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A Marine Wallace's Line?: Brief Communications

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brief communications

Biogeography cally distinct populations reflects the greater currents should also consider the biogeo-
isolation of ocean basins during Pleistocene graphic and oceanographic history.
A marine Wallace’s line? low-sea-level stands9. The ‘northern’ and Not all H. pulchella populations are
‘southern’ clades may be relics of Indian genetically distinct, however. In the Sper-

s most coral reef organisms with a and Pacific Ocean populations separated by monde archipelago (D in Fig. 1a), a collec-
pelagic larval phase are presumed to the emergence of the Sunda and Sahul con- tion of over 160 low coral islands in
be readily dispersed between distant tinental shelves during glacial maxima southwest Sulawesi, populations are geneti-
populations, sea-surface current patterns (Fig. 1c). Populations are also genetically cally homogeneous over 10–100 km (5 pop-
should be crucial for predicting ecological distinct in the basins of the Celebes Sea, ulations, n476, FST410.03, P40.76).
and genetic connections among threatened Tomini Bay and the South China Sea, which These populations and the Pantaloan popu-
reef populations1. Here we investigate this were partially enclosed during low-sea-level lation (B in Fig. 1a) 400 km upstream are
idea by examining variations in the genetic stands and have long been thought to be dominated by a single mitochondrial DNA
structuring of populations of the mantis crucibles of species formation10,11. haplotype (54% and 50%, respectively) that
shrimp Haptosquilla pulchella taken from If the observed genetic differentiation is the molecular ancestor of most northern
11 reef systems in Indonesia, in which a arose during periods of low sea level, it is haplotypes (Fig. 1b). Although dominant in
series of 36 protected areas2 are presumed to surprising that dispersal following the Spermonde and Pantaloan populations,
be connected by strong ocean currents. Our 6,000–10,000 years of modern oceano- this haplotype is also present at low fre-
results reveal instead that there is a strong graphic conditions has not erased these quency in populations from the South
regional genetic differentiation that mirrors historical boundaries. Genetic breaks have China Sea, the Celebes Sea and the Lesser
the separation of ocean basins during the been found between Indian and Pacific Sunda Islands. Likewise, a haplotype com-
Pleistocene low-sea-level stands, indicating Ocean populations that are separated by mon in Riau (G in Fig. 1a) and Belitung (E,
that ecological connections are rare across thousands of kilometres12. However, the F) occurs at low frequency in the Sper-
distances as short as 300–400 km and that sharp genetic break described here that sep- monde and Talaud (A) (Fig. 1c). The distri-
biogeographic history also influences arates ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ popula- bution of these haplotypes indicates that
contemporary connectivity between reef tions a mere 300 km apart indicates the gene flow is possible between distant popu-
ecosystems. presence of a localized biogeographic lations, even if only rarely.
Strong currents in Indonesian waters boundary, suggesting the presence of a Information from other taxa should
(Fig. 1a; up to 1 m s11)3 should facilitate the marine equivalent of Wallace’s line. Our reveal whether these findings apply to other
dispersal of marine larvae and are thought results indicate that predictions about Indonesian reef species, but the association
to be responsible for the invisibility of Wal- connectivity based on generalized ocean of stomatopod populations with old ocean
lace’s line, the sharp biogeographic break
that separates terrestrial forms from eastern
and western Indonesia, in marine commu- Figure 1 Ocean currents and genetic structure of stomatopod
nities. Drifters have traversed 1,500 km populations. a, Dominant currents (solid lines) and seasonal cur-
through the Celebes Sea and Makassar rents (dashed lines) of the Indonesian throughflow (ITW)3. Filled
Strait in four weeks4, indicating that plank- circles, marine protected areas (MPA)2. Northern populations
tonic larvae may travel great distances, sampled were from regions marked A (n420), B (n410), C
yielding high connectivity between distant (n421), D (76 individuals from 5 different reef areas), E (n410),
populations. However, fish5,6 and inverte- F (n410) and G (n421); southern populations were from
brate7 larvae in the Caribbean and Australia regions H (n414), I (n420), J (n45) and K (n46). b, Unrooted
show a surprisingly small amount of move- minimum-spanning network (constructed using the program Min-
ment, challenging the idea of a strict associ- spnet ; L. Excoffier) depicting the genetic relationship between
ation between dispersal potential and 106 unique mitochondrial haplotypes from 213 individuals sam-
realized movement between marine popu- pled from 11 regions throughout Indonesia. Haplotypes were
lations. We therefore measured the genetic identified by using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify 625
structuring of populations of the stomato- base pairs of the gene encoding cytochrome oxidase I (ref. 14)
pod H. pulchella, a benthic reef crustacean followed by automated sequencing on an ABI 377. The sizes of
with a 4–6-week planktonic larval period open circles (southern populations) and filled circles (northern
and a dispersal potential that is conserva- populations) are proportional to haplotype frequencies and are
tively estimated at 600 km. separated by one mutational step, unless otherwise indicated by
Surprisingly, our results indicate that hatch marks or numerals. Dashed lines highlight clades found
there are sharp genetic breaks among exclusively or primarily in one geographic region. Circles: red, Flo-
oceanographic regions. Populations north res Sea; yellow, Tomini Bay; filled black, Makassar Strait; green,
and south of the Flores and Java Seas, as South China Sea; violet, Celebes Sea; white, Sunda Islands.
close as 300 km apart, are distinguished by c, Map of Indonesia at 18,000–20,000 years before present,
a broad genetic break perpendicular to when sea levels dropped by 130 m to expose the Sunda and
Wallace’s line (FST40.821 in analysis of Sahul continental shelves9 (light grey). Dashed lines highlight
molecular variance, P*0.001; ref. 8) distinct ocean basins formed during the lowering of sea levels.
(Fig. 1b). Additionally, northern pop- Pie diagrams indicate relative haplotype frequencies. Inset, simpli-
ulations are significantly differentiated fication of b.
(FST40.184, P*0.001), with genetically
distinct populations (Fig. 1b) in the Bay of
Tomini and in the Celebes, Flores and
South China Seas, contradicting the
hypothesis of strong connectivity among
The geographic distribution of geneti-
692 © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 406 | 17 AUGUST 2000 |
brief communications
basins suggests that reef populations Table 1 65Zn in 5-yen coins from houses around the accident site
throughout Indonesia cannot simply be Distance (m) Direction from facility 65
Zn concentration (Bq per kg Zn) Statistical error (%)
assumed to be interconnected units; marine 100*510 SSW 39.6 6.4
reserves need to be designed1,13 that also 100*510 SSW 37.0 6.4
take biogeography and historical ocean- 100*510 SSW 39.4 1.6
ography into account. 120512 W 17.4 14.0
Paul H. Barber*, Stephen R. Palumbi*,
135510 SSW 16.4 36.0
Mark V. Erdmann†, M. Kasim Moosa‡
170510 SSW 9.0, 32.0
*Department of Organismic and Evolutionary
210512 SSW 5.4 45.0
Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge,
230512 SSW 4.0 22.7
Massachusetts 02138, USA
250520 SSE 4.0 9.6
255520 WNW 3.8 35.0
†Department of Integrative Biology, University of
320*515 WSW 2.0 10.5
California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
320*515 WSW 1.9 23.0
‡Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi,
PO Box 4801 JKTF, Jakarta 1048, Indonesia 360515 SE 1.5 24.1
38056 SE 1.4 51.2
1. Roberts, C. M. Science 278, 1454–1457 (1997).
460520 N 1.1 24.0
2. Llewellyn, G., Jepson, P., Schweithelm, J. & Kirtchener, D.
Conservation Assessment of Wallacea Bioregion (Wallacea 550*512 SSE 0.86 18.4
Program Report, 1999). 550*512 SSE 0.76 17.9
3. Wyrtki, K. NAGA Report, Volume 2: Physical Oceanography of
*Samples that were separated and measured.
the South East Asian Waters (Scripps Institute of Oceanography,
San Diego, 1961).
4. Lukas, R. et al. J. Geophys. Res. 96, 7089–7104 (1991). (1,115.5 keV). To obtain a record of the MORSE (ref. 1). Using these data, we were
5. Swearer, S. E., Caselle, J. E., Lea, D. W. & Warner, R. R. Nature
402, 799–802 (1999).
dosage of neutrons released as a result of the able to estimate approximate neutron doses
6. Jones, G. P., Milicich, M. J., Emslie, M. J. & Lunow, C. Nature accident, we collected exposed coins from from the 65Zn concentrations shown in
402, 802–804 (1999). people’s houses at distances 100–550 m Table 1.
7. Knowlton, N. & Keller, B. D. Bull. Mar. Sci. 39, 213–223 (1986). from the facility. Ambient dose equivalent values (in
8. Excoffier, L., Smouse, P. E. & Quattro, J. M. Genetics 4, 479–491
Two types of detector were used to millisieverts at 1 cm depth) were calculated
9. Porter, S. C. Quat. Res. 32, 245–261 (1989). determine the concentration of 65Zn in as about 220 mSv at 100 m, 6 mSv at 350 m
10. McManus, J. W. Proc. 5th Int. Coral Reef Symp. 4, 133–138 these coins: both are pure germanium and 1.8 mSv at 550 m. These estimates
detectors with a low background contribu- agree well with the early official estimates2,
11. Randall, J. E. Zool. Stud. 37, 227–268 (1998).
12. Palumbi, S. R. Coral Reefs 16 (suppl.), 47–52 (1997). tion, one of which (University of Tokyo) is which were revised to about half some
13. Palumbi, S. R. in Marine Community Ecology (eds Berness, M., covered with an inner copper shield 5 cm weeks later3. Our estimated exposures indi-
Gaines, S. & Hay, M.) (Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, in the press). thick and a 5-cm layer of iron, with an outer cate that those living 350 m away from the
14. Barber, P. H. & Erdmann, M. V. J. Crust. Biol. 20, 20–36 (2000).
lead casing of 10 cm — in this system, accident — the distance to which people
radon in the air is purged by using nitrogen were advised to evacuate — were also irra-
gas; the other (Kyoto University) is covered diated by neutron doses of over 1 mSv.
with an inner copper shield of 10 cm and Our dose estimates include a bias
Tokaimura accident outer lead layer of 10 cm. Using these detec- because the neutron field in the environ-
tors, we tested 119 coins for a maximum of ment might differ from that assumed in the
Neutron dose estimates 1,000,000 seconds; some samples were mea- calculation. If the neutron field is unimped-
from 5-yen coins sured in both systems to crosscheck for con- ed, the 65Zn in 5-yen coins can serve as an
sistency. The scattering and self-absorption indicator of neutron dosage at various posi-
of 1,115.5-keV g-rays in the coin samples

fter a criticality accident at a nuclear- tions. Our results potentially offer informa-
fuel processing facility in Tokaimura, were calculated by using the Monte Carlo tion not only about the total neutron effect
Japan, at 10:35 Japanese standard time method in three dimensions. during the accident4 but also about shield-
on 30 September 1999, neutron emission Table 1 shows 65Zn concentrations mea- ing by modern Japanese houses, given that
continued until early the next morning. To sured in coins taken from houses in the the coins were recovered from indoors.
estimate the neutron dose to the surround- neutron-affected areas around the nuclear- Masuchika Kohno*, Yoshinobu Koizumi†
ing population, we collected 5-yen coins (37 fuel processing facility. 65Zn concentrations *Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto
weight per cent zinc) from places likely to at distances ranging from 100 to 550 m University, Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
have been exposed to radiation as a result of from the plant dropped from 39.6 to 0.76 †Isotope Center, University of Tokyo, 2-11-16,
the accident and determined the amount of Bq per kg zinc, decreasing exponentially Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Zn generated in them in the nuclear reac- with increasing distance. 1. Imanaka, T. Gijutsu to Ningen 28, 56–65 (1999) (in Japanese).
tion 64Zn&n→ 65Zn by spectrometrically 65
Zn concentrations and neutron dosage 2. Dose Estimation in the Environment Neighboring with JCO,
Tokai Branch after the Criticality Accident (Theoretical and Basic
measuring the photons emitted by 65Zn. at various distances from the accident site Data) (report from the Science and Technology Agency of
Our results indicate that people evacuated have also been estimated by considering the Japan, 4 November 1999) (in Japanese).
to 350 m outside the irradiated area still neutron energy spectrum in relation to dis- 3. Dose Estimation in the Environment Neighboring with JCO,
Tokai Branch after the Criticality Accident (Theoretical and Basic
received a significant neutron dose. tance (T. Imanaka, personal communica-
Data) (report from the Science and Technology Agency of
The Japanese 5-yen coin is about 22 mm tion); values were calculated with the Japan, 22 December 1999) (in Japanese).
in diameter and 1.5 mm thick, weighs 3.75 g neutron transport programs DOT and 4. J. Envir. Radioactivity 50, 1–172 (2000).
and has a central hole 5 mm wide. We chose
this coin for monitoring neutron exposure
because it is widely circulated, the zinc bried communications is intended to provide a forum for short, topical reports of general scientific interest and for
content is precisely controlled, and the technical discussion of recently published material of particular interest to non-specialist readers. Priority will be given
Zn generated has a convenient half-life to contributions that have fewer than 500 words, 10 references and only one figure. Detailed guidelines are available on
(244.1 days) and g-ray energy emission Nature’s website ( or on request from

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