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(Template) UNIT 1 Purposive Communication

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Assessing Learning
Activity 1
Name: ROBILYN D. CABILES Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date: SEPTEMBER 11, 2020
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Explain briefly each of the definitions of communication as mentioned in the first part of
this Unit.

a. Definition No. 1
Communication is a way of expressing one’s thought through verbal or non-verbal way
of communication.

b. Definition No. 2
Communication is way of disseminating information to help one another.

c. Definition No. 3
It is a way in which people understand each other views and opinions in life.

d. Definition No. 4
Communication is a way of building good relationship with other people.

e. Definition No. 5
It help us to share ideas with a large group of people , through this we can enhance
their knowledge to a certain thing.

2. Cite at least 2 examples of each type of communication.

Example of Verbal communication
a. The students are asking their teacher on how to make a good and effective
communication with other people.
b. Mary delivered a powerful speech, in front of other students.

Example of Non-verbal communication

a. Stacy rolled her eye to her friend.
b. The baby is crying loudly.

Activity 2
Name: ROBILYN D CABILES Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date: SEPTEMBER 11 2020

Directions: Make your mind work by expressing your answer to the given questions below:

1. Which do you think is more effective: Verbal Communication or Non-Verbal

Communication? Defend your answer.

Verbal communication is more effective than non-verbal communication. Non-verbal

communication can’t be interpreted accurately, unlike verbal we can express our thoughts or
ideas easily, and the receiver can interpret and understand it clearly and could give a quick and
accurate feedback.

2. Argue: There are more advantages and only a few disadvantages of the computer-
mediated communication.

I think that it has more advantages to those who know on how to use computer. Because they
can access to it easily, unlike those people who don’t have skill in operating computer. So for me
it depends to those who can or who can’t use computer whether it has more advantage or

3. Agree or Disagree: With the technology we have now, personal or face-to-face

communication among members of the family is no longer as close, common, or as
intimate as it should be

I’m agree with this conclusion , because now a days people are into gadgets .They talk
more using mobile phone calls , chats or text messages that is why personal
communication among other people are being undone , unlike the old days , they talk
mouth to mouth or even wrote for their love ones. They spent most of their time sharing
stories with each other. It is sad, because in this generation or in the next generation it
cannot be experience.

Assessing Learning

Activity 1
Name: ROBILYN D CABILES Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date: SEPTEMBER 11 2020
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Differentiate
a. hearing and listening
b. attentive and emphatic listening. Give examples for each.

Hearing – it is simply an act of hearing a sound by ear, but you didn’t pay attention to. You
just heard it but didn’t affect you.

Example: When the teacher is teaching but the student is imagining of something.

Listening – It is something that you choose and have to do in order for you to understand a
certain thing. Concentration is needed so that the brain can process the information
you’ve heard.

Example: The teacher is teaching and asked Mark to repeat what he said, and the student
answered correctly.

Attentive listening – means that you are paying full attention to something so that you
could understand the message and give feedback.

Example: You are having a graded recitation and you always answer correctly.

Emphatic listening – we want to express something clearly. We could use a questioning

technique to develop a stronger understanding ability.

Example: Your partner is expressing his love and his loyalty to you; you hug and told him
that you love him too.

2. What is selective listening? Cite specific instances when you resort to this level of listening.
Selective listening - When a person appears to only hear what is important to them.
They only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.

Example: Failing to hear the news, while listening to someone who is talking.

Activity 2
Name: ROBILYN D CABILES Score:__________________
Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date: SEPTEMBER 11 2020
Directions: Perform the following task. Then answer the questions that follow:
Listen to the video (on YouTube) of the famous speech of Martin Luther King.
1. What were King’s dreams for America?

Martin Luther King Jr. dream that one America, his nation will rise up and live up to its
creed. He also want to have rights in economic. He also wants to end the racism in the
United State.

2. If you were to deliver your own speech on the same title (I Have a Dream), what would
your dream or dreams be for the Philippines?

I have a dream. As a Filipino citizen I dream of a country that is full of love and peace. A
country where children’s dream are possible to come true. A country that poverty is not
present anymore. Where every Filipino has a decent kind of life. A country where the
riches and the poorest are equal in rights and justice. Lastly, a country that is full of love,
hope, and prosperity. A country that is God centered.

Activity 3

Name: ROBILYN D CABILES Score:__________________

Course/Year/Section: Date: SEPTEMBER 11 2020

Directions: Express your answers to the following questions:

1. Discuss the different barriers to effective communication.

1.1. Physical barrier
It is the disturbance in hearing due to existing environment like thunders, telephone
call disconnection, etc.
1.2. Emotional barrier
Are mental walls that keep us from expressing our thoughts, feeling and ideas. It
prevents us from being our self.

1.3. Cultural barrier

People from different culture who might speak different languages, cultural beliefs or uses
of gestures and symbols to communicate.

1.4. Perceptual barrier

Leads us to misinterpret one another because of different perception that blocks us to
learn and to recognize information that has been conveyed to us.
2. How can one overcome these barriers?
To overcome the barriers in communication we must first improve our listening skill. Learn
how to focus on listening than speaking can help us overcome those barriers. We must
languages that are easy to understand and check whether you are being understood.
Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name; ROBILYN D. CABILES Score:__________________

Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date; SEPTEMBER 11 2020
Directions: Answer these questions:

1. Give and explain each of the five (5) steps involved in the process of communication.
Step 1: SENDER
The one who start the conversation or the topic. Encoding messages.


It is the medium that is use to send message it could be direct message, email, telephone
conversation, personal discussion or text messages.


The one who interpret the message or the decoder of the message.


It is the idea which is converted into words, pictures, sounds, symbols, or action.

This is the critical component of communication because it ensures that the message has
been interpreted.

2. Why is feedback a critical component in the communication process?

Feedback is the most critical part of communication process because it ensures that the
message has been clearly understood.

3. How can you achieve credibility with your audience?

We must establish trust and build a relationship with the audience for them to partake our
topic. You must speak loudly, clearly, and confidently so that we will catch their attention.

4. “Communication stimulates social interconnection and closeness.” What do you

understand by this?
Communicate stimulates closeness by having a deep emotional conversation, through
communication we can encourage everyone to listen to us. Being able to express
ourselves will help us to meet closeness.
Activity 2

Name: ROBILYN D. CABILES Score:__________________

Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date: SEPTEMBER 11 2020
Directions: Express freely your thoughts based on the given title of the essay:
1. Write an essay on “The COVID 19 PANDEMIC”. Take into consideration your insights,
your discoveries, realizations and learnings from this world event.

COVID 19 or novel corona virus is still undefeated, the disease caused by SARS-COV-2 had
claim most of the lives of people all around the world. Because of this virus great crisis
happened continuously. It is stressed out everybody. It caused a great loss of economic
funds, because of this virus more and more discoveries happened; finding cure, or finding
ways on how to fight and defeat this pandemic. I realized that there are so many things
that could happen unexpectedly that could change everything. I learned that we should
cherish every moments that we have. We need to be more cautious and keep ourselves
hygienic and always connected with God.

2. If you were to write a letter to God in the midst of this COVID 19 health issue, what would
you tell Him?

If I’m going to write a letter to God I would simply say sorry for all the wrong that we have
done. We are very sorry for it and are asking for your warmth forgiveness. Please help us
fight and defeat this virus. Lastly, I’m thankful that you always make my family safe and
away from virus. Please help the doctor and scientist find the cure and cure those people
that has been infected by the virus. Please heal your loving land. We thanked and praised

Assessing Learning

Activity 1

Name:ROBILYN D. CABILES Score:__________________

Course/Year/Section: BSE-1B Date: SEPTEMBER 11, 2020

Directions: Answer these questions:

1. Explain Communication ethics.
Having a communication ethics can guide us in communicating well with others. It is
prudent in the society. It can help one person or an organization to become more
functional. It could also help us in making wise decision and benefits us well because
we can avoid wrong choices or decision.

2. There are at least nine (9) Principles of Ethical Communication. Discuss each of them and
cite particular instances or situations where such principle is applied.
(Answered in consecutive order)

1. We need to promote the access in communication so that we can help others to find
more opportunities. It could also help every family, or the entire society to reach out
with another.

Example: Making posters, oral or digital announcement that can be sort of information
and that can also communicate with other people. And any information that could help
families, communities or the societies.

2. Communication can help us build a good understanding with each other and will help
us to respect the needs and views of one another.

Example: Relationship between a man and a woman that have a different needs and
views in life.

3. Through communication, we must stop humiliating or disrespect one’s life. We should

remove hatred to ourselves to avoid wrong impression, threat, restraint, and harshness
to other people.

Example: Whether you are rich or poor you must not humiliate or disrespect other
people, we must propagate the love and respect with each other, despite of your status
in life.

4. Being true, accurate, honest, and reasonable are essential to a great and better
communication among other.
Example: Broadcasting different news should always be factual and only say the truth.

5. Being free in expressing one’s thought and perspective in life will help us to achieve
decent society.

Example: A different religion who have different perception in worshiping God.

6. Interpret the message well to understand it clearly, so that we could respect others
thoughts before giving a feedback.

Example: When somebody is sharing his or her thought we must not interrupt them by
providing false questioning on what he/she is delivering, let them finish it.

7. Being dedicated to something because of courage will help us attain the fairness and
the justice that we believe in.
Example: If you know that you are right then prove them wrong and win the situation

8. Sharing is a way of expressing opinion while minimizing the information that you want
to say, to respect privacy and confidentiality.

Example: Using any social media flat-form in sharing your ideas or opinion

9. We must be accountable to the outcome of the conversation or the communication that

we have. Also with other people.

Example: When you accidentally made a wrong decision to something important but
you immediately respond and fix it.

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