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Genetic Engineering

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- Worked together to show that cells

GMO: of patients with Adenosine

Genetically modified organisms and deaminase (ADA) deficiency can be
gene therapy corrected in tissue culture
- Genetics is what makes us similar to - The first one to do a gene therapy is
other organisms for all organisms doctor anderson.
contain genes or dna.
- Rosalyn franklin - structure of dna
- Discovery was attributed to James ENGINEERING:
Watson and Francis Crick aided by
the works of Rosalind Franklin and Growth Rate:
Maurice Wilkins - They included the gene of a salmon
- Gene carries a certain trait. pout? Para mas bumilis ung pag laki
- Found in your nucleus ng salmon.

Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen Pest Resistance:

- Inventors of recombinant - DNA - BT Corn. Injected a gene from
technology bacillus thuringiensis to the corn gna
- They believed that they can combine then that gene makes the corn
or modify a dna resistant from corn borer.
- If gusto mong magamot ang certain
sakit (genetic na sakit) then you Virus resistance
have to remove a part of that gene - genetically modified papaya
that causes disease. inserted with PRSV papaya
ringspat? virus so the papaya
Genetically Modified Organisms nagging immune sa infestation ng
- Products of artificial manipulation virus. Di na sila affected ng PRSV
and alteration of a species' genetic
material in a laboratory using genetic Herbicide tolerance
engineering - soybeans included with glyphosate
- Cross breeds which is a component of an
- Cloning herbicide, hindi na affected ng
- Mutations herbicide ung soybean.

Theodore Friedman and Richard Roblin Fortification

- Proposed that people with genetic - addition of micronutrients to a
disorders can be treated by product. For example pag ang
replacing defective DNA with good consumer is deficient sa vit A.
DNA Golden rice added with beta
carotene which is a precursor to
Dr. William French Anderson and Dr. vitamin a. Ex: NIDO dha fortified.
Michael Blasse
Cosmetic preservation
- apples naturally turn brown because - Higher efficiency in farming
of oxidation. But for oxidation to - Increase in harvest
occur dapat may polyphenol - Control in fertility
oxidase, so for arctic apple they - Increase in food processing
removes the polyphenol oxidase - Improvement of desirable
para di mag brown. characteristics
- Nutritional and pharmaceutical
Flower Production enhancement
- Blue rose - they added 51 - Reduce use of fertilizer and
hydroxylase and — to make the rose pesticide
Potential risk
Paper production - Inadequate studies on effects to
- to produce paper u need a lignin and humans and environment.
it is very hard to extract it from - Promotes mutation in organism
leaves so they add ferulic acid to which long term effect is unknown
make it easier - More allergic reactions (Expecting
this because you get a DNA from a
Pharmaceutical products peanut then you added that to a
- Periwinkle. product them a consumer who is
- They added a portion of a bacteria to allergic to peanut can be allergic to
enhance the production of that product)
vinblastine as a treatment for cancer. - Gene mutation (alteration in genetic
make up)
Bioremediation - Antibiotic resistance
- Removing contaminants/pollutants - Nutritional value (modern problem
from the source using organisms. because we tend to use fortified
- You can extract gold using products too much then we dont get
bioremediation these nutrients naturally )
- Ex: treat a soil that has a high level - Risk in gene flow (if mag ccross
of mercury. There is a plant that can breed ka ng natural and modified)
sip mercury so u plant that to the - Emergence of new forms of
soil. resistance and secondary weeds
and pests problems
Enzyme and drug production - New pathogens
- Humulin - common drug for diabetes - Disruption of natural communities
type 1 through competition or interference
- to synthesize insulin, they use pigs - May post as threats or become pest
and cows to extract insulin. For - Interference to natural biochemical
humulin they used a gene from a cycles
bacteria to increase the yield of - Alteration of agricultural practices
bacteria. - Impacts to biodiversity
- Varied environmental impacts
- May alter the balance of existing handle the genetically
microorganisms in the digestive modified plants and products
system ● 2010 - Organic Agriculture Act
- Production of toxin - It encourages the way of
- Production of allergens organic farming. Not modify.
Allow it to grow on its own.
How do we protect ourselves from risks? Negros occidental and
oriental followed this organis
Biosafety on GMOs agriculture act. Sa davao,
- Codex Alimentarius Commission they did not allow the entry of
- Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety genetically modified products
- International Trade Agreement on ● 2012 - Bill pushing the mandatory
labeling of GM food and food - casino filed a bill para ma
products labelan lahat if it is gmo or
Cartagena - we are signatories of it ● 2015 - SC ordered to put an end to
International trade - pag may commercially the field testing of GMO Bt eggplant
available product and declared Administrative Order
and it uses gmo, dapat nakalagay sa No. 8 s.2022 null and void
packaging kung ano yung mga genetically ● 2016 - DOST, DA, DEN, DOH and
modified products na ginamit doon. It DILG passed a joint circular No.1 s.
separated the natural from the genetically 2016 on the rules and regulations for
modified the R&D, handling and use,
transboundary movement, release in
GMO in the Philippines the environment and management of
● 1990 - EO No. 430: creation of the GM plant and plant products derived
National Committee on Biosafety of from the use of modern
the Philippines (NCBP) biotechnology
- 1990 - they made rules and - Ngayon binawi na ng
regulations on how to handle supreme court to ban the
genetically modified testing of genetically
● 2002 - DA Administrative Order modified eggplants
No. 8: Guidelines on the importation
and release to the environment of GMO in the Philippines
plants and plant products ● Writ of Kalikasan
● 2006 - Philippines as part of the ● Right to a balanced and healthful
Cartagena Protocol ecology
● EO No. 514- Biosafety requirements
of the Cartagena Protocol and
establishment of National Biosafety
Framework (NBF)
- Biosafety framework - it sets
the guidelines on how we

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