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Final Project Lesson Plan Edu 214

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Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher: Bettina Ryan Lesson Date:7/24/2022

Subject: Science LDC/Unit Title: Safari Hunt

CCSS/CLGs/SC Assessment Limits/Standards: Science Grade one: Life Science. Agenda: Students will learn about what type of animals live in an
3. Students understand that living things live in different places. 4. Students understand that African safari by conducting an internet search. After learning
there are many kinds of living things on Earth. ISTE Standards: 1.3. Knowledge Constructor about what type of animals live in an African safari, students will
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, craft their own binoculars and teacher will provide safari hats.
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and Students will wear their hats and binoculars and go on a Safari
hunt set up in the school by the teacher in advance. Students will
others. 1.3.c. Students: curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and search for the animals, keep a tally record of the animals they
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or find, and they will count their tally marks at the end of the hunt.
conclusions. Nevada Computer and Technology Standards: 1. Creativity and Innovation: Students will record their numbers on an excel spread sheet.
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products After completing the excel spread sheet they will convert the
and processes using technology. 1.A.12.1 Apply new and existing knowledge to spreadsheet into a bar graph. Students will share and compare
independently, or in collaboration with others, generate new ideas, products, or processes with their bar graphs with their peers.

digital tools.

Lesson Objective: Science Grade one: Life Science It is expected students will: explain that living things are found almost everywhere in the world. Math Grade
one: It is expected students will: • extend the counting sequence. Technology Grade one: Students will learn how to create an excel spreadsheet and how to
convert it into a bar graph. Students will understand how to interpret their results from a bar graph.


Note: A variety of formative
assessments should be used at key
points throughout the lesson.
Get started/Drill/Do Now: In a previous lesson, students will conduct an internet search on what type of animals live Interview Assessment: Students
in an African Safari. When students enter the classroom, they will wear a safari hat and make their own binoculars. will answer questions about what
type of animals live in an African
Engage/Motivation: In a previous lesson, students learned to identify what type of animals are found in an African
15 safari. Students will be motivated by dressing up as Safari Explorers.

Whole Group Instruction: Students will be taught how to enter numbers into an excel spreadsheet. They will have to Performance tasks: Students will
30 sound out and read the names of the safari animals, and they will learn how to enter numbers after counting how show competence in counting
min many of each animal they find. and entering numbers in excel
Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: Students will explore throughout the school with their safari hats, binoculars, and Observation: Teachers will
30 clipboard. They will search for Safari animals. Every time an animal is spotted, students will write the name of the animal and place observe the students on their
min a tally mark on their paper. Safari hunt.
Independent Practice: When students return to the classroom, they will add up their tally marks and record the Exhibitions and demonstrations:
numbers in their spreadsheets. After completing the spreadsheet, they will convert it into a bar graph. Students will demonstrate
30 competency in identifying safari
min animals, counting, and adding
numbers, and completing a
Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: When students successfully create a bar graph showing how many animals Portfolios: Final spreadsheets
10 were discovered in their safari hunt, I will know that students have achieved the objectives. and bar graphs will be included in
min the students’ portfolios.

Closing Activities/Summary: Students will share their bar graphs with their peers at the end of the lesson. Students Self and peer evaluation
30 will be encouraged to work in groups to help students who need assistance in completing the activity.

Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/Accommodations: Visual learners will benefit from the bar graphs and the
internet images of the animals. Auditory learners will benefit from the teachers’ instructions and from the group
discussions. The safari hunt will benefit the Kinesthetic learners. While creating a tally chart reading and writing
learners will benefit. Nature learners will benefit from conducting the hunt outside.
Resources/Instructional Materials Needed: Items needed for lesson include toilet paper roles, construction paper, glue, and string to make binoculars. Safari
animal figurines for the safari hunt. Paper and pencils for the tally count. Chromebooks for the spreadsheets. Safari hats. Microsoft Excel will be the software
program will be needed to organize the data.

Notes: During the whole group activity there will be approximately 20 students learning together. While going on the Safari hunt students will be paired up in
groups of 4 or 5 students.

Structure Strategies Included in the City School/ Model of Highly Effective Literacy Instruction
Whole Group -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Questioning the Author (QtA) -Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR)
-Text annotation -Think aloud -Think/Pair/Share
Guided -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Literature Circles -Questioning the Author (QtA)
Practice/Small group -Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR) -Reading conferences -Reciprocal teaching
-Strategy groups -Text annotation -Think aloud
-Think/Pair/Share -Writing Conferences
Independent -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Literature Circles -Questioning the Author (QtA)
Practice -Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR) -Reading conferences -Reciprocal teaching
-Strategy groups -Text annotation -Think aloud
-Think/Pair/Share -Writing Conferences

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