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Week 1

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Immaculate Conception Collegeof Balayan, Inc.

Augustinian Recollect Sisters

Mabini, Balayan 4213 Batangas, Philippines
Website:; E-mail:

A.Y. 2023 - 2024

Teacher: Mr. Jerome E. Tagle GRADE LEVEL: Date:

Week 1
CONTENT STANDARD: How individuals learn culture and become competent members of society.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Identify norms and values to be observed in interacting with others in society and
the consequences of ignoring these rules.
Bible Text 2 Timothy 3:14
Paul is telling Timothy to remain in “the things that (Timothy has) learned and (has)
been assured of.” Timothy will find great comfort and security in those things, just as
he would find at home with his family.
Vision & Mission: -Strengthen God filled friendship
Core Values: Competence
A.R. Attributes: I am Christ centered

Competencies: Explain the development of one’s self and others as a product of socialization and enculturation
Identify the context, content, processes, and consequences of enculturation and socialization
Discuss Enculturation/ Socialization
Integration with Other Discipline: Values Education-Inclusivity
Materials: Video, Power Point Presentation etc.
EQ: Why we need to understand enculturation/socialization?
EU: How would you show the importance of understanding enculturation/socialization?
* Classroom Routine: Prayer , Checking of Attendance. Review/Recap of the lesson.
I. Introduction
Activity 1.1: DO’S and DON’T’s
Let students revisit their past experiences and research on the norms and values of their family, community,
municipality and country.

Social Environment DOS DON’Ts


Process Questions:

1. Are there similarities between your experiences and observations and those of your classmates?
2. In your family, who gives guidance on proper decorum and other family traditions?
3. In your community or neighbourhood, who defines standards of what is acceptable or not?
4. In your municipality/city and country, who determines what is moral and immoral, and what is legal and illegal?
5. Was there an instance when you did what you shouldn’t as prescribed by “authorities”? How did they react?


Activity # 2: Watching a video about “A Failure to Communicate”

Guide Questions
a. What do you think are the fundamentals of communication needed in the video?
b. What are the elements of good communication?
Activity #3
Interactive Discussion about Communication Process through models(PPT)
Activity #4 Differentiating the Forms of Communication
(Differentiate the forms of communication by completing the table below with an
example of an element in the communication process for each form of communication. The
sources for each are already given.) see PPT
Discussion: The Role of Media and Information in Communication
What are the different types of media? Give example…etc

III. Integration
No matter whether everything is going smoothly for us or we are experiencing hardships, what we always need
is to truly communicate with God, because we know he will hear us. So how can we achieve that?
Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that
asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.

Generalization :
Media and information plays a vital role not only in communication, but in our lives.
It makes the world a smaller place.
It makes communication convenient.
t shapes public opinion.

Check it out:
Activity 1.5: Choosing Appropriate Media Tools
Choosing the right medium usually boils down to three factors: audience, message,
and budget. In this activity, explain why these factors heavily influence the kind of medium or
media tools you should use to communicate your message or information

Activity 1.6: Evaluating Media Platforms
Reflect on the different uses of media platforms. Describe and rate them
according to entertainment value, information value, education, business, and advocacy. Copy the
table (found in the next page) and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Use the ratings
given below:
Ratings: 1 – not at all relevant, 2 – not very relevant, 3 – slightly relevant, 4 – relevant, 5 – very
Media Platform Newspaper Radio Television Internet/Social
Uses Media
Example: 2 – Because 3 – Slightly 2 – Because 5 – Because
For networking communication relevant communication there is an
through print because some in TV is mostly active
media is mostly radio programs one-way, there exchange of
one-way and are effective in is very least information and
there is very growing a interaction wide
least network of connection of
interaction people people
For Entertainment
For Information
For Education
For Business
For advocacy

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