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R.V. Dingle

This contribution summarizes some of the conclusions reached
in a micropalaeontological study of mid-Cretaceous ostracod
faunas obtained from DSDP sites 327 and 330 on the Falkland
Plateau, dredged samples on the Agulhas Bank, and outcrop samples
from Zululand. A detailed account of sampling localities,
ostracod systematics, and palaeoenvironment£:l analyses has beon
submitted to che South African Museum for publication in their
annals (Dingle 1983). Consequently, the formal status of some
taxa mentioned herein are provisional upon their publication
elsewhere. In addition, previously published data from Argentina
(Musacchio 1978), Madagascar (Grekoff 1963), Mozambique Ridge
(Simpson et al 1974), Tanzania (Bate & Bayliss 1969, Bate 1975),
India (Guha 1976), Australia (Oertli 1974, Krommelbein 1974) and
southern Africa (Dingle 1969, 1971, Brenner & Oertli 1976) have
been used in these syntheses.
In last year's report (Dingle 1981a), I gave an account of
the ostracod work that has been undertaken at UCT over the last
few years, and this contribution represents continuing activity
within a project concerned with Mesozoic Gondwana faunas.
Continental drift (as defined by the creation of oceanic
crust between the separating continental units) probably
commenced between southern Africa and South America at about
127my (Vaj.anginian) (Larson & Ladd 1973) and resulted in the
formation progressive enlargement of the SE Atlantic and the
S Natal Valley. However, because of the large marginal offset
created by the Agulhas/Falkland Fracture Zone, the two continents
remained physically joined along a progressively shortening zone

unti' about 100my (late Albian/early Cenomanian). In a

consideration of the Barremian-Cenomanian ostracod faunas of
South Africa it is important, therefore, to include those of the
same age from the Falkland Plateau because the Agulhas Bank,
Falkland Plateau and Zululand were close together in a slowly
evolving palaeogeography, and their faunas can be expected to
show similarities.
Figures 1 and 2a show the palaeogeographic relationships of
the various West Gondwana sites mentioned above before
continental separation commenced, and the purpose of this account
is to briefly discuss the evolving palaeogeographies produced by
early separation in relation to the ostracod faunas of the marine
sedimentary basins shown in these figures. The time period with
which we are mainly concerned *s Aptian to Cenomanian.
Table 1 lists the species recorded from SE Africa and the
Falkland Plateau, as well as their distribution in other
localities within Gondwanaland.


SE Africa
26 species belonging to 22 genera (with two species
unallocated) have been recorded from the Aptian to Cenomanian
strata of SE Africa. The bulk of these (19 species in 15 genera)
are from the Zululand area, where relatively large numbers of
specimens were collected from rocks that range in age from Aptian
to Cenomanian. Collections from the Outeniqua Basin consist of
two samples only (TBD 1113 and 1266) which probably have a range
restricted to Upper Aptian-Albian. One species only (Sondagella
theloides) is common to these two areas in mid Cretaceous
material, although a further two species (Majur.gaella nematis and
M? hemigymnae) are common in pre-Aptian strata.

In Zululand, a total of 21 samples yielded ostracods.
Plotting smoothed population data on a Cytheracea -
Cytherelloidea - Bairdiacea + Cypridacea diagram (CCBC triangular
diagram), the earliest populations (Aptian IV) lie within the
field predictive of water depths of 100-200 m (the 4a populations
of Dingle 1981b figs.68 & 75). This plots as the deepest water
population encountered in the Zululand mid-Cretaceous, and
younger populations suggest progressively shallower water depths
and higher energies of the sedimentary environments: Albian III
and Albian IV populations lie above the 'Cytheracea line' and
just within the <100 m predictive field; and the Albian VI and
Cenomanian II and III populations lie within the high energy
sector of the <100 m predictive field.

In the cytheracean component of the ostracod populations
found in the Zululand mid-Cretaceous rocks, two groups can be
distinguished: those that are known only from Zululand; and
those which nave been recorded from other localities in SE Africa
and Gondwanaland. The latter comprises Majungaella nematis and
Sondagella theloides, which range upwards into Cenomanian III and
Albian III, respectively. These are the youngest records of the
two species, both of which have extensive temporal and spatial
ranges outside the SE African region. The most diverse
assemblages occur in the late Aptian-early Albian strata which
are characterized by the presence of several apparently short-
range cytheracean taxa such as Makatinella inflata,
Pongolacythere striata, and two species of Pirileberis
(makatiniensis and mkuzensis). It is clear from this
distribution that despite the hiatus between the Makatini and
Mzinene formations (Albian I is missing), there was faunal
continuity in the ostracod populations across the Aptian/Albian

boundary. Our evidence, although slender, does however point to

the establishment of an Albian-Cenomanian assemblage by Albian
III times, whose most diagnostic element so far recognized is
Isocythereis? ndumuensis. Makatinella tritumida, an easily
recognized taxa, is the only member of the endemic cytheracean
group which is known to range from Aptian IV to Cenomanian III.
From these Zululand mid-Cretaceous ostracod populations, no
species are known to extend into the overlying St Lucia Formation
(Coniacian at outcrop, Turonian at subcrop).
Of the two samples from the Agulhas Bank, only TBD 1113
contains a large ostracod fauna (92 valves) , and this is composed
entirely of cytheracean types, with Arculicythere tumida (46%)
and Sondagella theloides (45%), the dominant taxa. We have no
other similar populations with which to make a comparison, and
the known environmental preferences of the two dominant taxa
appear to be at variance. Arculicythere tumida occurs in DSDP
259, 327 and 330, and in all cases was probably deposited in
water depths of ca 300 m, whereas records of Sondagella theloides
for which we have water depth information, have so far all
suggested relatively shallow water environments of less than 100
m (Albian III in Zululand and Valanginian in the Algoa Basin).
Their mutual presence in sample TBD 1113 may indicate that each
species was near the limit of its own environmental range, and
suggests a water depth of about 150 m. The only anomalous aspect
of this conclusion is that both occur in relatively large
numbers, which might not be expected if they were at their
respective depth range limits. The fact that Isocythereis
sealensis also occurs in DSDP 327 in samples that indicate
deposition in water depths of ca 200 m (where it makes up 3 to
14% of the fauna) and is also present in small numbers (5%) in
TBD 1113, suggests that it is Sondagella theloides that has a
greater water depth tolerance than previous data indicated.

Regional considerations
During the time period with which we are concerned (Aptian
to Cenomanian), the palaeogeography in the vicinity of SE Africa
underwent significant changes. Reconstructions used here are
based on Dingle et al (1983), and are shown in Figure 2(a&b)
(pre-breakup Valanginian, and middle Albian/Cenomanian,
respectively). It is essential to consider the regional spatial
and temporal distribution of the various taxa in terms of these
palaeogeographies because they change from essentially inter­
continental shelf seas (pre-breakup) to marginal seas separated
by deep ocean basins (Cenomanian). In addition, it must be borne
in mind that there was no connection between the North and South
sectors of the Atlantic Ocean across the Walvis Ridge before late
Cenomanian/early Turonian times, and that the Mid-Cretaceous
populations with which we are concerned can be seen as the last
representatives of an Upper Jurassic to Cenomanian ostracod
faunal province that occupied South Gondwanaland seas (Dingle
1982, Tambareau 1982). Figure 3 shows range charts for Mid-
Cretaceous ostracods that are common to more than one of the
regions in Figure 2, or have close relatives elsewhere in South
Dingle (1982) has given details of the whole pre-Aptian
South Gondwanalcind ostracod fauna, hut here it is relevant to
emphasize the distribution of two important species in terms of a
pre-drift Valanginian palaeogeography (Figure 2a). In this
reconstruction, which is meant to illustrate the period
immediately prior to, and immediately after drifting in the Natal
Valley/South Atlantic, conditions of no stdimentation, or very
slow anoxic sedimentation obtained over the DSDP sites (327 &
330) on the soutnern Maurice Ewing Bank: no ostracods were
recovered from the Kimmeridgian-Albian condensed sequences (or
non-sequences) related to this period. However, because the
Agulhas Bank, Mozambique Ridge (DSDP 249) and Madagascar

(Majunga Basin) are all characterized by the presence of

Majungaella nematis, a shallow seaway must have bypassed the
Maurice Ewing Bank on its southern and possibly northern flanks.
The latter routt is suggested by the presence of marine strata of
possible Valanginian/Hauterivian age on the Transkei coast at
Mngazana (McLachlan et al 1976). The Zuluiand-South Mozambique
area lay to the west of the coastline at this time because pre-
Upper Barremian marine sediments are not known from it.
Majungaella nematis also occurs in Hauterivian sediments in
the Neuquen Basin of west central Argentina,(see Fig.l) which,
with the presence of Sondagella theloides indicates a connection
with the Agulhas Bank area. Whether this connection actually lay
across the site of the present South Atlantic (for which no
subsurface structural evidence has been found, but which seems
the most obvious route), or via a west Pacific-SW Indian Ocean
route (there is a western exit to the Neuquen Basin) , is not
known. M.nematis also occurs on the Mozambique Ridge (DSDP site
249), and in Madagascar, giving a geographical range of at least
6500km. Faunal continuity across western South Gondwanaland at
the time of initial continental drifting (ca.l27my, latest
Valanginian) is, therefore, an established element in the pre-Mid
Cretaceous palaeogeography.
The post-drift palaeogeography shown in Figure 2b is
designed to illustrate the situation immediately following
continental separation between the Falkland Plateau and the
Agulhas Bank (latest Albian), whilst faunal details shown at the
various sites cover the period mid Albian (Albian III) to early
Cenomanian. By this time, the anoxic conditions over the
Falkland Plateau DSDP sites and in the deep parts of the narrow
South Atlantic basin had been dispelled and marine ostracod
faunas had become established, at least in the former area.
During the period covered by Figure 2b, final continental
separation between southern Africa and the Falkland Plateau (i.e.

South America) took place, and after about 100my (latest Aibian)
no shallow water (continental shelf depth) connections between
the two areas existed in the South Atlantic. As sea floor
spreading proceeded, the gap between the two areas progressively
increased, presumably preventing any further contact between
elements in the ostracod populations that were restricted to
shallow water environments.

Mid-Cretaceous faunal links between SE Africa and the Falkland

Mid-Cretaceous faunal relationships are summarized in Table
2 and Figure 2b. Localities from which data are available are
different to those in pre-drift times: no marine sediments of
Barremian to Lower Maastrichtian age are known from the Neuquen
Basin and post-Neocomian to Santonian strata are missing from the
Mozambique Ridge; whilst in Mid-Cretaceous times, marine
sedimentation commenced in Zululand, and re-commenced on the
Falkland Plateau. Sondagella theloides occurs in the Outeniqua
Basin and in Zululand, but appears not to have spread to the
Falkland Plateau when normal marine conditions became re­
established in early Aibian times, even though it originally
extended farther westwards into the Neuquen Basin. Its upper
limit is Aibian IV (in Zululand). The genus Majungaella, on the
other hand, did migrate into the Falkland Plateau area presumably
from the Outeniqua Basin which lay adjacent to it in middle
Aibian times. Majungaella nematis is known to extend into the
Cencmanian in Zululand, but only rare specimens of a related
species are known from the Outeniqua Basin ( queenslandensis)
and the Falkland Plateau (M^ sp 327/16). The genus was clearly
on the wane in this region because in all localities it forms
only a minor component of the fauna. Sondagella and Majungaella
represent residual elements of the late Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous
faunas of fJW Gondwanaland, that were geographical ly very

extensive (see Dingle 1982) , both of which succeded in colonizing

Zuiuland in the mid-Cretaceous trangression, but only the latter
of which did the same on the Falkland Plateau.
New elements which vigorously took advantage of the radical
and evolving palaeogeographic dispensation were the genera
Isocythereis and Arculicythere. Presumably because of newly
established circulation patterns, and the resultant environmental
disparities, the faunas of Zuiuland and the Outeniqua Basin show
only weak links in these new taxa, whereas the latter and the
Falkland Plateau, which were still physically joined in Albian
times (although possibly bathymetrically separated by the shallow
or emergent region of the Agulhas Arch/Maurice Ewing Bank) have
very close links at species level. The former is represented by
I.sealensis in the Outeniqua Basin and Falkland Plateau, and by
I? ndumuensis in Zuiuland. These two species are not closely
related, emphasizing the relative isolation of the two areas.
Similarly, Arculicythere tumida occurs at the southern two
localities, but is absent from Zuiuland. This species is also
present in the Albian of DSDP site 259 off western Australia and
indicates continuity at shallow to moderate water depths over a
distance of at least 6000km. Arculicythere first appears in the
Portlandian to Valanginian of Madagascar. Similar long-range
connections between Australia and the Falkland Plateau are
indicated by the mutual presence of Robsoniella falklandensis and
Cytherura? oertlii (in the Albian of both areas). The bulk of
the cytheracean ostracods which colonized Zuiuland during the
late Barremian transgression have no relations in either the
Outeniqua or Falkland basins, but have closer ties (albeit
through Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous relatives) with both
Madagascar and Tanzania.
One interesting characteristic of the Falkland Albian
assemblages is the relative abundance and diveristy of the micro-
ostracod populations. This indicates a connection to the North

Atlantic/European areas (e.g. Paraceratina, Eucytherura, ana

Parahemicyther idea), which all the evidence points to not being
via the present day South Atlantic route. It was presumably via
East Africa and western Tethys. The fact that none of these
distinctive taxa have been recorded from SE Africa indicates a
subtle, but important environmental difference between the latter
areas and the Falkland Plateau. It was certainly the most
"oceanic" of the three settings that we have investigated, and
may also reflect the possibly mildly anoxic waters that could
have (?)periodically swept over the plateau from the still less
than completely well-oxygenated South Atlantic basin.
In terms of the Callovian to Cenomanian south Gondwana
ostracod province to which we have previously referred, the
following summary can be made:
1. In pre-Albian times, Majungaella nematis, Sondagella
theloides, Amicytheridea and Progonocythere were characteristic
elements, but no record of these is known from the Falkland
Plateau. This is called the "old" Gondwana fauna.
2. Following the withdrawl of the sea from the Neuquen Basin,
and the Albian transgression in the Falkland, Outeniqua, and
Zululand areas, elements of the "old" fauna colonized Zululand
and re-colonized the Outeniqua basin, but made only a limited
penetration of the Falkland Plateau. New taxa appeared with this
transgression (the "new" Gondwana fauna) and colonized all thiee
areas, locally producing a mixed association of "old" and "new"
3. This "new" Gondwana fauna was relatively short-lived (Albian
to Cenomanian), because following the withdrawl of the sea from
all three areas in late Cenomanian times, it was totally replaced
in the ensuing Tur^.iian-Coniacian transgression by aggressive new
shallow-water forms in SE Africa, and by deep-water forms in the
Falklands area. Both of these assemblages have a cosmopolitan
aspect, which display few characters that could be related to a

"Gondwana" location. An equally dramatic change can be seen in

the Nt?uquen Basin when it was inundated again in the Kiddle
Maastrichtian. Here, colonization progressed from the north, and
its latest Cretaceous and Palaeogene faunas are closely allied to
those from Brazil and equatorial West Atrica.


Bate,R.H.1975- Ostracods from Callovian to Tithonian sediments of

Tanzania, East Africa. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat.Hist.)
and Bayliss,D.D.1969. An outline account of the Cretaceous
and Tertiary foraminifera and of the Cretaceous ostracods of
Tanzania. Proc. 3rd Afr. Micropal. Coll.,113-164.
Cairo:National Information and Documentation Centre.
Brenner,P. and Oertli,H.J.1976. Lower Cretaceous ostracodes
(Valanginian to Hauterivian, from the Sundays River
Formation, Algoa Basin, South Africa. Bull, du Centre de
Recherche de Pau, Soc. Nat, des Petr. d'Aguitaine,10;471-

Dingle,R.V.1969. Marine Neocomian Ostracoda from South Africa.

Trans. Roy. Soc. S_. Af r., 38; 139-163.
1971. Some Cretaceous ostracodal assemblages from the
Agulhas Bank (South African Continental Margin). Trans.
Roy. Soc. S^ Afr^,39;393-418.
1981a. Summary of research on South African Cretaceous
ostracods undertaken in the Marine Geoscience Group at UCT,
with comments on the Mesozoic biostratigraphy of southern
Africa and relationships with other Gondwanide localities.
Joint GSO/UCT Marine Geoscience Unit Tech. Rept.,12;86-106.

1981b. The Campanian and Maastrichtian Ostracoda of South

East Africa. Ann. S. Afr. Mus.,85;3-181.
1982. Some aspects of Cretaceous ostracod biostratigraphy
of South Africa and relationships with ot.ier Gondwanide
localities. Cret. Res., 3;
1983. Mid-Cretaceous ostracoda from southern Africa and the
Falkland Plateau. Submitted to Ann. S. Afr. Mus.
, Siesser,W.G. and Newton,A.R. 1983. Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Geology of Southern Africa. Rotterdam, Balkema (in press.).

Grekoff,N.1963. Contributin a l'etude des ostracodes du

Mesozoique moyen (Bathonien-Valanginien) du Bassin de
Majunga, Madagascar. Rev, d 1'Inst, franc, du Petr. et Ann,
des comb, liq.,18;1709-1762.
Guha,D.K.1976. On some Mesozoic Ostracoda from subcrops of Banni,
Rann of Kutch, India. Proc. VI India Coll. Micropal.,
Larson,R.L. and Ladd,J.W.1973. Evidence for the opening of the
South Atlantic in the early Cretaceous. Nature,246;209-212.
McLachlan,I.R., McMillan,I.K. and Brenner,P.W.1976.
Micropalaeontological study of the Cretaceous beds at Mbotyi
and Mngazana, Transkei, South Africa. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.
Musacchio,E.A.1978. Ostracodos del Cretacico inferior en el Grupo
Mendoza, Cuenca del Neuquen, Argentina. Proc. VII Geol.
Cong., Argentina, Neuquen II;459-473.

Oertli,H.J. 1974. Lower Cretaceous a.,d Jurassic ostracods from

DSDP Leg 27 - a preliminary account. Init. Rept. Deep Sea
Drill. Proj.,27;947-965. Washington,D.C.:U.S.Govt. Print.
Simpson,E.S.W., Schlich,R., Gieskes,J., Girdley,W.A.,
LeClaire,L., Marshall ,B.V., Muller,C, Sigal,J.,
Vallier,T.L., White,S.M., and Zobel,B.1974. Init. Rept. Deep
Sea Drill. Proj, 25. Washington,D.C. :U.S. Govt. Print. OtT~.
Tambareau,Y.1982. Les ostracodes et l'histoire geologique de
l'Atlantique sud au Cretace. Bull. Cent. Rech. Expl .-Prod.
Table 1.Geographical distribution of mid-Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian)
osttacoda from SE Africa and adjacent areas. (Pre-mid-Cretaceous
occurrences are starred).
Arg. F.Plat. A.B. Zulul. M.R. Mad. NW Aus.
Cytherella bensoni x
C.spp x
Cytherelloidea agulhasensis x
C. makatirpensis x
C. ndumuensis x
Bairdoppilata sp x
B. sp X
Paracypris sp x
Robsoniella falklandensis x
Sondagella theloides .x* x x x*
Majungalella cf queenslandensi s x
M. nematis x* ?x*....x x*...x
M? hemigymne x
M? sp 327/16 x
Arculicythere tumida x x
Isocythereis sea lens is x x
I? ndumuensis x
Cythereis agulhasensis x
Pirileberis makatiniensis x
P. mkuzensis x
Makatinella inflata x
M. tritumida .x
Pongolacythere striata x
Procytherura cf aerodynamica x
P. batei x
P. cf dinglei x
Sphaerolebris? sp.A x
Monoceratina? sp x
Pariceratina liebaui x
Pedicythere falklandensis x
Eucytherura rugosa x
E. stellifera x
{ Parahemingwayella) barker i x
H. (P.) dalzieli x
H. (P.) reticulata x
Hemiparacytheridea ewingensis , ,x
H. challenger! x
Collisarboris? stanleyensis x
Asciocythere? dubia x
Cytheropteron bispinosa x
C sp 327/18 x
C? sp x
Rhadinocythere? sp 327/18 x x
R? striosulcata x
Cytherura? oertl: x x
ndet sp 1 x
. sp 2 x
. sp 330/1 x
. sp 327/16A x
. sp 327/18 x
. sp 327/16B x
totals 2 28 8 19 2 1 4
51 spp, 26 genera
Arg. = Argentina;F.PI at. = Falkland Plateau;A.B.-Agulhas
Bank ,«Zulu! . -Zululand ;M.R.-Mozambique Ridge;Mad.=Madagascor;NW Aus. = NW
Austraii i .
Table 2. Summary of faunal links
a) SE Africa a"nd~ tïïe FalkTand Plateau

Outeniqua Basin (Ag.3k + Algoa)=OB, Zululand=Z, Falkland

Plateau=FP, Neuquen=N,
Australia=Au, Madagascar=M, Tanzania=T

primary links *
Sondagella theloides OB-Z-N*
MajungaeTTa nematis. OB*-Z-N*-M*
Arculicythere tumida Ob-TP-Au
Isocythereis sealensi OB-tF
I. ndumuensis Z
Robsoniella falklandensis FP-Au
PirilebeTTs spp Z-M
secondary links
Rhadinocythere spp FP with U.Jur.Au,T
Procytherura a'erodynamica Z " Kimm. T
LL dinglei..TT7 FP " Haut/Val. OB
P. batei...FP similar to P.maculata from Haut.OB
FP similar to Paijenborchellina spl
Cytherura oertlii FP " Alb. Au

* pre-Albian occurrences
b) between Zululand» Madagascar» Tanzania

Pirileberis Z-T-M
Pongolacythere Z similar tc T

Figure 1. Sketch of pre-drift SW Gondwanaland reconstruction

(after Dingle et al 1983). Abbreviations: N=Neuquen
Basin in Argentina; AB=Agulhas Bank with Outeniqua
Basin off SE Africa; Z=Zululand-S Mozambique Basin;
FP=Falkland Plateau; MEB=Maurice Ewing Bank;
MR=Mozambique Ridge; WA=West Antarctica microplates;
EA=East Antarctica. *=DSDP sites 249(MR), 227 &
230(MEB). Dashed lines are lines of eventual
continental breakup.
Figure 2. Palaeogeographical reconstructions of SE Africa and the
Falkland Plateau: (a)pre-drift, with Valanginian to
Hauterivian faunal relationships; (b)early Cenomanian,
with middle Albian to early Cenomanian faunal
relationships. l=shallow basin over continental crust,
2=deep marine basin over oceanic crust, 3=structurally
controlled basin edges, 4=subsequent lines of
continental separation, 5=continental edges, 6=samples
sites. Mad=Madagascar; M=Majunguella nematis (M. sp.
on the Falkland Plateau); S=Sondagella theloides;
A=Arculicythere tumida; Is=Isocythereis sealensis;
In = Isocythere is? ndumuensis; 1266 & 1113 are dredge
stations on the Agulhas Bank, 249, 327 & 330 are DSDP

Figure 3. Temporal and spatial distribution of selected mid-

Cretaceous ostracod in South Gondwana. Dashed lines
are total time ranges from different localities; solid
lines are total age ranges at the same locality.
Numbers on RHS are informal species numbers.
Abbreviations: AB=Agulhas Bank; Arg=Argentina;
MR=Mozambique Ridge; Germ=Germany.
- -*tlí^ 1
*" \ S \
\ \'



Figure 1
to Mad. -o

249 JM

v w- A » 327 ,-' ]?

-35 S,M . y* , f 35.

M,S "v .' ' Falkland B. .•" \ *
to Neuquon

.' *

£ * j Falkland

Fícjure 2

íï: Itlll 1 | IV V |V1 I

| II | 1 | IV I


• i n n f i i m MPWTI»

— — clal •MJMMMIL* H



• AB.Aas
[ ^-J' ttOCTTNIBII» M f t U M W



Figure 3

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