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Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

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Global supply chains risks and COVID-19: Supply chain structure as a

mitigating strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises
Mustafa Cagri Gurbuz a, Oznur Yurt b, c, *, Sena Ozdemir d, Vania Sena e, Wantao Yu f
Zaragoza Logistics Center, Avenida Ranillas 5, edificio 5A (EXPO), planta baja - 50018, Zaragoza Spain
The Open University, The Open University Business School, Michael Young Building, Walton Hall, MK7 6AA, Milton Keynes UK
Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business, Department of Logistics Management, Sakarya Cad. No: 156, 35330, Balcova, Izmir, Turkey
Lancaster University, Lancaster University Management School, Department of Marketing, Bailrigg LA1 4YX, Lancaster, UK
Sheffield University, The University of Sheffield Management School, Western Bank S10 2TN, Sheffield, UK
University of Roehampton, Roehampton Business School, SW15 5SL London, UK


Keywords: After the COVID-19 pandemic, more research is needed to understand how the impacts of global events differ
Supply chain disruptions among alternative network structures in the presence of supply chain risks, and how relevant these potential risk
Supply chain risks mitigation strategies are for Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs). Thus, our main motivation is to show how
Textile industry
SMEs can configure their supply chains, and cost-effectively mitigate the risk created by major disruptions. We
Mitigation strategies
combined a case study with a simulation model. The results suggest the greater usefulness of certain network
SMEs configuration strategies (e.g., collaboration, multi-sourcing) compared to others during catastrophic events. Our
results indicate that SMEs can avoid suffering more harm than larger competitors by adopting strategies con­
sisting of an adequate mix of proactive and reactive elements, and that an effective proactive strategy involves
building flexibility by increasing the number of geographically spread supply chain partners, allowing for deeper
discounts to preserve demand without hurting profits.

1. Introduction across a number of countries. The pandemic has obliged these firms to
stop production for a number of reasons1 (Berg et al., 2020; Lund &
Major supply chain disruptions have been reported by several com­ Krishnan, 2021) while at the same time, the cancellation of orders as a
panies as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic (Ali et al., 2022; result of the falling consumer demand2 has led to liquidity shortages
Ivanov & Dolgui, 2020; Sharma et al., 2020), especially among Small among suppliers, causing them difficulties in navigating the crisis (Amed
and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Indeed, around two-thirds of et al., 2020; ILO, 2020; Lund & Krishnan, 2021).
SMEs’ operations have been significantly affected by disruptions to the Unsurprisingly, developing global supply chain risk mitigation stra­
supply chain, compared with 40 % of larger companies (Manufacturing tegies has become a key priority for many companies in the aftermath of
Growth Programme, 2020). However, even among SMEs, the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak (de Sousa Jabbour et al., 2020; Ivanov & Dolgui,
the supply chain disruptions on operations has been uneven, as some 2020; Yu et al., 2019).3 The supply chain management literature has
industries tend to be more exposed to supply chain risks. One such in­ identified the structure of the supply chain network as an important
dustry is textiles (Berg et al., 2020; ILO, 2020; Khlystova et al., 2022), component in a number of potential strategies for mitigating risks along
characterized by very long and deep supply chains dominated by SMEs the supply chain (Mostafiz et al., 2022; Parmigiani et al., 2011).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Cagri Gurbuz),, (O. Yurt), (S. Ozdemir), v. (V. Sena), (W. Yu).
According to a recent study, suppliers in the textile industry have found it difficult to fulfil orders in the second quarter of 2020 (Berg et al., 2020).
The fall in demand was driven by job losses, salary reductions, closure of bricks and mortar retail stores, health problems, as well as the lockdown and quarantine
measures (ILO, 2020).
Multi-sourcing, backup suppliers, flexible payment plans, Stock-Keeping-Unit (SKU) rationalization, improved visibility and collaborative planning and fore­
casting, capacity protection (reservation), building redundancy (e.g., inventories), insurance, and acceptance (no response) can be given as examples (Ivanov &
Dolgui, 2020).
Received 20 May 2021; Received in revised form 19 October 2022; Accepted 26 October 2022
Available online 8 November 2022
0148-2963/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

However, Chowdhury et al. (2021) argue that more research is needed case study with a simulation model yields a number of meaningful and
to understand how the impacts of global events such as COVID-19 timely insights for both researchers and practitioners during and post-
pandemic differ according to supply chain network structures in the COVID-19. The simulation model provides a practical tool, enabling
presence of both supply and demand risks, and how relevant and costly firms to perform cost-benefit analysis (especially critical for SMEs)
these potential risk mitigation strategies are for generally financially regarding relevant proactive and reactive mitigation strategies for net­
constrained SMEs. It is also important to study how the supply chain works subject to demand, supply, and transportation risks.
configuration facilitates/hinders other possible mitigation strategies
mentioned in the literature. 2. Literature review
Our study aims to answer the following questions to address this
research gap in the literature: a) How can SMEs configure the structure 2.1. Supply chain risk and mitigation strategies in the aftermath of
of their supply chains to cost-effectively mitigate the risk created by COVID-19
major disruptions along the supply chain? Specifically, to achieve better
risk mitigation, is there any justification for the increased operational Scholarly interest has recently grown in supply chain disruptions and
costs for establishing supply chain configurations with multiple smaller relevant risks (e.g. Ali et al., 2017; Chowdhury et al. 2020; Karmaker
suppliers and buyers, compared to serial supply chains with a single/ et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2019). Mitigation of the supply chain risks, viewed
larger supplier and buyer? b) When major global supply and demand as a critical organizational capability, involves the management of the
related disruptions impact multiple supply chain entities, what is the impact of unexpected network disruptions, as well as the capability to
additional benefit of the geographical dispersion of suppliers and/or restore the operations (Ali et al., 2022; Ali et al., 2017; Raj et al., 2022;
buyers? and c) Are financial offers (e.g., discounts) to prevent order Tukamuhabwa et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2019). Several categories and
cancellations (demand disruptions) and maintain profitability more classifications of supply chain risk and risk mitigation strategies have
effective under particular network configurations, and are smaller dis­ been proposed (e.g. Christopher et al., 2011; Ho et al., 2015; Manuj &
counts sufficient when dealing with multiple SMEs as buyers, as opposed Mentzer, 2008). Among these, the risk due to catastrophic events has
to a single large buyer? received some attention (e.g. Chen et al., 2019; Meena & Sarmah, 2014;
In order to address these research questions and ground our model in Paul et al., 2019; Scholten et al., 2014; Shahed et al., 2021). Most work,
the reality of an SME, we first worked with a textile company based in however, has focused on the sources of relevant disruptions (e.g. Meena
Turkey to better understand the risks following the COVID-19 breakout, et al., 2011) and on the strategies to mitigate relevant risks (e.g.
as well as to identify a number of mitigation strategies it adopted in its Kleindorfer & Saad, 2005; Christopher et al., 2020; 2011), rather than
supply chain. This initial work has led to the development of a simula­ the key role of supply chain structure (e.g. Garvey et al., 2015)in the
tion model, which considers our case study firm’s two most important mitigation strategy, particularly when, as in the case of the COVID-19
mitigation strategies: (1) flexibility in sourcing/sales in supply chains pandemic, the supply chain is hit simultaneously by supply and de­
and impact of partnering with multiple smaller firms and (2) financial mand shocks, (Chowdhury et al., 2021).
offers as a reactive strategy to preserve demand. The value of these The structure of the supply chain imposes constraints on how risk
strategies is assessed under three alternative stylized supply chain con­ mitigation strategies can be designed and deployed. Global disruptions
figurations across three echelons (i.e., supplier(s) in the upper echelon, have far-reaching impact on supply chains simultaneously on multiple
followed by the focal firm and buyer(s), respectively). In all these con­ interrelated dimensions (e.g., production, transportation, demand, fi­
figurations, the intermediary (focal firm/case company) acts as an agent nances), which makes the supply chain recovery challenging (Paul et al.,
absorbing most of the shocks in the demand and supply processes (i.e., 2021). The likelihood and impact of such disruptions heavily depend on
supplier disruption leading to lost sales in lower echelons (i.e., buyers), the network structure. In our research, we discuss network structure’s
and demand shocks leading to order cancellations in upper echelons (i. role in risk mitigation as a proactive strategy, and on the deployment of
e., suppliers)). reactive strategies as a rapid response to supply chain disruptions. As
This study contributes to both theory and practice in three main such, we briefly discuss the relevant literature on network configura­
ways. First, during catastrophic events, from a practical perspective, the tions, supplier/buyer concentration, geographical concentration, and
case study results suggest that there are differences in the value of impact of financial offers in mitigating demand risk in the remainder of
various network configuration strategies (e.g., collaboration, multi- Section 2.
sourcing, customer diversification) that connect an SME (the focal
firm) with other SMEs. This further supports our finding that it is a 2.2. Network configuration theory in supply chain disruptions
simplification to state that the general claim that SMEs find it harder to
cope with major disruptions because of the lack of financial resources This study examines network configurations as value-creating sys­
and strong ties with supply chain partners (OECD, 2020), and that re­ tems in which the focal firm configures the structure of its relationships
ality is more complex. Such network configuration strategies allow SMEs with its suppliers and buyers to achieve a specific strategic goal or
to deploy proper risk mitigation strategies as well. outcome, e.g. to mitigate supply chain disruptions (Corsaro et al., 2012;
Second, from a theoretical perspective, our simulation model, Kim, 2014; Pittaway et al., 2005). Such relationship structures may
informed by the findings of the case study, extends the network con­ include triadic or more complex structures, comprising multiple dyadic
figurations approach by analyzing how different supply chain types and tiered relationships (Kim, 2014).
compare in mitigating risks of an environmental influence (such as Networks may be configured to diversify the customer base in order
disruptions occurred during COVID-19 pandemic), which by nature do to cater for changing states in customer orders due to ongoing shifts and
not necessarily disrupt all diverse network actors simultaneously (Meyer disruptions in demand (Akanle & Zhang, 2008) and/or to diversify the
et al., 1993; Kwak et al., 2019) and therefore provides insights into the supplier base in order to address changing supply conditions, such as
benefits of partnering with reliable firms that function even under restrictions, shortages or delays (Hendricks et al., 2009; Kaki et al.,
catastrophic situations. To the best of our knowledge, our simulation 2015). Consequently, different network configurations may facilitate
model is quite generic and the first to explicitly consider both major different risk mitigation strategies to cope with the joint impact of
supply and demand disruptions, as well as minor fluctuations in cost/ supply and demand uncertainties. However, the simultaneous effects of
demand parameters during catastrophic events, even when an individ­ these two types of uncertainty have received only limited attention in
ual supplier/buyer may not be directly disrupted, accounting for con­ the literature (Golmohammadi & Hassini, 2020; Huang, Li, & Xu 2018,
ditional dependencies. Kazaz, 2004). Our study contributes to the existing literature analyzing
Finally, from a methodological perspective, combining an industrial the deployment of network configurations that consider either end of the

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

supply chain to be able to manage severe disruptions affecting multiple sustainable growth of a supplier, unless it is under government protec­
actors simultaneously (as opposed to focusing on more predictable or tion (Wang et al., 2021). Yet another risk of greater customer concen­
frequent disruptions caused by individual actors: see Lin & Wang, 2011; tration is major customers’ bargaining power in relation to their
Namdar et al., 2018)). suppliers. Therefore, firms with higher customer concentration may
Geographical spread of suppliers and customers is another key have a greater need for cash, and for flexibility to adapt their operations
parameter in network configuration (Rudberg & Olhager, 2003), and a to the changing market requirements (Huang et al., 2016).
critical factor in the transformation of supply chain members’ global
supply chains in the aftermath of the COVID-19 (Ke at al., 2022). The 2.4. Geographical concentration in supply chain disruptions
theory developed so far has limited focus on the start point and duration
of the period over which environmental influences (e.g., supply chain Risk mitigation concerns must focus not only on the number of
disruptions) may affect diverse network actors, and generally fails to suppliers or buyers to work with, but also on ensuring that disruption
consider whether or not such influences affect all network actors does not affect all suppliers and customers within a supply chain
simultaneously. This is important, because, for instance, the timing of network at the same time. Geographical spread of both is therefore
such disruptions and effects on various suppliers in the network partly critical, especially in situations in which major catastrophic events affect
determines the value of supply base diversification (Berger & Zeng, all supply chain entities within a particular region (Paul et al., 2021). In
2006; Burke et al., 2007; Lin & Wang, 2011; Namdar et al., 2018). Our this study, geographical concentration indicates the degree of
study extends configuration theory by specifically considering the geographical spread of suppliers and customers (e.g., greater concen­
external environment of its network actors, in addition to how config­ tration means all suppliers are based in the same region and subject to
urations should be deployed to fit a focal firm’s immediate environment. similar risks).
From a sourcing perspective, adopting lower levels of geographical
2.3. Supplier and customer concentration in supply chain disruptions concentration enable the firm to reduce risk and mitigate the damaging
effects of supply chain disruptions by diversifying the supply sources
The level of concentration of the supply chain defines the extent to across regions (Hendricks et al., 2009). Benefits of a dispersed supply
which a firm depends on suppliers and buyers for business continuity. base exist even in global disruptions, such as the recent COVID-19
Supplier concentration indicates the number of suppliers and work pandemic, because disruptions were not synchronized across regions.
distribution among these (Sako et al., 2016; Steven et al., 2014). Simi­ The advocates of geographical concentration in sourcing, however,
larly, down the chain, customer concentration represents the degree of argue that lower level of geographical concentration, i.e. greater
concentration of revenues across customers (Ke et al., 2022), ultimately dispersion, is a complexity driver, which reduces the service quality and
defining the share of revenues from each (Saboo et al., 2016). transparency, and increases costs and uncertainty (Nakatani et al., 2018;
As far as the supply chain is concerned, greater supplier concentra­ Steven et al., 2014).
tion (i.e., smaller number of suppliers as sources) has the following three The disruptions in supply chain environments may also influence
major benefits: (1) it facilitates the development of stronger and longer customer demand in global environments, as evidenced by dramatic
term relationships, because a small group is able to meet sourcing purchasing behavior changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are
criteria such as quality and cost of supplies, speed or timeliness of de­ few relevant studies, but one is Leung and Sun’s (2021) research,
liveries (Burke et al., 2007; Trevelen & Schweikhart, 1988; Yang & showing that customer concentration reduces firm profitability and sales
Yang, 2010); 2) it enables suppliers to become familiar with their growth in the case of disruptions caused by political uncertainty; in
buyers’ needs and their requirements via continuous improvement ini­ contrast, for Chinese semiconductor firms, higher levels have been
tiatives (Namdar et al., 2018), and (3) it lowers administrative and found to have a positive influence during an environmental disruption
transaction costs due to reductions in efforts to co-ordinate the supply (Ding et al., 2021).
base, and thus, in negotiating time, and in delays or disturbances in Irrespective of the size of the firm, the findings from previous
production schedules (Berger & Zeng, 2006; Yang & Yang, 2010). Not all research are inconclusive, as to the optimal level of network or
firms, however, source from only one (or few) suppliers, and it is com­ geographical concentration, particularly with regard to major disruptive
mon practice to use multi-sourcing or backup suppliers in a supply chain events. SMEs might not be able to operate cost-effectively with higher
network. For example, Samsung Electronics Co. ltd. tries to always number of suppliers/customers in diverse regions of the world (Jaklic
source from at least two suppliers within its network, even if the share of et al., 2012), but are more adaptable to changing environments due to
the second in total order volume is as low as 20 % (Sodhi & Lee, 2007). their lighter bureaucracy and greater flexibility (Eggers, 2020). A larger
The main driver for “reduced supplier concentration” is the ability to firm with abundant resources and greater power in supply chain (Pol­
limit the dependency on individual suppliers, particularly in disrupted yviou et al., 2020) can better exploit cost advantages from economies of
and highly uncertain environments (Yang & Yang, 2010). The use of, for scale in general, however, suffer more from the impact of a disruption.
instance, backup suppliers, even if costly, is particularly valuable when All in all, there is a lack of agreement over how firms should
there is a need to prioritize dedicated supplier reliability (Kumar et al., configure their geographical concentration in engagements with sup­
2018; Yin & Wang, 2018), and this approach is crucial in developing pliers and customers (or buyers) under a disruption, such as COVID-19,
flexibility in sourcing. which may affect network actors differently over time. Our research
On the demand side of the equation, greater customer concentration aims to address these gaps in the extant literature, modeling both
may have more potential in two respects: (1) strengthening the ability of network and geographical concentration (taking conditional de­
supply chain risk mitigation against demand uncertainty in disruptions, pendencies into account), which involve trade-offs between costs asso­
such as COVID-19, due to the increased targeting efforts towards ciated with establishing such networks and the expected improvements
stronger relational ties with fewer customers (Saboo et al., 2016; Wang in supply chain risk mitigation.
et al, 2021), and (2) increasing firm revenues through economies of scale
by lowering overhead costs and selling expenses, and facilitating pro­ 2.5. Discount offers and demand cancellations
ductions and transactions (Kwak & Kim, 2020; Wang et al., 2021).
However, despite such attractive benefits, customer concentration also It is well known that an inventory system is often subject to various
increases dependency on fewer customers, leading to higher cash flow demand/supply uncertainties, where customers might, for example,
risk, particularly in highly uncertain disruptions such as the pandemic cancel orders during the period of demand reservation, a far more
(Huang et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2021). A study focusing on the COVID- common practice since the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous research
19 has shown that customer concentration is negatively related to the sheds some light on the impact of demand reservation and cancellation

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

on the replenishment processes. Yuan and Cheung (2003), for example, global suppliers (Lur Textile, 2020). Fig. 1 shows the supply chain
developed a periodic review inventory model in which all demands are structure of LUR.
to be reserved with one-period lead time, but cancellations are allowed
during the reservation period to calculate order-up-to levels, dependent 3.2. Data collection
on the reserved demand and cancellation parameters. Yeo and Yuan
(2011) extended the work by Yuan and Cheung (2003) by considering The case method was chosen for study as we aim to explore a rela­
both supply uncertainty and demand cancellation. tively new phenomena suited to field study, particularly to case study
The approach in the current research differs, mainly motivated by research (Ketokivi and Choi 2014; Voss et al. 2002). First, we conducted
the strategy of our focal firm (i.e., LUR Textile), with a focus on incen­ exploratory in-depth semi-structured interviews with top managers of
tivizing the buyer to avoid cancelation through financial offers (i.e., the focal company, LUR, which strongly supported simulation model
discount) rather than adjusting production quantities based on demand development. Purposive sampling was used for selecting both the case
and cancellation distributions. Previous research (e.g. Pasandideh et al., company and the interviewees; LUR was chosen due to its characteristics
2014) suggests that permissible delay in payments and cash discounts (see Section 3.1), which are aligned with our research aims. The selec­
are two assumptions that enable companies to attract new customers. tion criteria for the interviewees were their level of knowledge and
Following this approach and noting the evidence that cash discounts involvement in the supply chain management, as well as their mana­
helped maintain the previously committed orders at the firm, we gerial role. Interviewee details are given in Table 1.
examine the impact of a discount intended to prevent cancellations of All interview data were subsequently transcribed, validated, and
placed orders under different network configurations. This is similar in coded. The interview questions (available upon request) were developed
nature to the work by You (2003), who examines an ordering and as an interview protocol based on previous literature (e.g., Gray et al.,
pricing problem for a dynamic programming model in which the 2020; Ivanov & Dolgui, 2020), considering the aims of the research and
advanced-selling systems promote a perishable product over a short research questions. Questions were designed to identify and explore the
sales season. In our model, the demand is also price-dependent effect of COVID-19 on textile supply chains, and their response to the
(implicitly, through reduced cancellations as a result of the cash potential issues and challenges.
discount). All questions were open-ended, and iterative questioning techniques,
In the following two sections (Sections 3 and 4), we analyze in detail and probing questions were used to increase credibility. All researchers
the risks and disruptions faced by our focal firm, along with their results, collaborated on the design of the initial interview protocol, and feedback
followed by the simulation model and the associated insights contrib­ was sought from academics and professionals in the operations and/or
uting to the general understanding of the impact of network structure the supply chain management fields, after which revisions were made to
and financial offer on disruption mitigation. clarify the questions. The questions were initially developed in English
and back translated by two independent individuals, as the interviews
3. Case Study: Impact of Covid-19 on textile supply chains and were conducted in Turkish. Interviews were conducted by two re­
the response searchers and recorded with participants’ permission. Interviews with
the CEO, general manager and deputy manager of the company lasted
Aligned with our aims, the case company was selected on three 49, 90 and 57 min, respectively.
criteria: 1) company size/being an SME, 2) membership of a global As part of data triangulation, and with the aim of enhancing the
supply chain, 3) being in continuous operation since COVID-19 outbreak trustworthiness (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin 2003), we used multiple sources
started. of evidence, including documentation such as company order and sales
figures between March and July 2020. The company website5 was also a
3.1. The textile industry in Turkey and background of the case company source of relevant supporting data. Secondary sources of data were
publicly available market reports particularly relevant to textile sector
Turkey is the fifth largest exporter of textiles and clothing accounting in Turkey and COVID-19. Such supporting sources are also incorporated
for nearly-four percent of all exports globally (Shahbandeh, 2020). As to the coding process. We reflected diverse perspectives on the findings
evidenced from the recent indicators, between2019 and 2020, amongst through triangulation between researchers, which allowed us to control
the world’s top five textile and clothing exporters, Turkey experienced for potential biases of any one individual (Maylor & Blackmon 2005).
the second smallest contraction (-$279 M), after China ($153 M) Initially we analyzed data through open coding. After defining the first-
(Euromonitor International, 2020). Despite the challenges faced by the level codes, following an inductive approach, we conducted axial coding
industry, especially during the COVID-19, Turkey is expected to play an to generate more abstract codes (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Strauss &
increasing role in the global supply chains, as a value-added Corbin 1990). Coding was continued until a definite agreement was
manufacturing hub due to its location midway between the U.S. and reached. Our contact with the case company to collect and analyze
Far East, and as an efficient connection node between China and different sources of data extended from April to December 2020. To
Western Europe through the trans-Caspian International Transport ensure the quality of the research, we used the four design tests proposed
Route- The Middle Corridor (Wara, 2020). by Yin (2003), with the relevant actions.
The case company chosen for this study; Lur Textile (LUR) is a
member of the Aegean Clothing Manufacturers’ Association4 in Turkey. 3.3. Case study results
Based in Izmir, Turkey since its establishment in 2003, LUR has devel­
oped an increasingly wide range of products, and with 300,000 m of Our analysis revealed disruptions and risks at all echelons of LUR’s
annual production capacity, has become well known locally (Lur Textile, supply chain during/after COVID-19. Some customers, for example,
2020). With its 40 white collar employees, and 120 factory staff, LUR is canceled orders due to falling end-consumer demand, while some sup­
considered as an SME. Its customers range from global apparel market pliers were unable to manufacture and/or transport goods. A summary
leaders to local retailers (mostly SMEs). 90 % of its total export volume is of the relevant findings is given in Tables 2 and 3 (detailed information
to Europe (e.g., Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania), USA and Canada. LUR is available upon request).
produces and sells two main product categories, non-denim, mainly All managers interviewed at LUR confirmed overestimating the
sourced from local suppliers, and denim, supplied from both local and

5 (Accessed
4 10.04.2021). 10.04.2021).

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

Fig. 1. Supply chain structure of LUR(In the simulation model, we only include LUR (the focal company), and immediate global suppliers and distributors as the
impact of Covid-19 related disruptions were more visible for this section of the network.).

Table 1 Table 3
Details of the interviewees. Disruption management and risk mitigation strategies.
Initials of the interviewees used in Interviewees’ position in the Group of strategies Disruption management and risk
quotations company mitigation strategies

S.G. CEO Collaboration Offering flexible/delayed payment plans,

E.G. General manager discounts to buyers
E.Y Deputy manager Collaborative planning and forecasting
Sharing best practices with the supply chain
Implementing early supplier involvement
Table 2 strategy
Main disruptions and risks during/after COVID-19. Having strong relations particularly with
small-scaled supply chain partners
Risk group (demand/ Disruptions & risks
Flexibility Implementing agile strategies
supply side)
Temporary solutions such as direct shipments
Supply side Production disruptions at suppliers’ sites (labor or raw Choosing different sized firms (mostly SMEs) as
material shortages due to governmental restrictions) supply chain partners
Factory closures at suppliers’ sites/supplier being shut down Postponement and delayed differentiation
Supply disruptions due to shortages and scarcity on critical Responsiveness Switching mindset to sell more to the e-
raw materials (i.e. organic cotton) retailers or their suppliers
Geographical concentration of supply (e.g. Pakistan, India) Switching to sustainable products
Demand side Order cancellations by the first-tier customers Decreasing the minimum order quantities at all
Bullwhip effect/order cancellation propagation caused stages of the supply chain
by the demand shocks in the consumer market Re-evaluating the criticality of their supply
Difficulties on reaching early market information as demand chain partners
forecasting sources Re-evaluating the current suppliers’
Concentration of demand on a specific geographical region performance
(mainly EU countries) Resilient human resources management
Factory closures-at customers’ site practices
Both sides Fluctuations in the exchange rate Internal process redesign
Impact of each country’s different paces managing the Downsizing (the capacity) when needed
pandemic/ governmental restrictions Multi-sourcing & multi-shoring Working with alternative suppliers
Political risks due to potential border closures and/or Keeping back-up suppliers
restrictions on foreign trade Local & global sourcing
Transportation failures/Transportation links broken and/or Customer base diversification Working with a range of customers/retailers
more expensive having different sizes, and
Container shortages due to slow flow of freight and/or characteristics, regions
border closures Political advantage & trade Tax reduction for supplies from certain
agreements & certifications countries
*Disruptions/risks in italic in the above table are implicitly/explicitly consid­ Country specific certifications (e.g. Cotton
ered in the simulation model in Section 4. Council International-Cotton
USA trademark)
Digitalization On-time information sharing & digitalization
impact of the disruptions/risks, partially due to their disruption man­
(as a future mitigation strategy)
agement and risk mitigation strategies implemented since March 2020,
designed, to minimize the effects of Covid-19. Table 3 below summa­ *Mitigation strategies in italic in the above table are implicitly/explicitly
rizes these strategies. considered in the simulation model in Section 4.
Our findings suggest that, if supported with the relevant character­
istics and/or capabilities, several potential strategies can be imple­ management of such disruptions/risks was mainly facilitated by the
mented to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and similar adverse events establishment of relatively uncomplicated communication channels,
on textile supply chains. Despite being an SME (and partnering mostly because of their strong long-term, trust-based relations with supply
with SMEs), LUR was, in most cases, able to rapidly respond to minimize chain partners. This result conflicts with the claimed slower responses
the adverse impact of COVID-19 on its supply chain. The effective for SMEs and/or companies with SME supply chain partners to

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

disruptions, due to greater vulnerability to shocks, and also with the analysis of the value of financial offer (i.e., discount) as a reactive plan to
argument that the smaller size of the firms implies a lack of buffer to maintain the target profit levels, and understand the role played by the
absorb the shock (e.g. Manufacturing Growth Programme, 2020; OECD, particular network structure.
Therefore, the findings from our case study generated new research
questions aligned with the simulation model presented in Section 4. In 4.1. Model details
addition to the focus on organizational capabilities, we aim to under­
stand, via the simulation model, the two most relevant mitigation stra­ We model three supply chain design alternatives, as shown below in
tegies (strategic/proactive network configuration choices and tactical/ Fig. 2. The focal firm (e.g., LUR Textile) forms a partnership with one big
reactive actions), and how these can support LUR and similar firms cope supplier and one big buyer in the “triadic” supply chain, whereas there
with major disruptions caused by a global event such as COVID-19. are two (smaller) suppliers and buyers in both the “concentrated” and
Specifically, we investigate the value of sourcing/product flexibility “dispersed” supply chain configurations. In the concentrated supply
(sourcing from multiple supplier partners, and the capability to chain, suppliers and buyers are based in the same region (possibly
customize and sell the product to multiple alternative buyers in case of subject to the same risky events and resulting disruptions), but in the
order cancellation) and financial offers (markdowns offered to prevent dispersed supply chain configuration, geographically spread out.
order cancellation). Our generic simulation model, informed by key There are three main shocks to the demand and supply processes in
findings from our case study, is practical and realistic, in that it our simulation model: (1) disruption at a supplier, (2) demand disrup­
implicitly/explicitly considers the key disruptions/risks and mitigation tion (a buyer requesting to cancel an already placed order), and (3)
strategies identified in our case study (given in italic in Tables 2 and 3). disruption of the transportation service (i.e., inbound and/or outbound
transportation links broken). All three types of disruptions may be
4. Simulation triggered simultaneously by the occurrence of a catastrophic-event (e.g.,
Covid-19 pandemic) or may simply happen as unique-events (individual
Although supply chains with merely a few big players concentrated disruptions), even without a catastrophic-event. Our approach to
in a certain region are cost efficient, COVID-19 outbreak (considered a modeling supplier availability issues stemming from such disruptions is
“catastrophic-event” in this research) has raised awareness on the possi­ similar to Meena et al.’s (2011), but with major differences with respect
bility of supply chain collapse because of a single risky event. As dis­ to how the shocks arrive at the system and their duration, which can be
cussed in Section 3, management at LUR (i.e., our focal firm) partnering tracked by continuous monitoring. Moreover, a catastrophic event like
with multiple SMEs (as suppliers and buyers) secured supply flexibility, COVID-19 pandemic does not necessarily disrupt all supply chain en­
offered discounts or shifted demand to other potential customers when tities in our study. This allows us to observe the benefits of partnering
the original customer canceled orders during the recent global with more “individually reliable” firms under different conditions.
pandemic. However, we assume that the conditional probability of an individual
Partnering with multiple SMEs reduced LUR’s exposure to such risky disruption occurring following a catastrophic event is greater than it
events, however, to a limited extent, as most of its suppliers were would be under normal conditions. Similarly, individual disruptions last
concentrated in Pakistan and buyers, in Europe. Such industrial con­ longer on average in the aftermath of a catastrophic event.
centration in general is cost efficient and requires reduced effort for We model the difference between the concentrated and dispersed
marketing, localization of the goods, distribution costs, and after-sales configurations by synchronizing (or not) the time of occurrence of
services. Yet, when all partners are subject to the same underlying catastrophic events in concentrated (dispersed) supply chains. That is, in
disruption risks, there is an inherent risk of losing simultaneously the the concentrated network design, the start point and duration of the
total manufacturing capacity (e.g., an earthquake affecting all the sup­ catastrophic event for buyers (or suppliers) coincides, whereas in the
pliers in a certain country) and/or demand (e.g., importation restrictions dispersed network design, catastrophic events may or may not coincide.
or border closures impeding the distribution of the goods to all the Below, we list additional assumptions made in our simulation model,
customers in a certain region). followed by the timeline that shows the processing of each buyer’s order
It is quite challenging mathematically to build a stochastic analytical in the simulation in Fig. 3:
model of such supply chains with multiple echelons, given the
complexity of operating policies (for production, distribution, sales, etc.) • A Make-to-Order (MTO) system is employed (as LUR does for a
and varying sources of uncertainties/disruptions and obtain steady-state certain number of product categories) triggering production when
results for system performance. Therefore, we believe simulation is the buyers’ orders are received at the beginning of each week, empha­
most appropriate tool for the analysis of the effectiveness of different sizing the criticality of implementation of proper risk mitigation
network structures as a proactive risk mitigation strategy, and the strategies to maintain high fill rates, as the company does not hold

Fig. 2. Network structures for triadic, concentrated, dispersed supply chains.

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

Fig. 3. The timing of events for each order during the simulation (for the focal company- LUR).

• An order from a buyer is rejected if all the suppliers are disrupted at performance under different scenarios was impacted by supply chain
that moment (in line with events at LUR). Otherwise, the total order structure (i.e., triadic, concentrated, and dispersed) and the financial
is split evenly across all available suppliers (no limit on production offer (i.e., discount). Table 4 provides additional details regarding
capacity). This practice is in line with our focal firm’s philosophy of
placing smaller, more frequent orders to create constant/continuous
work (therefore revenue) for their suppliers, as opposed to less Table 4
frequent larger orders. Moreover, the order splitting reduces the Simulation parameter settings (baseline).
“production time” for each order, hence the likelihood of disruption Description Value
during production and the resulting delay in delivery. Catastrophic event inter-arrrival time (μ) Exponential random variable with
• A disruption at the supplier during production (order acceptance) a mean of 720 days
delays delivery only. Similarly, delay is caused by a transportation- Catastrophic event duration (τ) Triangular random variable with
related disruption (either inbound from the supplier to the focal parameters 60, 180 and 300
Probability of unique-event (supplier disruption) 1
firm, or outbound from the focal firm to the customer). We impose no
given catastrophic-event (PC(SD))
additional cost for such delays, but the simulation keeps track of the Probability of unique-event (supplier disruption) 0.1
cumulative number of delays. under normal conditions (PN(SD))
• There is no cancellation fee, and no partial cancellation (the whole Probability of unique-event (inbound/outbound 1
order is cancelled). When a customer cancels an order “during pro­ logistics) disruption given catastrophic-event
duction”, the focal firm continues with the production at the supplier
Probability of unique-event (inbound/outbound 0.1
(in line with the strategy of LUR, epitomized by the quote: “Pro­ logistics) disruption under normal conditions
duction must continue”). (PN(IOD))
• A discount offered by the focal firm to the buyer to discourage order Unique-event duration given catastropic-event Exponential random variable with
a mean of 60 days
cancellation may have one of the following results:
Unique-event duration under normal conditions Exponential random variable with
• The buyer may accept the discount and pay the lower rate, a mean of 30 days
• The buyer cancels the order, and the product is sold to the second Weekly demand for a small customer (SME) Uniform random variable with
buyer with a given likelihood (in the dispersed or concentrated under normal conditions parameters 50 and 100
designs) in the absence of transport related (outbound) disruption, Weekly demand for a large customer under Uniform random variable with
normal conditions parameters 100 and 200
• The buyer cancels the order, and the product is salvaged in a
Weekly demand for a small customer (SME) Uniform random variable with
secondary market if it is not possible to sell it to the second buyer. given catastrophic-event parameters 25 and 125
• The unit revenue collected from the second buyer (for dispersed and Weekly demand for a large customer given Uniform random variable with
concentrated designs) is significantly less than the full price charged catastrophic-event parameters 50 and 250
Probability of a request for order cancellation by 0.2
to the original buyer, but more than the salvage value (on the sec­
a customer given catastrophic-event
ondary market). The reduction in unit revenue is not only due to a (PC(RFC))
discount to incentivize alternative buyers (both second buyer and Probability of a request for order cancellation by 0.1
potential customers in secondary market) to purchase the product, a customer under normal conditions
but also a result of costs for additional transaction/administration (PN(RFC))
Probability of a customer accepting the discount 0
and making changes on the product itself (e.g., repackaging).
offer (PAccept)
• The variable (per unit) and fixed costs increase when there is a Probability of selling to the second customer in 0.4
catastrophic event (i.e., the catastrophic event is “active”), even if case of cancellation
there is no disruption at an individual supplier or buyer. This reflects Percent discount offered to the customer to 0
discourage order cancellation (β)
most companies’ situation during the recent pandemic, assuming
Percent reduction in revenue per unit with sales 40
they continued to function. to the second customer in case of cancellation
• Similarly, the variance of the demand increases (while keeping the Percent reduction in revenue per unit with sales 60
mean constant) when there is a catastrophic event (even when there at the secondary market (markdown)
is no individual disruption), mainly due to reduced predictability, Production rate (number of units per week) 10
Unit selling (full) price 50
while the overall average demand might remain unchanged (with
Unit cost (production + transportation) given 40
increases in some and decreases in others). Our focal firm also suffers catastrophic event
from reduced visibility (and hence predictability of demand) due to Unit cost (production + transportation) under 35
changed orders as well as less information available (e.g., being normal conditions
Fixed cost of an order (independent of quantity) 200
unable to attend the Paris show and visit customers in person).
given catastrophic event (FC)
Fixed cost of an order (independent of quantity) 175
4.2. Experimental design under normal conditions (FN)

* Equal values for large and small customer/supplier as well as inbound and
We perform an extensive numerical analysis to understand how outbound logistics operations unless stated otherwise.

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

disruptions and summarizes the input parameters for the baseline (instead of 18 % and 36 %) for the discounts offered to a “small” buyer,
scenario: maintaining the same probability of accepting the discount offer (i.e.,
We tested system performance for different values of interarrival time PAccept). We assume an increasing marginal likelihood of accepting the
of catastrophic events, probabilities of individual disruption, cancellation, discount with respect to the discount level (e.g., for the dispersed supply
and of accepting the discount. We also investigate the “cost of risk miti­ chain, the probability of accepting a 15 % discount is 0.16, and with an
gation” by simulating the system for different fixed ordering costs additional 15 % discount, 0.5).
(working with more supply chain partners to mitigate risks automati­ The system is simulated for 100 years (discarding the data from the
cally increases the fixed costs of the network) and discount level. This first 10 years to minimize the initialization bias) using the ARENA
leads to 48 different scenarios defined by the following subset of pa­ Software and 50 replications are taken for each scenario. The length of
rameters: µ ∈ {720, 180}; PC(SD) ∈ {1, 0.5}; PC(RFC) ∈ {0.2, 0.4}; each simulation run is sufficient to ensure reasonably high probability of
(PAccept, β) ∈{(0,0), (0.16, 0.18), (0.50, 0.36)}; and (FC, FN) ∈ {(200, encountering several major global disruptions, and to see the long-term
175), (800,750)} for all supply chain configurations, with one excep­ impact of the strategic and tactical decisions on the key performance
tion. Larger customers with more negotiation power over smaller com­ indicators (i.e., fill rate and profit). “Profits” are defined as the “revenues
panies can further reduce prices, therefore, we use 15 % and 30 % from sales minus the production/distribution related costs” and the fill

Table 5
Performance measures for different network structures.
Performance measures for different network structures for all numerical tests DISPERSED CONCENTRATED TRIADIC
Average Probability of Probability of a Probability of Percent Fixed cost of an Fill Profit Fill Profit Fill Profit
catastrophic unique-event request for order a customer discount offered order Rate Rate Rate
event inter- (supplier cancellation by a accepting the to the customer (independent of
arrrival time disruption) customer given discount offer to discourage quantity) given
(μ) given catastrophic- (PAccept) order catastrophic
catastrophic- event (PC(RFC)) cancellation (β) event (FC)
event (PC(SD))

720 1 0.2 0 0 200 0.73 50,569 0.65 43,439 0.48 36,239

720 1 0.2 0 0 800 0.73 − 7327 0.65 − 14684 0.48 21,719
720 1 0.2 0.16 0.15 200 0.73 53,016 0.65 45,602 0.48 38,993
720 1 0.2 0.16 0.15 800 0.73 − 5042 0.65 − 11553 0.48 24,365
720 1 0.2 0.5 0.3 200 0.73 55,619 0.65 48,272 0.48 40,737
720 1 0.2 0.5 0.3 800 0.73 − 2349 0.65 − 9692 0.48 26,242
720 1 0.4 0 0 200 0.73 33,245 0.65 28,213 0.48 21,154
720 1 0.4 0 0 800 0.73 − 25022 0.65 − 29872 0.48 6661
720 1 0.4 0.16 0.15 200 0.73 37,853 0.65 32,389 0.47 25,268
720 1 0.4 0.16 0.15 800 0.73 − 20178 0.65 − 25161 0.47 10,932
720 1 0.4 0.5 0.3 200 0.73 42,344 0.66 36,374 0.48 29,742
720 1 0.4 0.5 0.3 800 0.73 − 15879 0.66 − 22026 0.48 15,200
720 0.5 0.2 0 0 200 0.76 50,423 0.71 45,550 0.51 37,035
720 0.5 0.2 0 0 800 0.76 − 12097 0.71 − 16702 0.51 21,512
720 0.5 0.2 0.16 0.15 200 0.75 52,833 0.71 47,687 0.51 39,590
720 0.5 0.2 0.16 0.15 800 0.75 − 8678 0.71 − 14319 0.51 24,083
720 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 200 0.76 55,973 0.71 50,185 0.51 42,176
720 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 800 0.76 − 6690 0.71 − 11895 0.51 26,656
720 0.5 0.4 0 0 200 0.76 32,974 0.70 28,203 0.50 21,267
720 0.5 0.4 0 0 800 0.76 − 29155 0.70 − 33581 0.50 5869
720 0.5 0.4 0.16 0.15 200 0.76 37,664 0.71 33,068 0.50 25,784
720 0.5 0.4 0.16 0.15 800 0.76 − 24492 0.71 − 29137 0.50 10,372
720 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 200 0.76 41,564 0.71 37,385 0.51 30,384
720 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 800 0.76 − 20436 0.71 − 25152 0.51 14,868
180 1 0.2 0 0 200 0.34 22,678 0.28 16,902 0.19 12,965
180 1 0.2 0 0 800 0.34 41 0.28 − 6859 0.19 7089
180 1 0.2 0.16 0.15 200 0.34 24,792 0.28 18,314 0.19 14,018
180 1 0.2 0.16 0.15 800 0.34 1638 0.28 − 5179 0.19 8187
180 1 0.2 0.5 0.3 200 0.35 26,557 0.27 19,144 0.19 15,201
180 1 0.2 0.5 0.3 800 0.35 2962 0.27 − 4027 0.19 9408
180 1 0.4 0 0 200 0.35 10,810 0.28 7099 0.19 3612
180 1 0.4 0 0 800 0.35 − 13113 0.28 − 16912 0.19 − 2290
180 1 0.4 0.16 0.15 200 0.35 13,607 0.27 9286 0.20 5961
180 1 0.4 0.16 0.15 800 0.35 − 9756 0.27 − 13911 0.20 20
180 1 0.4 0.5 0.3 200 0.35 16,549 0.28 11,479 0.19 8187
180 1 0.4 0.5 0.3 800 0.35 − 6978 0.28 − 12133 0.19 2388
180 0.5 0.2 0 0 200 0.46 25,099 0.41 20,200 0.27 14,945
180 0.5 0.2 0 0 800 0.46 − 8421 0.41 − 13334 0.27 6423
180 0.5 0.2 0.16 0.15 200 0.46 27,295 0.42 22,220 0.27 16,550
180 0.5 0.2 0.16 0.15 800 0.46 − 6546 0.42 − 11633 0.27 7993
180 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 200 0.46 28,796 0.41 23,730 0.27 17,885
180 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 800 0.46 − 4689 0.41 − 9989 0.27 9507
180 0.5 0.4 0 0 200 0.46 8347 0.41 5334 0.27 2328
180 0.5 0.4 0 0 800 0.46 − 25357 0.41 − 28146 0.27 − 6125
180 0.5 0.4 0.16 0.15 200 0.46 12,355 0.42 8884 0.26 5444
180 0.5 0.4 0.16 0.15 800 0.46 − 21267 0.42 − 25086 0.26 − 2902
180 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 200 0.46 15,798 0.41 11,860 0.27 8415
180 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 800 0.46 − 17780 0.41 − 21665 0.27 12

*Note that the percent discounts for the triadic scenario are 0, 0.18, and 0.36.

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

rates are defined as the percent of demand met (i.e., 100 % minus lost of selling to the alternative buyer when both buyers are simultaneously
sales ratio). subject to the same catastrophic event. Consequently, discounts are
clearly more critical for the profitability of triadic and concentrated
supply chains, as observed in Fig. 5a&b also.
4.3. Numerical results Efforts to maintain/increase sales by offering discounts (reducing the
number of cancellations) and/or partnering with more buyers (keeping
Fill rates are the highest (lowest) for the dispersed (triadic) supply the option to sell to an alternative buyer) become more critical with
chain configuration in all 48 scenarios, as it is less likely for two increased probability of a cancellation request (percent profit im­
geographically spread suppliers being affected at the same time (see provements are significantly higher in Fig. 5b). Higher levels of dis­
Table 5). However, it is more difficult to predict the impact of the supply counts inevitably mean lower profit margins. However, we observe that
chain configuration on the profits. Although the general trend is an in­ this could be compensated by an opting for a different supply chain
crease in profits as disruptions decrease in frequency, Fig. 4 shows that configuration (e.g., the “dispersed supply chain and a discount of 30 % is
the profit function is non-monotonic; an increase in fill rate does not superior” to “concentrated supply chain and a discount of 15 %”).
necessarily translate into increased profits, especially when fixed and In fact, “proactive (i.e., dispersed/concentrated supply chain struc­
variable costs grow at a higher rate than the revenues. This effect is more tures) and reactive (i.e., discounts) measures deployed simultaneously”
pronounced for the dispersed/concentrated supply chains due to the results in the highest improvements in both fill rate and profit, as shown
higher number of orders processed (two buyers instead of one, and order on the diagonal arcs in Fig. 5a&b. “Establishing a dispersed supply chain
splitting among available suppliers). Consequently, the triadic supply and offering a 30 % discount when a customer wants to cancel an order”
chain with consistently lower fill rates yields highest profits in 50 % of seems to be the best policy. “Proactive alone” measures result in a
the scenarios, indicating that cost of risk mitigation might sometimes greater improvement compared to “reactive only” measures (values on
outweigh the benefits (see the graph on the right in Fig. 4). vertical arcs are larger than the horizontal, as shown in Fig. 5a&b).
Concentrated supply chains yield lower profits (by 30 % on average) However, note that the “reactive alone” measures have a substantial
than dispersed supply chains in all scenarios (Fig. 4). This result might impact on profits (between 6 and 59 %), especially when there is a high
change, however, if one considers different values for the financial pa­ probability of a cancellation request. This is important, as reactive
rameters when comparing the two configurations. Concentrated supply measures to improve short term profits in all scenarios could be taken
chain might be preferable because of reductions (increases) in fixed before considering whether new supply chain configurations are
costs (unit profit margins), due to economies of scope/scale (e.g., necessary, after a careful evaluation, and ensuring that profits would not
stronger market position coordinated order fulfillment, and lower costs suffer.
of reselling the product to another buyer when the two buyers/suppliers
are co-located). 5. Conclusions, implications and further research
It seems more beneficial to seek partner firms in regions less prone to
catastrophic events, rather than those that are “more reliable” in riskier 5.1. Theoretical implications
regions (see Fig. 4: bigger jump in profits (in scenarios when they are
positive) and fill rates, when the interarrival time between catastrophic This study contributes to the literature (e.g., Amed et al., 2020; Berg
events changes). Yet, engaging in collaborative initiatives with the et al, 2020; ILO, 2020; Lund & Krishnan, 2021) by revealing both the
suppliers to improve “individual reliability” (i.e., reducing PC(SD) from supply side and demand side supply chain disruptions and risks faced by
1 to 0.5) appears to significantly increase fill rates, especially when textile companies, particularly the SMEs, and their supply chain part­
catastrophic events increase in frequency. The profits, on the other ners, in the context of COVID-19.
hand, are less sensitive to individual reliability. Our study identifies previously discussed strategies (e.g., Ali et al.,
We now turn our attention to the effectiveness of the reactive mea­ 2017; Berger & Zeng 2006) with the potential to mitigate the risks and
sures (i.e., discounts) “alone” (horizontal dashed lines in Fig. 5a&b show related disruptions in a supply chain network. Some strategies (e.g.,
the effect of discounts while supply chain configuration remains the collaboration, multi-sourcing) appear to be more effective than others
same) for scenarios with positive profits for all supply chain types. We during catastrophic periods. The view that SMEs generally find it chal­
remind the reader that while order cancellation has no impact on costs lenging to cope with major disruptions due of the lack of financial re­
(already incurred, because cancellation occurs after order processing), it sources and strong ties with supply chain partners (OECD, 2020) may
reduces the revenues (the products are sold elsewhere at a lower rate). not be the case in all situations, this study indicates. During the COVID-
As a result, triadic supply chains suffer more from order cancellations 19, our focal firm was clearly capable of rapidly responding to both
due to much lower “effective unit revenue” in case of order cancellation supply and demand disruptions, due to the development of flexibility,
(the only option is to salvage in a secondary market). Similar arguments the removal of bureaucratic obstacles to taking actions, and a balancing
hold for the concentrated supply chain, because of the lower probability

Fig. 4. Performance measures for given levels of disruption frequencies.

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

Fig. 5. Impact of proactive and reactive strategies.

of power positions within the network, generally leading to win-all global disruption such as the COVID-19 pandemic does not necessarily
situations. disrupt all entities in a supply chain simultaneously. It also provides
Motivated by these findings of the case study, we develop a generic insights into the benefits of partnering with a greater number of firms
simulation model to provide a better understanding of the impact of the with proven reliability to meet the challenges under different
risks most relevant to SMEs in a global supply chain, and the effective­ conditions.
ness of the mitigation strategies employed (different supply chain con­ Our study, by showing how alternative supply chain structures/
figurations and financial offers) in coping with major disruptions such as configurations lead to mitigation of supply chain disruptions at all stages
COVID-19. As such, our study contributes to the literature by consid­ (i.e., both supply and demand side), contributes to the ever-developing
ering both supply and demand disruptions, and conditional de­ concept of the “ripple effect”, originally proposed by Ivanov et al.
pendencies between general catastrophic events and individual (2014), particularly in the context of COVID-19. Recent research on this
disruptions. phenomenon, for example, looks at supplier selection and optimal order
From a theoretical perspective, this study builds on the network allocation problems (Hosseini et al., 2019), and identification of high-
configurations approach which has neglected the comparison of risk suppliers (Hosseini & Ivanov, 2019). We believe our simulation
different configurations (both supplier/buyer concentration and the model could serve as a starting point for others analyzing risk mitigation
geographical spread) in mitigating risks of an environmental influence strategies against the supply/demand disruptions discussed and exam­
such as a supply chain disruption. We particularly focus on disruptions ining the role of these strategies in counteracting the so-called ripple
which, at a particular point in time, may or may not directly have an effect for suppliers/buyers in longer supply chains.
impact on diverse network actors (Meyer et al., 1993; Kwak et al., 2019).
Our model is generic in the sense that it allows analysis of cases where a

M. Cagri Gurbuz et al. Journal of Business Research 155 (2023) 113407

5.2. Managerial implications costs and revenues.6 This would take into account factors such as po­
tential economies of scale/scope due to easier coordination/consolida­
Our research findings also provide several implications for supply tion in sourcing, distribution, sales; additional transaction/
chain managers. administrative costs and costs of making changes on the product itself (e.
Our study confirms that partnering with a greater range of smaller g., repackaging) for sales to the alternative buyer; and stronger position
suppliers/buyers in geographically spread locations (i.e., dispersed in the market in the concentrated supply chain. Another interesting
supply chain) significantly reduces the risk of both demand and supply future research area, in our view, is the impact of improved visibility
disruptions, contributing to an appreciable increase in fill rates (there­ through advances in big data analytics in particular, providing more
fore revenues). accurate estimates of demand changes and disruption frequency and
One interesting, and somewhat unexpected result from our simula­ duration, early detection of potential problems, and supplier disruption
tion model is that an increase in fill rate does not necessarily translate detection/sensors.
into an increase in profits, which could be a critical point for managers, Another limitation of our work is the assumption that the buyer does
especially of SMEs. Cost to serve may actually outweigh the potential not adopt a generally more “strategic” behavior to exploit the disruption
benefits of reduced vulnerability to both supply and demand disrup­ (i.e., using the request to cancel an order as a tool to negotiate for
tions, incentivizing managers to opt for the triadic supply chain generally lower prices rather than simply a means of obtaining a one-
configuration. This observation clearly shows the value of simulating time discount.) We leave it to future research to explore a game-
such systems with stochastic non-linear and non-monotonic profit theoretic modeling of a change in buyer’s behaviors in response to
functions before making strategic decisions regarding supply chain such discounts, and to examine how such strategic behavior may be
structure, especially for those SMEs generally exposed to a wider range prevented by specially designed smart contracts.
of financial constraints.
Another practical implication of our study is about the financial in­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
centives. Our results show that such offers (discount offered as a
“reactive” strategy) have greatest benefits for the focal firm in triadic Mustafa Cagri Gurbuz : Writing – review & editing, Writing –
supply chains, as these firms are particularly exposed to demand dis­ original draft, Methodology, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Oznur
ruptions and deeper markdowns to salvage products in the secondary Yurt : Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Project
market. We also propose that, in dispersed supply chains, smaller dis­ administration, Methodology, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Sena
counts would suffice to deal with such demand disruptions, which is Ozdemir : Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Meth­
another potential benefit of dealing with smaller buyers with relatively odology, Conceptualization. Vania Sena : Writing – review & editing,
lower levels of negotiation power, due to their smaller order sizes. Writing – original draft, Supervision, Conceptualization. Wantao Yu :
We also observe that a “mix of proactive and reactive measures” Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Supervision,
deployed simultaneously leads to the greatest improvements (“dispersed Conceptualization.
supply chain with a 30 % discount when a customer wants to cancel an order”
seems to be the best policy). Nevertheless, “reactive alone” strategy
remains a strong option, with significant positive impact on profits Declaration of Competing Interest
(improvement between 6 % and 59 %). The managerial implication is
worth mentioning here; firms might consider financial offers before The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
committing to a change in the network structure. This is similar in na­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
ture to the general recommendation of modifying product price before the work reported in this paper.
changing capacity in revenue management models. A change in the
structure of the supply chain is a strategic decision requiring time and Acknowledgments
greater investment/effort, whereas a financial offer is a convenient so­
lution to demand disruptions with immediate impact and minimum Authors thank Lur Textile managers for their continuous support
effort/cost. We do not recommend, however, excessive discount levels during the project, and Simon Edward Mumford for proofreading our
or frequent repetitions. as these could cause alterations in the buyer’s manuscript.
future purchasing behavior.
Although we study the impact of supply chain structure on the focal References
firm only, these decisions clearly have an impact on the other supply
chain members, especially on relatively small supply chain partners. Akanle, O. M., & Zhang, D. Z. (2008). Agent-based model for optimising supply-chain
Accepting orders of smaller sizes from smaller buyers and order splitting configurations. International Journal of Production Economics, 115, 444–460. https://
across available suppliers leads to more stable and sustainable business Ali, I., Arslan, A., Chowdhury, M., Khan, Z., & Tarba, S. Y. (2022). Reimagining global
for both the suppliers (i.e., less rejected orders) and the buyers. food value chains through effective resilience to COVID-19 shocks and similar future
events: A dynamic capability perspective. Journal of Business Research, 141, 1–12.
5.3. Limitations and directions for future research Ali, I., Nagalingam, S., & Gurd, B. (2017). Building resilience in SMEs of perishable
product supply chains: Enablers, barriers and risks. Production Planning & Control, 28
We believe that the results of our simulation model can be general­ (15), 1236–1250.
Amed, I., Balchandani, A., Berg, A., Hedrich, S., Jensen, E., & Rölkens, F. (2020). The
ized to shed light on the decision-making process of firms with similar state of fashion 2021: In search of promise in perilous times, McKinsey & Company.
characteristics, and on the efficacy of proactive and reactive mitigation Retrieved from.
strategies. Despite its grounding in the reality of case study findings and f-fashion.
Berg, L., Haug, L., Hedrich, S., Magnus, & K.h.. (2020). Time for change how to use the
the review of the related academic literature and managerial publica­ crisis to make fashion sourcing more agile and sustainable. Retrieved from: McKinsey
tions, it is important to acknowledge that our simulation model has
limitations. For example, the values for the cost and demand related
parameters were assumed to be identical for different supply chain 6
(e.g., taking into account the following: potential economies of scale/scope
configurations in our numerical study, mainly due to lack of such due to easier coordination/consolidation in sourcing, distribution, sales; addi­
detailed data/information regarding these parameters. A fairer com­ tional transaction/administrative costs and costs of making changes on the
parison among the three supply chain configurations would be facili­ product itself (e.g., repackaging) for sales to the alternative buyer; and stronger
tated by further empirical research on the estimation of fixed/variable position in the market in the concentrated supply chain).

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Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the MIT-Zaragoza
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International Logistics Program. He is also a Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for
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from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Bilkent University, Turkey in 1999 and
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2001, respectively. His main research interests are inventory and supply chain manage­
practical lessons Learned. Journal of Business Research, 142, 1125–1139. https://doi.
ment, optimizing distribution systems, behavioral operations management, contracts, and
modeling operations systems.Dr. Gurbuz has been a consultant to AT&T Wireless, AREX,
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and RENFE. He has led research projects with companies such as Roche, Philips, Halli­
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Projects related to supply chain management. He has been a visiting professor at MIT CTL
Saboo, A. R., Kumar, V., & Anand, A. (2016). Assessing the impact of customer
in 2009 and City University of Hong Kong in 2014. He has also published in journals such
concentration on initial public offering and balance sheet–based outcomes. Journal
as Management Science, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Oper­
of Marketing, 81, 42–61.
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Sako, M., Chondrakis, G., & Vaaler, P. M. (2016). How do plural-sourcing firms make and
buy? The impact of supplier portfolio design. Organization Science, 27(5), 1–22.
Shahbandeh, M. (2020). Textiles and clothing industry in Turkey - Statistics & Facts. Dr. Oznur Yurt is a Senior Lecturer in Operations & Supply Chain Management at the Open
Statista, University, United Kingdom. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Supply
turkey/. Chain Management at Izmir University of Economics, Turkey. Her research interests
Sharma, A., Adhikary, A., & Borah, S. B. (2020). Covid-19′ s impact on supply chain include service supply chains, purchasing management, business-to-business marketing,
decisions: Strategic insights from NASDAQ 100 firms using Twitter data. Journal of food supply chains and sustainable supply chain management. Her work has been pub­
Business Research, 117, 443–449. lished in journals such as International Journal of Operations & Production Management,
Scholten, K., Scott, P. S., & Fynes, B. (2014). Mitigation processes – antecedents for Industrial Marketing Management, Production Planning & Control, Supply Chain Management:
building supply chain resilience. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, An International Journal, European Journal of Marketing, Service Industries Journal, Journal of
19, 211–228. Service Theory and Practice, The Service Industries Journal, and Resources, Conservation &
Shahed, K. S., Azeem, A., Ali, S. M., & Moktadir, M. (2021). A supply chain disruption Recycling, Journal of Global Mobility.
risk mitigation model to manage COVID-19 pandemic risk. Environmental Science and
Pollution Research, 1–16.
Dr. Sena Ozdemir (PhD, University of Portsmouth, UK)is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at
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Lancaster University Management School, United Kingdom. Her research focuses on
industry. Journal of Operational Research Society, 58(11), 1430–1439. https://doi.
strategic new product alliances, global product development, B2B marketing, the use of
Big Data and digital technologies for innovation, inter- firm cross-functional NPD team
Steven, A. B., Dong, Y., & Corsi, T. (2014). Global sourcing and quality recalls: An
integration, and social innovation. She currently serves as an editorial board member for
empirical study of outsourcing-supplier concentration-product recalls linkages.
the Journal of Business to Business Marketing. Her publications have appeared in journals
Journal of Operations Management, 32, 241–253.
such as Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, British Journal of
Management, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Qualitative Market Research: An In­
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures
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and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
agement, and so forth.
Trevelen, M., & Schweikhart, S. B. (1988). A risk / benefit analysis sourcing strategies:
Single vs. multiple sourcing. Journal of Operations Management, 7(4), 93–114. Professor Vania Sena is the Chair of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship and Director of the
Tukamuhabwa, B. R., Stevenson, M., Busby, J., & Zorzini, M. (2015). Supply chain Centre for Regional Economic and Enterprise Development (CREED) at the University of
resilience: Definition, review and theoretical foundations for further study. Sheffield. Her research focuses on productivity, Big Data, innovation and intellectual
International Journal of Production Research, 53(18), 5592–5623. property. Her work has been published by the Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of
10.1080/00207543.2015.1037934 Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Small Business Economics, Journal of
Voss, C., Tsikriktsis, N., & Frohlich, M. (2002). Case research in operations management. Comparative Economics, The Economic Journal, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, European
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(2), 195–219. Journal of Operational Research, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and Regional Studies, amongst others. Her work has been funded by several bodies including ESRC, Nuffield
Wang, L., Liao, Y., Ding, Y., & Peng, T. (2021). The effect of customer concentration on Foundation, NESTA, Leverhulme Trust, IPO, UKTI and British Academy.
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2015–2025. Dr. Wantao Yu is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the University of Roehampton.
Wara, I. (2020). Post-pandemic supply chain shift. The Financial Express. https://www. His research interests include digital supply chain, supply chain analytics, supply chain integration, sustainable supply chain management, and retail operations and logistics. His
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1901–1912. International Journal of Production Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Production
Yeo, W. M., & Yuan, X. M. (2011). Optimal inventory policy with supply uncertainty and Planning & Control, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and Decision Support
demand cancellation. European Journal of Operational Research, 211, 26–34. https:// Systems.
Yin, R. K. (2003). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (3rd ed). London, UK: Sage.


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