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Far Eastern University 1st Semester 2021-2022

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Formative Assessment 5: Lighting Analysis on Perceptual Psychology


Student Number: 2020033261
Course Facilitator: AR. RHEA OLIMPO

Rendered Image Pleasantness Visual Clarity Spaciousness

Well-Balanced Contrasting Effortless and
The lighting scheme The chosen Expansive
imparts a classic approach The direct lighting
charm to the establishes a approach offers a
environment, utilizing pronounced interplay simple illumination,
a commonly of light and ensuring that every
employed method shadows, evident in corner within the
that emphasizes the sharp delineation room is well-lit,
simplicity and a direct of edges upon creating an optical
approach, resulting in scrutinizing the illusion of
Approach: DIRECT LIGHT a well-lit and clear photos; spaciousness as
Lighting fixtures used: ambiance; the clinic nevertheless, the each area of the
(1) Variable exudes a friendly and space remains clinic is clearly
Hanging Ceiling inviting atmosphere, visually coherent, visible.
Light (90-120lm) creating a warm and well-lit, and distinctly
PC ABS homey feel through clear, rendering it
effective illumination. exceptionally suited
for its intended

Elegance in Refined Mist Atmosphere Expansive Yet

Style The indoor fog effect Optically Cozy
The indirect design imparts a sensation
approach is of mistiness within Although
commonly seen or the room, striking a meticulously
used in cove lighting. delicate equilibrium planned and
This makes the between light and designed for
Consultation room dimness. It provides spaciousness, the
look more sufficient illumination lighting approach
Approach: INDIRECT LIGHT sophisticated for visibility while imparts a nuanced
Lighting fixtures used: because it looks maintaining a effect, making the
(1) Modern Japan more high-end and subdued brightness, room appear slightly
Tri Color elegant. It sets a distinguishing itself smaller than its true
Chandelier (110- different mood for the from other size. With
220V) clinic: it looks more approaches that illumination primarily
refreshing and overly accentuate emanating from the
stylish. every detail, creating central cove light,
a more subtle and the well-lit center
atmospheric contrasts with
ambiance. shadowed corners,
creating an illusion
of compactness and
visual coziness.
Equilibrium, Unity, Clearly Unified Everything is Well-
Tranquility The lighting Aligned
The diffused lighting effortlessly Every element in
technique introduces establishes a serene the area seems to
a distinctive and ideal ambient be on the right
ambiance to the mood, contributing to trajectory, with the
space, exemplifying a sense of cohesion diffused lighting
how even a simple where everything striking a perfect
style can significantly feels seamlessly balance—neither
Approach: DIFFUSE LIGHT influence the integrated. Unlike too striking nor
Lighting fixtures used: atmosphere. It the starkness of overwhelming. It
(1) Wood Cage transforms the clinic direct or indirect uniformly illuminates
Pendant Ceiling into a haven of approaches, the the entire space,
Light serenity, where every lighting is just right, ensuring visibility in
element is in perfect providing visibility every corner and
balance. The lighting, without excess, contributing to a
precisely tailored to ensuring each detail perception of a
the office's is discernible. This spacious clinic,
requirements, is nuanced balance offering users a
neither overpowering creates an welcoming and
nor insufficient, atmosphere where expansive
achieving a everything appears environment.
harmonious and to be precisely at the
tranquil effect. optimal level,
meeting the
requirements of the
space with finesse.
Ideal Harmony Exquisite Detailing Expansive yet
This particular The abundant
approach effectively lighting throughout The combination of
mitigates or the area ensures lighting elements
eliminates the that every inch of the results in a well-lit
drawbacks room is sufficiently room that enhances
associated with both illuminated, allowing visibility and imparts
direct and indirect for the appreciation a sense of
lighting methods. It of intricate details. spaciousness;
Approach: COMBINATION OF DIRECT cultivates a relaxing Further research however, the
AND INDIRECT LIGHTING atmosphere, could explore potential downside
Lighting fixtures used: ensuring ample specific lighting arises from
(1) LED Crown illumination and techniques, fixtures, excessive light,
Flus (220V) infusing a sense of or technologies that which could be
(2)Spotlight 5W White elegance into the contribute to distracting and
space. Further showcasing and discomforting for
research could delve enhancing the finer individuals in the
into specific lighting elements within a space. Further
technologies or space. research might
design principles that explore strategies to
contribute to this balance the desire
balanced and refined for ample
outcome. illumination with
considerations for
minimizing potential
distractions or
discomfort caused
by excessive
Dramatic Flair, Not Inappropriate Fit Spatial
Quite Right Given that the Constriction
The lighting approach lighting is directed in This lighting
introduces a sense of a single direction, approach results in
drama, creating a not all areas receive uneven illumination,
mood that seems to adequate leaving certain
unfold a narrative illumination, resulting areas in shadows
within the space. in some spaces and darkness,
Operating like a lacking clarity. This which visually
spotlight, it approach proves diminishes the
Approach: ASYMMETRICAL LIGHT accentuates focal less than ideal for perceived size and
Lighting fixtures used: points, such as the clinics where width of the space.
(1) LED 1W doctor's consultation comprehensive A detailed analysis
Mini Ceiling desk, yet it appears lighting is crucial, as reveals that only the
Mount Spotlight somewhat misaligned it falls short of section up to the
(AC220V) with the intended illuminating all areas door receives
setting, raising effectively. While adequate light,
questions about its suitable for while the remaining
suitability for the highlighting specific space beyond the
overall ambiance. spaces, it may not door lacks sufficient
be the best fit for illumination,
environments creating a visual
requiring uniform impression of
brightness. emptiness or an
abrupt end to the
Uncomplicated Efficient Ample Space,
Neutrality Performance Ideal for Your
An approach based The equilibrium and Requirements
on symmetry ensures even distribution of This lighting solution
an even distribution light effectively ensures visibility in
of light across all illuminate the entire all facets of the
areas of the room, space, offering a clinic, crafting a
resulting in a clinic clear and visual portrayal of a
that exudes a sense comprehensive view comfortable and
of cleanliness and of the clinic and its expansive space. Its
Approach: SYMMETRICAL LIGHT wholeness. Despite interior elements. effect gives the
Lighting fixtures used: its simplicity, this This approach impression of a
(1) SHIMAIER basic method leaves excels in fulfilling its roomy clinic that
Lighting LEED a strong and positive purpose without can easily
(220V) impression on the being costly or labor- accommodate
space, avoiding intensive to numerous visitors
unnecessary drama implement, making it without concerns of
or complexity while an ideal and overcrowding. The
achieving a well-lit practical choice for lighting approach
and cleanly aesthetic. the project. creates an optical
illusion, presenting
the clinic as larger
than those
alternative lighting








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