise me to do?
What should I do?
I must apologise for not having written before now.
Bye for now.……………………..

Drafting First writing -Ss write write their first draft following the model given.
10 min attempt

Revising -Ss revise their letters and check the layout.

5 min
Editing Self-correction -Ss are asked to go over their writing for a second time so as to check cohesion (grammar,
10 min of the punctuation, use of linking words……)
mistakes As a final step Ss write the final neat draft

Publishing -I ask some Ss to read their product in front of the whole class.
5 mins
Homework T asks Ss to write the letter at home and bring it next time in a double sheet.

Writing Lesson Plan

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