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Hajj Gui Dev 4

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HAJJ According to HANAFI Fique

1) Only Hajj Tamatu is Covered - Umrah followed by Hajj with 2 separate NIYATS. - Ihram restrictions lifted in between. 2) Hajj For Someone Else - Must have performed hajj for themselves. - Must be the Fard Hajj for the person you are performing it for. - They must be aged, unable or dead ( persons name is added in the NIYAT).

- Ghusl - Men Only: Apply perfume to beard and hair The above are Sunnah and can be performed at home (UK), before, or at Meeqat. b) Ihram Clothes Put on Ihram clothes, doesnt have to be same place as cleaning, but at Meeqat or before. If coming from UK then can be home, airport, airplane but not Jeddah. c) Niyat Labayk Allah Huma Umrah - Made before or at Meeqat, not after (will require fidya) - Ihram state only starts when Niyat made & Talbyah recited. Should be said loud. d) Talbyah (Once loud is condition for Ihram, 3 times is Sunnah) Men recite loud and Women loud enough so next person can hear them.

2. IHRAAM (p132)
1) Ihraam Has 2 Meanings a) State: Starts when conditions met and Niyat is said aloud. b) Clothes: Men - 2 pieces of preferably white cloth. - Sandals that dont cover ankles or raised bone on top of foot (Wajib). Women - Normal Islamic dress (not restricted to white or green). 2) Where State of Ihraam Starts Umrah: Must start before or at Meeqat, NOT after (Jeddah is not Meeqat). Hajj: From your location on the 8th Dhul Hujja (DH), usually in Mecca. 3) Permitted Things - Watch, - Hearing aid - Money belt - Umbrella - False teeth - Sunglasses / Glasses - Shower / bath / change Ihraam - Injections, etc. - Gently scratch head / body taking care hairs doesnt fall out (Makruh). - Men: Cover feet with top part Ihram or blanket, but not head. 4) Prohibited Things - Tailored Clothes (Men) - Cut Hair / Nails - Hats / Underwear (MEN) - Sexual activity, kissing or close touching. - Kill Insects, Mosquitoes, etc (Diff of opinion). - Perfume (Danger from perfumed Soap / Toothpaste / Etc.) Undertaking the above will require Fidya (expiation) via goat / sheep, except sexual activity which can invalidate the Hajj. 5) Entering Ihram for Umrah (p132) a) Cleaning - Cut nails - Trim underarm hair / pubic hair (40 day Rule) Here I am O Allah, Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Surely all praise, grace and dominion are Yours, and You have no partner. *** State of Ihram for Umrah and all associated restrictions now exist. *** 6) Ihram For Hajj All above are same except: a) Ihram adopted from where you are on the 8th DH (usually Mecca), not Meeqat. b) Niyat is for Hajj: Labayk Allah Huma Hajjan 7) Niyat in Detail Sunnah to announce after a Salat. It is not a requirement to utter specific words to make Niyat. Any Niyats made in the heart are sufficient. a) Yourself Umrah: Labayk Allah Huma Umrah Hajj: Labayk Allah Huma Hajjan b) Someone else Umrah: Labayk Allah Huma Umrah an NAME Hajj: Labayk Allah Huma Hajjan an NAME

3. TAWAF (p254)
1) Types Of Tawaf a) Umrah: Requires Ihram. Mens right shoulder uncovered (Idtiba) & Ramal first 3 rounds b) Hajj: Ifadah and Wida (Normal clothes, Full Ihram restrictions lifted after Ifadah). c) Nafl: Best ibadah, great reward. No Ihram. Note: Ramal (Jog, small fast steps) only undertaken in Tawaf followed by Saee. Tawaf for Umrah and Ifadah (Ziyarah) is followed by Saee. 2) Performing Tawaf (p255) a) Must have Wudu. b) Niyat (heart). Is Tawaf for Umrah, Ifadah, Wida or Nafl.

c) Start at Hajr-Al-Aswad. - Marked by line on floor and green light on wall. - Perform Isthilam. If unable to Kiss or Touch & kiss hand, then gesture with right hand and say Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar d) Proceed anti-clockwise around the Hijr (part of Kaba), while making Dua, Dhikr and reading Quran (Low voice with humility, sincerity and concentration). e) Touch Rukn-Al-Yamani and say Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar, if possible. If not then dont kiss or gesture. f) Between Rukn-Al-Yamani Corner and Hajr-A-Aswad Sunnah to recite :

4. SAEE (p261)
1) When to Perform Saee a) Umrah: After Tawaf for Umrah in Ihram. b) Hajj: after Tawaf-Al-Ifadah in normal clothes. 2) Performing Saee a) Sunnah to have Wudu and Niyat. b) Start at Safa c) When approaching Safa Sunnah to say the following (only once at the start):

Oh Lord grant us the Good in this world and the hereafter & save us from the punishment of the Fire (2:201) g) At Hajr-Al-Aswad 1 circuit complete. Continue, for next 6 circuits. Hand gesture and say Allahu Akbar at Hajr-Al-Aswad. h) After 7 circuits End at Hajr-Al-Aswad, no gesture, etc. i) Proceed to Muqam Ibraheem for 2 Rackats. Note: Niyat & Wudu conditions of Tawaf. Tawaf valid if undertaken in complete silence. 3) Offering 2 Rackats. a) At Muqam Ibraheem recite:

Indeed Safa and Marwa are among the signs of Allah

I begin with what Allah has begun d) Climb Safa till Kaba becomes visible. Face Kaba, raise hands as making dua and read following 3 times (Takbeer & Tawheed), in between make your own dua (twice):

And take the station of Ibraheem as a place of Prayer (2:125) b) If in Ihram cover right shoulder and offer 2 Rackats with Muqam Ibraheem between you and the Kaba. If not possible, it is acceptable to pray elsewhere. c) Sunnat to recite Surah Kafirun in first Rackat then Surah Ikhlas in second. *** Tawaf is now complete *** 4) Drink ZamZam After 2 Rackats - Sunnah to drink ZamZam from well or elsewhere after the 2 rackats. Can say: Allahuma inee asaluka ilman nafian wa rizqan waasian wa shafaan min-kulli daain Oh Allah, I ask of you beneficial knowledge, provision and a cure from all disease - If possible kiss Hajr-Al-Aswad & say Allahu Akbar after drinking. - If not then proceed straight towards Safa if doing Saee, without gesture, etc. 5) Best Times and Hints (Tawaf & Saee) - Dont raise voice. - May talk, but restrict to essentials. - Can change levels in between, but complete current circuit. - If forget the number of circuits, assume the lesser as completed. - Check Salat time first as Tawaf & Saee should be interrupted for Salat. Resume from where left off. If unsure repeat that circuit. Can interrupt for tiredness, toilet. For Saee Try Roof: Leave Door 11, turn Right, Enter Door 8, escalator to Middle or Roof.

Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest. There is none worthy of worship but Allah. He is alone. He has no partner. For Him is the Kingdom and for Him is the Praise and He has Power over everything. He gives life and He gives death and He is capable of all things. There is none worthy of worship but Allah. He is alone. He has fulfilled His Promise and aided His servant and defeated the enemy side Alone. e) Make way to Marwa and repeat d). I circuit complete. Between green lights, men run. f) No prescribed Duas on route. Make Dua and mention Allah as you like (Dua can be in own language, dhikr, tasbih). g) Complete 7 circuits, ending at Marwa (No Dua). *** Saee Complete *** h) ) If Umrah then Men get hair cut (at least inch all round), women inch in one place. Best do this in hotel privacy. If Hajj then haircut undertaken before Tawaf Ifadah & Saee.


1) Meeqat p150 Boundaries defined by SAW. State of Ihram must be observed before or at Meeqat. Otherwise must return or offer Fidya (sacrifice). Jeddah is not a Meeqat. Must be in Ihram before arrival in Jeddah. Steps of Umrah follow. 2) Ihram For Umrah ( See Section 2 for Detail) a) Cleaning (Home or at Meeqat). b) Ihram clothes (Home, airplane or at Meeqat). c) Niyat loud (Before or at Meeqat): Labayk Allah Huma Umrah d) Talbyah. State of Ihram for Umrah starts. 3) Tawaf For Umrah (See Section 3 for Detail) a) Wudu (must) b) Niyat (heart) for Umrah Tawaf. c) Men uncover right shoulder (Idtiba) and first 3 circuits brisk pace (Ramal). d) Start Hajr-Al-Aswad & complete 7 circuits anti-clockwise. e) While supplicating, Dhikr, Quran. f) Cover Right Shoulder & pray 2 Rackats (Kafirun & Ikhlas) at Muqaam Ibraheem. g) Drink ZamZam 4) Saee For Umrah (See Section 4 for Detail) a) Wudu (Sunnah) b) Close to Safa (approaching) recite the 2 (once only). c) Climb Safa and read the Duas 3 times with your own Dua in between. d) Proceed to Marwa and do the same. Men run between green lights. e) Complete the 7 by ending at Marwa. No dua at end. f) While walking supplicate (dua, dhikr, tasbih). 5) Hair Cut Men: 1 inch all round. Women: 1 inch in one place. Ihram restrictions only lifted after hair cut. Best to do this in privacy (hotel room). *** Umrah complete and Ihram restrictions lifted till Hajj or next Umrah *** 6) Performing Multiple Umrahs - Not a Sunnah to complete multiple Umrahs for oneself. Other better ibadat. - But may do Umrahs on behalf of someone or to fulfil a pledge. - Must leave Haram and re-enter at Meeqat (Tanim, 3M) in fresh state of Ihram.

b) Standing in Arafat. c) Tawaf-Al-Ifadah. d) Saee for Hajj. 2) Wajib Acts If any of these are neglected un-intentionally then Hajj is valid with fidya (expiation) of sacrifice or fasting. If omitted intentionally many scholars say Hajj is invalid. a) Ihram from Meeqat. b) Staying at Arafat till Sunset. c) Spending the night in Muzdalifah (except for weak, women & children). d) Ramy the Jamarat (stoning the pillars). e) Shaving or cutting the hair. f) Spending the nights in Mina. g) Tawaf-Al-Wida. 3) Days of Hajj 8th to 13th Dhul Hujja (DH) In BRIEF 8th DH: Arrive Mina from sunrise onwards. Perform prayers shortened not joined. 9th DH: Arrive Arafat after sunrise. Leave after sunset to stay Night in Muzdalifah. 10th DH: Leave for Mina before sunrise. Ramy big Jamarah, Sacrifice, shave / cut hair. Go to Mecca for Tawaf-Al-Ifadah and Saee. All Ihram restrictions lifted. Return Mina. 11th DH: After Zawal, Ramy all 3 Jamarat. Return to Mina Camp. 12th DH: Repeat of 11th DH. May leave before sunset otherwise stay in Mina camp. 13th DH: Repeat of 11th DH. Leave Mina camp. Last Duty: Before leaving Mecca perform Tawaf-Al-Wida. *** End Of Hajj Rites *** 4) Performing Hajj (p352) 8th DH: Yaum-Al-Tarweya (Day of Quenching). a) Ihram from where you are (usually in Mecca after Fajr) with Niyat for Hajj Labayk Allah Huma Hajjan (an NAME). (Section 2.6 for details) b) Arrive in Mina from sunrise onwards. Pray Zohr, Asr, Magrib, Esha & Fajr shortened not joined. This day is not obligatory, but a day of preperation for Arafat. 9th DH: Wuqoof-Bil-Arafat (Standing at Arafat). a) Leave Mina for Arafat form sunrise onwards. b) Kutbah at Masjid Namirah at Zohr (not Wajib to hear). Part of Masjid outside Arafat. c) Shorten and join Zohr & Asr at Zohr time behind Imam in Masjid Namirah. Otherwise shorten and pray Zohr and Asr at appointed times. d) Day really starts now. Time from Zohr to Magrib valuable; spend it in Dua (forgiveness, mercy, blessings) and Dhikr. Recite Dua of the Prophets (4.2.d. Line 2 & 3). e) After sunset leave for Muzdalifah. f) At Muzdalifah shorten and join Magrib & Esha prayers at Esha time. If time for Esha passing pray where you are even if still at Arafat. g) Collect small stones for Ramy here or at Mina. Collect 70+ chick pea size. h) Sleep & rest. 10th DH: Yaum-Al-Nahr, Eid, Hajjil-Akbar (Sacrice, Greatest day of Hajj). a) After Fajr and supplicating move for Mina before sunrise. Women, children & the weak can leave between Moonset and Fajr, avoiding the multitudes. b) Keep reciting Talbyah.


1) Pillars (Rukn) If any of the 4 pillars are neglected then the Hajj is invalid. There is no fidya. a) Ihram, with Niyat.

c) Ramy big Jamarah (p304) with 7 stones after sunrise. Say Allahu Akbar as throwing each stone with right hand. Aim to hit pillar or at least fall in bowl otherwise re-throw with an unused stone. d) Switch from Talbyah to Takbir. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illalah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillah-ilhamd. e) Perform Sacrifice (p309) in Mina, Muzdalifah or Mecca. Say Bismillahi Allahu Akbar & Allah huma Takabal Min NAME. f) Shave (Halq) or cut (Qasr) hair (start right end left). Most Ihram restrictions now lifted. g) Sunnah to bathe and wear normal clothes. h) Proceed to Mecca i) Perform Tawaf-Al-Ifadah (detail see section 3.2, summary 5.3) and Saee for Hajj (detail see section 4.2, summary 5.4). j) All Ihram restrictions lifted. Return to Mina camp. Note: for Hanafi order of Ramy, Sacrifice & Shave important. Change may require Fidya. 11th DH: 1st Day of Tashreek (Drying the Meat). a) After Zawal proceed to Ramy all 3 Jamarat. b) Start with Small (Sugrah) Jamarah. 7 Stones Say Allahu Akbar as throwing each. c) Move from Small Jamarah, face Qibla and make Dua. d) Move to Middle (Wusta) Jamarah. 7 Stones Say Allahu Akbar as throwing each. e) Move from Middle Jamarah, face Qibla and make Dua. f) Move to Big (Aqaba) Jamarah. 7 Stones Say Allahu Akbar as throwing each. g) Return to Mina and Praise Allah. Prayers shortened not joined. 12th DH: 2nd Day of Tashreek. a) Repeat of 11th DH. b) Leave Mina for Mecca by Sunset at latest OR remain in Mina the night. 13th DH: 3rd Day of Tashreek. a) Repeat of 11th DH. b) Return to Mecca. Last Duty: Before Leaving Mecca. Perform Tawaf-Al-Wida. *** End Of Hajj Rites *** 5) Points To Note. a) All prayers in Mina are shortened not joined. b) Not required to climb Jab-Al-Rahma in Arafat. c) Sahih Muslim: Women, children &weak can leave Muzdalifah early. d) Collect 70+ stones (7+21+21+21). Add some extra for losses or misses. Can collect from Mina or Muzdalifah. e) If stoning for someone else do yours first then theirs then move to next pillar. Women, sick & the weak can perform Ramy during Makruh times (10th Before Sunrise to Day Break, Days of Tashreek after Sunset till Day Break). f) Sacrifice can be performed on any of the 3 days of Tashreek as well as the 10th. g) Tawaf-Al-Ifadah can be performed on any of the 3 days of Tashreek as well as 10th. Full Ihram restrictions only end when this is completed. h) There is no Idtiba (Shoulder) for Ifadah, no Idtiba or Ramal (jogging) for Wida. i) Women may miss Wida, but not Ifadah, due to period. j) MECCA<----5m---->MINA<---4m--->MUZDALIFAH<-----6m----->ARAFAT 8th,10th-13th 10th 9th 10th

7. Dua & Ibadat

1) Best Times and Method For Dua. a) Start by praising Allah SWT and asking blessing upon SAW. b) Be humble / sincere, but confident. Ask for the best (if U ask for Janath ask for Firdous). Plead to Allah using his names and attributes. c) Best times include: Last 3rd of night. After Azaan. Between Azaan & Iqama. While fasting & when breaking fast. When travelling. During salah (Sajood). Day of Jummah especially last hour before maghrib. Day of Arafat. During Saee. Muzdalifah after Fajr. After Ramy (small & middle pillars). 2) Dhikr, Fasting, Sadaqua & Nafl Tawaf. After praying Fajr jamaat remain in mosque in Dhikr and after sunrise (Approx. 15 Mins) pray 2 rackat. Will have reward equal to Hajj & Umrah (p282Tirmidhi). Fast as many days as possible in first 7 days of DH. 3) Duas From Quran (Useful Arafat, etc.)

Our Lord, accept this from us. Truly, you are the most Hearing, Knowing (2:127)

And accept our repentance. Truly, You are the One who (continually) accepts repentance, the Most Merciful. (2:128)

Our Lord give us the good in this world and the Hereafter and protect us from the torment of the fire. (2:210)

Our Lord, blame us not if we forget or fall into error. Our Lord, lay not on us a burden like that which You placed on those before us. Our Lord, lay not a burden greater that we can bear. Pardon and forgive us and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelievers. (2:286)

My Lord, forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house a believer and the believing men and women. And increase not the wrongdoers except in ruin. (71:28) 4) General Duas & Dhikr Subhaan Allah, wal hamdu lillah, Wa laa ilaaha illallaah, Wallaahu Akbar Glorified is Allah, & the Praise is for Allah, there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is the greatest Subhaan Allahi wabi Hamdihi : Subhaan Allahil adheem Glorified is Allah & praised is He : Glorified is Allah, the most Great

Our Lord do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us and give us from Your mercy. Indeed it is You who is the Giver (of all things). (3:8)

Allahum maghfir lee, warhamnee, wahdinee warzuqnee Oh Allah forgive me, and have mercy on me and guide me, and provide for me. Astaghfirullah Al-Adheemal-ladee laa ilaaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoomu wa atoobu ilaihi I seek forgiveness of Allah the Mighty, Whom there is none worthy of worship except Him, the Living, the Eternal and I repent unto him. 5) Request From Your Brother Any mistakes are mine and I can be notified by email on MHCNiazi@Yahoo.Com . I humbly request that you remember me in your Duas and may Allah accept our Hajj and grant us Hajj Mabroor (Faultless Hajj). Ameen.

There is no god but You. Glory unto You. Truly I was among the wrongdoers. (21:87)

Our Lord we have wronged our souls, so if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, (then) we will surely be among the losers. (7:23)

8. Diagram of Areas for Tawaf & Saee

Oh my Lord grant me power and ability to be grateful for your favour which you have bestowed upon me and my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as will please You: and make my offspring righteous. Truly have I repented to You, and truly do I submit (to You) in Islam. (46:15)

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