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Group Treatment Outline

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Group Treatment Plan Outline

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow Up

Author: Jesse Glidden OTA-S, Anahy Guillen OTA-S, Chloe Kelley OTA-S, Danika Roda

Frame of Reference: For this intervention process, our group has selected the Model of
Human Occupation or MOHO as a frame of reference. We chose this Frame of
Reference because MOHO focuses on volition, habituation and performance capacity.
In regards to treating people with anorexia, using MOHO allows us as OT practitioners
to approach our clients to be able to promote positive habits and motivation to develop
better lifestyle choices involving one’s health and wellness with food and self-esteem.
This will help address dysfunctions in these specific areas.

Purpose:The purpose of this series of group interventions is to help clients who are
recovering from anorexia that need assistance with coping skills, relaxation techniques,
communication skills, self esteem building and meal planning and preparation.

Group Membership and Size: This group will comprise of 6 clients of any gender within
the ages of 13-18 years of age who have been diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. This
group is for clients who seek to redesign their lifestyle to be more mindful and increase
self esteem. As well as promote time management, improve communication skills, and
practice healthy meal preparation. This group is not intended for individuals that have
just been admitted to the inpatient rehabilitation center.

Group Goals:
1. Group members will practice self esteem in order to gain confidence in body
perception and performance capacity. This will be addressed in sessions (#1 &
#6), “Self-Esteem” & “Assertive Communication”.
2. Group members will be able to identify mindful and relaxation techniques. This
goal will be addressed in sessions (#2 & #3), “Mindfulness” & “Journaling”.
3. Group members will be able to express positive emotions towards meal planning
and preparation. This goal will be addressed in session (#4), “Meal Planning &
4. Group members will be able to recognize how to prioritize and organize their
time. This will be addressed in session (#5), “Time Management”.

Outcome Criteria: In order to determine each group member’s progress toward these
goals, we will use a pre-post rating scale that inquires on the client’s performance
capacity to work on time management, self-esteem, communication skills, mindful
practices, and healthy meal planning and preparation. Group members will complete a
physical rating scale on paper to compare the client's feeling of their performance
capacity pre-post intervention.

● Sessions 1 & 4 will use a combination of individual and group activities that will
help develop trust and social interactions with other members of the group to
address self-esteem and exposure to meal preparation.
● Sessions 2 & 3 will use a combination of individual and group activities that will
involve reflection through video and structured discussion around written
worksheets to address mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
● Sessions 5 & 6 will use a combination of individual and group activities that
address assertive communication and actions to organize one’s time through
written worksheets and group discussion.
● Facilitative Leadership

Time and Place of Meeting:

Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 will take place within a common private room with chairs and a
table available. The group will meet from 9am-12pm.

Session 6 will take place within the patio and the group will meet from 9am-12pm.
Supplies and Cost:

Pack Worksheets $3.54

4 boxes of spaghetti $1.99 x 4 = $7.96

2 bags of marshmallows $2.29 x 2 = $4.58

2 rolls of masking tape $2.94x 2 = $5.88

Pack Sticky Notes $6.00

Pack of Markers $1.99

6x Magazines $5 x 6 = $30

6x Newspapers $0

3x Recycled Amazon Boxes $0

6x Bingo Cards $0.30

6x Printed Mad Libs Questionnaire Sheets $0.30

Glue $1.25

1 Pack of A4 paper 8.5” x 11” & Standard $0.01

Yield Printer Ink Cartridge (1pc= $ 0.01)
[HP monthly subscription $4.99 for 100

12 Pack of Pencils $1.25

Pack of Cardstock $8

Personal Laptop ∅

Total $71.06

Executive functioning. Tools To Grow, Inc. (2021, October 4). Retrieved from

Hishon, K. (2022, March 11). Warm-up exercise: Pair up. The Theatrefolk Blog. Retrieved from

McCubbrey, D. (2020). Edit V 3. Retrieved from

Nast, C. (2008, July 29). Body-image Mad Libs! Glamour.
Positive Affirmation Bingo. (n.d.). Bingo Baker.

Rachelle. (2022, February 15). Spaghetti Tower Marshmallow Challenge. TinkerLab. Retrieved

Robinson, A. (2022, November 30). 21 fun communication games for teams in 2023. Retrieved from

Mindfulness big bundle worksheets mindfulness therapy. Etsy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2023,

Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Be Present. (2016, October 12). Daily Calm |
10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Be Present. YouTube.
Pin by lisa talbot on Elsa | Social thinking, Self esteem, Rolling dice. (n.d.). Pinterest.
Outcome Criteria:
Pre-Post Intervention Assessment
1) I am able to effectively communicate with others.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
2) I feel that I can have a positive attitude towards myself.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
3) I am able to create and maintain relationships (friends, family, etc.)
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
4) I am capable of being able to manage my time well.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
5) I feel confident in creating healthy choices in meal preparation and planning.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
6) I feel able to positively cope with obstacles and struggles in life.
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Group Session Outline

Session 1 of 6

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow Up

Session Title: Self-esteem

Format: 5 minutes Group Formation

15 minutes Group activity: Affirmation dice
25 minutes Individual activity: Affirmation Blackout Bingo
10 minutes Individual activity: Affirmation mad lib, fill out and share
5 minutes Closing: participants share thoughts and clean Up
Total time: 60 minutes3` eds

3- premade box made from amazon box for affirmation
Blackout Bingo worksheet
Printed mad lib sheet

Introduction: The purpose of this session is to help those who have been diagnosed with
an eating disorder regain or gain self-esteem. By increasing their self-esteem, individuals with
anorexia nervosa may experience less body dissatisfaction and reduce their eating disorder
behavior. The session includes group activities such as affirmation dice, affirmation bingo, and
affirmation mad libs followed by individual reflection, and concludes with a discussion where
students can share their thoughts about the activities.

Warm-up: After Group Formation, the class will be divided into three group consist of 6-7
member. Members of the group will be together at their designated area.

Activity: Affirmation Dice: The group will play a dice for 15 minutes and take turns to roll
it. Whoever the person rolls the dice he/she needs to respond to a prompt question that they
see on the dice. After they answer the question, they need to pass the dice to the person sitting
on their right side. Repeat the steps until all the members answer prompt questions. The
students/participants should answer 3 prompts questions to end the affirmation dice activity.
Affirmation Blackout Bingo: The presenter will explain the rules and mechanics of affirmation
bingo and distribute bingo sheets to the students. The student/s will play Blackout bingo
individually for 25 minutes. The instructor will then proceed to call out the items one by one
using an online call list generator. The winner is the first person to cover all the spots on their
bingo card, and they should raise their hand and shout “Bingo” to signal their victory.
Affirmation Mad lib: The presenter will handout the question worksheet to the
students/participants. Student/participants will fill out the question and after that the student will
share their answer by inserting into the blanks of the paragraph of the mad lib.

Conclusion:Sharing students choose among the three activities and share their thoughts
about it. The importance of this activity is to help replace negative thoughts with a positive one
and also to build self-esteem. Affirming things about yourself that you value can help to boost
your overall sense of self and self-worth, and it can improve your ability to cope with
destabilizing experiences.
Group Session Outline

Session 2 of 6

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow-up

Session Title: Mindfulness

Format: 2 minutes: Recap last week

3 minutes: Introduction of mindfulness activities

5 minutes: Guided mindfulness meditation video

35 minutes: Vision Board (copy attached)

5 minutes: Inside my Mind worksheet (copy attached)

Total time: 60 minutes


· Introduction: At the beginning of the session, we will explain to the clients about
mindfulness and how it is beneficial. Mindfulness practice has been shown to reduce anxiety
and depression. Mindfulness practice also helps with stress and sleep management.

· Warm-Up: At the beginning of the session, the therapist will play a 5-minute mindfulness
video for clients to encourage remaining present during this session.

Activities: In the beginning the therapist will pass out all the materials for the vision board
activity. The therapist will then show clients how to make the vision board using the attached
vision board kit. Clients will choose the photos, phrases, and affirmation cards they want to use.
They will cut them out and glue them onto a piece of cardstock. For the inside my mind activity
the therapist will pass out the inside my mind worksheets and pens before instructing the clients
to write down all their thoughts and feelings that they are currently experiencing.

Conclusion: Sharing: Ask the clients if they would like to share their vision boards.

Summary: The importance of this activity is to allow clients to be more mindful. The client
should have a better understanding of being mindful as well as feeling comfortable writing down
their thoughts and feelings.


6 Vision Board Kit

6 Inside my head worksheets

6 pairs of scissors

6 glue sticks
6 pens

6 pieces of Cardstock

6 newspapers

6 magazines
Group Session Outline

Session 3 of 6

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow-Up

Session Title: Journaling

Format: 5 minutes: Intro to Journaling activities

10 minutes: What are 10 things I love about myself discussion
10 minutes: Group Discussion on Prompt Share
10 minutes: Nutrition Wisdom worksheet
10 minutes: Discussion on Nutrition Diagram
10 minutes: Love Yourself (Gratitude worksheet)
5 minutes: End discussion
Total time: 60 minutes

Introduction: We will go over writing methods and the advantages of journaling for
mental health at the start of the therapy session. By assisting one in prioritizing problems,
anxieties, and concerns, journaling has been demonstrated to manage symptoms and enhance
mood in the recovery from eating disorders. Daily symptom tracking can assist in identifying
triggers and better understanding how to manage them.

· Warm-Up: After a brief introduction to journaling, the therapist will facilitate a discussion
and invite clients to share ten qualities they admire about themselves. Clients will be able to
encourage one another and realize they are not alone.

· Activities: After the group discussion, the "Nutrition Wisdom" worksheet will be given out.
The therapist will provide the clients directions on how to go over and complete the worksheet
as much as they can. The worksheet instructs clients on the value of various nutrients for health
and explains how the body processes things like water, vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates.
The therapist will also include a visual representation to help highlight the importance of each
area. The same directions for the first worksheet's accompanying "Love Yourself" worksheet will
also be provided. A group conversation will be done to talk over ideas and emotions after the

Conclusion: The importance of this activity is to encourage clients to journal and track
triggers and better understand how to manage them.

6 “Nutrition Wisdom” worksheets
6 “Love Yourself” worksheets
6 Pencils
6 Food diagrams
Group Session Outline

Session 4 of 6

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow Up

Session Title: Meal Preparation- Exposure


5 minutes: Group Formation

10 minutes: Give Instructions

5 minutes: Planning Structure Blueprint

20 minutes: Tower Building

5 minutes: Reflection

5 minutes: Clean Up

60 minutes: Total


Introduction: The reason for this activity is to expose the group of teenagers to food in a
safe way that does not require them to consume it. This also allows for group collaboration that
allows them to participate in an activity that is creative. This activity will take place inside a
private common room and will last at most 60 minutes.

Warm-up: After checking in with each participant about their day, the setting will be set
up at two different tables. Three group members will be at each table as two different teams. At
each table will be a roll of masking tape, a bag of masking tape, two boxes of spaghetti, two
pieces of A4 Paper, and two colored markers.

Activities: The two teams will be first instructed on creating a blueprint of a spaghetti
tower that will be made with the given materials. This planning stage will take place for about
five minutes. After being given time to plan, the teams will have twenty minutes to build their
towers out of uncooked spaghetti, masking tape, and marshmallows. Once the twenty minutes
are up, each team will be given five minutes to present their tower project and how they planned
out their towers. As well as time to reflect on how working on the spaghetti structures made
them feel. Afterwards, the group will be given five to ten minutes to clean up.

Conclusion: The importance of this activity is to build a better and healthy relationship
with food. By placing the group into teams, it creates a rapport with the other members of the
group that they have support and are not alone. With the final discussion regarding the finished
structure allows for reflection to be done about the feeling of creation with others.

4 Boxes of Spaghetti Noodles

2 Bags of Marshmallows

2 Rolls of Masking Tape

4 Pieces of A4 Paper

4 Colored Markers
Group Session Outline

Session 5 of 6

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow Up

Session Title: Prioritizing Your Time

Format: 5 minutes: Check In

10 minutes: Give Out Categorizing Worksheets

15 minutes: Explain Categorizing Worksheets

30 minutes: Let them on the worksheet/Hand Out Prioritizing Worksheets

40 minutes: Work On Prioritizing Worksheets

45 minutes: Discussion

50 minutes: Clean Up

Total time: 60 minutes


Introduction: The reason for this activity is to bring awareness to occupational roles that
the group individuals may have and share. As well as recognize what kind of activities are
important to their lives.

Warm-Up: To start off the activity, the group will sit around a table in the private common
room to promote brainstorming and discussion. At the table will be a pack of twelve pencils and
the twelve worksheets.

Activities: After checking in with each participant about their day, the group will be
instructed to come up with activities that they find meaningful or that they do daily and sort them
by category on the first worksheet. The group will be allowed to discuss among themselves to
brainstorm ideas. This first worksheet will be given ten minutes to work on. Afterwards,
individually the group will prioritize some of the activities in a list of ten. This second worksheet
will be given five minutes to work on. Afterwards, a five minute discussion about the prioritizing
worksheet to reflect on the process. Finally, the group will be given five to ten minutes to clean
up once discussion wraps up.

Conclusion: The importance of this activity is to create understanding of occupations that

bring the individuals in the group meaningful and find communion on shared roles and activities
they do. With the final discussion regarding the finished structure allows for reflection to be done

12 Worksheets (6 Priority List & 6 Categorizing)

12 Pencils
1) 2)

3) 4)

5) 6)

7) 8)

9) 10)
Group Session Outline

Session 6 of 6

Group Title: Mental Wellness Glow Up

Session Title: Assertive Communication


5 minutes: Check In

10 minutes: Birthday Lineup/ Pairing Up

15 minutes: Give Out Supplies/Back to Back Drawing

30 minutes: Back to Back Drawing- Discussion

40 minutes: Give Out Supplies/ Famous Pairs Game

45 minutes: Famous Pairs Game- Discussion

50 minutes: Clean Up

Total time: 60 minutes


Introduction: The reason for this activity is to show the importance of why communication
is important and how being assertive can help self-expression of thoughts and building

Warm-Up: To set up the activity, the group will be instructed and given five minutes to
sort themselves by birthday and age in a line on the patio. By doing this, will the group be paired
into teams of two for the first activity of the session. Each pair will be given a marker and two
pieces of paper with different reference images.

Activities: After checking in with each participant about their day, the group will be paired
up from a communicative activity in which they will be given five minutes to work together and
sort themselves into a line by birthday order. For the second activity, the pairs will sit on the
patio back to back, to play a drawing game. For each round for each pair, they will decide which
person will be the “drawer” and will be the “direction-giver”. The “direction-giver” for each round
will instruct the drawing reference they are given to the “drawer” using only verbal instructions.
The “drawer” is not allowed to ask questions. Each round will take around five minutes. After the
two rounds are finished, there will be a group discussion about who each individual felt about
being in each role.

For the final activity once the first is finished, each group participant will be given a sticky
note to put on their back with one part of a famous pair. The group will have five minutes to
discuss amongst themselves and find the matching pair that matches the person written on their
back. Participants must not tell the other person the name of the character but will answer
questions about the individual in order to figure out who they are. They may give a description of
who they are (once they figure it out) or say a common phrase, to help them find their match,

Conclusion: The importance of this activity is to help participants recognize the value of
communication and assertiveness.


1 Pack of Sticky Notes

6 Color Markers
6 Pieces of Paper with A Reference Image
1) SpongeBob & Patrick
2) Shrek & Donkey
3) Woody & Buzz Lightyear
4) Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia
5) Mario & Princess Peach
6) Tom & Jerry
7) Anna & Elsa
8) Mickey & Minnie Mouse
9) Ash Ketchum & Pikachu
10) Miss Piggy & Kermit

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