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Background Noise The minimum sound pressure capable of

stimulating an auditory sensation,

The sound normally present in an
usually at 0dB.
environment. It is usually a composite of
sounds from both exterior and interior Threshold of Pain
sources where none of which are
The level of sound intensity high enough
distinctly identifiable to the listener. It is
to produce the sensation of pain in the
also called Ambient Sound.
human ear, usually around 130dB.
Impact Noise
Auditory Fatigue
A structure-borne sound generated by
Physical and mental weariness caused
physical impact, as perceived from
by prolonged exposure to loud noises.
footsteps or from moving the furniture.
White Noise
It is the predominant frequency of a
An unvarying, unobtrusive
sound perceived by human ear.
(unremarkable) sound having the same
intensity for all frequencies of a given FREQUENCY (f)
band. It is used to mask or obliterate
unwanted sound. It is also known as The number of cycles (sound ripples)
white sound. that the air particles move back and
forth generated in unit time (in one
INTENSITY second) in a sound wave is called the
frequency of the wave. Its unit is cycles
Threshold of Hearing
per second (c/s) which is also termed
Hertz (Hz) after the Austrian physicist
Heinrich Hertz (1857-94).
WAVELENGTH (λ) Lighting designed to provide a
uniform level of illumination throughout
The distance, measured in the direction
an area.
of the propagation of a wave, from any
one point to the next point of LOCAL LIGHTING
corresponding phase.
Lighting designed to provide a
Wave relatively high level of illumination over
a small area with surrounding area of
A disturbance or oscillation that
lower intensity from spill light.
transfers energy from point to point in a
medium or space without advance by the TASK LIGHTING
points themselves, as in the transmission
Lighting designed to provide
of sound or light.
strong illumination for visually
Sound Wave demanding activity, such as drafting or
A longitudinal pressure wave in an air or
an elastic medium producing an audible ACCENT LIGHTING
Lighting that calls attention to a
Daylighting is the practice of placing particular object or feature in the visual
windows or other openings and field, or that forms decorative pattern on
reflective surfaces so that during the day a surface.
natural light provides effective internal
Lighting in which luminaires distribute
90%-100% of the emitted light
downward on the surface or area to be
SEMI-DIRECT LIGHTING especially to avoid glare or prevent
Lighting in which luminaires distribute
60%-90% of the emitted light Luminaire is a lighting unit consisting
downward. of one or more electric lamps with all of
the necessary parts and wiring for
positioning and protecting the lamps,
Lighting in which luminaires distribute connecting the lamps to a power supply
90%-100% of the emitted light upward, and distributing the light.

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