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Campbell's Biology: Concepts and Connections, 7e (Reece et al.

Chapter 38 Conservation Biology

38.1 Multiple-Choice Questions

1) The primary goal of conservation biology is to

A) estimate the total number of species that exist.
B) maximize the land set aside for wildlife.
C) integrate human culture back into nature.
D) counter the loss of biodiversity.
Answer: D
Topic: 38.1
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

2) Approximately ________ living species have been named and described.

A) 750,000
B) 30 million
C) 1.8 million
D) 10 million
Answer: C
Topic: 38.1
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

3) The current rate of extinction may be as much as ________ times higher than at any other time in the
past 100,000 years.
A) 10
B) 100
C) 1,000
D) 10,000
Answer: C
Topic: 38.1
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

4) Biodiversity considers
A) the genetic diversity within and between populations of a species.
B) the fate of water in the ecosystem.
C) commensal relationships between species.
D) the relationships of individuals to a food chain.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.1
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
5) Currently, the single greatest threat to biodiversity is
A) global warming.
B) habitat destruction due to humans.
C) the introduction of exotic species.
D) overexploitation of populations for food.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

6) You arrive back in the United States after having visited a foreign country located on another
continent. The customs agent stops the person in front of you and confiscates the fruit basket this person
is bringing home. Being the knowledgeable person you are, you calmly explain to your enraged fellow
traveler that the reason for the detainment is that the fruit basket may be
A) carrying endangered fruit.
B) carrying an exotic species that could damage North American ecosystems.
C) contaminated with CFCs that will damage the ozone layer above North America.
D) contaminated with sufficient DDT to cause serious harm to anyone who eats the fruit.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Application/Analysis

7) The three greatest current threats to biodiversity, in order starting with the greatest, are
A) habitat loss, overharvesting, and invasive species.
B) habitat loss, invasive species, and overharvesting.
C) invasive species, habitat loss, and overharvesting.
D) invasive species, overharvesting, and habitat loss.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

8) Which of the following is an invasive species?

A) mallard duck in the western United States
B) brown tree snake in Guam
C) elephant in India
D) carrier pigeon in the continental United States
Answer: B
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

9) To decrease pollution from sulfur, your local power plant built very tall smokestacks. The ultimate
consequence of this would most likely be
A) biological magnification.
B) to dilute the sulfur pollutants in the atmosphere and thus reduce their effects on the environment.
C) to create an environmental problem at a distance from the power plant.
D) a decrease in the pH of local lakes.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Application/Analysis

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
10) DDT and mercury
A) were once used as an energy source.
B) contribute to acid precipitation.
C) accumulate in the tissues of organisms.
D) deplete the ozone layer.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

11) Which of the following is a likely consequence of the thinning of the ozone layer?
A) increases in skin cancer
B) increases in escape of heat from Earth
C) global warming
D) decreases in flying insect populations
Answer: A
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

12) You spray your lawn with a pesticide. The concentration of the pesticide in the tissues of the grass
on your lawn is 10-6 parts per million (ppm). Grasshoppers eat the grass and are in turn eaten by rats,
which are then eaten by owls. At each successive trophic level, the concentration of pesticides increases.
The term for this process is
A) biological extirpation.
B) biological magnification.
C) trophic concentration.
D) bioconcentration.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Application/Analysis

13) Global warming is the result of

A) rises in ocean levels.
B) rising concentration of greenhouse gases.
C) increased solar activity.
D) pollution.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.3
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

14) Greenhouse gases include

A) nitrous oxide and oxygen.
B) nitrogen and oxygen.
C) carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
D) carbon dioxide and methane.
Answer: D
Topic: 38.3
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
15) Average global temperature has risen ________ over the past 100 years.
A) 3°C
B) 10°C
C) 5°C
D) 0.8°C
Answer: D
Topic: 38.3
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

16) CO2 in the atmosphere is absorbed by ________ and converted into biomass.
A) the ozone layer
B) other atmosphere gases
C) photosynthetic organisms
D) large land masses
Answer: C
Topic: 38.4
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

17) Scientists worry that global warming will result in the oceans
A) becoming more acidic.
B) becoming more basic.
C) containing less dissolved oxygen.
D) containing less dissolved carbon dioxide.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.4
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

18) One way in which populations and species have been responding to climate change is by
A) changing their coat color.
B) shifting their distribution.
C) changing their metabolism.
D) evolving a flexible mode of reproduction.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.5
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

19) Which of the following is not an observed effect of global warming on organisms?
A) Some species of birds and frogs now begin their breeding seasons later in the year.
B) Corals "bleach" when increased water temperatures cause them to expel their symbiotic algae.
C) Many butterfly populations have shifted their ranges to the north.
D) Many polar bears show signs of starvation as their hunting grounds melt away.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.5
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
20) The ability to change phenotype in response to local environmental conditions is called
A) genetic drift.
B) mutation.
C) alteration of generations.
D) phenotypic plasticity.
Answer: D
Topic: 38.6
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

21) Some populations, especially those with high genetic variability and short life spans, may avoid
extinction as the climate changes through
A) genetic shift.
B) feedback inhibition.
C) distribution of populations.
D) evolutionary adaptation.
Answer: D
Topic: 38.6
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

22) Protecting the endangered black-footed ferret from extinction involved

A) captive breeding and reintroduction.
B) collecting individuals from multiple small populations and combining them into a single large
C) vaccinating the remaining population against sylvatic plague.
D) providing food during harsh winters.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.7
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

23) Captive breeding

A) has allowed for the re-introduction of many species to areas from which they had disappeared.
B) has advanced to the point where biologists believe it can be used to save most endangered species.
C) can work for animals, but is generally not used for endangered plants.
D) is the main conservation technique used to try to save endangered species from extinction.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.7
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

24) A regional assemblage of interacting ecosystems is a

A) biome.
B) landscape.
D) hot spot.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.8
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
25) Movement corridors
A) increase inbreeding.
B) reduce dispersal.
C) can be harmful because they allow for the spread of disease.
D) can be harmful because they allow for gene flow.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.8
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

26) Which of the following statements about movement corridors is true?

A) Movement corridors can connect otherwise isolated habitat patches.
B) Movement corridors can promote inbreeding in declining populations.
C) Movement corridors are detrimental to species that migrate between habitats seasonally.
D) Movement corridors can prevent the spread of disease.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.8
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

27) Habitats with many edges

A) are the result of natural disasters.
B) favor animals that prefer large, open ranges.
C) often result from human activities.
D) result in a significant increase in diversity.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.8
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

28) Small areas that are home to a large number of threatened species and an exceptional concentration
of species found nowhere else on Earth are called
A) biologically magnified.
B) endemic environments.
C) biodiversity hot spots.
D) exotic hot spots.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.9
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

29) Species found in only one place on Earth are called ________ species.
A) hot spot
B) exotic
C) keystone
D) endemic
Answer: D
Topic: 38.9
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
30) Most biodiversity hot spots are found in ________ regions.
A) western
B) tropical
C) temperate
D) tundra
Answer: B
Topic: 38.9
Skill: Application/Analysis

31) About one-third of all animal and plant species are concentrated on ________ of Earth's land.
A) 20%
B) 10%
C) 5%
D) 1.5%
Answer: D
Topic: 38.9
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

32) The greatest challenge facing the zoned reserve systems of Costa Rica is
A) high predation by jaguars.
B) forest fires.
C) soil erosion.
D) the growing human population.
Answer: D
Topic: 38.10
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

33) One result of Costa Rica's commitment to conservation is that

A) destructive practices such as massive logging and large scale single-crop agriculture have been nearly
B) both protected park areas and the buffer zones around them have suffered only negligible
C) ecotourism generates many jobs and brings in a significant fraction of the country's revenue.
D) about 95% of the country's land is protected in some way.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.10
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

34) The introduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park in 1991 resulted in
A) a general decline in overall habitat as death spread like wildfire.
B) ecological changes involving at least 25 species.
C) the migration of most of these wolves out of the park and back to Canada.
D) the death of all of the wolves, likely due to an insufficient amount of available prey.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.11
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
35) The Yukon to Yellowstone Initiative is a plan to
A) connect all of the national parks in the western United States.
B) connect all of the national parks in the United States.
C) connect parks in the United States and Canada with protected corridors where wildlife can travel
D) create a giant, fenced, private land area between the national parks in the United States to create a
protected zone for wildlife.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.11
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

36) If wolves were now removed from Yellowstone National Park, we would expect that
A) elk populations would increase.
B) deer populations would decrease.
C) the vegetation would remain unchanged.
D) vegetation would increase, providing shelter for smaller animals.
Answer: A
Topic: 38.11
Skill: Application/Analysis

37) The aspect of conservation ecology concerned with returning degraded ecosystems (as nearly as
possible) to their natural state is
A) bioremediation.
B) sustainable development.
C) restoration ecology.
D) landscape ecology.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.12
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

38) Using living organisms to clean up polluted ecosystems is known as

A) biological demagnification.
C) bioremediation.
D) landscaping.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.12
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

39) The Kissimmee River Project is an

A) example of large-scale bioremediation to clean up a mercury spill.
B) example of a dam that interrupted the breeding of salmon and other species.
C) attempt to restore the natural wetlands associated with the Kissimmee River.
D) effort to join two previously unconnected lakes to permit better drainage.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.12
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

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40) The Kissimmee River Project is intended to
A) drain natural wetlands in the central Florida region.
B) increase biodiversity of the region.
C) restrict ecotourism and other recreational usage in the impacted region.
D) provide areas for homes and businesses.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.12
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

41) Sustainable development

A) will require making difficult decisions regarding travel to other planets.
B) will require many people to contribute financially.
C) will speed up evolution.
D) will require global, multinational cooperation.
Answer: D
Topic: 38.13
Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
38.2 Art Questions

1) According to this figure, which organisms have the highest concentration of PCBs, and why?

A) phytoplankton, because they are at the bottom of the food chain

B) herring gulls, because they are at the bottom of the food chain
C) herring gulls, because they are at the top of the food chain
D) smelt, because they are in the middle of the food chain
Answer: C
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Application/Analysis

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
2) According to this graph of changes in Earth's atmosphere, which of the following took place between
1800 and 2000?

A) Nitrous oxide levels increased from 270 ppb to 390 ppb.

B) Carbon dioxide levels increased from 950 ppb to 1,800 ppb.
C) Carbon dioxide levels increased from 290 ppm to 380 ppm.
D) Methane levels increased from 270 ppm to almost 2,000 ppm.
Answer: C
Topic: 38.4
Skill: Application/Analysis

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.
38.3 Scenario Questions

After reading the paragraph, answer the question(s) that follow.

Introduced species are a problem all over the world, and there are many examples in the United States.
Several years ago, a fisherman caught a northern snakehead fish in a pond in Crofton, Maryland (a
suburb of Washington, DC). Snakeheads are a favorite food of immigrants from China, and live fish can
frequently be found in Asian markets. It's suspected that the fish in the Crofton pond were purchased
locally and then intentionally released.

Snakeheads are top predators, and 90% of the northern snakeheads' diet consists of other fishes. The
northern snakehead can breathe out of water and travel short distances (about 100 feet) across land.
They also breed rapidly. Females can lay more than 100,000 eggs per year. Juveniles have also been
identified in the Potomac River and other rivers in Pennsylvania.

1) When snakeheads enter aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity in these ecosystems would most likely
A) increase, since another species has been added to the environment.
B) decrease, since the snakehead will prey on native species.
C) remain the same, since local species will prey on the snakeheads and remove them.
D) remain the same, because the snakeheads will merge without problems into established communities.
Answer: B
Topic: 38.1, 38.2
Skill: Application/Analysis

2) Based on the characteristics of the snakehead described, which of the following is most likely to be a
productive strategy to reduce the spread of this species?
A) extending the fishing season for prey fishes
B) introducing a natural predator to feed on juvenile snakeheads
C) introducing a fungus that prevents fish eggs from hatching
D) introducing algae and photosynthetic bacteria to reduce nutrient levels in the water
Answer: B
Topic: 38.2
Skill: Synthesis/Evaluation

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