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Risk Assessment in Supply Chains: A State-Of-The-Art Review of Methodologies and Their Applications

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Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607


Risk assessment in supply chains: a state-of-the-art review

of methodologies and their applications

Nishat Alam Choudhary1 · Shalabh Singh1 · Tobias Schoenherr2 · M. Ramkumar1

Accepted: 4 April 2022 / Published online: 3 May 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

The year 2020 can be earmarked as the year of global supply chain disruption owing to the
outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). It is however not only because of the pandemic
that supply chain risk assessment (SCRA) has become more critical today than it has ever
been. With the number of supply chain risks having increased significantly over the last
decade, particularly during the last 5 years, there has been a flurry of literature on supply
chain risk management (SCRM), illustrating the need for further classification so as to guide
researchers to the most promising avenues and opportunities. We therefore conduct a biblio-
metric and network analysis of SCRA publications to identify research areas and underlying
themes, leading to the identification of three major research clusters for which we provide
interpretation and guidance for future work. In doing so we focus in particular on the variety
of parameters, analytical approaches, and characteristics of multi-criteria decision-making
techniques for assessing supply chain risks. This offers an invaluable synthesis of the SCRA
literature, providing recommendations for future research opportunities. As such, this paper
is a formidable starting point for operations researchers delving into this domain, which is
expected to increase significantly also due to the current pandemic.

Keywords Risk assessment · Supply chain management · Decision-making techniques ·

Literature review

B Tobias Schoenherr
Nishat Alam Choudhary
Shalabh Singh
M. Ramkumar
1 Operations Management & Quantitative Techniques Group, Indian Institute of Management Raipur,
Atal Nagar, Raipur 493661, India
2 Department of Supply Chain Management, Broad College of Business, Michigan State University, 632
Bogue St., East Lansing, MI, USA

566 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

1 Introduction

In late 2019, the novel coronavirus emerged and within a period of a few months spread across
the globe causing humanitarian, economic and supply chain crises. With many observers
(McKinsey, 2020a; Mishra, 2020) considering it as a black swan event due to its unpre-
dictability and severe impact, what is of concern is that such black swan events have been
happening more frequently in the recent past. For example, in the timespan between 2000
and 2010 we witnessed several low-probability events that significantly impacted supply
chains, including the 2008 recession, SARS, the Indonesian Tsunami, and the Swine Flu
(McKinsey, 2020b). The occurrence of such events multiplied in the last decade, especially
in the last 5 years. The zika virus, Brexit, hurricanes (e.g., Harvey, Maria and Irma), trade
conflicts (e.g., between Japan and South Korea, and between the US and China), and the Aus-
tralian wildfires are just some of the significant events that occurred. Researchers attribute
this remarkable increase in supply chain risks and disruptions to the increasing uncertainty
and complexity associated with global supply chains (Ivanov, 2020; Ivanov et al., 2017;
Katsaliaki et al., 2021; Pournader et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2021). As such, the business
environment today is much different than that in the past (cf. Choi et al., 2016), and is destined
to change at an even faster rate. A majority of associated potential risks can be classified as
catastrophic (Wagner & Bode, 2008), and include natural catastrophes, political tensions,
regional instabilities, and epidemics. What makes these risks particularly challenging is their
interconnectedness with other supply chain risks. While the noted black swan events are
unlikely but highly impactful, what cannot be neglected as part of a comprehensive supply
chain risk management (SCRM) approach are risks of various types and flavours, ranging
from the delivery of a wrong part from a supplier to a line shutdown—any of these has the
potential to wreak havoc and affect other risks rendering careful risk assessment paramount.
Along similar lines, the ‘Global Risk Report 2020’ (World Economic Forum, 2020), which
identified 30 risks that can have a significant negative impact across countries, recognizes
the inter-connectedness of risks. In an era of globalisation, this interconnectedness causes
system complexities (cf. Sharma et al., 2021), which make the identification and assessment
of supply chain risks a difficult undertaking. This is exacerbated by the fact that no disruption
is likely the same, necessitating a nuanced and deliberate approach to truly understand how
to manage a particular risk (DuHadway et al., 2019). One way to address these challenges is
by considering various ways to classify, categorize, and assess risks (Sodhi et al., 2012).
The rapid rise and prevalence of global risks have led to a proliferation of the supply
chain risk literature over the last decade, which has also resulted in various definitions of
and perspectives on SCRM (Sodhi et al., 2012). As such, one of the ways SCRM can be
approached is to determine risk sources and associated vulnerabilities, followed by their
assessment and mitigation (Hermoso-Orzáez & Garzón-Moreno, 2021; Kleindorfer & Saad,
2009). Another view considers the link between SCRM and enterprise risk management
(Sodhi et al., 2012), while yet another view takes the perspective of network structure (Kim
et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2020). This existence of multiple perspectives is due to SCRM being
multi-disciplinary in nature, and as such, this multifaceted view is needed for a thorough
understanding of risk management. This however makes SCRM a complex domain that is
not easily deducible, especially by scholars aiming to jump-start an SCRM research agenda.
We believe that many may want to do so, given the criticality of SCRM that was brought to
the fore again by the pandemic, and thus offering a synthesis of the literature, which we have
done in this research, will be helpful.

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 567

The SCRM literature is broad, and no matter what type of classification is chosen, it will
not be fully accurate. Based on the definition provided by Ho et al. (2015), SCRM is com-
prised of the stages of risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, and risk recovery
or resilience. Risk identification includes the recognition of events or activities that have the
potential to cause a direct or indirect negative influence on supply chain performance (Ho
et al., 2015). What needs to be noted in this vein is that the understanding of supply chain
performance has widened, and expanded from a mere focus on economic parameters, like
benefits and costs, to parameters capturing geopolitical, technological, social, and environ-
mental dynamics (Chaudhuri et al., 2021; Ponomarov & Holcomb, 2009). Risk assessment
refers to the analysis of risks based on stakeholder needs and the objectives of the firm. Risk
mitigation then ensues, which involves the systematic deployment of resources to address
the risks. Even if they cannot be mitigated, these plans may still be valuable in helping firms
recover from the risk effects, making them more resilient. Resilience in the context of SCRM
can be understood as an ability of a system to quickly bounce back and reach equilibrium
again after a temporary disturbance (Ponomarov & Holcomb, 2009). This is also in line
with Petit et al. (2010), who developed a conceptual framework for supply chain resilience,
based on vulnerabilities and capabilities, highlighting supply chain risk assessment (SCRA)
as a critical aspect of SCRM. Nevertheless, SCRA has been largely neglected in the liter-
ature compared to identification and mitigation. Further research in the area of SCRA is
thus needed (Giannakis et al., 2022). We therefore focus on SCRA in this review, with a
particular emphasis on the parameters, techniques and characteristics of decision-making
In doing so, we build on prior literature surveys in SCRM. Specifically, while Ho et al.
(2015) updated and compiled definitions of the above SCRM stages, Fahimnia et al. (2015)
reviewed quantitative SCRM models. Both studies are comprehensive and serve as mile-
stones for our discipline and foundation for our work. More recently, Xu et al. (2020) and
Pournader et al. (2020) published SCRM reviews applying bibliometric and network anal-
ysis to develop literature clusters and discover underlying research themes. In addition,
Katsaliaki et al. (2021) offered a content analysis of papers on supply chain disruptions and
resilience, including an overview of some of the most popular modelling strategies. These
papers approach SCRM from a holistic perspective and encourage a further focus on the
assessment stage of the SCRM process. We respond to these calls with the present research.
Such a focused review is needed, since despite the prevalence of literature reviews on risk
management, it is undeniable that SCRM is a maturing topic. What is therefore needed are
finer-grained reviews to capture the entirety of the field, highlighting SCRM angles that have
not been covered extensively. We therefore focus on the assessment stage, which is a largely
overlooked aspect within SCRM. We believe that such a more focused review enables a
deeper classification of the literature that will subsequently help the field advance even more.
Our review was guided by the framework displayed in Fig. 1. Specifically, in a first
stage, a review of prior relevant literature reviews aided us in the identification of prominent
authors and SCRA literature streams, as well as the pinpointing of missing aspects in need
of further investigation. For example, Ho et al. (2015) focused on the application of SCRA
in different contexts, without however capturing the various decision-making techniques.
Similarly, Fahimnia et al. (2015) concentrated on broader aspects surrounding quantitative
SCRM models, and also Xu et al. (2020) did not cover the intricacies of decision-making
techniques. These are however critical, especially in risk assessment, to help decision makers
focus on the most relevant risks (see Table 1 for a comparative analysis). In this vein, we
complement the review of Katsaliaki et al. (2021) by our focus on modelling approaches and

568 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Stage 1: Planning

Review of previously conducted literature reviews

Identification of gaps and research needs
Development of research objectives

Stage 2: Data Collection

Identification of search terms

Database selection
Development of screening criteria
Data cleaning
Assessment of paper quality and filtering


Stage 3: Bibliometric and Network Stage 4: Critical Analysis of

Analysis Techniques

Citation analysis Review of most-frequently used

PageRank analysis techniques
Co-citation and bibliographic Application of techniques in
coupling SCRA

Stage 5: Synthesis

Analysis of critical aspects of SCRA and

application of DM techniques

Fig. 1 Review framework

the provision of citation analyses. As such, we for instance uncover that the chosen decision-
making technique must also be aligned with the context (which was not always done)–an
issue we identified as an area in need of further investigation in the planning stage of our
research. This led us to the development of the following three research questions that guided
our study:

RQ1. What are the major themes in SCRA?

RQ2. What are the key parameters on which supply chain risks are assessed?

Table 1 Survey of SCR literature reviews

Article Ho et al. Heckmann Fahimnia Chiu and Choi Rajagopal et al. Behzadi Pournader Katsaliaki This review
(2015) et al. (2015) et al. (2015) (2016) (2017) et al. (2018) et al. (2020) et al. (2021)

Methodological Systematic Critical Bibliometric Critical Bibliometric Critical Bibliometric Citation Bibliometric
Approach Litera- Review Analysis Review Analysis and Review Analysis Analysis Analysis and
ture and Critical and and Content Critical Review
Review Critical Review Critical Analysis
Review Review
Identification of X X X
SCRM research
Supply Chain Risk X X X
SCRM Model X X X
Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Product/Industry X X
Decision-making X X X
Focal SCRM Risk X
stages Assess-
Risk Miti- X


Table 1 (continued)

Article Ho et al. Heckmann Fahimnia Chiu and Choi Rajagopal et al. Behzadi Pournader Katsaliaki This review

(2015) et al. (2015) et al. (2015) (2016) (2017) et al. (2018) et al. (2020) et al. (2021)

Risk X
Contribution Special Focus on the Identification Focus on Synthesis of risk Focus on Identification Focus on Focus on the risk
emphasis understand- of 8 mean–vari- mitigation SCRM of 11 risk/disruption assessment
on ing of distinct ance models strategies and complexi- distinct types and stage through a
supply supply research in risk quantitative ties areas in their impact review of the
chain chain risks areas, analysis and modelling specific to SCRM and decision-making
risk defi- by highlight- assessment techniques for agricul- recovery techniques
nitions, reviewing ing the decision- tural strategies applied and the
risk their char- various making supply parameters
types, acteristics quantita- chains considered
risk tive models
factors, applied in
and risk these areas
Number of papers 224 NA 1108 52 126 NA 119 250 136
Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607
Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 571

RQ3. What are the major decision-making techniques applied, and what are their major

To answer these research questions developed in the first stage of our review, we compiled
in the second stage our repository of relevant papers on SCRA. The third stage focused on
the bibliometric and visual network analysis of the papers, followed by a critical analysis of
the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques in stage four. The fifth stage then
served as a synthesis of these findings, assimilating a holistic understanding of SCRA and
its applied decision-making techniques. Instrumental in this step was in particular the visual
network analysis, which is a form of exploratory data analysis (Venturini et al., 2019) that
led to the generation of network clusters. Since the foundation of the network is based on
citations, studies deploying similar decision-making techniques are likely grouped together
as they either cite each other or are foundational studies for the specific technique. Exploring
these topics by cluster allows us to better understand the application scope of the decision-
making techniques, offering an invaluable foundation for operations researchers to further
advance the domain of SCRA. Within this context, our contributions are three-fold. First, we
enhance the overall SCRM literature by concentrating on its early stage of risk assessment.
Second, we identify common parameters applied in SCRA decision-making. And third, we
critically review the decision-making tools and techniques and map them based on the SCRA
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the methodology,
with Sects. 3 and 4 presenting the bibliometric and network analyses, respectively. Section 5
provides a review of the parameters on which the risks are assessed, Sect. 6 offers an overview
of the predominant SCRA techniques, and Sect. 7 of some of the most common SCRA
characteristics. Section 8 provides suggestions for a future research agenda, and Sect. 9

2 Research methodology

Literature reviews synthesize evidence available in a specific domain, provide the foundation
for a cohesive understanding and can serve as a starting point for scholars to focus on the
most pressing issues. As such, a synthesis of the literature helps us find out what we know
and what we do not, as well as what works and what does not (Booth et al., 2016). Methods
applied for carrying out literature syntheses include critical reviews, citation analyses, con-
tent analyses, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, mixed-methods reviews, state-of-the-art
reviews, and systematic literature reviews (Booth et al., 2016). Systematic literature reviews
differ from traditional narrative reviews in that they employ a reproducible, scientific, and
transparent process that minimizes selection bias while carrying out the literature search
(Petticrew & Roberts, 2008). Some of the review techniques applied in the SCRM literature
are captured in Table 1.
In our structured literature review, we followed a three-step iterative process:
(I) Identification of appropriate Search Terms and Timeframe
It was rather difficult to identify focused SCRA literature using only keyword searches
since many SCRA papers do not include “risk assessment” as a specific keyword. As such,
we sought guidance from previous review papers listed in Table 1 and commenced with the
following first set of keywords: (1) “supply chain risk”; (2) “supply chain” and “risk”; and (3)
“supply risk”. While we also used a few additional keywords like “uncertainty”, “uncertain”,

572 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

and “disruption”, since they are closely associated with the risk management domain, their
inclusion did not yield any further results. We focused on the literature since 2010 to ensure
recency and applicability of the derived conclusions.

(II) Search Process

We searched for the selected keywords in the title, topic and the keywords of articles found
in Google Scholar, EBSCO, PROQUEST, JSTOR, Wiley, Emerald, INFORMS, Taylor and
Francis, and Elsevier. This yielded a total of 1357 articles.

(III) Screening and Finalizing

To identify the set of papers that focuses on SCRA, we further narrowed down the results
(using Microsoft Excel) by ensuring the title contained one or more of the following terms:
(1) “assess”, (2) “identify”, or (3) “analys*”. This resulted in a total of 216 articles.
We then scrutinized these articles by reading the abstracts to ensure that the article is
indeed about SCRA, while at the same time ensuring that the journals in which the articles
are published are part of the Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC) or the Association of
Business Schools (ABS) (here, we focused on journals with a rank of 2 or greater) lists. This
kind of filtering criterion allows researchers to narrow down the scope without compromising
on the quality of the studies. For instance, in their review of the analytic hierarchy process
(AHP), Ho and Ma (2018) included only A/A*-ranked journals from the ABDC list and only
3/4/4*-ranked journals from the ABS journal lists. This selection approach yielded a set of
161 articles in our sample. We further cross-checked these identified papers in the Web of
Science database, which is considered a reliable source of high-quality journals (Govindan
et al., 2015). Removing papers not listed in this database reduced the total number of articles
to 136. We now continue with bibliometric and network analyses, applying both inductive
and deductive approaches (Fahimnia et al., 2015; Seuring & Müller, 2008).

3 Bibliometric analysis

We commence our categorization and review with a bibliometric analysis, which has as
its objective the assessment of the research’s impact. This has been a common approach in
literature reviews (Pournader et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020) to identify emerging areas. Citation
counts, publication trends, authors’ influence, and frequency of publications in top journals
are frequently-used variables.
The distribution of SCRA publications across years is shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen, the
number of publications increased steadily until 2016. A short decline between 2014 and 2018
is followed by a rise in publications again in 2019. With our search concluding in September
2020, the already high number of publications on the topic indicates increasing interest.
Our review set contains 58 journals, with the top four journals capturing around 33% of
the literature. These four journals are the International Journal of Production Research, the
International of Production Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, and the European
Journal of Operational Research. Table 2 presents the publication frequencies across the 15
journals with the most papers in our sample.
Table 3 offers some further insight by providing an overview of the literature based on
the context in which SCRA was investigated. Some of the articles where the context was
ambiguous or difficult to identify were excluded. As can be seen, the context involving
a typical supplier–manufacturer–retailer environment is the most commonly investigated

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 573

Number of publications
18 17
16 15 15
14 13
12 12
10 9
6 5
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Fig. 2 Publication trend

setting. Most of these works appeared in Computers and Industrial Engineering, the European
Journal of Operational Research, the International Journal of Production Economics, and
the International Journal of Production Research. What also stood out was that the context
of sustainable supply chains. The dominant journal for this theme was the Journal of Cleaner

4 Network analysis

Network analysis aims to capture social network dynamics and relationships. Actors in the
network are represented by nodes and their relationships as lines. The software package
‘Gephi 0.9.2’ was used to conduct the network analysis and its graphical visualization. The
package uses a 3D render engine to display large real-time networks and presents dynamic
visualizations (Bastian et al., 2009). Since Gephi requires graph form datasets in the ‘.NET’
format, we relied on ‘BibExcel’ to convert the literature data from the ‘.txt’ format (extracted
from Web of Science) to the required ‘.NET’ format. This data contained information like
authors, cited references, and keywords. Utilizing datasets from Web of Science is standard
practice for network analysis (Fahimnia et al., 2015; Pournader et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020).
In addition, we utilize ‘VOSviewer’ to visualize the networks.


Table 2 Top 15 journals

Journals 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

International Journal of Production Research 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 15

International Journal of Production Economics 1 3 2 3 2 1 12
Journal of Cleaner Production 2 3 3 2 1 11
European Journal of Operational Research 2 1 2 1 1 1 8
Benchmarking: An International Journal 1 3 2 1 7
Computers and Industrial Engineering 2 1 1 1 1 6
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 2 3 1 6
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2 1 2 5
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation 1 2 2 5
Industrial Management and Data Systems 1 2 3
International Journal of Operations and Production 2 1 3
Journal of Risk Research 1 2 3
Computers and Operations Research 2 2
Computers in Industry 1 1 2
Food Control 1 1 2
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Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 575

Table 3 SCRA context

SCRA context Citations

Agriculture Bouwknegt et al. (2015), Ortúzar et al. (2020), Yan et al. (2019), Ge et al.
(2015), Zhao et al. (2020), and Mohib and Deif (2020)
Air logistics Choi et al. (2019)
Automotive Thun et al. (2011), Lockamy (2014), Simchi-Levi et al. (2015), Salehi
Heidari et al. (2018), Wu et al. (2019), Atwater et al. (2014), and Yan
et al. (2020)
Biofuel Marufuzzaman et al. (2014), Santibañez-Aguilar et al. (2015), dos Santos
et al. (2017), Hansen et al. (2019), and Hatzisymeon et al. (2019)
Disaster Dixit et al. (2020) and Peng et al. (2014)
Divisible goods Rao et al. (2017)
Electronics Rajesh et al. (2015) and Rajesh and Ravi (2015)
Equipment manufacturing Shenoi et al. (2018) and Chand et al. (2017)
Fashion Wang, Chan, et al. (2012), Venkatesh et al. (2015), and Mehrjoo and Pasek
Food Diabat et al. (2012), Wang, Li, et al. (2012), Nakandala et al. (2017),
Prakash et al. (2017), Chari and Ngcamu (2017), Ali et al. (2019), and
Rathore et al. (2017),
General supply chain Hsieh and Lu (2010), Hult et al. (2010), Park et al. (2010), Tuncel and
Alpan (2010), Wu et al. (2010), Cagno and Micheli (2011), Olson aand
Wu (2011), Kumar and Schmitz (2011), Pfohl et al. (2011), Tummala and
Schoenherr (2011), Wagner and Neshat (2012), Cagliano et al. (2012),
Klibi and Martel (2012), Lavastre et al. (2012), Chen and Wu (2013),
Chen et al. (2013), Ghadge et al. (2013), Markmann et al. (2013),
Samvedi et al. (2013), Tabrizi and Razmi (2013), Talluri et al. (2013),
Tazelaar and Snijders (2013), Viswanadham and Samvedi (2013), Xu
et al. (2013), Sawik (2013), Cantor et al. (2014), Elleuch et al., (2014),
Huang and Goetschalckx (2014), Asian and Nie (2014), Qu et al. (2014),
Rotaru et al. (2014), Sawik (2014), Yu and Goh (2014), Zhou and
Johnson (2014), Garvey et al. (2015), Nooraie and Parast (2015), Rangel
et al. (2015), Nooraie and Parast, (2016), and Zsidisin et al. (2016)
Hotel Li and Wang (2019)
Humanitarian Johnson and Christopher (2015)
Maritime Schauer et al. (2019), Wan et al. (2019), and Jiang et al. (2018)
Multimodal Schmitt and Singh (2012), Vilko and Hallikas (2012), and Zhang et al.
New product development Chaudhuri et al. (2013) and Esterman et al. (2020)
Offshoring and outsourcing Min et al. (2017) and Wiengarten et al. (2013)
Petrochemical Helbig et al. (2016)
Pharmaceutical Moktadir et al. (2018) and Zhang et al. (2019)
Raw material van den Brink et al. (2020) and Cimprich et al. (2019)
Social commerce Meng et al. (2019) and Giannakis et al. (2022)
Supply chain finance Zhang (2016), Zhu et al. (2019), and Xingli and Liao (2020)

576 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Table 3 (continued)

SCRA context Citations

Sustainability Mangla et al. (2018), Rayas and Serrato (2017), Roehrich et al. (2014), Xu
et al. (2019), Wu et al. (2017), Zimmer et al. (2017), Kolotzek et al.
(2018), Rostamzadeh et al. (2018), Schaefer et al. (2019), Abdel-Basset
and Mohamed (2020), Wang et al. (2018), and Chaudhuri et al. (2021)

4.1 Citation analysis

Citation analysis is one of many ways for measuring the significance of a publication. By
capturing the frequency with which a publication is cited by other publications, a measure
of ‘popularity’ can be generated (Ding & Cronin, 2011). Out of the 136 articles identified, a
total of 107 articles are connected to each other through ‘undirected’ citations, which means
that they are either cited by, or have been cited, by the connected article. Figure 3 captures
the derived citation network with the nodes representing the papers. The size of the node
indicates the citation strength, while the lines connected to other publications indicate the
undirected citations; Table 4 lists the most highly cited papers in the network. Papers in the
network are evaluated based on their local citation score, which indicates how many times
an article has been cited by other papers in the network. In contrast, the global citation scores
indicate how many times the papers are cited in the Web of Science database.

Fig. 3 Citation analysis network

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 577

Table 4 Top-cited publications

Authors Journal Local citations Global


Tummala and Schoenherr Supply Chain Management: An 20 202

(2011) International Journal
Diabat et al. (2012) International Journal of Production 14 101
Thun et al. (2011) International Journal of Production 13 232
Tuncel and Alpan (2010) Computers in Industry 12 123
Wang, Chan, et al. (2012) International Journal of Production 11 132
Samvedi et al. (2013) International Journal of Production 9 107
Lavastre et al. (2012) Decision Support Systems 8 108
Cagliano et al. (2012) Journal of Risk Research 8 29
Ghadge et al. (2013) Supply Chain Management: An 8 70
International Journal
Aqlan and Lam (2015) International Journal of Production 8 67

4.2 PageRank analysis

Brin and Page (1998) developed a measure to capture the equivalence of a webpage’s
‘importance’ through the capturing of its citations. As such, while high citations may imply
popularity, this measure does not provide any indication about the paper’s importance. Such
assessment can however be done via the PageRank measure, which is a standard practice
in literature reviews (Fahimnia et al., 2015; Pournader et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020). The
PageRank measure can be computed as follows:
(1 − d) PR(T1 ) PR(T1 )
PR(A)  +d + ··· + ,
N C(T1 ) C(T1 )
where A is the paper under consideration, cited by papers T1 , T2 ,…,Tn that have citations
C(T1 ), C(T2 ),…,C(Tn ). The parameter d is a damping factor between 0 and 1, representing
the fraction of random walks that continue to propagate along the citations (Brin & Page,
1998). Brin and Page (1998) used d  0.85, assuming an individual surfer would randomly
follow about six hyperlinks giving a leakage probability of 1/6  1 − d (for d  0.85) before
beginning a new search. For citation networks, d  0.5 is considered appropriate, assuming
an average path length of 2 (Fahimnia et al., 2015; Pournader et al., 2020). The PageRank
forms a probability distribution, thereby producing a score between 0 and 1. For a detailed
overview of this metric, the interested reader is referred to Brin and Page (1998).
Our PageRank scores, which are obtained using Gephi, range between 0.004209 and
0.011594. Table 5 displays the top 10 papers based on their PageRank score. When comparing
Tables 4 and 5 it becomes evident that citations alone cannot measure the importance of a
paper, as there is no overlap in publications between the two tables. What may also explain
this observation is that citations require time to accumulate, as indicated by the consistent
earlier publication years of the papers presented in Table 4.

578 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Table 5 Top 10 papers based on PageRank scores

Author Journal PageRank

Nakandala et al. (2017) International Journal of Production Research 0.011594

Wu et al. (2019) Energy 0.011499
Talluri et al. (2013) Journal of Business Logistics 0.011391
Pournader et al. (2016) Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 0.011346
Mangla et al. (2018) Benchmarking 0.011048
Venkatesh et al. (2015) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0.01102
Nooraie and Parast (2016) International Journal of Production Economics 0.010986
Atwater et al. (2014) Transportation Research Part C 0.010939
Zimmer et al. (2017) Journal of Cleaner Production 0.01083
Cagliano et al. (2012) Journal of Risk Research 0.010796

4.3 Co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling

While citation analysis can identify the growth of an article’s popularity over time (Pilkington
& Meredith, 2009), it has also limitations. An alternative is co-citation analysis, which is a
type of network analysis that captures the network’s groups, their relationship, and their
evolution over time (Pilkington & Meredith, 2009). Co-citation analysis is widely used in
bibliometric literature analysis within the field of operations and supply chain management
(Ben-Daya et al., 2019; Fahimnia et al., 2015; Pournader et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020). With
co-citation analysis, any two references can be identified that are commonly cited together by
another publication (Pilkington & Meredith, 2009). A total of 49 out of the 5504 references
in our paper set were co-cited more than 10 times by the publications in our sample. The
low number is not surprising, since co-citation analysis, although useful, primarily focuses
on influential literature beyond the selected sample. In addition, the approach disadvantages
more recent publications, which is why we complemented this analysis with bibliographic
coupling (Boyack & Klavans, 2010). Bibliographic coupling considers the relatedness of two
publications based on the number of references they share. A bibliographic coupling of our
sample using Gephi identifies 123 nodes (publications) and 3180 edges (citations). Gephi,
by default, randomly generates positions for the nodes in a cartesian coordinate system, with
the nodes being of identical sizes. In doing so, we apply the Force Atlas algorithm, which
is based on attraction and repulsive strength of the linked and non-linked nodes respectively
(Bastian et al., 2009). The resulting visualization is shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen, two
outliers were identified—Bouwknegt et al. (2015) and Ortúzar et al. (2020). Outliers are
weakly connected nodes, suggesting dissimilar characteristics from the densely connected
nodes, thereby not aiding in cluster identification. After removing these outliers, the Force
Atlas algorithm was applied to generate the visualization in Fig. 5.

4.4 Literature classification

We further classified the literature via data clustering using the modularity function based on
Blondel et al. (2008) in Gephi (cf. Fahimnia et al., 2015), which yielded a total of six clusters
(Fig. 6). The bibliographic network’s modularity index of our sample is 0.105 (modularity

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 579

Fig. 4 Force algorithm

visualization with outliers (136

Fig. 5 Force algorithm

visualization without outliers

index values range between − 1 and + 1), indicating a moderate connection between the
nodes. Three clusters (clusters 1–3) comprise 77% of our literature sample, which is why we
focus in our discussion and interpretation on these three clusters. Papers in clusters 4–6 do
not reveal any identifiable theme, but rather have characteristics similar to either clusters 1,
2 or 3. Therefore, the papers of clusters 4–6 are discussed within the scope of clusters 1–3.
Apart from these, there are 15 papers which did not conform to any specific theme. Figure 7
shows a different visualization of the cluster analysis using VOSviewer applying the lin-log
modularity algorithm, with the top 20 publications based on PageRank scores of the three
clusters listed in Table 6. We now proceed with a descriptive overview of the clusters.

580 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Fig. 6 Literature visualization

Fig. 7 Literature visualization using VOSviewer

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 581

Table 6 Top 20 publications

based on PageRank scores across Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
the three clusters
Qazi et al. (2018) Pournader et al. Nakandala
(2016) et al. (2017)
Wu et al. (2019) Nooraie and Parast Venkatesh
(2015) et al. (2015)
Zimmer et al. (2017) Sherwin et al. Cagliano et al.
(2016) (2012)
Rostamzadeh et al. (2018) Talluri et al. (2013) Prakash et al.
Elleuch et al. (2014) Kwak et al. (2018) Lavastre et al.
Dong and Cooper (2016) Berle et al. (2013) Ekwall and
Lantz (2016)
Zhao et al. (2020) Rajesh et al. (2015) Rotaru et al.
Mohib and Deif (2020) Rajesh and Ravi Thun and
(2015) Hoenig
Wang, Chan, et al. (2012) Garvey et al. (2015) Chaudhuri
et al. (2013)
Ghadge et al. (2013) Atwater et al. (2014) Rajendran
et al. (2018)
Mangla et al. (2018) Lei and MacKenzie Diabat et al.
(2019) (2012)
Chand et al. (2017) Klibi and Martel Lockamy
(2012) (2014)
Rangel et al. (2015) Wagner and Neshat Vilko and
(2012) Hallikas
Moktadir et al. (2018) Cantor et al. (2014) Sharma and
Wu et al. (2017) Markmann et al. Zsidisin et al.
(2013) (2016)
Yan et al. (2020) Asian and Nie Tummala and
(2014) Schoenherr
Aqlan and Lam (2015) Nooraie et al. (2020) Min et al.
Yan et al. (2019) Sahay and Cagno and
Ierapetritou (2015) Micheli
Qazi et al. (2018) Simchi-Levi et al. Pfohl et al.
(2015) (2011)
Wu et al. (2019) Tazelaar and Thun et al.
Snijders (2013) (2011)

582 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

4.4.1 Cluster 1: Sustainability and related risks

Cluster 1 has an average PageRank score of 0.0090 and contains 40 publications. The use of
MCDM techniques stands out in this cluster: out of the top 20 publications listed in Table
6, 16 use MCDM techniques to assess supply chain risks. The techniques are either in the
form of a combination of or integration with multiple MCDM techniques. Contextually, the
cluster contains publications related to sustainability (Mangla et al., 2016, 2018; Rostamzadeh
et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2017, 2019; Yan et al., 2020; Zimmer et al., 2017), most of them
having appeared in the Journal of Cleaner Production. With sustainable SCRM being in
an early phase, conceptual frameworks with strong methodological foundations are lacking,
positioning this as an intriguing area to investigate further. Supply chains moving agricultural
products and food also represent a large part of this cluster (Mohib & Deif, 2020; Wang, Li,
et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2020). This carries promise, since food crises rank
high in ‘The Global Risk Report 2020’ (World Economic Forum, 2020) on both impact and
likelihood of occurrence. Risks inherent to food supply chains therefore represent a promising
research domain going forward.
Further themes of this cluster are approaches to reduce industry-specific risks. In addition,
uncertainty plays a large role in this cluster, and hence the use of fuzzy logic is predominant.
What is further striking is that most of the literature in this group considers risk hierarchies,
which are however not reflective of a holistic approach to SCRM. A further pattern was the
use of the two dimensions of impact and likelihood of occurrence, and the empirical model
testing involving single case studies.

4.4.2 Cluster 2: Risk assessment at the network level

The average PageRank score of cluster 2 is 0.0075, which is lower than the scores of clus-
ters 1 and 3. Cluster 2 contains 37 articles, with relatively few papers including MCDM
techniques. Only eight publications in the top 20 articles of cluster 2 deploy some form of
MCDM technique (Atwater et al., 2014; Garvey et al., 2015; Kwak et al., 2018; Nooraie
et al., 2020; Pournader et al., 2016; Rajesh & Ravi, 2015; Rajesh et al., 2015; Talluri et al.,
2013). Publications in this cluster are characterized by risk assessments at the network level,
rather than tier-level risks. As such, supply chains are studied on the general, rather than
on an industry-specific or category level (Nooraie & Parast, 2015; Pournader et al., 2016;
Sherwin et al., 2016). The few industry-specific studies included are within the automobile
and electronics supply chains. What is also striking is that low probability disruptive risks,
like natural disasters, form a dominant theme in this group (Cantor et al., 2014; Dixit et al.,
2020; Simchi-Levi et al., 2015). Various approaches to deal with multiple aspects of supply
chain risk are used, with methods applied including vignette-based field experiments (Cantor
et al., 2014), genetic algorithms (Nooraie et al., 2020), and Branch and Reduce algorithms
(Huang & Goetschalckx, 2014). Further approaches include simulation and predictive mod-
elling considering different scenarios and multiple objectives. Another feature of this group
is that there are very few articles that assess risks based on impact and likelihood, contrary
to the other clusters. However, this cluster acknowledges to a greater degree the effect of
risk propagation in the network (Dixit et al., 2020; Garvey et al., 2015; Rajesh et al., 2015).
A further theme is risk assessment via supply chain network optimization. An interesting
observation was also that a large proportion of this cluster’s work was published in 2017 and

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 583

4.4.3 Cluster 3: Assessment of operational risks

The average PageRank score of cluster 3 is 0.0093. The 28 articles in this cluster contain
both MCDM techniques and more empirically-focused qualitative analyses of supply chain
risks. Supply chain risks are studied in general as well as with a specific focus. Dominant
industries in this cluster are the food, fashion and automobile industries (Diabat et al., 2012;
Lockamy, 2014; Nakandala et al., 2017; Thun et al., 2011). With most of the articles in this
group having been published between 2010 and 2015, a further theme within this group is the
application of cause-and-effect analysis to risks. Interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is
commonly used (Diabat et al., 2012; Pfohl et al., 2011; Prakash et al., 2017; Venkatesh et al.,
2015), as are empirical analyses and matrix-based assessment tools. We also observe a diverse
set of SCRA factors, including not only impact and likelihood, but also safety, dependence,
quality and efficiency parameters on which risks are assessed. A further characteristic of this
cluster was that articles studied risks associated with multiple modes of transportation (Vilko
& Hallikas, 2012; Zhang et al., 2012), and a major theme included the assessment of risks
found in product-based supply chains. Thus, in most cases, risks were related to demand,
processes, quality, logistics, new product development and procurement. These risks are not
new, and hence the assessment of such risks was primarily done in the earlier years in our
review timeframe.

5 SCRA parameters

We now delve deeper into the various parameters on which risks are assessed. Risks come
in various shapes and forms, and thus need to be assessed for instance based on their origin
(e.g., whether they are supply- or demand-based) or their type (e.g., environmental, social,
political). Clearly, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that would allow assessment to be
conducted in a standard, optimal way due to the various dynamics and influences at play. For
example, risks related to the food supply chain are different to those of the automotive supply
chain, while risks in product-based industries are dissimilar to those in service-oriented
industries. Based on our analysis on the prevalence of certain parameters in our sample paper
set, we integrated common approaches into a framework presented in Fig. 8 and elaborate on
each of them in the following. While risk probability and severity are key parameters, there
are a multitude of other parameters that have been explored.
One of these is the detectability of the risks. Wang, Li, et al. (2012) and Kumar et al.
(2013) considered detectability as an important parameter when organizations consider busi-
ness continuity as a strategy along with efficiency. Early detection of risks fosters faster
reaction, and better preparedness from severe consequences. Another parameter is risk expo-
sure, which captures how many risk events or potential sources of risks the focal organization
or the supply chain is being exposed to, and to what extent. For example, Tabrizi and Razmi
(2013) developed a mathematical model managing potential sources of risks the supply chain
network is exposed to using fuzzy logic. Another parameter is a firm’s strategy to avoid the
effect of risks when they are exposed to them. For instance, Thun and Hoenig (2011) empiri-
cally analysed SCRM in the German automobile industry and categorized it into reactive and
preventive approaches. This categorization stems from the fact that certain risks are avoid-
able while some are not. Analysing the extent to which risks can be avoided should help in
resource allocation and efficiency. The above three parameters—detectability, risk exposure
and avoidance—streamline the approach of risk assessment and further quantification of the

584 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Fig. 8 SCRA decision-making parameters

risks in terms of their likelihood and impact, aiding in the capture of underlying complexities.
Another parameter that offers value is the duration of the risk’s impact as demonstrated by
Simchi-Levi et al. (2015) and their engagement with Ford Motor Company. A final dimension
of risk assessment identified in our review is the expected utility, which is usually measured
in terms of costs and benefits (Mehrjoo & Pasek, 2016; Pournader et al., 2016; Xingli &
Liao, 2020).

5.1 Detectability

Detectability, which refers to the likelihood with which risks can be detected before they
manifest, should not be confused with likelihood of occurrence, which indicates how probably
a risk is to manifest (Giannakis & Papadopoulos, 2016). It is frequently measured on a ratio

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 585

scale and is an integral component of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA; Ghadge
et al., 2017; Kara et al., 2020).

5.2 Risk exposure

Risk exposure is often a combination of several risk-related indicators, reflecting an assess-

ment of multiple entities at one point in time or the assessment of a single entity over a span of
time. This assessment can then be captured in risk exposure indices (Kara et al., 2020; Ojha
et al., 2018; Roehrich et al., 2014). The use of such indices is practical as multiple factors
can be incorporated, alleviating decision-makers to assess risks on a continuous basis.

5.3 Avoidance

SCRA models have either a preventive or a reactive orientation (Thun & Hoenig, 2011). For
the former, a crucial factor is how easily risks can be avoided. For instance, risks related to
demand and supply can be avoided by developing capabilities, such as information sharing
or the strategic selection of suppliers, locations, or customers. Risk avoidance as a strategy
is however not always a viable option (Viswanadham & Samvedi, 2013), which is where
reactive approaches come into play that aim to reduce a risk’s impact while it is manifesting.
Both serve as important elements in the assessment of risks, and the degree to which risks
can be avoided can be considered a means to capture the resulting level of risk exposure.

5.4 Impact intensity

Impact intensity captures the ‘severity’ associated with the risk and is the most common
factor on which risks are assessed. However, the measurability of impact lacks a common
standard, with most studies relying on experts’ judgement to evaluate and understand risks
(Ma & Wong, 2018; Samvedi et al., 2013); in many of these instances, risk is rated on
Likert scales anchored at negligible/no-impact and catastrophic/crisis. Another practice of
identifying impact or severity is to categorize levels of severity as done by Tummala and
Schoenherr (2011). In their illustrative assessment, severity is negligible if the service level
is not affected due to sufficient safety stock, severity is marginal if service levels decrease
with depleting stocks, severity is critical if the plant is shut down for a week, and severity is
catastrophic if the plant is shut down for a month. Such pre-determined thresholds can serve
as guidance to trigger certain actions once risks manifest.

5.5 Impact time

Supply chain risks can also be assessed based on the duration of a risk’s impact, which
cannot only include the actual time during which the risk manifests, but also include the
recovery time. This is indeed a critical dimension, since supply delays tend to propagate
through the supply chain, resulting organizations to lose significant market share long after
the risk event has ended. Even for low-probability, high-impact events, the time-to-recovery
and time-to-service are valuable parameters to assess risks (Simchi-Levi et al., 2014).

586 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

5.6 Likelihood of occurrence

Likelihood of occurrence is an important factor in SCRA since it assesses the probability

of the risk manifesting. Likelihood of occurrence is often measured on a Likert scale using
expert judgments (Aqlan & Lam, 2015; Tazelaar & Snijders, 2013). The probability can also
be obtained through simulation (Qazi et al., 2018).

5.7 Cost

Cost plays an important role in SCRA, since risks manifesting themselves generally result
in higher costs, with risk avoidance and prevention mechanisms also being associated with
costs (Nooraie & Parast, 2016). Decision-makers are responsible to find the right balance
between the cost associated with a disruption versus the costs incurred for mechanisms aimed
at preventing or mitigating such a disruption. Cost (or the avoidance of costs by preventing
a risk from happening) can be used as a motivation to analyse risks and work towards their
prevention (Brun et al., 2006). As a measure of efficiency, cost is an important factor and is
widely used in supplier selection studies (Viswanadham & Samvedi, 2013), both from the
perspective of manufacturing (Xu et al., 2013) and procurement (Zhuo et al., 2018).

5.8 Expected utility

Utility theory motivates this factor, with the expected utility capturing the value obtained
conditional on the risk’s influence. While the risk level may be high, taking these risks
may be associated with a potential higher return (as the saying goes—high risks, high
rewards—which however also entails potential risk of failure). For example, investing in
an innovative but uncertain technology may be risky, but if the venture is successful, it
may yield significant returns. Decision-makers’ behaviours play a significant role within this
context (Qazi et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2013; Yan et al., 2019).

6 SCRA techniques

We now proceed with a review of the various SCRA techniques covered in our literature
sample. Our analysis captured more than 100 techniques to assess supply chain risks, with
a majority of them being quantitative. Table 7 presents some of the most frequently applied
techniques in our sample, Fig. 9 captures them across the years, indicating a general increasing
trend of MCDM techniques, and Table 8 presents their distribution across the eight journals
with the highest frequencies. Some of the most commonly applied techniques are further
assessed in the remainder of this section.

6.1 Critical analysis of commonly-used techniques

6.1.1 Fuzzy sets

Lofti A. Zadeh conceptualized fuzzy sets in 1965 (Zadeh, 1988), with the notion that fuzzy
logic is a matter of degree that can describe everything. It is a multi-valued logic that deals
with imprecise reasoning. This thus seems to be a fitting application for assessing the impact

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 587

Table 7 SCRA techniques

Technique Number of publications

Fuzzy Sets 34
AHP 22
Bayesian NW 10
CVaR 8
Grey theory 6
Delphi 5
Matrix 4
Critical analysis 3
Fault Tree Analysis 3
Mean–Variance 3


7 7


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Fig. 9 Trend of MCDM Techniques in the SCRA Literature

or severity of supply chain risks due to the inherent subjectivity and unpredictability of the
associated values. As Ma and Wong (2018) suggested, determining a precise value for these
dimensions is both infeasible and impractical. The application of fuzzy sets has thus received
significant attention by researchers when quantifying and assessing risks. In fact, risk is
not the only parameter that is commonly captured by a fuzzy set. Some additional settings
in which fuzzy sets were applied include performance (Rostamzadeh et al., 2018), criteria


Table 8 MCDM techniques for SCRA in top journals

Journal 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

Journal of Cleaner Production 3 2 2 1 8

International Journal of Production Research 3 1 1 2 7
Benchmarking: An International Journal 1 3 1 1 6
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2 1 2 5
European Journal of Operational Research 1 1 1 1 4
International Journal of Production Economics 1 1 1 1 4
Computers and Industrial Engineering 1 1 1 3
Industrial Management and Data Systems 1 2 3
Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607
Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 589

weight determination (Samvedi et al., 2013), the influence on sustainability (Wu et al., 2017),
and risky events’ likelihood of occurrence (Nakandala et al., 2017).
There are different ways to develop a fuzzy set. Normally, a three-set number is denoted
as a fuzzy set. To illustrate, Pournader et al. (2016) developed a triangular fuzzy numbered
set to identify the influence of risks as follows: “Extremely low” (1, 1, 3), “Low” (1, 3, 5),
“Fair” (3, 5, 7), “High” (5, 7, 9), and “Extremely high” (7, 9, 9). A four-number fuzzy set
representing a trapezoidal fuzzy number is also commonly used. These fuzzy values are then
de-fuzzified to obtain a single value. To develop a better understanding of fuzzy set theory’s
applications, we refer the interested reader to Zimmermann (1985). Although fuzzy sets are
helpful in quantifying uncertain, imprecise variables, they alone are not sufficient to assess
risks. In the SCRA literature, fuzzy set theory is therefore used in combination with other

6.1.2 Analytic hierarchy process and its extensions

One of the most commonly MCDM techniques is the AHP. Saaty (2004) developed the
AHP that consists of three main steps, i.e., hierarchy construction, priority analysis, and
consistency verification. The hierarchy captures the goal, the criteria, and the alternatives.
Once the hierarchy is constructed, the alternatives are compared against each other based
on the criteria, with the weights then being developed through pairwise comparisons. The
criteria are also compared against each other, and weights are developed in a similar fashion.
A consistency ratio is calculated based on the pair-wise comparison, which provides a validity
check for the results obtained. Illustrative studies include Viswanadham and Samvedi (2013)
and Wang, Chan, et al. (2012), who used performance attributes as criteria to identify risky
suppliers, and Schaefer et al. (2019), who developed a ranking of water risks based on AHP.
It is interesting to note that AHP has received various extensions in the SCRA literature.
Consider for instance fuzzy AHP, Monte Carlo AHP, DEA-AHP, Grey-AHP, and Delphi
AHP (Duleba et al., 2021; Mital et al., 2018; Rathore et al., 2017; Salehi Heidari et al., 2018;
Samvedi et al., 2013; Viswanadham & Samvedi, 2013; Wang, Li, et al., 2012; Zimmer et al.,
2017). The interested reader aiming to find out more about the various integrated forms of
AHP and its applications is referred to Ho (2008) and Ho and Ma (2018).
While AHP is a powerful decision-support tool, its limitations must be realized. To obtain
realistic outcomes, an imprecise real-life understanding must first be transformed into a
precise mathematical one—as such, it represents an approximation of reality. This requires
expertise in understanding the concerned subject, which in our case is supply chain risk.
Also, the criteria and alternatives along with their respective weights must be consistent to
yield acceptable results. Another limitation is the non-consideration of feedback or interde-
pendency between criteria and alternatives. If these limitations are however kept in mind,
then AHP offers a formidable approach and process to facilitate decision-making.

6.1.3 Analytic Network Process

The Analytic Network Process (ANP), also attributed to Saaty (2004), is an adaptation of the
general AHP structure and considers feedback or dependency of the alternatives and criteria,
the absence of which we noted as a major limitation of AHP. As the choice of alternatives is
determined by the presence of criteria, the alternatives also affect the decision-makers criteria
evaluation. The SCRA literature using MCDM techniques considers risks as criteria as well
as alternatives. In the former, alternatives are the solutions for different risk criteria, whereas

590 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

in the latter, risks are evaluated based on different parameters as criteria. In both cases there
is a dependency between alternatives and criteria. ANP is thus well suited for SCRA. For
example, Chand et al. (2017) considered four risk types as criteria and four supply chain
types as solutions, capturing green supply chains, agile supply chains, lean supply chains
and reverse supply chains. The risks are dependent on the supply chain type an organization is
adopting, a scenario that can effectively leverage ANP to assess the risks. Similarly, Martino
et al. (2017) developed risk ranks in the retail fashion industry based on multiple supply
chain objectives. Although the use of ANP solves the feedback or dependency of criteria
and alternatives, risks in supply chains form complex networks where risks percolate from
one level to another. ANP does not consider such flow or cause-and-effect analysis of risks,
illustrating that all approaches have some drawbacks that need to be considered.

6.1.4 Bayesian Networks

A Bayesian model is an acyclic graphical depiction of uncertain events (Heckerman et al.,

1995). Specifically, in a Bayesian network, an event is represented by a child node that is trig-
gered by another event representing a parent node. All nodes have associated probabilities,
with the Bayes Rule of conditional probability indicating the child node’s occurrence. With
a disruption being triggered by previous events, Bayesian networks can utilize either deter-
ministic or probabilistic data. What makes them especially amenable to the area of SCRA is
that risk assessment can be done using either historical data or expert judgment. For exam-
ple, Lawrence et al. (2020) developed a Bayesian Network to analyse supplier disruption
following extreme weather risks. Similarly, Kumar Sharma and Sharma (2015) proposed a
model to predict disruption risks in a supply chain, and Zheng and Zhang (2020) developed a
Bayesian Network model to assess supply chain risk parameters. The latter paper concludes
that the probability of a risk occurring becomes stable after a certain time. Further, Garvey
et al. (2015) studied disruption effects on multiple firms in a supply chain and suggested that a
Bayesian Network is an appropriate tool to measure risk propagation through a supply chain.
It should also be noted that Bayesian Network models are highly useful when the assessment
criteria are primarily based on the likelihood of events. Interested readers are advised to
consult Heckerman et al. (1995) for a thorough introduction to Bayesian Networks and their

6.1.5 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

FMEA is a popular approach to analyse risks (Schneider, 1996). Traditional FMEA is based
on three criteria: the likelihood of occurrence, the impact of the risk, and its detectability.
Events are rated based on these three criteria, which are multiplied to form a Risk Priority
Number (RPN). This facilitates decisions on which risk to focus on first—namely that with
the highest RPN. While the technique is widely used in project management (Carbone &
Tippett, 2004), it is also frequently applied in the SCRA literature (Chen & Wu, 2013; Kumar
et al., 2013). It is easy to apply, but generally has to be integrated with other techniques, like
Fuzzy sets or Grey theory, to capture the inherent uncertainty. A further limitation is that the
interdependencies of the events are not accounted for.

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 591

6.1.6 Grey theory

Julong Deng proposed the grey theory concept in 1982 by combining principles of system
theory, space theory, and control theory. The approach provides a measure to analyse rela-
tionships between discrete quantitative and qualitative series that are independent by nature
(Chang et al., 1999). Grey theory has the advantage to be able to deal with partial information
and uncertainty when multi-attribute decision-making problems arise (Chang et al., 1999;
Rahimnia et al., 2011). It has thus been widely accepted in the SCRA literature (Ali et al.,
2019; Rajesh & Ravi, 2015; Rajesh et al., 2015; Rao et al., 2017), as having only partial
information is inherent to risks.

6.1.7 Conditional Value at Risk

Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) is a measure that is helpful when dealing with low-
probability, high-impact risks (Dixit et al., 2020). The concept of CVaR is borrowed from
the finance literature (Rockafellar & Uryasev, 2002) where an expected loss is estimated
for a given event. The amount of losses is the financial risk determined through a statistical
measure called Value-at-Risk. If the probability distribution of the losses due to risky events
are known, the losses at the tail can be identified though VaR, and the events causing these
losses can be highlighted (Mehrjoo & Pasek, 2016). This concept is frequently applied in
the SCRA literature, especially when considering risks with low probabilities (Mehrjoo &
Pasek, 2016; Xu et al., 2013; Yan et al., 2019).

6.1.8 Interpretive structural modelling

When assessing supply chain risks it is difficult to determine their interdependencies, which
is however important as risks can influence each other, yielding complex network structures.
ISM is used to identify those complex structures (Kwak et al., 2018). For instance, Prakash
et al. (2017) and Diabat et al. (2012) used ISM to identify risks in the food supply chain,
while Venkatesh et al. (2015) used ISM to identify risks in the fashion supply chain. Specif-
ically, Diabat et al. (2012) categorized forecasting-based risk in the top of the hierarchy, and
Venkatesh et al. (2015) integrated fuzzy logic to deal with uncertainty in experts’ decision-
making. The study recognized globalization, behavioural aspects of employees, and safety
and security as risks that have highest dependencies.
Further, Kwak et al. (2018) developed an empirical model to identify risks and determine
how certain risks in supply chains cause other risks. The study found that conflicts between
trade partners, dependency upon logistics service providers, failure in logistics control, and
failure in information exchange play pivotal roles in propagating risks in the supply chain.
These risks are low in probability of occurrence but severe in their impact.
In a further study, Prakash et al. (2017) used ISM to evaluated risks in a perishable
food supply chain providing a hierarchy of risks. The ISM technique is often followed by
Matrice d’Impacts Croisés-Multiplication Appliquée à un Classement (MICMAC) analysis,
an approach that allows the categorization of risks based on dependence and driving power.
The categorization identifies for instance natural disasters and terrorist attacks as high-level
risks that are beyond the control of the organization. In this vein, Pfohl et al. (2011) confirmed
natural disasters and terrorist attacks as risks having high driving power. In contrast, lower-
level risks can be in the form of supplier capabilities, transportation issues, forecast errors, and
point-of-sales data errors. The study further integrated both the RPN and the Risk Mitigation

592 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Number (RMN), with the RMN representing the products of the RPNs and the Risk Mitigation
Indices (RMIs) of all risks—the RMI captures feasible mitigation strategies, with its value
ranging from 1 to 0 (and 1 representing an effective risk mitigation strategy). Overall, we note
that ISM is widely used as an exploratory research approach, necessitating the validation of
the model via Structural Equation Modelling.

6.1.9 Delphi technique

The Delphi technique was originally developed by Dalkey and Helmer to forecast future
events (Murry & Hammons, 1995). However, it has seen wide application in qualitative
research in areas such as problem solving and decision-making. The strength of the method
lies in its assumptions that group decisions are better than decisions made by a single person.
To avoid confrontations possible in face-to-face meetings, it employs anonymous, controlled
feedback procedures from experts whose responses are validated statistically. The mini-
mum number of experts acceptable for this technique varies. Amongst our literature sample
reviewed, Moktadir et al. (2018) considered ten experts, Markmann et al. (2013) included
80 experts, Vilko and Hallikas (2012) had 22 experts, and Kwak et al. (2018) solicited input
from 36 experts. It should be noted that as a decision-making tool, the Delphi method is
restricted to the initial identification of risks. It can however be easily integrated with other
techniques, like AHP, FMEA, ISM, and DEMATEL, for further assessment and analysis.

6.1.10 TOPSIS

The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is a MCDM
technique for a finite set of alternatives (Lai et al., 1994; Yoon & Hwang, 1995). It defines
both a positive ideal solution and a negative ideal solution from the list of alternatives, and
then compares the distance of the alternatives to them. The alternative that is the closest to
the positive ideal solution and the farthest from the negative ideal solution is considered the
best solution. The technique is highly suitable for SCRA decision-making as it is easy to
implement. For example, Abdel-Basset and Mohamed (2020) considered six risk areas with
33 underlying risks as sub-criteria, to identify the best telecommunication equipment segment
in a Chinese telecommunication company for sustainable SCRM. Rostamzadeh et al. (2018)
developed 7 sustainable risks as criteria, with 44 underlying risks as sub-criteria to evaluate
the best petrochemical complex location in Iran. Common risks considered in both studies are
financial, organizational, supply-related, environmental and information-technology related
It should also be noted that the Criteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation
(CRITIC) method can be integrated to determine the objective weights of the criteria (i.e.,
the risks). Fuzzy sets are also used to extract the uncertainty of the decision-makers’ choice.
For instance, Rathore et al. (2017) used TOPSIS to rank the risks in a food supply chain based
on criteria like impact, probability, risk type, cost, and duration, with Fuzzy AHP then being
used to allocate criteria weights. A very similar technique was adopted by Samvedi et al.
(2013) and Viswanadham and Samvedi (2013) for a holistic view on SCRM and supplier
selection, respectively. The use of TOPSIS has not been that prevalent in the literature and
requires integration with other techniques to yield substantial conclusions.

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 593

6.1.11 DEMATEL

Decision-making and trial evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) was developed by the Geneva
Research Centre of the Battelle Memorial Institute (Gabus & Fontela, 1972). It is a method
of structural modelling that aims to identify the strength of relationships between system
elements, which is thus a formidable approach when it comes to supply chain risks, as
they are interconnected and interdependent. There are obvious advantages associated with
considering the independencies of risks rather than assessing them in isolation. The approach
was applied for instance by Ali et al. (2019), who used it to investigate the cause-and-effect
relations among supply chain risks. The study identified food supply chain risks related to a
lack of skilled personnel, man-made disruptions, IT system failures, legal and regulatory risks,
and capacity to be in the ‘cause’ group, while risks related to poor customer relationships,
poor-quality products, supplier bankruptcy, change in customer taste, and poor leaderships
are in the ‘effect’ group. A similar study was conducted by Song et al. (2017), who identified
the relationship strength between risks in a sustainable supply chain, categorizing them into
cause and effect groups. Rajesh and Ravi (2015) also modelled enablers of supply chain risk
mitigation using DEMATEL. An approach that is commonly integrated with DEMATEL
is Grey theory, leading to the development of Grey-DEMATEL. Grey theory, as discussed
above, can deal with imperfect information. Therefore, such combination of approaches
ensures a better ability to identify structural dependencies between supply chain risks.

6.1.12 Mean–Variance method

Mean–Variance analysis in SCRA is derived from portfolio risk management theory in

finance, developed by Nobel Laureate Harry Markowitz. The idea behind the theory is to
obtain an expected value of the payoff given by the mean, and an expected variation of the
payoff given by the variance. Tsan-Ming Choi is a prominent author who has worked exten-
sively using this method (Choi et al., 2008a, 2008b, 2019). For instance, Choi et al. (2019)
explained that the Mean–Variance method can be applied as an analytical measure for risk
aversion, can be included in an optimization objective, and as a performance measure to
capture the risk of operations. When assessing supply chain risk, there are two approaches
with which this can be done. The first one is to maximise the expected profit and subjecting
the variance to some constraints, with the second one minimising the risk and subjecting
the expected profit and other variables to some constraints. Unlike the previous techniques
that considered certain criteria to assess risks, or use risk as a criterion to assess alternatives,
mean–variance models in SCRA take into consideration the attitude of the decision-maker,
which can be categorized into being risk-averse, risk-neutral or risk-seeking. As such, model
assumptions change based on the decision makers. It is also important to note that in most
studies using the Mean–Variance approach, risk is primarily captured in the form of financial
losses to stakeholders. For example, Zhuo et al. (2018) analysed an option contract in a decen-
tralized supply chain considering a retailer and a supplier. Chen et al. (2014) studied the risk
sharing behaviour when Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is used to reduce
misplaced inventory, and Choi et al. (2019) analysed the supply chain risk with air logis-
tics considering the application of blockchain technology. What makes the Mean–Variance
approach so powerful in supply chain risk analysis is that the attitude of the decision-maker
is considered. The Mean–Variance method can be applied as an analytical measure within
the context of risk aversion, but can also be integrated in the optimization objective or as a
performance measure to capture the risk of profit or loss. For a more detailed background and

594 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

technical aspects of the Mean–Variance approach, the interested reader is referred to Chiu
and Choi (2016).

6.1.13 Fault-Tree Analysis

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is another tool that uses logic diagrams from a directed graph
of the system’s model being analysed and describes relationships between variables and
events in the system. It was developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1961. Our review
of SCRA literature detected several studies deploying this technique. For example, Sherwin
et al. (2016) formulated a fault-tree to assess supply chain disruption risk caused by the delay
in delivery. Lei and MacKenzie (2019) studied risks in different types of supply chains using
FTA. The types are categorized based on competition and cooperation between material
suppliers. The use of Boolean Logic gates like AND, OR etc., makes the formulation of the
system easy to comprehend. It must be noted though that FTA does not capture the causes
of failures. However, FTA can be integrated with other techniques to consider a comparison
of different risks or risky events in a system. In this vein, Mangla et al. (2016) for example
developed a logic diagram of risks in sustainable supply chains using FTA and integrated it
with fuzzy sets and AHP to rank them. The application of FTA is limited in SCRA as the
logic diagram is based on some form of causality, which the method does not establish.

7 Discussion: SCRA characteristics

Our bibliometric and network analysis of the literature helped in disintegrating themes and
uncovering layers of supply chain risks, and—combined with a critical analysis of decision-
making techniques—helped us in identifying dominant characteristics of SCRA. These
include uncertainty, hierarchy, propagation, expected impact and cause–effect relationships.
SCRA literature is largely framed by these five aspects, with various decision-making tech-
niques being incorporated and modified to analyse one or more of these aspects (Table 9). This

Table 9 Techniques for SCRA characteristics

SCRA characteristics Techniques applied

Uncertainty How can the uncertainty in risky events’ Fuzzy sets, Grey sets
occurrence, severity, time, etc., be
How can uncertainty be integrated in a
decision-maker’s assessment?
Hierarchy Can the risks, criteria (for assessing AHP, ANP
risks) and organizational elements be
developed into a hierarchical structure?
Propagation Do risky events propagate risk in Bayesian Network, Fault-Tree
dependent events? Analysis
Expected Impact Can the impact (positive or negative) be Mean–Variance, CVaR, DEA
estimated or measured?
Cause-and-Effect Can a cause-and-effect relationship be ISM, Structural Equation Modelling,
developed between risk events, DEMATEL
responses, and other phenomena?

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 595

section focuses on these SCRA characteristics and suggests promising analysis techniques
for their investigation.

7.1 Uncertainty

The term uncertainty is used in a variety of contexts among our sample. In fact, it is one of
the most frequently used keywords in the SCR literature. Other terms closely associated with
uncertainty are volatility, instability, and lack of clarity. The probabilistic nature of future
events is one of the major contexts in which uncertainty is studied. Unpredictable customer
demands and unreliable supply reflect uncertainty. There are however also other variables
leading to uncertainty, including material prices, capacity availability, lack of information,
and political instability. All of these can lead to decision-making under uncertainty. Two
of the most commonly used techniques to address this context are Fuzzy Logic and Grey

7.1.1 Fuzzy logic and Grey theory

Most SCRA studies involve decisions made by experts, reflecting the fact that most deci-
sions cannot be reduced to a deterministic value. As such, experts may be able to most
accurately capture the attributes associated with risks, but when studied in diverse contexts,
converting these into measurable values can contain imprecision, uncertainty, or vagueness.
Nevertheless, reflecting on the risk is valuable as it allows to uncover underlying phenomena.
The uncertainty that is still inherent is captured by using Fuzzy Set and Grey Theory. Grey
Theory closely resembles Fuzzy Logic, with the difference being in their properties. Grey
Theory generally has an upper and a lower limit for the imprecise value, covering the range
of imprecision. In contrast, fuzzy sets define a membership function, thus accounting for the
imprecision. Both theories have their own technique of converting the imprecise value to a
precise (crisp) value. The evaluation procedure steps for grey relations are less than those
for fuzzy logic (Hsu & Wen, 2000). However, there are no significant advantages of one
technique over the other.

7.2 Hierarchy

One of the outcomes of risk assessment is the generation of risk priorities in a supply chain.
These priorities are not easy to identify until the right criteria are defined. The criteria on
which risks are evaluated can be hierarchical, with such hierarchy generally identified by
experts. Popular tools in this regard include the AHP and the ANP.

7.2.1 AHP and ANP

AHP and ANP are two frequently used MCDM techniques for SCRA. The use of both implies
a priori knowledge of all elements (goal, criteria and alternatives). Since it is commonly
accepted that supply chain risks are interconnected, it would be naïve to develop assessments
models without an understanding of risk interactions. Nevertheless, both AHP and ANP are
great approaches to prioritize resources and develop capabilities.

596 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

7.3 Propagation

Supply chains function in a highly interdependent network of organizations, rendering the

effect of any event or activity difficult to be analysed in isolation. Risks also do not happen
in isolation, but are rather interactive (Qazi et al., 2018) and propagate in a complex network
(Mizgier, 2017). The Global Risk Report (World Economic Forum, 2020) presents a dia-
grammatic network of how experts believe risks are interconnected. However, the network is
developed by identifying pairs of interconnected risks, and a higher level of sophistication is
required to understand the propagation of risk effects in a complex supply chain network. A
simple hierarchical network developed through AHP and ANP is insufficient, which is why
studies have used Bayesian Belief Networks and FTA to understand risk propagation.

7.3.1 Bayesian belief network and fault tree analysis

Assessment studies relating to a network of events focus on their conditional occurrence

probabilities. As such, Bayesian Network Analysis and FTA are good techniques to assess the
dependency of supply chain events. Flows are a fundamental part of supply chain networks,
captured for instance by the flow of materials, the flow of information, or the flow of money.
In this vein, Sherwin et al. (2016) noted the risks of delay in material flow using FTA. In
most cases, FTAs are static and assume independent probabilities. Lei and MacKenzie (2019)
developed a dynamic fault-tree where these assumptions are removed to reflect a realistic
network. The ease of developing a fault-tree is a great advantage for decision-makers, as the
relationships are represented though Boolean Logic. However, the ease comes with a costly
assumption of statistical independence of underlying events. Bayesian Networks somewhat
alleviate this issue (Garvey et al., 2015; Lawrence et al., 2020; Lockamy, 2014; Qazi et al.,
2018; Sharma & Routroy, 2016; Zheng & Zhang, 2020). Two advantages in particular need to
be noted. First, expert opinions can be integrated when a risky event cannot solely be treated
based on historical events. And second, conditionalities of risky events on other events can
be incorporated. This is highlighted by ‘The Global Risk Report (World Economic Forum,
2020), which captures how experts around the globe think about one global risk triggering
another. An alternate technique similar to Bayesian Networks is the use of Artificial Neural
Networks, which however require extensive data sets, thus making predictive models for
low-probability, high-impact risks difficult.

7.4 Expected impact

A consideration of SCRA is incomplete without analysing the impact the risk under study
can have. MCDM techniques like AHP, TOPSIS and ANP are capable to rank and categorize
risks based on their impact, but techniques like CVaR and Mean–Variance are better in their
quantitative assessment of the expected risk outcome.

7.4.1 CVaR and Mean–Variance

In the above discussion we identified studies using techniques revolving around the proba-
bility of occurrence and the severity of impact, often quantified in terms of financial losses.
As such, tools from finance were relied on to advance the SCRM field, which led to the
development of the Mean–Variance approach and CVaR. While the application of CVaR has

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 597

shown more predominance in the literature of SCRA than Mean–Variance, both approaches
hold great promise for SCRA.

7.5 Cause-and-effect analysis

In our view, the SCRA literature has not applied cause-and-effect analysis to its fullest
potential. This can be explained by the fact that developing a causal, generalized structural
network is difficult, and often does not make sense as the uncertainty aspect of risks poses
different challenges across industries. Narrowing it down to specific industry or case-based
approaches helps identify certain cause-based and effect-based events separately. ISM and
DEMATEL are two techniques frequently used in SCRA in this regard.

7.5.1 ISM and DEMATEL

SCRA includes the identification of structural interrelationships between elements in a supply

chain. This involves the dependencies, interactions, and strengths of the elements. Both ISM
and DEMATEL are unique in their way while at the same time having some similarities.
As such, both involve expert judgements to compare a pair of elements, and both involve
developing a diagraph representing the sequence of elements, with most of the elements
being in the form of risks (Diabat et al., 2012; Kwak et al., 2018; Prakash et al., 2017; Song
et al., 2017; Venkatesh et al., 2015). The use of ISM provides a hierarchy of risks that cannot
be obtained in DEMATEL, which however is able to obtain relative interaction strengths
between the risks. Nevertheless, both methods come with limitations, including the bias that
may be inherent in the experts’ decision-making, and the lack of a relative importance weight
for the variables. While the first limitation can be overcome by using Structural Equation
Modelling, the second limitation can be overcome by integrating the approaches with other
techniques like AHP or ANP.

8 Future research agenda

Future research opportunities in SCRA are abundant. While earlier work has developed ways
to identify and classify risks, the assessment aspect has received lesser attention in review
studies. We addressed this shortcoming in this review, which we believe was critical as risks
can be multifarious and guidance was needed on appropriate assessment approaches. The
multitude of contexts was also illustrated in Table 3. We observed a shift in studies starting
in 2015 to focus more on risks related to a specific industry rather than the supply chain in
general. Furthermore, it is also observable that service industries, like healthcare, tourism,
and retailing, do not have adequate representation from a supply chain context perspective.
In this vein, Ho et al. (2015) conceded that service supply chain risks are largely unexplored
in SCRM literature, and our review suggests that not much has changed since then. As such,
service supply chains consider risks primarily as a deviation in service levels, in addition to
risky behaviours of both buyers and suppliers (Wang et al., 2015); however, what has received
very limited attention is the identification of a broader set of risks and their assessment.
We identified sustainability-related supply chain risks and operational risks as two clusters
in the SCRA literature. The former is an emerging area while the latter is a perennial topic that
however is in needs of constant revision and updating. Sustainability-related risks associated
with the social dimension have a wider scope due to their rise in awareness. For example,

598 Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607

Ahmadi et al. (2017) highlighted social sustainable criteria that affect supply chains, stressing
the importance of contractual stakeholders’ influence, work health and safety, and training and
community influence. Assessment approaches towards social risks in the supply chain may
require additional parameters than already discussed. For example, risks posed by involuntary
mass migration of workers, social instability, inter-state conflict, and infectious diseases, are
characteristically unique and so are their repercussions in the supply chain. Further research
exploring these risks will be an intriguing area of research. Certain environmental risks are
also yet to be addressed within the purview of the supply chain, such as biodiversity loss
and climate action failure. For example, Levner and Ptuskin (2018) addressed the adverse
ecological effects due to supply chain activities, conceptualizing the ripple effect and utilizing
entropy theory. Alternatively, environmental issues can also be a source of supply chain risks.
We recommend future researchers to delve into these domains.
The network perspective, discussed in the second cluster, has also been getting particular
attention in the recent past. Multiple objectives, along with the propagation of risks, increase
the difficulty to model uncertainty and its effects. Bayesian Belief Networks can be useful in
this regard as they are able to capture these complexities. The use of Network Theory, which
is commonly used in the analysis of supply network idiosyncrasies, can also be integrated
with the above discussed techniques.
Furthermore, the techniques discussed have an abundant scope of further development
through their integration. While we have highlighted the rising trend in the application of
MCDM techniques within the SCRA literature, we encourage researchers to explore the
integration of inter-disciplinary tools and decision-making techniques to capture real-life
contexts with limited assumptions. The use of CVaR, a financial concept, as a measure of
resilience integrated with network modelling techniques (Dixit et al., 2020) is one such
example. Our analysis and discussion should guide researchers to map their objectives with
such techniques. In this vein, we also highlight a limitation of the articles we reviewed, i.e.,
their lack of application of the models in real life cases. The application of models in real life
cases should be encouraged, enabling practitioners to easily incorporate and validate them.

9 Conclusion

We reviewed 136 articles from top international journals from 2010 to 2020 in the specific
area of SCRA, focusing on the decision-making techniques applied. With our review, we
make several contributions to the field of SCRM. First, we provide more specificity for the
area of SCRA. To the best of our knowledge, while SCRA is of critical importance, there
exists no comprehensive and focused review in this domain. Through both a bibliometric
and a network analysis, we demonstrated the influence of certain SCRA aspects. As such,
our analysis and interpretation now provide a clearer and more holistic understanding of
the subject, highlighting the major themes in SCRA. This overview is thus invaluable for
researchers in designing impactful studies on SCRA by considering the assumptions and
variables outlined in this review paper. Second, we highlighted eight important parameters to
be considered when assessing risks in supply chains: avoidance, cost, impact intensity, impact
time, detectability, likelihood, risk exposure and expected utility. Risk assessment based on
these factors covers almost all risk aspects and should aid researchers and practitioners in the
risk management process. Third, a critical evaluation of the decision-making techniques used
in the SCRA literature and their characteristics was provided, offering researchers a clear and
concise understanding of technique application areas. With the help of this review, researchers

Annals of Operations Research (2023) 322:565–607 599

can easily narrow down their research area and the most appropriate technique to study SCRA.
Finally, the five SCRA aspects identified provide crucial guidance for researchers, since the
decision-making techniques and methods all have limitations, and thus their use must be
carefully weighted. To overcome this shortcoming, an integration of multiple techniques is
an accepted practice. Robust decision-making techniques can be developed to incorporate
all five aspects. However, the more approaches that are integrated, the greater the ensuing
complexity, which may prevent practitioners from adopting the approach.
Through this study we uncovered many promising research directions. Specifically, we
found that risk assessment related to sustainability is underrepresented in mainstream oper-
ations and supply chain literature. Especially the social and environmental aspects are
under-researched. Yet, the importance of these risks is clear, as demonstrated in the ‘The
Global Risk Report’ (World Economic Forum, 2020). As such, climate risks are widely
regarded as the risks that can have high impact. Researchers may thus find it compelling to
assess climate risks for the supply chain of a specific industry. Research on mitigation models
can be a successive step for the achievement of this objective. In addition, our review did
not lead to the identification of many health-related risks, representing a pressing research
opportunity for our discipline, as illustrated by the havoc that COVID-19 has wreaked on
global supply chains.
While we believe this review to be providing an invaluable foundation for scholars to get a
“head-start” in the SCRA literature, enabling them to jump-start their SCRA research agenda,
we acknowledge its limitations. As such, while our selection procedure for narrowing down
the articles helped us to derive a focused set of papers within the domain of SCRA, other
relevant works may have been missed, such as conference papers, theses, dissertations, and
books. Also, with the review being targeted to the academic community, we did not review
practitioner journals. Nevertheless, we believe that our exposition of the variety of techniques
and their application can be invaluable for practitioners as well. Another angle that the review
took was its focus on decision-making techniques. While this provides a unique perspective,
it is also limited in that other angles were not considered. We however hope that the review
provided offers motivation and inspiration for scholars to delve deeper into the fascinating
domain of SCRA, interest in which is expected to increase as triggered by the pandemic.


Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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