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Threats To Biodiversity: Victoria Bone Stefanie Hoffer Kim Stauffer

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Threats to Biodiversity

Victoria Bone
Stefanie Hoffer
Kim Stauffer
 The variety of life, in genes and species, that inhabit the ecosystems of the
 Important because:
 Greater variety of crops

 Natural sustainability

 Recovery from disasters

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 Ecosystem services

 Biological resources

 Social benefits
 Threats:
 Human Disreguard/Carelessness: Pollution,
Overhunting, Invasive Species
 Population Growth

 Biggest threats to biodiversity within an

ecosystem deal with the elimination of a
keystone species
Invasive Species
 non-native to the ecosystem
whose introduction causes
economic or environmental harm
or harm to human health
 Second only to climate change in QuickTime™ and a
terms of ubiquity are needed to see this picture.

 Implicated in the extinction of

many species
 Introduced by human involvement
 (ex., soil with a population of
native insects to another country)
 Also introduced by nature
 (ex., flood carries microbial to
another ecosystem)
Invasive Species
 Impact in many ways:
 Direct mechanisms

 (ex., competing for same

food resource in the QuickTime™ and a
environment) are needed to see this picture.

 Indirect mechanisms

 (ex., a new plant creates

cover and enables prey to
hide from predator,
skewing the food d=3461697


 Usually reach much higher

densities in their new areas
than they do in their native
Impacts of Bufo marinus

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Impact of Bufo marinus
 Since toxins do not leach
in lethal quantities from B.
marinus eggs into
solution, and native
tadpoles that die after
consuming B. marinus
eggs or larvae are not QuickTime™ and a
toxic to conspecifics that decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
feed on their carcasses,
the mortality of L. ornatus
tadpoles observed in
experiments 1 and 2 can
be attributed to the
consumption of Bufo
eggs and hatchlings.
Contributor to Success

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 Spread of Cane
Toads in

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Invasive Species

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Pollution’s effect on
Coral Reefs
 Coral Reefs cover 1% of the world’s
 25% of all marine species live in
coral reefs
 And even more species use
coral reefs as well, mostly as a
nursery for larvae or juvenile
 Most commercially fished species
have a connection to coral reefs
Coral Reefs
 Coral Reefs can only survive
in oceans with clear water and
few nutrients at the ideal
temperature and depth.

 Backbone of coral reef is the

coral polyp

 The Coral is a small organism

that lives symbiotically with
 A photosynthetic
Coral Reefs and Pollution
 Pollution mostly from fertilizers or
sewage causes increase of nutrients

 More nutrients cause increase of

algae growth

 This decreases the oxygen and


 The photosynthetic Zooxanthelle

cannot get enough light and coral
Loss of Biodiversity
 Loss of biodiversity come
from death of coral.
 Which reduces the number
of fish nurseries and amount
of food.
 Many larval organisms die
and adults are few.

Commercial Importance
 Reduced numbers of
commercially fished fish
 Loss of possibilities for
The biggest threat to biodiversity:

Loss of Keystone Species

A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on
its environment relative to its abundance. Such species affect many
other organisms in an ecosystem and help to determine the types
and numbers of various others species in a community.
The prairie
dog has long
been hated
by farmers
ranchers, but
it is vital to
many prairie

This gopher-tortoise is a an endangered

keystone species, under protection in
Mobile Country, AL.

Keystone species
in the Antarctic
Otters are a keystone species on the
Western Coasts of the US because they
maintain the kelp beds; their predators are
whales, sharks, and humans.
Mountain Tapirs

Mountain tapirs, living in

the cloud forests of the
Andes, are near
extinction due to
destruction trends in their
Hunting, Habitat Destruction, and Encroachment
by humans are the most serious threats.
Importance of Conservation of
 Long distance seed dispersal by tapirs increases seed survival and
aggregates tropical trees; as tapirs disappear, so do certain plants
like the majestic Quindean wax palm, Columbia’s national tree

 Causes:
 Coffee Plantations, Opium Fields

 Forests converted to open grassland with slash and burn for

high-altitude cattle farming
 Overhunting: vulnerable to hunts by loggers, poor families

 Population Growth
Keystone Predator:
Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf
 Removed from
Endangered Currently there are
Species List 1500 wolves and
February 2008, 100 breeding pairs
after only having
been reintroduced
into Idaho and
Wyoming in 1984
Success Story?
 "The wolf population in the Northern
Rockies has far exceeded its recovery goal
and continues to expand its size and range.
States, tribes, conservation groups, federal
agencies and citizens of both regions can
be proud of their roles in this remarkable
conservation success story” -Deputy
Secretary of the Interior Lynn Scarlett
 Republican governor of Idaho, C.
L. "Butch" Otter: He hopes to be
the first to legally shoot a wolf in
Idaho, as soon as the animals
lose ESA protection, and wants no
more than the federal minimum
recovery target of 100. There
are 650 now. ( It is now legal, and
the 2009 limit was 220 wolves.)
A represents three populations of grey wolves. B
represents the original populations.
 The most major threats to biodiversity:
 Human Disregard and Carelessness
 Population Growth: Estimated based on
expected human population growth forecast
a 7% increase in number of threatened
species by 2020, and a 14% increase by
Hard thing to fix!
 We must abate growth to conserve
biodiversity on a global scale!
 We must consider very carefully any
species we eliminate or insert into an
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 ttp://

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