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Lead Time Reduction Case Study

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A Case Study on Reducing in Lead Time by Using Value Stream Mapping

Conference Paper · June 2017


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2 authors, including:

Shubham Awasthi
Government Engineering College Banswara


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International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 52 - 57

A Case Study on Reducing in Lead Time by Using Value Stream Mapping

Krunal Makwana1, Shubham Awasthi 2

PG Student, Production Technology (Mechanical),Parul Institute of Technology
Parul University,
Asst. Professor , Production Technology (Mechanical),Parul Institute of Technology
Parul University ,

Abstract: In the competitive and economic market, Industries needs shorter lead time, low cost and high customer demand satisfaction. So such
industries face cost reduction and efficiency challenges. To sustain and stabilize market industries have to find out ways to reduce production
time, cost and elimination of waste to improve operating performance and product quality. Value stream mapping technique maps material flow,
information flow, activities and other process elements that are part of supply chain. The visual picture simplifies lean approach by identifying
the value-added and non-value added stages. The primary objective of this study is to increase the productivity against the demand. The Quality
related issue regarding material & material shortage online is not in the scope of this study. A value stream means working on the big picture,
not a just individual process; and not a just optimization but an actual improvement. It covers value adding as well as non-value-adding activities
his research shows benefit associated with the implementation of the lean program. This case study shows a manufacturing industry case study.
Keywords: Production lead time, Value stream mapping, Nonvalue-added time

Lean manufacturing is a philosophy derived from •To explore the Current State Map by collecting the
the Toyota Production System (TPS). TPS is base on waste data from the shop floor
elimination. Which beliefs in customer satisfaction through •To identify the problems faced by the company
continuous improvement (Womack et al. 1990, 1996)[1]. regarding Non-Value Added time and minimize the waste.
The research study was carried out in a manufacturing •To propose Future State Value Map which can
industry. The objective is to matching supply and demand of reduce Production lead time, increase the Value added time
in-house production. For this, to know supply chain losses and reduce non-value added time.
or nonvalue-added activities is necessary.

Fig.1. VSM Methodology

i. Identifying product family: To focus on one standard symbols used in VSM drawing for easy
particular item for improvement. understanding.
ii. Drawing current state value map: It includes all v. Implementation and Measure benefits: Last step
VA, NVA, NNVA activities. We can bring CVSM is about the implementing of techniques and measuring
according to past data and customer feedback. benefits achieved from them. [2]
iii. Drawing future state value map: By Continuous
analyzing and brainstorming we can draw our targeted Thus the cycle of VSM will not stop after
VSM. implementation of FVSM, it will become CVSM for next
iv. Work plan: Using lean tools (kanban, supply project, and continuous improvement process will be carried
chain management, poka-yoke, MRP.etc) we have to plan a out.t).
best promising way to achieve the goal. There are some

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @ (Special Issue)
International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 52 - 57
3. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE bottlenecks. Moreover, parts have to be transferred from
REVIEW machine to machine for completion of the operations. This
Gokulraju R, Vigneshwar K [3] has suggested to reduce lead situation causes a decrease in labor productivity and
time and increase the throughput of a high-pressure gate increases material handling cost. Therefore, these causes
valve production line through the use of value stream map. delay of orders, lower quality, less labor productivity, more
By implementing line balancing, 5S and ergonomics the waiting times, larger Work in progress (WIP), longer
highest performance potential of the manufacturing system material movement. To these problems, it is necessary to
can be achieved.Vikram M. Patil, S. G. Bhatwadekar[1] has identify the key areas, which are producing wastes, and
applied lean tools, various gap areas in the current state were determining the bottleneck operations in supply chain. The
linked in order to prepare future state map. Lean tools such following information is related to production line: The
as TAKT Time Calculation, First In First Out, following information is related to production line: working
Transportation elimination and Continuous Flow were used shift per day; coating shop=1, Brazing Shop= 3, Press shop
for waste reduction.By controlling WIP inventory fewer = 3, store= 1.5, cleaning= 1. Daily available time= 480 pcs,
than 66% and reducing production lead time by 3 days 4.2 working hour per shift= 480min, lunch brake= 40min, other
hr in the time span of a quarter year, we can say VSM is the allowances= 20 min, Down time= 0 min.
effective way to control the inventory and reduce lead time
by modifications in the existing manufacturing conditions. CSM
Jafri Mohd Rohania, Seyed Mojib Zahraeea [4] by applying Whole information about the present state map was gathered
some lean manufacturing techniques such as 5S, Kanban based on the method suggested by Rother and Shook. In the
method, Kaizen and so on Production Lead-time (PLT) issue of the material flow, data collection began in the
decreased from 8.5 days to 6 days, and the value added time distribution section, first cycle times (CTs) of the process,
reduced from 68 minutes to 37 minutes. Manjunath M.[5] the quantity of employees working, and convert times or
"In this paper current state and future state is drawn off a change-over time(CO). Figure 1 demonstrated the present
manufacturing firm and observed that reduction of 38.2 position map which was drawn. In this figure, the map’s
percent in lead time, process time reduction by 2.65percent, small boxes describe the progression, and the number of the
and 48.3 percent reduction in inventory.Cycle time can be boxes is some workers in every process. Also, every process
reduced from 93minutes to 67 minutes with the help of has a data box under that includes the CT process, the
changing nonlinear workstation to conveyor workstation. It numeral of shifts, machine reliability (MR), and the CO
can be seen that the process inventory is reduced from 31 to time. All of the processing and installing times are
16 units. The lead time is reduced from 63.82Hrs to 39.43 according to the middling of past data. The timeline in the
Hrs, process time from 16.93Hrs to 16.48Hrs. Anupam underside of the present situation map is shown in Figure 1
Sihag, Vinod Kumar[6] Lean production means continuous that there are two elements. The first element is about the
improvement, by keep on changing the future state into the waiting time of production in days which is gained by
current situation will get the better results. In this study adding the number of lead-time from every inventory
process by changing layout inventory time reduced from 3 triangle earlier than every process. Therefore, the time of
to 1 days resulting in improvement of 33.33%. Process lead each inventory triangle is computed by separating the
time was reduced by 52.94% and the processing time was inventory numbers into the everyday customer needs. The
reduced by 80.69%. totality lead time is approximately 1.02 days. The CT for
every process is the average CT that was found out by using
4. CASE STUDY real data in the company. From the below data collected, we
An electrical component manufacturing industry selected as have identified areas for development to reduce the
a case study in this paper. Since the layout of the factory is throughput time of Process. The current state process and
base on fix system. As conducted one analysis, we found related value stream mapping of as shown in Table 1 and
out that the in-house production components have Figures 2.

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @ (Special Issue)
International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 52 - 57
Percentage of VA Time=Total VA time in seconds/Total
processing time in seconds × 100
=248/88508 × 100
VSM Ratio=VA / (VA+NVA)
=0.2814 %
Lead Time = VA+NVA
= 1.02 Days
• Lean implementation through kaizen and development of
Kaizen shows a lead role in improving the productivity and
quality of the products. Kaizen is a strategy to include
concepts, systems, and tools within the bigger picture of
Table 1. Process Activities with Time leadership involving people and their culture all driven by
Calculations of CSM ratio: the customer. The brainstorming analysis of VSM revealed
the following major NVA identified as operator’s movement
Percentage of NVA Time=Total NVA time in seconds/Total
and their skill, poor process, delay in material transfer and
processing time in seconds × 100
cooling time for which the proposed lean solutions are
=88260/88508 × 100
suggested as follows. Table 2 and Figures 7 and 8.

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @ (Special Issue)
International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 52 - 57
Table 2. Proposed Solution
Station Task Involved NVA Proposed Expected out Expected out Manpower
Activities solution come(Time come(Distance Saving
Saving) saving)
Counting Physical counting Counting Standard 20 sec 0 0
of raw material Binning

Cleaning Brazing to Movement Cleaning will be 0 400 m 0

Cleaning Shop done in brazing
Long Distance shop
Cleaning Brazing to Movement Cleaning will be 0 400 m 0
Cleaning Shop done in brazing
Long Distance shop
Dot Identity mark Over Die 10 sec 5m 1
marking Processing modification
Sizing Burr removal due Over Die 13 sec 5m 1
to material Processing modification

Befor After










Semi Button U Z
Counting Blanking Cleaning Cleaning Sizing Marking Coating Packing
Piercing Brazing Bending Bending
Befor 60 6 12 15 49 15 8 13 10 10 67 7
After 40 6 12 15 49 15 8 0 10 0 67 7


Fig.3Graphical Representation of expected outcomes

Befor After

Fig.4 Graphical Representation of Manpower and Distance saving

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @ (Special Issue)
International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 52 - 57

Fig.5 Future State Map

Calculations of FSM ratio: Lead Time = VA+NVA

Percentage of NVA Time=Total NVA time in seconds/Total = 0.79 Days
processing time in seconds × 100
= 68460.0/68662.3 × 100 5. CONCLUSION
=99.705% By performing the technical suitability, economical
Percentage of VA Time=Total VA time in seconds/Total justifications and feasibility analysis, we have suggested the
processing time in seconds × 100 recommendations of these tools to induct for the medium
=202/68662.3 × 100 scale enterprises confidently. In this study process by
=0.2947% changing flow of inventory will reduce in movement from
VSM Ratio=VA / (VA+NVA) 400m to 5m resulting in improvement of 98.75%. By
=0.2956 % modification of tool dot marking and sizing i.e. manual

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @ (Special Issue)
International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 52 - 57
operation will be eliminated and WIP inventory will also
reduced. So, by these 2 man power has been removed and
3.5 hours saved. VSM future state map shows significant
improvement in the production lead time 1.02 days to 0.79
days, Which demonstrate that any delay can be analysed
through value stream mapping.

[1] S. Bhatwadekar, S. Ghodawat, and S. Bhatwadekar,
“Application of Value Stream Mapping for Lead Time
Reduction and Inventory Control,” no. July, 2015.
[2] “Mike Rother, John Shook-Learning to See_ Value Stream
Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA-Lean
Enterprise Institute (1999).pdf.” .
[3] R. Gokulraju, K. Vigneshwar, and V. Vignesh, “A Case
Study on Reducing the Lead Time and Increasing
Throughput by using Value Stream Mapping,” pp. 411–
424, 2016.
[4] J. Mohd and S. Mojib, “Production line analysis via value
stream mapping : a lean manufacturing process of color
industry,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 2, no. February, pp. 6–10,
[5] V. Issue, “Value Stream Mapping as a Tool for Lean
Implementation : A Case Study Abstract :,” vol. 3, no. 5,
pp. 477–481, 2014.
vol. 3, no. 3, 2014.

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @ (Special Issue)

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